Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 39

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07 Apr 2024
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- (speaking in foreign language) We have a little Bryce that goes for four words. I box it off. - (speaking in foreign language) And all of them, we'll see what all of them. Now this is referring back to that Bryce that we had on the bottom of the previous summit that talked about assets of a shnitsa shavui, nitsa nit tushin, nitsa rit tushin. So all of them, we'll have to figure out what these all of these are. (speaking in foreign language) If the rightful owners come back, these people who have been working the land get whatever the normal share crop arrangement is, whether it's 50% or 33% or 25%, but that's what they're entitled to. Now, as to the Gamora, hey, on which case of the Bryce on the previous summit is this going off of? I put a question mark in the margin. It goes down to seven lines till last one line is shavuian. So let's try this. (speaking in foreign language) It's going on, people who had been taken captive. Well, one second. Hashta, Zora's Veniscar, Have. We instead regarding people who go to work these people's fields that if the owner comes back, the stuff they didn't even work for is his. (speaking in foreign language) Would you even have to tell me? Like, of course, the stuff that he worked with would be partially his. Ella. So it can't be that I squiggling on the Ella. Ella, rit-tushim. Maybe it's going with the assets for people who are like, well, in the left town, we're just not exactly sure where they are. The thing is, though, we had said in the today's source in the bottom of the previous Ahmud. (speaking in foreign language) We had said, no, even the things that the person who had gone to work the field, like rightfully took, we would seize that away from him. Ella. So I squiggled on the Ella. There was only one other case. That was the nih-tushim. Those were the ones that the person sort of left them, really against his will. Now, Le Mans, we had two opinions on that in the Bryce on the bottom of the previous, so I'm gonna get the ton of commoners, Shimagon Lea. Elema, I vectored the Elema that you wanna say, it's the Rabban on the first opinion. Ha Amrit, they also had said that those types of assets might see a nice image. We'll seize them away from the person who went on his own to work the field. On the other hand, I vectored this, Ira Shimagon Lea, who was the other snake opinion on nih-tushim. Ha Amrit, but he had said Ira Shimagon Lea, Shamati Shahan nih-tushim, assets like that, that somebody goes down to work. Khe Shavuyan is like somebody who was actually taken captive, which means that the person would have, like, super entitlement to take the things that he was working with. So, the Amara clarifies now that when the source, the bracelet on the fourth line said all of them, where Shamal and Kedis, well, because we're kind of doing it, Khe Shavuyan, where Shavuyan Lea meant when he said that I heard that nih-tushim like Shavuyan, meaning they're sort of like Shavuyan, but not totally like Shavuyan, Colin. Khe Shavuyan, which underlying is like land assets of somebody who was taken captive. How so, the aim might see a nice sign. Me out there that you will not seize it away from that person, if he took some of the assets. However, Velot Shavuyan, I don't like Velot Shavuyan, why? Here's the difference. The Elu Hasam, Zara's Veniscar. We had said in the case of Shavuyan that if the person was working the field, heard that the rightful owner is actually headed back, that he can like pack up his truck with all of the fruit that he wants. The Elu Haka, however, here, he cannot do that. He is entitled to something though. He's entitled to whatever the typical sharecropper gets. The Elu Haka, Shaiminan, we assess for him, like Khe Aris. Okay, asks the Gamora though, how is this different? Or maybe why is this different? Umay Sna, Mehad Ditz Naamve. Mishnah Massafa Squbiz goes for almost three lines. And it's going to be a similar type of situation where you have a person who's working somebody else's assets. In this case, it's going to be a husband and wife. And the wife brings Nixe Malog assets into the marriage. And the husband gets the benefit of it. And we say over there, if you have a husband and wife. And the husband, Hamtzi, Hotsal is, he spent money putting in improvements and working on the Nixe Yishid. And Nixe Malog, those assets that a woman brings into the marriage, that