The Howie Carr Radio Network

Covid Relief Diverted to Illegals with Breitbart's Bob Price | 4.5.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace speaks to Breitbart's Bob Price about everything from illegals getting Covid relief funds to measles outbreaks in Chicago. Plus, Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster, but no one has been held accountable.

Broadcast on:
05 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially, Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly show. I guess I spoke too soon, Jared, because I'm getting a lot of emails from listeners saying that they were in Western Mass or they were in New Hampshire and they felt the earthquake. Yeah, my wife said one of her friends posted on Facebook on the south shore. They felt it down there. We didn't feel anything here. And I'm not doubting any of this. No, I mean, yeah, we just weren't in the area. But what I will say is that I can't help but notice that everyone's trying to get in on it. You know, like, oh, no, no, no, I felt it. I, there was a rattle where I was too. Again, I'm sure there was, but I also think, you know what it reminds me of? There's a Dane Cook sketch where he talks about how when there's like a car accident in a neighborhood, everyone starts to come out to talk to the police and they all have like a different story that's not relevant. I was in the kitchen washing a dish and I heard a screech. So I looked outside. It's like, everyone's posting these Facebook things going, I heard it too. I felt it. Yeah, I mean, I haven't flexed my Los Angeles muscle yet but 4.8. That's all. Wow, you're really good. We're about to get a lot of point eight. That's a, that's a, that's a day in the park out there. Everybody in New England right now in the Northeast is, and a lot of the, the rail that the train lines and stuff they're milking it to. They're like, oh, yeah, now we're going to have a delay. Oh, you don't say. Well, just wait for that, Jared, in Massachusetts, like, due to the earthquake, the train will be delayed. Oh, yeah. Well, what's the reason every other day that we have train delays? Is the earthquake where the orange lines on fire? Joining us now on a totally different subject, Bob Price from Breitbart joins the show. Whenever I see, and every single day, there's tons of news about illegal immigration, but whenever I see a bunch of different stories that don't only have to do with one another, I bring on Bob Price because he's able to kind of hit every single topic under the sun. Bob, I wanted to start today with a story from the Federalist that in Wisconsin, there was $700,000 in taxpayer COVID relief that was diverted to illegal aliens. And my first question for you, Bob, is that do you think this is something that happens more often than we know? Well, absolutely does. But before I touch on that real quick, I want to tell you, I'm here on the Gulf Coast to Texas, and I swear I felt that earthquake this morning, too. So there you go. Make sure you post about it on Facebook, Bob, or else, you know, I don't know how the world will survive. Now, this thing that you see there in Wisconsin where they took $700,000 out of their federal COVID relief funds and using that to pay for shelters and other services to illegal immigrants who are there in the great state of Wisconsin, if you will. You know, it's an endemic of what's been going on for years under the Biden administration under some of their migrant crisis. We saw money being diverted from health and human services that were supposed to go to disabled people's aid and support, and that money was being used to house migrants across the country. So that's something that the Obamas and the Bidens have been doing for a very long time and is stealing money out of your back pocket while you're not looking to give it to people that have no business being in this country to start with. Yeah, and that actually brings me to another point that I want to talk about. Oftentimes, and the most recent situation I can remember was on MSNBC earlier this week, where one of the anchors made a comment that based off the data that more American citizens commit crimes than illegal aliens. And they also they reference like anecdotal stories, which really just means stories they don't want to talk about that actually happened. But part of this Bob that I have an issue with is because it kind of they don't actually understand the point they're making. We have enough criminals in this country who are American citizens that we don't deal with and we see it all the time. We don't deal with them when they're here. So then let alone, you know, importing all these other people who not all of them are committing crimes, but even if it's whatever happened to even if it's one or even if it just saves one life. And then the reason I say this Bob is because there is a horrible story out of Illinois, an illegal alien is charged with murdering his wife nearly decapitated her in front of their children. So it's not just that these crimes are happening. These aren't like a break-ins, which are also bad, but these are really violent, horrible crimes that are occurring. Well, George Bush, George W. Bush would have said that they're just coming here to do the crimes that American citizens don't want to do. But in this particular situation, you see this man who's been in the country less than two weeks that entered the United States illegally. And now he's with his wife there in Illinois who almost chops her head off in front of their