The Howie Carr Radio Network

Earthquake Hits Northeast PLUS Deejay T's Playlist Revealed| 4.5.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace and Jarred discuss the White House "press" people who can't speak to the press. Plus, Trump's supposed playlist is revealed and Grace has thoughts.

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05 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome, Bien Voodoo to The Grace Curly Show. Happy, happy Friday to all of you. Thank you so much for tuning in to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you for kicking off your weekend with us. We've got a lot to get to. We've got a great show planned. We're going to have a lot of fun. The big story right now for a lot of these news networks is that there was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in the Northeast. New York and New Jersey. I'm hearing reports that New Jersey was kind of the epicenter of this. But a lot of places felt it. My sister is actually in New York City and she texted us. It's right around 10.30 that she felt it. Her apartment, I think, is on the 29th floor. And so far it looks like everyone is okay. It doesn't seem like anything is that there was too much damage. I can see now it says the Amtrak is still running. Most things are still up and running. So that's... Nice work, Angela. Angela, the conductor for Amtrak. Oh, you think he... Okay. Sorry, Jared. It's a long week. Sorry, yeah. No, but glad to see everyone's doing okay. Pennsylvania, too, was feeling it. That's interesting. So New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. We did not feel it here in Massachusetts, but definitely leaving residents a little bit rattled. Not what you expect on a Friday in the Northeast, but we will keep you updated. A few other stories that I'm keeping an eye on today. Nothing to do with the earthquake. Earlier this week, an Israeli drone strike killed seven aid workers from the World Kitchen Organization. We've talked about this. If you missed the interview yesterday with Ari Hoffman, I would suggest going back wherever you get your podcast and checking that out. This happened in Gaza. The charitable group supplies food and war zones in times of crisis. And it was a horrible event. And Israel announced today that the two officers involved in carrying out this strike have been dismissed. So this was from AP. It says, "The findings of a retired General's investigation into the Monday killings marked an embarrassing admission by Israel, which faces growing accusations from key allies, including the U.S., of not doing enough to protect Gaza's civilians from its war with Hamas." Now, the U.S. in this case, as I've pointed out, and Ari was very quick to point this out as well, does not have a leg to stand on as far as condemning Israel for what they're admitting was a horrible mistake that they should not have made. But for the U.S. to be one of the key allies that's going to lecture or condescend or condemn Israel for this is, you know, the height of hypocrisy. And finally, this hypocrisy was brought up yesterday to the Pentagon press secretary. So the reporter who brought this up was Mike Glenn from The Washington Times. Now, it's a great question by Mike Glenn. I am going to spoil a little bit of this for you. I don't think you'll be surprised. Glenn doesn't get an answer from the Air Force Major General, Pat Ryder. Because you don't get answers when you're dealing with the current administration. I have never seen in all my time so many press secretaries who can't talk to the press, so many spokespeople who can't speak, period. But I think it's important to play this, not because we get an answer, not because anyone's admitting, you know, the U.S. doesn't admit that that was our fault. Like the Biden administration is never going to admit that. In fact, they lied about it for weeks and weeks and weeks until, finally, the New York Times said, you know, what happened here. And they had to admit, oh, yeah, you know, when we told you we killed a terrorist, we killed a member of ISIS. Actually, we killed 10 civilians, you know, carrying water from one place to another. And seven of those, seven of those were children involved in this righteous drone strike that Joe Biden was so proud of until he wasn't. So I think it's important that at least they know at the White House, follow me here, they know, we know. Do you get what I'm saying? It's not that I think they're going to answer anything. It's like, I just like them to know, we're not dumb. Like, there are some people out in the universe who understand why you guys shouldn't be lecturing Israel on this. And so I want to play this. And this is the, as I said, the press secretary for the Pentagon, Pat Ryder. This is kind of 11. Let me get a couple other folks haven't called on here, Mike. Yeah, thanks, Pat. In August 21, 2021, the U.S. launched a drone strike that killed seven children and three adults. For several days, people in this building, including your predecessor and the former chairman insisted it was a righteous mission. Nobody was punished for it. Nobody lost their job over it. I mean, is a really, is