Five On The Floor: Miami Heat/NBA

Miami Heat; Maxey too much; Butler not enough as Heat lose to Philly

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05 Apr 2024
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The Miami Heat lost 109-105 to the Philadelphia 76ers in Miami on Thursday night. Greg Sylvander, Naveen Ganglani and Bryan Fosenca recap all the action.

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Hey, it's Ethan Skolnik for five on the floor and the five reason sports network a lot of stress in April, right? You got tax season the NBA playoffs well you can eat stress free this spring with factors delicious ready to eat meals every fresh Never frozen meal is chef crafted dietitian approved and ready to eat in just two minutes choose from a weekly menu of 35 options Including popular options like calorie smart keto protein plus or vegan and veggie also discover more than 60 add-ons every week Like breakfast on the go lunch snacks and beverages to help you stay fueled and feel good all day long So what are you waiting for get started today and fuel up for your springtime goals? 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You can check the score hustle hard couple scars rain bubble fraud just like but the same you're in trouble y'all Check the flow plan got them all day Y'all see the black stopping one hand and pat me trust it's probably have the guts We're here to bring the heat y'all can hang it up Welcome to five on the floor a daily insider show on the Miami heat and the NBA featuring Ethan Skolnik Greg Sylvander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason sports network Okay, welcome back to another episode of five on the floor live. I am your host Greg Sylvander tonight's floor plan We come to you reluctantly After the Miami heat lose a really tough game at home We're going to talk about that in a minute tonight's floor plan with me brian funsica and naveen ganglani You're going to see more of him on a lot of our programs This is made in voyage on five on the floor as a co-host We appreciate him being here As well as brian, you know, he's always going to be around and he'll drop a couple f bombs to keep us on our toes Uh before we dive into all of that want to shout out off the floor. That's our new discord server We need we need you to take the leap Get off of all the other social media And come to off the floor because that is where the most informed Heat fans are talking. There's no like back and forth um Attacks personal insults nothing like that. It is 10 channels or more Of just straight Miami heat talk to 99 a month on desktop 399 from your apple device link is into this in the in the description go to off the floor You need to check that out. That is where we are Talking mind me heat day and night and we're going to get naveen in there. Uh, uh very soon Um, I don't know that i've seen you in there So if not, we're going to make sure to get you hooked up Uh before we dive into the gamer the night and the play of the night And the fourth quarter execution that was not good and the one field goal attempted by bam out of by on the fourth quarter Which is not good Uh, but jimmy butler's lackluster play on naveen With this being your maiden voyage your initial takeaways from the miami heat's loss To the philadelphia 76ers 109 105 at the cassaya senna It was disgraceful It was just call it what it is. It was so disgraceful I mean they went three stretches during the game where they didn't make a field goal for at least like what four minutes And what's it now like maybe 20 times this has happened this season and we can't just say oh tyler is not there He would be there. He'd fix this. No, it's the shot quality. It's a process of getting to their actions They're running the same things they've run over the last few years and teams know what will get jimmy the ball Hypo spistle action and that's where the offense starts and so often you find them trying to get late offense with like 10 nine seconds left in the shot clock and It's just a bad offensive possession and it's an turnover and to the miss the other team runs other team scores And that triggers an 11 0 run a 13 0 spread I mean fairly close this game out with and beat not even playing great at the final stretch of the game They just close it out because the heat often suck they got out in transition uber hit that tree from the corner and It's just disappointing and it's so disgraceful because this keeps happening They don't find the solution and now fairly with a soft scheduled rest of the way to end this regular season They have a leg up on that succeed and I mean given the heat schedulers of the way Reality is it's probably looking like another play in appearance Yeah, and they're gonna need the game in indiana. That's gonna change things. I think that they they This game eric reed said it. It's not a fatal loss Uh, but it hurts. Um, and if they get the game in indiana things can be Um turned around but you wanted this one at home. You had the chance to get it brian Why the hell are they so inconsistent? What is up with this they get down by 12 and then all of a sudden they're up eight There was a moment. They were up 1 0 294 and the next thing you know, it was like They they were down by eight and they still only had one oh two. I remember it was a crazy run What do you make of these runs and also what do you make of jimmy butler's early approach to these games? they were down 12 oh to start the game like 17 4 at one point in the first quarter 17 i think yeah, whatever it was a game where we were coming into it like All right, this is a playoff game. Essentially you're playing for position You have a chance to put the sixers into play and it was the same Fuck around shit that they were doing last year Where it was like they have an opportunity to get over the hum so to speak They