The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Honorable Judge Jarred plus Woke or Joke | 4.4.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace introduces a new segment on the show with her partner in (theoretically prosecuting) crime, Jarred Diglio. The duo determines what someone's punishment SHOULD be despite any soft-on-crime verdict by a real judge. Then, Emma Foley hosts Woke or Joke, where callers do their best to discern between real and fake headlines.

Broadcast on:
04 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much. I don't know why I said Ari Hoffman was coming on now. He's coming on at 205. So that was my bet. But we do have Woker Joe coming up at 130, so you have that to look forward to. And then the Ha Father joins us in the two o'clock, and there's a lot to go over as far as Israel, Hamas, and the war. There's rumors that Dr. Jill at a Ramadan event was heard saying, "Stop this, Joe. You need to stop this about the war in the war of Israel versus Hamas." And I don't know if he's taking his foreign policy advice now from Dr. Jill. I don't know if that'd be better or worse than his own foreign policy advice, because he's a foreign policy expert, according to Joe. Five decades of the wrong decisions, according to Robert Gates. So I'm not sure if that's a lateral move taking advice from the wife, or if it's better, or only- This is a house of learned doctors. But we'll get into all of that with Ari Hoffman. I also want to talk about some illegal aliens from Venezuela who are taking over a tennis court at the Garfield Community Center in Seattle, which again, that's just an extra layer of craziness to the typical tiramisu of nuttiness that Seattle is dealing with on a daily basis. But I had mentioned Jamal Bowman, Jared, and I don't think I gave enough information here. Jamal Bowman, according to a new poll of Tampa, the New York Post, is getting trounced in the polls against the other person in this race whose name is George Latimer. So I want to read you some of these numbers. It says in a shocking new poll, and it shouldn't be shocking. That's the thing. This should be what happens when you're a terrible politician who spends most of your time defending TikTok and making TikToks against- What did he call Iran to send us? I think Uncle Ron. Uncle Ron, and the other times pulling firearms. This should be what the polls do if you are this bad. But typically, Democrats don't care, so we don't see these kind of things. So he's running against Westchester County Executive George Latimer, who leads Bowman 52 to 35 among Democratic primary voters in the 16th congressional district. Yeah. That's a gap. And he's also, it's a gap in which Bowman is the incumbent. Like, I never understood that when I was younger, Jared. I never understood how much power you have. This is why I'm nervous about the presidential election. It's not because Biden's not terrible, but it's because people don't pay attention and also incumbents have such an advantage in reelection campaigns. Just naturally, they do. And so for Bowman to be trailing this guy, 56 to 35%, and when you read the breakdown, it gets even worse. It says, among Democrats who say they know both Latimer and Bowman, 76% of the primary electorate, Latimer's lead expands even further to 26 points. That's 60% to 34%. A major problem for Bowman is that Latimer has a far better image among voters than the incumbent, who has been damaged by his self-inflicted actions in rhetoric. The job performance of Latimer 70, who has held various offices in Westchester since the late 1980s, is viewed positively by 68% of Democrats. Now, meanwhile, Bowman is viewed negatively by 55%, and only 36% have a positive view of him. A resurface video from November also showed the congressman calling Israel an apartheid state, while angrily claiming reports of rapes in child murders during Hamas's October 7 attack against Israel were a lie. He also defended putting a convicted cop killer in fugitive up for the Bronx Cornerstone Academy for Social Action's Hall of Honor while he was principal there before his election. Most of us know him for something else. Most of us are more familiar with the fact that he's an insurrectionist. Can I? Is that a? 100%. He disrupted an official congressional proceeding. That is Insurrection 101. He stopped the vote on stopgap spending by pulling a fire alarm, and he pretended that he thought that was how the door opened. And at the time, I remember thinking, "Now you're going to lose, lose, because people have two options." They either won, think you're an insurrectionist, which we know, based off, you know, years of Nicole Wallace and Rachel Maddow and the New York Times and the think pieces from the Atlantic, we know that there's nothing worse you can be. You're the most dangerous. Those grandmas in the Rotunda will go down in history as the most dangerous creatures to ever grace the planet. So we know being an insurrectionist, you