Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 36

Broadcast on:
04 Apr 2024
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Lamed hey on the bays on the bottom line. I'm a rebir mia. I box rebir mia and Going back to the Mishnah when you had a case in the Mishnah of Hasuika parmachah bere vishulah If Bob rents a cow from Al and then lends it to Carl So says rebir mia, and we're gonna have four cases here and then we'll go over each case Number one, paam im shishne em baqat das. There are times that Both of them both the shayl and the saikr will have to bring a Corban hat das that would be for swearing falsely comma number two pam shishne em baasham and there's certain scenarios where both of them would have to be in a carbon asham that's a asham for trying to get out of a Payment that really you should have to make and number three pamim There's sometimes that the saikr has to bring a kat das in the shul and asham and number four pamim sometimes that the saikr has to bring a Corban asham in a shayl bakhat das comma haqayt das. So I just want to reiterate the Corban kat das would be brought for somebody who takes a false schwa and the Corban asham would be by somebody who based on what they're claiming is going to be off the hook from having to pay but the reality was that really they should have to pay and Here we go. I underlined Firas mamayne equals asham Bito es façayem equals kat das. So if a person was denying a Situation were really owed money and he was claiming that he didn't that gets a carbon asham Where a person was just saying something that was incorrect not necessarily gaining him anything monetarily Then he has to bring a Corban kat das. So here we go number one pamim. I underlined pamim Four lines later second one online is pamim. I underline that number two two lines three lines later excuse me directly beneath that is saikr I call that number three and Five lines later first one is saikr I don't like that call that number four and we're going to be given an example For each one of these four cases. So number one pamim shishnam kat das sometimes both the saikr and the shayel will have to bring a Corban kat das kegoyne I put a diamond around this kegoyne three lines later last for the line is kegoyne I put a diamond on that three lines below that I put a diamond on that kegoyne and four Actually like five lines later last for an online is shinik nov other would be have this kegoyne that also gets a diamond here's the Four scenarios. Let's do the first sometimes they both have been a cormogad's kegoyne chemise kadarka the animal died kadarka Velumru and they're both claiming and swearing to this fact that it was Net and sa it was like forced away these these bandits came in and took it away and they swore to that effect Well colon the saikr the one who was Renting it Ben kachu Ben kach nifter either one of those claims. He'd be off the hook Bachat das he would have to bring a Corban kachat das because he told an untruth kama the shayel The Ben kachu Ben kachhoyne mikai if either one of those claims into the one that he really made or the one that really happened He would be high of also He took a shoe out to that which wasn't like gaming him anything and therefore he has to bring a Corban kachat das Kama number two was pamem sometimes they also both have to bring a Corban kacham kegoyne. We have a diamond round the word kegoyne shinnigneva if the animals actually stolen Velumru and They both claim when they take their shoe that it was made some achmas mulaha, which would get them off the hook Detra vayu both the saikr and the shayel in their claims and the swearing they took to it kakafrima minor denying some sort of In reality monetary situation, which they have to pay up for they're trying to deny it Damak ivy they're actually liable to have to pay vikha Patrin of shayu and with their claim and the shoe that they took to it. They're trying to get themselves off the hook Case number three where the saikr will be achat das in the shayel ba asham. No, how do you get that kegoyne? What actually happened? Well shim mesa Kidarka now mesa kidarka if they were to Admit what actually happened in that case It'd be sort of a split screen because the saikr in mesa kidarka is putter whereas the shayel in mesa kidarka is Khayyad drama's they both said mesa Machmas Millocha, so it was really mesa kidarka and they claimed it was mesa Machmas mulocha. Well Kama saikr the one who is renting it the benka Khubenka nith dar potter either way He is off the hook in other words his claim, which is untrue But it's not gaining him anything and therefore that what she's like is a hot test for making a fall shoe whereas shayel Demak ivy be mesa kidarka the kapatrin of shayu mesa machmas Well, he's actually come with a claim to get a male self off the hook Which if we really know the truth he would have to be yes Kyiv then he asked me to carbon asham because the claim that he made in sport to would have gotten him off The hook would really he should be on the hook and that's why it's been a carbon asham and finally case number four saikr Ba asham the shayel bakhat is the other way