don't do it and then they shoot themselves in the foot And it was amazing to me that philly actually needed this this effort from tyros maxi and joel and beat combined 66 points combined on great efficiency um to actually put away this team because bam and jimmy didn't show up To me like I know jimmy cosmetically you see 20 points you see five assists, but jimmy didn't play good at all. I felt like even his defense tonight. I felt like It felt like one of those games where it's like, you know when an older star Dwayne way this happened to kobe brine this happened to where they start making all defense based off of reputation It felt like one of these games where jimmy butler was a reputation defender where i'm looking at guys go buy him that shouldn't go buy him I'm looking at people out muscle him. There was an easy ass spin move that joel and beat had on him at one point just isolation Um, by the way, one of the things that I told you about early on this year is rebutler 34 years old Thirteenth year You can't really say hey, he's gonna do all the same shitty did before as a as a guarantee as a layup, right? And then bam bam just struggled out the gate his first quarter was brutal It just brutal missing shots. It's not getting to the spot. There was no physicality You know, i'm not hard on bam like the way other people are because without him They don't do any of the shit that they do over the last four or five seasons He's the reason their defense is what it is essentially Um for the most part, but he was not impactful at all tonight And there's a reason why other than the fact that he was mirroring joel and beat's minutes late There's a reason why kevin love was able to play well into the fourth quarter with about Three minutes and change left until we saw bam finally in the fourth quarter But bam and jimmy didn't come through they were like it wasn't even close In terms of how much they were outplayed by tyries maxi and joel and beat So it starts there and the trickles down to everybody else and if it wasn't for terry rosier I don't know where they would have been at the end of that game And terry rosier appeared to come up Um laboring there at the end of the game. We'll get into that in the injury report You mentioned joel and beat you mentioned tyries maxi. Let's get to the rocky sports gamer of the night And now on five on the floor It's time for the gamer of the night sponsored by rock e-sport center the place to eat drink and play all day Host your next birthday party with them located at 15 305 south dixie highway in palmetto bay They've got a 5500 square foot state of the art center equipped with all the high-end power play all day passes Available for just 25 bucks, but if you mentioned five reasons It's just 20. So mention five reasons or five rsn you get to play all day for 20 dollars and now the gamer of the night So I want to shout out kevin love for playing really well But tonight's gamer of the night is no doubt tyries maxi the one that got away to every heat fan 37 points 15 to 26 from the field Nine rebounds 11 assists only one turnover. Jesus. This guy is unbelievable Uh, I love watching him play basketball It's why in a one game series in a playing scenario against the uh philadelphia I don't love the idea of it because he's just so electric and they have no one that can stop him Uh, so he is absolutely the gamer of the night Uh kind of as we talk about the rest of this roster let's hone in on on On the on the other two starters that were quiet and avine Uh nico yo vich and donk and robinson combined for 13 points. Uh, they only both played 19 minutes It was a weird game where they weren't in foul trouble, but they didn't get a ton of minutes What the heck up what the heck is up with donk and robinson since he's been back What's been your perspective as you've watched him? And also just yo, which I think tonight might have been an outlier with match-ups and ubre and how Well, he was playing and being uh aggressive as he was they needed more athleticism out there Um, but from your perspective, what what's going on with donk and robinson? Well, he just doesn't look as explosive as he did before the injury And that's not to say donk and robinson was ever explosive in the popular way That term is defined when it comes to talking about nba players But just the moving the cutting the you know, the dribble handoffs with bam There's just not that mff that he had before the injury where he would come off Relocate past the ball move around real quickly. We're not seeing him do a lot of that. We're not we haven't even seen him Utilize a lot of the new traits he's added to his game this season, you know the some of the pick and roll Closing out on defenders attacking defenders closing out on him hitting that little mid-range pull-up floater It's like he's gone back to be more of a three-point threat since he's come back And he's just not moving correctly to at least to my eyes After having watched donk in the last five years and the three-point shot just there's no rhythm right now There's no, you know that electrifying concept is seeing donk and pull up move around rotate around screens And you know, maybe that's time donk and to rhythm players always been like that he's been streaky to some degree So maybe he just needs a few more games to get back get his knees and legs under him and start moving around with yo, which I taught you actually had a pretty decent game not a great game, but a decent game there were two scenarios where he had the bust-out dribble went all the way coast to coast and that's kind of something this heat Offense needs more off the defense was all right. Yeah, the three-point shooting was all right. It was just he's Combination with bam. It was it wasn't good. I know plus minus isn't the most perfect stat But bam tonight minus 29 and 29 minutes and yo, which