they actually stay hers, but he gets, the husband gets, it's an apartment building, he gets the rental checks, the husband while they're married. Now, let's say the marriage comes to an end. Either a death or divorce. So, Hotsi Harbei, if the husband had spent an enormous amount of money, Vakhal Kimah. And he only benefit a little, meaning let's say, put a million dollars in and only got an $100,000 out at the point of death or divorce. Or Kimah, he only put a little bit of money. And let's say only put a $100,000 in. Vakhal Harbei, but had a million dollars of rental checks. Mashah Hotsi Hotsi, Umay Shah Aqal. Whatever he spent, was considered spent, whatever he ate, he doesn't get any additional benefit from it, or any additional fee. In other words, here is theirs. Retain the amount of produce, actually consumed. And they do not receive compensation of an arrest. Now, why is it not the same in the case of Natushin Akhora Nushinamu Galya? Well-sis Akhora, because, ha, the case of Natushin, Loib Damia is actually not most similar to the case we quoted the past three lines. Rather, Ella Leha, to that which is either a Mishnah, or something that was said by Rabyankev Amra of Christa. Hamotsi Hotsau Sal Nixay, Istoy Kitana. We have to compare it. Not to a regular husband and wife, but to a man who married a woman who was a Kitana. Now, this Kitana's father died. She had been married off, so to speak. The Kitushin off by her mother or brothers, it's basically a Kadushin to Rabbanan. And there is the ability for a girl like that, eight, nine, 10 years old, if she's under 12 years old, that she can actually just walk away from the relationship. So Hamotsi Hotsau Sal, let's say she brought in an apartment building to the relationship. And the husband spends money to take care of it, upkeep improvements. Hamotsi Hotsau Sal Nixay Istoy Kitana, meaning the whole marriage is only to Rabbanan, and she could walk away. Well, Kimotsi Al Nixay Acher, Dummy, it's as though it's being spent on the nikhasa of somebody else, which would mean that if he actually spent that money and didn't get the benefit, which would at least equal to the expenses he put in, then he gets assessed like a orris. Dummy Alma, we see from that, Kavan de Les Amkhadite, why are we doing that? Because since this guy knows that until her 12th birthday, she can sort of walk away. In other words, the girl can leave it anytime. It was imported on the other side, Takhino de Rabbanan, that the rabbis make it the creaky heiki to Leilif Sedinu, that if he feels that she can just walk away, then he might not properly look after it. You could cause losses to those assets. Ha'anami Soto in our case, Takhino de Rabbanan, Ki heiki de Leilif Sedinu, the Rabbanan gave him the status of like an orris, so that he would have that always in the back of his mind and wouldn't neglect and therefore cause a loss to the property, period. We had said up above, we actually started with this price. So here we're gonna quote it again. It was on the fourth line. We quote it again to cool on all of them, shovel the head in chorus. Now, we were trying to figure out who was referring to. We had a typical time even referring to one of the cases. So what does it mean, the cool on? What does it mean all of them? The cool on last week, my what's it coming to include? Well, it says that the more last week it's coming to include ha'an ha'an mara nai, and the liner of nakmin ha'mer schmuel. Let's say you have a shavu'i shinishpa, a person was taken captive, which is what we had called assets, and we're a netushin. My region carved on a hustle, we will let a relative go down and see to the assets that he has, the land. Yatsalidah, so ever if that person left willingly, knowingly, that's what we had called retushin on the bottom of the previous amud, that aim by reading carved on a hustle. We do not let a relative onto the estate. Kama for of nakmin di day, and under nakmin di day. That was our nakmin quoting schmuel up till now. Now we're of nakmin himself, amar, beireach, harehuke shavu'i. If somebody had to like run away, that's the equivalent of somebody who was taken captive. Basically, he didn't have a clear mind because he was all thinking about a million things that he had to run away. Now, what's the other way for that we say that? Beireach makmas mai, colon. Elema makmas karga karga is the head tax. Let's say he was behind in his taxes, and he was afraid the authorities wanted to come after him. Well, that's not really so intense. Hainu Ladas, that's basically