The Duran Podcast

Ukraine's prototype wonder weapon w/ Patrick Lancaster

Ukraine's prototype wonder weapon w/ Patrick Lancaster

Broadcast on:
05 Apr 2024
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All right, Alexander. We are here with Patrick Landcaster. Patrick, I will have all the information to your channels in the description box down below, as well as a pin comment as a pin comment and Patrick has some interesting breaking news for us from the front line. So, Alexander Patrick, let's, let's talk about it. Absolutely, let's absolutely talk about it. So, Patrick, what has happened on the front lines, some exciting news that you can give us about a technological development that has been cracked. So, tell us about it, Patrick. Yeah, so, first of all, as usual, great to be on with you guys is normal. Thanks for bringing me on so often really appreciate it. And I'm happy to share things with your viewers. So, but onto the point. So, I've just done a report on a piece of military equipment that has been captured by Russian forces from Ukrainian forces. And it's not quite the normal, you know, captured vehicle, not even Western or NATO vehicle this has been somewhat of a special prototype that was used and built by Ukrainian forces and as of battalion. For some sort of futuristic war are as they described it a invincible super weapon. And, and I was able to bring our viewers a little bit about this piece of equipment. And it was first made in or started to be developed in 2015 as a prototype for future fighting, it was supposed to be the best of the best tank is they described it. And actually as doing investigation on it and looking to see what it actually was, it's not even really a tank. It's, it has the chassis of a tank, but the overall, it's basically a military transport with weapons on it. We can, I had a chance to go inside it around it speak to the Russian soldiers that captured it and understood a lot more than what it seems to be in the Ukrainian PR videos that they put out of how this was the special weapon I mean, even on the game but under there's a petition online to have this added to the game itself, pretty a lot of hype. But the fact is that when I say Russia captured this one of a kind of prototype, they captured it because they pushed Ukrainian forces back from a specific area in Dunbas is Ukraine or Russia was taking a new territory and they found it buried in a hole. Some of the locals brought the Russian soldiers to a specific place and they found this described invincible super weapon buried in this hole and found in fact that it never even entered battle is still totally intact. No signs of battle. The Ukraine just left it in this hole as they retreated. And basically, I even got, had a chance to kind of move some of the turrets back and forth. And it seems like and was described by Russian forces as kind of not the greatest design because the, the turrets would not have a knock into each other. And a lot of this, I'm trying my best to describe it just in words, but people can find my report on my channel to see more in depth of what I saw and also I decided to give people as much information as possible. I also included in my report the PR video release from Ukraine on when they were building this just to give people as much inside as they can. So it's got the Ukrainian side, the Russian side and then my first hand account of what I saw but very surprising to see this. I've seen other captured tanks, western equipment, but this was definitely, you know, for sure one of a kind. So, you know, I thought it was pretty important to show our viewers and, you know, let me know if you guys have any questions I can more explain some of the information. Well, I mean lots of questions has come to mind but firstly two very important points that you just made over what you've just said Patrick firstly. We have another example of a, you know, invincible Ukrainian weapon sounds as if it's not invincible. In fact, from what you just said, there are clear problems with design I mean if the turrets are allied with each other. It doesn't sound to me as if it's a very battle proof vehicle and it looks like another example of the stress Ukraine gives to the sort of media aspect of the war as opposed to the real ones. That's the first thing to say. But the other thing is here we have an top secret prototype and it looks as if the Ukrainians are now retreating so fast, perhaps not across the whole of the front line. Let's be, you know, let's be realistic and sober about this, but in some places they're really, they're retreating so fast that instead of, you know, retrieving this valuable prototype, which one would presume they would not want the Russians to capture. They have to abandon it and bury it quickly in a hole where the Russians can find it. Is that an accurate summary of the position because if the last is true, that is an important factor in itself or so it seems to me. Yes, yes, it's very true and it's speaking of the value of it. It's actually public open source knowledge that this specific prototype was estimated to cost the Ukrainian government about $5 million to develop. And that $5 million just turned out to be, you know, a $5 million hole in the ground. And speaking to, you know, the Russian forces of course, of