Apostolic Lighthouse
From Insignificant to Magnificent - Pastor Sampson
Some thirty-fold who have ears to hear, let him hear. God bless you. You can be seated this morning and it was so different. The words that he was speaking in bear in mind. This is Matthew. We are starting to establish the kingdom of God and like I said earlier it was not coming in the form and the fashion that they were expecting it to come in but he just come in meek and lowly and humble and he began to speak in these parables and so it took a little bit to kind of grasp and get a hold of the situation and the disciples came and said unto him why speakest thou unto them in parables and he answered and said unto them because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but unto them it is not given. How many thankful today that you have an ear to hear the word of the Lord and a mind to understand the word of the Lord and rightly dividing the word of truth? Hallelujah. I'm so thankful today that I have a love for truth. You have to love this truth brother matherly. You got to desire this truth and you got to want to have, you got to love holiness. God is holy. He said be holy even as I am holy. That's why we preach holiness in the church in separation from the world and I know sometimes it takes something to be separate in the world and especially a lot of places that you go to. It takes you like your lunatic. They'll look at you with utter, total disgust on their face when they look at you because you dare to be different. You dare not to go with the traditions and the fads and the fashions of the world and women want to dress like women and men want to dress like real men in this world today. Actually, it condemns their lifestyle and they hate you because you don't look like them, you don't act like them and it reminds them of a way that is different and it's hard for them to receive that. So they get this animosity and this rejection in their heart and Jesus comes speaking different than that ever heard anybody speak and for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall it be taken and even that he has. So once what it's saying here once you have been exposed to this truth and you need to begin and if we'll read further on here and deal with this a little more clearly here in a little while but once you get this gift it's not to let it lay dormant in your heart by the Caleb which man you begin when you get this seed of God sown in your heart like Sister Jackie did the other night you receive the Holy Ghost. That's the Spirit of God, the seed of God. You don't get the Holy Spirit one day and then you got to get the Holy Ghost at another time. When you get the Spirit of God dwelling within you you've got the Holy Ghost. That is the Spirit of God. Is that the end of it? No that's not the end of it, it is only the beginning. What you begin to do with that after you receive the Word of God what are you talking about Brother Samson you get a love for truth and you begin to search the truth. You're coming out of darkness into his marvelous light. I often use the demonstration when you're in a dark room a lot of times my wife will come in and she won't turn on the main light that hangs up in the middle of the room by the grave she wants to flip the light on the little can light and one of them that shines directly down on the on the bed while I'm in a total dark room and then all of a sudden here's this bright LED light and it's shining right in my face and man I'm covering my face and I'm turning my head to the pillow do you have to turn on the light well I have to see what we're doing in here and so she turns on the light well it takes me a while to adjust to this bright light and it's the same way when you come to God and you get the Holy Ghost. I mean everything is so different and while you're looking around those that you used to hate you don't hate anymore I've seen bitter enemies when they were praying to get the Holy Ghost they would turn around they just there wasn't nobody in the place they didn't love the one that they never have got along with you'll see them embrace you'll see them you know talking shaking hands all the animosity is gone all of who's who at the zoo all of that doesn't matter anymore everybody's excited about this light what you have been exposed to but man when you begin to look around it's so different and adverse from everything that you've ever known because it's his marvelous light he's brought bringing you out of the darkness your eyes are starting to be open and the Bible talks about here we've done talked about it some's going to understand some has a ear but they don't want to hear they don't I'm not doing that I don't believe it takes that I don't think you have to be baptized in a certain way I I'm telling you I got a little message I'm working on the must of our salvation hallelujah they said what must we do to be saved and Peter said you must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost they said what must we be do to be saved Peter said you must do this to be saved Peter's the one that was established in the kingdom Peter's the one that had the keys to the kingdom you must be born to get so out in this darkness here we come we begin to get these revelations we don't just stop there as we read in the parables by Adam I'm getting ahead of myself I hear just a little bit but when we receive this Holy Ghost something begins to swell inside of us something begins to grow inside of us and this is in later parables and we'll get back to it but I'm telling you something you just don't get it and then just lay around and that's all there is to it I'm telling you every miracle in the Bible that was performed there was some kind of effort that went forth go wash in the pool go show yourself to the priest you know do the take up your bed and walk and I'm telling you something there is an action that is demanded here and that's what God is dealing with in these parables there's got