The Howie Carr Radio Network

Inside the Decisive Demise of the Kool Aid Kult | 4.8.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie shares a play-by-play of Saturday's MassGOP Reorganization Meeting. Then, he talks the Dukakis party at Northeastern University and more.

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08 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. 99% of the continental U.S. will see at least a partial solar eclipse this afternoon. The solar eclipse is like a woman breastfeeding in a restaurant. It's free, it's beautiful, but under no circumstances should you look at it. Totality, as they call it, will last at least three minutes. That is enough time to listen to a good chunk of total eclipse of the heart. Or total eclipse of the fart. Live from the Matthew's brother's studios. But there is this narrative being pushed out there a little bit that the years prior to President Biden's administration were better for the economy. You couldn't buy toilet paper sometimes? It's a Covid order. As soon as he takes the oath, he would say now, I'm the king of the f*cking world. It's fairly unlikely. I know it because I know what mental illness looks like. Yes, that is accurate. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. It was a no good very bad day Saturday for the Kool-Aid cult up in Burlington at the meeting of the Republican State Committee. The knuckleheads were repulsed on almost every vote. They took out Ron Kaufman, who kind of stayed too long at the fair. He was the is the Republican National Committee man, goes back to Ronald Reagan days in George H.W. Bush days. He lost by two votes to a guy who ran claiming that he hates Jim Jones Lions as much as all the rest of the Republicans do in the state who have a half a brain who aren't knuckleheads. But no one really trusts him. This guy's name is Brad Wyatt. But other than that, the people who want to win elections repulsed the knuckleheads. Amy Carnavalli was reaffirmed, quote unquote, as chairman on a 47-25 vote. So that's like the base vote of the knuckleheads in the Kool-Aid cult. And the vice chair is now Judy Crocker from The Cape. She suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous media knuckleheads in her campaign for reelection. She's the vice chair. The treasurer is now Eric Colton. He was just elected from the Rentham Needham district. He's a lawyer and a veteran. He's a good guy. And the assistant treasurer is also another sane person. And the secretary really amuses me. Amanda Peterson, you've heard her on the air before. We may have her on later in the week. She's 19 years old. She's managed a winning campaign for a state senate candidate at a special election, Peter Durant. So she's been involved in one campaign, winning campaign at the age of 19, which is one more than the entire Kool-Aid cult won in four years running the party. That's how pitiful they were. And she defeated a local shrew named Kathy Lynch. And you know who used to be the secretary of the state Republican party? Mrs. Dordash deal. Kathy Joe Boss. She didn't run for reelection because the deals don't need yet another drumming on their hands. They've had so many, so many over the past few years. So she left it to Kathy Lynch to take the L. Kathy's taken a number of L's over the years. Maybe she can go back to helping out Dean Tran. That was her candidate for Congress in the state senate. He's since been indicted on federal welfare fraud charges, COVID fraud charges, and on state firearms charges and ethics violations, Tran used to work with Dordash deal. But the red Chinese auto parts company of Rick Green. But you know, my favorite part of the day, the guy who ran for treasure of the party is a guy named Anthony Vintresk. I call him meat raffle because he used to run, his job used to be running the meat raffle at the VFW post in Belricka. Meat raffle Vintreska. And he was one of the guys who was involved in signing all the federal forms when the party was running up over $5,000 in fines under Jim Jones Alliance on the federal level. This is in addition to the $15,000 the Kool-Aid cult was running up on the state level. And there are other resolved issues, civil charge involving the office of campaign and political finance that are unresolved. And in addition to unpaid campaign debts from the Dordash deal, preposterous campaign for governor. But anyway, Vintreska ran for treasurer of the party, meat raffle. And he was dropped by Colton 40 to 31. So then he dropped back to run for assistant treasurer, what you used to be. He was dropped by a woman named Mindy McKenzie 39 to 30. But he had a third vote that day, Vintreska. He was running for re-election to the planning board in the town of Belricka. Guess what happened in that election? He lost that one too. He finished dead last when he was running for the planning board in Belricka. Now I know losing three elections in one day has been done. Nikki Haley has done it. But this could be a record. This is losing not just three elections in one day, treasurer, assistant treasurer, planning board. He lost them in the same county. Three lost elections in Middlesex County, two in Burlington at the Republican State Committee meeting, and one in his hometown of Belricka. I assume he didn't win the meat raffle. Maybe he did win the meat raffle. Maybe that was the silver lining to the dark cloud for meat raffle, Vintreska. But that was a good one. So it was a humorous day. And I feel bad for Ron Kaufman that he lost. I mean, he wasn't really my cup of tea, but I'm sorry he didn't prevail over this this this member of the cult or or a closeted member of the cult, I guess I should say, since he claims now he's not a member of the cult. 844 542 42. But it's it's the the Kool-Aid cult is kaput. I think you can say that it's it's done. It's finished. 