The Howie Carr Radio Network

Immigrants Who "Came the Right Way" will Vote for Trump & the Chump Line: Eclipse Edition | 4.8.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

We know how Mr. Garcia feels on the topic of illegal immigration, but Howie gets a special call from another immigrant from Nicaragua who describes her path through college and her father's path to retirement in America.

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08 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. 99% of the continental U.S. will see at least a partial solar eclipse this afternoon. A solar eclipse is like a woman breastfeeding in a restaurant. It's free, it's beautiful, but under no circumstances should you look at it. Totality, as they call it, will last at least three minutes. That is enough time to listen to a good chunk of total eclipse of the heart. Or total eclipse of the fart. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. But there is this narrative being pushed out there a little bit that the years prior to President Biden's administration were better for the economy. Uh, you couldn't buy toilet paper sometimes? It's a COVID order. As soon as he takes the oath, he would say now, "I'm the king of the f***ing world." "I'm the king of the f***ing world!" It's fairly unlikely. "I know it because I know what mental illness looks like." "Yes, that is accurate." "Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaits beware. It's..." Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. Again, uh, Netanyahu is saying the date is set for an attack on Hamas in Rafa. Good. I'm glad they're not backing down. There's no way to deal with these animals unless you, uh, unless you get rid of them. I mean, they, they need to surrender, turn, turn over Yaya, get your Yaya's out of the tunnel. Hamas savages, and, uh, you know, maybe, maybe you'll be spared. You have two choices as the Israelis have been saying all along, surrender or death. And you're not going to get any help from the Jordanians or the Egyptians because they don't like you either. What does that tell you about yourselves? 844-500-4242. Time now for the Chump Line. Howie, the White House announced this afternoon that Joe Biden did not look at the sun. When asked if he looked at the moon, they had no comment. Joe, Joe was in his iron lung when it took place and he was snoozing peacefully, uh, waiting the, uh, the hazel marathon this afternoon on Meet TV. Dr. Fauci recommended wearing two eye patches to view the solar eclipse. And a strict regimen of at least three eclipse vaccinations and booster shots after that. Today's Chump Line is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Eremere, why is everyone making a big deal about this eclipse? Eremi, for one, found an afternoon black house to be a regular occurrence. That's why you had the little white powder to avoid the afternoon blackouts. You know, you start drinking at nine in the morning, you tend to get a little, uh, little weary around one thirty two o'clock in the afternoon. And that's where the comes in. Yet again, the masses are falling for more scientific misinformation. The truth is, the next solar eclipse isn't for another four and a half years. What is happening today is Christy Creme decided to take up skydiving and, well, there you go. He got blamed for the earthquake in New Jersey. On Friday, now he's getting blamed for the eclipse. He gets no respect. Well, here we are. Three years of bi-denomics and the sun goes out. Figures. Well, everything else is gone out. Why shouldn't we ran out of baby formula? We've, uh, the gas prices are skyrocketing back towards four dollars a gallon. Price of groceries is up forty percent. Now, yeah, you're right. It was only a matter of time till the sun went out. Today's special counselor, Jack Smith, charged Donald Trump with three counts of obstruction of the sun. It was only a matter of time. He caused the earthquake on Friday. Today he caused the solar eclipse. It's a pattern of racketeering. The earthquake was a predicate act. Now he's going to be charged with everything. Going back to the great flood in Johnstown. The theme song for the M. Stanley Dukaka celebration is going to be thanks for the memories. I'm writing that one down. I'm writing that one. That may go into the column on Wednesday. Thank you. This is a good start for the six o'clock segment on this. So, for all of us who want a Viking funeral, all we have to do is buy an electric vehicle and drive it into our favorite body of water. A tree will suffice. A tree sufficed the other night in Weyland. I don't know what happened to this to the guy in Northern California. I couldn't find it. I looked all over the internet. Petaluma. But there were flaming batteries all over the road when he hit the concrete abutment. That's something to look forward to in the future, isn't it? Not just the car burning by the side of the road like we're all used to or have seen on occasion. But actual batteries in the middle of the road that can't be put out. That can't be put out by any fire department without special equipment and wearing hazmat units suits. Howie! I don't like calling. Huh? Did you hear that Camilla Harris talking about brackets? They only do those for real sports. Which is why they never did brackets for your foolish team for bridge tournaments. That's a girl's game of fire for Siwan. No wonder we called you the Portland Fairy. For the record, Donald White's time at Deerfield Academy in mind did not overlap. He was 20 years ahead of me. He's more the age of... It may even be a little older than Michael Stanley Dukakis who was 90 years old. I thought maybe it was his birthday coming up, but I just looked it up on the internet. Him Stanley Dukakis was born on November 3rd, 1933. So this is just a nice celebration of failure over 90 years. At the White House, the only thing scarier than a solar eclipse is a teleprompter eclipse. I still can't get out of my head. I'm asking them to wind the teleprompter back. I mean, how many years has he been dealing with teleprompters? How many times has he ever seen a teleprompter wound back? It doesn't work, Brandon. Initial report from New Jersey is that they were having the full eclipse all day. Turned out it was just Chris Christie walking along the beach. That was one of the more memorable helicopter new shots of the last 20 years. Chris Christie all by himself on the closed up beach. Like a beach whale, only like a larger beach whale. Not like a humpback whale, but just a fatback whale. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any hour between 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message. 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message just now or you like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every evening, we have one. It's called Chop Chumps. It's available around 7 o'clock every week night Eastern time. It's get it wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. And it's where we put the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. Chop Chumps, the second Chumpline of the day. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Nan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money to get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Today's Special Counselor, Jack Smith, charged Donald Trump with three counts of obstruction of the sun. Is it going to be an FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago tonight? She raised $50 plus million at John Paulson's house, just south of Mar-a-Lago on Saturday night. Twice as much as Brandon. And of course that story is getting a good leaving alone by the mainstream media. Even though Brandon had his in New York City and had two ex-presidents with him when he did it. 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. You're listening to The Howie Carr Show. I love My Pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their giza dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, Will the Democrats/Media throw another fake October surprise in Trump this year like 2020 and 2016? Yes, no or too early to tell. I'm going to go along with the Wall Street Journal columnist on Saturday and say yes. 96% say yes, 3% say too early to tell, 1% say no. 1% think it's on the level this time around. And the illegal alien is accused of spying on girls by looking under stalls in a Walmart bathroom and the Iberville, Mississippi. Jesler, Giro Perez, 20-year-old. The illegal alien from Guatemala was arrested this month by the Iberville Police Department. That's north of Biloxi in charge with three counts of voyeurism. The three girls were in a Walmart bathroom when they noticed the savage in a stall. The girls told police that the illegal thug from the third world was seemingly looking from under his stall into their stalls. Isn't that nice? Celebrate diversity. 844-542-844-542. The New Hampshire State Police just sent out their police blotter. I'm backed up several weeks of police blotters in New Hampshire, but I'll read you these. These are the newest ones. Jovan Hussey from Havero Mass. Arrested in Portsmouth. Operating without a valid license, and speeding 26 miles plus per hour over the limit of 55 miles an hour. Emmanuel Jimenez from Thorndike Mass. Loved in Bedford, New Hampshire. Driving without a valid license, failure to use required turn signal and transporting drugs in a motor vehicle. H22. Oscar Nale Nieves. Manchester. Busted in Bedford. Operating without a valid license. Operating after a revision suspension DUI. DUI, I don't know. A guy named Nieves from Oscar Nieves. Shocking, shocking. 844-542-442. The only saving grace about a tribute to Peewee's positive accomplishments is that much like his stature, it will be short. Yes, 55 inches high. That's how tall he is. 844-542-442. I'm going to read you some of the people who are going to get their loans repaid for some of the deadbeats. Barrowers who owe more than they did at the start of repayment. Why would they possibly owe more at the start of repayment than they do now? It's perhaps because they haven't been paying them back? Barrowers who are otherwise eligible for loan forgiveness but have not yet applied. Because they're too stoned to apply to get a free deadbeat relief package. Put down the bong long enough to apply for your handout, hippies. Barrowers who first entered repayment many years ago. The administration's new plan, which is not going to work anyway, would cancel debt for all borrowers with only undergraduate student debt who entered repayment 20 years or more ago. Barrowers who enrolled in low financial value programs. That would include just about any college right now. Why didn't they go to vocational school? Why didn't they get into co-ops? Why didn't they do something useful with their time and not take out debts on my tab and your tab? And then stick us. Barrowers who are experiencing hardship paying back to loans. I mean, how laughable is that? You have to pay back your loans. Of course it's a hardship. You have less money to spend on drugs and fortified wine in tattoos. And getting those piercings, any ear piercings. Valerie, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Valerie. Well, the government paid my student loans off twice. The first time my husband and I used his combat pay from Vietnam to pay off the student loan. That's good. He earned