that he willingly left. Ella's gotta be something much more intense that the officials are after him for, that he's running away. Ella, an ice cream line. Beireach makmas martin. The root of martin is memle shtallad mahad, or murder. He basically, he's a skip in town because the authorities claim he murdered someone, and at that time, capital punishment was the punishment for murder. Period. The more percents are related ruling. Now, I'm reviewing our schmool, underlying his name. Shavuifenishba. Let's say you have somebody who's taken captive. Vihiniyakama litzor, and when you're taking captive, he had a field that was like ready to be harvested. It could be standing grain, whether it could be ready to be harvested. Anovin litzor, grapes ready to be picked. Tamarin ligdor, dates that are ready to be picked. And in Lushana Kajesh, Lushana Kumar, so many of the different, depending on the fruit, or the produce, there's a different verb for each one of the, depending on the produce. Zasim Limpsych, Olives Tepik. So what do we do with this estate now? You can't just leave it. So based in the rabbinical authorities, the local rabbinical authorities, Jordin Limchasov will go to his assets. Uma'amidinapitreipis, then they will set up a court-appointed financial overseer who will harvest. What is there? He would do the coarser, both surface, the grapes, who go there, if it is the dates of Mosek, if it's the Olives. And then the Akrakach, Maireidin Karthunakhasov, and then they would point one of the relatives after that point. Okay, Asikumuril, one second. If they're already appointing an apitreipis to harvest the stuff that's ready to go, why not just keep apitreipis in his job? In the future, why do you have to have a relative? Alaykim apitreipa loyla? Well, that's not really gonna work because like an apitreipis, someone who's doing the base in a favor. And if it's like a one-off thing, a one-time thing maybe, but as like a permanent responsibility, apitreipa le dignity, like for dakan, for zakan, for an older person, for basically anyone as an adult, a long-term low mukminan. Rashi is a beautiful Rashi, Rashi says, on the second of the widest, widest lines in the Rashi, slightly underneath the thesis. Apitreipis ekna le mukni, aim based in Toruk and the vakish apitreipis. Based on his not gonna go through the hassle of finding a financial overseer for people. Gidolim, who are adults, shouldn't have smelled the ziknam. They already have full beards. The fisheloi, even soon, they basically won't find someone like that. Divisionally understand if they're looking for somebody to financially oversee the assets of orphans that you ask me, ekna de shamaluhu. There's people who will listen, apitreipis ekna le mismith. So mismith, it's a people will do that. Avala dignity, for people are already adults, low shamaluhu. There's no way they're gonna spend a long-term being an apitreipis for them. Amarifuna, circle of funa, he's gonna give us three dinnim. Number one, we'll go over each one. Number one, katlanixe shavuih. Number two, vole karblinixe katan. Number three, vole karblinixe katan. Okay, so those are three things that we don't do. Here we go, colon. Number one, and I underlined these five words. In my region, katan, la nixe shavuih. We will not put a minor into, like, to oversee the assets of somebody who'd been taken captive, even if he's, like, fitting to inherit that person, because it'll basically, they're not old enough to take their responsible job and better just to bring in some outsider. I underlined here, vole karblinixe katan. That was actually the third case. Now, that's the case that I sent a little picture out for. You have situations where if you have a husband and wife, and the husband had another wife at another time, either before or after, and the wife had another husband, either before or after, you could have that couple, a father and mother having a son, and the father could have a son from another woman, and the mother could have a son from another man, and you could basically have one son who's a half sibling on one side, 'cause they share the same mother with a young man, and on the other side, a brother, who's a half brother, 'cause he shares a father. In other words, but the extremes, the brothers that are not related, 'cause they don't have the same mother or the same father, that's gonna be the case over here, that you would not have a karblinixe katan. So if you look at the little picture I sent out, the katan is the number one son. The number two son is a half brother, 