around where the one who is renting it He asked me the asham and the shayel bakhat is Kigay in a diamond on the Kigay in shindig nith vah where it was Actually stolen the arm ruin each one of them is claiming and making a shoe that it was mesa kidarka Colin the saikr Dehumachai big nith vah veda if you really like told the truth that it was stolen or lost He's hired for that the kapatrin of shayu mesa kidarka and he got himself off the hook by basically Swering to a falsehood that it was mesa kidarka He asked me a carbon asham because he was trying to get himself out of having to pay what he Rightfully should have to pay whereas the shayel The borrower to Benkacho Benkach uve makhayvi either claim that whether actually was mesa kidarka or Whether it was stolen and it was it said it was mesa kidarka either way He is high of and therefore he has to bring a carbon hot test now That's almost I know it's 20 lines or so Everything we said we already know and therefore the Gomoras now my kamashmalan My kamashmalan specifically we had a name on the last line of the previous song that we started with here Yeah, what's if you're me telling me that we don't already know like all you have to do is learn the mission I is a moment see and you would have all the principles you need to know who's high of whose potter and The Gomorrah explains what reviewers coming to tell us it was one point a very important point Now if we could be through a balmy that review you're me at telling us what he did comes us to comes to tell us to exclude The revami approach who what's the revami approach to amar coach for shah had daiyanimash being I say any schfua in other words If a person comes and just offers up a schfua, that's one thing but if it's the schfua that the court imposes Inhayavana let me shim schfua be to eat there is not a possibility of having to come to a Corpancatas for taking the schfua falsely Shannam are because here the context of the passek of where you would have to bring a Corpancatas is Onefes qui sichava levat es facayim or a person now qui sichava indicates like the one says qui schava equals Measima that's where a person takes a shoe on his own Not the one a basin makes you take a shoe. There's no Corpancatas for that if he's where it's falsely That's the revami approach what we're being told is that we do not hold like revami kamashman connector Dilo kravami period Itmar here's a famous case Shaimer shimer shimer shimer You have show my number one Al gives it to Bob. Hey Bob when you watch this and But yeah, sure shimer shimer shimer gives it over to Carl Then something happens hmm. Well, Rob voice circled Potter and the other way circled on our hive Rob says you would be Potter Basically anything that he would be putter from if he was watching it If show my number two does that then he's also putter was your bjögenan says hi if no matter what even Einsen show my number one to be high of four I'm our a baye I would box a baye and a baye is going to Tell us a little bit more about you just rather than a bjögenan I died on the line the time a de rev and five lines later first world on his does I don't know the line the next words ooh la tame de bjögenan. So biases like this the tame de rev Who said that the first shomer is putter lo me baye now? Let's get into the specifics of what type of showmer each one of them was I don't even have to tell you if the first shimer was a shame Regina who gave it over a shamasa to a shame-air saqar In other words a shomer saqar is someone who's more responsible for what happens to the item dei luye Ali al al al al al shmirasa he increased the level of shmiran whatever this item is that Okay, Ralph says he's potter Ela afilu Shimer saqar shamasa the shimer kingdom even if the first shimer is a paid Watcher and he gives it over to someone to watch it for free the shimer kingdom where he's basically lowering the level of Care that's going to be given to this item to get really gara lishmi rasa it would be potter now my time I did why you give it over to someone else well. Yeah, give it to someone else who was a thinking Intelligent adult human being the Hamas will have been das come a little time to be open on I dotted on the time I'd be open on a buys explaining that when you're building and said hi if that first shimer like no matter what That's lo me by I don't even have to tell you if it was a shimer saqar who had a higher level of responsibility to watch who gave it over Shama so shame Regina did good will he guard the shrimi rasa like there's certainly Sherman One's gonna be high because he lowered the type of shmir that was being given to this item Ela afilu Even in the case of a shame Regina who's not really that responsible for taking care of it Shema sir who's actually going to pay somebody a shimer saqar de elu yay alia lishmi rasa was increasing the level of schmira It would be Hi, if da amar lay and here's the reasoning of Rabio khanan because Rabio khanan says En ratsani shapik. Don't even be out of here. I squiggle underline that whole line those whole six words I do not want can say the owner of this item to show my number one I do not want