The Howie Carr Radio Network

Actress Says Trump will Take Hammer to Constitution plus TikTok's Squatting Guru is Playing the Victim | 4.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

The Left loves to call Republicans "fearmongers." Your opinion of this will likely change after you hear Jennifer Lewis' illustrious depiction of Donald Trump's regime come January, assuming he wins in 2024. Then, the TikToker squatter returns!

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08 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. I am so excited to be joined by Emma Foley. Emma, thank you so much for coming on the show. Thanks for having me, Grace. And we have a big topic to discuss. I thought you'd be the best person to bring on for this. Let me read a little bit from Fox News here. It says, "Trump says abortion should be decided by the states. Will of the people." And I want to play a cut, Emma. And then we'll talk about this and some of the response and maybe the repercussions as far as voters go for Trump. Let's have cut 10, please. This is Donald Trump. Many people have asked me what my position is on abortion and abortion rights, especially since I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of something that all legal scholars, both sides wanted and in fact demanded, be ended. Roe v. Wade. They wanted it ended. It must be remembered that the Democrats are the radical ones on this position because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month. The concept of having an abortion in the later months and even execution after birth. And that's exactly what it is. The baby is born. The baby is executed after birth is unacceptable. And almost everyone agrees with that. Now, it was an interesting response. He had been teasing it for weeks saying, "I will let people know where I stand on this." Because at the same time, he's bragging about the reversal of Roe v. Wade and his leadership and how it led to that. But at the same time, he also mentions in this statement exceptions that should be made. And I think there are people that will say he didn't go far enough. So, Emma, I wanted your take on what you thought of this statement and how you think it's going to play out for him as far as the election goes. So, first of all, this is not the first time that he said he would not support any sort of national ban on abortion. He came out about a year ago and said the same thing. And you had hardcore pro-lifers, myself included, kind of think to ourselves, "Gee, he overturned Roe, but is he really the best candidate for the job?" And I didn't know what to think about this. I was a little upset. But then I attended a talk where one of the architects behind the Dobbs decision was there. And he said that any sort of 15-week ban, 20-week ban on a national scale ends the conversation among the states. And it makes us once again an abortion nation, which Dobbs took that away. So, now it is in the states and it becomes 50 battles. That doesn't mean it's any easier, but you need to attack each battle by itself. You need to have the conversation state by state, person by person, and election by election if you really want abortion to end. Yeah, he did comment on that and the importance of sending this question back to the states to decide. Can I also get cut 11, please, Jared? My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. The states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state. Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have more conservative than others, and that's what they will be. At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people. You must follow your heart or, in many cases, your religion or your faith. Now, what I find very telling about this is that, and I don't want to speak to the moral dilemma, which I think is very valid and people will call in and say this and that, and I respect that. But Trump wants to win, and I do find that what polling shows is that extremes on either side of the pendulum here lose people elections. And while he's going to be painted as an extremist no matter what he does, his actual, if you look at this stance right now, this is pretty much in the middle. Yes, he does have historically the best record of any president. He nominated the justices that overturned Roe, and I think that going back to the first cut, an important point that he made is that the Democratic platform is okay with abortion in the ninth month and past the ninth month. Now, they say this is some sort of anti-abortion propaganda, but if you look at states like California and other radical states, it's true. And also the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act has been to Congress upwards of five times and never passes because of the Democrats. Why is that? If it's such a myth that we should protect babies who survive an abortion, and this does happen, and you have people who are now adults that go out and they give talks about I, my mother was either coerced or wanted to abort me and I survived. Now you have these people coming out