Jesse Kelly Show

World War One Stories

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06 Apr 2024
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Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canolis, and spins mean everything. Now, you wanna get mixed up in the family business. Introducing, The Godfather. At, test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather's slots. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play The Godfather. Now at Welcome to The Family. VTW Group. No purchase necessary. Avoid where prohibited by law. See terms and conditions. 18 plus. That is the Jesse Kelly Show final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday and asked Dr. Jesse Friday. We're gonna talk. I actually got a couple of different questions about war, Israel, Afghanistan. We'll deal with some of that. We're gonna discuss omnibus bills. Why won't the GOP just split up the bills? Teenage boys. The talk. So on and so forth. So much to get to this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly show before we get to those things. I wanted to play a couple things for you really quickly. Maybe I'm not trying to make you mad. It's Friday. It's the end of the week. But every now and then, I like to be reminded that we shouldn't quit. That quitting is not an option for us. And things like this are what remind me that we are fighting against evil and we will have to do it until the day we die. If something were to happen to me and my child ended up in foster care, I absolutely, 1,000 percent would not want the caregivers while I am temporary separated from my child to start calling my child Sophia. Because my child's name is Soren. And when they go to foster care, they should be addressed as their name as who they are. And they don't have a right. The caregivers who are temporarily taking care of my child while I am separated from them, for whatever reason, they don't have a right to force. In case you're wondering what this is in Colorado, there's a state Senate hearing on a bill of rights for foster youth and that liberal white woman. What you heard there was her discussing her child who used to be a girl, well, still is a girl, she has abused that child mentally to the point that that poor little girl now thinks she's a boy. And she's very concerned that her child may one day end up in foster care. She doesn't want those pesky foster parents to acknowledge the fact that it's a little girl. Just remember, we're the good guys. They are the bad guys and we don't quit. All right. All right. Now let's do a couple of different of these. I'm going to combine them into into one. Hey, Jesse. He actually, he says balding burger master. What are your thoughts on sleepy Joe intentionally vaporizing that innocent Afghan family? He has he, he said he did that no problem at all, but he has his shorts in a wad when Israel dispatches some unfortunate souls and an airstrike. Okay. Well, understand, I know this is hard to accept it. It really is hard to accept how unhuman, inhuman, I don't know what what the right word to use for these people is anti human is what I love, but it's hard to accept how little human suffering moves them. Even people who understand, maybe this is you, even people who get it, it's still hard to fully get that you're not necessarily dealing with human beings, not, not ones you would recognize. Again, I've, you, I've done this talk before, if you could open them up and look at their soul. If the soul was some kind of organ you could look at and you could look at yours and maybe your husband's or your wife's or your mom, like normal people and then look at theirs, you would look at theirs and say, well, that's not even human. What is this? Some kind of abnormality, Joe Biden, he didn't care about the 10 people he innocently drone strike in Afghanistan, and he doesn't care about the aid workers in Israel either. He's not happy. He's not sad. That kind of human loss and suffering and death doesn't move people like that. The only reason they reacted to one and they didn't react to the other is for political reasons. There are no human reasons in Afghanistan. It made him look really bad that he drone strike 10 innocent people, so they blew the whole thing off. Remember, they even investigated themselves. They investigated themselves. They launched an investigation into themselves. And what did they find out? Well, we sent a Reaper drone after 10 completely innocent people, six of those people. Do I need to remind you, our children, one of them, I'll never forget her face, a beautiful baby girl, and we've vaporized her, completely innocent, and this was their response. How does it strike you that no one is held accountable because I know how it strikes a lot of people around the world that you can get away with murder and nobody's punished for it? I do understand that. We appreciate that. Not everybody is going to support this decision. What I can tell you is we looked at this thing very, very comprehensively. And again, we acknowledge that there were procedural breakdowns. Processes were not executed the way they should have been, but it doesn't necessarily indicate that that an individual or individuals have to be held to account for that. But look, this is one discipline inside the Pentagon at all. I mean, maybe there are no charges brought up, but is anyone demoted or disciplined for what happened? What we are going to do, there's there's not going to be individual discipline as a result of this, Willie. But what we are going to do is learn