'cause he has the same father. The number three son is not related at all, but he shares the same mother with the number two son, and because of that, we do not allow even a karblinixe katan, and there's a three son cannot always see the property of the number one katan. That's when we said velod karblinixe katan, that's with a brother of the middle son, Mae Ima from a similar mother. And the second point that we had mentioned, I underlined these four words and called it number two, is like karblinixe katan. We're not going to let a relative come in and oversee the assets of the katan. Why not? Well, Kevin Delay-Maki, the katan, who's the rightful owner of it, he doesn't know that he has to protest or say anything. And as far as this relative's concern is an adult, he might actually come to claim that it's his field. He's been working all these years. Aussie little Zuki Bay, he might come to claim a stake in an ownership in it. I'm a rava, I double underlined rava and rava says, schmami na me der rava huna. Now rava huna made three points. I think this is coming off of the second point, the that we don't let a kara have a relative take over for assets that are like an eight or nine year old. Schmami na me der rava huna, that ain maksikin veneerse katan, that you cannot make a kazaake. If you are overseeing the estate of a miner, even if it's been more than three years, three, four, five years, there's no such thing as making a kazaake normally. We say if you've been using a land for three years, that that would be a kazaake, but not if it's something that had been previously owned by a kata. The afilo hidil, even if, let's say, the person took over the assets of the kata and then he grew up and then he was 13, 14, 15, 16, even then it's not going to work because as far as the kid was concerned when the person took over, that's what the person should be doing. Now, we're gonna have three qualifications here, limiting the den. Veloy Amrin, Ela ba achihaba. That's only if it's a maternal, excuse me, a paternal brother, sharing the same father of achih. The ima, if it's brothers from the same mother, Laislan ba, we do not have a problem because they don't inherit from the same people. They inherit from their fathers and they have different fathers. Va achih da abanami, even if they're paternal brothers, Loi Amrin, Ela ba achihaba. Orosa, it's only when we're talking about land assets, aval bebati, if it is like an apartment building or a house, literally, where the neighbors know that this guy was taking over, seeing the assets of the minor, Laislan ba, therefore we don't have to worry about it. Oobah arasan amin, even when it's a land asset, nami lei Amrin, Ela, de lei avid, it's a da. That's only if there wasn't an official documentation of this split, aval, avid, it's a da, if it was an official documentation of the split, of that these are the different brothers and they get it. Kala islu, that'll have a coil and we don't have to worry about the minor being taken advantage of. The Gamora, though, turns around and concludes Kama Valohi, actually everything we just said, the previous three limitations and qualifications, not so. Loi Shnaqi da aba, Laisan achih, de Ima doesn't make a difference if it's a paternal brother or a maternal brother, Laislan achihaba. Orosa, Laislan achihaba doesn't make a difference if the assets in question are land assets or houses, the Laislan of it is a deval, Laislan achihaba, it is a da, whether that contract was written up that clarifies the split of the estate, low makhtin and we do not allow a relative to have anything to do with a cut-ins property as a overseer or administrator, period. Hahe Safta, I boxed Hahe Safta, we're gonna have a case of a particular elderly woman and about 15, 18 lines later, first words on the line are Murray Barisik, and I put a box on Murray Barisik, those are gonna be the two cases that will take us on to take us to Dafnem and bring us to the end of this year, but we got a long way to go. Hahe Safta, there was a elderly lady, de Havilat-Flasbansa, she had three daughters, daughter one, daughter two, daughter three. What happened to this lady and her three daughters? Well, Istha Boiihi, the mother was taken captive, the Khadabartan, one of the three daughters, so let's say daughter number one was taken captive with the mother, what about the other two? Ida Thartibansa, the other two daughters that were left in town, I guess. Shriva Khadabinaa, one of them was hit by a bus and died. However, she left a small child, the Shafka