the U.S. really in the position to be outraged about what happened in Israel since it seems to almost mirror what happened in the U.S. did in Afghanistan. Yeah, Mike. I mean, I appreciate the question, but, you know, I'm not going to be able to talk about the past. All I can talk about today is the present. And the fact is, you know, hold on, pause it right there. I'm not going to talk about the past. I'm only going to talk about the present. Is this like a Chloe Kardashian Instagram quote? Did he get that from a fortune cookie? You aren't going to talk about the past. You're going to focus on, is this a way that now we can have these conversations? Because Jared, if so, next time I get a crazy caller who brings up, what about when Trump said this? I'm just going to say back, listen, listen, listen. I'm not talking about the past. Okay. I'm all about the now. I'm all about today, man. You're living in the past, man. Move This is a Pentagon press secretary. He's not going to talk about it. It's not like we're asking him to talk about something that happened 100 years ago. It happened in 2021. It happened in this administration. Okay. Well, in the present, you're condemning somebody for something you did. So in the present, the past. Here's the weird thing, Jared. The past is affecting the present. What? Funny how that works. So, yeah, the past, I guess, is off limits. Remind me, Jared, next time someone argues to me on anything. What's living in the past, man? I'm just going to go living in the now. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Don't hold me to what I said yesterday. I am all about the here and now. I think I'll win any debate in the future. It's crazy little place. I know it's called be there now. But, Jared, you know, these press people who are supposed to be, they're the faces of the operation. You know, they're the, they're supposed to put out fires. I always say they're like the cleanup crew and KJP is the cleanup crew and then John Kirby's the cleanup for KJP when she messes something up and she's there for when Joe messes something up and just keeps going on and on and on until finally they put up a person who I've never seen before and I don't know who they are. And that person usually gets a pass just because nobody's interested. It's like they go to the lowest level staffer and have them come out and talk about something. So, of course, they can't put out fires. They can't clean up messes. They can't speak to the past. God forbid. And it's like four or five days ago, man. As I just mentioned, we are going to talk about Afghanistan, by the way, because this is not the only reason Afghanistan is news today, but I just mentioned KJP and how she's always telling us I can't speak to that. She's always invoking the Hatch Act. Like, you know, that's the one, that's the one thing in this flipping a White House that they like revere the Hatch Act because the Hatch Act is actually just another way of saying sources and methods. I can't speak to it. It's out of my hands. It's not my department, the Hatch Act, the Hatch Act, anything that has to do with Joe Biden because he's running for president can be looped in somehow to the Hatch Act. She's always referring reporters to other departments. I didn't end up playing this because sometimes I just don't see the point of it, but Peter Ducey was asking her about the strategic petroleum reserves. He was like, you know, you guys said during Putin's price hike that eventually you were going to refill these and you haven't. And she reminds me of a receptionist who's working one of those big fancy circular desks and has several different phones going and all they do is pick up and I'm not, I shouldn't say all they do because receptionists. We appreciate you. Anyone listening out there. But what they do is they answer the phone and they go, hold on one second, let me transfer you. Her job is not that much heavy lifting. Like she does not even have to do the transfer. She doesn't have to. She just has to say, that's not my department. And then you have to figure out how you're going to get in touch with them. That's not my department. I refer you to the energy department. So that's what she says to Peter Ducey. Now, recently, I've been watching curb you with your enthusiasm. I've been watching curb Jared because the series is ending soon. And I realized I pay for HBO and it's always trending. And I realized that I haven't really been keeping up with it. So I thought, you know what, I'll start off at like season four and I'll just try to catch up. And I'm on season nine right now. And I watch these episodes, you know, just a wind down before I go to bed. And the other day I was watching an episode and Larry's at a restaurant with Jeff and they order food and the host comes out and says, I'm sorry, your food's not ready. There was a disturbance. And Larry wants to know what was the disturbance, like what's going on. And the host just won't tell him. And I'm watching this and I'm going. Who does this remind me of? And then I realized this guy reminded me so much of every single Pentagon press secretary. Regular press secretary, spokesperson for the