minus 15 and 20 minutes and yo, which in bam spent a lot of time together Meanwhile kevin love was a plus 25 in 19 minutes And I know a lot of people in the comments section right now are saying that spo made a mistake Taking too long to bring bam and rosier back in the game But the tool of the matter is the heat went up in the fourth quarter with that unit with love with hakaz with calib And I would have actually wanted to see love ride the whole way out play the whole fourth quarter Just because from the start it looked like one of those games where bam Was just offered them not playing where the love was actually doing a great job particularly in that zone And if there's any mistakes spo made in my opinion, it was not letting her love play the entire quarter I know why you go back to your superstars at the end of the day, but I just felt love was awesome Today played bam in love together is that was that a possibility brian? I that was where I was going next How do you feel about that? I know it didn't happen. So like we're not going to pontificate on it for long But um, I'm interested in and why he's stuck with who he's stuck with And also I thought hakaz got a long leash down the stretch and played pretty well And in stretches. What was your thoughts on Jaime hakaz tonight? He was fine. Um, I I liked his effort a lot The shooting as a couple people here commented is worrisome, I guess But like he The reason he wasn't drafted higher is because of the shooting like he wasn't a great three-point shooter in college He had one good three-point shooting season in college. It's not to say he's not going to be a good shooter It's just something you have to develop and that's going to take some time Like it's probably going to be another year or two as to you start seeing him knock down the three consistently We've got to remember like he's a rookie even though he was in college for four years Will felt like forever he's a rookie That's something that's going to be worked on with more NBA years and NBA reps like probably year two year three Year four you're going to really see some improvement compared to where he is now Particularly because as the season is going on, you know, the rookie wall and things of that nature I think the corner three is somebody else comments here Uh, van Lee. Thank you for that. Yeah corner three is something he's going to have to work on Especially if you're playing off of some of the same characters who are going to be here uh next season Beyond that though, yeah, I Kevin love and bam like together is something that I would want to look at every now and again Because that's what you did last year and it worked A lot of times last year when you started going to it down the stretch Um, kevin love was starting at the four as soon as you signed them for a reason There's a reason why you sort of left that where it was I have no problem with Kevin love and a closing lineup alongside bam I don't think it needs to be in either or situation I think against a team that has joelle and b it makes a lot of sense to size up in that way And then you sort of figure out the rest now the problem is who are you going to squeeze out? But you could just sort of figure that out as you go Um other than that, I mean Look, I said what I said about jimmy and bam in particular like those two need to play better Jimmy after the all-star break. I thought he would be at a higher level He was for a period of time through like mid-March. He was averaging post on our break Or really if you go back to that clipper game in late january from there to mid-March you're talking about a six-week period He was averaging basically 22 six and six on like 50 40 and 83 throw shooting like he was playing well Up until a couple weeks ago And he hasn't really had like a great jimmy game or even a really good game since that win over cleveland in cleveland Where terry rosier obviously had a big finish to that game. So Something is up with jimmy. I don't know what it is And we'll talk about it after the break maybe a little bit. I want to get into a fourth quarter execution Um and before we talk about any of those things let's go to the a aggressive play of the night Want to get smarter about investing then tune in to the capital ideas podcast from capital group home of american funds distributors ink one of the world's leading asset managers Each week we bring you stock market outlooks macroeconomic updates and investment strategies that can help you succeed Learn from portfolio managers with decades of experience about how they navigate on certain markets Prepare to be engaged enlightened and entertained by listening to the capital ideas podcast today When everyone is on the same page getting things done at work is easy no matter what you do or what industry you're in How you communicate is key everything you type is equally important to collaboration and grammarly can help Think of it as your ai writing partner empowering you to communicate effectively and efficiently So you can make a bigger impact in the workplace 96 percent of grammarly users say it helps them craft more impactful writing and as the gold standard of responsible ai Grammarly is your secure ai writing partner that allows your team to make their point and move faster by understanding your writing and context Grammarly provides relevant personalized suggestions and with tone suggestions You can navigate even the most difficult work conversations You can also save time from spending hours editing drafts to just seconds with one click Sign up and download grammarly for free at slash podcast. That's g r a m m a r l y dot com slash podcast easier said done And now it's time for the insurance by lannette play of the night sponsored by insurance by and a aggressive insurance agency You can reach out to our friend lannette at 954-581-8800 That's 954-581-8800 