The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Eclipse, Al-Quds Day Rallies, and More | 4.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

As Americans gear up for a once-in-a-lifetime event, the total solar eclipse traversing the continental United States, Grace covers the latest in both astronomy and politics. The uproar from the Middle East continues, and Grace has the sound cuts to prove it.

Broadcast on:
08 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and Happy Solar Clips Monday. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. We thank you so much for joining us. Actually, I should clarify that. Is it okay to say Happy Solar Clips? Is it like have a solemn solar eclipse? I'm not sure. Anytime I come out here and I address the public, I'm always reprimanded for not phrasing it the correct way. Just say enjoy the long weekend. That kind of works for everything. Okay. Yeah. You're right. I think a lot of people did take today off Jared. It's not a federal holiday, but it should be. A lot of people are making the trek to see the solar eclipse, and I'm going to tell you right now, there's some confusion in the office. People have confused my excitement over this for a level of knowledge that I do not have. Like Emma just said to me, oh yeah, are we going to be able to see anything? I'm like, I have no idea. You're asking the wrong person. Google it, sister. I'm just here to spread the word. Yeah, I guess Massachusetts, you will be able to see 90 to 93% of depending where you are. Well, I was on Western Massachusetts. We'll see more towards the 93%. I think Eastern Mass is like 90% of it. So Western Mass is going to have a superiority complex is what you're saying. They're going to be bragging about this for the rest of the week, and it's on Monday nonetheless. So we have a whole week of it to look forward to. I was on with WGAN this morning with Matt, Matt Gagnon, and he's. They're going to get some good stuff up in Maine. Well, he didn't waste any time. That's how he kicked off the interview. He's like, we have, you know, you guys have a lot of cloud coverage in Massachusetts. We have a perfect view. And I told him, I said, you sound like Donald Trump. The best view, the most perfect view. I was like, okay, okay. Enough with the bragging. We all can get a slice of this pie, but I'm going to tell you how I feel about the solar eclipse. I'm going to save it for the poll question. And then I'll let you guys weigh in. I actually wanted to start. We have a lot of news to get to today. Very exciting stuff. We have a brand new guest. It's been a really long time since I brought on someone for the first time on the Grace Curly show. That will be happening at 105. I'll tease it more throughout the hour, but I think you guys are going to like this. Hopefully it goes well. We can have this guest back on on serious serious stuff, though. Let's pivot here yesterday marked the six month anniversary since the October 7th attacks in Israel. I actually should read to you guys the stunning take on this from NBC News, which what do you expect? You know, and speaking of NBC News, did you see that? Again, I'm going to go on another tangent and it's not even 12 10 yet, but did you see dumb lemon got married this weekend? No, I missed that. He got married this weekend and you know who was there? Matt Lauer. Speaking of NBC that just popped into my head. I haven't seen Matt Lauer in the flesh in a very long time. He was out. You're one of the lucky ones. Yeah. Yeah. Matt Lauer. Too many people saw him in the flight. Matt Lauer in that crazy old button at NBC. But yeah, he was there. Saw a lot of clips on that on Twitter, but NBC up to their old tricks. Take a listen and Jared, you know, we'll play a game of like, can you spot the problem with this headline? If you are an editor at NBC, one of their esteemed editors, would you look at this headline and think maybe we're missing some critical context? It has been six months since the Israel Hamas war began. Okay, that's that's factual. And more than 33,000 people, most of them, women and children have died according to the Palestinian enclave's health ministry. Ah, yeah, that seems somewhat suspect. We're trusting suspect numbers, but also how did now? This is just me. This is just active reading. Reading comprehension was one of my favorite parts of school. There was a lot of parts of school I did not like, but reading comprehension was up there and I don't think we focus on that enough nowadays. You should have to read something and then ask some questions and follow ups. If I read this headline, my follow up would be how did the Israel Hamas war begin? It's been six months since it began. It's been six months since October 7th. What happened on October 7th to begin said war? Wouldn't that be an important part of it? That does deliver some much-needed context, as Jen Psaki would say. Yes, and we will go back to that headline. But last week marked, I would say the biggest sign that the Biden administration's support for Israel is faltering, waning, whatever word you want to use. And I would say it's the biggest shift since 1200 Israelis were killed, including babies and Holocaust survivors on October 7th. And there were reports last