Jesse Kelly Show

Republicans/Democrats Not Doing Enough for the American People

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06 Apr 2024
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It is Ryan here, and I have a question for you, what do you do when you win? Like are you a fist-pumper, a woohoo, a hand clap or a high-fiver? I kind of like the high-fiver, but if you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. At, choose from hundreds of social casino-style games, for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly, plus free daily bonuses, so don't wait, start having the most fun ever at No purchase necessary, V-T-W reporting review by Lossy Terms and Conditions, 18+ It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun, New York, on a Friday. It is an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday, and what a night it is going to be. Put a smile on your face, I'm going to talk about the most fascinating politician I can ever remember in my lifetime. In fact, I'm going to open the show with that, I'll get to that in a moment. We'll talk about why the DOJ isn't going after the Kavanaugh assassin very hard, National Guardsmen in the cartel payroll, patients are murdering people in New York. Have I ever been fired? People want to talk about what them plans are, if Trump wins so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. Before I get to any of that, I'm going to touch on this really quickly. I understand today, there's headline after headline after headline about the jobs report. Look at this jobs report, look at this great jobs report. Well, just remember, as per usual, they're lying about everything. Oh yeah, tons of jobs have been created. Government jobs and part-time jobs and jobs for people not born in America. People time jobs for Americans. How many were there? Six thousand, six thousand. So when they're out there today, 300,000 here, no, no, no, six thousand. In fact, I'm going to give E.J. and Tony credit for this one, but he found the chart of it. Quote, Americans have been completely left behind in this economy. Foreign born employment is not only several million above its pre-pandemic level, but it is even above its pre-pandemic trend while native and born Americans have made no progress in four years. In fact, they've gone backwards. You want to know why you look around and it seems so ugly, economically, can't find a good job, can't make ends meet. Everything seems crappy around you, but then it's weird because there's always this new jobs report and all this new, the stock markets up and there's jobs and you're looking around and you're wondering to you, where's mine? Where's my stuff? I don't understand. Well, you're not alone. American citizens, they're all asking that question. Where's mine? Again, we are in the looting the treasury phase when the evil people who run our country are just busy, bloodsucking every dime out of American citizens, handing it to their friends, handing it to all the new illegals pouring into the country, adding new government workers. Oh, they're taking all your money and handing it out to everybody who doesn't deserve it. Why are you looking around saying, where's mine? Well, evil people who don't give a crap about you run the country, not just the Democrat party, the Republican party as well. Republican leadership, they're all the same. What's your mindset now when your feet hit the floor in the morning when you wake up? Well, first, let me just say, I've been served longer as a leader than anybody in American history, 18 years, so look. But I'm not leaving the Senate and I'm particularly involved in fighting back against the isolationist movement in my own party and so many others as well. And the symbol of that lately is, are we going to help you crying or not? And I think it's extremely important that we do that. You're looking around wondering why you have to get a second job. Why can't why can't you afford anything anymore? Well, the Republican leadership and Democrat leadership, the people who run the country, they never think about you at all. They think about their bank accounts. They think about Ukraine, of course, but you know, there's you, you never crossed their mind. All right, set that aside. Let's talk about the most fascinating politician of my 42 years. I'm not going to say of all time, there have been many, many, many politicians American and otherwise. So I don't know, but I find and just don't, don't scream at me and don't punch the radio when I say this. Let me explain myself. I find Kamala Harris to be the most fascinating politician of my 42 years on this planet. And allow me to explain why. What is a politician? Look, you hate him. I hate him. We got that. But what do they need to do? All of them, all of them, they need to be appealing to people. Frankly, there's an old saying in politics, honestly, in life and business, but it's so freaking true. There's no ability like relate ability. It's true. And every politician of my lifetime, ones I love, ones I hate, had some kind of relatability to them. And I'm even going to talk about ones I hate and I'm not saying I love them, Joe Biden, right? I can't stand Joe Biden, but he at least, you know, he genuinely obviously enjoys ice cream. You could probably see yourself having an ice cream cone with him and Joe, yeah, he's a liar. He lies about everything under the sun, but at least he's out there, you know, being relatable, trying to be one of the things that I learned early on was that I had a