844 542 603. The eclipse reminds me a lot of my 401k under Joe Biden. I want to look at it, but it'll hurt my eyes. Well put. Well put. 844 542. Mark, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mark. Yeah. Hi, Howie. I wanted to talk about the Israeli Hamas war, but first real quickly, I got to tell you this eclipse story. So I was like one of the lemmings and I was out there with my glasses and looking at now looking at, you know, ready to look at the the eclipse. And I live in a condo association and single single home in Gary New Hampshire and usually you can hear a pin drop in this place. It's so quiet. Well, all of a sudden at about the time of this where it started, there was this one single bird. And I've never heard the noise like this from any type of assuming it was a bird because it was this loud, carring sound. It wasn't a crow. I know all our crow sounds like it was a weird, squealing sound that I have to assume was a bird. It lasted 30 to 35 minutes while this was going on. Okay, it got to the minute where I never heard a bird go more than like a few seconds. Well, well, well, Howie, this is what I'm telling you, this is what happened. I almost wanted to go in my gun cabinet, grab my 22 and try to find this thing. That would be a bad thing to do with very new hands. Almost. Yeah, no, no, but so that's my eclipse story. All right. So Israel Hamas. Okay, so we could learn as a country a lot from BB Netanyahu. Okay, because what he's into right now is to winning this war. Okay, he is going to or attempting to eliminate every one of those what you call savage Muslim. A cat is not saying him six months ago. So right. So you look, I mean, and who are we to be telling him about civilian cat civilian casualties? How many civilians died when Harry Truman dropped to a bombs in two cities in Japan? I agree with that by the way, but the fire bombing addressed them. Well, we could go on and on about that. How many civilians died in Vietnam? Okay, innocent. So, I mean, and we're telling you and you know, as Bobby Kennedy pointed out, and he was just citing statistics from military researchers, the average number of civilian casualties in this type of type of conflict, as opposed to military casualties, this nine or seven to one nine or seven to one civilians for each each military quote unquote. And you could scarcely call Hamas military. They're just a mob. And and Israel has cut it to somewhere between 1.4 and one civilian casualty per it's it's a it's an all time record for military history since they've started keeping any kind of statistics. And you're right. I mean, they're doing more than any any country in the past has ever done. And you know, they're doing a better job than we did in Afghanistan. That's for sure, isn't it? Yeah, exactly. I mean, and you know, in we we surrendered in Afghanistan to a bunch of a century cavemen. Okay, but prior to that, I mean, civilian casualties are a part of law. Okay. And the Israelis are but even the local news stations always report what they report what the Hamas news agency or what? Yeah, the health agency, the Hamas health agency. It's like the mafia health agency or the Winter Hill gang health agency. Come on. Yep. I know it's it's I know. I gotta hold you there, Mark. Thanks for the call. 844 542 42. I'm how we car. How we car. He's holy car. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code how we at my pillow dot com from pillows, towels, slippers, and even their giza dream sheets go to my pillow dot com and use code how we for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at how we car show dot com is will the Democrats slash media throw another fake October surprise at Trump this year like 2020 and 2016? Yes, no, or too early to tell. Yes. 96% say yes. 3% say too early to tell 1% say no. 844 542 42 the hyannis news had a story about a a certain Colombian national who was arrested. I guess he had a bar and he in hyannis and he was he was he was behaving badly and he was speaking in Spanish. I have my rights. I have my rights like like Lionel Morel merino the first thing you learned why you didn't learn English. He learned that he has rights is in illegal alien. I'll read you I'll read you the story in the hyannis news. It's got apparently he's been he's been he's been charged with a salt and battery. That's with a dangerous weapon. All right, Joe, you're next with how we car go ahead, Joe. Hey, we can be first of all, you're welcome for thanks for the memories. So get your pen ready. Yes. As much as we owe Trump for eternity for keeping Hillary Clinton out of the White House, we have to give it to George H. W. Bush for keeping P. We are out of the White House. Exactly. You're you're absolutely correct. And and the other thing I talked to my my best friend's cousin's neighbor's uncle works at Northeastern. And he said it's going to be the the the the the he's doing him on the catering. And it's going to be all you can eat Belgian and these and they're going to have shots of mouthwash. I hope they have some of his greatest moments on video, one of which I recorded at his press conference where he said, I don't know about the pillow talk at your house, but I go to sleep at night with Hillary with kitty Hillary. What do I say with kitties advice councils and urgings ringing in my ears. I think that kind of summed it up, Joe, didn't it? Sure. It does his relation. He what a what a guy. And you know, who else is going to be there? Deval Patrick. Maybe he can talk about those nice