The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Wavering Support for Israel with Jake Novak | 4.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

New guest alert! Grace welcomes to the show Jake Novak, Republican strategist and author behind "Jake's Takes" on Substack. Grace and Jake discuss the ongoing unrest in Israel and Joe Biden's response. The president of what used to be Israel's strongest ally, that is, the United States, does not know which way to turn: toward Hamas sympathizers or toward his Zionist voters.

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08 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for joining us today. I'm really excited. It's been a while since we've had a newcomer to The Grace Curly Show, and we're bringing on today. I was discussing recently with a friend how proud I am of the coverage we've been doing of the Israel Hamas War. We've had great guests, Ben Weingarten, Ari Hoffman, people with a lot of expertise on this topic, who have brought with them a lot of great conversation, and we've been able to have very civil conversations about all of these things. This friend of mine said, "You should really have on Jake Novak. He's a Republican strategist. He's the author of Jake's takes on sub-stack, and he's an excellent resource for all of these issues in the Middle East." Without further ado, Jake Novak, thanks so much for coming on The Grace Curly Show. Oh my God, thanks for such an introduction. I better do well. Thank you so much for having me. No pressure, Jake. I wanted to start with what was going on this weekend in Dearborn. So there was a lot of Al-Kud's Day rallies featuring very anti-American, anti-Israel rhetoric. I would love to play just a cut here for you, Jake, and then get your reaction. This is Imam Usama Abdul Ghani. Cut three, please. Imam Khomeini recognized that Israel is an evil, similar colonialist project. He realized it is a cancer, and he established this day. Israel, before this brothers and sisters, was a sacred cow. Nobody could criticize Israel. Everybody was terrified of being anti-Semitic. Everybody was afraid of them. But now, the people of conscience very openly will criticize Israel. They recognize Israel for what it is. Israel is ISIS. Israel are -- they are Nazis. They are fascists. They are racists. The people of the world now know this. The ironic thing is, Jake, that he's talking about how people are afraid to criticize Israel. I don't see that at all. I see plenty of people feeling very confident in criticizing Israel, including very powerful world leaders. But I would say people are afraid to criticize things like this that are happening in Dearborn and afraid of being called anti-Muslim if they say, "Why do we have crowds of people chanting death to America, death to Israel in Michigan?" I would love your reaction. Oh, man, you're so right. First of all, what is, to me, one of the most annoying things about people when they go either on social media or this guy, when they attack Israel and they attack Jews, don't they all sound like they're the first ones to have ever said it? Like, they're the real courageous people. They're the ones who have broken the silence. Excuse me. This is the oldest form of hatred in the history of the world. It's been going on for 4,000 years. It's moldier than a Sanford and Sun rerun. What in the heck is your problem? I mean, this is so pathetic. That's thing one. I mean, it's really a joke in that sense. Second of all, it was something a little hard to understand him. But he was quoting the Ayatollah at the top. This is like someone in America in 1938, '39. And they did have rallies like that, by the way, in some parts of the United States where they were praising Hitler. Isn't it great that he's bringing this truth to the world that no one else had the guts to say, except every other day in the history of the world? So, I mean, those are the two things that first come to my mind when you play this kind of stuff. But the thing that's different that I think a lot of Americans are not understanding, they're not wrong. The pundits up there and the folks saying, "Oh, Biden's abandoning Israel now, or Biden's making things separate Israel now because he's worried about these folks in Michigan, or he's worried about folks in Minnesota." It's not that they're wrong. It's just that they're focusing on the wrong thing. That's like saying someone really needs to make these foul shots to get ahead in a game. But the game is different, Grace. The game is -- it's not about Michigan and Minnesota. It's about the fact that this administration and the Obama administration before it, and our foreign policy is the same team, so they're really the same people, are pro-Iran. And what's changed in the last several weeks has been if clear Israel is really intent on destroying Hamas, not just getting the hostages back, not just weakening them and moving back like they've done time and time again. And Iran, Grace, cannot allow Hamas to be wiped out. Because if it is, their other proxy armies will demand more from them. They'll realize that their backs are not protected. And it's likely to cause a domino effect that will destroy Iran's entire regime. This is not a stretch. It's not a conspiracy theory. Iran's only policy is proxy wars. That's all they do. That's all they produce. That's their GDP. The people of Iran have died in the streets, pointing this out a number of times over the last 12 years or so. So that is what has changed. So don't be fooled into thinking