his student loans. A GI bill is not a bailout for a hippie. That in the second time, it was survivor's benefit after he died from Agent Orange. Well, then, you know what? He's a veteran. And that's very different than what they're doing now. No one is getting a payoff for a veteran's or a GI bill. No one's talking about the GI bills and no one's talking about veteran's benefits, Valerie. We're talking about payoffs for hippies. And that's what I was going to say. If you want a payoff, go do something to get it. Right. Exactly. I mean, no one should, yeah, no one, and you know something else, being in government service, maybe if you're a cop or you're a firefighter, you want to be considered for a bailout. But if you're just going in and, you know, you're going to work for some government agency as a pencil sharpener or paper pusher or an IRS agent, no. You get more benefits anyway. You get all these holidays. You don't have to worry about layoffs. You get guaranteed COLA raises every year. And behind everything comes a pension. Why, if anything, they should be bailing out people who don't have government jobs. If they're going to bail out anybody, and I'm not in favor of bailing out anybody. Again, you go in the military, that's part of the package. That's part of the contract. You get the GI benefits. And you get the veterans benefits if you don't make it. But you don't just automatically sign, say, I'm signing on the dotted line that I'll pay the money back, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. And then you decide you went to... Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Let me read this to you again. The people who are going to get a, who want to, could expect a break on their student loans. Supposedly, I don't think he's going to get it. But borrowers experiencing hardship paying back their loans. Do you ever experience hardship when you had to write that mortgage check? When you had to write that credit card check? When you had to write that check for the car payment? How about the child support or the alimony? How about the real estate taxes? Utility bills. The whole list. You ever experience hardship? Millions of borrowers could be eligible for relief if they're experiencing hardship in their daily lives. That prevent them from fully paying back their loans an hour in the future. Yeah, they spent the money on a sleeve tattoo. And now they don't have the money to pay back their student loans. That's a hardship for people. How about the people who want to tattoo on their necks or on their face? And then all of these categories. Blacks and Latinos have higher default rates. Blacks and Latinos make up a disproportionately larger share of students enrolled in these low financial value programs. For years after graduation, black bachelor's degree borrowers on average owe more than they borrowed. Maybe they didn't pay. Did that ever occur to you? 844-542-42844-542-4132-4132. The news that Brandon is again illegally trying to transfer deadbeat student debt to hard-working tax payer. Payers on the day of the eclipse makes me want to give Brandon a full moon. Did these college goers inflate their ability to pay back their loans? Where is the New York Attorney General? 844-542-4242. My wife is in RN, still owns about 40 grand for her masters in nursing. Can she get the bailout? Works at a non-profit hospital. Nurses, I'd be more inclined to give them a break. Certainly than the local sustainability studies major, or the DEI major, or the queer studies major, or the Taylor Swift studies. Isn't there a course in Taylor Swift now at Harvard University? I think there is. Maybe not a whole major, but there is a course. 508, whatever happened to that guy from Connecticut who loved fortified wine, how we, where is he? He's six feet under. That was Bill from East Hartford or West Hartford. He's been gone for a while now. 844-542-4242. How about the guy from Venezuela? Not the rapist. I mean, not the murderer of Lake and Riley, or all the murderers and rapists and carjackers in Chicago and New York. I'm talking about the guy who told people to come over because they could live. They could squat in American homes, and that they didn't have to worry about ever working, and that he didn't come over here to work. I didn't cross the Rio Grande to work like a slave. And he said, "If you can't come over here, you don't have to work because the Americanos will support you." He's been arrested, you know. And he's in custody in Ohio. My grand influencer who encouraged squatting wines to the New York Post that he's a victim of persecution in jailhouse interview. I came to the United States because of persecution in my country. Persecution is now defined as having to work for a living. But they're doing the same thing, and for me in the U.S. persecuting me. I am a good father, he has an anchor baby. A good husband, a good son, a good person, humble, respectful to people who respect me. I miss my entire life, he cried. I miss my freedom. It's freedom from having to work! Like millions of them, he was on welfare, just living large and laughing at us. This was in one of these interviews where he was just facing the camera. You can't speak directly to anyone anymore in jails or prisons. With Marino out of the frame, the camera showed inmates in blue striped jumpsuits sitting at five silver metal tables through a glass window. At one point during the video, five scowling inmates looked in his directions with some indecipherably shouting at him. "What is happening, Gringos?" Marino could be heard muttering to himself. "I threw in the gringos, they seemed appropriate." He said, "What is happening? I am afraid they are going to kill me. They