Jesse Kelly Show

Texas Guardsman Caught Smuggling Illegal Alien

Broadcast on:
06 Apr 2024
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Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli? I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes, excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell well There you have it you could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land play for free right now Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary for everybody by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply for details Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday put a smile on your face life is good I mean not if you're this text is national guardsman. He's in a lot of trouble But well, well other than that life is good. We'll talk about that this hour We have asked dr. Jesse questions on quitting your job Someone wants to know something about Zelensky. What's going on there? So you're gonna get overthrown a little World War one talk man. We are all over the place this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly show I just want to touch on this briefly Texas National Guardsmen got caught They got caught Smuggling and illegal into the country ends up high speed pursuit. It's so it's bad Now I only brought up this story to say this There's so much money Involved in drugs and people. They're just are human smuggling slavery. Let's be honest We're talking about the slave trade. That's a slave trade going on right now in the south There's a huge amount of money in slaves always has been always will be one of those really ugly sides of humanity People are worth a lot of money. Why why did those Romans get so rich from all those foreign conquests? It wasn't just that they found large pots of gold. They found large quantities of people people were the ultimate currency to be sold Whenever you're in a situation where large amounts of money are changing hands illicit money It's going to become more the norm where good guys get corrupted by it. I've told you before I lived down in Tucson. That's where I ran for Congress a couple times and there was a story I don't think it was from that area. I won't go into the details of where it was from But they busted a guy at border patrol they busted a guy because the cartels were running him Women every now and then when he was on post in the middle of the night and the deal was hey Here's your girl for the night You're also not going to patrol this area because we got some things coming through and they ended up getting busted for all that Now, I'm not saying that's the norm. It's definitely not on border patrol, but it happens it happens It's ugly. It's the ugly side of life. It's how it goes, but just know Whenever you have huge quantities of money changing hands Some of the good guys are going to get corrupted It just is and also remember putting the National Guard on the border permanently is not a solution Now a lot of our National Guard units are hardened combat units by this time because of the time they had to spend in Iraq and Afghanistan These guys did some real trigger pulling over there So the the the day where the National Guard was just kind of you know Some accountant who's about 300 pounds and and he doesn't know his way around a gun But he knows his way around a ham sandwich those days are gone. Yeah, there are still some guard units like that Don't get me wrong, but still You can't put American troops on the border forever and you shouldn't have to that's what the border patrols job is You should have more border patrol agents and give them what they need But that would be if you lived in a country that actually wanted to secure the border. It's very obvious. We don't we don't have any desire to do that though On and on we go. All right. Let's get to some ass doctor Jesse questions after I play this little tidbit This this audio bit's been going around. Maybe you've heard of it. There's a professor. His name's Richard Dawkins He's an atheist And that made it interesting that he had this to say well I must say I was slightly horrified to hear that Ramadan is being promoted instead I do think that we we are culturally a Christian country. I'm all myself a cultural Christian I'm not a believer But there's a distinction between being a believing Christian and being a cultural Christian and so you know I love hymns and Christmas carols and I I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos I feel that we are a Christian country in that sense Is truth that statistically the number of people who actually believe in Christianity is going down? And I I'm happy with that, but I would not be happy if For example, we lost all our cathedrals and our beautiful parish churches So I count myself a cultural Christian. I think it would matter if we Certainly be substituted any alternative religion that would be true truly dreadful What an odd way of thinking Don't you find that odd? What an odd way of thinking whatever I'm done trying to understand some of these people Jesse I worked on the business side in pro sports the past 10 years and I recently resigned Lifestyle was amazing travel prestige money, but as time went on especially after the summer of 2020 things continued to be difficult I had to embrace DEI full staff racial counseling forced vaccine masking so on and so forth I missed the money in excitement But I felt like a sellout with all we were doing and eventually I couldn't take it anymore Now I'm with my dime in a smaller town raising a baby and having another in a few weeks Sometimes I think with all I walked away from I should have just kept my head down and dealt with it Which I know many do Okay Let's have this talk because we've we've had this talk before on the show Especially when all that vaccine mandate stuff was coming down. We had so many emails to the show What should I do? What should I do? What should I stay should I stay should I go to what do I do? And I am gonna Continue to do what I've always done or I should say continue to not do what I've always not done That doesn't make any sense. You'll