this is just about your Electoral College. This is about your AP Political Science class. This is about an administration that has a lot of pro-Iran assets inside the administration, inside the State Department, inside the CIA, and they are covering Iran's back. Yeah, I'm so glad you brought that up because the political aspect of it seems to be brought up quite a bit on the weekend shows and the mainstream media. And on Friday when Joe Biden was walking towards the helicopter, he was on the White House lawn, he was asked if he's abandoning Israel. And he said, "Is that a serious question?" He acted like that was completely ridiculous. And also, Jake, when Peter Ducey asked John Kirby about this and said, "I thought you guys said you would unwavering support for Israel. Now you're looking like you're considering changing your policies." He also scoffed at this. But is it ridiculous to ask those questions right now? And how likely do you think it is that Joe eventually does cave and fully turns his back on our strongest ally in the Middle East? Oh, it's absolutely correct to ask the question. Listen, the best thing for everyone involved would have been to have taken the stoppers off of Israel from the beginning and allow them to finish this operation very quickly. But this, too, grace is nothing new. We've been fighting really the same war since 1948 in the Middle East, which is, by the way, the most inhumane thing you can do. Israel has never been allowed to fully finish off its enemies. This is like us not going into Berlin at the end of World War II. How many more people would have died over the next 50 years if we had decided to do that? It's a similar situation. And so here we go again with this kind of policy. But now it's even worse because you have a situation where it's not like, no one is saying there should be peace. Have you heard the Biden administration or like to say something along the lines of, "Well, let's get a peace deal between these guys?" Because that was an excuse in the past. "Let's get a peace deal between Israel and Egypt. Let's get a peace deal." Now, just stop. Just stop. Let them exist. And they're pretending it's about civilians. Of course, more civilians will die if this war doesn't end and the war has been going on now for 74 years. I mean, '76, it's going on forever. So this is really the change. The change is now we have these pro-Iranian assets within our government who have been there since the Iran deal. They've been there ever since they shut down Project Cassandra, which was the Hezbollah money-raising drug-running and car-stealing operation in this country, the Obama administration shut down at the behest of Iran. This is what's going on here. And I think the American people deserve a little bit more of an adult assessment of all this. It's not just about Michigan and Minnesota. Barack Obama didn't care about Michigan and Minnesota. That wasn't his problem. And he was very pro-Iran. So just because that's in fact or now, maybe we're supposed to believe that's why Biden is abandoning Israel. I think that's kind of a high school AP political science class answer to what's going on right now. Yeah, that's very well said, Jake Novak. I'm already loving having you on. I know we're going to have you back because you're awesome. And I want to add something in here, Jake, and I didn't tell you this beforehand, but I'm sure you'll be able to handle this change of topic here. The economy is something that is a problem for the Biden reelection campaign, but you would never know that if you actually tune into what they're saying. They're constantly kind of putting up this front that the issue is the messaging. The issue is connecting the dots for the American people. Pete Buttigieg over the weekend did an interview with Foreign Press Secretary Jen Psaki. And they talked about how it's really just a problem with messaging and that people aren't feeling it because they haven't gotten the message across properly. Do you believe that or is this a bigger problem for Joe and his minions than he wants to acknowledge? Well, let me just acknowledge two points that people should remember. No matter how good the economy is, and I don't think the economy is very healthy in this country. I also don't think it's the worst either. But no matter how good it is, it is always extremely dangerous for a sitting president to go around saying how great the economy is. Because no matter how good the economy is, there are always going to be millions of people who are not participating in those good times. So for Buttigieg and others saying we're not just doing good messaging, it's dangerous to do that. Listen, George W. Bush in 2004 made the same complaint by the way where his people did about how they felt the economy was strong and that he wasn't getting out thinking the message out there. But what's really going on, Grace, is a good economic lesson for everyone. We're brought up to believe that unemployment is the worst thing for an economy. Unemployment is the worst thing for a sitting government. It's not true. Inflation is much worse. Inflation is a very, very powerful political weapon in this country. In my lifetime, and I'm not that old, it's brought down three presidents in a row, brought down Nixon I think Nixon survived. A lot of the Watergate stuff, if we're not dealing with inflation in this country, it brought down Ford and then it brought down Carter. And then the government actually changed the inflation statistics to make it look better after that. And