The Howie Carr Radio Network

Start Spreading the News: NY Squad Member sinks in polls | 4.4.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

17 points is quite the spread in the political poll. Grace covers the devastating news for Democrat Congressman Jamaal Bowman—you know, the guy who pulled the fire alarm in the Capitol Building and got off scot-free.

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04 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and a spectator. Especially Grace, stay stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hi everyone, welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. I am so pumped for today's show. We have so much to get to. First, I want to let you all know that the number, if you want to join us, especially in this first hour, we're going to take a lot of calls, is 844-542-422. Thank you for joining us today. It is Thursday, a.k.a. Friday, Jr. We have a fabulous show planned for you. Obviously, Thursday tradition, Walker joke. Not a joke. That's not a joke. That is not fake news. That is very serious. We will be doing Walker joke today. Ari Hoffman from the post-millennial, who I haven't talked to in far too long, is going to join the show. We got a touch base with him on a lot of fronts. We have news about Israel, Hamas war that we want to get into. I want to get his take on the reports that Dr. Jill is now weighing in on said conflict. And also illegal aliens taking over a community center in Seattle. Ari was on the ground there yesterday. He's going to give us an update about that. That's just in addition to the typical nuttiness that is always going on in Seattle. And new segment that I'm excited about. A few weeks ago, I asked Jared, there was some story about a woman who, what does she do? She bamboozled an old lady out of all of her money. She got the lady to sign something that gave her the lady's house and all her funds and all these things. It was horrible. You hear those stories all the time. And I asked Jared casually on the air. I said, what would you do if you were the judge in this situation? Like, what does this woman, this con artist put you in jail right away? This. No trial or no nothing. What is this monster deserve? And we hadn't gone over it or anything, Jared. So, you know, you could have just said, oh, whatever, but you had something very clever. You said she should have to be in prison until she reaches the age of the woman she bamboozled. So in prison until '96. And that's when I had this idea. I looked at you, Jared, and I said, all rise for the honorable Judge Jared. There's a gift that you have. You have a gift. And I don't have the gavel yet, but depending on how successful the segment is, I may have to purchase one. Jared, Judge Jared is going to take place at some point today. I don't know when, but just be on the edge of your seat for that. And, of course, we have so many things in between. But what I wanted to start out with today, I wanted to give a little attention to someone who's fallen out of the limelight a bit. And it's on purpose. That would be, he used to be the center of the Biden universe. That would be Ron Klain. He's Biden's former chief of staff. He's the big guy's former chief of staff. And when he was at the White House, it was Beatlemania. Like people loved Ron Klain. They actually had a group in the West Wing that they called Beatle Klainia. They called them the Klainia X. And every time I heard it, well, the first time I heard it, I was like, no, there's no way. This guy has groupies, Ron Klain. But now every time I think of Ron Klain, I just think, I'm a Klainiac, Klainiac on the floor. But unfortunately, I can't use that a lot because he's not in the media all that often anymore. I thought he was going to go work for the Biden re-election campaign. Maybe he is in some capacity. But he was on with Chris Hayes. You did this interview with Chris Hayes and he was talking about Biden's problems and what they're facing in this re-election effort. And the amazing thing about Biden's problems is they're never actually Biden's problems. Even if the left, usually how it goes is they'll deny, deny, deny that there's any problems. They try to convince you and gaslight you that we're all living in a utopia of Biden's making. Eventually, when the, whether it's footage of the border or murders of American citizens, when it gets to a point or gas prices, when it gets to a point where they can no longer deny it. Because people have their own eyes, which I'm sure is much to the Biden administration's chagrin, you know, that's a big problem for them. But when it gets to a point where they can no longer deny it, then they will acknowledge it only to say, yes, this is an issue, but it's Donald Trump's fault. It's always the changeup. It's a quick pivot. I think the pivot is actually part of their problem. They try to change gears too quickly. It's like, oh, so it wasn't a problem for three and a half years. And now on the same day you decide to acknowledge said issue, it's Donald Trump's fault. So Ron Kline was on Chris Hayes from MSNBC. And I wanted to play this cut for you. Let's have cut two, please. Well, I