children because he learned that she had a boyfriend. Now, you know, okay, maybe this is a off kind of thing, but we see these kinds of crimes happening all the time. And the statistic that you mentioned a while ago about the crimes by illegal aliens versus crimes by American citizen, those numbers are bogus numbers to start with. Because here's why. In most jails and most prison systems around the country, they don't document if someone is an immigrant, if they're legally in the country or if they're illegally in the country. So there's not accurate records. Texas, by the way, does. And the numbers are skewed a lot differently than what you see in these national surveys. But in most states, particularly in the liberal states, you don't see a differentiation between a crime that's committed by an illegal immigrant versus a crime that's committed by a legal immigrant. Wow, I didn't realize that, Bob, and it actually does make a lot of sense now. Bob Price is with us from Breitbart. And just to just to talk a little bit more about this story that we were just referencing, it is alleged that the argument turned physical resulting in Perez, Estrada, stabbing Franco dozens of times about her head, neck, body, and hands nearly decapitating her head. She was pronounced deceased at the scene. And, you know, we hear a lot, Bob, from the left about compassion and how, you know, Joe Biden, the empathizer in chief, he brought so much compassion to this. And when they when they first took over in 2021, they were constantly boasting about all of the Trump policies that they were undoing or rescinding and how they were going to do everything differently. Hearing about a woman being almost decapitated in front of her kids, nothing about that seems compassionate to me, Bob. Well, there's the Biden administration has said repeatedly over and over ad nauseam that they have a safe orderly and humane immigration, been border system. And their system is anything but safe. It's anything but orderly and it's anything but humane. And it's extremely dangerous to the people of the United States. As we've seen in situations like this and the young lady that was murdered by an illegal immigrant in the Atlanta area in Georgia, you know, it's repeatedly you see these things over and over and over again. And maybe it's not a huge percentage of the 10 million people that the Biden is allowed to enter the country illegally, but it's all crimes that don't need to be committed here that are completely preventable. This, this Georgia murder, the guy went to from Texas to New York City committed crimes there and was released on bond there instead of being turned over to ice, which is what should have happened to him. And then all of a sudden, he goes down to Georgia with his brother and kills this young nursing student. It's like in Riley. I mean, it's just just unbelievable the kinds of things that Biden won't take. And it's not just that it's inhumane to people in the United States. It's inhumane to these migrants, the way that they're treated through this whole process, the dangers that they're put into the women that are raped, the children that are being sex trafficked across the country. All of these kinds of things are all a direct result of deliberate decisions that were made by Joe Biden on January 21, 2021. Yeah. And the only thing that Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats seem concerned about is how you label these illegal aliens. You know, you're not supposed to call them illegal. It's supposed to call them undocumented. You know, Trump called Lake and Riley's murderer and animal and that got them more upset. And I keep thinking, Bob, if only they could care this much about the young women who are having their skulls bashed in, you know, in cold blood while on a jog, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. But they have so much sympathy and concern over the murderers in these cases. Bob, so there's a lot of different components to this issue. And I think that's part of the reason that it's starting to trump the economy as far as voters number one concern. So obviously we just touched base on the violent crime aspect. We talked about the budgeting issues, the economic issues of this, how much it costs, you know, using money for COVID relief for illegal aliens. But then there's another part of this that's starting to get a lot of attention and that's the diseases that are coming in. Raymond Lopez, he's a Chicago Aldermen, he was on Fox News and he actually talked about this. I've heard about these migrant shelters having measles and chickenpox outbreaks actually that's happening here in Boston, but I wanted to play this cut for you and get your reaction. This is Raymond Lopez cut to please. I don't know how much our Department of Public Health or other officials are listening to the alarms that we've been raising since August of last year. And even in September when we had receipts from our ambulances showing that we had individuals testing positive for tuberculosis, this is a crisis we could have avoided. Just like with the measles, if we had simply instituted the American standard of vaccines upon all of those migrants being shipped to the city of Chicago, many of these individuals come with children. They are in our schools and all of those vaccination requirements that our kids are responsible for are waived for the migrant asylum seeker children. And that is putting people, families and communities at risk. So Bob, when people are coming over the border, whether