to be a reproduction there's got to be something a transformation in your life that begins to take forth. For speak I to them in parables he just didn't open the door for anything and everybody but the Charlie Wickliffe used to he was kind of down syndrome his dad had beat him in the head with a iron skillet because he went to an apostolic church and got and and he's dad found out that he went and he said if you go to that church again boy I'll beat you to death but the Charlie is about 11 12 years old he come walking in one night so excited about the Holy Ghost and he told his dad he said I I got the Holy Ghost and before he realized his dad was questioning where did you go I got it down at that Pentecostal church I got the Holy Ghost it infuriated his dad to the place that he took an iron skillet and he beat by the Wickliffe in the head until the blood by the Wickliffe said you know his own words was the blood squirted to the ceiling from the beating that he took I want to tell you something it's not an easy thing sometime to take up your cross and follow God but I want to tell you something brother Charlie even though in the mental condition that he was in he saved souls all I'm telling you something some of the most profound evangelist today never never got the results of brother Charlie Wickliffe got but he made this statement in the mental state that he was in he said if any old way will do then no way will do just as good and he made this statement so God demands change God demands a separation God to be said come out from amongst them and be separate but when they start this I don't feel like I don't believe in this and that I don't agree with this and I don't agree with that you're not going to agree with anything anywhere you go somebody said the other day they come up and told their pastor we're leaving we have found the perfect church and the pastor begged them please don't go if it's a perfect church because when you get there you're going to mess it all up but that's what we're talking about here seeing they see not hearing they hear not they don't understand they don't want to understand they don't want change they don't they don't want this this this seed of God that's in them to start growing and start to reproduce what are you talking about brother Samson when you become a disciple of Christ you begin to work on your family you begin to work on your associates at work I mean you start trying to bring them in you start trying to be an example you start trying to be an impressive witness oh well I think we need great several great hound buses and and in vans and all this well no I think we just need to save everybody that we go to school with everybody we work around everybody we live around in the community and you won't need a bus if you'll just be an impressive witness by those that you work around that's the seed that you're so and you're the only God that a lot of people will ever see they hear not they don't understand they don't want to understand they don't want to hear and this is why the Lord is coming at them with these parables and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah's Isaiah's Isaiah's which says by hearing you show here and shall not understand and seeing you shall not perceive I remember the elder used to talk about several people he would be talking with with baptism and when he got all done I see it I see it but I'm just not gonna do it you just I can't do it I'll lose everybody that I got well what are we doing are we trying to establish the word of God or we aren't trying to establish a crowd sure I like people I wish we had to start a new building project you know tomorrow but I'm telling you something we got to preach the word of God we got to preach just like things that we dealt with this morning men being men women being women why do you teach that because if you don't preach it you've got a bunch of kids that their mind is being messed with and they don't be they don't even know what they want to be when they grow up it's not they have a gender identity but they you know they even get in they want to identify as a cat one day and a dog the next and you know they're trying to get it past the word that's how you have to deal with people and that's why we stand up and preach about man being man and a woman being a woman hallelujah for this people's heart is wax gross and their ears are dull of hearing and I know we look at it and homosexuality is on a rampage and we don't even come close to agreeing with that and to even pet it or look at it we preach against it but it's it's no worse people say I've never seen it like this well get your Bible out and read I can show you where eighty thousand men and boys in one city was affected by this homosexual lifestyle and all these things that's going on it's it's nothing it was not any different than it was in the days that that we're talking about here today that they should see with their eyes here with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them but blessed are your eyes for they see in your ears because you hear that's not just talking about physically but you can look at this word of God and understand this word of God we're not let off into some false doctrine and some you know kind of cultic teachings and things of this nature but thank God we can understand the word of God for barely I say unto you that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see the things which you see and I'm not seeing them and to hear those things what you hear and have not heard them hallelujah so here therefore the parable of the sower understand what it's meaning when one heareth the word of the kingdom and understandeth it not then come with the wicked one why are you all so adamant about Bible studies by the Samson because once that seat of God is planted and you're not begin to get that word of God and you fall in love with the prayer room and you fall in love with morning devotions or evening