course they're a bit biased, but from the information that they said it's just not a good design. It was so built up in the PR, as you said, and it just turns out to be kind of a useless tank that the Russian soldiers said they'd never take something like that into battle. And it seems the Ukrainians didn't either. Yeah, even after it was built. It was more of a just a show. Exactly. I mean, what is it supposed to do? Is this a theory? It's not a tank. I mean, is it an infantry fighting vehicle? Is it a thing that seems like kind of hybrid. Yeah, it almost seems like a kind of a hybrid. And Ukraine describe it as this super battle tank super weapon. It's described online as a military vehicle. But the fact is they took an old chassis and put some new metal, I mean, literally just welded a bunch of metal around it, made the inside a bit bigger and put a whole lot of what seemed to be flares and smoke cannons. Like 20 or 30 just on the front and then a couple places for a couple anti tank cannons and guns. And as far as the anti tank guns, we were explained by the Russian soldiers, again, of course they're biased, but what they told us is that why would they even put an anti tank cannon on it. They said the armor that they put on it wouldn't take a hit from from a tank. Anyway, so how could it go in battle against tanks because there's no reactive armor on it is just sheet metal welded on so it's very interesting situation almost almost like a big parade float. It seems I was going to say, I mean, to me, it sounds like something you know you see in a Hollywood movie some kind of Hollywood movie, you know, the future futuristic one, you know, with a sort of of clanking machine comes across the horizon, somebody like me who doesn't know anything or hadn't known anything about military affairs might find this all looking very impressive in a film, but in fact on the actual field of battle. It doesn't actually do very much I mean it's the sort of thing that you know Dr Frankenstein might have come up with I mean from the sound of it maybe I'm maybe I'm from the look of it as well. Yeah. And all intended to appear in you know, you know, sort of not not a movie, but of, but a game, as far as I could see they wanted to have it in a game is am I right about this this is in a computer game. Yeah, I mean maybe maybe the soldiers and engineers that may have designed it and made it from the beginning I mean from the PR videos it seems like they were really trying. You know, regardless of what their ambition was to do in making this Frankenstein as you call it which is very similar. You know they didn't succeed if they were trying to really make this invincible super weapon, you know I think if it was that good it wouldn't have been left in a hole and actually would have been used in battle. For all the information we have it was a waste of five million dollars, but seems Ukraine's pretty good at wasting a lot of money. Well indeed and one wonders where that five million dollars came from and whether it was part of Western aid and all of that. Can I just ask Patrick you might not be able to answer this question, but do we have any idea where this place was kept where this thing was captured I mean what part of the battle fronts, it was captured. You know, it was captured in territory that was captured from Ukraine by Russia in Dunbas, that's as much as we can, that's fine, that's absolutely fine we're not going to probe into this. And was it supposed to be to help them to the defense or was it part of an intended to all presented as being for an armored offensive against the Russians in some way. Well, that's the thing I mean it was, it was just, it wasn't used, I mean the only the only evidence that we've seen that they actually used this thing was for the video, the PR videos itself there's no evidence that I was able to find about any use of it. Besides just saying how great it was, and you know how, you know, much it's just this huge innovation and fighting ability, and then it was put in a hole as Ukrainians retreated. Right, you know, there was absolutely no sign on it that it ever entered entered battle at all battle at all. And that's that's something that started in 2015 and is still be they still working on it nine years later and it just goes ends up in a hole, and is never used. Yeah, I mean it was just let's let's be clear about that this is one prototype, all the public information shows that there was just one of these made for five million dollars, and just use for PR purposes and abandoned as the retreat was given. Okay, can I get to a different topic when we've talked about many times reports came in last night, a more shelling of Donette City. Are you able to confirm that. There's been some reports that they've located where it is a place called Carleva or something like that. The Ukrainians showed Donette City again last night. Yeah, and actually in the last 36 hours let's say last day and a half. There's been, I believe it's about 23 24 civilians injured in Ukrainian attacks between Donetsk and Gorlofka. Now these are, of course, Donetsk is the biggest but Gorlofka is another bigger city that's also a frontline city or near there. And in the last 36 hours about 24 23 24 civilians have been injured, and I believe the latest number is up to four