week. I believe the call was on Thursday. We started getting reports Friday and over the weekend that BB Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister and Joe Biden had a very tense phone conversation in which Joe Biden essentially gave BB an ultimatum. Now, I think an ultimatum is really dependent on the person delivering it, and I wouldn't say that he has the greatest delivery from what I've seen of Joe Biden. But maybe when he's on these phone calls with like BB and Xi Jinping and all these world leaders, maybe that's when he gets really sharp. You know how they're always telling us like behind the scenes, he's really sharp and John Stewart said, "Maybe you guys should show us some of those videos because the ones we're seeing, not so sharp, but perhaps when he gets on a phone." You know, some people say that Jared, they're like, "Oh, I'm really good on the phone, or I'm really good on Zoom, or I'm really good in person." It's like people who are really good at writing a term paper the night before, like they get laser focused on it and they can get it done, you know? They just crush it. They do their best job when they get a crayon on a deadline. Yeah, when my backs against the wall, that's when I do my best work, when everyone is against me. Backbone like a ramrod against the wall, Jack. So perhaps when Joe Biden's on the old telephone, that's when he feels the most confident, but he gives BB an ultimatum saying like, "Change course, or we won't support you." And that Axios reported this, they had three sources with knowledge of the call. But during a walk to his helicopter on Friday, Biden was asked if he is abandoning Israel. And his response, which is his response to like every question, is to essentially insult the questioner, or insult the question itself and call it stupid. So he looked at the guy with his Ray Banzon, and he goes, "Is that a serious question?" Now, considering just to give a little bit of an idea of what's going on in the Democrat party right now, and why someone might feel compelled to ask such a question, these are just some of the details right now that you might want to be aware of, Joe's fellow octogenarian, and also fellow moderate using air quotes, moderate Democrat Nancy Pelosi. The master lunches later. Nancy Pelosi. She just joined 37 other Democrats and called for the U.S. to halt transfer of U.S. weapons to Israel. So perhaps... Findleization. Perhaps that plus Joe Biden telling BB that he has to change course or else, I would guess that all of this prompted a question from a reporter. But I think any question that Joe Biden gets is a bad question because it's like... It's just the fact that you have the audacity to ask it. It's the fact that you have the audacity to question the brilliance that is Joe Biden. So Biden right now is highly concerned. He's very worried about losing the radical progressive vote. We've talked about this with guests. We've had on Ben Weingarten, Ari Hoffman. And that vote was on full display this weekend. If you want a little bit of a window into the voting block that Joe Biden is trying to capture and really trying not to lose, you could look no further than Dearborn Michigan. You get a pretty good sense of why Joe Biden is suddenly walking back his support of Israel. So Dearborn Michigan, for people who aren't familiar, has the largest Muslim population in the United States of America. And it was a huge part of the reason that the uncommitted vote did so well in the primary. I believe the Michigan primary was like end of February. And uncommitted did just as well as what was the one that went up against Nikki Haley? None of these candidates. None of these candidates. Uncommitted and none of these candidates, they get together, talk about a powerhouse. Forget... Dream ticket right there. No labels party. Let's go. Forget Trump Kennedy. Talk in uncommitted and none of these candidates blow out. Landslide. No one has a chance. So in Dearborn, uncommitted had a huge impact in Michigan. And that was really one of the, not even the first, but it was one of the signs to Joe Biden that this is going to be a problem for him. And this weekend in Dearborn, there were Al Cud rallies. Now, I had never heard of this, but apparently it's a pro-Palestinian event in which Muslims get together to denounce Israel. And the sound we're going to play is Tarek Bossey. He's an activist. And he's telling the crowd in Dearborn to chant death to Israel. Now, when you hear death to Israel, it's kind of like when you give a mouse a cookie, you kind of know what's coming next. It's going to be death to America. We can't be far behind in these chants. So let's just play a little bit, Jared, before we go to the break here. This is Tarek Bossey, an activist. Cut. I'll start with cut one, please. We've been asked in the past, why are our protests on the international day of cuts? Why are they so anti-America? Why don't we just focus more on Israel and not talk so much about America? Gaza has shown the entire world why these protests are so anti-America. Because it's the United States government that provides the funds for all of the atrocities that we just heard about. And this is why Imam Khomeini, who declared the international day of