The Howie Carr Radio Network

Regrets, The Rock Has a Few: A-Lister Backtracks on Biden Endorsement | 4.5.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace covers everything from earthquake updates to Afghanistan. Don't miss it.

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05 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, stay stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Biden, Joe Biden, op. This is his name. He is set to speak today. He's touring Baltimore. He's going to talk about the bridge collapse. I don't know if he's going to comment on the earthquake. He did have an event yesterday about Greek Independence Day and it was, you know, it was, it went as well as any of those things go. He fought, there were a lot of Joppa jokes that were missed. Yeah, he didn't go as hard on the, I was raised in the Greek community, but he did fight with the teleprompter at one point. He said, you know, roll that back, which I'm surprised doesn't happen more often. But I wanted to clarify just a couple of things here because we do have an inside source who told us, I read something earlier from this Axio story about Trump loving his iPad. It actually says that he, after dinner, he'll open his iPad and play the hits. Sometimes it's so loud that people have trouble talking. He marvels at the sound quality of filling the garden. It does read realistically. I could see him saying, can you believe the sound in here? It sounds amazing. This is why, this is why I don't do it often. I'm not as good at the impression as Taylor, but I could see him loving the sound quality. I can't imagine that crowd though, because I've been to Mar-a-Lago. I don't throw it around that often, but everyone's in a while I do. It's an older crowd typically, and I can't imagine, and Trump's older, I can't imagine that he's on board with making the music so loud. That's, Jared, that is, there's two complaints that old people have when they go out to eat. Okay? Number one complaint is, it's so loud in here, I can't hear anything. You can't even hear yourself talk, it's so loud in here. That's number one. What's number two? It's so dark in here, I can't see anything, and they bring out the phone flashlight. I'm not there on either of those yet, but I just can't imagine that he'd be cranking up the music so loud when people are trying to talk about, "You know, the crowd is probably trying to talk about Biden, and can you believe this? Can you believe that?" So I asked somebody who I know who goes to Mar-a-Lago. I said, "Does he play the music super loud?" And this person said, "Not for me." I think the music's the perfect volume. So I'm going to say fact-check falls on that. This is... Surprised Axios would give an untruth in one of their articles. But I guess it's subjective, you know what I mean? It's like, what's subjective? It's like, what I consider too loud, you might consider fine. My sister turns on the radio in my car, and then I try to talk to her, and she just turns it up louder and louder as I try to talk to her. And she's like, "Can we just listen to the music?" I'm like, "Okay." It's blaring. That's number one. Number two is this whole earthquake scenario, okay? Fox has been running with it all day long. The New York Post, the cover of it, is "Quake up call." Everyone is very much obsessed with the fact that there was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in so far, when I've... At first, it was New Jersey in New York. And then people said, "Oh no, it was also in Pennsylvania. Fine." I think we're at the Southern Ontario. And then I get emails from people. Hi Grace. Maritimes. Hi Grace, just reporting to you that I'm a New Hampshire, and I felt it. And then of course, you know, Massachusetts people, we never like to be left out of anything. We consider ourselves like the beginning of it all, so we're going, "Oh no, it was here too." And one of our co-workers, who shall remain nameless, just showed up. And he said to us, "Oh yeah, did you guys feel it here?" And Jared and I said, "No." And he said, "Oh, I felt it." And my house. I live in a three-decker and I could feel it swaying. I thought it was the wind. And you know what? I've been nice all day. I've been nice all day. I've been patient with you people. I'm calling BS on some of this. Now it feels like everyone just wants to get in on it. Everyone's like, "Oh no, no, no, no, no. I was sitting outside. I was having a cup of tea." And then I felt it. I could feel it in my bones. Do you think that maybe at this point you're all, it's like a false memory. You're convincing yourselves that you felt it? It's placebo. You're hearing about it, so you think you felt it. But I don't know if you felt it. And you know what? Listen, I get it. What were we talking about the other day? We were talking about Caitlin Clark in Iowa, the Iowa game. And I said, "People just want to feel good about something. People just like some wholesome." And I'm not saying this is wholesome or this is a good thing. But people like to feel a part of something. It's like, Jared, back in the old days when American Idol was in its heyday and we'd all be calling in and voting, you know, "Oh, I want Taylor Hicks to win. Oh, I want Kelly