think the theory of the case is pretty simple. The president's done a good job. He's running on his record and he also has an agenda to make the country a better place. And calling migrants who come to this country and work hard and pay taxes and, you know, do some important jobs in our country, calling them animals, is just disgraceful. And so I think the president thinks he's going to confront Donald Trump on his disgraceful conduct, on his record, and also talk about what he's done and what he wants to do. Now, let's talk about that because lie detector test wouldn't pass the smell test. I think even political fact. That is false. Or snopes would have to give that or the Washington Post. There'd have to be some Pinocchio's given to that. Because Donald Trump did not call migrants who come into this country and pay taxes and work jobs, animals. That's a real whopper of a lie, even for a Ron Kline type. But before we discuss that, there was another part of this where he said Biden has to try to use his tools to try to bring more order at the border and try to clean up the mess that he was left by Donald Trump. He inherited an issue. The same way all of the issues that Obama inherited were from George Bush. When something goes wrong, it's like that old expression, victory has a thousand fathers defeat as an orphan. When anything's wrong, you always inherited it from the guy before you. But even saying that, it's like a common thing with politicians, Biden's overusing it at this point. So they want to blame it on Donald Trump, which is weird because Ron Kline was part of the original crew that were bragging around the clock about how they were undoing all of Trump's policies. Specifically on the border. And you don't have to take my word for it because Alejandro Mayorkas, who was, when he first showed up, he was the cock of the walk. He was like, you know, he strutted on the scene. He was very proud of himself for all of the damage that Trump did that they were going to undo all of the policies that were going to be rescinded. That was the word. It came up a lot where we're sending all these policies. Again, you don't have to believe me because I'm a right wing, MAGA crazy person. So you don't have to believe what I'm saying. You can listen to Alejandro's own words. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in September of 2021, on with Nicole Wallace, can I have flashback cut for. And I'd like to understand from you what Trump era immigration policies have been banned, ended, reversed, and if any investigations are underway by you. So we have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies. It would take so much time to list them. Because there's just so many. There were so many bad policies when Donald Trump was president. They had to rescind all of them. They had to rescind everything Donald Trump did. Weirdly, though, things were better when Trump was here. Like a lot of these issues were more under control. Again, you might be saying to yourself, well, that's you saying it. You don't have to take my word for it. Let's go to the Washington Post. This is from February of 2024. Okay, so this is after all of the rescindments. From Mayorkas. From clean from the Biden team. This is after after the know it all's got their way because they had all the answers, Jared. 2020, 2019, 2020, 2021. They kept telling us once we get in there, we're going to know what to do. We're going to make everything better. And so here's the data from the Washington Post. By the way, you know who works in Washington Post? Jennifer Rubin. Who's wrong claims like BFF. He retweets her around the clock because all she does is she just cranks out Biden propaganda. She's like a true dead ender. She's one of the most loyal parrots that the White House has. So this isn't a MAGA publication. Okay. A legal board across him soared in the months after Biden took office and immediately rolled back many Trump error restrictions. Too many to list, by the way. They don't even try to list them. Biden warned that he'd still enforce immigration laws and he temporarily kept in place a Trump pandemic policy known as Title 42. The number of people taken into custody by the U.S. Board of Patrol has reached the highest levels in the agency's 100 year history under Biden, averaging 2 million per year. Again, I don't want to be excluded from the Klaniac Club because it's always been my life's mission to be a Klaniac, but that's the Washington Post. Okay. It's where democracy dies in darkness. Your number one cheerleader even admits that because of all of the genius ideas you guys had to undo all of Trump's evil policies, the number of people taken into custody has reached the highest levels in the 100 year history of the Board of Patrol. Now, meanwhile, while all this is happening, today we get a news story. There's too many of these to keep up with. A Mexican illegal alien, this is from the Daily Wire, was arrested for murder in Ohio. He's been deported seven times. This is from the sheriff's office. Furman Garcia Gutiérrez has been deported seven times and has been in our jail. This is the statement from the sheriff's office. Has been in