The Howie Carr Radio Network

Howie Carr's 2024 Solar Eclipse Special | 4.8.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

It's the once-in-a-lifetime total solar eclipse that's traversing the continental United States, and you can probably guess Howie's level of excitement. Tune in to see if Taylor and Grace can change his tune using wit, wisdom, and an animal story or two.

Broadcast on:
08 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [upbeat music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. 99% of the continental US will see at least a partial solar eclipse this afternoon. A solar eclipse is like a woman breastfeeding in a restaurant. It's free, it's beautiful, but under no circumstances should you look at it. Totality, as they call it, will last at least three minutes. That is enough time to listen to a good chunk of total eclipse of the heart. Or total eclipse of the fart. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. But there is this narrative being pushed out there a little bit, that the years prior to President Biden's administration were better for the economy. Uh, you couldn't buy toilet paper sometimes? It's a COVID order. As soon as he takes the oath, he would say now, "I'm the king of the f*ckin' world." "I'm the king of the f*ckin' world!" It's fairly unlikely. "I know it because I know what mental illness looks like!" "Yes, that is accurate." "Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's…" [upbeat music] Howdy car! Welcome to this momentous Monday afternoon. I was just walking in here, Newsmax Studios, and I heard one of the producers running across the room to the control room saying, "New York says, 'Don't go to any breaks, stick with the eclipse for the next 45 minutes.'" [upbeat music] I was thinking to myself, "God bless streaming Internet radio when you hear a message like that going." And I'm sure that's the way it is for everybody everywhere. Everybody has been preempted, and it's all to see on your TV screen what you could see outside if you're in the right locations. Of course, you can't really go outside. I don't know. Hey, look, if you're into it, I don't care. You know, as John Lennon used to say, "Whatever gets you through the night or whatever gets you through the afternoon, whatever floats your boat." That's okay. But damn, I mean, is this just a little bit of overreaction here? Do you know that there are schools that are being canceled today or were canceled at one o'clock, and the parents were told to come home like it was some kind of, you know, category four hurricane bearing down. A blizzard was coming down. They were taking their kids out of the schools. Was that necessary? I mean, just tell the kids, "Don't look up at it." You know, my daughter sent me a -- sent me in the mailroom manager that text yesterday of our two-and-a-half-year-old grandson. And she said, "What's got to happen tomorrow?" And he said, "The moon is going to black out the sun." I mean, he said it fairly clearly, and then she said, "What do you do?" And he held up his hand to his eyes. I mean, that's it, right? He's two-and-a-half. He figured it out. Do you really need to -- seriously, do you need to shut down the schools? And what about the people that have to work? You know, there -- believe it or not, I know this is going to come as a shock to Biden voters, but there are people in this United States who actually still work for a living. There are people that actually produce goods and services in this country. Now, I'm just told my daughter, Charlotte, got off early. She's in Dallas. I mean, that's like prime territory, but I still -- I don't understand it. Nobody at the Highway Car Radio Network would be getting off early. I guarantee you that. If we were in the path of it, either in Florida or in Massachusetts, it's ridiculous. I remember, you know, as a kid at Deerfield reading Julius Caesar, and, you know, they're all freaking out. You know, there's an eclipse of the sun, and, you know, lions are walking across the sky, and I'm just reading it sort of chuckling and saying, "Boy, were the ancient Romans as, you know, as successful as they were. Boy, were they superstitious." Now, we're doing the same thing, freaking out. Or some people are. Some people are. I mean, it's interesting, but is it really a big deal? I don't really think so. 844-542 -- I mean, didn't we have Halley's Comet a few years back? And I'm not referring to the Nikki Haley campaign. I mean, Halley's Comet comes around once every 75 years. I didn't -- I don't remember, like, you know, saying, "Gee, you know what? I think I'm going to go out and get up at 3.30 in the morning so I can get it really." Really good luck at Halley's Comet. I've seen it in books, you know, in astronomy books. So 844-542-442-844-542-442. I am more interested in what's going on with politics and the illegal alien situation. And again, as I told you, on Friday, we may do something with this at 6 o'clock, but it is just to give you a taste of the upcoming excitement on the show. I've got an invitation from Northeastern University. You were invited to join the Northeastern community for a special celebration honoring Michael S. Dukakis. Wow. Former governor of Massachusetts, a distinguished professor of political