Clarkson." We all felt like we were on the same team for a minute. And I think when something like this happens, people just want to feel seen. That's why they're taking to their Facebook pages and saying, "Hey, everyone, at 1026 today, I felt a rumbling." What do you think the Facebook profile frame for this is going to be? I don't know why. Have you updated your page yet? You're kind of in the Facebook demo. I am definitely a Facebook demo. Well, I even go back to my space. Your Instagram today, Jared, will be filled. Based off the people in your age range, it will be filled with people making earthquake puns and talking about where they were. There are some friends on Facebook that I've scrolled through the feed that are already talking about it. And then, of course, and then you get the other elements of this, which is people like Jared, who've lived in California, who then need to flex on us and say, "Trust me, this is compared to what I've..." I'm just sitting here on the sidelines. I've got nothing to do with this. I did not feel the earthquake. I've never felt an earthquake. I'm not going to try to impose my earthquake knowledge on anyone. I'm just going to wait for the next thing. And, you know, out of all the things that we cover, if this is what it is, if people need to talk about the earthquake, go ahead. It's a Friday afternoon. I'm going to take it away from you. I'm not going to take it away from you. Number three. Oh, actually speaking up, you know how I kept saying my coworker who won't be named? Did you see this thing the other day? It was on 60 minutes. Who's that guy on 60 minutes who has the voice? Oh, Scott Pelley. He's got the words like very serious. He did this thing on Havana syndrome. And he does this interview with an FBI agent or someone in the FBI. And I kid you not. They're like, "We want to keep this person's identity anonymous, so we disguise them." Did you see this? No, I didn't. Did they, like, pixelate and shadow and change the voice? Did they use the how we cover voice changer? Typically, they might as well have. That isn't fallible. Typically, Jared, what happens? They'll do the shadow thing. Well, they'll do a silhouette of the person, and then the voice will be like, "I was blah, blah, blah." They'll put the whatever. They put lipstick on this woman, and they put her in a blonde wig. The lighting didn't change. The voice didn't change. Wait, they just put her in, like, disguise? Jared, it would be like if you put a share wig on me, like, a long black wig, and then I sat here and said, "Well, now that my identity has been disguised, no one will wrecking." It really was like the voice changer. It's like when how he says, "No one will recognize you now," and it's, "Whoa, whoa, whoa." You gotta at least go glasses if you learn nothing from Clark Kent. I saw it, and I thought, "This has to be a joke. This has to be a joke." They put her in bangs, basically. And they're like, "This should protect your identity?" Bangs? Like, who? Who's in this woman's life, who they wouldn't see her on TV and go, "Wait, I know who that is." It's just very, very weird. When we come back, I've gone on a few different tensions at this point, so we'll just break here. But when we come back, I do want to get to one more pretty serious story, and that has to do with this report. This is from CNN. It says, "State Department officials told House investigators they created Afghanistan withdrawal plans from scratch." And there's some quotes in here that I think we need to discuss, and actually, I did highlight a lot of this story, partly because I'm surprised that CNN of all places has it, but also because this is something where, if it was anyone else who was president, and if everything wasn't so incredibly crooked, we would have not only more answers, but we'd have very definitive answers at this point. Thirteen US service members die, and you've got Millie, you've got all of these higher-ups in the Defense Department, in the White House, and they're all saying different things. They're all saying, "Well, we told Joe not to do it." And Joe's saying, "Well, I just followed everyone's lying." And it would be a situation, Jared, where if you were at a company, let's take this company, for example, and you were saying one thing. Okay? You were saying one thing to the mailer manager. You said, "Oh, this went wrong because this happened." And then she comes to me and says, "Jared said this out." And I said, "Oh, no, no, no, that didn't happen. This happened." She would pull us both in a room and say, "Okay, we have two totally different stories from you guys. Let's settle this right now." Instead, you have these officials all claiming that things fell through the cracks for different reasons and nobody is actually giving a straight answer. Let me just read you a tiny bit of this before we go to break. It says, "ours of closed-door testimony from three top State Department officials shed new light on the unprecedented situation in the final days of the U.S. presence in Afghanistan." John Bass, Jim Dehar, and Jane Howell, those are the three officials. The new details paint a picture of the chaos outside the Kabul airport and the ad hoc nature of the evacuation." This is a