Apostolic Lighthouse
Comfortably Numb (Part 1) - Bro Kaleb Sampson
How many could say preach to us, preacher? Come on, can we give the Lord a good hand cop a praise? Come on, I quote it quite often, praise Him according to His excellent greatness. Has God been good to you? However good God's been to you, that's how you need to praise Him. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We lift you up, O Lord. Hallelujah. He is mindful of His people. Praise the Lord. Why you have your Bibles? Why you are standing very quickly. I want to go to the Word of the Lord. I want to say how much I appreciate Brother Gray, Brother Wilson being with us tonight, all of our visitors in the house of the Lord. I appreciate you being here, they could have carried on, and I appreciate both of these men. Thank God the Lord has allowed them to be in my life. Hallelujah. You're just going to get some good old-fashioned cornbread and beans tonight, teaching, and there's no racehorse up here. Matter of fact, I know that's normally how I am, and I'm going to have to probably try to rein it back a little bit, but there's been a burden on my heart about what we stand for in the house of the Lord, why we stand for it. And I don't want to tell you that I believe in something just because it's been told to me, Brother DJ, all the days of my life, that I want to hold it dear and near to my heart because it's what I believe. And I believe with all of my heart that I need to instill it, not only into my children, but into these young people around the house of the Lord. I want you to know why we do some of the things that we do. And so I had a burden and been studying and have some even helping me, and I get some of this literature together and put this together, but I want to talk to us tonight about being comfortably numb, comfortably numb. If you have your Bibles, let's turn to the Book of Acts very quickly where you're standing. Acts chapter 2 and verse 40. Acts chapter 2 and verse 40. How do you, if you have it, say amen. If you're still looking at it, looking for it, say O me. Hallelujah. Acts chapter 2 and verse 40. And with many other words, did he testify and exhort saying, "Save yourselves from this untoward generation." Hallelujah. Can everybody say that with me? Save yourself from this untoward generation. Hallelujah, if you're going to help me teach, preach, treat, you may be seated. Hallelujah, comfortably numb. This past July 4th, 3rd, I let these young men talk me into getting on a kneeboard and about ripped my knee cap off and I went to the doctor and had an MRI done and said I had a tear in my meniscus and said they're going to give you a shot in your knee and it's going to allow you, it's going to make this thing feel better. The forward and back motion ain't so bad, it's just when it goes side to side, it about feels like this thing's going to fall off and hurts. But I began, as they told me, they was going to give me a shot and the doctor said that with this shot it's going to make it feel everything's okay but you have to remember, you have to remember that you're hurt and if you're not careful with this thing feeling well that you're going to overdo it and so we're going to give you this shot. In other words, brother Michael Chandler, you're going to be able to live with it, it's going to make you feel good but you got to remember that you are limited to what you can do and I have not hardly remembered that and I've overdone it, hurt my leg, just got back from Colorado, hike up in the mountains and I think I'll pack more on my back this year and my backpack than I ever have but from that thought, that point I want to talk to us about being comfortably numb, we are living in a world that is full of media. It's a part of our everyday life, it's a part of the daily routine that we go when we do and it is a problem and with us living in this world and being a part and having this media within our hands, we should handle it with care. We should handle it knowing that this could affect us and if we're not careful, it could separate us from God and the Bible, he did some separation with his people in the Old Testament. The first time we see this after the Garden of Eden, we see this with Enoch and Enoch, the Bible led us to know that Enoch pleased the Lord and it pleased him to a point pastor that he said, "You know what, I'm just going to take him out of here, I'm just going to take him out of all this corruption and out of all this perversion and I'm just going to take him out of the world." And so he leaves the world in the condition that it's in and he translates and he raptures Enoch out of here and from right where he's at, but the second time you see God separating his people was with Noah and Noah, he did the exact opposite from what he did with Enoch. The Bible lets us to know that he left Noah and his family in the world and he took everybody else. He destroyed the world and Brother Wilson preached a good message about Noah in the Ark and man, I liked how the mama elephant got to go on the cruise and she packed her trunk and there they went and I seen where somebody said they wish Noah would have killed the two mosquitoes on the Ark and I could agree with that. But we see one like Enoch that God took everybody else and he left Noah and we also read in the Word of the Lord where the third time he called and he separated and it was Abraham. But unlike what he did with Enoch and taking him out of here or unlike with Noah, taking everybody else out of here, he told him, Abraham, Abraham, you're going to have to separate yourself from the world. I'm not going to take you out of the world, I'm not going to take everybody else out of the world, I'm going to leave you in it and I'm going to leave you to dwell in it, but you're going to have to find a way to separate yourself from the world. We're not of the