education department, spokesperson for the defense, any person in this White House, anyone of Biden's minions, this character and curb reminds me up. I want to play this for you. And if I'm crazy, you let me know, but take a listen. Hi, I'm the manager. There's been a delay in your meals. I'm very sorry. There's been a disturbance in the kitchen, but we're taking care of it. Thanks. Well, what kind of disturbance? A general disturbance. What's a general disturbance? Well, let's just say it was a minor hiccup. Well, was it a hiccup or a disturbance? It's such a small disturbance. It might be either one. Was it a chef angry or did somebody drop some pots and pans? What happened? Let's just say the disturbance happened. Okay, that's a fact. And we're taking care of it. Okay? You listening to this? Wait a second. How come you won't tell me what the disturbance was? Oh, well, that's a very good question. And I'm on top of it. Well, thank you. I'm glad you thought it was a good question because it was a really atrocious answer. Well, I begged to differ. Let me ask you this question. How in God's name did you get this job? I am great at dealing with these disturbances. Yes, really. I'm asking that because you come off as quite a goofball. I'm going to take that as a compliment. It's not. This is my favorite right here. Delicious meal, by the way. This is K.J.D. right here. Oh, gosh. I'm jealous. Is there any question that you will answer because you haven't answered one question yet? For example, what color is your tie? Let me just say this. Uh-huh. I am wearing a tie. Yes, you are. What color is it? I believe the tie is self-evident. So, the color is there. Okay. Okay, great. All right. Thank you. Am I wrong, dude? That is pretty dead on. That is dead on. And let me just say you could swap that out with Let Me Be Clear and it's Pete Buttigieg. It's Karine John Pierre. It's John Kirby. It's Jake Sullivan. It is every single one of these hacks. And, side note, speaking of hacks, I read a story today and we'll get to all of this. We have so much fun stuff to get to. That's a great part about Joe Biden being president. I don't say that often, but one good thing is there's always a story. There's a story out there today about how Joe Biden is, he's putting in all these rules and regulations so that when Trump becomes president, hopefully God willing, it's harder for him to fire hacks. Like Joe really wants to make sure that all of these people, that they can't leave, that they have a real tight grip on their jobs. We'll talk about that as well. 844-542-42. But we're going to take your calls on everything. By the way, if you're in New York, if you're in New Jersey, if you felt the earthquake and you want to call in and give us an update, that's always appreciated. Mr. Garcia, let us know you're safe. Yeah, Mr. Garcia, he'd be a great one today. Where are you, Mr. Garcia? It's been too long. Colin, today's Friday, be a nice way to end the week. 844-542-42. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. 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What I didn't know, not to brag, but I have been at Mar-a-Lago when he's there. I can confirm that when he comes downstairs for dinner, everybody stands up. What I didn't know is that according to this article, he goes to his chair and he's in control of the playlist. The dude wants the aux cord. He takes out his iPad and he's just choosing the music. Some of the music that's on his playlist was very surprising to me. I knew the guy loved YMCA. I knew the former president loved YMCA, obviously. I knew that there was a couple songs that artists told him he couldn't play when he was at his rallies. They didn't want to be associated with him. But I would say it's an eclectic mixture. You know what it is? It's an eclectic mix of hits. That's the common theme of Trump's playlist. He likes the hits. He likes the songs that when you hear it, you don't even know it, but you know every single word. And that brings us to our poll question, which is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. Do what my listener Bob did and get the Rizzo Insurance audit. He saved money. And so can you call them at 800-267-6500 or go to Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which of DJ T's songs is your favorite. Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, Suspicious Minds by Elvis. You can't always get what you want by the Rolling Stones, Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Marty Hayes. ♪ Jesus Christ, Superstar ♪ I hate that musical. We will get into that. My Way by Frank Sinatra or November Rain by Guns N' Roses. I love Elvis. You guys know that. Jared knows I have him pull Elvis all the time, so I'm going to go with Suspicious Minds. Right now that is in second place at 27% in first place, Johnny Cash. Oh, very good. At 33% with Ring of Fire. 16% for you can't always get what you want. 11% for My Way, 9% for November Rain and 5% for Superstar. And we will get back to this story about how Trump loves to spin the tables on his iPad. But first, we have someone calling in from New York City who's going to give us a little update on the