our jail 11 times using seven different names and three different dates of birth. This is a perfect example of what the sheriff has been saying all along. Illegal immigrants are a danger to our country. Somewhere in Nancy Pelosi is reading that statement and going, "They really should have said undocumented." But you know what, Nancy, I have an idea. Maybe that statement, you know, Jared, it's awful. It's awful to say that. Calling this man who's been deported seven times and is now arrested for murder, calling him an illegal alien, I have an idea. Perhaps the consolar in chief, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. Maybe he can reach out to the Garcia Gutiérrez family and make sure that they're coping okay after their loved one was labeled as an illegal alien. Show us some of that Joe Biden compassion when we really need it. But as long as Trump doesn't call this alleged murderer who's been deported seven times, arrested 11 times, there's eight mugshots of this guy, as long as Donald Trump doesn't dare call him an animal, we should all rest easy. Everything will be okay. That's the real story here. Call in at 844-542-42. We've got a lot to get to today. A lot of great sound. Ari Hoffman, as I mentioned in the two o'clock, woke her joke in the one o'clock. So you're not going to want to go anywhere. We'll take your calls when we come back. Now, Jared, I'm so excited because I'm planning my trip to the Nossi Beach Inn and you've given me some tips here. You know, you said you definitely want to check with fire pits. You definitely want to take a walk on the beach, the views unbelievable. Another great part of Cape Cod is that there's so many restaurants. There's so much to do in the surrounding area that you can do fun activities during the day and then come back to the Nossi Beach Inn be cozy at night. And it's just, it's the perfect amount of relaxation for a getaway. Yeah, my wife and I, we went down there. We did exactly that. We enjoyed the day on Nossi Beach and at the Nossi Beach Inn. We went out to dinner. We came back and we enjoyed the fire pits and looked at the stars. Then we woke up in the morning and we sat outside by the fire pits, drank our morning coffee and watched the sunrise. The tranquility was great. We went in December and the off season is a great time to be there. And this is still kind of considered the off season right now, even though it's spring, even though it doesn't feel like spring outside. So the Nossi Beach Inn is a great getaway. There's the Cape Cod rail trail. There's obviously the beach. They're pet friendly. Anything you want to do to relax, you can do with the Nossi Beach Inn. And even on a day like today, you can still be super cozy because every room has a fireplace and nice big picture window so you can still take in all the ambiance and the views that Nossi Beach Inn has to offer. Yeah, and you can book your April State Nossi Beach Inn for $249.99 a night. And this May rates are from $259.99 a night. So don't delay because these rooms go fast. Go to to book your room. That's We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. The number is 844-542-42, if you want to join us. And we've got a lot to get to. I also have a feel-good story that I saw yesterday. It came out about six o'clock last night in the New York Post about Jamal Bowman. And to steal a line from Howie, it's got my heart feeling like an alligator. Every once in a while, I really do find that with New York and with California, I hate to say I've given up on those states as far as restoring sanity because it just does feel like no matter how bad their politicians are, they keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, which is the definition of insanity, but sometimes someone comes along who's terrible enough that it makes people fly right. And that could be the situation with Jamal Bowman. We will get to that in a little bit. Now, today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint. Located in Ware, New Hampshire, Silver Dave will work with you directly, so contact him at local silver Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you think the Biden White House will finalize their menthol cigarette ban? Alright, let me read a little bit of this from Fox News. It says the Biden administration is preparing to soon finalize highly anticipated standards targeting menthol cigarettes, despite heavy opposition from small businesses, civil rights, law enforcement and free market consumers. The regulations, which would broadly ban the product, were first proposed by the Food and Drug Administration two years ago, and have sparked a contentious debate between health advocates and civil liberty and business groups. Now, we've been talking about this for a long time. The reason I remember is because whenever this is a story, I bring it up during Howie's News. Because, well, for a couple reasons, one, how he weighs in on what he thinks and why Democrats should or should not do it. And two, how he talks about when he was smuggling cigarettes through North Carolina and making a buck about it. So I always bring it up. They haven't done it yet, which to me says they