Yunuka, now that small child, of course, is in line to inherit his deceased mother, but it's a small child. And then the third daughter is still here, she's around, so what do we do with the assets of the mother? Do we know what happened to the mother and we're just taking captive, maybe she was killed, maybe she's still alive, so I'm gonna buy you Hithi Naavid, what are we supposed to do with the mother's assets? Let's see over here. If we want to write double underline, look min-hu-lenix-se-bi-ad-da-da-acta, if we put all of the assets into the oversight of the possession of the one sister who is still in town and still alive, well, the problem with that is Dilma Shkiva-Safta, you never know, in captivity, maybe the mother had died, and we know as a general rule, I dot underline these five words, "Ain" by Reiden, Karlin, and say, "Khatan." Well, you can't have a relative go in to oversee the assets of a khatan, and remember, this lady's nephew, in other words, her deceased sister's kid is a khatan, so you can't let a daughter number three oversee it. Well, how about this? Nook min-hu, I double under the nook min-hu. Why don't we say that we will establish daughter number three, who's the only one who's really alive, lit nix-se-bi-ad-da-da-yenuka, so give the half of the assets into the possession of the kid, and let daughter number three, she's still around, get her half. Well, the reason why we can't do that is Dilma Lo Shriva-Safta, 'cause you never know. Maybe the mother was taken into captivity with her daughter, the mother of these three daughters, maybe Lo Shriva-Safta, she did not pass away, and we have another general rule, I dot underline these five words, "Ain" by Reiden, "Khatan." No, no, say, "Shovely." We had said also that you don't let a minor go in and have assets that belong to some new-taking captivity. So what are we supposed to do? Well, I'm gonna buy a circle, the buy-in two lines later, almost directly underneath this rough-eye-circled rava. Abai says, "Well, in this case, Hilka." Palga, half of that, which was left by the mother, and we don't know if she's alive or dead. Yeah, Hyvna-la-la, Akta, you give to daughter number three, the one, only one who's still around in town. Deidak, Palga, what do you do with the other half? Mukmi-na-la-yen-la-yenuka, you appoint a, you have a court-appointed financial overseer to see to it. Rava, who I circled them are, well, he says one second. If you're already having a court-appointed financial overseer to oversee the half that belongs to the child of daughter number two, Mi-gu-du-mukmi-na-apit-ripa. Since we're already establishing an apit-ripa-la-palga for half of it, mukmi-na-la-yen-la-apit-ripa-la-la-yen-la-palga, you might as well have the financial overseer overseas. The whole estate, Kama. La Syph, in a little bit of a time later, Shamu-de-Shriva-Safta, it was learned that the mother had been taken captive, she passed away. Amara-Bai, so now that we know for sure that she's passed away, do we know that the daughter she was taken captive with passed away? No. So says Abbai-yen. Tilsa, one-third of the estate, definitely have Una-li-Lakta go to sister number three, who was the only one who was left alive in town, she gets her third. Vittilsa and another third, Yavina-li-yenuka, go to the small child of the second daughter who had tragically passed away. What do you do with the third third, with the third slish? Because that belongs to our number one, but she's in captivity and we don't know what her status is. So vida-tilsa-colon. Yavina-danka, danka is one sixth, in other words, one sixth of the whole, or half, of what our number one gets to the octa, to the sister to oversee it. The ida-tanka, and the other one sixth, well, we're not really sure in there for Muka-mino-li-appi-tripa-li-yenuka. We have a financial overseer who sees to it for the yenuka. Now, Rava, again, comes in, I don't know in Rava's name, and says, well, again, applying amigo, once we already have a financial overseer, seeing part of this estate, Rava, amigo, since the makimappi-tripa-litanka that we're already gonna see hiring a court, a financial overseer, hired by the court, to deal with the one sixth of bot number one, or half the cheese and title. So, Muka-mino-li-appi-tripa-lit-yenuka, we also are going to have that court appointed financial overseer, see the other ones, or in other words, the entire amount that should go to daughter number one, if she is alive, period. Here's another story. Marie Bar-Isik, who we had boxed already. He was a bit