world, we're just pilgrims passing through this foreign land. That's why he said, "Come out from amongst them and be separate, say at the Lord, touch not the unclean thing." That separation, that part of separation is on us, it's our will, our desire, it's going to have to be you, you're made up mind that's going to separate you from this world. We're in the world, but we're not of the world. It's going to have to be you that has a made up mind that you're going to separate yourself from sin. I know that it don't seem popular in the day and hour that we are living, but I'm thank God that I'm not going with the popular. If we would have went with the popular and Noah's day, we would all drown in it. I said if we all would have went with the popular way in the day of Joshua, which still be wandering around in the wilderness, but I'm thankful for a group of people that have made up their self, that made up their mind, that I might be in this world, but I'm not of this world, I'm chosen of God, I'm set aside, I love him, and if I love him, I will keep his commandments. What are we talking about here today? This world is full of media, and that's going to be the hardest place that we separate ourselves from the world, because we live in it, it's full of it. They took a survey in the United Pentecostal Church of the young people that was 25 years and younger, and what some of the greatest hindrances with their walk with God and every one of these men and every one of these women, 25 years and younger, they all had pretty much the same answer, different things, but within their answers, there was this common denominator that kept showing up within this poll, this survey that they took. Their greatest hindrance was media, and I know that man to some of us, that might be shocking, but to a lot of us, we know that it's not shocking. We know this to be true, because not just in our young people, 25 years and younger, we understand today being 40 years old, or however old you are in this place today, that it is a hindrance to us as well. And if we're not careful, if we're not careful, and I love high church, I love to worship, I love to run, I love to shout. I love to dance, I love to have high church and good church, but sometimes I think we need just to slow down and realize where we are truly living at. And if we're not careful, the hindrances with social media and the media of this world is the toll that it's taking on us as apostolic people. We all know how dangerous it is, we all know that it could be destroying to our soul, but somewhere, some way, we just decide that we'll just sweep it underneath the rug, and we're just going to go on with life, we're not going to talk about it. That's what the world would like for us to do. That's what Satan would like for us to do, is just sweep it underneath the rug and not deal with some of these issues that we're going to be dealing with for the next few midweek services if the Lord will permit. But I just don't want to sweep it underneath the rug tonight. I just don't want to sweep it underneath the rug to my children. I just don't want to sweep it underneath the rug to your children or to your grandchildren, but I want to get up in the face of adversity when it's not popular, when it's not cool to get up and just be that old, boring preacher teacher, but I want to tell you what sin is. And I want to tell you what sin can do to your life and how it can destroy you and how it can take you through the gutter. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. These cell phones in your pocket can destroy your life. They can destroy your marriage. They can destroy your family. They can destroy you. And we can just be like the old sand and go stick our head in the sand and say, "Well, come breath. Go breath." But I refuse to let sin walk in and creep in our doors and pack out our young people and pack out our families. I'm going to get up in the face of sin and I'm going to call sin for being sin. I'm going to sound the alarm and say, "Hey, we don't have to go this way. Don't get involved in that. I still think a young man ought to be a young man and a young woman ought to be a young woman." My prayer would be tonight that we can roll back this rug and we could take a good look at the effect that media is having on our families and on our marriages and on our children and on our souls. We look at the word media. Media means it comes from the word median. Pouring is a fortune teller. Median is someone that is a go between from this natural world to the spiritual world. It's referring to its connection between two things, from the natural to the spiritual. It's the connection between the writer and the reader. So when a writer publishes a book, they put their stamp on it. It is stamped media because it is the plural form for median, which is the mass communication from one to many. Media means mass communication. Some of the different ways of media is cell phones, movies, videos, DVDs, computers, which includes websites, apps, social media, television, radio, gaming stations, books, magazines, music. This is just to name a few. I come to tell you today, media is powerful. There is always an agenda on the other side of the media or the median. What you think is just a little rock and roll song, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just something from the 80s or the 90s or the early 2000s. That's just a little love song. That's just a no good old country and western song. Let me tell you something. On the flip side of that, there's an agenda behind it. What they say all the time, growing up, play the country song backwards and you get your horse back and you get your dog back and get your wife back and get your family back. If you play, I'm going to tell you something that's just about the way it is. There is an agenda behind this stuff that we are just