now it's still bad and it could bring down Joe Biden. Inflation affects everyone because unemployment, even when you have a great depression, and in the great depression, we had 25% unemployment in this country. That doesn't affect every single person. Inflation hits the rich. The rich get rich because they watch their money, even when they are rich. So when they see things that are more expensive, it bothers them. It certainly bothers the poor. And in this case, we are seeing it really hitting in core things. The Americans are spending more of their income on food than a pretty much ever measured ever before. This is really, really bad, probably ever since supermarkets existed. So this is a very bad situation. It is something that you've got to deal with it. And they're not. I mean, you had an administration in the Biden administration that pretends inflation doesn't exist. They still, some people say, "Oh, now they're talking about it." No, they're not. They don't say the word inflation. They don't talk about food inflation. They don't talk about it. I mean, if they were smart, they would say, "Hey, we're going to give you another stimulus back." It's just something that wouldn't be good economically, but it would be good politics. So, yeah, they're in trouble, not because they're not talking enough about the good economy, which is always a bad idea. Anyway, they're in trouble because they haven't addressed the real problems Americans are facing. Even with lip service, lip service is fine in politics, sadly. They're not even doing that. Yeah, they're not. And they just continue to gaslight people and almost make you feel like you're the crazy one if you bring up the fact that your groceries are expensive or your gas is expensive. Jake Novak, we loved having you on. And I'm Marty looking at the text line here, and I'm getting texts about where people can follow your sub stack. So please, please, please promote where people can read all your work. The best place, thank you, is Jake That's where I have a lot of columns and articles and podcasts, daily material, and thank you so much for having me and give me the opportunity. Jake Everyone check out Jake's takes. Hopefully he'll come on the show with us again very soon. We will be right back. We'll take your calls on everything, whether it's inflation, messaging, the Dearborn Al Cudds Day rallies where people were chanting death to America, death to Israel, the to go hand in hand. And I want to mention something here. I have an update on the migrant influencer that was giving people tips, not skincare tips. You know, not morning routine. This is what I do. This is my smoothie that I make tips on how to squat, how to squat successfully so you can take over American's homes. Well, he's changed up his persona a bit. He's not as enthusiastic and confident as he was before. He's making, he's making more content from prison. And he's, he's singing a totally different tune. So we will talk about that when we return. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. When it comes to dentistry, he is the best in the business. Dr. Houghton is awesome. He's so kind. He's so committed to making sure you get the smile of your dreams. And I also just want to mention that I think it's really, it's really important to trust someone who's working on your teeth and a good way to get some insight into Perfect Smiles and what they care about and how they operate is to check out the Meet the Experts episode with Dr. Bruce Houghton. You can really understand why I'm such a big fan of his, why how he's such a big fan, the mailroom manager. We all trust Dr. Bruce Houghton and his team with our smiles. And I say his team because he surrounds himself with positive, patient, committed, passionate people and they're really, really awesome. So you guys should check them out. Take care of yourself. Don't put this off. Your smile is important. You're important and you should take care of yourself. You deserve it. Call Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. You can also check them out at Again, located off Route 3. Very easy to look up online and look at their video testimonials. That's Change your smile. Change your life. I'm very happy that we had Jake Novak on. That was a great guest. We'll be right back with more on today's total solar eclipse. People telling me, oh, you should only be calling it a partial eclipse because in Massachusetts it's only partial. We're not doing that here. Do you know how lame, that sounds lame as hell. Partial solar eclipse. All right, it's kind of eclipse day. I would rather say nothing than say partial solar eclipse. I'm either going total or I'm saying nothing at all. So that's what it's going to be. Bonnie Talley, you don't have a partial eclipse of the heart. Imagine that would have stunk up the airwaves. We'll be right back with more. This is The Grace Curly Show. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Sunshine go away today. I don't feel much like dancing. If a man's gone, he's tried to run my life. We don't know what he's asking. Welcome back, everyone. We are kicking off this week, right? You know, you can stand in the way of the eclipse or you can embrace it. Embrace the sunshine in your life or the lack thereof. And I'm on board for that. You know what? I was just wondering, no, Jared. Do people, Emma told me there's these things called eclipse chasers. They actually, my brother's in Vermont and I guess technically him and his family went to go see the eclipse. So technically my brother's an eclipse chaser. Which I'm going to have to inform him of that later on the family group chat. But they go around every couple years and they chase these eclipses. Yeah, well, I mean, I don't know if he's an eclipse chaser, but Bob, our caller in the first hour said he's gone to see a bunch of different eclipses. I don't know how many you have to see to become a chaser. Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's like, what was that movie twister where they were like riding in trucks, like, you know, trying to follow a tornado. I don't think it's quite that intense. Bill Paxton. Yeah, Bill Paxton. Yeah. I don't think it's that intense, but yeah, I mean, hey, like, if you're into what astronomy, you know, meteorology stuff like that. I'm sure it's pretty cool to, you know, just take a trip and go check out an eclipse where it's going to be more than partial because that's offensive to the audience. I would say that if you tell me you're an eclipse chaser, I would need to know a couple of details. I would need to know how long you've traveled, how far you've traveled to chase said eclipse. There's got to be a certain amount of miles under your belt for me to call you an eclipse chaser. But my question is, the hardcore eclipse chasers out there, like, here I am thinking, oh, everyone's going to be happy. I'm on board with the eclipse. Look at me, raw, raw. I've got the glasses. I look so cool with these on. Everyone's jealous. And then I something dawned on me. You know how people who go to church every Sunday? And this isn't all people. But some people who go to church every Sunday, they get a little miffed on Christmas day when everyone shows up. Everyone comes out of the woodwork to, you know, become holy rollers for the day. Yeah, the old Cape Catholics. Yeah. And they feel like, hey, I'm here every week and now I can't even get a seat because of all you phonies. I wonder if the eclipse people feel like that about me right now. Like, oh, you want to join in now when it's here and someone brought you a free pair of glasses? You weren't there for us. We were all riding around in our cars trying to get the best angle. My sister-in-law just texted me and she said, I didn't, I had no idea this many people had telescopes. They're in the thick of it, Jared. There's like a lot of people in their region right now checking out this eclipse. Well, it makes sense up there. I mean, you probably get really good views of the sky in Vermont. You don't get that here. And they were waiting for it. Like, they're my sister-in-law's family. They were pretty amped about this. Tom, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, Grace. I was wondering if I could just, I hate to use the term circle back. Just to go back to about what happened with this Muslim woman that was visited by the FBI. First, let me say number one. I'm a huge supporter of Israel and what they have to do to crush Hamas. But we do have something in this country that, myself, as an American citizen, you have the right to protest. You have the right to free speech. And she did not threaten Joe Biden when she called in genocide Joe. And for the FBI to show up like that, it just shows me how that agency has been weaponized. And I've listened to other talk show hosts talk about, well, most of the FBI agents are really good people. Well, no, what they've done over maybe the last decade or so is the people that they're hiring now are the people that will follow orders and not question. And correct me if I'm wrong, but when you take the oath of an law enforcement officer, you swear to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies born in domestic. And I'm sorry because I don't like that woman's political views, not at all. I find her actually to be a born. But I cannot tell her you can't protest the President of the United States. Yeah, but we, we know, Tom, you're right. But we know that the Justice Department, the federal agencies, they very much direct their err at people who, people who go against their politics. We've seen that before. We'll talk more about it on the other side. Live from the Aviva Tratria studio. [Music] Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show 844-542-42. I wasn't really sure what story that guy Tom was talking about. But his overall message that the federal agency shouldn't be weaponized against people for their political beliefs, I can get on board with, but it was just tough to get on board with it when I was like, "What? Story is this." But speaking of the Justice Department, I do want to talk a little bit about this big story coming out about Hunter Biden and the stonewalling of the subpoenas issued by Congress, which depending on what political party that you belong to, that can either be an offense that lands you in prison or an offense that lands you absolutely nothing. And so, we'll get to that in a minute. But first, a lot of eclipse calls today. People are excited, and I'm not going to stand in the way of that. So, Mike, you are next up on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Mike? Hi, Grace. Well, I just wanted to call. We're up here in Maine, and we're very thankful that everybody's coming to the state to beauty eclipse. But right now is not really a good time of year for our wildlife up here. This is their emerging month. Now, the young calves, moose calves, will be running with their mothers at this time. Now, mama weighs about 836 pounds. And God forbid, daddy's around. He weighs about 1100 pounds. So, if you see the moose, do