understand that this is a dangerous road to go down. Now, before I get myself in trouble, I'm going to read a statistic here, Jared. Not my words. This is from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which isn't really my go to. But for a while, it was like the Bible for a lot of people on the left. You could not speak out against the CDC. Mental smoking and related health disparities. Okay. It says here in 2020, approximately 81% of non Hispanic black adults who currently smoked cigarettes used menthol cigarettes. Now, we know that the Biden administration is bleeding black voters, like they cannot keep black voters. They cannot keep Hispanic voters. They cannot keep young voters, but black voters specifically are unhappy with Joe Biden. This, to me, would be the nail in the coffin for the Biden administration's hope of keeping black voters. Then again, though, I also think that there's nothing this administration loves doing more than putting bans on things and making idiotic decisions. So I'm a little bit torn. Like my gut says, they can't help themselves. They love. They love to be controlling. They love to kind of just add more bands and more, you know, censorship and more, you know, they love to tell people what to do. That's, it's part of their, their entire agenda. But then I think there's got to be somebody in there going, this is not going to help us in the election. What I think is probably most likely is that they will wait. They've waited this long. They will wait. They'll say to these health advocacy groups. They'll say to the cancer groups. Like the American Society of Cancer, they'll say, we are going to do this. Just give us a little bit more time. What does Joe Biden like to say, Jared? Next time around. Next time around. Finish the job. Yeah. So he's probably saying to like the moon shot or whatever that group. I'm not trying to, I think it's called moon. Instead of here somewhere, moon shot, he's probably saying, just give me a little bit more time, you know, like Obama said. I mean, I'm elected then. Yeah, just give me a little bit more time. More flexibility. Then I'll ban the menthol cigarette. So my vote is no, not now. 64% of the audience thinks, yes, they will do it. Okay. 36% agree with you that. No, they won't. It says associations representing convenience stores, police, consumers, and minority groups have warned that a ban on menthol cigarettes could foster a black market while punishing small business owners and minorities. And they also say these type of bans simply don't work. Well, things that don't work are kind of the Biden administration's favorite things. We'll be right back. [Music] Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. [Music] Before you do, Jared, what do you think about the menthol ban? You think it's going to happen? That's our poll question. You can go to that at Again, they just are so good at shooting themselves in the foot. I know, I know. I mean, I tend to agree with you. I think they won't do it until they get reelected because at that point, we've got straight communism. They're panicked about these different demographics of voters that are just running away from this administration, running away from Joe Biden. And I think that to do this now, the stat I read from the CDC says I think 81% of black smokers in 2020 were smoking menthol cigarettes. So you know who you're going to take off here if you do do this. But to Jared's point, and something that I really do go back with is right when you think they can't make a more stupid decision, they outdo themselves. One, I always think about for Joe Biden, his strength, and Trump has this in a different way. I sometimes think Trump has this strength now where he's tweeted or true socialed so many things about so many different topics. And in all caps and about celebrities and about current events and about Jimmy Kimmel and about Russia and about Kim Jong Un, he's run the gamut of these social media posts that it's at a point now where everyone's desensitized to it. So nobody is really shocked by anything he puts out and that's a good thing. I think with Biden, it's like his one strength is that any scandal he creates, whether it's the Afghanistan withdrawal, whether it's the border. There's a new thing every single day. He has a transgender visibility day on Easter, no matter what he does. People get distracted by the next one, like the next one's right around the corner. The next one is waiting in the wings. His next bad idea is never far behind. So, my logic says some strategist behind the scenes is going to say, we can't ban menthol cigarettes right now. We can't afford to do it. We're going to lose even more voters than we already have. And then I think they look themselves in the mirror and they go, hey, why not? This is what we do. This is what we do best. We get people angry. I think probably the most logical is they'll wait. They'll wait. And if he wins, which Lord, let's hope he doesn't, this will be on his, you know, just like the Keystone pipeline was first up, this will be one of the first couple of things that he gets done. If he gets another shot at this, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, something else that just came across my mind here is that we were talking a little bit about New York and we are going to talk about Jamal Bowman, because that's a great story. That's just the only way I can describe it is feel good story. But there's cuts on my sheet today of Eric Adams, the mayor, and this got me thinking about something else. We talked about this trend, this horrible trend. It sounds like something out of, you know, the Joker of men punching young women in New York City in the face for no reason, just randomly punching women in the face. And Eric Adams was asked about this. He was commenting on it. And Jared, can I get the cuts from Eric Adams? Let's start with New York City mayor, Eric Adams, cut eight, please. We're down in crime in the subway system, folks, for the first quarter. We're down. We're down 24% in March. We're down in February. Can we please stop saying we're up in crime in our subway system? We are not. We're down in crime in the subway system. Yeah, having to bring in the National Guard will do that. Yeah, they're very, he's bragging. They didn't want the police in the subway system. So they waited until crime got so out of control, people were being pushed into the tracks and then Kathy Hokel said, let's bring in the National Guard. And weirdly enough, did not get the same kind of pushback that the mere idea of that got when Tom Cotton wrote it in the New York Times, people were getting fired when Tom Cotton had the audacity to suggest Donald Trump calling the National Guard to handle protesters. But Kathy Hokel, in all her glory, wants to call in the National Guard to the New York subway system, you barely hear a peep. Like nobody's Robert De Niro isn't, you know, cursing Kathy Hokel's name. But that's not even the reason I bring this up because he goes further. Okay. And this cut nine is really where I started to think this is a trend now, this whining, this is cut nine. If we go back to, I don't know if it was March of 2022, I committed to Cardinal Sen and said, perception is planning to this, you know, everyone blasted me, oh, you had a touch, it's not reality. I said it back then, I always knew from the days of being a transit cop, the perception can override this so these guys can bring crime down to zero. But if you don't feel safe because you see this disorder going on, then you're going to say that, hey, we're not safe. So what we are doing, what this team is doing is making sure our officers are visible. When we hear from riders and we say what makes you feel unsafe. They say we want to see our police officers. Okay, so this is something I've noticed is that when it comes to these women, for example, being punched in the face, I've seen different Democrats blaming TikTok. And I've seen social media blaming TikTok that like, oh, TikTok is, you know, the algorithm is pushing these stories to the top and more people think it's happening than more cases of it than it is. And my whole thing is, I don't really care that you don't like the coverage that you're getting. Like, that's not my problem. And I noticing it and the other reason I bring this up is because recently we talked about this Ritzy fundraiser speaking of New York City that occurred in New York City. And it, they were talking about it was Clinton, Obama, and Biden, and they're all on the stage together. And this is how the AP described it. They said during the nearly hour long conversation. Oh, a full hour. Biden must have been wiped. Today on his schedule, he's only got the presidential daily briefing. And I think like some sort of, some sort of meeting with a Greek leader. And then he's out for the day. He's got like two events today. It's pretty amazing. Obama and Clinton explained just how hard Biden's job is. They spoke of loneliness and frustration over policies that work, but aren't immediately felt by the public. They gave an insider's view of the office as they saw to explain why Biden was best for the job. "It's a lonely seat," said Obama. There's this real emphasis right now from the serious people to convince us that it's our fault. Like, that our perception is skewed. And we're not receiving, we're not as receptive to the messaging as we should be. We don't understand how wonderful everything is. Like, everything's really great and we're just too dumb to figure it out. And it's crazy because these are all the people that are supposedly like, you know, they're Harvard men, they're brilliant women, they're the best and the brightest. And it's like, you have all of these people working around the clock to send out your messages. Why isn't it getting out to people? Why is it my fault that when I see gas prices are high? Is that my perception of gas prices? They feel high to me. When I go to the grocery store, everything's expensive. And you keep blaming it on perception. And like, people just aren't understanding. And Ron Klain said that we started off the show with Ron Klain. He did the same thing. People are understanding how great this is. And it's like, you know what I'm understanding? You all wanted these jobs. Eric Adams wants to be mayor in New York City. Joe