are coming for my life, anyone?" He had posted videos to TikTok and Instagram, encouraging other illegal alien savages from the third world to come to the U.S. where he said they wouldn't have to work because they could make more money from begging on the streets and collecting all kinds of government handouts. If I want to say something now, I can't say it. We've become an oppressive country. What do you mean, "we" Kim Asabi? You're a Venezuelan. Go back to your third world, Hellhole. You want a free country? Fight the commies! We've become an oppressive country instead of a free country where we can impress whatever is in our hearts. The United States was created to be that, not to oppress. The United States was created to be a country where you worked for a living. You don't come up here, amigo, and then just squat and flop and tell us what jerks we are for supporting you. He insists he was thrown into the clank because of his inflammatory social media videos and ironically threatened to use the First Amendment to fight any charges. 844-542-42, that guy from Venezuela. Can you narrow that down? Yeah, I know, I should have narrowed it down. He's a criminal from Venezuela. That doesn't narrow it down enough either. His name is Leonel Moreno. Has anyone heard from Leonel Moreno's mom since he was detained by ICE? Yeah, I think we have heard. Here's her statement. He's a good boy, a very good boy. Muchas gracias. Mrs. Moreno, Sr. Ana Moreno, assuming that's your name. A lot of them aren't married, you know. 844-542-42, Vanessa, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Vanessa. Hola, how are we? I just wanted to say that as far as the student long goes, my dad and I came here, you know, the right way, legally, and never believed, my dad doesn't believe in taxes, credit cards, debt, none of that. We migrated here from Nicaragua. And when I went to community college, he paid for it at the beginning. Then he was like, you got to help me out here. He went half. And then I paid for my community college cash. And now that I work full time at my job, they have tuition reimbursement. And I am going back to school for my bachelor's and I'm paying for school myself. Good. Good, Vanessa. That's the way it should be. Shouldn't it? Thank you. Yes, yes. My dad did things with him and I or my family. We did it the right way. And he retired, making $16, and now we're working here. But he's proud of that. We, you know, he did it the right way. And I don't believe that anyone should get anything for free. We didn't receive anything for free. But my dad was always too proud to get anything from the government anyways because where we come from, it's a socialist country and on Nicaragua. So we believe in doing things the right way. And we're him, I, we're voting for Trump, hopefully. Good for you, Vanessa. And thank you. Thanks for coming here and doing it the right way. And you know, it's mostly Americans that are getting these handouts. You know? And I mean, you sign the documents. You're, there's the old saying. I mean, we keep going back to it. It's from ancient Latin. Caviar emptor. Let the buyer beware. Don't, don't sign to, to repay money that you took to get, to get something that wasn't worthwhile, whether it's a lawnmower or a college degree or anything else. Thanks for the call, Vanessa. 844-542-978. That, that Venezuelan was probably a member of the socialist army. Yeah, they have a lot of paramilitaries down there that, that kind of, you know, were, were enforcers for the, for the, for the socialist hunta, kind of like the FBI is for the Biden regime here. You know? And now, now they're up here and they're, they're, they're just committing crimes. Some, some were vicious, like killing Lake and Riley, murdering her than, than others, but they're, they're mostly, they're mostly criminals of one form or another and 98% of them are on welfare of one form or another. Allen, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Allen. Hi, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. Sure. I, I, I just wanted to bring up Benjamin Netanyahu, not backing down. I just want to remind everybody, you know, all week long, he's been, been attacked. They've been under the magnifying glass for the accident, the misplaced missile. I just want to remind everybody about Bill Clinton exploding up an aspirin factory just to, just to make people look the other way. I want to remind everybody. When he was being impeached the night before he was being impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives. Yes. Exactly. And I want to remind everybody about Obama using drones like a madman. And there was so many casualties on the ground. We don't even talk about it. And then, and then Biden, and then Biden. Some of which were U.S. citizens, Allen. Don't forget that. Yes. Yeah. American citizens. And then Biden, during Afghanistan, also how we misplaced a missile and took out people that were just trying to gather water. So I don't want to give, I don't want anybody to give Benjamin Netanyahu. Seven children. Now Israel. Exactly. Seven children in that car. Exactly. And, and Benjamin Netanyahu is protecting his country. Whether you're on an airplane, whether you're on the border, they, they take their border serious. They take their airplane serious. 