devotions whatever fits you and you fall in love with this word of God and your children see you reading the word of God and your children hear hear you praying and I'm telling you something that's why we push it we got to get this word of God in young new converts they got to understand the word of God they're coming out of darkness they're in the marvelous light they don't understand everything that they're reading what the eunuchs say when when he said do you understand this what thou readest he said how can I understand unless somebody explains it to me when people don't understand don't be ashamed to ask ask questions man I want to know about this I need to know about this I'm hungry for this was I think it was yeah sister Stephanie when she came didn't know anything about about the Bible and the Bible stories and what we considered elementary sister Stephanie was buying child Bible stories at bookstores and everything about the Bible why she was trying to get caught up to date she got the word of God in her heart she come off the street she was raised a Roman Catholic but when she saw the light of this precious light of this gospel she wasn't satisfied with just an introduction to it but I want more of this truth bring me in slowly into this marvelous light what are you talking about we're talking about fertilizing the seed that's been planted given it the nutrients that it needs to keep growing and to build itself up it pretty soon it comes in one night going home sister Samson said she's gonna make it I said what are you talking about she said she has learned to pray she's found the prayer room she knows how to travail and pray to God she's gonna make it and sit and since that day I've noticed the difference but what you do I had to feed I had to fertilize I had to water that seed and to build it up and nurture it then come with the wicked one and catch it the way that which was sown in his heart I want to tell you something I remember my dad sought the Holy Ghost for three and a half years and one night he raised his hands total surrender and my dad you wouldn't believe it if you'd have known him and just sat around and talked to him but he had he had some some pride and he said I will not lay on the floor and get the Holy Ghost he sought the Holy Ghost three and a half years where the triple begin to build up his faith tell him about brother Richard Hancock he's just got this gift of laying on the hands and people receive the Holy Ghost and he built my dad up all week long working and so my dad come in you know just kind of like Sister Jackie did I'm coming to get the Holy Ghost I want to experience it tonight well after three and a half years this is where my dad was and guess what brother Hancock laid his hands on my dad's head the power and the anointing of the Holy Ghost fell on him brother Rodney and when he come to guess where he was at he was laying on his back in the middle of the floor with his hands raised I could still pictured in my mind today speaking in an unknown tongue God field him with the Holy Ghost but the next morning I remember my dad talking about it he got out of bed and just for a second for the sense he was excited about what he felt and instantly and this is what this is talking about instantly the devil spoke to him you never got it my dad didn't pet that spirit he said I did get it and he said the devil just kept on I did and he said I did my dad was real loud and emotionally said pretty soon he said after three or four rounds you didn't get it you didn't get it I did get it you didn't get I did get it devil and I rebuke you I got the Holy Ghost hallelujah and he got a hunger in his heart for the word of God I want to tell you something these Bible stories like this my dad could set for hours and read them and relate them to you and he could make the word of God come alive to you he wasn't a preacher but he had a love for the word of God and in his heart and the devil wasn't gonna steal truth away from my dad them come with the wicked one and casteth away that which was sown in his heart this is he which received the seed by the wayside but he that received the seed in the stony places the same as he that heareth the word and after a while with joy he receives it yet he had not root in himself this is what I'm worrying about in a lot of people in the church today you show a lot of excitement about what you got you love hearing the preaching of the word got to have it got to have it got to receive it with joy but you never really get rooted you never worked your soil you never build up you've not got any root your toss to and fro you're like a reed shaking in the wind you're faithful a little bit and then you're not faithful got to have it got to have it one day and the next day it's not that important one thing my dad raised me he said son church is why we miss everything else and we cancel everything else because of church not everything else in the place of church that damages your root structure and after a while when you don't tend to it like it needs to be tended to it that cares this world begin to work and they begin to build up I planted two weeping willows along the spring at our house and one of them a man it's just it's just coming on and it's doing great but the other one on the hill above the spring I noticed one day that thing looks weak it looks so green and fresh in the early spring and I thought man and now look at it it's an odd color a different green well I ease by there one day and I just stopped and I looked at it and brother Henry when I noticed there was some big grape vines and some other some kind of ivy that had been to begin to grow up that tree and it began to entwine and it began to work itself into the leaves and it was choking the life out of that tree I cut that thing in half I didn't pull it out of the tree because it was so entwine that I knew that it would cause more damage then again this year I had missed a little part of it and