from this. And we're going to enact and improve our procedures and our processes to try to make you hear even the apparatric reporter, even he was trying to give them an out, trying to understand. Okay. But someone's someone's going to be charged, right? Well, I mean, there's not going to be any charges, but I'll be okay. No charges, but there's at least going to be some sort of a disciplinary action, right? There someone's at least getting a write up. Well, no, no, none of that either. These people aren't moved by death. And so when it comes to Israel, drone striking these aid workers, I actually don't think it was a drone. I don't remember what it was. I believe it was an air strike. I think this is right. So we kill Israel, kill a bunch of aid workers. We like I'm fighting for Israel. And so Israel killed a bunch of aid workers and Biden is acting totally upset about the whole thing. Really, really furious. I can't believe this. Apparently Joe Biden threatened Netanyahu to his face. We're going to pull out. We're not going to, we're not going to protect you guys anymore. They're trying to get rid of it. Like they're making a really, really big deal with acting like this is the turning point. No more. You can't do anymore. You give a crap about the aid workers care about aid workers, don't care about Israel. They don't care about Palestine. They don't care about Muslims. They don't care about Jews. They don't care. They care about power. They care about themselves. They care that the Israel Palestine thing is creating problems for them in November. That's what they care about. They care that this thing has the potential to cost them the White House. That's what they care about. I know you get that, but you really, really have to get how inhuman, inhuman these people are. There's nothing inside of them you would recognize as human. They're not that way. I've explained this before. I know it's hard to, hard to imagine. I know you think maybe I'm just saying it for radio. When there's a mass shooting, these people, it's not that they're not sad. They're happy. Remember when those black people got gunned down in that supermarket in Buffalo, New York? It was black supermarket. White dude goes in, guns them down. When the White House found out there was a mass shooting, the first thing they do is start asking details because they want to figure out how they can use it politically. When they found out a white dude killed a bunch of black people, it's not that they weren't sad. They were thrilled. They were thrilled. I wouldn't put it past these people to high five each other and shake hands when they find out information like that. They are so excited because they understand this means more power for them. They can push for things they wouldn't otherwise be able to push for. And all that matters is the revolution. Remember to the communist, the revolution, which can never end, by the way, as Mao called it, revolution without end, the revolution is all that matters. The cause is all that matters for these people. I know this is insane. I understand it's evil and it's wrong. But for these people, it's the Marine charging up Mount Cirobachi on Iwo Jima. That's how they view themselves. Is he going to die? Sure. Sorry. Got to break some eggs if we're going to make this on, but too bad, so sad. We got to get to the top for these people for the revolution, for the endless destruction of everything. The revolution is all that matters and anything that aids the revolution, anything that aids them and tearing everything down is something to be celebrated. These people cheer when people die. The only reason they act like they give a crap about anything happening in Israel or gas or Palestine or whatever is because it hurts them domestically. That's the only reason they care. I've said it before. Say it again. If these people thought, uh, if these people thought Jews, American Jews were voting Republican, let's say 95% of American Jews were voting Republican, we'd have probably dropped an atom bomb on Israel by now and vice versa. If they thought American Muslims were voting Republican, we'd have dropped the hydrogen bomb on Palestine and call it a day. Hey, Israel took care of that problem for you. We got your back. It's all about domestic policy for these people, all of them, because it's all about power. All right. Uh, there's another question about this about civilians, civilians dying. How do we feel about this? How should we feel about this before we get to that? Remember that talk we had earlier in the show about data about how you, you're, you're walking data and they want it. The government wants it, corporations want it, and they're hoovering it up as fast as humanly possible. That's why they're having to build so many data centers. They're building those data centers because that's data that's been sucked out of you. Stop letting them suck all your data. Start putting your smartphone and your laptop in a signal blocking Faraday bag when they're not in use a bag from silent SLNT, by the way, it's a patented signal blocking bag to protect your stuff, to protect your data. We have got to be better about that. These things are awesome laptops, smartphones in a silent bag whenever you're not on them. N T dot com slash Jesse saves you 15% off those bags SLNT dot com slash Jesse. Go protect your stuff. We'll be back. Feeling a little stocky. Follow, like, and subscribe on social and Jesse Kelly show. Catch Len Berman and Michael Reed all Monday morning, six to 10 on 710 W O O. Nowadays, 20 bucks barely gets you a burger and fries or maybe a quarter tank of gas. You know what it will get you though? For just 20 bucks a month, you can get unlimited talk, text, and plenty of 5G data from my sponsor and my cell phone company, Pure Talk. You'll get the same quality of service as AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile, but for half the cost. 