earthquake. Charlotte, thank you for joining us. Charlotte, give us a rundown of what happened. Hi, Grace. Love the show. Thanks for having me on the air. Yeah, I don't. There's not really much of a rundown to give. I was just in my high-rise apartment building and all of a sudden I had just turned my washer on. So I thought that it was going a little bit crazy, but then it turns out it was an earthquake. Oh, my gosh. And now, Charlotte, from what you've heard your friends in the area, what you're seeing is everything pretty much okay. It's just kind of rattled people, but it doesn't seem like there was any damage done so far. Yeah, I don't. I haven't heard of any. I know that people were feeling the effects like all the way in Philly, too. I don't know. I think maybe the epicenter was in Jersey, but did you feel anything in Boston? Nothing in Boston, Charlotte. But my last question for you is, is this your first earthquake experience? Yes, it was really, really crazy. Yeah, I was just going to say I would be like you where if I did feel something, I would assume it was something with the building because I've never experienced an earthquake before. Charlotte, we're glad you're okay. We thank you for calling in. We'll be right back. We're going to talk about DJT on the ones and twos. And we're also going to talk about the Afghanistan withdrawal. So don't go anywhere. This Friday's show will be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. People are upset. People are upset. Jared said so casually and so callously that he hates Jesus Christ superstar. I've received tweets at this point. I've received text messages on the text line, which by the way, if you want to text in your concern about Jared and his soul, you can do that at 617-213-1066. Jared, I was never in that. I was in God's bell, which people oftentimes... Also despise God's bell. People get them confused because a lot of the songs, believe it or not, about the same thing. All one big puff of marijuana. Yes. At most people. But Jesus Christ, super sure. I didn't see that as something on Trump's playlist. I also didn't see... That did kind of seem out of character. The other one. It's a banger though. Jesus Christ superstar. I don't know the words, but I think it's like, "He will find you wherever you are." I can't be it, can it? I don't think that's in it. It's something along those lines. The other one that surprised me, and we didn't add it to the list just because I don't think it would... I don't think it would hold up or I don't think it would compete with the other songs. Phantom of the Opera. This guy really dabbles in a lot of different genres. But as I said before, the common theme here is, you can try as you might to not tap your toes to this playlist, but you're going to fail. You're going to come up short because these are catchy tunes. Let's have a little therapy for liberals, but this is therapy for Jared. Why do you hate that song, "Jesus Christ Superstar"? I mean, I recognize this song is good. I hate the play. I hate all of it. Although it is weird, and this is probably some... Maybe there's a psychologist out there who could figure this out, but I was going through a box of old stuff. And I remember I had a ceramic Superman statue that had a music thing at the bottom when I was a kid. And it was like a music version of "Jesus Christ Superstar", which seemed really weird to me. So I don't know if there's some buried trauma, but I don't like the music, I don't like the movie, I don't like any of it. I don't like the songs. Read me the list again. Read me the DJT playlist again, and then I want to figure out which one you should say. The entire playlist or the ones on our... Read me the entire one, it's Friday. Okay, hang on a second, I don't have that open. I have to get that out. Well fine, you know what, then read me the ones on the poll question. I know we have "Jesus Christ Superstar", I know we have a song from Phantom of the Opera. You know what I didn't add on there? Which is weird. Like the tornado connor song, too. Nothing compares to you. Nothing compares to you. Yep. What else do we have? Suspicious minds. They didn't have a YMCA. Maybe he only does YMCA. I think that's probably more a rally song. He doesn't do it at Marlago. Then at dinner song at Marlago. I wouldn't think "Jesus Christ Superstar" was a dinner song though. That's the thing. You really can't. You know what, let me read you guys just a little bit of this, okay? It's from Axios. It says, "To those who know him best, Trump spinning through his golden oldies provides a telling lens into his style on much bigger stages. It captures his obsession with a few familiar hits, controlling the volume and never changing." He's proud of the dinner buffet at Marlago. He pushes the specials. I can confirm that. I know that from Halle. Trump shakes hands as people pass his table near the front. After dinner, he'll open his iPad. I love the image of him sitting with his iPad and playing the hits. Sometimes it's so loud that people have trouble talking. This part, see, I got to circle this here. This part I am going to have to fact check with Halle because Trump is a