it's in Texas or any of these border states, what is the standard? Like what is the medical process? And do we have do we have lists of what vaccinations people have or any vaccinations being administered at the border? What's going on with that? Well, first off, let me say how racist of Chicago, Alderman Raymond Lopez to say this, because that's what the response was when Texas officials brought this up 10 years ago, the diseases that had been eradicated from the United States, like polio and smallpox and, you know, now outbreaks of measles and tuberculosis. All of these diseases that were well under control have just run rampant now and Texas officials were criticized for even mentioning that as far back as in the Obama Biden administration. So now you see it coming home to roost in these liberal sanctuary cities where all of a sudden they're experiencing the things that we've been experiencing for more than a decade in Texas and seeing the devastation that's caused from that. Yes, you're now your children are at risk in these schools because there's no requirement for when the by the Border Patrol agents and they screen people at these processing centers along the border. There's no requirement for these people that they be vaccinated. We were firing soldiers kicking them out of the United States military because they wouldn't get a COVID vaccine. And yet migrants during the peak of COVID were released into the United States with no testing whatsoever. Just dumped on the city streets in border towns in Arizona, Yuma, and the gallows and El Paso and Del Rio and Eagle Pass and Texas and McGowan. All of these these cities that were having to deal with these issues for years. Well, welcome to the party Chicago. Yeah, really well said, Bob, and I think you're right. I think for so many people, the issue of illegal immigration ties in so closely with COVID because of because of all of those hypocrisies because of the fact that now we're giving money to people who are here illegally that was meant for COVID because of the fact that we are now being told. Oh, we don't we don't create policy based off these circumstances when we were creating plenty of policy around a different emergency during COVID. I mean, there's just so many layers to the double standards here. Bob Price from Breitbart. I wish I could have you on longer. I wish I had more time here. I thank you so much for joining us. Can you let the listeners know where they can follow you and read all your work? Oh, absolutely. Certainly at, you can pull up Bob Price there. And my Twitter handle is Bob Price BBTX. Awesome. Thank you so much, sir. We'll talk to you hopefully again soon. When we come back, I want to discuss this even further. I'm not done yet. I want to talk about COVID and illegal immigration and how those two things tie together in people's minds more than you might think. The Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. The weather is Jared. It's on its way. You know, it's warming up. It's getting there. And you've stated the Nossa Beach Inn before, Jared, tell people why this is such a great time to book your stay and finally check out what you've been talking about. Yeah, you want to get away without going far away and you can do that at the Nossa Beach Inn. There's just one of the most tranquil places that I've ever been. The vibes are great. As the kids say, it's super peaceful down there. The rooms are cozy. Every room has a picture window. So you can look out at the views in a fireplace so you can stay warm and cozy. There are fire pits outside. You can socialize with other people who are staying there. You can stay warm and you can watch the sunrise. You can watch the moonrise. You can look at the stars. You're steps from the beach. Whichever room you're in, you're just steps from the beach. They're pet friendly. The Cape Cod rail trails around there so you can do a ton of things down there. And you get a really nice piece of mind getaway, a nice relaxation. That's not going to break your wallet. Absolutely. And right now you can book your April Stay at the Nossa Beach Inn from $249.99 a night. Like Jared said, that's not going to put, that's hopefully for most people, that's doable. And it's a really, really great price. You don't hear about that, especially on Cape Cod. This May rates from $259.99 a night. Don't delay. These rooms go fast. Go to That's We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] A lot of people are saying Trump has terrible taste in music. And I would say that I also have terrible taste in music because I love stuff like this. I love a power ballad. I love drama. I love Celine Dion. It's all coming back to me when the song's like a minute too long and nobody else in the car wants to listen to it. And you can just sing your heart out. I really think that Trump and I have very similar taste in music. And that's the famous video where Slash is in the middle of the desert in front of the church, just thrashing away for like two minutes. So good. And you know what else I've been about Trump? I bet there's like 12 songs. And then when he's done with the 12, he just starts to write back. It looks like it's time to go back to the beginning. I walked in here. I said, these people need to hear Phantom of the Opera. I need more Phantom. Like Michael Scott when he needed more Mullins. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. Do what my listener Bob did and get the Rizzo Insurance audit. He saved money and so can you call them at 1-800-267-6500 or go to This is obviously our poll question. Axios had this big piece about DJ T. DJ T on the ones and twos. And now he likes to hold the iPad. He likes to hold the iPad. He likes to pick out all his own songs. I said to myself, I'm trying to work in them. Because the other day I called my parents. I had them on speakerphone and I had this like, I had this water in my ear or something. So I kept going. And my dad said, why do you keep doing that? You sound like Trump. What's up with this niffling? Anyway, the point is his playlist is our poll question. So Jared, let me have it. Alright, today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which of DJ T's songs is your favorite? Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. Suspicious Minds by Elvis. You can't always get what you want by the Rolling Stones. Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Murray Head. My Way by Frank Sinatra or November Rain by Guns N' Roses. I really like my way. But I'm going to go with Suspicious Minds. I love that song. We're caught in a trap, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Suspicious Minds still in second place at 23%. It's close though, 28% for Ring of Fire in first place. 21% for you can't always get what you want, 16% for my way, 10% for November Rain and slightly above appropriate 2% for Superstar. What's my other, there's another Elvis song I really love. Oh, I love how great that art. He's got a wonderful rendition of that. I love his rendition of Never Been to Spain. That's alright. You know what's a great song, Jared? We're gonna have to pull it up now. Now we're just on Grace Curly's playlist. Strikingly similar to Donald Trump's You've Lost That Love and Feeling, but the live version when he's got the whole band behind him, there's a part of that song, Chills. If I play for you guys and you don't have Chills, you don't have a heart. You've got bigger problems. Now if I were Howie Carr today, and I'm not in the business of telling the icon Howie Carr what to do. But I think my whole question, because if you missed this Biden yesterday, he was at a Greek event, some sort of recognition Greek Greek independence. And he was talking about how much the Greek community means to him. He's Joe Biden, not Bliss, as you know, and I think today he's going to make remarks on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, not Francis Scott King, even though that's what KJP called it. My poll question today if I were Howie is, will Joe Biden tell an earthquake story? Will we hear about how Joe Biden once survived some sort of earthquake? Will he make this earthquake that hit the Northeast about him? Yes or no? We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. See, I'm actually kind of torn because on one hand it's like, yes, Joe Biden could come up with an earthquake story. But he doesn't like to come up with news stories. You know, all of his lies we've pretty much heard before. So with anything, what he actually might end up doing is he might say, this reminds me of the house fire that I had. Like he might harken back to a different event in his life. Which is kind of a theme because he's done that with like experienced disasters that he himself is, you know, dealt with. Yeah. A flooded basement perhaps. But I mean, everybody is talking about this earthquake in New England and I, again, I'm so glad everybody's okay. That's number one. My sister's in New York City. So nobody's more thrilled that everyone's okay than I am. But you just mentioned, Jared, like people posting on Facebook, everyone is taking the opportunity to be Joe Biden in this situation. Hey, I know you heard about the earthquake, but this is really about me. Although earthquakes on Friday, eclipse is on Monday. It starts raining frogs this weekend. Are you worried about the eclipse? No, no, I mean, we lived through 2017 and literally nothing happened. And Y2K. Yes. There was an eclipse when I was in high school too. I can't remember exactly when it was. Not to go too far back into the time machine, but why 2K? How old were you? Why 2K? I was 21. Were you freaked out? Did you think the world was going to end? No, that's the one conspiracy theory that you go, I'm good. Yeah. Well, I was not quite a week then, as I am now, as they say. You weren't red-pilled yet. No, I was not. Yeah. I wasn't red-pilled at the time. Were people actually freaked out? Yeah, people. I mean, they, I'm not going to say people had bunkers, but I mean, it was, you remember the COVID runs on supplies? Yes. That happened for Y2K. People were worried that planes would fall out of the sky. There was genuine concern about Y2K. It's always toilet paper, I noticed. Yes. That's always, no matter what, if it's like a storm, if it's COVID, the toilet paper thing, that's the first thing people go for. They're panicked that they're not going to be able to have toilet paper in their house. And now I have to imagine that people have extra access toilet paper of anything. 844-542-42, by the way, you can vote in our poll question at You know who I have to ask about this because she is listening right now. I got to ask the mail-room manager out of all the songs on Trump's playlist because I emailed her the story today. And I said, you know, Axios has Trump's Mar-a-Lago playlist. And she said, "I love all of the songs." She said, "Most of the songs he has on there, I like." And I agree with her, but I think that might mean that we have bad taste in music. 