then the the the ivy like vines they grew up and they damaged the growth of that tree they were it was choking the nutrients out of this tree I've got to go in there I've got to take the the the wire cattle panel out from around it I've got to give that thing a good working over I've got to clean it up because if I don't in the next two years I won't no longer I will no longer have a tree there what do you say brother Samson some of y'all need to work around your root system some of y'all need to clean the briars some of you need to clean the eye you what are you saying brother Samson you got things in your life that's creeping up and it's choking the spirit out of you and this is what it's talking about you don't have root in yourself you you endure for a while but when tribulation and persecution come let me throw another one in there when temptation comes you just go with the temptation because pleasing this flesh has become a priority it's easier to go and please the flesh than it is to fight the vines and the briars and everything else that it's affecting your growth just go with the flow go with the flesh what impostor Paul said when I would do good evil is so present with me that the good that I would do I wind up not doing it because evil is so present it's always there that's why you're always almost like you're in a jungle in the day and age and the culture that we live in it's like you need to carry a machete you know spiritually and fight the vines and fight the briars and fight the things it's pulling against you and against your mind war and the Bible talks about warring against the spirit warring against the members of your mind this is where the warfare of the believer takes place you're mind can be some so so crowded and so clouded that's why we preach against a lot of this social media stuff I don't believe a Christian needs snapchat I don't think they need snapchat and watch some of these others tick tock oh god forbid tick tock how many times I've dealt with these influencers that we see on social media they show you the best of the best that's all you see is the best of the best everything they promote everything they do they're dressed they're lifestyle they're their vacations and the places that that they eat I don't know there ain't much privacy left in their life but here the public are just gobbling this up on social media and that's why they call them influencers because they influence people to try this product by this product carry on this lifestyle and to the flesh it looks carefree to the flesh it looks like the thing to get involved in but then you turn the page and you begin to read how many of these influencers they're so happy and gay one day on social media and then the next day you find them in the obituary where they've overdosed and drug addictions alcoholism and just so many problems and but to look at them the influence that they put out when sin is finished it brings forth death the persecution tribulation arises because of the word by and by he's offended he finds a way out always finding something wrong with the church what's wrong with finding something good in the church why what's wrong with you living up and surpassing what you're condemning and damning in the church and help build a stronger church set a goal for somebody else he also received seed among the thorns as he that here at the word in the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choked the word and he'd become with unfruitful oh you're coming to church but are you reproducing how many people have you brought with you how many people have you convinced that hey God is real God is good God God is merciful God's a healer you become unfruitful what's your track record for the last two or three weeks but he that receive a seed in the good ground is he that hearth the word and understandeth it which also bareth fruit bring the fourth some a hundred twelve sixty fold thirty fold another parable put forth into them saying the kingdom of heaven is likened into a man which so good seed in his field while he slept men while men slept his enemy came so tears among the wheat and went his way you know we need to be aware what's the what's the enemy doing the bobble said your adversaries going to and fro seeking whom he made of our and some of you know your weaknesses maybe it's fight fault fight fault finding with the church maybe fault finding with with with other people I remember the elders they were working they were pinning some cattle in the back of the sail bar and getting ready for sale and a man from the denominator world he come up and he tried to convince us gentlemen to go to church why don't you start going to church with me the men the the gentleman he was witnessing to look at him and he said go to church with you he said I'm not going to church with you I thought man this would have been so humiliating he said if I go to church he said I'm gonna go to church with that man right over there it's my father-in-law he said what do you mean he said well I drink and you drink I smoke and you smoke I play cards and shoot dice and you play cards and shoot dice why go to church you're doing everything that I do and you're just going to church he said if I go I'm gonna go with that man right over there he used to do every bit of this and he's quit that and he separated himself and you can see by the fruit that that he bears that he's a Christian that he's changed Christian means being Christlike repent means to turn around but the enemy came and they sowed the seed and the tears in it what are we gonna do we got to get this out of the harvest we got or we got to get it out of the field but the owner said wasn't his first rodeo he said an enemy has done this they've came in while we were sleeping and they've sowed tears in the wheat but here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna leave it we know their tears you can tell by looking their tears which you're gonna destroy a lot of