shoving down or let it shove down our kids, our grandkids, our throats, whatever it might be, we're just saying, okay, it's just passive. Oh man, this is just a little this or this is just a little song or this is just a little deal on YouTube. It ain't going to be that bad. Let me tell you something little by little, here a little and there a little. There is an agenda, pastor, do you really think it affects us? Yes, I do. I think it affects you. Matter of fact, I can see you when you come in. I can see you when you've missed services. I can tell you've been affected not just by your cell phones, but by this world. The battle that you face in life, everything that you go through and face and the battle is in your mind. This battle is within our mind. What are you talking about? That's why in Ephesians chapter four and verse 23 he said, be renewed in the spirit of your mind. All preacher doesn't affect us. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ma'am. When you don't come in on Sunday morning and you don't come in on Sunday night and you don't come in on Monday night and you don't come in on Wednesday night, you are affected by the world that you are living in. You've been affected by this median, this this go between from heaven to earth, this flash from spirit, from spirit to flesh, you're affected by the things that you are around and the things that you see, the morality of this whole world. It's being shoved down our throats. What are you talking about? The advisers spend over 45 billion with a B, 45 billion dollars a year to try to persuade you or influence you to buy a certain product. I'm going to tell you something common sense would tell us here today if it was not working, they wouldn't be spending. I don't know what the statistic was and I didn't have time to go back and look it up from last year or the year before, but I'm going to tell you something. I could almost tell you or guarantee you it was not as much as what they spent this year. It probably was somewhere around 40 billion or 42 billion, but they realized that this influence is working on the people, say, well, I don't believe that, well, let's carry on here. I want to show you that it is working and that's why they keep up in the spending. That's why they keep up in the ante because they are persuading us and they are that go between, they are wearing us down. I'm going to tell you something, if they can persuade you to use a certain kind of tooth paste or deodorant, I'm going to tell you something. They can affect your walk with God with social media or media or media. What are you talking about? They can make you look different at life. They can make you feel numb to sin. You can set comfortably around why sin runs rampant. The things that going on today do you think that your grandma or your grandpa who probably did not, if they did not go to church, do you think that they could set around or your great-grandpa and your great-grandma and see the things? I'm going to tell you something. I ate lunch with a very intelligent man today, not a Pentecostal, just a good man, an architect. He was telling me that he is a shame to go to a certain boat dock on the shield knob because the girls are running around and they're pretty much naked. He said, "Kaleb, I don't even want to take my family over there anymore because I can't stand to even look at them. They're walking around and they're pretty much naked. I don't know how their parents even let them out looking like this. This is not a Pentecostal, but it's because we have become comfortably numb to the fact that life is going on around us and they are shoving this media and media and they are being the girl between instead of from the spiritual, they're going to the carnal and we are setting around and we are accepting the devil's devices. But I feel like that the battle, yes, it's within the mind and we got to renew our mind within the spirit, that's why it's so important and I preach it and I will continue to preach it and I will push it with everything that's within me. You need to be here Sunday morning. You need to be here Sunday night. You need to be here Monday night and you need to be here Wednesday night. Why? Because it's important. It's the life line, it's the media between you and God. And if the media ain't in the church between you from the spiritual man to the spiritual man up there, if it ain't dead, I'll tell you what it's going to be. It's going to be perversion, it's going to be iniquity, it's going to be drugs, it's going to be alcohol, it's going to be the cares of this life, it's going to be carnality. The Bible tells us that we need to have a renewing of our mind. Our mind is what the enemy would love to attach itself to because wherever your mind goes, that's where your soul goes and your body follows. The battle is not in this church. The battle is when you're a home by yourself in your bedroom. The battle is when you're by yourself in your car and you're driving down the road and all them thoughts that's going on in your mind. Do you give heed to them? Do you give heed to the seducing spirits and doctrines of devil? Oh, it's easy to jump in the house of God when there's 150 or 200 people shouting with you. It's easy to run the aisles when you got 50 or 60 running the aisles with you. It's easy to have a victory march, a elder when there's 20 or 30 with victory marching with you and that's why it's vital to do it and that's why it's vital to be here in the prayer room, a prayer with righteous brothers to draw the strength but it's easy to worship God. It's easy to live for God in the house of the Lord but let me tell you something when you get out them doors and you get all alone and the enemy comes in like a flood and then he begins to war against your mind and you're sitting there comfortably numb saying, "Oh, I don't need a prayer. You need to