cuts, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America. And mostly America! And mostly America! I know we don't have it translated here, but they're chanting death to America. That's in Dearborn, Michigan. You can hear the honks, too. The support coming from people driving by. Honks for it. Yeah, honks for hate. And you know what? Keep in mind that also in February, I believe it was either right before or right after. The Michigan primary. Stephen Stolinski, do you remember this? Stephen Scolinski, who's the head of the Middle East Media Research Institute, he put up an opinion piece. And I remember reading it and thinking, well, first of all, well, I can't believe someone actually had, again, the temerity to write it down. But he did not mean words when it came to Dearborn, Michigan. And he was roundly criticized for this piece in which he described Dearborn as America's jihad capital. And that got a lot of people upset. It was not politically correct. According to the powers that be in our media, who are also at the same time concerned about labeling Lake and Riley's murderer and animal. I'm sorry, an illegal alien was first the thing they were offended by, then later calling him an animal. So, political correctness is always an issue with the mainstream media. But let's just say, I don't think Tarek Bozzie's chance in Dearborn, I don't think they came as a shock to Stephen Stolinski, who had done a little digging and research on this area of the United States. We have more on this, by the way, not the only activism to occur over the weekend. We will come back. We will talk about this. We'll take your calls 844-542. Stay with us. Don't go anywhere. We've got a great show planned. We'll be right back. And something I want to let you all know about is the Nossa Beach Inn. Man, you know, Jerry, we're talking about solar eclipse. That would be the perfect spot right now. I know that we're not going to see the full thing in Massachusetts, but it's a gorgeous day. And you could sit by the beach. You could sit by the fire pits. You could bring your pet and walk around Cape Cod. Every day I get Google alerts for Nossa Beach because it's such a beautiful place. It's always making news. It's always making waves. And it's a really great place to relax and have fun. See, some of our alert planning listeners may be down there right now. Never look for more than three minutes at a time with your glasses, we should say. But think about that. You could just be down there chilling on the beach, watching the eclipse in a tranquil environment. Or, you know, you could be cozy in your room with the fireplace on, looking out the picture window. You could be on the Cape Cod rail trail. There's tons to do down there. I've been to the Nossa Beach Inn. I love the tranquility and the peacefulness of it, especially on the off season. When you can hear the beach, you can walk along, you can listen to the waves. And that's really all you're hearing. It's fantastic. It's pet friendly. There's no reason you shouldn't go to the Nossa Beach Inn. And this price point is one of many. Yeah, right now in April, you can stay at the Nossa Beach Inn for $2.49.99 at night. And this May rates from $2.59.99 at night. So you really cannot beat this and you should not delay. You should make your plans now. Don't put it off any further. Book your ocean view room, go to That's The number is 844-542-42. We'll take your calls when we come back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Bonnie Tyler's big day. I hope she's soaking this in because it doesn't come around often. Yeah, today is the day of the solar eclipse and Friday was the earthquake. And obviously that was dominating the news channels. And we didn't talk about it for three hours, but we definitely discussed it. And throughout the course of the day, I kind of felt like, all right, people are milking this now. People are trying to act like they felt the earthquake, but I don't think they did. I believe you think you felt the earthquake, but I'm not sure if you actually felt it. But then everyone kept saying, we'll just wait till Monday, just wait till Monday. The eclipse is coming. And I was fatigued by all this stuff. I was like, ugh, another 24-hour news cycle about this eclipse. Shut up about the sun. Shut up about the sun! I'm embarrassed to ask this. I should know, but where is that from? That's Gabe from the office. That's perfect. I usually say that for the solar panel discussion, but it comes to the useful today. I was, Jared, very much Gabe in this scenario. I was cranky. I was like, e-or. I was moping around being like, shut up about the eclipse. Nobody cares. And I'm here to tell you guys, I've had a complete 180. I've had a complete transformation. And I'm going to tell you why. And I hope you're watching the rumble can, because if you're not, this is not going to translate well. But I will explain to you why right now. That's right. I have eclipse glasses. Taylor came in this morning and he was like, oh, I don't know if you already have a pair of these. But here are some eclipse glasses. And at first I thought, I'm just going to toss him to the side who really cares. And he said, you can actually see the sun right now if you look at it with the glasses