science, Emeritus, Northeastern University. That's Thursday. Can you imagine that? How exciting. There will be a governor's roundtable discussion from 4 to 5. That's cocktail hour. Governor Weld will be there. You think he'll have a wee small taste of the creature, 5 to 7 a reception. He'll definitely have a wee small taste of the creature then. Will James Swift be in a firing mood? Will catering be provided by Spinelli's ravioli after their $10 million contract? No bid to provide for the illegal aliens. Another electric vehicle crash update. I'm going to start coming up with these like illegal alien murder cases. Just reading them as they come across. This is from the Bay Area of California, Petaluma. Emergency crews are dealing with more high-speed pursuits and more electric car fires as EVs grow in numbers on highways. This may be a temporary thing in California though. I read a story this weekend saying that sales are plummeting in California as everywhere else as people see how bad they are. An EV driver pushed the speed limits of his power on demand and crashed. Listen to this. This is a new one. They've never even seen anything like this in California Highway Patrol. Leaving a path of burning batteries in his wake. The driver couldn't negotiate the curve as he was trying to outrun the pursuing cop cars and he hit a concrete barrier enrolled. Then the burning barrier scattered across the roadway as the car flipped into the water. "They were on fire when we showed up," said a spokesman for the CPA. CHP, excuse me, chips. Some of them exploded. The CHP worries first responders will encounter more and more of the EVs and more of the crashes involving their batteries that burn extremely hot and are difficult to fully extinguish. I would say that is a legitimate concern. This is probably the first crash that I've come out to where there's batteries in the road on fire. And so it's going to be evolving training, I guess, and evolving as we go and learn more about these vehicles. I've learned enough myself. I think most people, according to the statistics, have learned more than enough and they're not going there. Recently, the Mountain View Fire Department, that's another one. It's in Silicon Valley, purchased a new tool to help battle the battery fires more efficiently and safely. It allows firefighters to stand back while the system punctures a hole in the battery compartment and fills it with water until it's out. You know how much that little punch tool costs? 34 grand. 34 grand. As far as this crash goes, hazmat teams decided to leave the car in the water for 24 hours to make sure that no battery fires could reignite. Isn't that nice? 844-500-4242-781, I'm going to have to call my town hall and see if trash pickup will be delayed one day because of the eclipse. Ha ha. I mean, I would say any place that let the workers go early because of the eclipse. That's probably a place that's still doing a lot of telecommuting in the wake of COVID. And by telecommuting, I mean that they're not working full weeks. No one's working a full week. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. Spring is here and the outdoor opportunities on the Cape are special, especially if you're staying at the Nossett Beach Inn in East Orleans. That is the one public lodging accommodations on the Cape Cod National Seashore. You can go on the Cape Cod rail trail on an electric bike. Discounts on the e-bike rentals are available from the Nossett Beach Inn. You can view the Great Herring Migration in Brewster. It's a one-of-a-kind fish run with swarms of fish. There are endless beach and shore paths to hike. And you can watch the return of the humpback whales visible from the comfort of the fire pits at the Nossett Beach Inn, which again is right on the ocean. Want to warm up after a long day outside? Every room at the Nossett Beach Inn has a fireplace. When I visited Nossett Beach Inn, I was so impressed with how every room not only has an ocean view, but that the ocean view is ever-changing with a different surf to watch. Nossett Beach Inn is pet-friendly. It's also family-friendly. Each room has two queen-sized beds, so you can bring a couple of the smaller kids with you and they can sleep in the other bed. Sit by the fire pit and enjoy the sunset, cocktails, or conversations. Then Nossett Beach Inn, a short drive to a vacation far, far away. April rooms from $249.99 and in May rooms from $269.99. Reserve your room today. They won't last long at these prices. Nossettbeach That's nossettbeach I'm Howie Carr. Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call Howie at 844-542-42, or text the word "Howie" followed by your message to 617-213-1066. Howie Carr is back. 844-542-42-42. I love my slippers' products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code "Howie" at Pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets. Go to and use code "Howie" for amazing discounts. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will the Democrat/Media throw another fake October surprise at Trump this year, like 2020 and 2016? Yes, no, or too early to tell. Yes. 94% say yes, 6% say too early to tell. Yeah, there was a Holman Jenkins column in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday about it. That's why I mentioned it. An October disinformation surprise is coming. And it just points out that a Democrat president in 2016, a Democrat presidential campaign representing the incumbent party fabricated evidence that it's a Republican opponent. An eventual president-elect was a Russian agent. And the power party's FBI legitimized the evidence in the eyes of the media so that it would be widely reported and believed to be public. Four years later, the same former -- now former officials concocted a new lie to cover up embarrassing information about the candidates' family, Biden's family. These highly connected former officials had five days to check things out before claiming Hunter Biden's laptop had the "classic airmarks" of a Russian disinformation operation. Obama intelligence officials James Clappa and John Brennan and their 45 colleagues lie today when they say they weren't lying then about the Russian disinformation campaign. If the simple truth were admitted, Hillary Clinton would be a pariah. Adam Schiff would never appear on another ballot again. Mr. Trump seems to be less of a danger to our institutions than the institutions are to themselves. Remember that the collusion hoaxes, meaning 2020 and 2016, were promoted by official U.S. agencies. That's all in italics. Official U.S. agencies in exactly the manner of Mr. Putin's Russia. There's a significant likelihood that 2024 will also see lies manufactured by agents and veterans of the national security status as in 2016 and 2020. Then the press will get a third opportunity. Those reporters and editors still capable of participating in the media business in good faith need to start thinking now about what they will do if this happens again. It should be when this happens again. You know what they'll do? They'll do the same thing they did in 2016 and 2020. They'll lie. They will lie through their teeth knowing it's a lie. 844-542. People are asking did the guy die in the EV in Petaluma, California? I don't know. I can't find it. I was looking for more stories during the break and I could not find any mention of what happened to him. 844-542. When beggars die, there are no comets seen. The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. That's from Hamlet. They're talking about all the... I'll look for more of the quote during the next break. That's what's going on here. You know, everybody's pretending like this is some kind of portent of doom or Armageddon. It's the moon. How many centuries have they known that this moment was coming? How many centuries in advance can you track a solar or a lunar eclipse? Tommy, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Tommy. Hey, highway, we're up here at the North Beach Inn. We stayed last night and day was so kind to like the fire pits. And let us stay here and watch the eclipse. We came up from Connecticut. It's a great deal. Oh, you're going to see the eclipse from the ocean, huh? We're watching it right now as you speak. Really? Have you got the special glasses? Oh, yeah. We're having a ball. You lit the fire pits and said stay as long as you want. This place is fantastic. Are there some drifters coming in to watch from the beach, bringing adult beverages, no doubt? Yes, yes. Well, that's great. If I were interested and I were going to watch it, the Nosset Beach Inn would be the perfect place to be watching it from. I wonder. They're doing, you know, they're on cable TV. They're doing stories. How are the animals reacting to this? Any whale sightings? Any whales doing the backstroke backstroke? No, not yet. But we're the oceans to the back of us. We're looking at the sun. All right. Okay, Tom. The animals are freaking out. The animals at the Dallas Zoo are freaking out. I'm going to talk about it in my news. Really? Yes. They're having complete and utter meltdowns. Roscoe is pawing at the at the mailroom manager and he's begging for some chicken parmesan that we made over the weekend. I think that's what it's going to take to keep him under control. They're freaking out. Uh oh. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, as I said, you know, the earth. First, there was the earthquake. Now the eclipse. Many, many, many animals. Very concerned. And so, so are employers because there are many of their employees had to leave to pick up their kids at school. They said, what? What? Why don't they just tell them not to look at the sun? They want to put the shades down over the windows until it's over. I guess you just don't do that anymore. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. We will be right back with graces updates on eclipse news. I'll see if I can find this curious Caesar camp. I'm halfway dark. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Calpurnia. Caesar's wife. Caesar, I never stood on ceremonies yet. Now they fright me. There is one within besides the things that we've heard and seen recounts most horrid sites seen by the watch. A lioness. Lioness hath wept in the streets and graves have yawned and yielded up their dead. Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the clouds in ranks and squadrons in right form of war. Which drizzled blood upon the capital. The noise of battle hurtled in the air. Horses did nay and dimented groan and ghosted shriek and squeal about the streets. Oh, Caesar, these things are beyond all use and I do fear them. There's an eclipse. Help. Help. Now it's time for Grace with the News. Hello, Worlds, and welcome to the Howie Carson. Grace's News Edition. Total solar eclipse edition. Howie, we just went outside and saw it with the rest of our building friends. And it was cool. When beggars die, there are no comets seen. The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. It was cool, dude. Like, calm down. It was fun. We all got a Saturday and you know what it looked like? It looked like a nail. It looked like a tiny hang nail. Although I did talk to some people who were coming off the elevator and they said that we haven't seen it fully. Like, it's not hit yet here totally. So we should probably go out again in a couple minutes. But animals are going nuts, Howie. Do animals go nuts? This is the Dallas Sun. Animals ran wild at the Dallas Sun as the skies grew dark and crowds cheered on the eclipse. This is from the Daily Mail. There was a lot of local news stories about how to protect your pets. Because, you know, once your dog hears, don't look at the sun. The first thing they want to do is look right at the sun. I think all you got to do is feed him some tasty treats. Just keep him inside for like an extra 10 minutes. Howie, the White House is pledging taxpayers will bail out $10 million in student loan debts. We're going to get to that one shortly, that story. Isn't that wonderful? The plan to convey student loan debt to taxpayers is widely seen as a political move to gain electoral traction. This is from Breitbart. They're skeptical of why Joe Biden is doing this. I just think he's trying to make good arms. I didn't understand how giving payoffs to 5% of people, most of whom are too stoned to vote anyway and couldn't remember two weeks in advance. They're so adult is going to somehow make up for the fact that 90% of the population or at least 90% is going to be very angry about this. Yeah, no, you're right. There's a lot of miscalculations happening with the Biden administration, I think. And you could also, you could take that Howie and you could use it for the situation in Israel. Like they're so concerned about losing the far left radicals at these college campuses. But I don't know, I don't know how much of their voting block that is. Like I understand to a degree listening to those people because they're the loudest, but you also risk losing the moderate people who can understand what's happening and they don't like what they're seeing. Does the Biden administration really want Hamas to win the war after what they did? I think they do. That would have been a good poll question, actually. Oh, yeah, I think they do too at this point. I mean, sunny hostels on the view. They don't care about the long term or the midterm, middle term impact of Hamas, a group of genocidal Nazi Muslim savages, basically prevailing in a war against a democratic state. Yeah, did you see the headline from NBC over the weekend? It said it has been six months since the Israel Hamas war began. And more than 33,000 people, most of them, women and children have died according to the Palestinian enclave's health ministry. But Howie, as a writer, do you notice, like, if you looked at that, someone gave that to you and said, oh, this is what we're running, wouldn't you say, you know, something started this? Like, they talk about it like it was a mushroom that just popped up in the rain. Oh, it's been six months since the Israel Hamas war began. There was a ceasefire. There was a ceasefire on October 6th. What happened on October 7th to destroy the ceasefire? This woman replied back, Howie, to that tweet. And I thought it was really good. She said, first of all, these numbers are spun for propaganda purposes. You're doing the bidding of Hamas here. Plus, plus this post is also pro Hamas propaganda all in its own because it doesn't acknowledge how the war started. Because Hamas terrorists killed 1,200 Israelis. They weren't just mostly civilians. They were also babies and Holocaust survivors among them. They tortured rape to kidnap people. The war started because Hamas broke the ceasefire that had been in place before this attack, shame on NBC News for this post. They don't feel shame though at NBC News. That's the only thing she got wrong there. Why doesn't Joe Biden ever mention their nine American hostages? There's still nine Americans that are being held by these Muslim savages. He doesn't care. He doesn't care. And he was asked about this on Friday. You know, are you abandoning Israel? And he said, Is that a serious question? Jack. And I think that to your point, Howie, if this were any other president that were in the White House right now, we would know all the names of those Americans. There would be pictures of them on the news every single day. And it's really stunning that the media is just turning a complete blind eye to this. And this whole thing, we talked about it on Friday, but the fact that the seven aid workers were killed, it's being treated like it was some kind of genocidal attack. Whereas the 10 people killed in Afghanistan, seven of whom were children and none of whom were terrorists. And they were making humanitarian deliveries of water. That's just to be glossed over totally. And