that my item be with somebody else. I gave it to you I want you to watch it once what else to watch it, and that's a pretty valid Clay I put an arrow in the margin pointing down to I'm a base, and we'll see We'll have the course running here. I'm gonna get some base comma of Krista now It seems like rav and Rabio khan were arguing with each other which is relatively rare But because this actually rav's opinion we didn't hear it Outright rather it was derived from something else Amar of Krista han de rav and alan rav lob the favorish at mark and it wasn't said like no one heard rav say that rather ela michlala It was implied from something else and here's the case that it was implied from Danoke, you know you had these group of gardeners Let's just say I don't know there were five people who worked in the garden to call Yuma every day have a mifka de marai who they used to deposit their Hose or shovels got bad. Yeah, he safta. I guess maybe at the end of the workday. They would give in their shovels or their hose to a particular old elderly lady comma one day Yumahad if Kidin who look at me had me nayu instead of them each one going given to the old lady each one of it gave their ho to one of The of the diggers comma now what happened? They heard the ice cream truck go by making the noise actually Shama kala beilula something similar. They heard a wedding ceremony going by the music the dancing and nafak Went out al-zalaf kidin who legavada he safta so this is a one-worker who had all the shovels he goes and this is what they seemingly do like every day all the time go to that same elderly woman and deposits them By her well a dozo by the time they went to this wedding vosun came back igno if marai who their shovels had all been stolen Okay, well what now also coming to rav. I underline rav like somebody responsible here Maybe this one guy is responsible and he said Putter well that no that guy is putter now Why is it that he would be putter now the typical onlooker would have seen four people give their shovels to this guy so he's like a shimmer and then he gave it over to someone else and Putter so man de closet somebody who saw that saver would figure. Oh well, I know why rav did that me Shuma shine me so much shamer must be putter comma the truth is below he that's not the case Rather the reason why rav putter in his case was shiny hustle youma not me every day Like I don't know the last six months the last six years, but you know like all the time Nami in who the shiny husband a ho yum nami every day Also in a goofa you got the hot da he soft album if could you lose these workers themselves would go into positive by the same elderly woman And therefore that is the reason why rav putter not this is certainly because rav held that a shimmer so much So the shamer would be putter comma yes, sort of Ami the comma la la hash misa and he was saying over this teachings specifically that rebulchan on it said that Shama shama shama shamer the first shamer is kayef ace fei I put a triangle on this ace fei and Four lines later in the middle line is must I put a triangle must work and I have a couple of questions Based on takes horses on Rebulchan understand is that a shama shama shama shamer and then something happens the first shamer is kayef so ace fei ace fei who revamp our momma and our momma to Rebi army From our mission we quote our mission for about a line and a half a so you're part of me clave right if I Rent I'm paying rent. Let's say for a week For a cow for my friend because you like her and a few days into my rental I lend it to Carl Oh mason kedarka and then it dies So you shave a house so you care She mason kedarka I so you heard can go back and Swear to the owner down a listen. I can't I could do it. Just her light died I'll show you however the one that I had with show you lit to where it was in his possession I did I'd Michelle unless I could he pays like the full amount to me now the emis of it's really true That would be okay and said that a show more who gives over to another show more would be hi if well Lame a lay let him say back and this is what we saw like about if we squiggle underline it maybe about 10 11 lines ago Ain't it so I need shapey to be out out there Why can't the like owner say owner of the callus and I didn't want to be by somebody else I you know I rented it to you and you don't have the right necessary to give it to anyone else my lay This is back with army tour of our momma. Oh, my eskin. Well, you know why that's not a reasonable claim in this case because the case was this should not snipe loy and Next two words are taken out and instead you read Bishin also like ha by limb risho slaha shill with the owner of This item said to the one renting it, you know what if you want to you have permission to lend it out to anyone you want Well one second if that's the case then then is not the Renter the soy her when he is renting it just like almost an extension of the rightful owner He hockey if that's the case and the by limb by shlumi that when the shill has to pay up It should pay up directly to the rightful owner Well, no because I'm a lay the