very close relationship with the Greek American community for real in the heart. And I mean, real in the church there as well. Yeah, speaking to a big group of Greeks, practically Greek. Okay. So he's lying. It's cringe worthy. I don't like it. I hate it. But it's relatable, right? Scranton, Joe, look, ones we love, but tell me you wouldn't need a big Mac with Donald Trump. Okay. Maybe you hate Donald Trump, but Trump loves McDonald's. Pretty human, isn't it? Pretty relatable. Remember he had the national championship team? I think it was Clemson. He invited them to the White House and instead of some fancy steak dinner, he had a table full of big Macs and quarter pounders and chicken nuggets. If that didn't put a smile on your face, I don't know what will. It was hilarious. It's relatable. This is a billionaire. He's a president. He wants Steve Fry's and a big Macs relatable. Barack Obama. Again, ones I hate. Barack Obama. I hate Barack Obama. I hate him more than any politician in the history of this country. I view him as being the one who accelerated this nation's downfall beyond anything I could have imagined. I could watch a college basketball game with Obama. He's a, I don't want to. Don't get me wrong, but hey, you know he likes basketball, right? There's some human thing about him, again, relatability. They know they have it. You have to be at some level a human to be a politician or at least be able to fake it. Like, like in Joe Biden's case, at least he fakes it to tomorrow he'll be speaking to Puerto Ricans. He'll claim to be Puerto Rican. The next day he's speaking to Greeks, he claims to be Greek. Next day he said with the black people, he claims used to be a lifeguard at the black pool. You remember? Okay. So it's cringe-worthy. It's dishonest, but he knows. I got to be relatable. Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is not only the vice president of the United States of America. She was a United States senator and the AG for the largest, most powerful state in our country, California. She has risen to the highest levels of political power and she's 59 years old. And Kamala Harris doesn't have a personality. I have never seen anything like it in my life. Politicians I love, politicians I hate. It doesn't matter. They all have some sort of a personality. But, well, this was dome talking about NCAA women's brackets. Do you know? Okay. A bit of a history lesson. I know that women were not, the women's teams were not allowed to have brackets until 2022. Think about that. And what that talk about progress, you know, better late than ever, but progress and what that has done. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Don't, don't scream and yell. Yes. I know she's wrong and it's a lie and it's insane and whatnot. But how are you 59 without a personality? Just honest, I've made this comparison and I really genuinely mean it. It is like they created her in a lab, like they created her to be a politician. There's a lab and they can create people and they just wanted to make a politician. And so they may dome, but they made a huge error with the day that they were supposed to put some kind of humanity or personality or warmth in her. They just forgot. And so all they ended up with is this empty shell, walking, talking point of a politician that nobody likes. Remember, even Democrats can't stand her. Nobody likes her. She is nothing. I've never met anyone in any profession in my life at that age that is nothing. But she is honestly, it's like she was created in a lab and I think it is so fascinating. If I actually was a psychiatrist and I was allowed to do so, I would love to pick her brain and figure out, is there anything even firing in there? Like, are there, are there, are there any, is there anything touching? It's endlessly fascinating to me. All right. I have one more thing on this and then we'll talk about the DOJ, the attempted assassination of Brett Kavanaugh. And of course, it's asked Dr. Jessie time before we get to those things. 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My goodness, the things going on in the world, there's going to be an eclipse soon. New York just about went into the Atlantic from an earthquake. I'm just kidding. It was a 4.0, 4.0, but still, why is New York City having earthquakes? Oh my gosh, I'll just stop. Life goes on. All right. Back to dome, I just want to finish this thought again. I've never seen a 59 year old woman in any profession with no personality. I've never seen it. Let alone a politician, a politician's job is to have a personality. And she doesn't. Do you remember, I did one more thing in this and I'm going to move on. Do you remember, remember this, remember when she lied about her childhood experiences? Again, it's like they created her in a lab and they forgot to include any humanity at all. Everyone, she went on late night TV and said this. My mother would tell a funny story about how like one day she did and I was fussing and you know, it's so I'm fussing and fussing and she it's much cuter when she would tell the story. But she'd say, so then she would look down at me and come with what do you want? What do you want? And I look back up and I said, tweet him. Yeah, that's a Martin Luther King Jr. story that he told back in the story. The 60s. And she just took someone else's childhood story because she doesn't have any childhood stories. Does she have a childhood? Do we have Chris? Have we ever seen a picture of Dome as a child? I'm starting the more I talk here, the