boomer, right? That's the generation we put in. Yeah, he's a boomer. I find that anyone boomer and older, they are not fans of having to talk over music. That's like a distinctly younger thing. Younger people like my brother and my sister love music so much. They have it playing. Do you notice this, Jared? It's constant. They can never be. One of my sister's friends said to me, "She was at the gym the other day and she was at the locker room." And she played a podcast while she was in the shower on speaker and I think other people were kind of complaining, like, "Hey, can you shut your podcast off?" And she said, "What am I supposed to do? Just shower in silence?" And I'm like, "Is that the worst thing in the world? They constantly need noise." And there's something, you want to talk psychological, there's something that a therapist could break down with that. Oh, yeah. But I have a hard time believing that Trump's blasting music while his guests are in the garden area trying to like chitchat. A lot of the people in Mar-a-Lago, they're older, they're in Florida, they're, you know... Hang on a second. I got a jam out to the Phantom of the Opera right now. I know, I can't picture them all sitting around talking about... Where's my mask? Talking about Biden, and then all of a sudden the Phantom of the Opera is just, you know, boom, boom, boom in the speakers. It also says here, "He marvels at the sound quality filling the garden. He's wholly content controlling the same playlist. The music is always big names and songs people recognize. Yeah, play the hits. I don't see a problem with that. Like I always say, nobody wants Ghost of Tom Joe to Springsteen. I'm someone who, and I'm like this with television too, it's really hard for me to like a new song. I just, I go back to the ones I know every time I'm a creature of habit. You know, they have new music Friday on Spotify. I never click on that because I'm, I'm not interested in new music. I'm interested, I'm interested in the past. Unlike the Pentagon press secretary, I'm in the past, man. I'm staying in the past. I've got the, I've got the list. Okay, go ahead. All right. So this is DJT's Spotify list, according to XU. DJT. Nothing compares to you by Shenandoah Conner. Great song. Enter Sandman Remastered by Metallica. Only the remastered version. Yeah. Losing My Religion by REM. Funeral for a Friend Love Dies Bleeding by Elton John. That one's kind of, I mean like, I, I get it can like, it can stir emotions because it's kind of a slower and building song, but it just seems kind of weird. You know what? You know what part of this is too, Jared, is the mood of all of these songs is drastically different. You know how soon you get into a song and you're like, oh yeah, it's put me in this mood. And then all of a sudden you've got another song and you're like, this is, this is different. It's just, it's taking you from one to the other really quick. Yeah. It's like if you're programming a music station, like it's like, you know, you, you can't go from Metallica to Lisa Loeb, like you can't do that. You can if you're Donald. But the Donald can also get the Phantom of the Opera from the Phantom of the Opera motion picture. This must be what Spotify chose superstar, which we've already been over, which 619 may dislike it more than I do. Suspicious Minds by Elvis. Great. I love Elvis. It's great one. Hello by Lionel Richie again. Not a bad song, but I don't know, like doesn't scream dinner vibes to me, you know? I like Lionel. I really do. I'm over it. I've heard it. It's just, it's to me, it's like, I've heard it so many times. I've seen the music video with a blind woman and yeah, I can't remember her name. Remember she's making the, it's like, are they in a pottery class? Yeah. She's, I think she was doing like a pottery or like a clay of crazy move that was to make the actual music video. Like he's saying hello. Is it me? You're looking for, but in the music video, he's actually saying like hello. Is it me? You're looking for it. You're looking for a blind just, I mean, what was that in the 80s? Yeah. I think crazy time. I want to don't, don't quote me. I want to say that was like 84, I think. I'm quoting you. I'm ready. All right. So November rain by Guns N' Roses, which is also his favorite music video, which he said in, in his Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she said in her book that he told her that that was his favorite music video, which it, it is an insane, it's great video. Like if you weren't there, but if you weren't there, like if you weren't watching MTV in 1991, you don't understand like what a phenomenon November rain was. What's your favorite music video, Jared? It's probably November rain. Well, okay. The Donald and I feel the same way on that one. You know, the more you read this list, you know what I'm thinking and I could be wrong on this. And when he comes on the show, we'll talk about it. I think he has a very like a starkly different taste in music than how we car. I think how we car would hate this playlist and you know what? How we might lighten up on it once he knows it's Donald Trump's playlist. But I think if I tried to