rightful owner had said to the soy her Ladat ha listen you do whatever you want if you want to lend it out You can lend it out if you don't want to you don't have to therefore It's truly the renter who's deciding if he's going to rent it out or not and the rightful owner Can't say I don't want it by someone else. Let's see just a permission Okay, must have run bar chama put a trunk on the massive He followed to make source it goes for about oh almost two lines. I'm off good miles. I still have error Let's say deposited. I know a thousand dollars with my friend Jim. What does Jim do? He takes like a big Curchief and he wraps up the money and I don't puts it in any he flings it over his He she don't look how he flings it over his back and then his out of the room must run Le Benite Ubidek time anymore. He gives over the cash money to his minor sons or daughters or Nalb if name Shlaki Roy or if was an animal or whatever the end was it was just simply not kept Responsibly and something happens. He would be high up. Shaloi Shomark Adir Khashreib Why cuz it watch it the way people usually washings? Okay, let's make a deal though from the snake source time to take a time And who do we say if he gives it over to that they would he would be high if give it over to like eight-year-old son or Nine-year-old daughter the deal could be how good do you limit even over to adult children and something happening to be potter now? Am I name a lay? Why wouldn't and now this is a go ahead a question on if you want to say that could be Oakland And does that a shimmer so much was shame is gonna be high if why wouldn't you be able to say over here? Name a lay ain't it's an issue be trying to be out out there I don't want might be caught on that I gave you to be with someone else on to be with you That's what you have it to you. That would be a question on my Rava because Rava says like this interesting Cole hot mafgid anyone Who deposits something with a person? I'll toss you shoe bun of who mafgid? I know if I give it to Jim Jim might ask his wife to watch it or his adult kids period I'm in a hard-dye day Konami precise reading of the techniques also bring out this point That the gedolim our putter is specifically meaning like he gave it over to his adult sons or adults Daughters but not to others because here's a quote one line from the DNA source Oshimah son libinai Ubita hakatanim When is it that he's gonna be responsible if you give it over to his son or daughter his son or his daughter that are minors He'd be quiet now ha the dukas live in obie da kidolim if it's his 15-year-old son or 16-year-old girl he'd be putter now Everything is in the context of his son or daughter Michel the implication is to laugh a room if it's somebody who's like not a relative Loish don't give them Loish don't know what make a difference how old they were It would be high of Dean Cain because if it really was so that he would be putter even if he gave it to another adult Listy katanim stama. Why are you saying? His son or his daughter would tell him to say katanim schmaminah that that is the case period ama rava I His name hilkasa the halo kala muy Lamisa is colon a shimmer number one shamasu gives over a shimmer number two Hi, if showman one is showman number one is totally responsible now loi mi bia We don't even have to tell you if the showman I'm one is a shamer sakhar who gave the item over shamasu shamer kina Who's lowering the responsibility to watch the item did get rooty gara lishmi rasa a la a fido even If showman number one is a shamer kina who really doesn't have much responsibility who gives it over to actually a summer sakhar Hi, if you would be liable my time. Oh the reason is to amar lei and here We have the corresponding arrow pointing back up to amun alif And I squiggle underline this whole line at meham ness lee bechua you My dear friend are believed to me when you take a schmua and tell me what happened and take the schmua to back that up over Hey, this other fellow he looks like a nice guy, but loi meham lee bechua I don't have any relationship with him that I should have to trust his schmua Period it mar how about this? How about this case poshaba the yatsul al-agam lumeisa kadarka? So you're supposed to be watching a Animal you were an outright negligent watch person like you didn't close the door or you know close the barn gate Vitt yatsus al-agam and the animal kind of strolled out and went out to the marshland and there mesa kadarka, and it died But it died normally That's a typical case of tchilossabipchia the shamer first thing that happened was based on his negligence Because you never know like if you leave the gate open Wolves could come and you know attack this animal However in the end It wasn't that negligence that caused the death of the animal. It was something that was totally beyond his control So how do we look at this well? Abai versus Rava Abai we underline mission me to Rava says kai if Rava we underline mission me to Rava on our putter and now We're gonna go reach opinion Abai who I circled and five lines later first one is Rava I also circled him Abai says in the name of Rava Hi, even