wear the scarlet eye, and you never shake that. So that's option one. Option two was that people chose to believe him and were left assuming that he actually doesn't know how to open doors. Neither of those are great for an elected official. Neither of those instill confidence. I don't think in your constituents. It's a tough look either way. 844-500-42-42. So bad news for Bowman. Let's go to the callers here before we let Jared judge Jared take over. Robert, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Robert. Hi, how are you doing? Go, what's up? So I know a few weeks back how he was talking about how they were going to try and stuff the ballots. So I own a PO box, a business PO box. It's actually an address. So when my business, you know, when people look it up, you pay $500 to the year. It's a UPS store. I received now two different Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizen and Immigration Service for status from two different people. So it wouldn't surprise me if I get next would be, you know, the mail in ballot. I know he had explained before how to go to like your city hall or whatever and see if they're sending ballots to hotels. My uncle was trying to explain it to me. I was hoping that you might be able to, you know, give us some ideas on what we can do to be proactive to try and stop this. The state of Massachusetts is kind of a lost cause anyway. I live in Somerville, grew up in Somerville. So I've seen it completely change. But, you know, the talk in the world isn't going to change it if we don't all get proactive and try and, you know, do something. But I didn't know this steps. Yeah, it's a really good question, Robert, and I appreciate your call and I'm not going to pretend that I have, you know, tons of great advice for people. I will say, and again, this is looking back. I think that 2020 opened a lot of these opened up a lot of these cans of worms because. And Trump always tried to explain this to people because people would say, Oh, you've been voting. People have been able to vote from their homes for years. An absentee ballot is different than sending out ballots to everyone than just universal sending ballots to everyone's home. Sometimes you're living in a house, you get a ballot from somebody who lived there two years ago. It's just a different beast, but because of COVID and because of the health emergency. A lot of this stuff was allowed. And I think when a lot of these rules were kind of put into place or in some cases, things were disregarded so that they could usher in these mail in ballots. I think there was a really strategic mindset from the left that once we do this, it's going to be really hard to undo it once we allow everyone to get a ballot at their house and send it in. We send multiple ballots to all these people. It's going to be hard the next election to tell people you can't do this. And some states are working to change that and to tighten up those those laws when it comes to mail in ballots, when it comes to, you know, sending them in in the process in which it goes through. I think that if you want to sign up to be a poll watcher, that's always a good thing. If you want to feel, you know, as though you're doing something doing your part, but I can't sit here and tell you have a ton of great advice because unfortunately, I think a lot of this stuff now. It's going to have to go through the court systems. People are going to have to fight this and say, we need stronger election guardrails. We need. And one thing, when I was off on maternity leave, this conversation came up and I was listening to Toby Leary and he does such a great job. And he made this an unbelievable point. He said, let's pretend that, you know, the water pipe bursting and, you know, the ballots coming in at two in the morning, let's just for the sake of the conversation pretend that everything was on the level. And like you just said, the last caller, let's pretend that there's none of this going on. There's no shadiness. The fact that I think it's like 60% of conservatives are not confident in the integrity of our elections, that's a problem. That's something that we need to work on and we could work on it. There's a lot of easy, doable things within our power, within the government's power. To make sure people feel confidence in their elections. They're just not doing it. And there's a reason they're not doing it. And so yeah, I would say call up your legislators. I would say sign up to be a poll watcher. And I will do a little bit of more research on my part. But like I said, you know, 2020, there was a reason why the emergency status of everything, we were hit over the head with that time and time again. Because when you convince people we're in a state of emergency, when you convince people the sky is falling, then what you're also doing is you're hoping that they'll kind of let their guard down and they'll let you implement a bunch of new rules, implement a bunch of new