and why can't the Democrats pass that legislation? Yeah, it's a really, really good point. And I want to play this cut from MSNBC because like I said, what we see in the polling is that a lot of people do not support extreme stances on abortion on either side of the political aisle. So can I have cut 14, please? With a head though, to the second trimester, and that's where public opinion shifts. Now you've only got 34% who say that abortion in that timeframe should be legal in most or all cases. You've got two thirds basically saying it should be illegal in most or all cases. And then you move to the third trimester and you see an even more dramatic movement there. Less than 20% believe abortion in the third trimester should be legal in most or all cases. Eight out of 10 voters saying it should be illegal in most or all cases. And that's the part of this conversation. The left does not want to talk about it. And that's why, you know, as much as I was not a fan of Nikki Haley when she was on the debate stage and she was asked about abortion. She did say as Republicans, we need to change this narrative to be less about the conservative viewpoint on it and more about, well, let's have the left answer the question. Where's the limit? Like what trimester should we not allow this anymore? And the truth is, and you just pointed out, Emma, they cannot answer that question. And another part of this that I want to talk about is as much as Florida right now is in the news for this because the Florida Supreme Court decision. Florida's on the rise. Like people are not fleeing Florida because of these decisions by Ron DeSantis. Yes, and Florida hasn't always been super conservative on the abortion topic. And you might unfortunately see a red state go in favor of it now that it's going to be on the ballot. But at the end of the day, I believe that pro-lifers are going to stay with Trump. I think this is strategically a really good move for him because he is our most pro-life president. He has a really good record on it. And so going, people are saying this is a punt on abortion and in a lot of ways, sure it is, especially for hardcore pro-lifers like myself. I wish that he would say I'm going to be a dictator for a day and ban abortion forever, but that's not going to happen. So going with this strategy, pro-lifers will stick with him and he'll also gain people in the middle of the road. Yeah, I do agree. I know that pro-lifers are not going to be 100% happy with that response, but I agree with you there that politically speaking, and I do think Trump, if you look at Trump, his number one thing is politics right now. And it's not, you know, I always say like don't go to him for your moral advice or, you know, you're not marrying him. But I think what he truly cares about right now is getting in the White House and I don't think this is a bad strategy. Emma, I wanted to, speaking of Trump since I have you here, I'd love to get your reaction to this. I'm throwing this at Emma last minute, but there's an actress, Jennifer Lewis, and she's on the show Black-ish, which I think now they have a spin-off groanish, but Black-ish was the original show. And she was on serious progress and she was giving an analysis of Donald Trump. And of course, we're always accused on the right of fear mongering, you know, like we're constantly, and I don't see it that way. I very rarely see the right fear mongering to the same degree at all as the left. So this is Jennifer Lewis, actress, and I wanted to play this cut and then get your response, cut nine. As soon as he takes the oath, he will have generals walk down the steps of the Capitol. He will take a hammer and break the glass where the Constitution is, and he will tear it up in our faces. And say now, I'm the king of the f***ing world. You will bow down. He will punish everybody that didn't vote for him. Let me tell y'all how I know this f***. Please do tell me. I know it because I know what mental illness looks like. That mania is unstoppable. See, this mother f*** is Hitler. Mmm. Long pauses. He didn't come to play. Okay, so first off, I'll give a little bit of my response. I know what you knew was going to happen. She has a great voice for audio. She should do some audio books because I was paying attention to what she had to say. She had me waiting through those pauses. Mostly, Jerry, were you surprised I got through that? Because typically if Jerry leaves pauses and like that, I cut it real quick. Yeah, no, I'm surprised. What are you doing there? Why do you just grab it? Paper boy. Jerry just... Read all about it! Jerry just grabbed his edition of Paper Boy and like held it to his chest. All right, Emma, what do you make of this? Donald Trump is going to... He's going to take the constitution. He's going to crack through the glass with a hammer. This is a lot that we have to take in. This is like a Nicolas Cage. Step one, mark the generals. Step two, smash the case. He's going to smash the case with a hammer. And then he's going to say bow down to me, I am king. Your reaction. She can really