on. Oh my gosh. These are the coolest things ever. I can look directly at the sun and feel no pain. I feel like a superstar. And you know what? I am so amped now about this eclipse. I'm team eclipse. Remember, no more than three minutes at a time. I know. I know. I'm going to look at it for more than three minutes. I time it. So I really cut it off like two minutes, 30. But when I tell you guys, these glasses have totally changed the game. I've gone from a hater to a celebrator. I'm team eclipse. And that brings us to our poll question, which I thought was going to kind of bomb. But it's taking off. And it's brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system. But what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? I always wonder this. People put so much stock in high tech equipment and things that are connected to Wi-Fi. But what's actually going to be your final line of defense? And that's where Flip Lock comes in. Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use. It's so easy to use. You guys should check out the videos. And it's rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. Learn more at That's F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Speaking of Flip Lock, there are still some graces. Goody's available from Friday. If you want to get on that, get on that now. Yeah, they're half off. Really good deal. Yeah. Grace Curly Show dot com. Click on store. And also while you're there voting the poll question, which is, are you planning to view the eclipse? Yes, I made a whole plan for it. Maybe I'll check it out. No, I don't care and I won't look at all or enough about the damn eclipse. Shut up about the sun. Shut up about the sun. Shut up about the sun. Shut up about the sun. I'm going to wait. What was my first option? Yes, I made a whole plan for it. And what was the second option? Maybe I'll check it out. Okay, I'm going to go with yes. I made a whole plan. I didn't make a whole plan, but I'm definitely more yes than me. Last minute plan is still a plan. Last minute plan. Only 12% say they made a plan about it. 41% say maybe I'll check it out. That's in the lead. 33% say enough about the damn eclipse and 14% don't care and won't look at all. The older I get, the more I realize that as you age, you get this strange, knee jerk reaction to yuck people's yums, to hear about something that gets people excited and to put a damper on it. And that's not going to be me. Because when I think about the sun, I'm like, who am I sitting here pretending it's not cool? It's really cool. I just didn't realize that I needed glasses to not just see the eclipse, but to see the beauty of this moment. And now my eyes are fully open. Jared, do you want to, maybe we'll save this, but you're anti-solar eclipse? I'm not anti-solar eclipse. I'm anti-event on the solar eclipse. Again, maybe I'm yucking people's yums over here, but okay, so the moon is going to pass in front of the sun. It's cool. Take a look and then just go about your day. You heard it here first, Jared. Don't ruin my drive home with traffic. He's anti-sun. He's anti-sun. And we'll be right back. The dawn of time, mankind is trying to kill the sun. Live from the Aviva Trathria studio. Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun. I will do the next best thing. Block it out. Yeah, again, don't confuse my passion for the eclipse with any sort of inside knowledge on what's going to happen. Like, I don't know what time this is happening. I don't know what you need. I don't know how long you can look at it. I just know that it comes with accessories. And any day that comes with accessories built in, Jared, I'm on board with. This is pretty cool stuff. This reminds me of going to the theater, a 3D theater where you first got the glasses and you thought this is going to revolutionize the movie game. And then 10 minutes in, you feel a little bit seasick. And you realize this sucks. I just want to watch a movie like regular. But this is great because it's only how long does an eclipse take roughly? We're talking five minutes, maybe? Less? Yeah, I don't know. Honestly. You wouldn't know. I wouldn't know. Because you hate it. I hate it. Are you going to wear the glasses? I have the glasses. I will put the glasses on. I will take a look and then I'll be done with it. If this weren't a court of law, I would really have to, like, keep you honest here. I say, would you wear the glasses and you start going, "Uh, yeah, I like the glasses. I have the glasses." The question is, will you wear the glasses? Yes or no? I like champagne. I don't like vodka. So, I've never been to a tattoo parlor and believed... Fanny, can we please get a seriously... Yes or no? Yeah, I mean, I'm going to wear the glasses. Okay, good. We're not going to look without the glasses. We'll take a group shot at one point. You can't be wearing silly glasses and not take photos. I want to go back here to all of the events over the weekend. All of the activism that occurred over the weekend. I was not partaking in any of this activism. And one of the stories here actually comes out of Vanderbilt. And a Vanderbilt student made waves on campus with a sit-in. A pro-Hamas style sit-in. And I want to read directly from Red State because Jennifer