now there are stories that this convoy of the seven people were in a convoy that included Hamas. Yeah. And actually, the thing we talked about on Friday, where the Washington Times reporter asked the Pentagon press secretary about that and said, like, do you guys really have a leg to stand on condemning Israel when you did the same thing in 2021 or at least very closely mirrors it. And the response from the Pentagon press secretary, I've never seen people Howie, whose job titles are to speak to the press who have no capabilities when it comes to conveying any sort of message. He said, I can't talk about the past. I just want to talk about the present. And I was thinking, is that a... But they've used that excuse before. Oh, that happened a long time ago. That was like four or five days ago. That was the Benghazi excuse too. At this point, what difference does it make? Yeah. Republicans should start using that more for things when they get questioned about things. I only want to talk about the present. I don't want to talk about the past. But they get away with it, you know? Yes, they do. And today, everybody's talking about the eclipse. Yeah. New York City squatters jump jumps as much as 20% in two years. Expert analysis puts squatting in New York City at as much as 20% higher over the past two years. And the bungled approach to COVID is clearly part of the problem. The high profile nightmares run the gamut from the crew of illegal immigrant criminals who took up residence in a Bronx squat to the queen scammer trying to steal. A $2 million house out from an elderly couple with a disabled son. This is from the New York Post. And the legal absurdities, the actual owners face are ugly. You talked last week about the Shake Shack receipt, but these stories just, they don't stop coming. And this also comes on the heels of Ron DeSantis really cracking down on squatting in Florida, which I think is part of the reason that people are flocking to Florida. Let's play this. Let's play that cut. It runs a minute, but it's really good about what Ron DeSantis is saying about the squatters in Florida as opposed to squatters elsewhere in the United States. Cut 15. If you try to squat in Florida, the homeowner will get rid of you immediately. Now we have legal rights in place. You call up the sheriff and the sheriff is mandated to evict the folks who are illegally commandeering the residents and the state of Florida. We've got a lot of, a lot of sheriffs who are very strong on law and order. I can tell you this. You go down to places like Polk County with Sheriff Grady Judd, who's a friend of mine. I would not want to try to squat in that county because he's going to throw you out very quickly. But it's important for our state to lay down the law because we have a lot of seasonal residents. And it's not just wealthy people. We've got a lot of middle income retirees. They spend most of the year in Florida, but maybe they'll go to Michigan or Wisconsin or New York or even Canada. For the summer, how could it be possible or acceptable for them to come back from summer and find out that somebody's moved into their home and that there's very little they can do about it immediately. And they got to wait seven or eight months to go through a process. That's unacceptable. It certainly is. Yeah, not New York, though. In New York, it seems to be celebrated. How eGrace's news is brought to you today by Flip Lock, which people can go to, click on store. You can get a flip lock for half off. It's a security door lock. It's unpickable, unbreakable, and it's ten times stronger than a deadbolt. The world is a very scary place. We talk about that all the time with home invasions and just horrible things happening around the country, but you can make yourself safer. You can protect your family, and it's very inexpensive. It's high tech, but it doesn't require any sort of Wi-Fi or complex installation. Get yourself a Flip Lock today. I love Flip Lock, and I think you guys will, too, go to to get this Grace's goodies now. Yeah, and we have a Meet the Experts podcast about Flip Lock. If you want to check it out, you want to hear more about it. It's really worked out well. They're getting some big orders from people because they realize it's a very economical way to give yourself a greatly added level of security. Absolutely, and it's one of those things how you look at it, and you go, "Oh, I wish I had thought of that," because it's so simple. It takes like five minutes to install it, but it really makes it, I mean, like I said, it can withstand 1500 pounds of pressure, so it does give you that extra level. All right. Thank you, Grace. Exactly. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow's stylish sandal. For both men and women, or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it, also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it stable, the premium MyPillow's with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now, call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. Howie Car. This hour of The Howie Car Show is brought to you in part by the 110 Grill with over 40 locations in the Northeast. You can find one near you. Visit them at The Howie Car Show is back. 844-542, 42, apparently a random stabbing last night. Nothing new about that, but this one happened in the Back Bay at the intersection of Newbury and Gloucester streets. You don't get too many random stabbings, that part of the Back Bay. As the woman was walking to AT O'Keefe's Irish pub, she's recovering. She was just, apparently, just randomly stabbed. This is your new woke Boston. David, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, David. Howie, I don't think Netanyahu, they're forcing him that he's got nothing to lose. He should just invade Rafa. I mean, even then, they enforce Biden to, you know, call his bluff. I mean, they're not going to never not back him. You know, just call his bluff. Yeah, I don't know. The Israelis are pulling the IDF out of southern Gaza, but they say that it's just a preparation for an assault, the final assault on Rafa, where the last Hamas brigades are. But I'm not sure I believe him, David. As a matter of fact, I don't believe him. Do you? Oh, well, I believe me. You know what? I hope the next warning for I say this. Don't look at Gaza. We're going to drop a bomb in your eyes, Mike Byrne, if you'll watch it too closely. Thanks for the call, Paul. That's not going to happen. 844 542. They could have a ceasefire today. They could have had it yesterday. All he had to do was surrender and turn over the architects of that genocidal slaughter on October 7. But now this guy, apparently Yaya Senwa, they say he thinks that he's going to prevail because, you know, he's got the US doing his bidding for. It's just sick. We're not with Israel. They're threatening to cut off the supply of armaments to them. Armaments. I mean, they're not asking for troops. They're not asking for us to get involved. They just want the bombs and the weapons to use against these savages. You don't think those savages want to kill us too? Paul, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Paul. Hi, Howie. Just to change it up a little bit, I was years ago, I had an astrological reading from a gentleman named Roland Frost. And he was a pretty good astronomer. And he had predicted, I guess, when Reagan had gotten shot that it made him famous. And Roland, according to Roland, he said that whenever there's a situation where the moon blocks the sun, that usually a father figure, someone who's a father figure to the nation can pass away. And it supposedly could be bad for you or someone in your household. If you viewed it, you know, that was the superstition in regards to the eclipse. I just thought I'd give you that comment. I'm not buying that, though. Paul, are you really? I don't know. I mean, he was always pretty accurate about some of his predictions. And it's pretty vague. But generally, there could be a father figure, like, say, like a Mitch McConnell or someone like that could pass away, you know, within the time period. So, who knows? I don't consider Mitch McConnell a father figure, except for maybe his three daughters. He's not a father figure in my life. I tell you that. Thanks for the call, though, Paul, 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. It just, it happens. You know, sometimes it's partial, sometimes it's total. There's lunar eclipses, there's solar eclipses, the eclipses. I mean, it's just, it's just one of those things. It doesn't seem like it's, it's that monumental of a, I mean, it's fun. It's fun to watch, I guess, but I don't see it as like a major thing. Again, I wouldn't, I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be, if I was off, I wouldn't be like huddled over my TV set going. Oh, I'd say I'd be outside. I'd be, I'd have it turned off. I'd be, I don't know where I'd be, but I sure wouldn't be in front of a TV set, or I sure wouldn't be monitoring it. Daniel, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Daniel. Yes, sir. I failed 28 years. A lot of it over in the Middle East and in the Mediterranean. These people, okay, which are the Hamas. Yes. And in other words, they have a religious sect. And that religious sect says that all others are infidels. And they are allowed to be taxed. That tax means that they can all be put into slavery and sold that auction. Right. They, they, they've, they've said that. People have said that, that they're raping all of the hostages and that they, they are be subverted and they are to be ridden. That's, that was the quote I read last week. Yeah, this is no more than livestock. And they seize these people. It's the same thing as the Bobbery Coast and the Bobbery Pirates with a caliphate then in North Africa that brought us to war with them. Right. The, the Barbary pirates were nothing more than 18th century or early 19th century Muslim terrorists. They were the Hamas of the time in, of North Africa. You're, you're absolutely right, Daniel. Yes, our state of Maine exemplifying this with a new flag. They have a star, which is a Chinese ascendancy, the Communists, not internationally. And the, the tree looks like a minaret where they pray to Islam all to prayer, but they have to understand that there are so hard in their ideology that even the other Muslims will not take them in. Right. Right. Jordan has closed the border. Egypt has closed the border. Those are the two bordering Arab countries, the Gaza. They don't want any part of these people. What does that tell you? A Maui car.