quote from Mark Millie. It is my assessment that the decision came too late. He told a committee hearing last month. All three of the officials rushed to the airport in the days surrounding -- rushed to Kabul and the days surrounding the Taliban seizure of the capital city, and dove into creating systems on the fly alongside the U.S. military, and with constantly changing input on the ground and coming from D.C. Though officials who had worked at the embassy leading up to the evacuation told the committee investigators in separate interviews that planning for an N.E.O. began in April or May, the officials who arrived in August said that no such clearly anticipated plans served as their guide. This is what Howell said in her interview. "I cannot emphasize enough to you that minute-to-minute what was happening was changing." Minute-to-minute, what was happening was changing. Now, when we go through this, and when I, you know, let you know of some of these details, you will be -- you won't be surprised that it turned into such a disaster, because there was no plan in place here. We'll talk about this when we come back 844-542. Oh, by the way, N.E.O. is noncombatant evacuation operation. They reference that a lot in this. We'll come back with this when we return, so don't go anywhere. Jared, you've stayed at the Nossa Beach Inn. You loved it, and I don't blame you. There's a lot to love when you're sitting on the beach, when you're relaxing, when you're by a fire pit having a cup of coffee. I mean, you really can't beat that. And then when you look at the price, that's a whole other conversation, because you can't beat this price. Yeah, no, if you really want to get away and not go far away, the Nossa Beach Inn is the best place to go. It's the only lodging inside the Cape Cod National Seashore. It's right there on Nossa Beach in Orleans, and you are literally steps from the beach. Whatever room you're in at the Nossa Beach Inn, my wife and I, we loved it, we went down in the winter during the off season, and it's still the off season, and that's the time to go. You can really listen to the ocean. You can walk along the beach. They're pet friendly. If you want to bring your pet, your dog down there, they can run around as well. The Cape Cod rail trail is near there, so there's plenty of things to do. Or you can just sit out by the fire pits and enjoy the ambiance and the relaxing nature of it. My wife and I love sitting by the fire pits drinking our morning coffee. The sunrises are out of this world, the moon rises. Fantastic. You can see stars in every room has a fireplace and a nice big picture window, so if you just want to relax, have a bed day, stay in, be cozy. You can check out the view and stay nice and cozy in the room at the Nossa Beach Inn. At this price point, you're not going to beat it anywhere. And right now you can book your April Stay at the Nossa Beach Inn from $249.99 a night, and this may rates from $259.99 a night, so don't delay these rooms go fast. Go to That's to book your room today. We'll be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Happy Friday! Thank you for listening. Thank you for starting your weekend. What will hopefully be a wonderful weekend with all of us here at the Grace Curly Show. And don't forget, if you go to, you can get your hands on this awesome Grace's goodies. If you want to see how this device works, you can go to They've got a lot of different videos on the site that really explain not only how it works, but how many different situations it can come in handy. And right now, if you go to and click on store, you can get this product, which is $60, you're getting it for half off. These are going really quickly. I know that once how he announces it during his show, they'll go even faster. So go to and click on store to get yours now. Also, while you're at, you can vote in our poll question, which is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. Do what my listener Bob did and get the Rizzo Insurance audit. He saved money, and so can you call them at 1-800-267-6500. That's 1-800-267-6500, or go to Jared Diglio, you're playing the DJ yet again today. Spinning the wheels is steel. Play Misty for me. What do we have on DJT's playlist? What are our options here? All right, which of these songs on DJT's playlist is your favorite? Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, Suspicious Minds by Elvis. You can't always get what you want by the Rolling Stones, Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Murray Head, My Way by Frank Sinatra, and/or November Rain by Guns N' Roses. I'm an Elvis girl through and through. I always have been, and I always will be, so I'm going to go with Suspicious Minds. Suspicious Minds, still in second place, but gaining ground at 24% in first place, 27% for Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. 