Van Lard does a great job with this. And she deserves a lot of credit, by the way. She's a fabulous journalist. And you know what she broke? She broke the RNC spending story about all the ridiculous flower arrangements and the rest of the hoopla that Rona McDaniel was spending RNC money on. And I think she initiated the beginning of the end of Rona McDaniel as the head of the RNC. So she's a very powerful journalist. And she doesn't get nearly enough play. But this is what she wrote about this event. One of the leaders of a group of students who held a sit-in at Vanderbilt University this week in support of Hamas is a longtime Democratic party activist with White House ties, as it turns out. Florida native, Jack Petosh? Is that you told me to say it, Jared? Probably, yeah. P-E-T-O-C-Z. Petosh, sounds right. Petosh or Petosh? We'll go, Petosh. Jack Petosh is one of three students arrested by campus police after the incident on a charge of assaulting a security guard. Those arrested were also expelled by the university. So, win-win. They were arrested and they were expelled by the university. Can't ask more than that. One student was suspended and 22 more were put on probation. After his expulsion, Petosh penned a rambling, whiny Twitter-ex-ed thread about the ordeal. Well, you're not going to have a sit-in and not pen a long thread on Twitter, right? That just comes with the territory. Claiming that he was expelled for the ultimate crime of caring as 33,000 people had been murdered. Security footage, however, shows the crowd shoving a security guard as they force their way into the building. So, their version of events is this was a peaceful protest. How many times have you heard that one? The security footage would beg to differ. Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else noticed? Now, if I have to choose usually between Vanderbilt students or, you know, far-left radicals and security footage, I mean, maybe I'm just a pessimist, but I do tend to believe the security footage. I don't know why. I just, I have more faith in it. And I just want to say that assaulting a security guard, they're acting like it's no big deal. Oh, it's peaceful protest. Oh, no big deal. If you threw a MAGA hat on this Jack fella, Joe Scarborough would be crying about this this morning on Morning Joe. He would be crying about the security guard. Petosh says he is not one of the people in the video shoving the guard and that he was nowhere near them. 19-year-old is no stranger to campus discipline, though, and has a long history as a semi-professional agitator. Do you think you could put that on your LinkedIn, semi-professional agitator? That's like me putting nuisance on my LinkedIn, annoying. I mean, it would be accurate, but I just don't think it would help move the needle. It started in 2020 when Young Jack was irritated by a local school board member who was, in his opinion, recklessly tweeting COVID misinformation. I wish, the only thing I would ask Jennifer Van Laar is that she tell us more about this COVID misinformation because what was considered reckless COVID misinformation in 2020, you know what we call that now? The truth, settled science, facts. So I would love to know the information that got under Jack's skin so much that he was irritated and he turned his focus toward advancing radical agendas. He was radicalized by this COVID misinformation on Twitter. By the fall of 2021, Petosh was holding rallies protesting two local school board members attempts to ban books from school libraries. The old ban book saying, the ban books saying, I don't even typically talk about that because it's so easily debunked. It's like, because some schools don't want to have porn in the libraries that has everyone up in arms. If you actually look at the books, when Rhonda Sanders tried to explain the books that aren't allowed in these schools, they had to censor him on TV because it was such explicit material. You can't talk about it at a school board meeting. You can't read the books at school board meetings because they are so beyond inappropriate. But yet, if you say they shouldn't be in school libraries, you're accused of book banning. When the manufactured hubbub over Governor Ron DeSantis's alleged, don't say gay bill, which again was not a don't say gay bill. There was nothing about not being able to say gay anywhere in the bill. Petosh jumped right into the fray organizing a statewide walkout in Florida high schools. He was escorted from his school by security and was suspended. According to the NBC news story, Petosh said he was punished for distributing 200 pride flags for the rally after having been advised not to do so by the principal, then claims his suspension was due to homophobia and bigotry. I'm sure the school had other reasons, but like the security footage cannot be trusted. We should take this kid's word over everybody else's. He also received the 2022 now award for youth activism from them magazine in June 2022 and was profiled in Teen Vogue, which I don't do. I don't read a lot of Teen Vogue. I never have. And I actually never read it. But I've heard I've seen cuts on Twitter that are saying that it is incredibly far left. Like out of all of the glamour, they're all left. You know, you