more convinced I am that my lab theory is actually correct. I don't know that she was born. I think maybe she was created in a lab. And honestly, we make fun of her, call her dome all the time for the Willy Brown stuff and how she got her start. But there are there. Look, it's video. It's on video. You can go look it up. She was dating famous people all over the place back then. Montel Williams was a big star back then. You can go look up the video. She's arm candy from Montel Williams in her younger years, what was 30, 40 years ago? You can see him on the red carpet with his arm around Kamala Harris. And I don't know what happened. Honestly, she should write a book. And if she had any self-awareness or sense of humor, she should call the book Naked Ambition because it would be so applicable. There'd be so many meanings you could take and they would all apply to Dome. Anyway, that's all. I'm going to move on. We'll get to the DOJ here in a minute. I want to get to an ask Dr. Jesse question or two. Dear Professor of History, Dr. Kelly, have you ever been fired from a job? Or didn't get a job you really wanted? He said, I mean, aside from losing a run for Congress twice, his name Spencer, one, that's not very nice Spencer, two, I've only been fired one time ever. And that was my own father, who fired me. And it was completely unjustified. I probably told you this story before, but I was working construction. I was 16 years old, I think at the time, 16, 17 years old and working construction. It's a great job for a young man, great exercise outdoors. You make so much more money than your buddies who are working fast food. So it was great work. And my dad was the superintendent on a job where he was never around much. He was doing other things, but I was there with other guys with the work crew and someone on the work crew lost the keys to the context box one night. The context box is just a big, just a big steel box and at the end of every day because items get stolen all the time from construction sites, you take all your stuff that could be walked, that could be loaded in the back of a pickup and you throw it in a context box and you put a padlock on there and you lock the door, you lock it. All right. Well, I never touched the context box and I didn't lock it up that night. But I got home that night for my job, bone tired like you are when you work construction and my dad had had apparently a bad day at work. And he accused me of locking the key of losing the keys to the context box. They locked it and they lost the keys that couldn't get into it. And I really genuinely never touched them. And I said, I never touched the keys and it escalated from there. And I did not talk back to my father ever. That was a good route to be six feet under. I didn't talk back to my parents really at all when I was a kid. You got to get smart off maybe a little when you're a teenager, but that was not something that was done. I ended up yelling back at him because I was right. You know, in this case, I never touched the dad gone keys and he's accused me of losing the keys. And then he tells me, you're fired. I said, good, I didn't want this job anyway. And that for me, I know that may sound like not like not much for you for me to speak to my dad that way was a big deal. I don't know that I've ever spoken to my dad that way since then. And I definitely didn't do it before. Yeah, take your job and shove it. It's essentially what I told him. So I go downstairs, I go to sleep, sleep in the next day, got no job and I have to wake up and go try find a job. I wake up and my dad calls the house. This is before a cell phone calls the house. It's mid morning, 10, 10, 30. I go into the phone. What are you doing, boy? I'm getting ready to get some breakfast. I don't know. Well, why aren't you at work? Dad, you fired me last night. Well, make sure you're at work tomorrow when he hangs up the phone. So I was fired. I was fired for one day. Other than that, no, I've never been, I have never been fired. No, I almost got fired once when I was washing golf clubs for a living. I was about 15, I think, at the time. I was washing golf clubs and kind of just being a gopher at this golf course, trying to make any money I could. And I figured out how to take the governor off of the golf carts. And then I figured out that the beer cart was not actually secured that well at the end of the day, and once management leaves, you can actually get in that cart and take the governor off of it. And if you're so inclined, maybe throw your buddies a couple of dimes on there and take a drive across the golf course. If you do drive through the sand trap, you might want to rake that up. I've learned that the hard way, but go ahead and rake up the sand trap and kids, please don't ever steal a golf cart. Anyway, let's move on and talk about the assassination of a Supreme Court justice. Before we do that, let's talk about tunnel to towers. Tunnel to towers is out there meeting needs. You see story after story after story about tunnel to towers immediately. This is what I love about it immediately coming alongside a family when they're grieving, when they've suffered loss. It's not just gold star families. It's fallen first responder families to and sadly, that's the biggest body count right now. You remember, obviously, Jonathan Diller and YPD hero Jonathan Diller just lost his life in the line of duty. Who's there? Who's there for the wife, the kids? When dad never comes home and mom never comes home, tunnel to towers is