9/11 was a wake up call for America. And it's a joke. Should have been. I thought it would be, but it wasn't. Well, look, look at the UN. The UN was involved in Israel. I mean, with UNRA. I mean, no one's wants to look at this. When you have, when you have Ukraine come out, they're using Ukraine to cover up all their dirty deeds. I just want people to pay attention and don't start using their, your head and start thinking, oh, Israel's a bad guy. Because Israel right now is being on every missile they launch. They have to have a lawyer attached to that missile. Because they are under a magnifying glass. Right. I ran you guys. I ran is behind Hamas. I ran has been attacking our ships. Our ships getting missiles. No one's talking about it, Howard. I mean, I just, you know, I know, and I ran when Trump was president, I ran was broke. Because all of the sanctions that have been set up, they weren't getting any cash. As soon as Biden got in, he immediately released billions and billions of dollars. He shut down U.S. energy independence. So Iran could make even more money on oil, as could Russia, by the way, you know, another one of our supposed geopolitical enemies. And I mean, everything Biden has done has been at disaster on every level, foreign and domestic. It's just, it's just horrible. And I hope, you know, I hope Benjamin Netanyahu can survive this. And I hope he's not bluffing about going into Rafa. They have to. I mean, it's not that he wants bloodshed, but you cannot allow a mafia, basically, a mob to exist on your borders that just wants to destroy you. You have to, you have to do away with them. We had to do away with the Nazis. We had to outlast the communists in Russia. We had to demilitarize the Empire of Japan. And Israel has to do the same thing with Hamas. They have to, they have to get rid of them once and for all. 844-542-42, we'll be right back. Perfect smiles is growing. Dr. Houghton has brought on two new dentists, Dr. Sy and Dr. Tam. Both have their own specialties in dentistry. That means the wait time to get an appointment at Perfect Smiles just got shorter. Perfect smiles will be my first checkup when I returned to New England in a few weeks. I've had it on my calendar since before I left for Florida. I've learned how important it is to keep up my dental cleanings. Poor oral health is linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienicid Perfect Smiles are the best as well. Dr. Houghton and his team take the time to take many continuing education classes so they can remain up to date on all the latest advances in dentistry. Do not procrastinate. Make your appointment with Perfect Smiles today to get your mouth fixed. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire right off Route 3. Parking is easy and free. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video. Or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Dr. Houghton, Tam and Sy. I think you will be very interested in what you hear., change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. Get a crash course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howie's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's news in no time. I'll be Carr is back. 844-500-4242-802, why do you keep saying we'll be paying the student loans of the people receiving forgiveness the loans or federal loans if the loans are forgiven the government just doesn't get its money. It's not like they will send the bill to you for someone else's loans. If someone runs out of a restaurant without paying, pulls a chew and screw a dine and dash, whatever you want to call them, do you think that the prices will go up in the restaurant if a lot of people pull that millions of people for example in this case. The money that is not repaid does not go towards the federal treasury so they have to spend more money and they don't have the money so they just increase the debt. Who's responsible for the debt, you and me? All money has to be, all money that's spent has to be repaid or it has to be printed and if it's printed it's probably even more destructive, it's inflationary and no one's going to pay the money back, you're right, so they'll just print some more money rather than paying their bills, the federal government's bills with real cash that people repay. Why don't we just make everybody's minimum wage 200 bucks an hour? What the hell? Wouldn't it be easier, I mean, we're just, hey, we're giving away money. Why should only illegal aliens get free room on board? Why should all Americans get free room on board and free dental care and free medical care and SSI and pants and wick and free cell phones and free tablets and that's what illegal aliens get. Why can't we get that? We just want to be treated like illegal aliens or at least I do, 844, 542, 781, if memory serves me correctly, that fine upstanding citizen from Venezuela was also holding up a firearm. Yes, he was, he was at a gun store and saying, this is what kind of weapon did he think did we think we illegal aliens that he was broadcasting to or, you know, social media broadcasting to in Spanish? What kind of gun did he think that he should buy with his welfare checks from the U.S.? Mr. Garcia, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Yes, hi, good afternoon. I want to ask you a question. If Donald Trump tell all the illegal impression, we can empty the pressure, send them back. You also, nobody paying taxes, we have to send them back. I want to ask you another question of those people working the deli, the working deli, the communion store, those people never paid taxes, we have to send them back, right? What stores are you talking about? The deli restaurant, the- Oh, the people that are working under the table, you mean? The people who are working under the table at these various restaurants? Yeah, I, I don't, I'm not sure at that many are working there anymore because everybody's getting welfare. It used to be if you were an illegal alien, you had to at least work because you couldn't get welfare. Now they, now they get more welfare than Americans. I'm highway car.