good wheat trying to get those tears out let's just wait till the harvest and we'll get the tears out and when we begin the harvest the wind's gonna you know blow out the tears and that that's not wheat it's going to be sifted out sometimes people come to me we had a young man and a girl that was coming they were unmarried living together and of course conversation this gentleman said to me what are you going to do about so-and-so brother and sister so he just called him by name and he said what are we gonna do what are you gonna do about that I said what do you want me to do about that well they're this and they're that I said I'll tell you what I said first of all I said them living in adultery are you are you wanting to go commit adultery you fight in the spirit of adultery over them living together they were seeking the Holy Ghost and you're gonna change nothing let's say get the Holy Ghost and I said I'll tell you what you do I'll give you permission you just go tell them that we no longer want them here oh no I couldn't do that well I can't do that either so don't pressure me to do this you know after a while the situation you know corr eradicated it took care of itself and we went on having church but a lot of times you know people say well what about this what about that I'm not gonna get up and destroy the church and hurt a lot of people usually there's some kind of a connection all through the church with people and just jerk them out you go into your flower bed and just grab a handful of flowers and jerk them up sure they're just gonna be destroyed and die but what about the rich structure the root system of everything right around that that you affected and damaged so the master said let's just let let the Lord take care of this in reality this what he's saying when judgment time comes I don't just hound I don't like preaching from observation sometimes I have to eventually but I'd rather preach by neology or revelation instead of observation and neology instead of theology just get out on your knees and pray just pray more read the word of God more fast more you'd be surprised in how many problems would take care of their cell if you would fall in love with the word of God it'll bring you a piece that you've never experienced before when you fall in love with the word of God but while you gather tears you root also the weed with them let both grow together until the harvest time of harvest the reapers will go and they'll gather it up and bind them in bundles and will burn them won't even have to worry about it next year the seed everything is confined and we've got it out of the crop other words ways and sometimes we need to let God take care of some situation you don't need you on Facebook trying to take care of something it's like a mouse or chihuahua dog you're over here in the corner barking and you'll say things on social media that you don't have the nerve to say to their face and the reason you don't have the nerve to set to their face is because it don't need to be said well I pride myself in being able to tell it like it is now sometimes you just need to keep your mouth shut and let God work this situation out all right I'm down to 31 it's 1107 I got 15 20 minutes here could you stay with me 15 minutes am I boring you did but he's talking about the kingdom of God all the way down through here this is the kingdom this is how it's going to work this is how we're establishing this is Matthew this is this man this is beginning in the New Testament church this is the kingdom of God he's likened all these things into the kingdom of God some long suffering here with this crop raising there's a lot of expectation there's not there's a lot of not knowing remember my dad would plant crop we had plant cotton we're from New Mexico he plant cotton and Seth there were once in a while he had waited a day or two first off he had kind of check it you know and it was the day before they had the planning technology that they have today I mean today it's precise of course you know seeds three or four hundred dollars for one bag of seeds so they want to they want to plan or that'll plan it precise but I'd see my dad in two or three days he'd be out there and he'd be scratching in one of them cotton rose and I can still see from a little boy I can still remember how that cotton was coming out of that seed sprouting it'd be turned turned like this and then my dad had real gently covered up he said boy son we got it right he got it right boy to just be a dare to that thing would stick up and it would start coming out but my dad watched that he watched the ground he had I remember irrigating all hours of the night and setting his alarm to get up and to ghost you know shut the water off into one section in into another and man there was a lot of different forms a lot of the times he you had to open the ditch or you had to dig the ditch bank out then you had to bury it back and dig it out in another place another time they had the siphon tubes that you siphon it was just a lot of work to raise a crop that I remember my dad watching that crop and and getting them while I think they called it a lister it'd go down through the middle and it would it would break up in the middles and they would bring that moisture up to the ground and just whatever it took to get that seed to grow and this is what Jesus Christ is and is referring you know the church to this is what you got to do nurture it make it grow make it happen make it reproduce make it to bring forth get fruit to your labor another parable put forth it in the kingdom of heaven is like it to a grain and this is what really got me started me and brother Pullman talking is liking and to a grain of mustard seed which a man took I'm not understanding and the only thing and he gives no explanation to this and there's a lot of expositors out there that you know have all these different ideologies about this thing but what I I feel like is it was talking about Jesus