19% each for you can't always get what you want in my way. 8% for November Rain and 3% for Superstar. I'm happy, though, that he's a musical kind of guy because I love Phantom of the Opera. I'm not as well-versed in Jesus Christ, Superstar, Jared. I was in a production of God's Bow, which I know the two are confused with each other quite a bit. Would you like to know, would you like to ask a follow-up question to that? Absolutely not. Yes. What did you, who were you in the show? Thank you for asking. I was actually a role that was created, that we created as kind of a cast. That's always a good sign, right? All right, we have God, but we need a spell. Yeah, yeah. We have the characters that were intended to be in the show. But now we're going to kind of go off the beaten path here. We're going to riff. I was a cow, so there was a scene where, I don't know, Jesus was trying to show the people that he could, I don't know. Maybe it was when he was turning water into wine. There was some sort of cow involved that was slaughtered, and they needed someone to be said cow. And when I tell you, I played, I was a theater major. There was a lot of roles in my time. A lot of roles I was proud of. When I tell you that the slaughtered cow, and I was, I was pulled across the stage, was one of my biggest successes. Like, brought the house down, and it wasn't even in the script. It was completely created by the artist. That was really, that was probably top three for me. Would you say the audience was moved by your experience? Ha, ha, ha, ha. Yeah, God's Bell doesn't get enough credit. You know what? Next time I see Donald Trump, I'm going to say that to him. I'm going to say, yeah, with all due respect, I get the Jesus Christ superstar. But why don't you give this, give this a little bit of attention. What was the big song in that? Oh, day by day, day by day. Maybe I'll try to, I'll try to, I'll slip him a note next time I met Mar-a-Lago. All right, so when we come back, we are going to dive more into this story about Afghanistan. But let me just read you a little bit more. It says, this is from CNN. There was no time for them to prepare before landing in Afghanistan. Bass, that's one of the officials interviewed, was serving at the Foreign Service Institute when he said he was asked to take up the role by then Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, and he departed eight to ten hours later. So he's serving at the Foreign Service Institute eight to ten hours later. He's got this job. Dehart, who worked as Bass's deputy, left from his posting as coordinator for Arctic Affairs in Washington. Howell, who served a senior consular officer on the ground, traveled to Afghanistan directly from her posting in Turkey. The officials had virtually no briefings ahead of their arrival. Bass said in his January 2024 statement, her testimony, he said, given how fluid the situation was on the ground, I'm not sure that additional preparation time would have yielded a significant benefit. Well, I guess we'll never know. Isn't that convenient? Like, I don't know if more prep time would have made it less of a disaster. If that's the case, then we have even bigger issues than I originally thought. There's more to this. We'll talk about it on the other side. Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. It was bound to happen. People are turning on each other with this earthquake. The fighting has started. You know, you give it a couple hours, Jared. Everyone at first feels a little camaraderie. Where were you? This is what... Did you feel anything? I was in Western. Oh, no, I'm in New Hampshire. Everyone's kind of loving it. And then all of a sudden, it turns. And people start to get very accusatory. You know, people start to get like, like I am. You know what we call it, you're suspicious minds. People start to get a little bit suspicious. Like, especially if you didn't feel it, and everybody in your circle is going, "Oh, no, I totally felt it." Huh, that's weird, because I was upstairs and you were downstairs, so that's strange. I didn't feel it. But you got a lot of people in the Northeast. It's like when it snows down south, you know, and like traffic stops and everybody goes crazy. Now you have all these people in the Northeast who have never felt an earthquake, and they're trying to say, "Oh, no, I was 4.8. I felt it where I was." And then you've got people who've experienced earthquakes who are in the Northeast, who are calling BS on those people. And people don't like to be called out. You know what I keep thinking is, I saw a tweet, where it said, "How can I try to make this earthquake about me?" And I thought, "Joe Biden's headed to Baltimore. He's going to give a speech about the bridge collapse." And I thought, "He's probably somewhere with his Raybans on right now, prepping." "Wink, wink, prepping, doing all this prep work. He's probably sitting there going, 'Earthquake, earthquake, quake, bake, chocolate chip.'" Like, "How can I—he's thinking—he's trying so hard right now. How can I turn this into something about Joe Biden?" But that's just human nature. Now, an example is I'm getting tweets now about this earthquake, and somebody said to me, "Let me read this." Julie Adams. She says, "I'm in Maine, and there were reports of people feeling the quake in Bangor." Bangor. It was getting trouble the way I said that. I didn't feel it in Scarborough, but I did grow up in California. See, Jared, here we go. What are we going to call these people? Earthquake, uh, earthquake aficionados. They're not going to— They're not going to deal with all of us