shake yourself, wake yourself up and say, "My God, I've got to get to the church. I've got to find the prayer room. I've got to find an altar." I've got to find an altar. The battle's in your mind. It's when you're by yourself, neo-show, apostolic lighthouse. We need a renewing of the mind today. We need a renewing within our soul and within our spirit. Peter said in chapter 1 and verse 13, "Wherefore, gird up the loins of your mind. Be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. You have to gird up your mind. You just can't let your mind go in any direction. You just can't let yourself be scattered to and fro but you've got to gird it up. That means you've got to tighten it up like a belt, like putting on a belt. It means to bring things together. Just don't let your mind run and flow with any old thought and with any old way. Don't let it run and just any old way or direction but you've got to channel it. We've got to channel it, we need to gird up our mind, having our mind girded up to too many things. The media is driving and that's what scatters our mind is media. We are consumed so I'm preaching to myself tonight. Romans chapter 8 and verse 6, "For to be carnally minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Carnally minded is your mind. To be carnally minded is death. There is a spirit of death in our carnal mind. There's a spirit of death that comes in a home where there's a carnal mind. There's a spirit of death that comes into a marriage where there's a carnal mind. There's a spirit of death that comes into a church where they are carnally minded. My God, I've never seen Elder Gray, Elder Wilson. You can bag me up and tell me if I'm wrong or tell me if I'm right but y'all traveling to different churches. How many churches are you seeing that they're not praying anymore? They don't have the prayer rooms. They traded the prayer rooms for a coffee shop. They've traded the prayer rooms for a little bakery or some library for some nice fancy butts. Oh, and they're not praying, they're practicing and man, they sound real good. Man, they can sing and man, they can sing, but let me tell you something. Give me somebody that's found the prayer room. Give me sister Samson, give me sister Stacy that's got on their knees and they got a hold of the mind of God and they got a hold of the mind of the service. I don't care how good they can sing, I won't be anointing. I want the spirit to flow freely because I understand that to be carnally minded is dead. Say man, oh, love to have a coffee shop in the church and that's good, I know I don't think it's wrong to have all that but man, when you tear out the prayer rooms to have a coffee shop. When you tear out the prayer rooms to have a library, I'm going to tell you something. Something's going on between the struggle, you're becoming comfortably numb. Well, everybody else is doing it, everybody else is giving by. Oh, man, they're having church. Man, they're adding to it and they're growing, I'm going to tell you something. Yeah, and they're about this shallow right here and the first wind that comes along, the first of the storm that comes along, that old house comes crashing down because they built it upon the sand. But thank God and the oh so apostolic lighthouse, we're building this house upon a rock upon this rock. Will I build my church in the gates of hell shall not prevail against it? I don't want to be carnally minded, pastor talks about being carnally minded, talks about how growing up and just carnal, just the spirit of carnality upon him. The things that God had to do to get his attention, I don't want to be carnally minded. I've had our youth upon a social media fast for a while to our meeting, I believe we started it in my place in July, maybe first of August, July, sometime to our meeting, I had them on a social media fast and I could ask them tonight, what have you watched or what have you been involved with since you come off of that fast? What have you got involved with or what have you been involved, or who have you been involved with since you come off of that fast? I come, I'm not here to shame anybody tonight, especially our young people. I know they're young, I know they're not going to be perfect. I was there and I made mistakes myself, it don't give, it don't give your right to sin, but hell that's how I was talking with the elder and I told him we missed our ex, I said just turn around, just go right here, turn around, and dad said well son listen, I'm 60 something years old and when the Highway Patrol pulls me over and now he might overlook you because you're a lot younger, but it's going to be hard being a 60 some year old man looking there and saying well, he just ain't going to look past that, so I understand, I might look beyond your faults and failures when we might hold somebody old or accountable. I understand that here today, but I'm going to tell you something young people, you need to open your eyes and realize the effect that social media can have on you and have on your life and what it can do to you and what it can do to your family. You can think the battles in your dress or how we have church or how we do this or how we do that, but I come to tell you today that the most important thing that you need to understand here tonight is the battle within your mind, oh yeah it's within your mind, to be spiritually minded is life and peace, it's just not life, but it's peace also. Oh yeah, let me tell you something, this world is tore up because we have no peace and anyone, anyone knows why, anybody that's got any intelligence, they'll tell you why we ain't got no peace or there's trouble on every hand, there's trouble everywhere you turn, how do you know there's trouble, because you see it on the television and you see it on your phone and you see it on your job and you hear it on the radio and you hear