understand in a minute. I've never once told you to leave your job. Have I I? Can't tell you that we have priorities in life and Honestly my family Providing for them is a top priority of mine now I don't feel the obligation to provide them with wealth and riches and all kinds of things like that But I need to keep a roof over their head. I have to keep food in their bellies I got to keep clothes on their back. I have an obligation as a man to provide for my wife and kids Period and a story. It's not negotiable and I will do and have done many many many things in order to make that happen Including many things I did not necessarily enjoy at all. I've had many jobs I've hated it even in my adult life And I still went to work every single day because my wife had needed food and my kids need it too And we got to pay the rent and so I've never told you to leave your job and I'm not telling you that now I wouldn't tell you that I Will simply say this big corporate America Fortune 500 corporate America is Being slowly but surely taken over by the bad guys. You see it everywhere. You know it Look you got trainees on your butt like hands. You know what? Fortune 500 big company America is almost all filth You can stay there maybe you've built an amazing career there and I'm not telling you to leave it you can stay there But you have got to stay there with the understanding that you're not going to be on board with the mission anymore You're not You're going to have to withstand a lot of emails a lot of meetings a lot of whitey sucks A lot of we need this country. There's company gay or a lot of you're gonna you have to withstand a lot of that and I will say I I've done a lot of flying around and traveling for work whether it's construction or or in this job I have to travel and when I travel for this job. I will tell you it is more glamorous Certainly more glamorous than driving to a mining town in construction and staying in a in a little crappy hotel When it would I have to travel for this job like if the suits say hey come to New York come to Nashville or something like that They aren't gonna fly me first class and they're gonna put me up in a nice hotel room and they're gonna take me out to a nice dinner. I had not even read lobster nicer than that if you can believe that and and So okay, I got that fancy side of travel and you know what? I'd always still rather be home I'd rather be in my house my bed My family and I like my fancy meals. Don't give her. I like a steak. I enjoy a steak or some little fancy Italian place for their light and cheese on fire in front of you and all that other stuff but Give me my couch and a bullet craft mac and cheese and I'm a happy man After a while, I think I don't know if it's an age thing or what it is after a while It's not that that stuff ceases becoming cool It's just not near as cool as it used to sound when you were a kid When you were not when you were a kid, that's a little bit insulting when you were younger It's not near as cool as it used to sound for me Like I would love a job in pro sports or a rack in the day like this guy had some cool pro sports job You're always traveling you're a maybe you're a NASCAR. I didn't even specify Maybe it was the NFL or something like that and cheering crowds and oh my gosh. Look at the players and fun It's great in the restaurants and this and that I have a feeling this same gentleman will be emailing me before too long Redgering his life in a smaller town with his dime his two babies. Hopefully he's gonna make a whole bunch more of them That life It gets less appealing as you get older and it's even less appealing now now that corporate America sucks So bad and that's kind of a weird place to be but that's where we are all right Let's talk about Zelensky is he about to be overturned you want to do a little history maybe a little World War one history Oh looks like a Haitian murdered somebody in New York Let's talk about that and all kinds of other stuff before we do that Let's talk on our pure talk phones and we know when we pick up our pure talk phones and we text somebody or we call somebody We know what's gonna go through Why? Well, would you switch to pure talk? You're still on the same great 5g network as the big guys It's not some bargain basement piece of crab cell phone company. It's the same service the identical same service You can you know you can keep your phone if you want keep your phone number. It's fine pure talk handles it all and they handle it all with ease These are Americans. They hire Americans who speak English 10 minutes on the phone You can have the same phone same phone number same phone service pay half and support a company that shares your values Why wouldn't you switch to pure talk? Right now when you switch you save an additional 50% off your first month That's on top of everything else. So pick up that cell phone dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly Pound two five zero say Jesse Kelly. We'll be back Missed out catch up Jesse Kelly show calm Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Monday from new till 3 on 7 10 w o r I keep hearing that a lot of people are still on the fence about owning gold and silver Have we already forgotten about the bank closures inflation global instability world war three that sadly may be coming look Precious metals you need them for various reasons. You want tangible currency on hand a portfolio diversification strategy. It's a hedge against inflation. You need value Stored value that stands to test the time. I know you're paying attention to global events wars bubbling up everywhere Countries are buying and hoarding mass amounts of gold. Why aren't you it's time to pull the trigger with Oxford Gold Group and buy gold in silver Nobody can predict the future, but we can't put our heads in the sand either the Oxford Gold Group are the pros They make owning gold and silver easy and simple call Oxford Gold Group right now And you may qualify for up to ten thousand dollars in free precious metals call 833 995 gold That's 833 995 gold 833 995 G. O. L. D It is the