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Love, hate, death threats, ask Dr. Jesse questions, send those into Jesse at All right, speaking of all that, dear Oracle, after hearing all the whining and hand ringing about Israel needing to do more to protect civilians, I was thinking that after the attack on Pearl Harbor, we retaliated by killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians, Japan's surrendered and we won. With all the while all loss of innocent life is always tragic, civilians have always died in war and always will. No one seems to realize anymore that to win, you must totally destroy the enemy along with everything he holds dear at whatever cost. I'm sickened by the feminization of the American male so on and so forth. His name is Mike. Okay. Let's talk about this. Why don't we fight wars in that way? Why don't the elites of our country, Republican and Democrat? Why don't they fight wars the way we use the fight wars to win, win at any cost? We know we must win. So here's one of the main reasons why and it's really hard to accept what it's true. A lot of this comes back to simple love of country that said Israel side, let's make this about America. We fight wars now and we get our own people killed all the time because we try to fight wars the right way. I don't want to make sure when I make sure nobody dies. So in Iraq, Afghanistan, we take our guys and we practically put them in handcuffs. We get them killed. Our rules of engagement routinely got our men and women killed because we had to do things the right way. Vietnam guys will tell you the same thing. That stuff has already happened in back then. One of the main things that changed was the patriotism of our elites and you know how you can tell that you want to know the best way you can tell that. Go look at all the children of congressmen, senators, generals, admirals. Go look at how many children died in America's previous wars, World War II and before. It's amazing. Honestly, I know it's very sad. It is very sad, but it's honestly inspiring. It is inspiring, oh, this general, he was a little busted up about this invasion. He just found out his son had died on the beaches of Normandy. Once the last time you read about an American general losing his son, John Kelly is the only example I can think of, Marine John Kelly. His boy was a brave Marine warrior, gunned down a suicide bomber, lost his life for it. But other than John Kelly, can you think of an example? Can you think of a single example in decades? No, you can't. Why? Well, originally our elites, well, yes, there are elites and they're going to gobble up as much power and money and everything else for themselves as possible. There was still a love of country ingrained in these people. They had to restrain Teddy Roosevelt from joining World War I and he was a fat old man at the time and Teddy Roosevelt said, fine, I'll send my sons and lost one over there. His boys went to war in America now. That love of country is not in these people. All the other terrible things you can say about them, but that may be the biggest one. These people don't wake up Republican or Democrat Mitch McConnell or dome. They do not wake up. They do not go to bed thinking about America. The way you do America, it never crosses their mind. Do you know? Okay. A bit of a history lesson. Do you know that women were not the women's teams were not allowed to have brackets until 2022? Do you think that woman has ever once had a genuine stirring inside of herself for America? Ever once? No. Look, again, Republican to Republican leadership to do you think Mitch McConnell wakes up in the morning and just man, he's thinking about you and God and country. What's your mindset now when your feet hit the floor in the morning when you wake up? Well, first, let me just say I've been long served longer as leader than anybody in American history. 15 years, so look, but I'm not leaving the Senate and I'm particularly involved in fighting back against the isolationist movement in my own party and so many other as well. And the symbol of that lately, Mitch McConnell has about 15 minutes longer before he dies of old age in the Senate and he's spending his final years fighting for Ukraine. And the reason that comes back to how we fight wars is if you don't see yourself as the good guy, then why fight it so hard against the bad guy? You see, when the lines are very clear in your mind that you are good, you are right, he is evil, then you will do whatever is necessary to defeat that evil because you were good and he is evil, but when you're not really good, I mean, after all, to the Mitch McConnell's the Joe Biden's of the world, that to these guys, America is just a crappy place to be looted. You just have to kind of avoid the anger of the voters because there are a bunch of stupid rubes who love their guns. You just kind of have to avoid the anger of the voters, but this is just a crap hole they get to loot. They get to enrich for themselves. When that's your way of thinking you don't fight wars to win them. Why would you bother doing something like that? All right. Move on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on