young men at the Boston Marathon bombing. Jane Swift. She may be in a firing mode. Bill Weld will be there for for happy hour. And Mara Healy will be there. She can tell us about what a great job she's doing with the illegal alien crisis. $108,000 per family per year. Thanks for the call. Tony, you're next with how we car go ahead, Tony. You know, I hear you talking about all these new elected people to the state committee. Do you remember the good old days when your friend Larry Novak, who you recently endorsed, was the treasurer for the Republican Party? I don't remember exactly. But I, as opposed to Jeff deal, I'll take him any day of the week. Yeah, he's a he's on parole, isn't he? Yes, he is. He did he did his time. He paid his debt to society. No, he had the report choice. How in some candidate, I don't know where you're coming from. But I just think, you know, Jeff deal, I mean, he's he's he ran up these huge bills. He claims the state committee owes him, but his campaign treasurer and campaign manager signed a lot of these bills. And now he's trying to stick the state committee for all these all these debts for his ridiculous campaign for for governor. He had no business running for governor. He was he was pathetic. He barely ran. You came out and endorsed a guy for state committee that did time. I did. I did. You know, I said that. I admitted it. I asked him on the air. I said, Larry, you've done time, but you paid your debt to society. He had deal owes a lot of money. He owed me money. I don't I don't I don't even think he's paid it down now. I don't know how I just don't know you're coming from in some of these comments, but at least deals an honest guy. He is. Well, how come he's how come he's stiffed everybody for all those debts? I don't know what all these debts that he's stiffed people. I haven't heard about that. Well, he doesn't like to talk about it. He claims he claims the state committee ran up these these bills. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. What was the money spent on? And again, a lot of these a lot of these bills were signed by his own campaign staff. And now he's trying to stick the state committee. Why should the state committee be stuck with all these debts for this idiot who had no business running for anything? He's a he's a he's a he's a driver. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a door dash driver, but I mean, where what are his credentials to run for office is he got a he got a PPP loan for his for his wife's little dance studio 12,000 bucks. Lions got $47,000 for his little ice cream stand in PPP money. You know, Dean Tran, one of their guys has been indicted in for welfare fraud for for his co I'm not saying lions and deal committed any crimes, but they're they're they're just grabbing all the money, you know, just like everybody, just like all the people that they're complaining about, you know, taking handouts from the government. Your buddy Larry grabbed it in a little different way. He did his time. He paid his debt to society. Lions and deal had their loans, quote unquote, forgive it. I'm how we car live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I think we've got to start talking about Trump, because the guy's getting away with murder and he's a screwball. You know, every day is another. And you don't think you don't think that people have been talking about Donald Trump enough in this campaign? No, and in point of fact, I mean, take from example the income tax returns. Look, this guy has got to produce his income tax returns. People want to know if Willie Horton is going to get a furlough from prison in Maryland to to go see Donald Trump Donald Trump. What am I losing? Mike Dukakis at the event Northeastern. Then somebody else said is is Willie Horton going to jump out of a cake? That would be even better if he could get a furlough and jump out of the cake. I'm back. Remember they asked in the 1988 election, if you were running, if you could vote Willie, they interviewed him at prison in Maryland. So if you could vote Willie, would you vote for the vice president? Bush, or would you vote for Dukakis? He said, I'd vote for Dukakis, of course. Dukakis let him out. After he was, you know, in prison on murder charges in Massachusetts, so he could go down to Maryland and rape and stab. Dukakis also let Stevie Flemi's brother out. Jimmy the bear Flemi. He was gone for a year. He ended up in Maryland too, just like Willie Horton. I don't know what it was about. Dukakis's furloughs ended up in Maryland, killers. Jimmy the bear and Willie Horton. 844-542. We're going to take some calls on Mike Dukakis in his event. I'll read you some of the stuff. But first, it's not too late to get one of Grace's goodies. They flip lock. It's a great device. It's go to Click on store. It's a $60 value for only $30. Check it out on It's a lock that you can install in about five minutes on your door, and it's 10 times stronger than a deadbolt. 10 times stronger than a deadbolt turns any room into a safe room, and it's made of industrial grade steel and aluminum. And it's being bought by a lot of bigger companies and organizations, because it's really, really good. It's in use in the Revere Public Schools, the bigger model. This is the residential model that is available. $60 value for just $30. Check it out if you haven't seen it, and we have one of the Meet the Experts podcast is with the owner of the company. 