ways of doing things. Even if it goes against everything we've done for the last however many years, it doesn't matter because this is an emergency, you know, you got to, you got to make big changes when you're dealing with something this drastic. And you'll notice that now, like everything's an emergency. They label everything an emergency. Everything's a threat to democracy. The stakes are always high. And I'm not saying that there aren't things that are emergencies and that stakes don't get high, but always keep your antennas up because when people are trying to get you to panic, when people don't want you to have a cool head, there's usually a motive there. And it's usually, oh, if everyone freaks out, then we can take more control. We can take freedoms away. We can make sure that we get our way, because everyone else is losing their minds. It's like that poem, how he always reads. I'm going to butcher it, but it's something about keeping a cool head and then you'll be a man, my son. It's hard to keep a cool head and they don't want that. They want people constantly in a state of fear, so that just like that caller said, they can keep sending out the ballots, they can keep changing the rules. And that's just the way it goes. 844-542. When we come back, Judge Jared is going to be in session. Are you ready for this, Jared? This is a big role for you. I'm ready. I'm entrusting you with a lot of power. And with great power, you know the rest. Absolutely. Let's hope that Jared knows what he's doing here. Judge Jared coming up next. And in the meantime, let me tell you a little bit about the Nossa Beach Inn. Jared, you've stayed at the Nossa Beach Inn. You loved it. I'm going to stay there this season. I'm so excited. I've got the fire pits to look forward to, the fire places. And you know what a lot of people are saying today is, you know, such a crappy day. It is here in New England, but this would be a great day to be cozy on the beach. Yeah, this is the perfect day for a fireplace and a nice picture window. And I know it's been windy down on the Cape today, especially. So you get a lot of good waves. That could be fun to take a look out at and see the ocean swelling up to rise and meet you. Nossa Beach Inn, however you want to experience it, you're going to get tranquility. You're going to get a great, nice, relaxing time. Whether it's going on the Cape Cod rail trail, walking the beach with your dog because they're pet friendly, going out to eat, waking up in the morning, going out, have your morning coffee by the fire pits. My wife and I did that. We absolutely love that. You just, especially in the off season, you just get an experience on the Cape that you don't get really any other time. Absolutely. The views are incredible. There's so much to do. And right now in April, you can stay at the Nossa Beach Inn from 249.99 tonight. This May rates are from 259.99 tonight. Those are unbelievable deals. You cannot beat that price. So to reserve your ocean view room, go to That's This just in Georgia judge denies Trump motion to dismiss case on First Amendment grounds. This is the Fannie Willis case. I assume they're talking about Judge Scott McAfee in this case, but we will give you more information as we get it when we come back. And just one other thing I wanted to say to that caller, a little, a little bit of a silver lining or maybe just a nugget of hope in all of this because I know that when it gets closer to an election, people get very depressed thinking about how it's not going to be on the level. We are going to have, we have a new chair of the RNC, a new president, or I don't know what the title, I think it's a chair. Ronna McDaniel stepped aside. And I think that bodes well for us because when Ronna McDaniel was running against Harmeet Dillon, Harmeet Dillon came on Howie Show. And she was excellent. She's really smart. And she talked about ballot harvesting. And she talked about, you know, securing elections. And I remember thinking this lady has actual strategies that we could put into place. And hopefully this new guy, Watley is the same way. We're not going to, you know, just keep doing the same thing, go along to get along, which I think is what Ronna McDaniel was up to for a while. So we'll be right back. Hopefully that answered your question a little bit. Don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Local Silver Mint. Located in Ware, New Hampshire, Silver Dave. We'll work with you directly. Contact him at Jared Diglio is on the board. Jared watched the poll question. And what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you think the Biden White House will finalize their menthol cigarette ban? No, I think in 2020, 81% of black smokers chose menthol cigarettes. I've already seen a lot of backlash, a lot of different groups, including civil liberties groups fighting the White House on this. I know that a lot of cancer organizations are in support of it, but I just don't think Joe Biden is in a place like, even if this is something he truly believes, which I think the thing Joe Biden truly believes at this point is probably a nice lunch and a scoop of ice cream. I don't think there's really a moral compass going on, but even if this was something on his mind that he really wanted, I don't think they can afford to lose those votes. 