an ass, Dr. Jesse Friday. We still have so much we have to get to tonight. Don't forget if you missed any part of the show. Download the podcast. Oh, you know, they don't carry the second hour. Jesse, they cut it up. Just go down. Load a podcast. It's really, really, really easy and I can do it. My dad can do it. Sorry, dad. I don't mean to be insulting, but my dad can do it. Believe me. Just pull up your phone. You've got a little podcast center there. Either you have Spotify or the iHeartRadio app you can put it on your phone, have your kids do it. If you can't figure out how iTunes is right there on your phone, just go Jesse Kelly show and then hit subscribe or whatever it is and they'll just download automatically on your phone. All right. And the podcast is free. There's no paid subscription. Give me your credit card number. Just like the show. It's free. All right. It's free. Now. The talk. Jesse. Now you have a teenage boy and one right behind him. Have you had the talk with them yet? Not weird, but my boy was 13, almost 14 Jesse. I delayed it. I just felt like I lost my little boy. Okay. Well, you should know this about me that I am a bad person and I say that you already know that, but I say that because well, one of the many reasons I say that is I oftentimes will jump the gun on having serious discussions with my children. I'll want them to mature faster or advanced faster. So for instance, Santa Claus. We had a talk about Santa Claus when my boys, I think they were five and seven. What Chris, I felt like it was what you're Jewish. You don't have to. You don't get to talk to me about Santa Claus. Okay. I know. I know Chris. They didn't believe me. Clearly it was too early. Very clearly it was too early, but I had to talk with them anyway. Felt like I was lying to them. Okay. Now the talk about the birds and the bees and women. I probably jumped the gun on that one too. That was I would say two years ago. So that would have been they were 11 and 13. Every time you turn on the news now, there's some story about kids. I mean, children getting involved in that kind of stuff way too early. And I don't know. I'm not. I don't want to sound like an old, funny, duddy. I generally don't understand why that's the case. Maybe it's the internet age. Maybe it's the, the, the hyper sexualization of everything now. I honestly, I hate again, I hate to sound like an old man, but I had to go to a high school in my area today. I had to go to a ceremony for something. And it doesn't matter what the details of it were. But honestly, I walk around and I see how teenage girls dress now. And I say to myself, golly, put something on what it, and I know, I know every teenage girl is rolling her eyes at me right now. I understand that, but I don't remember it being like that when I was a kid. And I'm not saying we were angels. I am not saying that at all. I just, I, these are kid children, man, way too much. So I felt the need to get to my little boys before some little harlot got to my little boys. And so I did it in the way that you would expect me to do it. It was the most direct, detailed talk about the birds and the bees ever. It was so direct and so detailed that I essentially scarred them for life. And while I was talking to them, they basically begged me, dad, please stop. No, I get it. Please stop. You're going to learn how this works and you're going to learn how you conduct yourself around women and you're going to learn this and you're going to learn that. And I gave it to them right between the eyes. And let me tell you, it worked like a charm because now they are so frightened by that that whenever they make, I don't know, an inappropriate joke because teenage boys will do that. Their friends start doing it. They start to figure out what cuss words they can say. What will they get in trouble for? It's their teenage boys, right? They're morons. I'll just tell them, okay, I guess you want to have another talk. I guess we need to have another talk and it scares, it scares it the daylights out of immediately. No, no, no. I'm sorry. I won't say anything, dad. Okay, let me hear that. Let me hear that gross talk one more time and we'll have another talk. What Chris now, that's a very fair point. Chris said, wait, wait till they call me on my bluff. I'll be more uncomfortable. But he, see, I don't know if you're totally right about that, Chris, because I don't have a ton of advantages in life. God gave me very, very few skills. Lord, I'm not complaining. I'm happy with what you gave me. I'm happy with what you didn't father. I'm not complaining, but I don't have many skills. One of the things I am very good at though is I really don't have a, the wife says I don't have a shame gene that people were born able to feel shame and I don't have it. What's a good example? Well, the other day, you know how I go on rocks every now and then I don't go on a bunch. I try not to to take care of better care of my knees, but I'll put a heavy pack on. I have a little plate, a little weighted plate in the back and I'll just go for a walk just a couple miles, nothing grueling, just good cardio, right? And the other day the sun was out and you know, I've had to shave my head now because I was balding so bad I had to buzz my head down. When I have to be careful about sunburn on my head, a shut up, Chris, you're gonna be there one day and I can have that mop you and Michael with all your hair. Anyway, I have to worry about that. So if it's sunny, I have to wear a hat. Well, I have this so dorky looking