read them, you kind of get the same thing, but Teen Vogue is Bernie Sandals. Bernie Bernie Sandals. Bernie from Vermont. And they do fashion in Teen Vogue. Bernie Sandals style leftism. Yeah, I think somebody tweeted out a while back from Teen Vogue that they have basically articles on like instructions for how to appear transgender or how to more fulfill whatever like instructions on how to tuck things and expose other things. That's like every issue has that. A few days after his Teen Vogue profile, he was in DC to meet with Joe Biden. He must have had to work around Joe Biden's schedule meeting with all of us. It's a highly public teenager. Joe Biden's going to sniff their hair. Just you wait. He talked about issues facing LGBTQ students and he met with he had pictures of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Pete Buttigieg, and then he took a position with Gen Z for change. And now he's working alongside Jewish voices for peace, which we know are not Jewish voices for peace. But this part of it did make me laugh. It's interesting that this openly gay man is fighting for Palestine. Jack is either unaware of Hamas's stance on homosexuality or perhaps he thinks that Hamas will treat him differently than they treat Palestinian gay men, which is quite a white privilege thought to have. He must think like no, they would if they knew how much work I did. If they read, if they read my profile in Teen Vogue, they would spare me. And I'm here to tell Jack Petosh, I don't think they would. But yeah, this is what was happening at Vanderbilt over the weekend. This sit in where a security guard was shoved. Now I am waiting with baited breath. I'm waiting for morning Joe's monologue where he cries on the air about this. Or maybe we can get Adam Kinzinger on the air to shed a tear for the security guard. But I won't hold him a breath. Bob, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Bob. Hi Grace, we've met at touch trucks at when you and Polly were there a couple of times. Anyway, regarding the eclipse, regarding the eclipse, I think I can fill it in. First of all, in Boston, it will not be a total eclipse. It will be considered a partial eclipse, meaning the moon will block out 93%. 3% of the sun's surface, not 100%. We are not in the path of totality. We're on the edge of the path of totality. The eclipse in Boston will start at 2.16. Oh wow. 2.16 this afternoon. And it will continue for approximately 2.5 hours. Oh. And the maximum eclipse, meaning the maximum 93% where the moon is eating up, if you will. The sun's surface will occur at 3.29. So it will start kind of like in the lower right-hand corner of the sun. And just think of it as the moon taking a bite, bigger bite, longer bite, bigger bite. As time moves on to that 93% point. And then the moon moves away to the upper left and exposes the full sun again. Bob, can I ask you a question? I know that's a lot of information. If you have a question, go ahead. Yeah. So you said we're not in the path of what you call it, the path of totality. Correct. So people who are in that path, like my brother-in-law, I'm sorry, my brother and my sister-in-law, they are in an area where they're going to be able to experience the total eclipse. What is that going to be like? Is that just total darkness? It means, literally, that the moon is covering the entire surface of the sun. And I've been to several total eclipses. This last one was in Norfolk, Virginia. But when you say total darkness, it will appear like it's total darkness. It would be more like late evening when the sun has gone down and you're in the final stages of not dawn, but with dusk, final stages of dusk. If you were in the path of totality, where we are in the Boston area, it will be 93%. It will look dark. It'll look like late dusk, but it won't be. It doesn't take much of the sun's surface that lasts 7% to still illuminate the environment. Yeah. Yeah, 93%. I mean, it's not 100, but I'll take it. I don't have any other options right now. You know, I can't get to a 100% spot. So I'm all in, Bob. I'm behind this eclipse. I wish it well. I know Jared has been rooting for its demise since the beginning. I don't know what's going on with that, but it's fine. Shut up about the sun. Shut up about the sun. Bob, thank you very much for the call. You know what I wanted to read here is there's a headline in the New York Post about a Texas grandfather who's 105 years old, and he's going to watch his 13th total solar eclipse. It's 13th and Carol Roth, who's a good follow on social media. She reposted it and she said he's almost old enough to be president. Almost. One more eclipse on your belt. Maybe we'll let you run grandpa. All right. When we come back, we'll take your calls eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. What do you think? Are we going to get a Joe Scarborough bashed in the head with, uh, bashing law enforcement officers brains in with American flags? Are we going to get that about the Vanderbilt students? Or is it okay because they're anti-Israel? I don't think old Joe feels so strongly about this one as he did about the insurrection. It's crazy because the grandma who's in the rotunda, they keep calling her the praying grandma, the level of punishment she got, if she only knew that if she had just said, "Listen, I'm a boss," they might have said, "Hey, it's all right. You know, she didn't, she didn't mean it. Let's not be too harsh on her." Or maybe if she had pulled a Jamal Bowman and said, like, "I just thought this was the way to open a door. I don't know. There's all these..." I just hear the vote. There's all, there's all of these get out of jail free cards that nobody's using except for people on the left. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls. Fox is doing man on the street interviews with a total eclipse. I, I love this stuff. I love this. You know what? That's where the news channels can just fill up time. I'm like, "Good for you. They work pretty hard. They're out there every day, drumming up stories. Take the day off. Just run with the eclipse as long as you can. Listen up, everyone. You've waited through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March, and now it's eclipse time. Now, the longer warmer days are finally on their way. Spring means more flowers and sunshine, but Jared, spring also has a couple of downsides to it. Oh, yeah. I def, I felt that this morning worse than I had in a while. It's pollen, and it's back, and it's gross, and it makes you feel terrible. But you can take care of that by purifying the air around you, and that is where the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier comes in. It ionizes the air, and then the same way that it eliminates odors in the air with those ions. It actually eliminates allergens and pollutants. It's great if you get smells of any kind. It's great for allergies, and I love it. I keep it in my car so that way I can just have that ionized air in my car because you can plug it in, see the unit, and plug it into the USB port. Each unit comes with the USB cable in the little box where it's individually wrapped. It's a great product. Can't go wrong. You really can't, and if you go to and use code GRACE and the number three, you can get the three pack, which is an awesome deal, and it's a great way to have one of these in each part of your home, or maybe put one in your office, or even one in your car. So here's what you need to do. Go to and use code GRACE 3. That's, use code GRACE and the number three. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens, get the three pack today. Don't forget the code GRACE 3, and we will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Malcolm X said, and I quote, "We live in one of the raw in his countries that has ever existed on this earth. It's not genocide, Joe, that has to go. It's the entire system that has to go, any system that would allow such atrocities and such devilry to happen and would support it, such a system does not deserve to exist on God's earth." And so when these fools ask us if Israel has the right to exist, the chant death to Israel has become the most logical chant shouted across the world today. That was Tarek Bazzi, an activist at the Al Cud's rally in Dearborn Michigan, Dearborn Michigan, which Steven Stolinski wrote in the Wall Street Journal. He called it America's jihad capital, and he was pretty roundly rebuked by the beautiful people in the Beltway and in our media. And I'm sure if anyone hears something that you all are aware of, but I just want to point this out. This is not going to get a lot of play on the mainstream media activists using quotes here, activist Tarek Bazzi calling for the death to America and overhauling the system against genocide, Joe. However, what would bring attention to it is if Donald J. Trump took to truth social and condemned these rallies of people celebrating Hamas, celebrating October 7, celebrating the six month anniversary of 1200 Israelis being slaughtered. Some of them raped, some of them dragged around their kabutsas with their bloodied bodies just everywhere. If Donald Trump comes out and condemns Tarek Bazzi and Imam Usama Abdul Ghani, you know what the story will be? The story won't be, oh, in Dearborn, Michigan, this anti America, anti Israel rally is should concern people. The story would immediately be Trump stokes anti Muslim, you know, anti Muslim backlash on truth social. It would be a Norm McDonald tweet. It would not be people going, oh, I didn't even realize this was happening. Why did anyone reporting on this? If Trump makes a comment about it, the story will be Trump pounces and seizes and weaponizes on this hateful rhetoric. And he's going to be the cause of Muslim backlash. And that to me is a big problem. By the way, I have a cut and I'm not going to have time here, but I will play it eventually. Bill Clinton in 2016 talking about Hamas and talking about how when he was president, he tried to create this deal where he would give the Palestinians 97% of the West Bank and why it didn't work and we'll play that for you. And we'll also, we have a great guest coming up in the one o'clock and I have an update for people. Remember the influencer, the squatter slash influencer who is giving tips to illegal aliens on how to take over American homes on TikTok? Well, he's got a right to sing the blues and I'll let you know why later in the show. Don't go anywhere a lot more on today's total solar eclipse episode. [MUSIC PLAYING]