or insurance by That's insurance by with two ends and two teas Your best play for auto insurance homeowners insurance condo insurance life insurance or retirement program Reach out to lannette and insurance by So the play of the night uh brian Teed this up and I i'm with him on it. Hey love through that alley you Full court to jimmy and jimmy finished it. We need more of that jimmy. That's the issue here I don't know what to say about jimmy butler. I don't know if maybe we're at a situation where he's finally Father time is undefeated and that includes verse jimmy butler I don't know if he's dealing with something off the court that maybe we are not inclined to talk about I don't know if he's Banged up I don't know what is happening here Before it's quarter execution. Let's let's go down the stretch of that game and what happened late. I felt like the last Possession or two there were a lot of really bad decisions in the vin um What do you think is happening with this team late in games with execution specifically and let's also because the comments is And we're going to take questions before we close out the show. So don't worry everyone. We will get to your questions as well. Um Do you take this fourth quarter execution and do you do you place and I don't want to say the blame because that gets kind of sports Hacky i'm saying When when you're looking at this is it more on jimmy and bam and the guys that were on the court or do you look at eric spolster? When you look at the fourth quarter execution or that lack thereof tonight against the philadelphia 76ers I think this mostly is roster construction for me And that's not to say that this isn't a good roster because defensively they can be good and they can Offensively they can have spurts where they get really explosive and they put on points in a hurry But jimmy was always that wing player for them who could penetrate get in the pain And start actions where you get two on the ball and that's what offense in the nba is right now If you want to have an effective offense, you need to get two on the ball Swingsway and find the open shooter rotate stuff like that But nowadays even jimmy, I mean down the structure of the game They put kyle lorry on him and jimmy couldn't get past kyle Couldn't shake him try to take him in the post couldn't really convert When you look at the rest of the offensive players that they have rosier gets his bucket Mostly from jump shots bam same thing and they don't really have hero to create another creator They need that wing scorer who can get in the paint get some easy buckets Maybe get you a quick point in success succession Max he's not exactly a wing, but the way he's so explosive and can get to the paint use that speed He can put points up in a hurry and they just don't have that right now even rosier He had a hot game the other day. I thought he was good today too But it's a lot of step back jump shots. It's a lot of actions that are salt and late clock Possessions. They don't really have a lot of early offense options and I think that just hurts them and Jimmy has said multiple times in the past when the offense isn't humming Then the defense suffers as well And when the defense suffers and they can't get out on the break and they're forced to have Offensive possessions try to run things and now it jimmy just not being jimmy It's hard. You have these droughts where they don't score few ago for half a quarter I mean It's 2024 teams are scoring 130 point 140 points regularly And here I am asking myself constantly How many times am I going to watch a heat game where they don't score a field goal for five or six minutes stretches It's maybe a lack of creativity to some degree I think a lot of the sets that they've run over the years teams have just scouted Because there's a lot of tape on what they do now because of deep playoff runs and multiple times this team has been together It's it's so many things it feels to some degree like a squad that Hitting its peak and either they need to find a way to reinvent themselves offensively or just add new pieces But at this point of the season, I don't know how you can do either Yeah, no, you're right about that So it's about looking internally and trying to figure out what they can do to make a deep playoff run Um, I think terry has showed signs of providing some of what they've needed and tonight He was big as well. Um, let's go to the injury report really quickly Just because I think he may be um a slight part of it And now it's time for the official five on the floor injury report sponsored by our friend eric rubenstein The personal injury attorney born raised in lauder del florida Lives in Miami went to st. Thomas He's a south florida guy and a huge Miami heat fan But the important thing is he can help you get your money that you deserve when something happens to you So reach out to our guy eric rubenstein again eric rubenstein dot com or ask about me I got you on instagram and now the injury report injury report clean terry Uh roger did bang knees late in the game, but I think he's going to be okay He walked off under under his own power, but we'll watch for updates there tyler hero still out Do not expect tyler hero to be back Uh fellas, let's look ahead a little bit to the uh game tomorrow night against the used in rockets The used in rockets are coming in hot uh brian I felt like tonight. This was the night to be confident and that tomorrow night was not The night that I would feel confident Is there any way uh that you think miami can go in on the second night of a back-to-back Uh, and and knock off. I mean there's ways to do it getting it done But what's the probability against a houston team who is streaking? I mean they've calmed down a little bit, but And I don't know what i'm going to see from this team on a night-to-night basis, you know, so it is what it is