Jesse Kelly show on and asked Dr. Jesse Friday. Don't forget. We are live You can still email us love hate death threats asked dr. Jesse questions email those into Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm This is from unusual whales all of garden and Longhorn steakhouse have reported last week that households with incomes above 150,000 had more transactions at its restaurants in the most recent quarter than a year ago Whereas transactions among those making less than 50,000 fell How do they know all that? Do people put their salaries on the receipts? But look, I know the answer to the question and it's really bad. It's really creepy credit card data These companies They sell your data these dirty companies bet data your data. We've talked about this a lot I'm not gonna go do a bunch of details on it. I buy the stuff. I want to get to but We don't think about it this way, but what you are You're a sale. I want you to think about yourself this way not not not not for your view of yourself But how corporate America looks at you and I'm not bad mouth in corporate America They're gonna make money to you know businesses got to make money But what you are you're a walking sale You buy things you buy goods you buy services whatever those things may be me. I'm a walking sale What kind of a sale am I well? delicious food You ever see those ads that kind of pop up on various websites the ads that kind of get filled in on the side You know those are customized to you for you. They're customized based on your search history My wife laughs if she ever looks when I'm on the computer all my pop-up ads are food every single one of them Every I don't have another pop-up ad for anything else. It's all food And I'll always hit her up with it. Hey, did you see they're opening up another crawfish restaurant here in the neighborhood and she rolls her eyes That gets something else on the internet. Oh my gosh. It's that I'm I'm I'm a sale. If you're opening a restaurant a food truck You've got a food product You want to find a way to get your ad in front of my eyeballs because if I see it I will probably buy something. I am a walking sale for my wife uh Weird health food freak stuff If you're if you have you know, I don't know some Brussels sprouts that are the organic and made in Mars without preservatives or something. I don't know what these weird freaks like her eat, but That's a kind of ad she would get Your data Is valuable. Here's another it's another reason. Here's another example of this You ever get an email a political email or a political text You didn't sign up for From some politician you don't support or don't know that ever happened to you of course it has happens to all of us Happened to me all the time. Why how'd they get your cell phone number? How'd they get your email? Well, someone else got your email. You gave it to them You didn't read the fine print because none of us do. I don't either and that someone you gave your email address to Has now an email list And they sell that email list to other people I know because I had offers to sell my email list after I got done running for congress I had all these emails of people who'd signed up for the website and donated and whatnot And I got an offer to sell my list. I didn't it felt dirty It felt felt really wrong. So I didn't do it But the offer was out there and there were many I would have I would have been able to sell it many times You should know hey, uh, this congressman. He's running here. He wants to I don't know how much it was Chris I don't know but I know it's worth a lot it obviously depends on the size of the list But it makes sense if I just ran for congress in southern, Arizona as a republican And my email list is going to consist of people who support republicans And let's say some guys running for city council in southern, Arizona somewhere My list is critically valuable for him because I have already curated a list of people who support republican candidates It's worth something to him your data My data is valuable No matter your income the matter you buy things you buy goods you buy services and Chris is all over this he's obsessed with this stuff more so than I am Oh, yes, you are chris don't act like you aren't chris is obsessed with this stuff more so than I am but as much as this Pains me to say it He's right If I ever do something and I try to be secure about that stuff But if I ever do something and chris says what they're gonna steal that or they're gonna know that he's right every single time These people harvest your data And they sell it Remember something You are a product You are a mark I guess if I should say you are a mark And they're all trying to sell you something. All right. All right. I didn't get to zalinsky. I'm gonna get the zalinsky and some world war one stuff Let's do this Before we do anything else I want you to not be paranoid about that data stuff I This is why I say this it's not that I don't want you to be aware or I don't want you to take steps to protect yourself I do I do fair day bags and all that I want you to do that stuff but These people have So many ways to access your stuff that you can't possibly defend all of them And if you sit around and dwell on the fact that they know your name, they know your address They know your favorite color. They know you shopped for boots last night They know what kind of toothpaste you buy at the grocery store You can really get to a point. I I'm saying this because I've gotten myself to that point once or twice before You can really freak yourself out about the fact that these people they really are watching at all times They are watching they are gathering your data. In fact There's an interesting Interesting little tidbit that I'm going to tell you about the power grid and how it pertains to this You want you want a little tidbit? I'll give you a little tidbit. Hang on April is officially here and while most people have already given up on their new year's resolutions to get healthier and stronger The american patriots at chalk want you to know that now is the time to choose strength