844-542. I want to play the Biden cuts today when he announced his latest pandering to the hippie deadbeats about student loans. He's going to try to do it again. I'm not sure he thinks he can pull it off again, especially before the election, but he's pandering. He's pandering to the pro-terrorists in Michigan and Minnesota by trying to hamstring the one democracy in the in the mid-east. He's pandering to all the green cultists. He's pandering to all the illegal aliens that he's letting into the country to wreck the fabric of the country. But anyway, so today he's pandering to hippies, American deadbeat hippies who took stupid loans out. Now they now they now they refuse to repay them because they got because they want to spend the money on drugs is what a tattoos and booze. This is by cut. This is in Madison, Wisconsin, which by the way, it just came out that they just took $700,000 in COVID relief, earmarked for Americans, and I gave it to illegal aliens, but you know, it's it's Madison University of Wisconsin, the state capital, a bad combination. Cut two. And Mark, thank you, Representative, thanks for the passport to get into the district. I appreciate it. Oh, I'm so tired of that passport line. Cut three. Things a lot different from my college tuition was more affordable and barring for colleges repaying those loans was more reasonable and barring barring from colleges. You mean to say borrowing? And he said, barring, let's hear that one again. Things a lot different from my college tuition was more affordable and barring for colleges repaying those loans was more reasonable. Why is college so much more expensive, Brandon? Is it because they've hired a bunch of hacks as college professors and that there's now more administrators than there are college professors everywhere, including at the University of Pennsylvania, where you were a quote unquote full professor who never spent a day let alone an hour in a classroom and you call yourself a full professor or where they were paying Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian 350,000 a year, 10 years ago for teaching one course or where they have, again, where they have dozens, if not scores of hacks at the University of Massachusetts making for over $400,000 a year for nothing for just being a quote unquote administrators, administrating nothing. So here he is bragging about ignoring the Supreme Court. Remember, Trump was a lawless president, but Biden's bragging about ignoring the Supreme Court cut four. Tens of millions of people's debt was literally about to get canceled, but then some of my Republican friends and elected officials and special interest suitors, Supreme Court blocked us, but that didn't, well, that didn't stop us. No, I mean, necessarily, we continue to find alternatives past reduced student debt. Someone that texted or put it a lot better than I did when I was trying to explain why we were all going to have to pay for this so-called forgiveness, this debt cancellation. And he put it very succinctly, said, when money changes hands, one of two parties pays for it, either the borrower or the lender. Now you and me, since these are federally guaranteed loans, we're the lenders. If the borrower is not going to pay for it, then we're going to pay for it. You and me, the people who paid our own ways, who didn't go to college, who used the GI Bill, who scrumpt and saved to repay our debts. For whatever reason, we don't have debts. We are paying for the people who are deadbeats. There's no other way to put it. Cut five. Even when they have worked hard and paid their student loans, their debt increases, not diminishes. Even when they have worked hard, maybe he should have took on a grammar course somewhere along the line. Even when they have worked hard. Okay, I know he's struggling to read off the teleprompter. You want some more struggling off the teleprompter? Cut six. Public servants, you get the student loan forgiven in 10 years if they've made their payments for those first 10 years. And after 10 years in the student, in public service, they would have their loan forgiven. Turn back that teleprompter. And again, public servants. That's your, you're an advocate for illegal alien. Oh, amigo, I'm going to help you get some more welfare. That's a public servant in Joe Biden's world. Cut seven. A lot of people didn't have the means to pay 10%. So I was able to write an authority to have the department. Cut eight. 25,000 people a month nationwide have been receiving letters from me about their debt they had for four years for all those years. They're debt for four years for all those four. How many? Let me hear that one again. 25,000 people a month nationwide have been receiving letters from me about their debt they had for four years for all those years. For four years for all those years. Okay. Let's continue with the motif of four. Cut nine. The first folks to learn the skill trade and by the way, parenthetically. So for folks, no, that's okay. Not for. It's for now. So for folks. For folks to. You mean like Roscoe? Can Roscoe have his student? I don't even know he had any student loans. He didn't ask me to sign a guarantee or anything a note. Guess he got it on his own. Good dog Roscoe. Cut 10. This is in addition to the historic investments we're making to monetize our infrastructure. To monetize. We're going to moderate our infrastructure. Can we quote you on that, Mr. President? Let me hear that one again. This is in addition to the historic investments we're making to monetize our infrastructure. Are we going to modify it or are we going to monetize it? What do you think, Taylor? What's a better plan to modify or to moderate? Can we moderate our eyes? The next time I see him in Delray Beach, I'll ask him. Now this is a flat out lie. The RNC caught him in this one. Let's play the cut first. Cut 11. And on those fabs they called them, guess what? You know what