it running down the road and it's never nothing good anymore, this one killed that one, this one adopted, oh I've ducked at this one and raped and murdered and this and that and this and it's just constantly, constantly, constantly, ah flow, flow, flow of negativity, of a bad and no good and man it's controlling the mind and it's setting this world up for trouble and trouble and trouble and trouble and he said in this world you're going to find trouble, no peace, how do we know it's because it's constantly being put out there, it keeps us carnal, it's constantly got us on edge, man and I've said it, oh man lord if he don't get elected this thing's going to go down, man this economy's going to be bad why because I'm being affected by what I'm reading and what I'm hearing brother Wilson and truth be now I've made money with a republican or a democrat, the democrats they've controlled it for 12 of the last 16 years and I've made money but I'm being affected by the things that I read and the things that I hear, they're just to where to cause, to put me on the edge, to put fear and trouble and worry in my life but the Bible said in me you're going to find peace, you're going to have peace, to be carnally minded is death but in me, well preacher we're just going to kind of go along with the world, oh yeah really, what about Romans chapter 12 and verse 2, we're just going to go along with the flow, we're just going to go along with there's giants over there and we're just look like grasshoppers, now they've been over there and I know there's two saying we can do it but what about the others, there's more that's saying that man we can't do, we're just going to go with the flow and then same that went along with the flow, died wandering around in the wilderness, I don't want to die wandering around, I don't want to live this life with no meaning, I don't want to live this life just wandering around with no meaning but my God help me get my family tonight, help me get my kids tonight and say hey there's meaning in this life and that meaning is we're going to let the Lord with all of our heart and all of our soul and all of our might, Romans chapter 12 and verse 2 said and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God, oh I don't want to be conformed to this world, you better not speak out against sin preacher, it's coming today when man it's going to cost you and it might cost me brother Wilson brother it might cost me everything that I've worked so hard for but I got to tell you something it's just within me, I'm going to have to stand up against it, I'm going to have to sound the alarm, I'm not going to be a dumb dog scared to bark, you ain't going to look at me and say preacher if you would have told me I'm telling you tonight you've got to come out from amongst them and be separate, you can't be conformed but you've got to be transformed, how you're going to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, I knew this was going to be two parts, helped me lord I don't it might be even be three parts, how are we going to be transformed preacher by the renewing of our mind, how are we going to do it living in this world, acting in this world, talking in this world, you have to understand that what happens here, hell what happens in this world is just going on, this is just life but we got to have a renewing of our mind, we can't let ourselves be attached by the things that's going on around us, we can't let ourselves be attached by sin, say preacher what are you taking away or so no you're going to have to hear the conclusion of the matter but I'm going to tell you something, sin is still sin and if you can't control your radio you need to smash and get it out of your car, if you can't control your phone smash and get it out of your life, get your little flip phone, the Bible said if I eye a frenzy, pluck it out, if I eye phone a frenzy get rid of it, we wake up to the enemy he's after our mind, preacher what can we do it, what can we do about it, Philippians chapter four and verse eight finally brethren what's whoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lively, whatsoever things are good of a good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, take on these things, take on these things, take on these things, my God you want to get the pornography free out of your life, take on the pure things, if you want the pornography out of your family, take on these things, if you want the perversion out of your family, take on these things, whatever's pure, whatever's lively, whatever's just, but thanks on these things, but you can't think on these things when your mind is full of the agenda of this world, what are you talking about, let's look at this for a minute, media or median, is that go between between somebody is writing something or creating something and writing it down and that's something whether it be a show, whether it be a book, whether it be a song, whether it be a post, whether it be a movie, that becomes the median between that person's thoughts and the spirits or the intent behind it to you, you're not just reading a post, you're reading someone else's soul and someone else's thoughts and you're entertaining somebody else's spirits, what are you talking about and they're trying to invade your mind, they're trying to invade your marriage, they're trying to invade your children and we're sitting there comfortably numb to the fact, oh preacher, I don't know about all that, I know I've been long, I've been 37, 38 minutes on my cat, brother Mark, you always got to stop, what have I been? He let me know, he always clocks me. We say this is just a thing, it's just a cell phone, it's just a song, it's just a video game, it's just an app, it's just social media but when we connect to this media there is a spirit on the other side of that thing that's trying to affect you, it's