not approach them, please. And one of the situations we have right now is, in the beginning of April, our black bear cubs emerge from the dens, right about this time. Now, they weigh about 8 or 10 pounds, and they are cute as all get out. But a lot of times, mother will leave them alone while she's going to forage for food. Do not approach these black bears, please. Because I'll tell you, you don't want to run into mama. Now, they usually run with mama for 16 to 18 months in the summer. And if you wonder why black cubs get so big so fast, in the summer, they'll intake 20,000 calories a day. So, that's why they get so big so quick. But yeah, if you're running any of our wildlife up here, please have respect for them. Do not try to approach them, whatever you do. That's all we're asking. That's good advice, Mike. And my only advice for people is don't look directly at the sun. But I think yours is probably going to come in more handy if people are in Maine. Thank you for the call, Mike. Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica. Black bears are super cute. But even though they're super cute, like are people that crazy that they go, "Oh, it's so cute. I'm going to actually, I should, I know." Yeah, of course they are. Yeah, people, people. I mean, your average normal person knows, you don't generally play with bears anyway. But I mean, if you're chasing the eclipse like this as a normie, not an eclipse chaser is just one of the straids, the regular people. Yeah. You might actually want to play with a bear too. Who knows? Have you ever seen a video? This is going way back now. This is like early YouTube of the guy who had the polar bear in his swimming pool. And he would swim with it. Yes. Yep. I go back and watch that. That's one of those videos I go back and watch like once a year, chilling. And it's always the people who are like, "Oh, I've raised this bear since birth." It looks at me. No. It can look at you any way you want until that day comes when all of a sudden you tick off that bear. And even though you guys did synchronize swimming together, he doesn't care anymore. Scorpion moments. You know, the scorpion in the frog or the scorpion in the fox. It's in its nature. Yep. You know who else was a big fan of big cats? Not big bears. Tippy Hendren. Tippy Hendren from the birds. And I think she's Melanie. You got to fact check me on this. Melanie Griffith's mother who's Dakota Johnson's mother, maybe? She had like lions just casually traipsing around her home. How nutty is that? People are just, and then I'll see videos of, "Oh, woman reunited with lions that she helped raise." And they trot towards her and, you know, pawed her face and I'm like, "This is so close to going wrong." But yeah, to answer my own question, people are crazy. Yes. Tippy. It was 94 years young, by the way. Tippy's still alive? She's still alive. Born in 1830. Yep. Melanie Griffith was the daughter. Grandchildren are Dakota Johnson, Stella Banderas and Alexander Bauer. It's a real Nepo family right there. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. But very, very interesting life. We have a chance to read Tippy Henderson's book. A lot of crazy tidbits in there about Hollywood and big cats and all that kind of stuff. All right. So let's get back to this story. We will continue to, like all of these news channels, we will tap into the eclipse every once in a while, but we're going to move on. This is Jonathan Turley in the New York Post, a story about the judge who's calling out the Justice Department's blatant double standard. Now remember, Jared, a couple of weeks ago, we had someone call in who was saying basically that they had lost faith in the justice system and that Hunter was going to get away with it and they were just going to slow walk this and then eventually it was going to go away. And I said to that person that I totally understand where they're coming from, why they feel that way. But as of late, there had been moments, whether it's Judge Nureka or the appeals court in New York City that changed Donald Trump's bond from, I think it was like 464 million to 175 million, there has been these little glimmers of sanity. The California courts deciding that they're not going to ban Trump from the ballot, moments where I look and I go, maybe we're going to be okay after all. And I would file this under said category. This is from Jonathan Turley. Are you kidding me? These are the four words that no lawyer wants to hear from a judge in a hearing, but that was not the least of it for justice department lawyers fighting House subpoenas into the Biden corruption scandal. US District Judge Anna Reese slammed the DOJ for Stonewalling Congress on the subpoenas while imprisoning figures like former Trump adviser Peter Navarro for doing the same thing. Yeah, it's not again. This isn't something, Jared, where you look at Hunter Biden ignoring subpoenas and you go, well, 100 years ago, somebody was in jail for each current day, Peter Navarro is in Florida right now serving jail time for doing the same thing as Hunter Biden. So these aren't comparisons that run the span of like 50 or 100 years. These are contemporary problems that are handled completely differently. The House is in the midst of an impeachment inquiry that includes allegations of influence over the Hunter investigation. While insisting that there was no pressure or special dealing in the matter, the DOJ has blocked key sources of evidence that led to the House subpoenas. Reese noted the obvious. So this is the quote