earthquake fakers. I did grow up in California, and I felt a 6.1, and it was scary, as were a few others I felt. The only way a 4.8 feels big is if you're real close to the epicenter, which our co-worker who showed up an hour ago and tried to claim that he felt the earthquake, he was not close to the epicenter. He was about as far away from the epicenter as you could be. Am I being harsh? Little, but necessarily harsh. People need to hear this. It's like, "Mmm." Tough love, you know? I am concerned that Mr. Garcia is not called. I know he's usually, uh, not able to call during because he's working, but I am a little concerned. It's the hill call during Halloween. That's no excuse. When we're all here, we're all nervous. It's like you— you make an exception. You tell the boss, "Hey, people are counting on this right now. They need to hear my voice." Okay, Mr. Garcia, so if you can get to the phone, 844-542-42, I want to go back to this report from CNN. It says, "It's talking about the Afghanistan withdrawal." Again, we keep having all these investigations. Remember, there was a report a few months ago, and the media was asking the White House about it. They were very dismissive. They didn't want to talk about it. There's been investigations. There's been closed door hearings. What there hasn't been is any actual answers. So there was no time for them to prepare. It says, "The officials had virtually no briefings ahead of their arrival." Bass said in his January, 2024, testimony that given how fluid the situation was on the ground, I'm not sure that additional preparation time would have yielded a significant benefit. That is like the equivalent of having— taking an exam and bombing it, like failing it miserably. And then just saying, "I don't really know if I had more time to prepare and study, if I had actually studied for this, if it would have gone better." It's like, "Yeah, well, I guess there's a situation where, if you're that bad at studying, then maybe you wouldn't have performed better, but hopefully if you had had more time, you would have done better." They're trying to say, "I'm not sure if we had more time to prepare that things would have been different." Well, that's very concerning. Because it was such an abject disaster that I don't know how it could have gone worse. I have ideas of how it could have gone better. First of all, if Joe Biden had actually listened to the people telling him not to do it. But second of all, if you all had had a little bit of prep time and could have figured out how to get Americans out without using the Taliban to bring them through the Kabul airport. It feels like a way it could have gone a little bit smoother. But the weighty challenge was overwhelming for the officers who vetted the people seeking to leave on US flights. They faced constantly changing directions in terms of who could be evacuated and how many people could be evacuated, which led to an era of frustration. I don't know how it's like they faced this, they dealt with this. There was a person Jared who made this decision. As Jake Tapper would say, I don't know who's in charge in DC. I don't know what guy is in charge here. He was running that outfit over there. I think his name's Joe Biden. I think that's why they're facing all of this frustration. On a human level that's quite frustrating, it was required because of the circumstances said to heart as he discussed the constantly changing guidance. The circumstances being your boss, the big guy, is a moron. That's the circumstance here. And that circumstance has been a hindrance for a lot of people and a lot of different circumstances. The efforts to get people into the airport compound faced countless setbacks, many of which were caused by the Taliban, which is also crazy because I remember Jen Psaki telling them like, "Listen, the international community is watching." And yet, they weren't on their best behavior. Which maintained security perimeters throughout the city and violently stopped people from reaching the airport. This situation was evolving constantly, how it all said. They keep saying that all this evolution and the changing and the fluid and everything's moving. I'm going to translate this. This is all translation for. This was a complete cluster bleep. Charlie Fox trot to use the parlance of the time. It's been a while since we brought that out on the show, since we trotted that one out. Charlie Fox trot, very good. It was the Taliban. It was what will the Taliban allow? What will they let people move through and how will they do it? She said. How noted that it was very rare that all the gates into the airport were open because there was so much chaos and violence as people desperately tried to get to the airport. How described Abby Gate, the site of the deadly ISIS bombing on August 26th that killed 13 American service members, as always the one with the most violence, the most issues with the Taliban, the most issues with crowd control. How spoke of one incident where she had been briefed that the Taliban agreed to admit Americans in a controlled fashion into a passenger terminal, only for them to do nothing they had agreed to do and tens of thousands of people over in the passenger terminal. The