trying to affect your children, it's trying to affect your grandchildren, it's trying to affect your wife, it's trying to affect your husband, it's trying to affect anybody, that it can affect why, because it's him, he come to seek, kill and destroy. My god I wish everybody that attends this church is here tonight, hey just kept texting, tell me there wasn't coming, I was getting sick of my spirit. Well what are you talking about, preacher? Let's use this LGBTQ point just for a little bit, let's speak for a few moments on this, about homosexuality, it's not the main focus here tonight, but this is the agenda that's being pushed in our world today. When I was growing up they had marble man on the signs, man sitting on a big horse, big tough man smoking a marble and that was kind of going out when I was growing up, I'm not super old but there was still there I remember driving around and seeing all of them and man it kind of had its levels and man it was sports and man we want to be like the next sports star, man we want to be like Michael Jordan or LeBron James or whoever it is nowadays, we want to be like them, but now this homosexuality is being pushed, say well what are you talking about, I want to state from the very get-go that I believe homosexuality is a sin. I believe the word of god clearly spells it out to be a sin and as a preacher I'm going to preach against homosexuality, I'm going to preach to being about gays and lesbians, I'm going to preach about a man being a man and a woman being a woman, had my boys up there in the mountains setting in the mountains of Colorado took us two hours to get up there and I was up there telling them about being a man. Brother Graham I was telling this is what men do, we get up, we act like idiots, we put a pack on our shoulders and we pike up to three hours up in the mountains, for some old elk and we don't shoot nothing, we come down, we get back up four thirty five o'clock, four o'clock in the morning, we do it all over again, why? Because this is what men do. And this kind of preaching is going to get me thrown in jail one day, I understand it, but you know what brother Wilson, oh when they pack me out them doors, I'm going to still be preaching against sin, I'm going to be letting you know, train up your child in the way as she go and when it gets old he won't depart from it. Well I don't know, I'm telling you they're trying to shove it down our throat. This LGBTQ, whatever else they identify, they're trying to shove it down your throat. And I could use different examples, but this is the latest one and I want to, that's invadeness, I want to deal with it just for a few moments. Michael Limbardo, a programmer of HBO, he says this from an article, how movies and television played an instrumental role in getting us here. Where is here? He is speaking of the rise of homosexuality and LGBTQ. He says that I'm going to take some credit for the TV side, says Michael Limbardo, the programming president of HBO, which brought us gay teams, gay plays such as angels in America and I have no clue what that is and I will never know. The new heart to television and he put prominent and featured gay characters as six feet under or sex in the city. It's been a powerful influence. Remember, now I'm not the one telling you this, this is this man that works, the president of HBO. What we're doing is a powerful influence because it brings the lives, lives of gays and lesbians into people's homes. He says that the reason why it's powerful because we're using this media or media to get in the people's houses and in their homes. President Joe Biden said as vice president in 2012 that NBC sitcom Will and Grace have done more to educate the public on gay issues than nearly anything else. Media is a tool that they are using to change the hearts and the minds. Christians want to act like it's not affecting me, but you need to understand that it is affecting us. It's affecting us the way we look at it. They push their propaganda and agenda through comedy, Mitch and Cam, the ever-bickering couple on ABC modern family, have a very clear agenda to the point where there was one. They was one of the first gay couples to get married on air. Bravo reality series Square Eye for a straight guy features a team of gay of guy experts offering clueless men tips on fashion and other life trends because comedy has always been the avenue to push new agendas. Because when you do it with a joke, it don't go over. And if it don't go over, you can just say laughing. Oh man, it was just a joke. I was just joking about it, but what they are doing is they're just feeding you little by little here a little and there a little and you we are shedding and becoming comfortably numb. Why are children and our grandchildren and even us and our spouses are going and in viewing and entertaining. Oh man, it's keeping them quiet. All the way back in 2012 there was a survey that was conducted by an independent polling firm for a Hollywood reporter and they found that support for saying sex marriage was increased because of shows like Modern Family and Glee. 55% younger than 35% said that same sex marriage on television shows have made them more aware and sympathetic to gay issues. Bob Greenblack, the chairman of NBC Entertainment, speaks about the 2015 Supreme Court split four to five decision on same sex marriage. He said this, I am surprised that this decision was not more one-sided because the public opinion already seems to be already there, says Bob Greenblack of NBC, who the article says is gay, by the way, and he went on to say I am privileged to get to work in an industry that has always worked to portray positive images of LGBTQ people that tell their human stories, that I believe has played an important role, that has played an important part in advancing the conversation. It shows Hollywood's unique role