play this in a, if Howie and I were driving to like banger, right? And we were going to Bangor main for an event and I put these songs on. I think how he would say to me, can we turn on, you know, anyone else? What is this? Give me some Frank Zappa. Yeah. Or he'd like to, he put on some radio show on his phone and we'd plug it in. But he would not deal with this. If I turn on the Phantom of the Opera with Howie and the Francie, he would be like, he'd say drive off the road. He would be not happy. All right. We also have, it's a man's world by, it's a man's world, Betty Newsom, and James Brown. This one has Pavarotti on it. That's a good song. But I feel like it's not a woke song. It is not a woke song. My way by Frank Sinatra, kind of standard. Yeah, we know he loves that. And he danced, he danced to that ad, his inauguration with Melania in 2016. Fun fact about this, and Taylor made brothers up before, I believe it is Korea. You cannot sing that song at karaoke under penalty of death, like it's insane. Why? I don't know. But you're just, you're not a lot, I think it's in Korea that you're not allowed South Korea, obviously, that you're not allowed to sing my way by Frank Sinatra under penalty of death. Hmm. Weird. If Taylor didn't bring up that fact before, then shame on him, because that should be in his wheelhouse. Ring of fire by Johnny Cash, and you can't always get what you want by the Stones. That's how they ended the article they said. One of Trump's playlists favorites is the Rolling Stones. You can't always get what you want, but most nights, Trump's trusty iPad grants his every wish. Oh my God, wrote this article. He seems like a kid with a new toy every time he turns on that iPad. It feels like the first time he's heard or shared the crooning of Sinatra or the life hard-lived edge of cash. You know what, here's what I would say. We're already voting for him, okay? You don't have to convince us further. Like a man who wants to control the music, that's a guy that I can't get on board with. I like when people are so passionate about their playlists. All right. Now, something else I wanted to discuss here, Biden is obviously dealing with a number of issues. Something I said yesterday, which I stand by, is that Biden's only strength at this point is that he's had so many scandals that people don't know. People are getting dizzy, trying to figure out which one to focus on. Every day you think, "Oh, this is going to bring him down," and then there's another scandal that makes the other one look like nothing. And the reason I say this is because when I was off, there was the wake and the funeral of Jonathan Diller, the NYPD officer who was murdered, and Trump went to the wake, Biden went to a New York City fundraiser hosted by Stephen Colbert. And as a lot of people were pointing out on social media, on Fox, on Newsmax, the juxtaposition of these two visuals was pretty stunning. And it sticks with people, you know? And a lot of websites like AP and Politico were bragging about, "Oh, Joe Biden brought him $26 million." And I had said, you know, at what cost, though, because people are going to, that's going to be burned into people's brains. One former president is going to the wake of an NYPD officer who was killed, and the other president is putting on Raybans with Obama and Bill Clinton. That's a hard visual to shake. And I was talking to my dad about it, and I said, "That could be the image that brings down Joe Biden." And I said, "But then again, there's been so many." And I said, you know, the illegal alien coming out of the police station and giving the double bird to the media, I thought that was going to be the image. I thought that was going to be the image that kind of defined his presidency. And my dad says to me, "What about all the people flying off the airplanes in Afghanistan, like clinging on for dear life?" Yeah, that was like four or five days ago, man. I was like, "Come on, dad." I forgot about that. I said to my dad, "Listen, dad, I can't speak about the past. Okay? I only speak about the present." But really, when you think about it, the Afghanistan withdrawal was such a disaster. Obviously, so much human life was lost, including 13 U.S. service members, but that visual sticks with people. And we really don't have that many answers for how much a cluster bleep it was. We do not have that many answers. Well, now we have a little bit more information. So first we had that report, which the White House just wanted to breeze on over. Now we have, this is from CNN, State Department officials told House investigators they created Afghanistan withdrawal plans from scratch. So I'm going to go over this. There's three officials who are interviewed and who are mentioned in this report, John Bass, Jim Dehart, and Jane Howell. And we're going to talk about this unprecedented situation, their responses to it, and some of the quotes here that I think you guys need to hear. When we come back, we'll get right to this, 844-542-42. If you want to vote, people are texting in, people are tweeting at us about our music taste, about Trump's music taste, DJT, that's all well and good, but it doesn't