I double underline kai if and Abai really believes in his opinion because he says coldina And he judge the low-dying key hidey, and who doesn't judge the case the way I'm telling you it is love Dinah who he's basically not a judge. He's he's a phony. He's a charlatan and Colin like me by a lemondama, that's what she ever says by Neschayev dechayev We don't even have to tell you corny the opinion says that if somebody did something to start out was negligent in the end The damage occurred totally beyond his control that you'd be high for sure to be high if you're Ella This is pretty extreme even according to the mandama who normally says that if you start out doing something Upshia and it ends up that the damage could because of oneness Elimondama pots her ha ha ha if really yeah, that's right the person who would be high my time What's the reason well down Rina and I vectored the word down Rina down Rina and hevla the Agma katla Here he'd be high of why because whatever hevla is there is a lot of it out Yeah, I don't know maybe it's in humidity who knows, but there's a lot of it out by the marsh area and That is a reasonable assumption to say that it died from something it died from the heavy Rava who I certainly made to Rava It's interesting both up by and Rava I mean they're both a medium of Rava, but they're both saying this over the name of Rava Amar Putran I double on and I'm putter that this fellow Who was supposed to be watching animal and he was negligent the animal in out, but the death occurred in a totally normal way would be putter and Interesting enough Rava also says coldina. Don't really doing key hiding any judges doesn't judge like this Loved, I know who he just ain't really a judge Come along me by I don't even have to tell you says Rava that the Manda Mard See, that's what she was saying by this potter that in a case where a person started out by doing something which is negligence But in the end the damage happened because of something beyond their control You'd be potter that in this case certainly potter a la fila mondamra even according to opinion who normally says live Hocha in this case you would be potter which interesting Why is that my time because the end result is basically a dead animal and damn renan? We figure we could say I vectored the damn renan mala kha mawes mali hocha mali hosan Like what difference does it make on the mala kha mawes? Whether he zaps somebody who takes someone's life or takes someone's animal's life Here or he takes it over there in others. It makes really no difference Umoi diya biaya I squeal online and moi diya biaya and two lines later Last one is Umoi di and then rava I squeal online moi di rava now, even though they're definitely arguing about rava with another However, I'll buy would agree D. Hadra de bemara that if the animal laid its way back to the Household of the red loner who may send died there then for sure the person he gave it to a reputter my time Oh, what's the reason ta hodra law he returned it and the only reason to be high of his if he then returned it For Lake Alameh or have a dog makatla And it wasn't the heavy of the marshland that killed the animal because the animal was fine until it was returned and then it dropped it Moi di rava rava who had set up above that there would be a petur rava degree kolhe kha de Two letters taken out the alph in the yud de gunva gunna ballgum anywhere Where it was actually stolen and then mace kadarka bay gunna of well, you know how to actually die It just kind of like drop dead um there since by the gun of you would be high of my time. Oh, what's the reason? Well, the reason is the ish have kamala kamavas if like even if the malkamavas decided to spear the life of this Animal the base a de gun now they kind of where was this animal? It was in the gama's house like you don't know where it is Anyway, and that's the difference kamala Yeah, by a lit rava. I buy you some a question By the makai is in a question rava who said rava the who said petur led to the clock according to Damaris This is this far that you said Mala kamavas the grim reaper or the angel of death. Oh, we hook up on the house. What difference to make here or there? Did hi da oh you said and how do you understand on umud alif on the flip side of this page? There was a question brought by rebby a bummer momma lander line to rebby Ami the Shawnee lay you didn't always look back to the previous page to refresh remember even Shawnee lay Bishin a slave by the mr.. Saha show the end conclusion was oh, you know that the one who gave it to the guy also told the guy that if he wants to Lend it out. That would be fine the Lame a lay let the psycho say to him mala kamavas mali a kamali awesome That's um a Bias point to rava. I'm our lay says back rava to a bi a ledid. Hello according to you or y'all Demas nisu You taught the reason being Quote ain't ritz when you should be turning that off her. Listen, I don't want the thing I gave you to be with anyone else I give it to you because I wanted to be with you Don't give it to someone else and certainly don't come if you gave it to someone else and try to get out of any