in vitality over weakness in complacency The problem is men's testosterone levels are off a cliff historically at an all-time low And that's exactly what the liberal elites want. Look. I've been taking chalk for over two years now The results are incredible my energy my focus the way the body feels it's amazing Boost your testosterone mood energy focus in 2024 by subscribing to chalk's male vitality stack For this month only chalk is offering a supercharged spring sale on any subscription for life exclusive to our jesse kelly show listeners Visit chalk calm and use the code jesse to unlock this exclusive supercharged spring sale That's chalk calm code jesse c h o q dot com code jesse It is the jesse kelly show Someone wants to know what I think dems are going to do if trump wins all that she discussed that in a little bit before I get to that Let's get to some other stuff first. Hey jesse. You got me thinking about world war one lately Much like you i'm fascinated by history and the many lessons we can learn from it I have a question. I'm almost ashamed to ask. However, here goes Why didn't each side just lob artillery over and over again at the opposing sides trenches Much like shooting hoops. Yes, you will come up short or long quite often But didn't they have spotters back then to adjust fire? I need a howard dean please sir if you will it makes me laugh Okay, why didn't they just lob artillery shells at the trenches? Well They did Understand artillery is in direct fire and obviously you're not an idiot. You know what that means You're not shooting it straight at something You're lobbing it up. You're oftentimes almost always with artillery. You can't even see what you're shooting at you're too far away You're you're you're lobbing at something at an angle. Okay, you're at an angle They were shooting at the trenches however Even if you get lucky and they oftentimes did there are a million horrible world war one stories about guys Stacked up in the trenches sitting there either they're shooting or eating or sleeping or whatever And incomes and artillery around it lands right there and then your mom's burying your dog tags It's it's really really ugly situation. However You can't kill enough men that way and get lucky enough times remember there are Would you look at the numbers of how many artillery shells are fired in this battle or this war? You can actually look at russia ukraine right now and look at the number of artillery shells The numbers are huge and they're staggering But you look at a world war one battle and there'll be a battle that there someone lobbed a million shells a million That's a crazy number, right? but They're not unlimited You only have The resources you have We we don't discuss enough the fact that economies build militaries It's economies that build militaries You have a strong economy You will be able to create a strong military if you do not have a strong economy You can have the toughest guys in the world Your military It's just not going to be what it could be you can't afford the training the bombs the bullets the planes the artillery that that you can't you can't afford the things wealthier people can afford it is your economy that drives the military and You are stuck with the materials you have on hand Artillery shells are not endless May I point you towards the united states of america We shoot 155s most lots of the world shoots 155s now It's a it's a size of artillery shell chris It's it's a size that they've really fallen in love with many militaries have fallen in love with that that size of shell There are many bigger shells don't get me wrong have been huge ones throughout history I mean speaking of world war one There were shells that were the size of cars And in fact the navel gunfire for instance They still shoot shells the size of cars on some of those ships But for standing armies many armies around the world not just ours have fallen in love with 155 Did you know we don't have any Or we don't have many I should say We're running out We keep sending all of our 155 overseas And we not only don't have many We don't have the ability to produce more This is something that I've been warning about you for me on this show a million times worn about it It's not sexy. It's not something you can get the general public to care about it all But our war time economy i'm going to call it a war time economy is It's bad Speaking what am I talking about with war time economy in world war two Why were we able to do the things we were able to do? We were able to do those things make a navy make them make an air force make all these things I know it's pre-air force, but do all that stuff We were able to do that because we had this huge Manufacturing sector and because the climate changed nut jobs hadn't destroyed our procurement of natural resources We essentially had endless supplies of bombs and bullets and planes and tanks and everything else We were able to turn to our manufacturing sector and say hey forward Uh, no more model teas right now, please in fact Get us some tanks Germans if you don't mind and they did Well, you can do that when you have the factory there to make them when that factories in mexico or china You can't do that anymore We don't have the ability to produce world war two levels of bombs and bullets and planes and tanks right now It's not humanly possible. All right. I realized I skipped over something that I need to come back to before I move on to the questions I teased something about a power grid and I forgot to get back to it Here's a little power grid did bit for you because we were talking about data and how important your data is and your data this and data that Did you know that our power grids are under a lot of strain right now? And that strain is going to get much worse why data centers Your data and this is difficult for me to understand jewish producer chris probably gets it better than I do chris and michael Probably both do i'm too old to understand this but your data. It's not just in the air Someone holds it physically somewhere your data has to be physically