illustrate that image. I can really see it. So the Democrats in the left, they love to do this. They love to paint Donald Trump as this guy who's going to deploy the US military and all the three letter agencies on us. And it's funny because that's what the Biden administration is already doing to the average American. They deployed the FBI into churches. There are people undercover spying on radical traditional Catholics. They're raiding people's homes, dads of seven or whatever it is. They're going after average Americans. If Trump wants to go after criminals and illegal aliens and things of that nature, then that's cool. He can do that. He's a very constitutional president. I think he described himself as the most presidential president. I have no doubt about that. But also to your point about constitutional, Joe Biden, when it comes to the Constitution, I mean, look at the student loan debt. He doesn't care about the Constitution. He doesn't care if he's told, "Hey, that doesn't pass constitutional muster." He spits in the face of that and he says, "I'm going to do it anyway." He can do whatever he wants if he wants to get something done. It's just when he has no desire, no will. That's when he'll say, "Well, the Constitution said I can't really do anything about it." But yeah, I don't think though, to be fair to both presidents, I don't think either of these guys is going at the Constitution with a hammer. I just don't think that on their list of things to do, Nicholas Caging, the Constitution, is up there. I don't even know where-- I know what mental illness looks like. That's good to know, though. Mm-hmm. Confirmed. We have to go back to that cut, Jerry. We may have to dissect that a little further. Emma Foley, thank you so much for coming on the show. Thank you. Do you have any pieces up right now? People should check out. You can follow me at Emma Foley Media on X to see the next one coming out soon. Okay. Very, very good. When we come back, we'll go back to this and we will take your calls, plus squatting is everywhere. It's in Florida now. It's in New York. And one TikToker was proudly explaining to illegal aliens how you could squat and take over someone's home. Now that same migrant influencer, that's how the New York Post describes him, is in jail. And he's not as-- he's not as confident anymore. He's lost a little bit of his pizzazz in prison. We'll talk about that when we come back. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. And just because people in your life have sold their real estate in a traditional way, doesn't mean that it's the best road for you. It doesn't mean it's your only option. Because selling real estate via auction is a really, really secure way to set the price and to get the money that you deserve. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments. 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Again, it's 800-521-0111 to talk to Charlie Gill or go to JJ and get your real estate sold. We're back. Welcome back to the Grace Curly show. Thank you all so much for joining us. Jared, it's a clip time. It's happening, people. And nobody freak out. I forbid anyone to freak out, but it is time for the solar eclipse. So if you have your glasses, like me, oh my God. Okay. Everybody, stay calm. Everybody, stay calm. Everyone, what's a procedure? Stay fucking calm. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Everybody, stay calm down. If you have your glasses, put them on. If you don't, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? This only happens once in a while and you're missing it. It's too late for you. If you don't have glasses at this point, I don't even, where does one go to get these glasses? Can you get them out of the gas station? I'm not sure. I know my wife went to one of the local libraries and they had them there. You know what, Jared? I know where Taylor got his though. We should have got in on this. This would have been a good business. They're free though. I mean, what? Oh, they are? Yeah. Oh man. We can't do a Grace's goodies for something that's free. The solar. That's all free. The solar eclipse, man. The people behind that, they've got to get on to the entrepreneurial spirit of the United States of America. I can't be giving out glasses for free. Like it's a charity event or something. This is a big deal. People would pay for these things. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Everybody's got these cameras, right? And they'll post videos and say, "Look what happened. Someone stole my package. Someone did this. Someone broke in." But it's after the fact. It's like, "Yeah, you have a video of it, which is good, but what's going to stop someone from actually getting into your house?" And that's where Flip Lock comes in. This is a very, very important device. I wish I had thought of it because it's always the best inventions, Jared. That you look at and you go, "I could have thought of that," but you didn't. But you didn't. And they make such a difference. So the original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use. It's rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. You can learn more at That's and you can also get one for half off at Click on store. We still have these graces goodies. There's a few left and you guys want to hop on this right now because this is a really awesome device and it's so much more powerful than a deadbolt. It's a great way to keep yourself safe. It's also a great way to protect your kids or your grandkids if they just moved into a dorm or their first apartment. This is a really wonderful gift and it will also give you the gift of peace of mind. So Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, would you convote in after you get your Flip Lock at is, "Are you planning to view the eclipse?" Yes, I made a whole plan for it. Maybe I'll check it out. No, I don't care and won't look at all or enough about the damn eclipse. No, I'm Team Eclipse. I'm pro-eclipse, which people on the rumble cam are really happy about. I don't know. Was I giving off? I must have been giving off a vibe because of my skepticism of earthquakeers on Friday. All the people who were like, "Oh, I felt the earthquake." I was giving off an anti-eclipse vibe. I'm here to tell you guys, "Absolutely not. I am Team Eclipse. I'm all for this." 41% say, maybe I'll check it out, 29% say enough about the damn eclipse, 17% don't care and won't look at it at all, and 13% say yes and they made a whole plan for it. All right, during the break, I'm going to Google Jennifer Lewis because I think I actually know this actress based off her voice, very distinctive voice. I know what mental illness looks like. She went on a rant about Donald Trump, an unhinged rant about Donald Trump. Is there anything but unhinged when it comes to rants about Donald Trump? I've never heard of a hinged rant when it comes to Trump. We'll play this again because this is really the sound cut of the day and we'll take your calls 844-542-42, don't go anywhere. Looking to give a mom in your life the gift of peace and quiet this Mother's Day, maybe you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities, but at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds. Raycon's everyday earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love, at a price you'll love even more. With custom gel tips for a comfortable in-air fit, 8 hours of playtime, and a 32-hour total battery life, Raycons are perfect for all they list. Raycon Everyday Earbuds also come with three customizable sound profiles, noise isolation and awareness mode. Maybe that explains the tens of thousands of 5-star reviews. Right now get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping when you go to That's 20% off and free shipping at by Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. I just checked out the sun with my glasses on and it's starting. It's starting. I see a little bit of the moon creepin' in. Bill Malugin is an eagle pass and he also has his glasses, so now we have that in common. Plus we were both models for Abercrombie and Fitch. The list goes on and on. We will talk a little bit about Trump's fundraising and squatters, and there's still a lot to get to in today's show. Let's go to the phone lines right now. Jonathan, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jonathan? Hi, Grace. Hello, sir. Nice to talk to you. You too. I live in East Sandwich and it's a little called-the-sack with 15 ohms, and they're all in some form affordable housing. Now, at the end of the called-the-sack, there was a girl living there and a few years ago, she just kind of abandoned the house, she went down to Florida and then she came back up to her house with an entire family from Florida. And then she moved out, but the whole family stayed from Florida. Right. So they've been living there and not paying their mortgage for the past three years. And the president of our association tried everything and the state said, "There's nothing you can do. There's nothing you can do about this." Because they have squatters, right? Finally. Apparently, yeah. These people are not the best neighbors, I can tell you that. And-but finally, the house went up for auction and it sold for about three times what it would have been if it had been in the affordable range, which was originally supposed to be. And these people have now been offered first month, last month, and security to get out. Wow. Wow, this is our first squatter story on the Grace Curly Show. And this is-this is a-they're calling it a trend. That's what I noticed the White House is referring to it as a trend because I guess that makes it seem like it's going to go away. It's like inflation, you know? It's transitory. The squatting is transitory. It's just a moment in time. It's just a wave that we're all in. And Governor Ron DeSantis was actually asked about squatters in Florida because he passed a law, the week I was on vacation, to end this madness. Just take a listen to this. It's cut 16. If you try to squat in Florida, the homeowner will get rid of you immediately. Now we have legal rights in place. You