the average salary is? $110,000 a year. You don't need a college degree. The RNC did some quick research after he said that in their tweet. They said the they check with the semi-conductor institute or the industry. If you don't have a college degree, you're not making $110,000 a year in the semi-conductor industry. You're making $40,000 a year. And by the way, they've put a lot of tax incentives and billions of dollars to increase semi-conductor production in the United States. But the industry is still very reluctant to expand in the United States. You know why? Because of all the red tape and something else, DEI. You have to hire a lot of DEI people. I guess there's a lot of competition with like Boeing, for instance. Boeing has to have a lot of DEI people. That's why they're having such great success, perhaps. But they can't, despite all the tax breaks that they're being offered, they don't want to expand when they have, they're going to be crippled by the lack of qualified people to begin with. And then they're going to have to hire unqualified people on top of it. Cut 12. People say to me, it's great you're helping people in the college. How about all those hard-working people grew up and had no opportunity to go to college? I get it. That's the neighborhood I come from. That's why a big part of my economic agenda is investing in all Americans, whether you attend college or not. That's not the neighborhood you come from. You come from the grifter neighborhood. You come from the white collar crime neighborhood. You never carried a lunch bucket. Your lunch bucket Joe never carried a lunch bucket. Your union Joe, you never had a union card. You never dealt with a business agent. You don't know what it's like. You have no clue. You don't have to be a union guy to work for a living. You don't have to carry a lunch bucket. But you never worked. You've never worked. You're 80 plus years old and you've never had a real job. Nobody in your family has ever had a real job. Same thing goes for Clinton. Same thing goes for Obama. Same thing goes for all these Democrats. None of them have ever worked. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. Howie Carr is back. Featured session at the Northeastern University Community Special Celebration honoring M. Stanley Dukakis. Thanks for the memories. I'd like to reflect on two of Dukakis' greatest appointments as Sheriff. You know, Sheriff's are elected position. But if there's a vacancy, the Sheriff gets to appoint a successor. In Middlesex County, he appointed a guy named Honest John McGonagall. Would you care to guess what his what he's better, what is better known as than his name, Honest John McGonagall? His Bureau of Prisons number 20050-038. He went to prison. I think he's dead now. How about Charles Chuckles Reardon? He was appointed the Sheriff of Essex County. His Bureau of Prisons number. Dukakis put him in office. 200-951-038. That's Descriptive Massachusetts. So these were just two of his finalists. How about Jerry Indelicato? His education advisor, who he set up to become president of Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater State University now. Taylor went there for a little while. He went to prison. He was actually turning over. He was dating over land that belonged to the college to himself for a house. That was his guy. He was also the nephew of Teddy Deag and the murdered gangster that they framed the four guys from the north end for killing. They actually kind of looked alike. There are many, many great moments in Dukakis' history. And of course, he ran for president. Jax, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jax. Hello. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. I'm here to talk about these waters that are fums and they're aliens coming in trying to steal houses from the owners. Can you tell me your thoughts? Yes, I know about that. Did you hear that Ron DeSantis was on TV yesterday talking about the new laws in Florida to make sure that nobody can do that in Florida? But you can damn sure do it and just about anywhere else. In places like New York, they've been arresting the people that are trying to come in and get their own houses back from these squatters. A couple of squatters last week went to court and they said the judges or the lawyers for the owners said, what's your proof that you lived here? And one of them produced a a Shake Shack receipt. Probably, I don't know if it was delivered by DoorDash deal or what, but they had a receipt that was delivered to their house when they were squatting. And they said, this is the proof that we own the house. Thanks for the call, Jax. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Yes, good afternoon. So, I'm David. I'm Hispanic. So, I'm just a little bit upset with this college thing. Me and my wife are on the floor. So, the thing is that we both came into this country legally. We worked our behinds off and we paid all the loans and we're trying to meet ends. And then I see that everybody's coming in, let's get them forgiven for it. And the thing is that they come here to get the college degree and then they go back to the country to follow their profession. They don't even stay here. So, I'm a little upset because it's like, and then we have all these immigrants that we pay in Texas for and sometimes, you know, we fall in hard times and we don't get in the house, but they get in the house. I know. I was talking to a guy last night. He was complaining about his dental bills. And I said, just become an illegal alien in Massachusetts and you'll get free dental, not just free medical. You'll get free dental. Thanks for the call, David. I'm Howie Carr.