held And they are collecting mass quantities of it Data centers are being built all over the planet We'll just make it about america right now, but they're being built Everywhere gigantic places to store your data. I think google's building boats where they're storing your data Your data needs a place to land it needs a place to stay Well, the thing about these data centers are surprise surprise they're heavily electronic They use gargantuan amounts of power and they're sucking the power power grid dry So we're in an era where big data They're building these huge data centers sucking your power grid dry at the same time the green nut jobs Are making sure we have less and less power Wow to think about isn't it but It's where we're at dr. Jesse how long before president zalinsky Is overthrown by people wanting to end the fighting? He's reducing the draft age and tracking men at 17 to crack down on dodgers Are they waiting for before Waiting for more us funding before they act Okay, listen I don't know when the koo's gonna come or if there's going to be a koo over there in ukraine But I do know that it is so incredibly sad where we are I won't go over the whole history of it and I don't know every detail, but I do know this initially in the conflict Russia When they invaded as russia almost always does they were really embarrassing in the beginning russia is always has always been like this And they're very beginning they're embarrassing And then they just throw man at it and throw man at it and throw man at it and they learn and by the end they're really really good in world war two the russian army the soviet army was Embarrassing in the beginning the nazis were beating the living crap out of their armies every time they fought by the end With all due respect to my own nation by the end The red army was probably the finest army in the world They were amazing an incredible army Huge amounts of experience. They knew exactly what they were doing They knew how to do it and the very beginning of this ukraine war There were a couple opportunities for the ukrainians to possibly run the russians out They missed those opportunities And now the russians are not leaving It's just a matter of time. There is no victory to be had for ukraine. It's not possible It's just a matter of time and in the meantime How many ukrainian men are going to die In red russian men, honestly Generations of young men gone again freaking makes me sad. Anyway, let's do let's do something a little more pro life Before we talk about the Haitian illegal murdering people in this apartment We get to other asked dr. Jesse questions and whatnot. Let's talk about preborn for a moment Let's talk about babies You know They can't defend themselves That's what's so Uniquely heartbreaking about abortion. It is alive It is a baby And they are completely powerless Unless someone steps in to help them They're in trouble I love that that's how preborn views themselves as the protectors of the unborn That's how I try to view myself as much as I can be Preborn saves thousands of babies Do you know that last year alone preborn saved over 58,000 lives? That's what you and preborn did last year Go give the gift of ultrasound to a young mother before she makes that terrible choice $28 buys her that ultrasound go Give what you can give as much as you can. It's all tax deductible Go to and give We'll be back Sean Hannity monday from three till six on seven ten w o r They say health is wealth and I couldn't agree more That's why if you're living with dealing with everyday aches and pains I want to tell you about relief factor relief factor is a daily drug free Supplement that was developed by doctors looking for a way to fight pain naturally Relief factor uses a unique formula of natural ingredients like turmeric and omega-3s That all work together to help reduce or eliminate everyday pain It's not just a pill that masks pain relief factor helps support your body's response to inflammation Wherever you're experiencing it your back your neck joints even your muscles if pain is affecting your life Here's what you can do go to relief or call 1-800-4 relief That's 1-800 the number four relief get their three-week quick start kit It's only 1995 and it comes with a feel better or your money back guarantee Don't let pain tell you how to live fight back naturally and feel the difference of relief factor It is the jessie kelly show Don't worry. We still have more than an hour left of the jessie kelly show on a friday You see this Haitian dude in new york He fatally stabbed two of his roommates in his apartment And i'm not going to go into that horrible crime. They were from haiti too and whatever I'm not going to go into it, but let me ask you something serious question What are the limits? on a last meal request For people in death row. No, what chris hear me out? What if this dude decides to request the roommates he just stabbed as his last meal? Chris is from haiti. Okay, they're eating people. I've seen it on video over there What if he just asked for a thigh or something? You don't know. I mean, I don't know either way I feel like america's super enriched by these people and i'm glad we're letting them all in Hey jessie, what will the communist do between november and january of trump wins up? All right I don't know But here's what I think you should plan on mentally mentally and emotionally you need to prepare yourself for this. Okay If donald trump is able to pull it off in november And I don't give a crap with the polls say that's the biggest if in the world the way these dirty people operate But if he is able to do so it does look like he's going to avoid prison time Which is unbelievably good and I didn't see that coming Thank you fanny willis for your love of nathan wade because if it wasn't for that we'd have been in deep trouble So fanny willis helped us out supreme court help to we got a bunch of bunch of wins that are probably going to keep him out of prison Before the election now if he loses the election he's going to prison. That's really freaking bad But I don't think the timeline