'Cause the general consensus from what I'm seeing on social media is that people are not fans of Trump's music taste. That just means people don't have, people don't have fun anymore. These songs are fun. Jesus Christ Superstar. If you can go from Jesus Christ Superstar Jared and roll right into Elvis and then go back to Phantom of the Opera, you're doing something right. Everyone there is having fun at Mar-a-Lago. I would guess. All right. Now, I do want to go back to... Mail-room manager has weighed in. What did she say? Johnny Cash. Ring of Fire. Really? Okay. Okay. I think that's probably how he's favorite out of these. But ask the mail. How he likes the Stones. I know he's more sticky fingers than the other albums, but I think he likes Stones. Ask the Mail-room manager, Jared, say, "Do you think Howie likes this playlist?" Because I've been in the car with Howie and I've tried to play some old school bops like this. He's so into Bob Dylan and Frank Zappa and all those really, really... I don't know. He's got a eclectic music taste. I'll tell you that. The one thing Howie and I bonded over when we were driving one time is he introduced me after Prince died to some really great Prince songs. Prince is very good. Also, he did give me a new appreciation for Steely Dan. That's another one that I... They are my favorite band. They have been since high school. That's when I said, "You know what? I could groove to a couple of these." All right. Now, I do want... She said he likes some of the songs. I don't think he's a fan of the offering. Probably not. Can you imagine Howie when Jesus Christ Superstar comes on and he's at the... I can picture him at the buffet line at Mar-a-Lago. He hears Jesus Christ Superstar. He's like, "Oh God." No meatloaf is worth this. But you're not taking that iPad away from Trump. You'd have to wrestle it out of his hands. He loves being in charge of the music. Okay, Jared. Whoa, we have breaking news. What? Apparently, Howie does do the hand motions during YMCA. The mailer manager has told me we need to discuss this, I think, in the crossover. This is going to happen. Breaking news. I did not read this in Paperboy. Read all about it. I did not read all about this. This is going to have to be on the Rumble Cam today. The Rumble... Here's what I'll say. The Rumble Cam better be working. Otherwise, we know there's some sort of conspiracy because Howie Carr is going to do the YMCA on the Rumble Cam today. That actually doesn't shock me. I could picture him putting the hands over the head trying to do the YMCA. We'll talk all about this. You know what, though? I was going to go back to Israel and I was going to go back to the story about the Afghanistan withdrawal and this report that came out in CNN. That is all very, very much worth talking about and we will. But you know what I want to go to right now because it's Friday? Did you see that The Rock didn't interview with Fox? So I guess Dwayne the Rock Johnson. He endorsed Joe Biden in the last go round. I didn't know that. I don't put a lot of stock in The Rock. I know some people do. Some people love him. There's been rumors that he might run for president. But I guess he endorsed Joe Biden the last time around. And based off this interview, it sounds like he's not happy with Joe Biden's performance thus far. He was on Fox with Will Kane. This is what he had to say cut nine. You made that endorsement in 2020. Are you happy with the state of America? Am I happy with the state of America right now? Well, that answers no. Do I believe we're going to get better? I believe in that. I'm an optimistic guy and I believe we can get better. The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was one I thought was the best decision for me at that time. And I thought back then, when we talk about, hey, I'm in this position where I have some influence and it's my job then. I felt like that then. It's my job now to exercise my influence and share with this is who I'm going to endorse. Am I going to do that again this year? That answers no? Yikes. You know what? You know what? I would guess from now on. So sometimes I live in a very liberal area. I live in Milton and my little cul-de-sac, my little neighborhood, very liberal, you know, signs everywhere. Vote Joe. Not really yet. I saw I've seen one so far emerge, but I'm sure there will be. I remember at one point during 2020 one person had like ribbons all over the door for Joe Biden. So I have no doubt that's what's going to happen. But recently in Milton Jared, we had this vote about the zoning and a big part of it had to do with the trolley in Milton, whether or not it's rapid transit, whether or not Milton wants to lose funding if they don't allow for all of these, you know, these new residents to be created. Marhealy. So Milton voted no. Marhealy was very upset about that. But a few weeks before the signs were out. Everybody had signs on their front lawn vote. Yes. On question to vote. Yes. Vote. Yes. And I was a vote no camp and I was texting people going, there's so many signs. We're going to lose. There's so many signs everywhere. And one of my friends also in Milton said to me, every house that doesn't have a yes sign is a no. So every house that does not have a yes sign is a no. What I would say right now is any celebrity who endorsed Joe Biden and doesn't come out this time around and can't pain for him. In any person who was a big Joe Biden fan had the bumper sticker and doesn't anymore, he's a Trump vote. Like, that's what I would guess this time around. He can't say, I'm not going to vote