there. No, they can't, they can't bring mom back. They can't bring dad back, but they can help. They can pay off your mortgage, ease the financial burden, the stresses, the pile on top of the heartbreak tunnel to towers is there to take some of those away. That's where your $11 a month goes. Go give 11 bucks a month. Sign up to give it automatically. You'll never know it's gone tea, the number two T dot org T to T dot org. We'll be back. Jesse Kelly show on an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Don't forget you can email us during the show. We are live here, Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com. All right. So we've had this talk many times before about how we're sandwiched or sandwiched between the two different divisions of communism, the elite communist scum at the top. That's your CEOs, your senators, your presidents, your bureaucrats, your FBI agents, DOJ, you know, the elites of society, all dirty commies at the top and the street communists, the street animals at the bottom. They are different for sure. The elites don't actually believe the street animals do, but they do work together. They work with each other. So why? How do they do this? Well, you remember Chuck Schumer, hey, Chris, grab that clip of Chuck Schumer about reaping the whirlwind. If you don't mind, I probably should told you to do that during the break. But here's how it always works and it's been working this way for a long time. It works this way at a city level. It works this way at a state level, it works this way at a national level. The elites on the top. What they want is power and money and what they want is their political opponents destroyed. So they'll be able to get more power and money. Now they don't actually intend to go hurt you physically themselves, but they do want you hurt. I want you to understand that you can't ever fully take on communists and understand communists until you understand your physical well-being is threatened by these people. They will hurt you without a moment of hesitation if they're able to do so. I know you think your liberal Aunt Peggy's just a little biased or a little twisted. She would take you out and fire a bullet in the back of your head in a heartbeat if she could because of what you believe because she's a religious sell it. That's why communists have murdered so many people. The second they're able to legally do so, they just start murdering people. Remember what I wrote in the anti-communist manifesto available at Stop. But they write these plans down. I did one chapter on one of the climate change, nutter groups and one of the various commie groups. They had a written plan to take over the country and they had a written plan on what to do with the people who weren't getting on board. And they were simply going to execute about 25 million Americans. It was part of the written plan. Hey, we can't get these people off, we'll just kill them all. When you're an anti-human, harming people, killing people, it doesn't move you. It doesn't move them the same way it moves you. You're not an anti-human. They are. So here's how it works in a society like ours. Check Schumer, because we're going to use him for example, check Schumer. He doesn't want to drive to your house and beat you with a baseball bat, but he wants someone to drive to your house and beat you with a baseball bat. He understands also though that he can't send a text message to some dirtball friend to his, "Hey, would you drive over to Chris' house and beat him with a baseball bat?" He knows he can't do that, but he also understands he doesn't have to do that. The communist understands how rabid and mentally ill and violent and deranged the communist streets come are. The elites, they understand that they have animals on the streets. And so Chuck Schumer, he doesn't have to go beat up Brett Kavanaugh or assassinate Brett Kavanaugh. He just has to get up and give a speech like this, "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Okay, what's that mean? Maybe you think I'm being over the top or something. How would a Supreme Court Justice quote, "Reep the whirlwind?" Unless something's changed, I don't believe Brett Kavanaugh is up for re-election any time soon. Supreme Court justices, once they're there, they're there for life. So what was Chuck Schumer saying? Well what Chuck Schumer was saying, he was putting up the bat signal for the street animals on the bottom and letting them know, "Hey, if something were to happen to Brett Kavanaugh, you might get some favorable treatment." And so Nicholas Roski, I think that's how you say his last name, Roski Roski, he got on a plane, he flew from California, suitcase full of guns, ammunition, zip ties. He was flying from California and he was caught outside of Brett Kavanaugh's house with the weapons and intention of firing a bullet in Brett Kavanaugh's face and killing him. Okay, that's bad. Well, where do the elites come in though? Okay, we understand the streets, they have a role to play, the elites can put out the bat signal, the street animals go do this violence. So what do the elites do for the streets? Well, here's a headline for you, Biden, DOJ, slow walks, quote, slam dunk case against a man who allegedly tried to kill Justice Kavanaugh, baffling experts. Well, of course it's baffling experts, almost two years after it, there's not even a trial date or a plea agreement. So why are they slow walking this? No, they're not going to let him off Scott free. That would be too obvious, but why slow walk