call up the sheriff and the sheriff is mandated to evict the folks who are illegally commandeering the residents and the state of Florida, we've got a lot of-a lot of sheriffs who are very strong on law and order. I can tell you this. You go down to places like Polk County with sheriff Grady Judd who's a friend of mine. I would not want to try to squat in that county because he's going to throw you out very quickly. But it's important for our state to lay down the law because we have a lot of seasonal residents and it's not just wealthy people. We've got a lot of middle income retirees. They spend most of the year in Florida, but maybe they'll go to Michigan or Wisconsin or New York or even Canada for the summer. How could it be possible or acceptable for them to come back from summer and find out that somebody's moved into their home and that there's very little they can do about it immediately and they got to wait seven or eight months to go through a process. That's unacceptable. Yeah, I'm sure the home association and East Sam, which wishes they had a governor who is, you know, that strongly against these squatters who are taking over homes. And I want to mention something else here because a few weeks ago, Jared, I hate to brag. That's my least favorite thing to do. But we were on top of this trend. I said to Jared, I said there was a movie back in the day, a long time ago, Pacific Heights. My mother wanted to watch it. My mom always has these movies like Mommy, Dearest, these random movies, which I probably was too young to be watching. But that was the deal. It was like, if I wanted to stay up late and watch TV, she was going to watch what she wanted to watch. So one time she said to me, let's watch Pacific Heights. It's with Michael Keaton, it's kind of strange, but you know, it's a good Sunday movie. And I remember not even understanding the plot of the movie, the concept. I was like, how can this guy live there if it's not his place? And he was terrorizing the owners of this duplex. And ever since we talked about it, a few weeks ago on the show, every single day, there's multiple stories about squatters being able to take over a home with just a shake shack receipt. I mean, the burden of proof at this point that you live in a house is very low. It's like you just have to show a receipt that you ate something nearby and it's yours. And recently, again, this was before I went on vacation. There was a Venezuelan influencer, an illegal alien who went on TikTok. He's got 500,000 followers on TikTok. And he was urging the people who were, he was urging the people who were surging the border to invade abandoned houses and to squat and he was giving them tips. And I mean, we pull the sound, but it wasn't in English, so there really was no point in playing it. But he was very, Jared, based off the video you watch, he was very proud of these tips. He was very full of himself. He was mocking Americans. Like what idiots we are. This is how you can bamboozle them. And his name is Lionel Moreno. And now he's moaning that he is the victim of an unjust persecution during a 30-minute long television from a jail that he's in in Ohio. He said, "I came here to the United States because of persecution in my country, but they're doing the same thing to me in the United States persecuting me." He talks about how he's a good father or a good husband. I'm sure he's a good squatter if he feels confident enough to give other people advice. I'm afraid they're going to kill me. They're coming for my life. Anyone. I miss my entire life. I miss my freedom. He's saying that about the other inmates you can see in the background during the interview. He also insisted that the New York Post contact his wife so that they could pay her for an interview. The Post doesn't pay for interviews, so that looks like it's not going to be a very fruitful endeavor. I coughed Marino in Columbus, Ohio on March 29th, nearly two years after he and his wife crossed illegally into the southern border into Eagle Pass. He was allowed to stay in the country on a Biden administration approved parole scheme, and now he wants us to feel bad for him. Now, I understand that everyone at this point, like the search for victimhood never ends. Everyone has a right to sing the blues, but if you make a video, this is the part of it that drives me crazy. If you're going to make a video bragging about not just your crimes and the things you've done illegally, but you're going to encourage others, you're going to be like a squatting guru giving out tips, you know, subscribe to my sub stack to learn more, and then you get in trouble for it. It's like, what do you think was going to happen? Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else noticed? That God's coming in handy quite a bit today. It's true. It's like, oh, it's, it's our fault that nobody made you make a TikTok. I mean, back in the day, Jared, and you know this more than I do because your day goes further back than mine does, but back in the day, people used to be, I shouldn't say embarrassed of their crimes, but they used to be, they used to feel the need to cover them up a little bit. Yeah. And that's pushing a hoop down a dirt road with the stick criminals had class by golly. They had to put a little effort in, you know, they didn't just know they were going to get away with it. No, they'd be released. It was like, hey, we, we did the crime and we don't want to do the time. So we'll have to cover it up a little bit. But now it's just like, make a TikTok, explain to everyone what you did or how to do it. Just insane. By the way, another thing we discussed was how Biden was bragging for a long time about his fundraiser. And remember that the article in the AP, they were just drooling, salivating over the Stephen Colbert hosted Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden fundraiser. It broke records, $26 million in fundraising with all that star power. Is it any, is it any surprise that they pulled in so much dough? Well, as I had said, it was only going to take a couple of days until fundraising became bad again. Make fundraising bad again. That is the Donald Trump way. This is for maybe see news. Trump's Palm Beach fundraiser joined by Melania Trump rakes in 50 million dollars. Yikes. They don't like to hear that. And of course, what the Trump team is running with, which I think is, which I think is perfect. They're saying it took three presidents to bring in half the amount that one president was able to bring in in Florida. And I think that no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We need more of that. By the way, we need more Biden. We need more Trump getting under Biden's skin because you notice this trend of like, Oh, we'll, I'm your nightmare, we'll poke at the things that really bother Trump. And there are some things like some, some easy tells. Trump hates if you talk about his net worth and you try to claim he's not worth as much as he is. There's certain things that really drive him crazy, but Trump's strength is that Joe Biden's the same exact way, like Joe Biden is way more thin skinned and the things that bother him are pretty similar to the things that bother Trump. So he should just keep hammering this like, Oh, sorry, Biden, sorry that you and your celebrity friends couldn't bring in as much money as me, like really, really milk this. And one other thing I want to point out is that this Trump derangement syndrome, which somehow has only gotten worse as time's gone on. And we'll go back to this cut here in a second. I think that a big issue they're going to have is that illegal migration is becoming the number one issue for voters. It's actually eclipsing. It's eclipsing the economy. And if you look back here to 2016, all of the things that these Hollywood hypocrites and these liberal elitists were talking about, all the things they were fear mongering about, he's going to build a wall. He's going to deport people. He's going to make sure that he's not going to let everyone in. That was all the things that back then riled people up to vote against Trump. Like, Oh, he's a big, bad orange man. He's going to do all these things. If you take those same things now in 2024, and I've seen this before, they'll write about it in an article that post about it, the general response that I'm seeing it might be anecdotal is we're already voting for him. Stop trying to convince us further. So what I'm saying is the 2016 fear mongering could be Trump's 2024 campaign at this point. It's like he's going to build a wall. He's going to deport people who are committing crimes. What can't this guy do? Like, you guys are giving us more reasons to vote for him. The same things that you ran against are actually his greatest strengths. And they keep doing it. Give me a little bit more of Jennifer Lewis before we go to break here from blackish. The I think it's an ABC show. This is her idea of what Trump is going to do if he becomes president. As soon as he takes the oath, he will have generals walk down the steps of the Capitol. He will take a hammer and break the glass where the Constitution is and he will tear it up in our faces and say, now, now, I'm the king of the world. You will bow down, you know, he will punish everybody that didn't vote him. Let me tell you how I know that you know how she knows it, Jared. She knows it because none of this stuff happened the first time around. So it only makes sense that it will happen now. That's how she knows this. 844-542. I know what mental illness looks like. Yeah, I'm not one to make bets, but I would bet that how he's going to have some fun with that audio today. I don't think he's going to let that one sit on the cutting room floor. We'll be right back speaking of with how we car. We've got a lot to discuss with him. We'll get his take on the solar eclipse. Oh, and one other thing. Did you hear Morgan Wallinger, country singer, got arrested, tossing a chair off the roof of a bar allegedly in Nashville. And his excuse for this was like, oh, me and my friends were horsing around. He said, after a couple of bar stops, we were horse playing with