37% say no, 63% say yes. Yeah, because then again, you think about it and you go, well, every bad decision they tend to go with. So what would be any different about this? They always, always want to make the worst decision possible. Okay, now it's time. We don't have any sound for this yet. If you have any ideas, you can always send them to us, you know, via the text line, maybe we'll incorporate it. But this is Judge Jared. This is when Jared, you know, he starts to give us a little bit of advice on what he thinks a proper punishment should be. And something I've been noticing that's happening quite a bit lately. I don't know if this is a new trend or maybe just with phones now, we see it more often. People are always freaking out on planes. Maybe it's claustrophobia. Maybe it's just like being a sheep and, you know, getting in and everyone being mean to you, but people melt down on planes. The latest was a viral video of a moment and unidentified woman was arrested on a spirit airlines plane, which right then you're on spirit. Tensions are high right away, because it's not the best flying experience. No offense to spirit. It's cheap though. Price is right. And she has this meltdown. Can I hear a little bit of this, Jared? Let this go. Can I do that with freedom? All I care about is freedom. No, no, no. That's fine. I've been there before. I'm not scared. I have been there before. This is my elbow. It's hugging my wrist. You're hurting me, Sheriff. You're hurting me, Sheriff. [screaming] Why are you joking? I can't breathe. Why are you touching my leg? Why are you touching my leg? I can't breathe. This is George. Okay. I'm going to check. Why are you acting like I'm a rascal? I love the word rascal. That's what really caught my eye with this whole story is that she says, why are you acting like I'm a rascal? You don't hear that word often. But, Jared, when people do this, I'm sure it either delays the flight taking off or in some cases if it happens mid-air, the flight has to land. It's a big inconvenience to flyers, which leads us to what is your verdict? What should the punishment be when someone disrupts a flight in this nature? I think in this situation where you're arrested on their plane, I think you're already put on the no-fly list, but right directly to the no-fly list, you can never get on a plane again. I mean, or you could just sit next to the door on a Boeing plane next time you fly. Anything else you want to put in here, Judge? No, I think that no-fly list, maybe a little bit of jail time for public disruption or whatever. I think jail time might be in the cards for this because- Yeah, definitely on the no-fly list. You're inconveniencing everyone and everyone hates to fly anyway. Alright, Judge, Jared! Court is adjourned. We'll be right back with Woke or Joke 844-500-4242. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. We've got a lot to get to, but first, it's everyone's favorite time of the week. It's time for Woke or Joke, and it's brought to you by Aviva Trateria. A gift card to Aviva Trateria is the perfect gift for any occasion. So pick one up at any of their locations. They have tons of locations. Check it out at Aviva They might even have one near you. I know they're working on one in Quincy, one just open in Hanover. So there's a good chance you've got one in your neck of the woods. Go to Aviva Joining us for today's Woke or Joke is Emma Foley. Emma, thanks so much for taking the time. My pleasure. Alright, let's get to it, Jared. Everything Woke turns to sh*t, okay? I started a joke. Take care, Wokeers. The word Woke means loser. Alright, so if you've never heard of this segment before, shame on you, but here's how it works. You call in 844-542-42. Emma's going to read you a headline. You have to decide, is it Woke? As in it's real. This is actually happening in today's world. Or is it a joke? Did Emma make it up at a whole cloth? So without further ado, let's start today with Jonathan. Jonathan, are you ready for your headline? I'm ready. Alright, Jonathan, here is your headline. Trump's plans to build a pickleball court held up over concerns about impact to a protected snail. I got a say joke. I'm sorry, Jonathan. That is Woke. Emma Foley. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. Not the first time Trump's plans to work on his Irish golf club. His Irish golf course have been impacted by this vertigo anguistior world snail. They want to build a pickleball course. A pickleball court on his Irish golf course, yeah. And the two millimeter world snail is going to be impacted by this. I guess these snails are all over the world. They range in length between 1.5 and 2.5 millimeters. They are protected by the European Union and they play a vital role in protecting the ecosystem. Don't we all? I mean, really, when you think about it, you could make that case for any animal. I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to be dismissive of the snail and that snail's harrowing journey, but I feel like any animal you could say they're vital to the ecosystem because they probably are in some way. Flora, Fauna, anything is vital and you can't. So in 2016, he tried to build a seawall that I guess would protect from erosion or whatever, whatever would be. And they said the snail is going to impact that he's not allowed to build a seawall. And now he can't build the pickleball court. You know what I find with the pickleball courts is that, and like Taylor, for example, Taylor's a huge pickleball fan. It's really, it's swept the nation. People love it. Fastest grown sport. But what I don't like about it, and I'm not a huge tennis player, I dabble occasionally. I'm not very good, but I like it. What I don't like about pickleball, and it's nothing about the players, is that the courts that they make for pickleball, often times they don't make new courts, and I applaud Trump for realizing, hey, we have to have our own courts for this. But they just draw different lines on the tennis courts. And if you're someone like me who's not a great tennis player and a beginner, a novice, an amateur, then the lines can really throw you off and you start to forget what you're looking at. And then you have these super athletic tennis players who are now bombarded by these that bridge running the middle pickleball players. Yeah, yeah, and they're all there. That would get me really angry. If I was good at a sport, which we all know that's never going to happen for me, but if I was really good at tennis and I had, I was in a routine and I went to this court all the time. And then all of a sudden, all these people and visors start showing up like, yeah, it's our pickleball day. I'd be like, get out of here, get lost. You big jokes. Tennis players for Trump. It's no offense to the pickleball community. I applaud you guys for getting your exercise. Ed, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? Yes, I am. All right, Ed, here is your headline. Three reasons why the phrase mating like rabbits should be retired. Joke. You are correct. Ed, that is a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Very good, Ed. Very, very good. All right, Tony, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? I'm ready, Grace. Okay, here we go. All right, Tony, here is your headline. Traveler's ashes, along with her cat's remains, blasted into space in emotional out of this world attribute. I'm going to go joke. That's woke as well. Okay, I need more. Not a joke. Not a joke. My first question is right off the bat. How much did this cost? This woman, I mean. How much did she? It doesn't say how much it cost. That's my question. If you are interested, you can go to Aura Flights and get your quote if you would also like your ashes along with your cats to be blasted into outer space. Anything involving space costs a lot of money. You're talking, what would you say to your let's make our bets here. I'm not bringing in donuts. I already did it today for people wondering, but let's make our bets here. I say at least $10,000 to have everything blasted in space. You think more? Oh, yeah. I definitely think more than that. A cremation costs almost $9,000 or $10,000. Oh, okay. I'm thinking six figures. It's got to be six. Okay. So Emma's going, I guess. Yep. Okay. I should say can cost. Let's all put down your put down your guess. Emma, because I'm going to look it up. $100K. $100K, Jared. I'm going to say $300K. $300K. I will go prices. Right rules. I will go $10K and we will say we'll report back after the break. Okay. The number is 844-542-42. Peter, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Peter. I mean, are you ready? Peter. I'm ready. Okay. Here we go. All right, Peter. Here is your headline. Trans activists climb 250-foot construction crane to protest anti-trans laws. I will say that that is a joke. That's woke two. You're so proud of yourself. I know. I know. Not a joke. Not a joke. Yeah. No, I do too. It means your work is paying off, Emma. Was this like a wrecking ball situation? So they duct tape themselves to the top of a crane. These two transgender women, men, arrested Wednesday after they climbed a crane at an Atlanta construction site to protest the city's controversial quote unquote cop city. So the pair climbed the crane. They unfurled a banner that said drop cop city. Wait, wait, wait. Are they protesting, are they protesting trans legislation or anti-trans legislation as they see it? Or are they protesting cops? I think they happen to be trans and they are gone. They want to stop cop city, but it's a joint venture with defend the Atlanta forest. So it's probably climate too. Maybe the snails. This is like the UCLA professor where it was just, you know what, David Harsati called it a woke hat trick. It's like too many movements colliding worlds colliding. Yeah. Up through the duct tape, the Atlanta police department where they up really high 250 feet. That's pretty high. That would scare me. They were arrested. So a win for Atlanta cops. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Joanna, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Are you ready for your headline, Joanna? Yes, I am. Okay. Here we go. All right, Joanna. Here is your headline. I spearheaded my local egg hunt and taught my neighbors and their children about trans visibility. That's a joke. That one is a joke. Sorry. Sorry, Joanna. Nice try. If anyone else wants to call in, that's not true. It's eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two hop on the line. We still have time for you. You know what I was thinking about about the egg hunts and just the eggs in general, because Pete is always protesting like, oh, they shouldn't use eggs at the White House. They should use rocks. And I remember I told how he that he said, Oh yeah, what could possibly go wrong? I told you kids running around picking up, you know, heavy rocks for Easter. But I always think by the other day, because my friend, her kids had to bring in eggs to paint them at school. And she said she has three kids. She said, I need seven eggs to give them and I felt like that's a lot of eggs. That's like $20 these days. That's like $20 and also do they get eaten at any point or do they just get painted and then even if you hard boil them, like can you keep a hard boiled egg out for that long and then eat it later? I wouldn't want to risk it. Yeah, I think a couple hours out is is the max classroom probably smelled. It just seems it just doesn't seem sustainable to me. Not sustainable. Joe, you're up next on woke or joke. Hey, how's it going? Are you ready for your headline, Joe? Sure. Okay, here we go. All right, Joe, here is your headline is Stormy Daniels disco album in our future? That is woke. Sorry, Joe. Stormy not a joke, not a joke disco album. Yes, I love disco. I'm actually a huge fan of disco. Do you think Stormy Daniels disco would be hit that? I did not know she was a songstress. Oh, she's not. So Grammy nominated music producer Joel Diamond has visions for her music career. This is a. Oh, no. You know what's happening here, Emma? She's getting bamboozled again. That is like she can't help herself. First Michael Avenatti, he comes in as the big, you know, lawyer, I'm going to make you rich. And now you've got this guy going, Hey, Stormy, I'm going to make you a star. She's getting bamboozled again. Yeah. And why disco instead of anything else? You don't like disco disco has such a bad rap. If you turn on disco fever on Spotify, you try not to dance. I dare you. It is so good. You would disco guy because you were 80s. Yeah, no, I'm not a, I mean, no, I don't mind it if it comes on, but disco is not my go to. We should do a poll question. Disco. Yeah. Your neck. Some people hate it. My parents like it. Let's go. Stu doesn't advertise. Yeah. My parents like it. So I always grew up listening to it. Rick, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Are you ready for your headline, Rick? I am ready. Okay. Here we go. All right, Rick. Son thinks he's a cat. Here's why I choose to feed him Purina. I'm going to have to say woke on that. That one's a joke. Hi. Emma, you really stopped. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. That's not true. Do you have any you want to throw at me? Any left? Sure. Let's give it a go. Give me one. I always like to see if I still got it. All right, Grace. Here is your headline. Big box retailer rolls out diverse employee of the month program complete with preferred parking spot. Joke. You are correct, Grace. Couldn't stump you. Can't. You can't. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Okay. Emma Foley, thank you so much. And by the way, Emma is an incredibly talented columnist. She writes a lot of stuff that you can check out at, so make sure you do that. And also, Emma, we've got kind of exciting news coming up on Howie Show. Are we allowed to share what's happening on Howie Show later? Yes. So we have a very exciting guest. We have Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He's been pre-screened. He will be on with Howie Live in Studio at 305. So make sure to tune in. I told my husband the story about that, how you were talking to him. And he was trying to convince you like, no, it's really me. It's me. I want to get all of Howie. You can go to my press secretary's site. This is her. And I was like, this is really intricate of you. The only thing that I can compare that to, and it's like a similar situation flipped, okay? One time I was on the board. This was years ago. And I was learning the boards. It was very