it? Why take so much time? Why in the end, is he going to get a sweet little cherry deal? You know it and I know it. This man attempted to assassinate a Supreme Court justice and he's going to get let off with a slap on a wrist. Few years in prison, he'll be off Scott free. Why? Well, the elites, they must protect. They must provide legal protection for the streets. And this has been going on in America with Democrats and the street animals who serve them for the longest time and we've, we've, we've, it's been going on for so long that we've baked a bunch of it into our minds as being normal. If you're a Republican, it has been normal for your entire life. Frankly, it doesn't matter how old you are. This goes way back years and years and years for the left wingers to vandalize things, have a riot, have a protest, disrupt traffic. This is not some new phenomenon. It's worse today than it was, but this has been going on forever. But you understand that countries around the world don't have that problem, right? Many, many, many, many, many countries don't have that problem. So why don't, why don't they have that problem in? Oh, I don't know. Let's say Singapore. Why isn't that a problem in Singapore? But it's a problem here in America. It's a problem here in America because all these street animals work for Democrats and Democrats provide them legal protection. You've seen these, for instance, here's a, here's a good example. You've seen these climate change animals, the, the, the ones who the genocidal monsters who believe your SUVs changing in climate and you see the crazy things they do. They're shutting down highways and they're, they're gluing. What the one guy, memory like cemented his hands to a Starbucks counter or something stupid. They're always doing crazy things like that. Do you know that, you know that that should happen once and then never again in your country? Ever. Why? Because the second someone does that, no, I'm not saying they get shot or run over or anything like that. No. Immediately the police arrest them immediately. They are put on trial, a speedy trial, a public trial. And then they are thrown in a dark hole for 10 to 15 years. Have fun. Stay prison. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Goodbye. You did that to one of those people through them in a slammer for 10 years. One time you never have a second. It would never ever happen. So why do these people do what they do all over the country? Because they understand the elites will provide the ultimate in legal cover when the streets act like the animals they are. Remember those two animals who fire bombed a new NYPD cop car during the St. George Floyd riots? They took a Molotov cocktail and fried an NYPD cop car facing more than a decade for terrorism, for domestic terrorism charges. I believe last time I checked, they were getting 18 months. That's how it works in a broken country like this. The elites, they must provide protection for the streets. They will give the streets a target. The streets will attack said target. And then the elites will give them the legal cover they need. That is what I mean when I say you're sandwiched and so am I. And that is why they're slow walking the Kavanaugh assassin. They want a Supreme Court justice killed. They do. They do. And guess what? They're going to get their wish eventually. You have enough of these mentally ill nut job dirtball communists out there. Another one's going to go out there and he's going to follow orders in his mind. All right. Enough. Let's get to some asked Dr. Jesse questions. Someone has a question about Hamas when it comes to Afghanistan and our Afghanistan withdrawal. We'll talk about that and so much more before we do that. You have $25. No, I don't. I don't need your $25. Oh, actually, I take that back. I love your $25, but I'd rather you get something for it. Right now, my pillow has a sale that I've never seen before. It's called the $25 extravaganza sale. Here's how it works. They have all kinds of things as you guessed, $25. You want a two pack of multi use my pillows, $25. How about those my pillow sandals? You keep hearing about, oh my gosh, they're glorious, $25, six piece. Tal set, $25, $25, $25, $25. Now is the time to capitalize when they do these blow out sale things. And when you spend 75 bucks or more, you get free shipping, that's enormous in this day and age. And you cannot believe these shipping costs. You know what? I'm not going to go off on it. Go to my Click on the radio list or special square and use the promo code JESSIE. Take advantage of it or call them 800-845-0544. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. And ask Dr. Jesse Friday, I'd say this a lot, but I want to remind you of something. If you ever missed the show or maybe, oh, I lost the third hour or whatever it may be, you know, getting the podcast on your phone is really easy, right? And it's free. You don't have to, you don't have to do anything. If you go to iHeart, the iHeart Radio app is free. You can get, you can get a podcast of the show Spotify, you can get a podcast of the show, Google, you get a podcast of the show, iTunes, I'm sorry. Just subscribe, hit subscribe on any one of these. So it downloads automatically. You don't have to miss anything. I certainly wouldn't miss anything of me. I'll tell you that much. What, Chris? I wouldn't. Maybe you don't understand. Freedom is not free. Let's get to some emails. Dear Mr. Kelly of Dong and Dong Incorporated, after October 7th, it was rumored that Hamas had