of a tough guy. Osalie, apparently, showed up one day in town. Muka, a guy who's claiming to be Marie's brother, from Beichuseli. Now, that story, Marie wasn't familiar with it, but could be because when Marie was younger, his father had gone too. Beichuseli, and maybe father a child, maybe didn't father a child, but anyway, this person shows up and claims that he's Marie's brother, and it has a very important ramfication, because he says to Marie, Amr-li-plaguely, I'd like you to split the estate, but it was left by your father, who also happens to be my father. Amr-li, well, Marie says back to this fellow, "Well, yeah, Donalach, I have no idea who you are." All right, the case comes to court, Asla Kame, and it ends up in the court of Rifchista. So, Rifchista says to this, we'll call this guy who showed up from out of town, we'll call him Yosef. He says to Yosef, "Shop-erka, Amr-lach." You know, Marie is saying really good. But we'll recognize you, and that's not like a lie, Shinim. Are we have none other than the brothers? The schwadsim, they didn't recognize Yosef. Ayyakir Yosef and Sekhov, Yosef recognized his brother. There's the Hamlohiki rule, they didn't recognize him, which is common for older brothers, not to recognize a younger brother, when many years has passed by before they since they've seen them. Alameed, over there by Yosef and the brothers, Sheyatsa, Balaikhasima Zakhin, when Yosef left the brothers at 17 and was sold, he didn't have a full beard, Uba, and came back, maybe when he was 30, Balaikhasima Zakhin. And therefore, you know, the officiating rapper, Rifchista says to him, "Well, you know, Marie's saying good, how does you know who you are?" Amr-lachista says, "Listen, if you claim "in your Marie's brother, Zilgo, Icy, Sahadi, "and bring us some witnesses to our thought "that you are indeed his brother." Now, Amr-lachista says Yosef, this guy, a new guy who just showed up in town who's claiming he's Marie's brother, he says back to the good rabbi, "Well, listen, Rabbi, Icy, Sahadi, "I got people who are willing to testify, "ever Dakhli Minay, they're terrified of Marie "to Gavran Lima, who he's got a bad reputation, "he's a violent individual, you know, "they don't want to end up with their legs broken "or kneecap smashed." So they're terrified to testify. Now, when the good rabbi, Rifchista, who's the officiating rabbi here, here's this, Amr-lil-Liddide says to Marie, okay, here you're potentially very violent individual, Zil-ant, Icy, Sahadi, de-lav, Ahl-lachu. You know what, you bring witnesses that this guy who showed up in town, we'll call him Yosef, is not your brother. Amr-lachista says back Marie to the good rabbi to Rifchista, he says, "One second rabbi, Dina Ha'chi, "that's the Jewish law, in general, we know "that the rule of thumb is in these types of monetary cases, "amochi m'chaveiro y'allov, ha'rayah, "one who wants to seize assets away from someone else, "the burner proves on them." Amr-lil-Liddide says Rifchista is going to be a little bit tough here with Marie, he says, "Well, Ha'chi, Dina, lachu, lachu, "lachu, lachu, lachu, lachu, lemidide, ha'vrayah." You know what, this is the way I'm going to judge you and all those tough guys who you're friendly with because that's what I say. Okay, Amr-lay, an interesting discussion here, Marie says back to Rifchista, like according to you, Rifchista, that I'm such a tough guy, well, and I have to bring the witnesses, so, so, so, if you know what, usu sahadi, v'lomisadi. So, I'll bring witnesses, and they're not going to testify like him, they'll testify like me, because you know, they'll be afraid of me if you tell me I'm such a tough guy. Amr-lay, says back Rifchista to Marie. No, that I'm not afraid of, because, in general, not that you can't have an exception, but in general, tarti loyafti, they're not going to do two things because they're afraid of you. Like, if you say that they just will remain silent, fine, but to say that they're actually going to then actively come and testify, and testify falsely, that they're not going to do. Kama. Now, you know what happened? Lachu, in the end, usu sahadi, d'ahaflu, there were actually witnesses who came, who testified that this fellow, Yosef, who showed up, is actually Marie's brother. And they're for years entitled to half of the estate. Now, the estate Marie took over when the father passed away a long time ago, I don't know, it could be years ago. He had probably put a lot of his own time and effort and money into the estate. However, Amr-lay, this Yosef, you