liability Eka la useful now he then there is definitely room to ask that question the question of it all if I'm a Mama, mama. However, Lid D. Yeah, it's going on the D D. I mean of that only you say Aunt Mihamas leave Bishwah of a hate like mamali Bishwah the other approach was so hey, listen, buddy Don't bring some guy that I know have a relationship within for him just where to me because I believe you If you take a schwah the hey, it's like mamali Bishwah, but the other guy I don't know him so I don't know him to believe his schwah and therefore like a lot used for a claw comma mosef Ramibar chama Abai who had said Of above that it would be a heave most remember a chama I Box this office snake source. It goes just overline let's see you have a Person with his animals like his sheep's or his goat or sheep or goats Say no bakar or just sign anyway, hello, Russia. So can you talk about to the top of a very steep? pointy rocky cliffy mountain then not one the animal fell a means that like this is not a case of minus the high of and the person would actually be responsible The deal could be that if it didn't die in it if it died in a different way ha mesa Kidarka, let's say it just died in a normal way like it was up there on the mountain and it just dropped head Haraiza inus apparently that would be an anus and an anus that would be Putter now Vamai why should that be us a good more question mark comma lema le Avira de Hara katla. Why not say it was the I see the air up there or the atmosphere Up there when there's something something to do with the air or the oxygen that we are familiar with Vamai lema lea veer de Hara katla, you know me alternatively da Hara katla the uvtsuna Rashi explains is the tiredness the being worn out of having to go all the way up there Haka my eskeena so therefore the worst is what we're talking about a real Shahella Let Maure Chamein Vitayv. No, he didn't bring it up because he wanted to give the animals some sort of view of the cliffs Rather he brought him up let Maure Chamein Vitayv. There was very Fatty very fertile very good grazing land over there. Well, if that's the case Hehachin Aflanami she also be putter if the animal fell Shahella le tokva cuz he should have like jumped out and grabbed it And he didn't really talk for Ihachi a maratia. Well, the thing is though that you have to look at the earlier part of that today's source This ratio goes exactly a line also Rashi took in not Hehala hehala of seven eight lines ago The day's source was he the shoymer brought up the animal whereas Alsah it went up sounds like it went up kind of on his own it just went in his own to the Rashi It took in Vindafla Hareza Inus that that would be a thing to be on his control. Well, what do you mean to me? It's really by Leh mitt Kefal. He should have kind of like a jumped on it to save it. Well. Oh, that's not the case Rather Chricha sheh tokva siv alsah, tokva sive yarda. So he the animal overpowered the shepherd and went up and the animal overpowered the shepherd and felt was death The mission is that I'm up. Yo see a box trip. Yo see here case I'll always subscribe of power also. It was the eyebrow raising mission. You've been to tell me that if Bob pays ten dollars to rent from Carl for Ten days in emerald green bowling ball and then gives it back Well, let's see. I remember you said case. Oh, I says clear a bit poros. I am one of you Don't much more than I've you didn't say much more. Oh, it's like rib. You'll see. I'm a little bit of you We have schmoo by you that's around you Amrstamish made is schmoo. Well, you had once told us in the name of schmoo Haluk Haya, Rebi. You'll see a Paris Shana Well, if it's even in the first case, okay that they argue. Well, do we pass like a biosi there as well? It's a lot of my swing a lot of my sight. I'm really he responded Haluk Haya, Rebi. You see a Paris Shana Also in the first case the first case is just the regular old she lay in the letter outside the Shava and The problem of your sad with that is one second. Oh again. Why is he entitled to the cable payment? Should they be forthcoming? Well, there's no real reason It might not be amenable as I said, but how long I'm going to be? I'll see a Paris Shana for a lot of my service I'm gonna be open on a week circle. Don Mar mow down to be a service would agree be Reshana shek far she lay my squealing on a chick far she lame It was already paid now the question on this is she live. It sounds like it was paid. Yes low she limber But it wasn't paid. Like really the question that goes about three lines starts here. I'm a mama. I'm here I'm gonna be a hanan We had been told not that long ago like maybe two days in Dafya me ago Low that the one word right angle she lame. He has to pay that doesn't mean she lay mamish Ella cave on shut Right down on the word Omar even if the person just said her name is Shalim Alpha be sure she lame even though he didn't pay So aim up mode to her to be you'll see this would be bishana shek far. I'm are harry new Michelle I'm not just that The you have to actually say it when that would be tantamount Far purposes to actually doing it I've gone.