for Joe Biden, I'm going to vote for Donald Trump because that's just career suicide in Hollywood. But he can say, I'm going to be quiet this time around. And that is just as much of an endorsement as Donald Trump is anything else. And you know what else this makes me think, Jared, and you're you were a big wrestling fan at one point, right? Yeah, I did. I love the 80s and 90s. I think he's going to run for president. I don't know why else you go on Fox and I'm sure he had some projects he was promoting. I know he is an alcohol line of spirits or something. He's got tons of stuff. But Fox going on with Will Kane, that's a move right there. That's something like he's got something brewing. I see politics in his future. Yeah, I mean, people wanted him to run, I believe in 2020 anyway. No, wait, what did. No, that was somebody else. I was kind of nevermind. Not the same person at all. But yeah, totally different people. I just remembered a slip, but that was kind of, no, but people wanted the rock to run. I wouldn't be surprised if we see, you know, we could see a rock new some ticket. Can you smell the rocks? Two athletes. Two excellent athletes. More stuffs coming out of that. One of them actually played college ball. But yeah, I just, I think that a lot of these, a lot of these celebrities now they do. They do look at Donald Trump and they think, if you can do it, I can do it. It's, it's not that simple, but some people like the rock who had success in so many other industries probably do think, Hey, I could give this a go. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. We will get back to the CNN report about Afghanistan and, but coming up, we have a really great segment prepared. So we're going to break here. Listen up, everyone. You've waited through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March. We've still been dealing with some rain right now. But guess what? The sun is on its way. The warmer weather, we're on the right side of this now, you know, where we're cruising downhill and we're going to be able to enjoy all of this warm weather. With the sunshine though, there are some downsides to it. And one of them is allergens and pollutants. You know, when you go outside and there's yellow covering your windshield and you just think I'm going to be sneezing all day, get the tissues ready. That's where the thunderstorm comes in. You plug it into the wall. Doesn't take up any floor space. You barely notice it's there, but you'll start to notice it because the air is purified. You'll start to feel it when you feel better and you're not sniffling all day and there's no weird odors in the air. Whether you're in an office where the windows are closed or you're in your house or you have a musty basement or you're in your car, the possibilities are endless. With the thunderstorm, you can enjoy this beautiful time of year without having to reach for the tissues. The 3-pack special is such a great deal. I want you guys to take advantage of this. Go to Use code GRACE3. That's Use code GRACE in the number 3. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Get the 3-pack today. Don't forget the code GRACE3 and we will be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. So you're looking for a deal and you want to make it real? A muddy saving deal. Goodie, goodie. Welcome back everyone. I am so excited about This Grace is Goodies. I think you guys are going to love it. It's sold out very quickly when how we did this cheap bastard deal recently. So let me say that first is go to and click on store to get your flip lock. Flip lock is a secondary door lock that's easy to use and is tough enough for worst case scenarios. It's $60. You're getting it for just $30 when you go to and you guys are going to love this. Anna Rieger joins us now. Anna, thank you so much for coming on the show. You know, one of the top issues going into this presidential election is crime. People are feeling very unsafe. Violent crime is making people nervous. How can the flip lock help people with that and kind of give us a little idea of what it does? So flip lock is an easy to use device. All you do is shut your door. You flip it. It drops. It locks into place. It holds over 1,600 pounds of pressure. And so it's really simple to use and it really gives you an easy way to secure your door when you're at home, especially if you're alone. You can put it in your bedroom, put on your front door. You can put it on your back door. It was initially created with schools in mind and now we have it for our homes as well. Now, Anna, you said it can withstand over 1,600 pounds of pressure. How much can the typical, just so people can kind of compare here, how much can the typical lock hold? A typical deadbolt holds about 100 to 200 pounds of force. And that's not really a big amount because it's just that little latch that goes into your frame. Whereas the flip lock goes all the way into the studs. The screws do. And when you flip it, it just holds it right into place. It's super, super strong. We've tested it with InterTech, actually. Yeah. And one thing I want to let people know is that I don't always say this when we have Grace's goodies, but I would really encourage you guys to go to if you want to check out the lock first because there's a lot of great videos on the site that explain how it works. And one thing you said to me, Anna, is that for some older people, this is a great option because sometimes locking the door every single time you leave the house or you're in the house is hard