stressful. But it was the first time where everyone in the studio was kind of like, try it. You know, we're not going to stand next to you, just try to do it. And Joe Conchow was supposed to be on from, he's on Fox a lot. And for whatever reason, somebody wrote Joe Conchow in the wrong callers name. So we, so how he says, oh, great, Joe Conchow's on the line. Go ahead, Joe. And it's this crazy caller pretending to be Joe Conchow. Like they, they threw it to him and he just ran with it. And he's like, hey, Howie, nice to talk to you. And we're all kind of standing there going, this doesn't sound like Joe Conchow. And then finally how he goes, is this, is this actually Joe? And he's like, yeah, it's me. He got a whole segment with Howie. No, he got the caller's dream. He got about a minute, but we dumped him and then we went to Joe Conchow and Joe Conchow said, that was a strangest moment of my entire life. He was like, that was so bizarre. All right. Emma Foley, thank you so much for coming on. We appreciate it. The number is eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. As I mentioned, we've got Ari Hoffman coming up in the two o'clock, a lot of exciting stuff. And by the way, I hope Howie pushes this today. It's a great day to buy a Kennedy Babylon one and two. I don't think he's going to try to give our FK Junior a copy. He told me yesterday he said, I thought about it, but I'm going to pass. But it's a great day for you to buy it nonetheless. We'll be right back with more. This is the Grace Curly Show. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. All right, so Tony Spotify Blinken was just speaking with the press about Joe Biden's recent call with BB Netanyahu, giving a breakdown of it. Jared, you said you read a chiron that that said Biden asked for a ceasefire. Yeah. According to this Blinken, an immediate ceasefire is necessary. Okay, so we will talk to Ari Hoffman about that in the two o'clock. And also there are several different stories that I want to get his take on involving Israel and Hamas, including the something that, you know, I have a rule here that I really try to avoid watching clips from the view, but I follow this guy on Twitter. Nicholas, I should get his actual name here if I'm going to, because he does. I mean, he's he's doing work on Twitter that no person deserves to be doing. He must watch the actual full episodes of the view. And he repost them. And there was a clip of Sunny Hostin that was so egregious, what she was saying about the Israel Hamas war that Joy Behar of all people was the one stepping in to correct her. His name is Nicholas Fondicaro. He's from newsbusters and he just repost these cuts of the view. And as much as I try to avoid them, sometimes one slips through the cracks. So we're going to talk to Ari Hoffman about that. We'll talk about the reports that Dr. B was whispering to Jill was whispering to Joe that, you know, you need to stop this Joe. You need to stop this at the recent Ramadan event at the White House. But I also wanted to mention a big story today, a Texas National Guard soldier caught smuggling migrant across southern border in his government SUV. This is from the New York Post. He was arrested Sunday after the chase, which reached speeds at over 100 miles per hour. So according to this report, the suspect who was armed was promised five to $6,000 for smuggling the undocumented person, sources told News Nation. We don't know what's going on in their lives to make them do this. Co told the outlet and that's Brad Co, he's the Kinney County sheriff, but they're going to get caught. Now Greg Abbott spoke out about this, the governor of Texas and he said, if the allegations are true, the accused is a traitor and criminal. We have zero tolerance for Texans who violate laws that directly contradict the mission we are seeking to achieve. The accused illegal smuggling may subject him to a mandatory minimum prison sentence of at least 10 years he deserves more. We'll keep you posted on that story. And again, Biden urges Netanyahu to approve a hostage deal according to the recent conversation they had. Who could be holding up hostage deals? I don't know. It might be the terrorist group that said they want a permanent state of war, but also said they won't do a deal on hostages, but I don't know. The world may never know. It's one of those great mysteries. The fog of war. Yes. And just a story that popped up in my Twitter feed today from Gavin Newsom says baseball saved him, but the legend of his career doesn't always match the reality. And it seems like according to this report, Gavin Newsom might have a Joe Biden kind of problem. Yeah, the media loves to talk about his baseball career, but recent digging shows that it might be a whole bunch of nothing. He's long touted his baseball career, but he was never on the roster at Santa Clara University. Uh oh, this is, this is giving Joe Biden, we'll be right back, don't go in a minute. [MUSIC PLAYING]