in reflecting and changing social attitudes. They keep telling us that they are doing it on purpose and they have an agenda and they are going in a certain direction and we just keep turning a deaf ear to it. It's okay. We'll allow that. It's all right. We'll keep doing that because it's not affecting us. Robert Thompson, a TV scholar at Syracuse University, he said this, you necessarily, you don't have to necessarily have the point to entertain at a certain moment. It is the collective effect of all of these portrayed together. It's just the steady drip in a bucket. It don't seem like much at first, but if you just keep dripping it and if it just keeps dripping and dripping and dripping and dripping, the next thing you know, it goes from just a little drip holder until there's a bucket of water and then there's a 55 gallon drum of water and then there's a pond and then there's a lake and then there's a river. Why? Because it's the steady, steady drop, drop, drop, drip, drip, drip. Pushing their agendas on our younger people, they have said that they are going to target younger and younger and younger as their primary target or their vehicle they are using to drive this media. Doc McStuffins, a very cute, sweet little doctor on Disney junior that fixes up broken toys, but as this went on, they begin to introduce new little characters, one that had two mommy's. It was just there for a moment, but it makes it clear and then it's gone and then it's back. It's just a little drip here and a little drip there. The Disney Company, it's open about pushing their agendas the last couple of years. We have heard conversations where they have spoken out about LGBTQ as they are pushing this to our children. They have made it a play that they and their characters and they are shown it's just little subtle things. It's just two women being mommy, that's just for a moment. But don't think your kids ain't picking up on that. I come to tell you today, you can sit here comfortably numb or you can get the skills off your eyes and you can quit being conformed to this world and you can get home and say okay baby, we're going to make some changes around this house. There's going to be some difference going on at this house. They've made it clear they've been affecting us. They've made it clear that they're pushing their agenda. What are you talking about? They tried to establish their agenda with our children. They talk about it. They tried to plumb back in June 2002, Children's Cable Network, a Nickelodeon rent a program entitled Nick's New Special Edition. My family is different. It featured children with a gay parent and lesbian parents. Which there, by the way, and I put this in here in my notes because I want to tell this young people, there is no possible way that a man and a man can have a child. There is no possible way that a woman with a woman can have a child. It can't happen. It's scientifically impossible. It's not and it will never happen. I'm going to tell you something this thing was orchestrated for a man and a woman. It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, Adam and Eve. My God, I feel like my daddy, but I don't care. My God, I'm thankful that an old man put it in my soul. Be a man. Walk around like a man. Talk like a man. Prager, you better be careful what you say. I might be needed to be careful, but I'm not going to when the devil kind of come in and rip our families apart, rip our children apart and so down and I believe. What are you talking about? They have an agenda, but I have an agenda too. I'm going to preach truth to you. I'm going to save your families. I'm going to save your children. I'm going to save your, your grandchildren. Why? I got an agenda. I'm going to preach the word of God. I feel like I have to show you how they're doing and what they are doing to you. As they come to me, I got to quit. I could go on and on. What are you saying? I don't care what they're saying. It's going to have to be a two part. Well, it's just a little old Nickelodeon show. Ain't nothing bad. I'm going to tell you something. There's a agenda behind it. Real subtle and I didn't have time to look it up. I know we got young kids in here. I've been on some of your Disney World movies. They'll have things real subtle like SCX as a cloud dressed by. Real subtle. Nothing big. God be in my witness. Brother DJ, we go hunting me and brother Newman. We're talking about the things of God. We're talking about messages and we're talking, man, we're encouraging. We drove that drive straight through and straight back and we're talking about the goodness of God and brother Newman got the hey made mention about where could we go? Oh, where could we go? Oh, man, got that song. Where could I go? Oh, where could I go? Sea, king, go refuge for my soul. Man, got it and I jumped on there and I don't have all the music apps. I can't figure them out. So, I just, I got on YouTube and I punched in that song, clicked on it and we listened to it by the Donnie and man, we're listening to it. Man, we're talking, I got tears rolling down my eyes and man, we're talking about the goodness of God. This song goes off and we're talking about it. And if something about a male deal don't come on there and I ain't even going to get into it, advertising this junk on YouTube after my Lord, you want to talk about kill the spirit. So, my Lord, I looked at brother Newman and he looked at me and I said, man, Elder, I'm, I'm sorry. Are you seeing me? Type it in. We listen to it. Gospel all underneath that. But I'm going to tell you something. It's just little things. It's the little pictures that pop up on your social media. My Lord, what is it? Is it Snapchat that you type something and it disappears? So, what is that? Am I right? 