Christ and the church and he's planting a church he's trying to start a church he's trying to get church growth started he's planted one man took one seed the least which indeed is the least of all seeds which when it is grown it's the greatest among herbs and become of the tree so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof one man took one seed and planted it the least of all seeds not real popular well the Bible you know it said it's the smallest well let's take it in its perspective if I was a car salesman and maybe somebody come up and they're talking about a car or wanting to buy a car and I tell them this car is the fastest car on the lot or the finest car on this lot I'm speaking speaking specifically about this car lot this car in this group of cars I'm not talking about it's the fastest car in the whole world I'm talking about it's the fastest car in this lot that's what Jesus Christ was talking about in the Palestine Palestinian area right there the mustard seed at that time was one of the smallest seeds he didn't say worldwide he's just talking about there of their seed that was the least of the seed like the least in the most insignificant it's not much but he planted that when it's grown I read a little bit about it up 10 12 15 feet more commonly the eight and the 10 but it can get up to 15 feet and this thing just one specific bird you may think that you know we got a monopoly on this gospel but we know this this thing is for everyone everybody that wants everybody that wants to be attracted to this tree this this this this kingdom I'm talking about it will accommodate you it will feed you it'll nourish you it'll give you a place of safety that you can come to seed could it be that Jesus Christ was planting this seed for this kingdom for you and I today to come and lodge in the Gentiles were called you know birds Jesus birds you know and brought them in and they hadn't even yet been brought into the into them a lot of got a lot of people think maybe it was talking about all the fouls of the air was talking about it was including even at this point the Gentile dispensation but whatever it was there it is the least of seeds and another parable spakey unto them the kingdom of heaven is like unto 11 I really enjoyed reading about this and studying about it which a woman took and hid in three measures of flower one of the Bible references talked about three measures of flower equaled about 50 pounds of flower that's a lot of dough feed a hundred people the way they broke this down in this little article that I read feed a hundred people it's kind of you know maybe referring to there's going to be a festivity there's going to be there's going to be a gathering there's going to be there's going to be a coming together here we're preparing for it but what I liked about it even with the seed and that was being planted there was a reproduction there there was a motion there was an action that began to take place when the seed was planted and here we have she's got three measures of flower according to what if you want to critique it and maybe get it down a little finer all I know is said 50 pounds of flower she puts in three measures of leavening or leavening in three measures 50 pounds well brothers Samson oh you talk about his church growth and expanding well that let's read this let's read this this this parable right here and took in here three measures of mill till the hole was 11 do you ever watch somebody make bread they need that bread they're working that bread and it may not be very big in size just a little home kitchen that they're making some homemade bread but they're needing that bread and they got that 11 in there and then when that 11 you know begins to take place there's from the inside this thing begins to swell it begins to build up if you ever come in and you lived in one of them old board frame houses and when you'd come come in like a herd herd or a stampede and mom would meet you at the door you stop at running don't you run by that kitchen you'll make my bread go down you'll make my cake fall so once this leavening was put in and once this building begin to take place I'll tell you what we need around the church we need a little leavening introduced into what we are in this swelling this growing it begins to come forth and that's what the Lord is talking about and don't treat it rough don't don't just get a you know all rough housing around and damage that which is trying to rise that which is that we're trying to build up be careful around it don't destroy it don't cause it to fail don't cause it to go down but nurture it treat it with care this leavening begins to build up until the whole was leavened leavening was contagious a lot of people try to use it as a type of sin and even the Yahweh worshippers today we got to get the leavening they get the leavening plumb out of their house they get it plumb out of their house but Jesus is using it for the body of the church a little bit it don't take much just man a little pack of yeast and a great big water dough work miracles doubles in size that's what the church ought to be doing ask yourself compare your life with these parables today compare your life with your attitude repair your compare yourself with how careful you are around new converts how careful you are around people that's struggling don't stand off and say if I was them you're not them they're having to face the situation they're going through with their own intellect their own mentality with a little bit of encouraging from you if that's what you would do you go encourage and you lift up you build up be a cheerleader heard brother Chris talking about at that football game and they back in the day and the kid had a little transistor radio and the game that he was that was horrible it was just but no action it was a total defeat and so out of his boredom he begins to channel hop looking for another another game going on one of his other favorite next