each other. We didn't mean any harm and we want to say sorry to any bar staff or anyone that was affected. You know, he's had a couple of run-ins before, and I was hopeful that maybe he turned things around, but this doesn't look good for Morgan Wallinger. And he's had so much success. I'm rooting for him. I hope he can clean up his act a little bit, but not good. When we come back, we'll take how we car for the car crossover. And Jared, first though, I mean, it's such a gorgeous day that if we weren't so consumed with the solar eclipse, I'd be making my way to the Nossa Beach Inn. This is a perfect spring day to enjoy the beach, to enjoy the fire pitch, to enjoy the tranquility. And Jared, as someone who was able to do that, tell us a little bit about it. Yeah, I don't want to push back on the FOMO crowd, but if you'd booked your stay at the Nossa Beach Inn, you would be there on this beautiful day. They've got beaches, your steps from the beach, whatever room you're in right on Nossa Beach. There's the Cape Cod rail trail, there's tons of stuff to do. They're pet friendly. Every room has a picture window and a fireplace so you can stay cozy and just check out the views. They have fire pits outside, which are fantastic. My wife and I. We drank our morning coffee by the fire pit and it was definitely the highlight of being down there, just to be able to relax, take in the beautiful ocean views, stay warm and cozy. And it would be a great place to view the eclipse today, I'm just saying. So in 375 years, when the next one comes around, make sure you're booked at the Nossa Beach Inn. Right now, you can book your April stay at the Nossa Beach Inn from $249.99 a night and may their rates are $259.99 a night. So reserve your ocean view room, go to, that's We will be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. Today's card, Frost Over, is brought to you by ReadyWise with inflation, food and energy costs rising, families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key. Our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. We talked a little bit with Emma Foley about the fundraising that Trump was able to pull in in Florida, it says, Trump's Palm Beach fundraiser, joined by Melania Trump, rakes in $50 million, organizers say. Now Joe Biden has weighed in on this. He wrote on Twitter, folks, you know, Trump is down in Florida today, raising money from a bunch of hedge fund billionaires. This campaign is Scranton. This campaign. I like this. This campaign is Scranton versus Palm Beach. This is a grassroots campaign of nurses and teachers and firefighters and cops, cops. Wait, wait a second. Didn't he not go to the wake and funeral of Officer Jonathan Diller in New York because he was at a fancy fundraiser with Stephen Colbert? So wait, let me get this straight. Howie Carter joins us now. Howie Joe Biden is trying to say that this campaign, his campaign versus Trump's, is Scranton versus Palm Beach. His grassroots campaign is nurses, teachers, firefighters and cops versus Donald Trump in a couple of billionaires looking for a tax cut, your reaction. Pardon me for laughing in your face, Brandon. I mean, it's absurd. It's going to be a non-starter like all the rest of their, like their Bidenomics, like their, you know, America coming back, gas prices coming down. It's just BS. I mean, it's just not, it's not going to work. There's only so many lies you can tell it a lie to make a lie work. It has to have a modicum of truth. Yeah. They've lost that plot completely. They don't even try for that anymore. Howie, I'd love to take on the judge in this Hunter Biden situation, the US district judge Anna Reese. She slammed the DOJ for Stonewalling Congress. And this is from Jonathan Turley in the New York Post. I guess she said, I think it's quite rich. You guys pursue criminal investigations and put people in jail for not showing up. And now you guys are flouting these subpoenas and you don't have to show up? I was just shocked that she was appointed by Biden, you know, and her name is Reyes. You know, she's a white woman, but I am sure she claims to be a woman of color, you know. So I was just surprised that she, she totally deviated from the plot. Yeah. And she totally nailed it. She said, you're making a bunch of arguments that you would never accept from any other litigant. I imagine. These are, these are people who are the same department lawyers who are putting Navarro and Bannon in jail. And they're claiming they don't have to abide by the same rules that they, that they throw Navarro and Bannon in prison for for a few months. Yeah. Peter Navarro is in Miami right now, right? Right. Serving. He's the only, he's the only misdemeanor in that prison. It is completely insane. And like I said, you don't have to go back a hundred years to see why this is hypocritical because Peter Navarro is currently serving jail time. Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got a totally awesome show planned for the total solar eclipse. Everybody, get your glasses on and enjoy the show, we'll be back tomorrow.