for people. And whereas this, it's very simple. Like there's not latches involved. You just kind of move it to the side. That's correct. So you just flip it. So when my mother-in-law, she had mobility issues with her hands and she did not like to lock it because she said when she was home, she was afraid she wasn't going to be able to get out of her hands. And so she just wouldn't lock the door at all. And so with fliplock, you can just literally use a finger, flip it. It drops and locks into place and you use a finger, just unlock it the same way. It seems simple to use, but it really holds up a lot of pressure and a lot of force if somebody was trying to come into your home. This is one of those devices where you look at it and it's just what you said. It's so simple and so effective that when I first saw it, I thought, "Oh, I wish I had thought of that. That is such a great idea." And Anna, one of the reasons you did think of this is because you were interested and you were determined to protect your kids. That's correct. So I had that alert that no parent wants, which is there's an active shooter in my area. And at that moment, I had no idea what my daughter in elementary school was supposed to do. She knew everything to do except if her teacher wasn't with her. And that's when I knew we needed to go into action to give her a way to secure her classroom. And we did, and that's when we created Flip Lock originally. And you guys have Flip Locks in the Revere Public School Systems in Massachusetts, which all my listeners are familiar with Revere. And so other schools are realizing how great of a device this is. Right. Yes. And with schools, you have to have a one motion and we have a one motion for fires and in Massachusetts especially, you have to have that. So with Revere, we went in and we're working with them to get that all cleared up. And Revere is just really happy to have them in the schools. And the teachers were even talking about how they were so scared and they didn't know what they were going to do if something like that happened. And now they feel the sense of security. And actually the kids also feel less stressed because now they know exactly what they're going to do. Yeah, I want everyone to go to Click on store and get your Flip Lock. Again, it's a $60 value. You're getting it for just $30. These sold out extremely quickly when how we talked about it on his show. So this is your opportunity if you missed it the first time around. The other part of this an that I wanted to discuss is that I think it's great for the listeners to know this is a great thing for kids in school. If you have grandkids who just moved out for the first time, they're in a college dorm, maybe you're a little bit nervous about their safety. This is a really good option and it's very easy to install. It's not a lot of heavy lifting, but it can make a big difference. Exactly, yes. And that's another reason we created the home part of it because we had our young daughter who moved into her own apartment. We were like, "Oh my gosh, somebody has a key if you're renting. That's the truth." And so this was a way to give that extra sense of security if they were in the shower or anything like that. Like you said, when you have kids that have a son that's in an apartment and he's got three roommates and I don't know anybody there, so I'd rather him have that at night to be able to lock his door and secure it to know that nobody can come into his actual bedroom. Yeah, my mom always says to me, especially if I'm ever home alone, she'll always say, "Did you put the deadbolt on? Did you deadbolt it? She'll ask me about three times." And this is a great way to be able to say, "Not only did I do that, but I have my flip lock and I know I'm secure." And something else that the website points out, Anna, that I don't think about this often, but a lot of people nowadays, they're relying on smart systems. They're relying on home security systems that are smart, that depend on Wi-Fi, that depend on this is something that it's not going to falter depending on your Wi-Fi connection or depending on your power. This is, it's just a great deterrent and it's going to work every single time. Right, well, we saw that with those students in that college situation in that place where somebody came in and hacked their digital keypad, you know, so that's something that was really, we took into account. We don't want something that somebody could hack into. We wanted something that you know it's going to be locked and that nobody can come in with some device and unlock it, which is, you know, as a parent. The only thing like to your point about your mom, you know, it's like we're parents. The only thing we can do is try to protect our kids and they're not with us. What can we do? We just have to give them the right tools and devices. No matter how old they are. So, you know, if your kid's 50, you still, that's my kid, you know? Absolutely, Anna. And this is such a great way to protect whether it's your kids, your grandkids, yourself. It's so easy. It's incredibly affordable. As we said, it's typically $60. You're getting it for just $30. And I think it's a great gift and it gives you a little bit of peace of mind. Anna Rieger, thank you so much for anyone who's interested. Go to, click on "Store" and get yourself a flip-lock. This is the coolest product. And I think it's going to make a huge difference for all of you. Go to, click on "Store", get your flip-lock for $30. That's half off right now. right now.