to favorite team and playing this team is winning this this this this team is moving on this this team is scoring no I look at other churches it looks like they're growing you know and leaps and bounds and revival and every time you know you talk till I read a little cartoon in a Christian magazine that I that I get and it showed a bunch of preachers in their nose was about this long all of them sitting around and it said the pastoral conference went real well till somebody asked the question how's your church doing they ain't nobody said we had the horrible a service you've ever had maybe it was brother Jackie Carroll if he's still alive yeah he said our church was dead their music was dead their worship was dead he said my preaching was dead but you know they be gone oh man our church is doing this and that and it's like Pinocchio you know and then everything was looking good until they asked this question my everybody's got the best church but what we need is cheer leaders within the church we don't know quitters and as Los Lamar said movers what's it matter if you're a mover I can move here from New Mexico but we need cheerleaders we need somebody when it's down the kid with the radio gets to listen into another football game in another stadium and he feels gets where he's at and he begins to cheer and yell and carry on with this team and everybody around him you know they don't know what's going on he's got some earphones in plugged into his transistor radio and he's all excited about what's the winners over at the other side and he begins to cheer and he begins to get louder and it begins to get contagious and it begins to spread until the whole stand was roaring he's roaring for a different team they're roaring for their team and all of this excitement all this cheerleading all this team support it began to make a turnaround and made a difference in that game well I want to tell you something we need to get excited about the church we need to begin to rise up and say we can have a church we're gonna have revival we're gonna have a move of God I'm gonna help make this church one of the best churches I've ever been to in my life well all these parables I don't know about them brother Sampson verse 35 said that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying I will open my mouth in parables I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world I don't understand whether Sampson and get with get with somebody have a Bible study the disciples they came under him to clear unto us the parable of the tears in the field and he's answered and said into them he that saw the good seed is the son of God God didn't put a spirit of seed in us brother Caleb he didn't put a spirit of compromise in us God's seed his spirit that he put in our heart is of holiness and separation of the world he said come out from amongst it be separate sath the Lord be holy even as I am holy love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the father is not in him when you start pulling toward the world something is happening to the seed the good seed are the children of the kingdom but the tears are the children of the wicked one the enemy that sowed them as the devil the harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are his angels what happens to the tears what do you live like you do why are you dedicated to your belief like you're dedicated to it brother Sampson there's a reckoning day coming you know what the tears are going to be they're gathered and they're burning in the fire they shall gather out of his kingdom all the things that offend that's what I'm trying to tell you today I'm offended about this I'm offended about that just come to church and be holy and live for God and God will take away the offenses and when you get prayed up and get the word of God in your heart a lot of those offenses are not even going to be an offense anymore it's something that you've fit you know configured in your own mind and all the things that offend them which do in equity and she'll cast them into a furnace of fire weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth then shall the righteousness shine forth as the sun you're not going to be worried about all the do's and don'ts and who's and who's who they're going to shine forth as a son in the kingdom of their father who hath ears to hear let him hear in closing today again the kingdom of heaven is likened into a treasure hidden in the field which when a man hath found he hideth it's not what you do you read about this it's not about the treasure so much as what he'd done after he found the treasure I found the treasure I want to live for God but I would do this but not this man when he found the treasure what he began to do after the finding of the of the treasure is the thing that impresses me he goeth and sells all that he had any byeth the field the same thing with the pearl I want to tell you something this holy ghost that we're gifted with it's a pearl it's so precious we need to do once we get possession of it we need to do everything that we can to keep it what's your action after receiving the word of God what's your action after you discovered that you've got the most valuable thing on the top side of the earth are you forsaken all are you getting rid of everything that would hinder you God I want to purchase this will you stand your feet today I want to purchase this pearl this treasure it's worth a lot with Adam it's it's it's high and value I've got to possess it God I want this holy ghost God I want this God I want to do whatever it takes to possess it and to keep it it's mine I'll give everything I've got I'll fight with everything within me I'm going to keep it it's the most precious thing it's the most goodly thing on the top side of the earth it's the seed it's the lemony it's the pearl of great prize it's the treasure are you willing to sell out today these altars are open are you willing to sell out holy like you God I want to be