Taliban, they didn't, the honor system with that. It always seems, there seems to be an issue with that. Every time we just take their word for it. And again, I go back, I know I keep saying this about Gen Zaki, but that was one of the most unbelievable cuts. And she had a lot of whoppers at the podium, but she said something jared along the lines of like, the Taliban's going to have to really think about how they want to be seen in the international community. And now we have a report that we were depending on the Taliban to help us bring all these people through. And they agreed to it and they were going to do in a controlled fashion and then they went back on their word. It's almost like you can't trust them. I'm pretty sure where they want to be in the international community is boasting about how many Americans they kill. How that's where they want to be. Yeah, it says how said that after having worked on Afghanistan for 19 years, it was quote, a little bit wild to tell people that you can trust the Taliban, but explain that it was a necessity given the circumstances. Again, said circumstances. Who's in charge of this? Whose decision to do this led to all of these evolving, fluid circumstances? And it is so on point for the Biden administration to have multiple options, but to pick the option of evacuation where the military people had in the ambassadors and all said, this is the most difficult, the most vulnerable, the most chaotic position. And you know what Joe's like, get it done. Make it go there. Joe wanted a photo op on September 11th, where he could say, look at, I got everyone out of Afghanistan. We officially withdrew from Afghanistan. It was all for Joe's ego. That's the most maddening part of this whole thing. And they want to say, well, Trump had already put the deal into place and blah, blah. Oh, that's the one part of the Trump administration. They felt that they had to follow. They had such deference for. And by the way, Trump would not have gone through with any sort of deal if he didn't get exactly what he wanted. If he didn't think there was order in place, that's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard that he was going to allow this dysfunction. To go on during an evacuation. Only Joe Biden would see this and go, yeah, we're going to do it. We've got a, we've got a timeframe here. We've got to meet so I can put out a tweet of myself with Raybans on on September 11th. He's a complete dolt. Dolly, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Dolly. Oh, hi, Grace. Well, I didn't call about the Taliban. I was calling about the earthquake stop. And it's funny. You mentioned this, but he said, well, I was upstairs and you were downstairs and you didn't feel it. And I did, but that's very common grace because it's basic physics. When you shake something, the top is going to go, you know, higher buildings feel it more. However, we, we had one not long. Well, I don't know, maybe 10 years ago up here in the Northeast. And Jasmine and I both felt it because I have been in an earthquake in the past yet not. And he goes, what is that? He went running for the boiler. He figured it's the furnace blowing up. I was like, no, that's an earthquake. What? So I looked it up. The U.S. Geological Survey, it'll tell you exactly where it can be felt. So anybody who's claiming they felt it, five states away, you could tell them whether they did or not. Yeah. And you know what it is, Dolly, is that, and you're right about the, like my coworker said, he said, you know, I'm on a three-decker so you can feel it more. It's the same with the wind, you know, if you're up high. It's science. It's science. I don't have to explain to you guys. You guys get it. But the thing is, the mind is so powerful, you know, and I'm not denying that people feel as though they felt it. You know, I'm not denying the fact that you think you felt the earthquake. I'm sure people think they felt the earthquake. I'm just a little suspicious over whether or not you did. And thanks to Dolly, now I know there's a way that I can fact check people. I'm going to be like Glenn Kessler of this thing. I'm going around going, oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You said you, you felt it? Give me one second here. Look at you. Watertown. Whip out my laptop. Hold on one second. Linfield. I've got some googling to do. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two one other thing before I go to the calls here on the Afghanistan front. It's also incredible that we have this report now because Afghanistan is in the news right now in the sense that Joe Biden and other American politicians specifically the left are condemning Israel and for this drone strike and Israel's come out very quickly. They've admitted that they were wrong. They've admitted the results have been tragic and they fired two of the officers involved, which is very different from the response the U.S. had in a situation that basically mirrors this where Joe Biden's righteous drone strike killed 10 civilians in Afghanistan, including seven children. And he was not as forthcoming. So I just think it's rich that he's putting out these statements and he's going to turn his back. And that's the thing is