count if you don't vote. So go to to actually cast your vote. I didn't include some of them. It was a long list. I couldn't include Phantom of the Opera. I just had a feeling people weren't going to pick that as their favorite. But there's some goodies on there. Listen up, everyone. You've waited through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March yesterday was actually brutal. But today, when you go outside, you'll notice that the air is cleaner. There's not allergens. There's not pollutants because we were dealing with a storm yesterday. That's the beauty of a storm. It clears things out. You start fresh. You start anew. That's what the Eden Pure thunderstorm can deliver to you every day, regardless of the weather. You've got a thunderstorm brewing in your kitchen, in your car, in your office. It's going to clear out anything that's floating around in the air. Everything musty smells, anything you don't want the thunderstorm can get rid of. And right now, you can get the 3-pack special. Go to and use code GRACE3. Jared, there are so many great reasons to use the thunderstorm, including odors. Yeah, odors it gets rid of. If you had to get the shovels out yesterday, as some of our listeners did, you get sweaty when you're shoveling. The thunderstorm is great for dealing with the sweaty boots and gloves like that. It's great for my long shoes when it's warmer climbs and I'm out there mowing and weeding or doing whatever. It's great for odors. It's also great for allergies, which has been the best use for me. That's why I keep putting my car as well, because it comes with the Sony USB cable. You just plug it into the unit, plug it into the USB port you turn it on, you get that ionized air, and that's what the key is. It sends out those ions in that it eliminates any odors, and allergens, and pollutants in the air. Hello to spring and goodbye to allergens and pollutants, get the three pack today, go to and use code GRACE and the number three that's, code GRACE3. You know, Jared, I am not surprised that it's going to be round the clock coverage now of this earthquake, and I'm happy everyone's okay, but we're not going to do that for three hours. It's just a distraction, like everything else. Well, sometimes I'll call a pally and I'll go, "Hey, do you think it's okay if I don't?" I don't have to call a pally about this. I know if I said to how he should. I'd use three hours on the earthquake in New York. He'd say to me, "A new." Honestly, I think if Fox wasn't in New York with their studios, they wouldn't be going with this. Like, CNN's in Atlanta. I mean, I'm sure they're covering it, but they weren't. But this is great if you're like a news, because you can just send a guy outside the studio to talk to the studio. Oh, man on the street. I mean, it's easy. But as you saw with Charlotte, we had Charlotte on a couple of minutes ago, and she said there's not really much of a report. There was an earthquake. Like, "Where do you take it from there? I just don't know how much you're vamping." It's like, you know what it's like? It's like Nancy Grace when she's waiting for the verdict, and she goes, "I have it on good report that the jurors were actually fed lasagna during lunch today." And she's like, "She's trying to vamp to fill time." I don't really know. It was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake. We're happy everyone seems to be okay. But beyond that, I don't have much to tell you. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2/8 Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. ♪ Jesus Christ, so must I ♪ ♪ Oh, you'll be cool when I stay home ♪ ♪ Jesus Christ, so must I ♪ ♪ Oh, you'll be cool when I stay home ♪ Alright, so the craziest thing is, is that as much as I kind of raised an eyebrow when I was reading this playlist, thus far, every single one. I can't deny it. It's scary. It gets me moving in my chair. That's a certified bop. That's what I would say about that. We'll have more of these songs for you as the show goes on, 844, 500, 4242. Also wanted to mention here, exciting news at 105. I was able to get this guest. He was MIA for a little bit this morning, and Bob Price from Breitbart is going to join us at 105. It's so pumped because there's a lot of news to talk about, including COVID funds, all this money that was supposedly for COVID relief, it was earmarked for COVID relief. Well, when these states couldn't figure out anywhere else to use the money, turns out they diverted a lot of those funds to illegal aliens. We're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about measles and tuberculosis in Chicago because an alderman there is speaking out about this. And there's just, there's a ton of stories as far as illegal immigration goes today. We will be back. And as I said, I am going to get into that CNN report about the Afghanistan withdrawal because I know it feels like a long time ago, but it's not only coming up because of this recent Israeli drone strike, but because it's one of the moments that I think really shifted the Biden presidency and led us to the point we're at right now. 844-500-4242, it's Friday, baby, it will be right back. [MUSIC]