from the judge. There's a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena. Peter Navarro probably is sitting in jail like, thank you. Hello, remember me? And we all know what his biggest crime was. It wasn't ignoring the subpoena. He got the subpoena for the January 6 and he said to the, to the feds who brought it to his door, get the bleep out of here. But that's not what the issue was. The issue was he was a Trump guy. Trump liked him. He was part of the Trump team. He was part of the, the Trump administration and that was his big crime and they made him pay for it. The DOJ demanded six months in prison. Navarro is serving a four month sentence. Reese noted, and this is another quote, and I like this lady. I'll tell you that right now. I like her. I think it's quite rich. You guys pursue criminal investigations and put people in jail for not showing up. And now you guys are flouting those subpoenas and you don't have to show up. I would just say that US district judge Anna Reese hasn't heard about how it works nowadays in the post Trump world. This is how things work. Yeah. To answer your question. Yes. And also he gets to make artwork and sell it for half a million dollars and he collects diamonds and he gets to leave guns and trash cans. Someone not give this, this lady the rundown on Biden's America says Reese noted that the DOJ lawyers were making a bunch of arguments that you would never accept from any other litigant. I imagine that there are hundreds, if not thousands of defense attorneys who would be happy to hear that DOJ's position is if you don't agree with the subpoena, if you believe it's unconstitutional or unlawful, you can unilaterally not show up. Reese then asked if the DOJ would drop its opposition. If it were allowed to have DOJ lawyers in the room for the questioning. When the lawyer said they could not answer that question at this time, Reese exclaimed, are you kidding me? The answer is that they are really not kidding about any of this stuff. The Justice Department continues to act with utter impunity in these cases. It abandoned consistency years ago with any semblance of restraint. So that's good news, good news for anyone who has lost faith in the justice system, which I have at times, but like I said at times, at times I see a little silver lining. So I wanted to share that. Another thing I wanted to talk about here, Pete Buttigieg, he's in this picture with the activist Jared. This activist from Vanderbilt who just got the boot for having a sit-in, an anti-Israel sit-in. Well, Pete Buttigieg also had a busy weekend. He was on with Jan Psaki and he talked about the economy and connecting the dots and how it's all our fault. That's one of my favorite strategies here is like we just can't get it. Why can't I make you understand how good your life is? But he also said something about safety in D.C. and how safe he feels. Can I have cut eight? So we need to talk about the reality here and again, there is a lot of funding and a lot of energy going into telling a different story, especially on ideological news outlets and online. But the simple facts and the simple reality are right here staring us in the face, including the fact that I can safely walk my dog to the capital of the day in a way that you couldn't do when we all got here. Now I give the bar. First of all, I didn't know he had a dog and I would think there would have been several different puff pieces about that by now. So shame on the media. This is your job. He's not a monster like Donald Douglass Trump, Grace. Yeah, this is. We were told that Joe Biden restored normalcy with the revolving door of dogs. It just gave Major Andor Commander over to Mayor Pete. We rehomed him to Pete Buttigieg. So I hadn't heard anything about Pete Buttigieg having a dog. But RNC research, and I give the RNC a lot of flack for losing all the time, but they do have a really good Twitter account and they clip all these cuts for us, which is nice, Jared. It saves us a lot of time. They put up this, this cut of Pete Buttigieg and it says last year, DC had its deadliest year and 20 plus years and saw the largest violent crime spike of any major U.S. city. Obviously referring to the fact that Pete says he feels very safe. He can walk his dog. But what I find more interesting is they say Pete Buttigieg who has a constant security detail. That kind of feels like hard to say. I feel safe if I had basically what federal marshals and secret service light around me at all times. Keep in mind, Jared, this is also the guy who feels safe pretending to ride his bike to work and then putting it into one of the security details cars so they can drive him to work and then he can he can cycle for the last half mile into the building. So it doesn't shock me that when he has all these security guards watching him, he feels like this is like Gavin Newsom. He has a dog, a chop and a different car and he just takes the dog out to walk in front of the Capitol like his bike and puts the dog back like rent the dog like Bailey. Well, remember when Gavin Newsom was doing that interview? I think it was like with 60 minutes or something and he was walking a street in California and during the interview he's talking about how, you know, we need to crack down on gun ownership and, you know, the Second Amendment and all of these things and meanwhile he's got armed security surrounding the interview while he's walking through with his gelled hair through California. It's like, yeah, I'm sure you feel safe. I'm sure you feel pretty