like I just I didn't expect them to win tomorrow because I thought they'd win today Loose tomorrow and we'll see about indiana I can make predictions on this team at this point because I don't know what they are and we're in april You know, it's not like we're at the end of the season or anything I'm sure they have a bunch of time to figure out who the fuck they are But you know it is what it is at this point. That's that's where i'm at They they they they they'll probably lose tomorrow then you got pacer's hawks match raptors raptors None of those are gimme's the two raptors games should be but hell if i know Naveen agree or disagree The game at indiana this coming sunday will decide whether the maimi heat are in or out of the play-in Well for the well for that I don't necessarily agree because Only one of filly in the n miami is going to make it out Of that play-in scenario and get that succeed and right now filly is just one game back in the lost column Compared to indian miami and filly has a way softer schedule the rest of the way after this heat game They fly to memphis. We know the situation memphis They take on san Antonio the second night of a back-to-back Who knows if mb will play there when b and the spurs have been playing better? So maybe there's a chance they lose that but even after that they play detroit or lando and brooklyn into in the last games Before their schedule ends and if you look at indian miami miami has the hardest schedule from that crew So if he asked me right now, I think somehow filly gets at succeed and indian miami end up 7 and 8 in the play into some degree So maybe that game this weekend will determine if miami would have The home court in a play-in against indiana because I think this win for filly today is exactly what they needed to Go in a little late run here and avoid either milwock here boston in the first round Let's go ahead and take some questions Go ahead and send your questions in and we'll rapid-fire get those done. I actually disagree I think the heat schedule is easier than advertised toronto They have to finish with at least the six worst record to keep their pick Uh, so I think that they're going to tank those last two games in miami and that is going to help a ton For miami in terms of that strength to schedule But I know that a lot of heat fans don't feel real confident with some of the other games on the schedule add indiana Um, etc. So we'll see how that goes down Uh, let's take some questions and then we will get the heck out of here any questions from all of our Uh viewers. We have over 1,100 watching live. We appreciate that very much Uh, here's the first question from jimmy buckets. Why does spoa only uh like nico in the first quarter who wants to take that one I mean, look, this is kind of the rotating spot, right? Like the big next to bam early on was like Kelly ollinic would play these similar minutes mires that are like those guys don't always close games Except in this point At this point nakole yoke. It's being nakole yo vich is being used as As this for in a developmental spot Which is to say I think the reason they're doing this Is to get him in early There hasn't been a scenario really consistently where they've Hept them in there late in the game like in the fourth quarter two clothes or anything like that I think that's something that's going to come next year if he's in the same role Next question from danny tenavine is a time to build around bam Can bam be the best player of a championship contending team because honestly the answer to me is no I mean, can he be the best defensive player? Absolutely, although i'm being kind of the keys lunch money the day for being quite honest Um, but can you build around them? You can build a defense around them, but offensively It's just it's not going to be there night after night where you can say this is the centerpiece of the team And we're going to contend for a championship. Can he be the second best player in the championship level team? We've seen it so my answer is yes, but not the first Fair point there. Uh, I think even the most Passionate bam enthusiast like myself would say that that he's best cast Maybe as the second best player overall and maybe even the third best offensive player overall On a championship level team if we're really getting all of our ducks in a row Uh, we got one more question that comes in here from ralph. Why is jimmy so passive man? Come on Um, and I don't know the answer to that question. I don't think any of us have the answer But this is going to be the major question heading into the off-season heading into the playoffs Is jimmy going to rise to the level of play that they need for him to be Successful and for the mind me heat to make a run tonight. They did not get that done again They lose at home 109 105 still ahead of philadelphia in the standings, but the uh, lead shrinks ever so slightly We are looking now at the heat in the seventh spot with a half game lead over the philadelphia 76ers Game on sunday at indiana's going to tell you a ton about where maimi will finish So make sure you look out for that Uh to naveen to brian. Thank you very much for joining me to all of our listeners We appreciate your support very much and all to all of our live viewers as well peace out And uh, hopefully the heat get the next one Thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the fibers and sports network after all Someone needs to listen to my dad I Fluffy bread classic burger buns and so many carbs carb fear is real But hero bread makes healthier versions of the carb heavy favorites. We love most We're talking fewer calories zero to two grams net carbs zero sugar and seriously great taste Plus more of the dietary fiber and protein you want with no compromise Don't skip out on your favorites. 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