
Bava Basra Daf 138

Broadcast on:
11 Nov 2024
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[SPEAKING SPANISH] The first argue on the daft, protesting against receiving a gift. The brice says that if a person writes all his assets to someone, which includes Avadim, and the recipient says, [SPEAKING SPANISH] The Tanakama says that the second masters are cayenne, the slaves can eat tumour, because the gift works. [SPEAKING SPANISH] says his protest voids the gift, and the first sons Yarshim are Yarsh the slaves. The Gmari explains, if you protest it from the beginning, everyone agrees it's bottle. If it was Shai-sik, and then he protested, everyone agrees it's Ra'al. The only just to give it was Mizakah through another person. And first, he was quiet, and then he protested. Tanakama holds here also. His initial silence proves that he wants it. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Since he protested at the end, [SPEAKING SPANISH] that he never really wanted. And the reason why it was quiet in the beginning is because it didn't come to him yet, so why should he protest? Second Sugi in the daft, when the order in a shivmarah's gift indicates that he wants the recipients to be kind it, one after the other. The brice says that if a shivmarah says, give 200 to 20, 300 to 20, and 400 to 20, we don't say whoever's mentioned earlier. It's kind of earlier, rather all kind of simultaneously. Therefore, if some produces a shire, that the shivmarah owes him money, he collects them all of them proportionally according to what they received. But if he said, give 200s to Pliny, the akhar of La Pliny, the akhar of La Pliny, then whoever comes first in the shire goes first. Therefore, if some produces a shire, that the shivmarah owes him money, he collects them the last one. If there's not enough, he collects them the one before. If there's not enough, he collects them the one before. Third Sugi in the daft can aid them to record a shivmarah's claim without knowing if it's true or are we gracious for Byzantine? The brice says, if a shivmarah says, Pliny owes me a money, but Mary says the aether can record it even though they don't know if it's true. Therefore, when the Yayish presents his shire to collect the debt, he has to bring a riot that it's true. The hums say the aether can not record it unless they know for sure it's true and therefore he could collect with the shire. Of una explained why the aetherm should not record it because we're afraid of Bezden making a mistake to allow the collection without investigating it. Still, the law is that we're not concerned for Bezden to make a mistake. Think of my ass, the rubber says that Bezden does not allow a woman to do Khaled's ermian unless they recognize the people involved because we are concerned that a future Bezden would mistakenly assume that everything was ready confirmed. Think of my answers that a Bezden relies on another Bezden to investigate matters, but we're not relying aid them to do so. Zilch of life of us of Keflam Qas. The first Sugi in the daft protesting against receiving a gift. Second Sugi when the order in a shivmarah's gift indicates that he wants the recipients to be kind of one after the other. Third Sugi can aid and record a shivmarah's claim without knowing if it's true or are we shish or Bezden tie it. The simphabas of Keflam Qas are marah's talks. After the marah farmer wrote all of his assets, including his marah's talks to a friend who was quiet at first and then protested that he didn't want them. He brought a dish of marah's talks to his dying father who was giving instructions to give 200s to Ruvain and after him 300 to Shiman and after him 400 to Lavi while aid them with writing down his father's claims that Pliny owed him money even though they didn't know it's true. Marah's talks to mines of Keflam Qas. Qas. He wrote all of his assets to his friend who was quiet and then protested, reminds the first Sugi in the daft protesting against receiving a gift. The father who was giving instructions to give 200 to Ruvain and after that to Shiman and after that to Lavi reminds of the second Sugi in the daft when the order in a shivmarah's gift indicates that the recipients should be kind of one after the other and they aid them with writing down the father's claim that Pliny owed him money even though they didn't know if it was true, reminds the third Sugi in the daft can aid them or court a shivmarah's claim without knowing if it's true or (speaks in foreign language)