know, a new-found brother, says to Revrista, I would like not only half of the estate that was around at the time our father passed away, but actually half of the improvements that Marie put in in the interim. Liff-legly, nami, mi par desu, businidit, sha-sla. I'd like to also get half of the orchards, the gardens, the Boston gardens that had been planted. Kama, Amr-lay, Yosef says, back with Krista to Marie, you know what? This new brother, Yosef, you're a shopper, Kama-laki, he's saying good. Like, you know, his claim is he wants 50% of everything, even the things that are worth more because you put money into it, it's not. We even have a precedent for this. There's a mission that goes to the last word on this Amr-ld. Let's say you have a father who passed away leaving a 15-year-old and a 17-year-old and a five-year-old and a seven-year-old. In other words, two sons who are adults, two sons who are minors, Yenehav-banam-gidailam-a-catanam, the Hishbihl-gidailam and the 15- and 17-year-old, the elderly sons, the older sons, put their own money into the nikhasan, the state that was left, the ass that were left, Hishbihl-emsa, they basically are not going to get that full amount back, they'll get their percentage back, but the children will also be used to it, and therefore, Krista says to Marie that this new found brother here is saying really good. The next five words, the first five words in Amr-ld. All of our preferably taken out by Rashi. Amalaya Bayah, I am Alaina Bayah, now Bayah says to Rufchista, well, one second, you can't compare those two cases, me dummy. Are they really comparable? Colin, haasam gidolam-gabe-catanam, when you're talking about four brothers who were left their father died, two are 15 and 17, the other ones are five and seven, like the older brothers know that there's younger brothers. Yadi, yet they were willing to put their own money and to make the improvements on the inheritance they were left to come, makli, and they were mocha when they did that. However, in this case, Haqah, in the case of Murray, he had no idea that this brother existed. Mi yada, de laikal, that he could be michael it. Okay, and the issue remained, I guess, one of contention. Galgal mils of the matter, like, rolled and revolved and was discussed and went to another court who matan came, Le Kame de Rebi Ami, two, Rebi Ami, who, seemingly, is going to disagree with Rivkista. Ammar Lehoo, Revami, when he heard this case, he says back to those who brought his attention, gidolamizu amra. They actually said something like that's a more, like a bigger condition than this, that if you have a relative who goes to work the lands of somebody who'd been taken captive, that the person is allowed to take that, which is there, Shamin Lehann, that you make an assessment, can, or it's like a sharecropper. I don't know if the sharecropper's gonna third, he's in town to a third. Now, Haqah, de de, lo yahavina leh, and now you're gonna say that what Murray thought rightfully belonged to him. In other words, the money, the improvements that he put in, lo yahavina leh, he would be entitled even to a portion like a sharecropper, then certainly, in other words, he would get a halooke of Yossa stuff. Ahadrua, seems like this issue's gonna be ping pong back and forth between a Christian Revami. Adrua Haqah, and I guess the people who were going back and forth, they brought this to the attention, the commentary of Christa. Ammar Lehoo, Revami did not like that comparison. He said, me, dummy, you can compare those two. Haqah, some bershius naqas. In that case, the people who went down to work the estate, the relatives who went down to the estate of the person who was taking captive, that was with like permission. Like they knew that Haqah, la bershius naqas. But over here, it was not bershius. Like he didn't check with the basin. The Aude, and all the more so, Khatanhu, he was a khatan at the time, Marie's a brother, Yosef. The aim, Marie, didn't carl in the estate khatan. And like, we're not supposed to have a relative seeing to the assets of a khatan, and that's what Marie was. Well, Ahadrua, the comment, Revami, this is the last stop, they brought that, it responds back to Revami. Revami said to them, oh, well, actually, I fully agree with Revami of Christa. I had no idea that the long-lost brother was actually a khatan. (speaks in foreign language) However, Hadra, be omni, known that he, would have agreed with Revami of Christa, that Marie should not be compensated for his improvements of his brother's harlec.