that there's growing tension now. And Joe Biden is getting pressure from Dr. Jill from all these people that he needs to turn on Israel. We know that he'll turn on anyone very quickly. And it's amazing that he's using this drone strike as like, Oh, that's the straw that's going to break the candles back when he did this. He did this in 2021. Cliff, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Cliff. Hi, about the no time for planning. I think it was Dwight Eisenhower said plans are nothing. Planning is everything. So yes, the sooner they could have started planning, the sooner they could have found the problems and they could have been better prepared to execute this. Yeah, really well said, Cliff, and you know what, I've never obviously have never been in a situation. Anything remotely as serious as planning this planning a withdrawal from Afghanistan. But I will say just in general in life, there has never been anything in my career in my life where if it's gone wrong, I've thought to myself. Like, if it's something that, you know, I executed poorly or it's TV hit that's happened to me before a column, a show. There have been times where I thought, you know, when I tried, I tried as hard as I could, it just didn't happen. Like, how he says to me, you always get another at bat. You can't harp on it. But there's never been a time in my career where if I did a bad job with something, if it didn't go well, that I thought, well, it wouldn't have made a difference. If I had prepared more, the first thing I think of is if I had prepared more, that would have gone differently. If I had worked harder at that, if I had been on time, if I had taken my time, if I had really gone through all the details, that would have been better. And so for your reaction, when something is such a Charlie Foxtrot to go, oh, well, we don't really know if it would have made a difference if we had prepared. Well, have you ever prepared for anything? Because if you have, you probably know that it would make a huge difference. I would think. We'll be right back with how we car don't go anywhere. I've said it before. I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. When it comes to dentistry, there is no one better. And in fact, if you guys want to hear more about Dr. Houghton, what he does, his practice, his expertise, you can go to his Meet the Experts episode with Howie Car. A lot of people are downloading this. They're giving it a listen. And they're understanding why I trust Dr. Houghton so much. He's the nicest guy. He's so talented. And he really loves what he does. And what he does is he gives people the smile that they've always dreamed about. He wants to make sure that you have a smile, that you have envisioned, that you're proud of, that you can walk into a room and feel really good about. And he's going to go through it at your own pace, whatever that means for you. Now, if you've heard me talk about Dr. Houghton, if you've listened to the Meet the Experts podcast, but you just keep putting it off and you don't know why, I'm here to tell you that putting yourself behind other people or putting yourself last on your list, you're not doing anyone any favors. You should put yourself first. You should do something for yourself. Do something for your confidence and call the team at Perfect Smiles. Perfect Smiles is located in Nashua, New Hampshire. They're right off Route 3. They have plenty of parking and you can reach them at That's Change your smile. Change your life. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's Car Crossover is brought to you by Tuxtruck's GMC in Hudson Mass, where you can enjoy a buying experience that is easy, personalized, and moves at your own pace, truck buying, the way you want it to be, visit tuxtruck's Joining me now is Howie Carr, Howie. I'm going to read you a sentence, okay? It's from Politico, and you're going to act as our media translator. You can explain to the audience what this means, okay? Yes. Here's the line. The Biden administration put the finishing touches Thursday on a plan to restrict presidents from unilaterally nixing civil service protections from large swaths of the federal workforce. Translate that for us, Howie. It's the Deep State Protection Act. They want to make sure that they can't get rid of the same kind of people like Peter Strach, Lisa Page, Kevin Kleinsmith, Jack Smith, all these horrible, horrible people who've never left the beltway, who've gotten rich and happy just oppressing the average American who works for a living and produces goods and services that people need. Beautiful job. He is fluent in this media hackery. Howie, I have one other thing to ask you. I know you'll talk about this story in Axios, about Trump. A lot of it had to do with Mar-a-Lago. Two things. One, do you think he plays the music too loud at Mar-a-Lago? No. No. I don't think so. Not at all. And two, we have... They don't have a... They used to have a band there. We haven't seen the band for a while. I don't know what happened to it. Howie. You know, like a singer and a trio or something. Another source told us that you do the arm movements to the YMCA? Is that true or false? No. That's false. Oh, Howie Carr coming up next. (upbeat music)