hat, it's, it's the ultimate old man in the garden hat. It's even kind of mesh up top. It is the least stylish, least attractive thing ever, but it, it cools that you know, because it's mesh, the air blows to it. It keeps the sun off my head. It's comfortable. But as I'm standing at the front door, I have on tennis shoes, long white tube socks, shorts, and I have this hat on my head and I have this pack on my back. And as I'm walking out, my wife's sitting there with my boys and she says, please tell me you're not going to walk through in front of our neighbors like that, please. And I looked down at myself and I said, what? Why would I change? And I just turned and I walked out and apparently when I left, I found this out when I got back. She said, boys, I've never met anybody like him in my life. He is so over the top confident. I don't even know what to say. So I don't have a shame gene is what I'm trying to say. So I don't think they would, that would work on me if they tried to go over the top with me. Buddy, I'll keep escalating this thing until you're the one uncomfortable. Trust me on that. Trust me on that. Don't push me, son. Don't push me. Jesse, your show is very educational for me. I love your sense of humor so on and so forth. I have a question about those omnibus bills that keep getting passed with no time to read. Why can't the GOP split 1000 pages into 50 pages for 20 Congress people to read and critique, make edits and eliminate all the port? So on and so forth. All right. She didn't say I could use her name, so I will not, but why would the GOP want to do that? No, hold on. I know why you want to do that. You love your country. You would like to save the financial system. Take this place from complete and utter collapse. I understand, but you don't think that you don't think the GOP shares that with you? Do you understand this? The reformation of the GOP into being an actual patriotic anti-communist party. That is our challenge right now. That's why I scream all the time about primaries about getting involved. Why do you think the GOP wants to split it up so they can read it and make edits and cut out the pork? Go look at the last bill. Oh, yeah, all the Democrats love their pork, all of them, the Chuck Schumer's, the Nancy Pelosi's. So do the Mitch McConnell's, the Lindsey Graham's, the John Thunes, your congressman, whoever it may be, especially if he's at a super red state. They love pork. They love spending. The most accurate accusation from Democrats to Republicans. If liberal and Peggy's ever said this to you, this is the one thing you probably can't refute. In fact, you have to give it to her. When liberal and Peggy says to you, Republicans spend just as much as Democrats. She's right. Go look at all of them, every one of them, not just the congressmen and senators, the presidents to Reagan too much, Bush too much, Bush too much, Trump too much. Too much. Over and over and over again. Republicans, they love to talk about fiscal responsibility when it comes time to veto a bill. Nope. Nowhere to be found. Well, we had to keep the government open. You dirty freaking liars. And that's exactly why I tell you to buy gold because it's not as if we're in some kind of an election cycle where, wow, we can really get our fiscal house in order. If we just get Republicans in there, that's not going to do anything. Republicans are going to get elected and do the same thing they've always done. Where's that leave you with no help at all? That's where it leaves you. It leaves you with having to make your own separate preparations. Call Oxford gold group. What will they do? They'll get gold or silver coins in your physical possession. They'll also get it in your retirement. And that is so critical. If you have an IRA or a 401k, do not just sit back and hope that the market remains strong. Fortify that retirement that you busted your butt your entire life for. 833 995 gold. Tell them Jesse told you to call make preparations, make preparations as if everyone's going to keep spending until the music stops because they are 833 995 gold. One more segment. We'll be back. This is the Jesse Kelly show, final segment on the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. Don't worry. We will be back on Monday. You ready for Medal of Honor Monday? You know what? I'm going to do some more history on Monday. I just decided. I don't even know what Medal of Honor citation we're going to do, what conflict it's going to be. Whatever it is, gear up for the second hour on Monday. I'm rolling out some more history. Why? I feel like it. That's why. I feel like it. I have a desire. You know what? What about Vietnam? What about Korea? No. What? What? What? Why not? Have we been doing so much Vietnam? Okay. Well, let's do some Korea. We'll do a bunch of Korea stuff. We'll do some Korean war talk on. Okay. All right. Well, gear up. There you go. We just made the call right there live on the air. Some Korean talk. And no, don't worry. Each producer Chris was not disrespecting the Vietnamese or Vietnam veterans. He was simply saying we've done too many of those. So Korea, Korea. Okay. All right. It is a good point. We're losing those old timers. That was the 50s. We're losing them, man. Oh, Jesse, over Easter, we were discussing my daughter's East Coast trip and visit to Mount Vernon, a liberal family member said, yeah, but it's pretty creepy because well, you know, he was a slave owner, which is true and abhorrent. But I found myself really confused how to frame the conversation with my kids. I've