is going to work anymore now that the fanny willis case blew up Okay, so set that aside Let's say he does win in november and get selected You and I We need to mentally and emotionally prepare ourselves For a response like we've never seen remember you're dealing with communists You're dealing with people completely without shame Yes, I know democrats have denied the validity of every election for the past 20 years. It's all on video shut up Don't argue with me liberal and peggy. It is on video Hillary did they all did stacey abrams. They cheated. It was a russian. They cheated. It was a russian's. Okay. All right. Fine I They're preparing to take this thing to the courts They're already writing articles about the preparations Biden is making to take this thing into the courts They will there will immediately be Legal challenges like you've never seen before it'll make that bush gore thing from florida It'll make that look like child's play what they will do if trump wins in november. That's one two You remember how The desire was speaking of january 6 the desire was one of the main themes behind that was Don't certify the election. Hey, they cheated don't certify the election. That was one of the main pushes from republicans Hey, don't vote to certify the election. Don't vote to certify the election and what was the reason the republicans gave back Well, they got to certify the election What do you mean don't certify the election? Of course you need to certify the election kind of that well We've always certified the election. We have an obligation to certify the election That was the way of thinking in the republican party Democrats will not have that way of thinking I can 1,000 percent see Haha, I said it chris. I can 1,000 percent see Democrats not certifying the election Now What does that mean? Where do we go from there? Oh, I don't know But I continue to try to explain to the normies and norms on the right not you I know you know this by now But what what's going to happen in the future? What our country what our economy what our elections what our culture what all these things look like over the next 20 30 40 years They are not going to look like they did the last 20 or 30 or 40 years We've had this long period of time in america where everything was fairly normal and fairly consistent where you could count on this and you could count on that We're in a whole different era now jack These communists have been probing our lines For a while now and they've loved what they've seen Hey, what can we do? What can we get away with? What will republicans allow us to do? Before they before they hit back and their answer is a lot And and look there's no better example of this than bill bar remember Barack Obama He spied on donald trump's presidential campaign using the fbi in the cia That is the most egregious crime you could probably you could probably put on a president It would probably be less egregious if barak obama had pulled out a gun and shot someone in the face on national television That would probably be less of a bad crime than using the law enforcement and intelligence agencies against your political opponent. That is a horrific crime a nation ending type crime and after he did that Bill bar when he took over the job for the useless ag before him bill bar Bragged at the podium that he was not going to allow any kind of a tit for tat We're not going to attack democrats using our office. And then what happened after that Donald trump lost the election joe biden took over joe biden's fbi has attacked everyone from the person who had his daughter's diary to pro lifers to joe biden's the oj They didn't miss a beat. They had the fbi Working up counter terrorism files on angry school board moms democrats did not look at bill bar's wonderful example Well, there's not going to be a tit for tat. They didn't look at his example and say wow, you know what That is the right way of doing things. Look, we should do things that way They laugh about that stuff It's a joke to them watching republicans trying to do things the right way These people are savages. What will they do man? I have told you before These polls keep looking like this with joe biden down I have tremendous concerns about what they might do before November If they don't think they can throw down on trump and prison which they were banking on And if they don't think they can beat him at the ballot box I have grave concerns Ah jesse that's stupid. That's over the top open up a history book for me one time. Please That's the whole history of the world That's how communists operate. It's how evil people operate evil governments Anyway, let's move on from that someone wants to talk about joe biden Afghanistan Israel he wants to make a comparison that afghanistan and israel will talk about that In fact, there's a couple of different emails on that the israel stuff. We're going to talk a little bit more about dome Why can't the gop why won't the gop split up these huge bills? We're going to talk about your dog Why don't you give rough greens to your dog? It's really important that you give rough greens to your dog listen Your dog doesn't get nutrition from dog food We that this is the real crime in it. We think we are giving them nutrition We genuinely believe we're helping our dogs out. We buy them the special blend, don't we? Ah, he likes this when all this one's got extra that it doesn't have extra anything It's all brown because it's all dead. I don't care. What special blend you give them Your dog doesn't get vitamins and minerals and omega oils and antioxidants and everything your dog never gets those ever Unless you pour rough greens on your dog's food All natural nutritional supplement pour it on your dog's food your dog will be healthier Your dog will live longer. You will see physical differences in your dog Digestion and joints low energy dog breath. You will see the difference Free jumpstart trial bags 8 3 3 3 3 my dog or you could go to rough greens dot com slash jessie We'll be back with the lucky land sluts. 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