24 hours, it's gone and you can't retrieve it. Man, brother Piper, there's something about that. Why would they want it just to be gone? Never to retrieve it again. Why? I'm going to tell you something because let me tell you there's an agenda behind it. There's an agenda behind it and I'm going to tell you something. If you're a young person in this church and you heard the elder and he backed it up, you get rid of Snapchat and you get rid of TikTok. That's not of this church. Anything that because if it's going to disappear, it's one you to get involved with things you shouldn't be involved in. I'm not going to sit around and become numb to the fact of sin but I'm going to stand up and declare, "Hey, we're not going that way. Watchmen, watchmen, what is the name?" My God, sister Mary, we need some other dads. Watchmen, watchmen, what do you see? I see trouble. I see trouble. I see heartache. I see broken marriages. I see broken homes. So, Brother Clifthas, not around here. I'm going to tell you something and I don't want to scare anybody and they are not a person that regularly attends but I've counseled people. I have elders allowed me to counsel where they look in the eye with a DJ and they say, "I feed off like Jeffrey Gomberstadt. I feed off that." I go home and study how he did that and he killed all of them people. I go look at that. That's what I look at. Somebody that's young, somebody that's innocent, with a sensei but they feed off that stuff, feed off that perversion, feed off that brother, DJ or Brother Gimber where it's literally drove them to where they contemplate and they set around and think about murdering people. Oh! We can set around, laugh. It ain't my Johnny. It ain't my Susie. No, no, I'll never do that. I'm going to tell you something. You're one click away. You're one click away becoming of a rep of bait and be turned over to a rep of bait mine. You're one click away of going down a road that you could never get out of. You could never return from. You could never shake. You're one click away of entertaining a spirit that you'll live all the days of your life and you can never get away from it. Live all the days of your life screaming like they do. This is not who I am. This is not the man that I am. I visit him in the prison houses. Brother Plapert, I've sat on the phone. I've looked through him through that little glass and they're setting their grown men but their cares running down their face and they're saying this is not who I am. I'm not this person. I'm not this person. This is not who I am. We can set around and we can we can laugh. Oh, Brother Sam, I'm preaching to myself tonight and we want to keep the babies quiet. We give them an iPad. We give them a cell phone. And the whole time they've got to agenda behind it. That's why people they listen to that rock music and they want to go out and do acid and commit suicide and do all this hyped up on that. It gets them all amped up. Sport stars, they come out, they run out to their theme songs and man, it's some heavy metal, most 99% of the time, why? Because it's getting them all amped up and they're ready when they get out on the field. Brother, they just want to rip somebody's head off. Am I right, Brother Cameron? Brother Trey, we all need to get up there and we're so amped up. You're ready just to level the first guy that comes by you. Brother Jimbo told me they played in the state tournament. They just played against a good, really good guy. And one of them said, I'll tell you what, I'll take care of him and they just hauled off and licked him. Right when it is again, they want to put a little fear in him. But DJ for the, and we sit on a pew and we become comfortably numb. When's the last time you went in there, mom, dad, check their cell phones. How many of you got apps on their phones? Safeguardin' them. Why? We're numb. We're numb. We're numb. When's the last time you got your kids and you prayed with them? When's the last time they heard your voice praying, dad? When's the last time they heard your voice praying, mom? Not this little Jesus, oh, God. Help me, God. Help me, Lord. Where you really got to hold them in the mind of God. Oh, I know. I'm counsel. Some they're so excited about their kids coming. They're so excited. I'm going to tell you something. Brother Samson, they themselves can't keep out of the snares of sin leading kids to destruction. Why? Because we have comfortably become numb. Got to shot my leg. I feel great. I can go run the mountains, but the damage that I'm really doing, you can run over it and you can run past it tonight, but the damage that you're really doing, you'll never get it back. I love to jump. I love to shout. And we do it. But I want to drive this in your spirit tonight. There's an agenda behind it. And that's why you look and you're so quick. Whoa, wait a minute now. Let's just... And we start taking a different approach against sin. We'll preach against the drug heads. We'll preach against the pot smokers. Well, man, that's easy. We'll preach against all of that. But it's the little foxes the Bible says that destroys divine. Well, dad didn't go to church tonight. Man, I don't know those times or get away in the stress and just need a little get away, but when you want to get away, when you want to miss church, when you look for excuses not to come. The older I had people call and text me the night when I seen their number. I knew what it was going to be. I knew. And it burdens me. No, no. I don't want to be done tonight. I hope I haven't bored you. I hope I've woken you. I'm going to open these altars. I know I've been long. I've got another part. We'll try to get to it next week if the law permits. But I'm opening these altars tonight. You can walk out of here. That's okay, preacher. But I'm going to promise you there's an agenda that they have in them video games and then television shows. ♪ There's an agenda behind that music ♪ ♪ There's a, there's a agenda behind that music ♪