been thinking about it ever since. How do you talk to your sons about slavery, especially in regards to our founding fathers? Well, my sons have never been taught and will never, ever, ever, ever, ever be taught to worship men ever. And this goes to present day and it goes to past time. That means don't worship your pastor, your radio host, your president, your whoever it may be. All men are flawed and fallen. All men from the past, all men from the present. My sons and I, we've had slavery talk before because not only is it American slavery, remember, slavery is the entire history of the world. So I'm always talking to him about history and slaves, always come up, sold in the slavery, slave this and slave that. And they understand how repugnant it is to own another human being as if he's property. Why? Because that human being is a human being. God created. It's not your property. It's not a cow. And so they understand that, but they also understand that men are flawed and sinful and that they are flawed and sinful. So when we talk about the founding fathers, I never hold them up as these gods among men. They did an incredible thing. They did some incredibly brave things and that's awesome. They also had their flaws. All of them did. Whatever those flaws may have been, they all had them just like you. We tend to look back on anyone we admire and we lionize them and it's fine to admire the great things they did. But they had flaws. Look, we just talked about Medal of Honor, actually, this is a great example. We talk about these Medal of Honor recipients, these guys who do these amazing things and most of the times they die and they're charging up the hill and they're saving bodies and throwing grenades and all my gosh, this guy, but those men were flawed too. In one moment or a couple days, they did things that are special that most human beings won't. So there are incredible things about them, but they're still not to be worshiped. You know, Michael Jordan, this is a great example, Michael Jordan. I grew up in an era where Michael Jordan was everything when it came to sports, not basketball, everything. Everyone knew Michael Jordan. You can't even describe to people today how big he was. Other professional athletes wore Michael Jordan's gear. That's you've never seen anything like that before. He got Derek Jeter, like the best player in the majors. He's wearing Michael Jordan's stuff. That's how influential Michael Jordan was. And I consider it an honor and a privilege that I got to see somebody play basketball that well. Michael Jordan was, by all accounts, a horrible teammate, not the best husband in the world, not the, okay, I can still take the great, admire the great. I can acknowledge the bad doesn't take away from the great. For me, let's talk about history. We don't have to talk about history in a sugar-coated fashion. It doesn't have to be America sucks history like the leftists love to do today, but it also, you don't have to sugarcoat anything for anybody. Hey, Jesse, I've always been knowledgeable with American history except for the part before 1776. Maybe you can enlighten me at what point did the British start controlling things if Columbus was from Spain, why didn't Spain claim the land? Was it just a free for all from the 1492 to 1700s? Okay. Well, remember everything moved very slow back then. It was a very, very slow process. And remember, Columbus was down in the Caribbean. He wasn't on mainland America. But to answer your question in the most simple way possible, because I've only got a couple minutes left, yeah, it was kind of a free for all from that point. There were new lands discovered word quickly traveled fast word quickly traveled that there were new lands discovered. People begin to venture into those lands immediately nations did France did England did Spain did and they were all going into those lands trying to claim as much of those lands as they possibly could and claim the best parts of those lands for themselves. I've told you before, what a fascinating little historical map. You can look up. Here's one for you. Go look up a map of Spain at the height of its power Spain. It's insane how much of the planet Spain used to really control. But Spain didn't really yeah, Portugal to good point Chris Portugal. We don't know. We even mentioned Portugal today. Is it even a country still? I don't even know. I'm kidding. It talks about it. Portugal. I have my voice just cracked. Portugal. Portugal used to be a juggernaut on the world stage. But those countries also handled their colonies differently. And that's why it turned out differently Spain really tried to just pillage all their colonies for gold, whereas Britain did a lot smarter and it made them stronger for longer Britain moved in Britain really they really seized on that saying possession is nine tenths of the law. Spain will walk on some lands no one has and say great where's the gold mine hey let's torture some Indians and get some gold. Oh the Brits will torture the Indians but they're going to build a fort there too. They're going to move the people and they're just going to make a town and I have a thousand percent run out of time. So you smile put your phone down enjoy your weekend on Monday will do some politics will do some metal of honor will do some history but for now your family and your community are all that matters that's all. No lucky land casino with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case I pronounce you lucky. 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