been planning the attack for about two years. October 7th, 2023, minus about two years, was around the time our withdrawal from Afghanistan. How much do you think our withdrawal from Afghanistan contributed to Hamas success in their Israel attack? He's talking about weaponry and technology and things like that. He said, I'm scared to hear the answer to this question. Well, here's, here's the truth. The weaponry Hamas used in the October 7th attack is actually not the weaponry we had in Afghanistan. So as far as tangible things like guns and bullets and bombs and things like that, no, it wasn't that. Afghanistan, it changed how the world viewed us. And we've had some of these moments in our history, but not many were that way. I would liken it kind of to the pull out of the Vietnam War. Have you ever done any reading on that or done any, watching documentaries on it? Like the Vietnam War is something a lot of people know about patriotic Americans like to learn about it and the fighting and the heroes and things like that. But there are, there are little parts to wars that are interesting and explain a lot. If you ever can find a book or some reading material on the lead up to them in the end of them. We love to study the meat, right? The Tet Offensive and this and that, but the end of them. When we pull that of Vietnam, eat no matter how old you were, I wasn't even alive, but no matter how old you are right now, you've probably seen video of American helicopters taking off from the embassy, loading people on Chris, Chris is nodding and he's 12. Everyone knows this. Everyone's seen this that that was a moment on the world stage. The world hadn't really seen in some time. It was a moment where America lost. Remember, this is post WW1 and more importantly, this is post WW2. When the world, even the ones who hate us, realized that gone, these guys are a juggernaut economically and because they're a juggernaut economically, militarily, they're a juggernaut. That was just kind of how the world thought after WW1 and threw out the Vietnam War. Yes, that war got very unpopular on the home front, but internationally, people weren't thinking, you know, Joe Schmoe and Paris or Japan or wherever it may be, it's not even entering his mind that America would lose in Vietnam, what do you mean, lose America doesn't lose? How could America lose? They got all the planes and the ships and the Marines and the green Berets of the Americans not going to lose. And then America left. That was a moment. The world kind of stood up and looked around and thought, wait a minute, what? What's going on? Is America having some problems? Now fast forward to Afghanistan. It wasn't that we left, remember, we were always going to have to leave because we were never fighting to actually win the way they conducted that war was so unfair to our men and women on the ground. I'm not going to go into it, but we weren't fighting to win. So we were always going to have to leave. But there's leaving and then there's leaving. What's a good way I can describe it? What if tonight was my last radio show? I'm getting fired. I'm not getting fired. And it's not my last radio show. I'm not going to worry. But what if tonight was my last radio show and I'm getting fired and did my final segment? I can choose to do one of two things. I can have one final talk with you. Maybe we'll crack some fart jokes or something like that. Send you off with a, hey, say a prayer for me and my family, I'll say a prayer for yours. I'll see you around sometime. You know, sign off in some kind of classy way or something like that or I can use the last segment of the show to basically let the microphone go silent and I'll pour a bunch of gasoline in the studio and I light the place on fire on the way out the door. Okay. Well, no matter what, that's my last show. But there's one way you can do it where you can end up looking pretty good, right? Pretty admirable. And then there are ways you can do it that look really, really, really bad. And you just leave, you just closed Bagram and then the country begins to fall immediately because the Afghan security forces were not near ready to take on the Taliban. No matter how much training and weaponry we've given them, then, then you kind of haphazardly go back in after a couple of days because it looked bad politically and then you got Afghanis dropping off the dag on tires of the planes as they take off. And then we have 13 of our warriors killed in a suicide bomb and then we drone strike 10 people. Look, we, we lit the place on fire on our way out. We did. Like I've discussed many, many times before, how you do a thing matters a lot. How you do a thing matters a lot. There's a right way and a wrong way to tell your wife the spaghetti was over salted. There is how you do a thing matters. When you embarrass yourself like that, the world notices and the world begins to think, Hey, maybe America ain't what it used to be. And so they're going to start probing. And you've seen a lot of probing ever since then speaking of probing, we'll talk a little bit more about Kamala Harris next hour. It's a Samantha, Dr. Jesse questions, I want you first to get some relief. I want you to get some relief from pain. I understand that pain is just part of getting older. I believe it. I'm starting to understand it more and more. Everyone who's 62 is rowing their eyes at me because I'm 42, but I'm starting to see little things knee, hair, shoulder, there, I know. 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