good about walking your dog. I don't know how you'd feel if you were just a regular person and not a beautiful person. But as long as Harvard, man, I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now. Yeah, that's was that Corey Bush, Corey Bush also defund the police advocate, which I don't know. Mayor Pete's for defund the police, but it's the tone deafness of lecturing people on how safe they should feel while you have security, constant security is even for mayor Pete. That's on a whole new level. This is from the guy who says that people who don't want to transition to EVs are like people clinging to landlines when cell phones came on the scene. So it doesn't, it doesn't surprise me that he's a little off the mark here. 844-542-42, we'll take more of your calls when we come back and listen up, you've waited through the cold temps, the rainy temps in the winter in February and in March and now the warmer days are finally on their way. After the solar eclipse, it's all up from here. We're looking at warm days ahead and that's great Jared. That's great for our moods. It's great for, you know, weekend trips. But there is, I don't want to be a negative Nancy here, but there are a few downsides. Yeah, the yellow sun may be blotted out for a while today, but the yellow pollen is not going to be and allergy season is supposed to be wild this year. I already felt it this morning when I got up, but luckily of the in pure thunderstorm. So I just spent a little time around that ionized air. I soak up that super oxygen and poof, everything's all cleared out because the thunderstorm actually purifies the air. It doesn't make things smell flowery. As I said, it ionizes the air that creates a super oxygen and the same way it gets rid of voters is the same way that it gets rid of allergens and pollutants in the air. Yeah. And you can get your hands on the three pack, which is great. You can have one in your office, in your car, in your basement. The possibilities are endless or if you're feeling generous, you can share one with a friend. So go to Don't forget to use code grace in the number three. It's grace three when you enter in your promo code, you'll get the three pack special. It's a great deal. And this is the perfect time of year to take advantage of this. Don't forget to code grace three, go to We will be right back. Hi. It's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join grace in me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. Don't let the stone go down on me. You know who's clinging to that iPad today? DJT. Onervia is a special Spotify playlist for the totally clips. Later today, it's coming up, Jared. The clips watch is on, the countdown has begun. And today's poll question is brought to you by flip-lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? What's going to be your last line of defense? I mean, all of these cameras are great, but they're not going to stop somebody. I mean, you'd hope that someone would see a camera and go, eh, maybe I shouldn't. But clearly what we've been seeing lately with these home invasions, cameras don't scare people anymore. Ring camera. Nothing's scaring them. What you need to do is you need to have the flip-lock. This is really cool, and it's the answer. It's simple to use. It's rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. We actually have a couple still available at for half off. You can get a flip-lock for $30 with the Grace's goodies. And you can learn more about it at It's We also use these in Revere Public Schools, and I think it's an awesome device. I wish I had thought of it myself. It's one of those really simple, easy-to-use devices that can make a big difference when push comes to shove. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is are you planning to view the eclipse? Yes, I made a whole plan for it. Maybe I'll check it out. No, I don't care and won't look at all or enough about the damn eclipse. I had no plans. Shut up about the sun. Shut up about the sun. I will not. You can't make me. I will after today, I promise. I'm not going to, like, keep this going into Tuesday or anything like that. But no, I had no plans for it, and then Taylor brought me in these cool glasses. And like I said, you give me an accessory, you give me something to wear, and I'm going to. It's like someone giving me beads at a parade all of a sudden, yeah, I'm in the spirit. So I'm clutching her Stanley tumbler to the world to see. I like stuff. Okay. I like these sunglasses. I like my, my Stanley, and I will be watching the eclipse like the giant nerd that I am. So yeah, I'm a yes, vote 40, 40% say, yeah, maybe I'll check it out. That's in the lead. The second place goes to enough about the damn eclipse at 30%, 17% say, no, I don't care. And I won't look at all. And only 14% say, yes, I made a whole plan for it. Those are my people right there. I relate. When we come back, we're going to talk to Emma Foley. She wasn't in on Friday. And today I thought it'd be great to have her on to talk about Trump's recent social media statement about abortions and leaving it up to the States. Emma's going to give us a breakdown of what Trump said and what she thinks this is going to do in regards to his base and their feelings about his take on the issue heading into the presidential election, plus fundraising news in regards to Trump and Palm Beach on the other side and squatting and NYC is getting worse. But that's not stopping the tick talkers from documenting it. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]