four civilians killed. Every hour there's more and more injured in Gorlofka. There's more were injured today. Yesterday it was more done yet in the Kuboshevsky district, the in the Kiyabsky district and Petrovka district and the majority of these attacks. It's not just one attack that's injured in all these fields many here and there and the majority as I understand are by the 155 millimeter western supplied. Artillery shells, that's kind of the standard for Ukraine firing into the cities now. And besides that, in Gorlofka, the, of course they use the 155 millimeter shells, but in Gorlofka they tend to use more of the drones to make attacks. The drones where they, you know, camera operated and then they just hit what they want. And you know it's a shame to think that, you know, so many of these civilians are getting killed and injured by these drones. It's not like they're making a mistake. I mean you can say maybe they were shooting artillery and they meant to shoot somewhere and hit civilians. Now these drones, they have cameras on it and they have glasses and they see what they're going to hit and they hit civilians. Of course, you know, the military is hit or hit as well, but these attacks are Gorlofka around the center of Gorlofka with these drones attacking civilians. And then I just repeat again that deliberate indiscriminate attacks on civilians are a war crime. And I mean this is not controversial. And there's no justification or excuse for it if it's done intentionally in the way that you describe. And 155 millimeter shells, who makes them Ukraine makes them Russia makes them, or rather these are NATO supplied. Yeah, I mean, I think I'm right in saying 155 millimeter shells used in this conflict are exclusively NATO supplied Russia makes 152 millimeter shells so it's a different caliber. If it's 155 millimeter, these are shells that we Western countries, NATO countries, Britain make shells, the United States make shells Germany make shells, and they've been used amongst other things to show places like Donetsk and Gorlofka. I mean, that is, that's the position, as I understand it, is that right, Patrick? Yes, for sure. And in addition, these 155 millimeter shells also have the US made cluster munitions that, you know, if Russia uses cluster missions, the United States says it's a war crime, but if Ukraine uses cluster munitions on civilians, it's just, you know, cost of war. But I had forgot to mention one of these attacks, at least one from last night's on the kubishevsky district of done yet was a result of a cluster bomb there's there's photo and video evidence of it. And cluster bombs are area bombs, and again, using them indiscriminately against civilian targets is a war crime. Yes, just just just to repeat that point, again, because it's one that I think one should not overlook. So, I mean, we have a situation on the battlefronts, this is, you know, where I'd like to, I mean, Alex might have a few things to say, but this is where I'm going to finish, we have a situation on the battlefronts Ukraine is under intense pressure by all accounts now. You know, they've, they're facing pressure and back Mertz in Joseph Yar in a day of care in pair of a Mysky, but they're still shelling donuts city and they're now shelling Godloft go as well, they're still focused to an extraordinary degree on doing this. I have to say, putting aside the cruelty. It doesn't seem very rational that they would do this, but you know they still do it. Yeah, unfortunately, and when I asked the civilians, you know, first, my standard questions just to be, you know, clear to the world, I asked the civilians that whose homes are hit, I said, are there any military targets near here. And they say, of course not. And I said, okay, then why, why, how do you think why do Ukraine soldiers fire on your neighborhood. They said, some of the main answers are they want to kill us, they want to terrorize us, they want us to leave. And people say they're not going to leave because it's their land. Yeah, exactly. Well, Patrick, thank you. I'm aching to watch your program, by the way, and see this thing as or vets. I think you said it was cool was as a vet. Right. And can I just also say, interesting point that it's also apparently part designed or funded by the Azov battalion. And interesting to see that they're built by them involved in weapons development, amongst all the other things that these people do. So it doesn't seem as if they come up with a very effective weapon. Alex, is there anything you want to add there? I will just have all of Patrick's information in the description box down below. I'll also put a link to the video so that all our viewers can see what this, with this wonder weapon, or alleged wonder weapon is all about. And we're all very curious now to see what $5 million buys you, I guess. Absolutely. Absolutely. A single process like armored vehicle. And I think you said, Patrick, that it's based on no chassis. So, yes, they've sort of tinked with, you know, so, you know, it's $5 million. It does seem rather rather a lot of money to play around with an old chassis. There you go. There you have it. All right, Patrick, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you guys. It's really great to be on. Can't wait till next time. Fantastic. Thank you. ♪♪