Biden wants to be president. He claims he wants to be president again. Obama wants to be president, Bill Clinton wants to be president. Stop whining. Like, either do it. It seems like, and you know what? In order it reminds me of, I think I said this already, but not today, at least. When I watched Oppenheimer, I love this line where there was a security, there was this US army guy and he's sitting at a desk and he's supposed to get Oppenheimer the security clearance to work on the Manhattan Project. And Oppenheimer says to him, you know, I really need security clearances taken a long time. Is there any way he can speed this up? And he was like a smart me guy and he looks at Oppenheimer and he goes, just because your past history, he's alluding to, you know, allegedly being a card member of the Communist Club at whatever school. He says, just because your history and your record makes it harder for you to get a security clearance doesn't mean it's my fault. And Oppenheimer looks at him and says, just because something's not your fault doesn't mean it's not your problem. And I really, I thought about all of these people. I'm like, you're so obsessed with blaming us or blaming somebody else or blaming your staffer or blaming the the climate of the country or the fact that, you know, you think that people aren't consuming enough of the New York Times and political in the Washington Post to read all the wonderful puff pieces about you. And it's like, that's not my problem. That's your problem. It's not my fault that you've created in America where people don't feel happy about it. People don't feel safe. People don't feel prosperous. That's your fault. And even if it's not your fault, it's your problem. Because you're the ones who wanted the job. You know when it's not your problem anymore when you say, I can't handle this, I'm out. Then it's not your problem anymore. But I'm so sick of this finger pointing, like perception. Oh, the media, TikTok, TikTok's making people think it's anecdotal. Trump keeps, you know, talking about Lake and Riley and all these anecdotal. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You said that you were going to do all these wonderful things for the country. And all I've seen of you is you mess everything up and I'm talking about Biden, I'm talking about Eric Adams, talking about all these Democrat hacks. All I've seen thus far is you take everything that's not broken and you break it beyond repair. And then you turn around and you whine and you get out the violins about how you're not getting enough wet kisses from your constituents and from the American people. Then don't sign up for it. Don't run for something that you don't think you can do because I'll tell you another thing. Before all these people got elected, they had all the flipping answers. They had every single criticism lined up for every single move Trump would make anything he would do they had a criticism for. And when you elect us, we're going to be able to do this and we're going to do it so much better. And now that they're in there, it's a lot of it's complicated. You know, it takes time for people to, for people's feelings to catch up with our great successes. That's not what I heard when you were running. That's not what you were saying when you were mad at Trump. I didn't hear it was going to take time. I thought you were going to get in there guns ablaze and everything was going to be perfect. And now it's like, you have to be patient. My other favorite part of that is when he's talking about this, and this was like the quote, like, if you feel like you're unsafe because of the chaos, the disorder, the disorder, like, yes, that makes people feel unsafe. But the disorder is not his fault. No, it's your perception. It's your perception that there's chaos in disorder as people are getting punched and we have to bring the National Guard into the subway to stop people from getting murdered. I'm just, I'm sick of the violins. I'm sick of the lining. It's fine. If you got, if you want to whine and you want to say, it's not my fault. That's fine. But move on. Move along. Give it a job to somebody who's going to get stuffed on and not want it. Or also just stop caring. Like, why don't you focus on what you actually believe is the right thing to do and just do it and stop sitting around, you know, wringing your hands about the fact that somebody said something mean about me. Like, okay, why don't you focus on making New York City better or focus on making the country better instead of all this nonsense about perception and message. If I have to hear one more flipping thing about messaging, the messaging is really bad. Messaging. Maybe the message. Maybe people don't want to be receiving said message. The message that eggs are expensive or gas is high or the people are coming across the border. Maybe people don't want to receive that message. Now, speaking of New York, Jamal Bowman's daily auditions to be the next AOC, he might not be getting his ticket to Hollywood. Okay. He might not pass the first round of auditions and it all might be coming to an end soon because according to a new poll that was obtained by the New York Post, Mr. Squad, Mr. Squad member is getting trounced in the polls. I want to read you some of these numbers. Oh, boy. They are really brutal. We'll save this actually for when we come back because this is fun. I mean, my favorite line is that a major problem for Bowman is that his opponent has a far better image among voters than the incumbent. I wonder why. Let's go through the list of all the reasons why people might not be happy with Jamal Bowman. This is a real thinker. You're gonna have to put on your thinking caps to figure this one out. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. I was on the website today and I was just, you know, perusing, seeing what's seeing what's going on. And if you look at the video testimonials, how he's the first one you're going to see. So make sure you check that out when you go to Perfect Smiles. When it comes to dentistry, Dr. Houghton is the best at what he does. And you guys will understand that if you listen to the Meet the Experts episode. He's so calm. He's so smart and he's so talented. He's truly an artist. He loves his job. Everybody at Perfect Smiles loves what they do and they want to make your smile the best it can possibly be. So take care of yourself. Don't put this off. Don't say tomorrow, next week, next month. Focus on it now. Call Perfect Smiles in National New Hampshire. They are conveniently located off Route 3. They've got plenty of parking and you can reach them at That's Change your smile. Change your life. We'll take your calls. When we come back, don't go anywhere. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. You know, I spent so much time with that Ron Cleancut talking about all of the policies that the Mensa members of the Biden Administration were at one point. So proud to rescind all the Trump policies they undid and they were very, very boastful about that. That I almost forgot to go back to how ridiculous it was that he tries to say that Trump was calling migrants who come to this country and work hard and pay taxes and do important jobs in our country that Donald Trump called those migrants animals. When even on CNN Scott Jennings said he didn't say that and Wolf Blitzer said, "Oh, so that's what you think he meant?" He's like, "That's what he said in the video. He was calling the murderer of Lake and Riley an animal." And again, I don't know if Wolf Blitzer, if he's not allowed access to the same videos as the rest of the world, but there is a way you could figure it out on your own Wolf. But of course, like Ron Clean knows that. Ron Clean, he's a lot of things. I don't think he's stupid. He knows that he's lying to people. Ron, you're up next. Hopefully this isn't Ron Clean. What's going on, Ron? Hey, Grace. So basically, I just wanted to talk real quick about voter psychology because they've been using the media to shame those of us that support Donald Trump. And I'm only hoping and praying that that's not working as much anymore, especially because of some of the things that have been happening in the media with recent interviews. I really do hope and pray that people that either voted for or support Joe Biden and the Democrats are starting to feel or have been past the point of feeling deep shape in what they did. And when anybody ever flicks me off or use the words or says screw you to me about supporting Trump, my response to them is you've already screwed me and you screwed yourself and you screwed everybody else. Yeah, I hope you're, I hope you're happy. This is what you wanted. This is your guy. This is what you, this was supposed to bring us all of this joy and peace and a return to normalcy. And you're right. And see where it's interesting with the left is they're very focused right now on the far left, Ron. They're very focused on these progressives. And I believe it was David Harsani who we had on a couple weeks ago and he said, I think they should be more concerned about the moderates. I think the moderates don't like what they're seeing. I think the moderates, the people who, you know, they didn't like Trump's social media. They didn't like his attitude. They didn't like his personality. So they voted for Joe Biden so they could tell their friends where they're having a glass of wine at the book club you know I voted for Joe just couldn't do it anymore. You know, I just couldn't live with myself. I voted for that. Me, me, man. I think those people are watching all of this and going, I voted for this dumpster fire. It's the moderates. And I mentioned this yesterday because I hadn't thought about it before. But when you talk about young people, it's really easy to paint with a broad brush because the young people you're seeing on the news every day or like throwing soup cans at the Mona Lisa and slashing tires. But there's a lot of young families out there, my age, of people who just want to live a normal life and buy a house and raise their kids. I think that part of it gets lost because they're not the loudest group, but I think they could be a big game changer in this election. Let's hope. Ari Hoffman from the Post Millennial joins us next to talk Israel Hamas. Don't go anywhere. [MUSIC PLAYING]