[Music] [Music] [Music] Hey, man. Thank you, Choir. God bless you richly. To copy the glory. For the greatest he has done for us. Good money, everybody. Thank you for coming to church today. This is the day the Lord has made. We rejoice and be glad in it. Hallelujah. There's something good that's going to happen to each and every one of us. Yesterday, waking up in the morning, he lost it, download it. Then, the Spirit now said, "The beginning of new things." Hallelujah. And the man who got rid of the letter to me, he said, "We are not waiting for the total awakening. We are already in total awakening." Hallelujah. My admonition to each and every one of what is about this, please go back to fasting and praying. Amen? If you want to be a part of total awakening, go back to fasting and praying. I'm praying aggressively, June 1-20, building up your most holy feet by praying in the holy ghost. Hallelujah. It's very, very important. So that will enable you to fall into the realm because God is already harvesting. Spend time with God. Just create time. It's a lot to this for you and see what will happen. The Lord Jesus goes to have visiting you and make sure you worship him in spirit and in truth. So, today's message is draw lessons from Joshua by the title of a message. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for today. We know you are here already with your host. Post those enemies that are hanging around through your fire in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless us together, Lord. Compost us with sons of victory. And take us to that desire, have it. Lord, that our expectation will not be cost shot. Have your will, Lord, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I want to sing the hymn I like to sing before I go on evangelism. In times like this, you need a Bible. In times like this, open up the title. Be very strong. Be very strong. You're bound for cause and replace all the wrong. Be struck as Jesus. Yes, he's the one. Be struck as Jesus. The only one. Be very strong. Be very strong. You're a cause. I agree. That's only wrong. Amen. Hallelujah. Joshua, if you look at the word Joshua, it was Moses. Who started calling him Joshua? His name is Oche. Hallelujah. And let me give you some minutes that I found from the background of Joshua. Jehovah is generous or Jehovah saves. There's a minute. Yeshua, which means salvation. Hose was born 1335 BC at Goshen in Egypt. And Hose or Joshua is on the tribe of Ephraim. There's something about Joshua. Maybe I was born in Egypt and God raised him up to go forward to save his own people apart from following Moses. He was a minister to Moses, following him, copying him, watching him. Children they learn by what they see from their parents or from their teachers. They are imitating. That's what Joshua was doing, learning from his boss, Moses. Before we go deeper, I want us to look at Genesis chapter 1, 26 to 28. Book of Genesis. Okay, thank you. Let us make mine in our image, not images in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth, over every creepy thing that creeped on the earth. And so God created mine in his own image. In the image of God created him, male and female, created him. And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and so do it. We'll come back to that world and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the earth, over every living thing that moved it upon the earth. Says, so do it. First of all, let us think about where we came from. We are from God. God created you. The difference is that we have a body. They read you as a spirit. You possess a soul and you live in a house called a body. Most cases, the body controls us. God wants us to reverse it, let your spirit lead you. As many are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God. If you are led by your mind, you will run into trouble. If you let it speak to God, lead your spirit, you come out victorious. God said, so do the earth. If you cannot so do your flesh, how can you so do the earth? Even the flies, you're supposed to so do them. If they are disturbing you speak to them, they will hear you. Hallelujah. Just a testimony that comes, that is in my mind now. I have a young minister in Nigeria. They say, how the friend who's an amok man, bragging with his power that he has from the devil of this Luciferian thought he had, the truth that he believed. He said, when he went to his house, a snake came in. And this powerful amok man started jumping from bed to chair front. And he, this brother, this minister sat down. The snake was moving up. Then suddenly he said, go back! And the snake went through it. That is all left to his conversion, that amok man. He gave his life to Jesus. Hallelujah. God power has power. We have the original power. God invested it upon you. It was painful on the cross of cover. Hallelujah. Let me give you another one. There's a minister in Lagos. Because some pastors, ministers, they use charm. Do you know what God told him? Say, today, when you get to the meeting, start undressing yourself. Tell all the ministers to start undressing themselves. Do you know what happened? When he was doing that, they started seeing charms, and so passed us. Look, that thing cannot give you power. It's disgust, shame that you will get from it. Because at the end, that person will go to hell. We don't need the power of the devil to do the work of God. Are we here? Praise the Lord. I don't want to give you the name of that church. We are created in image and the likeness of God. We are not from tap wood. We are not from monkeys. We are from God. We resemble our father. You are just like your father. Hallelujah. You start acting like your father. If you think about Joshua, that is what he did. Now, when God told Joshua, your boss is going on his dead. Just follow. Let's go to Joshua, chapter 1, so that I will not run ahead of myself. Joshua, chapter 1. Let I will go back to the book of Numbers. Joshua, chapter 1, verse 1, and God, no, this is Genesis. Okay, Joshua. Now, after the death of Moses, the seventh of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord speak unto Joshua, the Son of None, Moses, minister, saying, Moses, my seventh is dead. Now, therefore arise. Go for this, Judah. Dow, and all these people, unto, or divide, consider order, unto the land which I gave to them, even to the children of Israel. The next place. And every place the soul of your footshot tread upon that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. In this verse, from the wilderness and this Lebanon, even unto the great river, river Euphrates, and all the land of the heatites, and unto the great sea to what going down of the Son shall be your coast. There shall not any might be able to stand before thee all the days of their life. Say, Amen. That promises for you too, not only for Joshua. All the days of your life, no much as town before you. And as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. This empty the Lord is into you. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. Hallelujah. I will be with you. And I will not fade thee, not for safety. The same Jesus Christ said in March of 28, "No, I am with you once in the hua." Is that what he said? Always. Always is always. Hallelujah. I am with you. I will not leave you, not for safety. And if you go to the Book of Hebrew, they sent thee the Lord said again. I will not leave you, not for safety. Hallelujah. Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I want to draw some taste on the Book of Numbers. There's something about the Old Testament. It was only two places that the world faith was mentioned. But what it depended on was to trust the Word of God. That is what we are going with, the trust God. Remember what Bible says in the Book of John chapter 1, St. John? In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him without Him, not to was made, that was made. When was the beginning? Do somebody know? We don't know the beginning. If there's any beginning, God is the beginning. In the beginning was the Word. Hallelujah. So that Word that made all the things we are doing today, do you know ever since God created the Son, He has never sent the engineers, technicians to service the Son? No? But that didn't see that. It would never fade. And said when God said, "No, Son, you have to still write that in the Valley." I got on all the Word of a man that was born of a woman like us. Hallelujah. We got all things are possible. And God invested all things are possible today. Do you believe? Are you a believer? All things, not something, all. I mean it's all. Nothing is left. All things are possible. Don't be afraid of the devil. Jesus Christ gave the devil technical knockout 2000 years ago. And He gave victory unto you. Do what He said in Romans. He said, "You are more than comparable to Him that loves you." It didn't say, "You are going to be a more than..." When He says, "You are more than..." All the rough job He has done it all. And in return He gave you the victory in power you by giving you His name. The power is invested in that name. And the truth of God is behind that name. That name. They don't know it anywhere. He said, "Wherefore also go the hallelujah." And He has given Him in there which is above every name. That are the name of Jesus. Every nation, power, of peace in heaven, on earth, and in the earth. That every time you confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Hallelujah. If I am a policeman, and I want to stop the traffic, I am not going to read uniform. Would they all know me? They will say, "Something is wrong with this one." They will be driving past me. That is really a messifu. Hallelujah. But if that uniform is there, no matter if I am like the Lifupo, the woman I do like this, she is all of their stopping. Do I have a physical power to stop them? No. They are respecting that uniform because the authority that is sitting there to put on that uniform, they will be. The same thing we have. You are the authorized one to use that name. Hallelujah. That is the name of the Lord Jesus. I believe you are still with me. Let us go to the book of Numbers. I will come back to Joshua again. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. The book of Numbers, chapter 13. There are some verses I want to point out there. Chapter 13. Now, let's see if that's 6. Let me give a preamble story about this chapter. Remember, the Lord gave instructions to Moses to bring some leaders of different tribes to go and became the 12 men to spy out the land. So those 12 tribes, even when they are camping, they form a cross. And when they carry a flag, it's one flag for four tribes. That is how they were camping. And you can see that in the book of Revelation. The ego, the face of a man, that of a calf, and a lion. That was their flag. Now, just spy out the land and come back, give us good reporting by the land. But if people came back and give evil report, Hallelujah. Remember, the Bible says in the book of Isaiah 55, that's one. Who report will you believe? Are you going to believe the report of the doctor or the report of the Lord? Let's see it together. Whose report are you going to believe? Hallelujah. In the beginning was a war. When God says something, he meets it. He's not a politician and he will run away from his promise. Hallelujah. Because I'm trying to get your vote, I will tell you sweet things. After I will get your vote, you must see my breaklight. No, that is not the God with them. God is not a man that issue life. Now that is son of man that issue repent. He has said it. He will make it good and he will bring it to pass. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. And Lord said, you go and spy Adela. For good 40 days, you will spy on it. These are a lot of good things. And they saw the son of Enoch there, or the giant family. That brought a problem. Some of them. But just one was there. Caleb was there. They saw those weren't as well. That did not bother them. Because they were holding to the world of God. God spoke, you would give all this life. You know what Joshua said? He said, if God has delight, that is what he is. God delighted in these people. He has already made confidence with his friend Abraham. He is not going to change his mind. And his word will not come back to him empty. It will surely prosper. If only he can find one man or woman who can't believe him. God will walk with that one. Hallelujah. And that is what happened. Joshua said, God delights, you know, he will give us that land. What did the other 10 say? No. We saw that we are just like grasshoppers. Before them. See, they limited them and said, you are not going to limit your God. Don't limit yourself. Hallelujah. Take the word of God as it is. Wrong with it. God will not fail. If I have a child, maybe 10 or 6 years old. I go to a neighbor's house and get me so and so day. See, I'm standing in the front of my yard. God, nobody will touch you. He will walk my Jessica, and the friends who were struggling. He will see my dad over there. He will not, he knows nothing will happen. What about your father who is his spirit? He is watching everything. He will not fail you. Hallelujah. He will not fail you. Remember, before the coronavirus, the law spoke to us in this church. Has he failed? So don't be afraid. Lay hold on our word of God. And wrong with it, and in law we see you true. Hallelujah. Let's say be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the sixties of a noble 13. If the Lord delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it us a land which fluid we make and honey. I really that this was fluid we make and honey. The Book of Esco, when they caught up, they caught a branch of grapes. So it took two men to carry it on the ashota. I should tell you how fed to our land was. And they came back and brought evil report. But let's see something. That's 27. How long shall I bear with this evil congregation? So the 10 people brought problems to everybody. That's why they ended up spending 40 years in the wilderness, going around and around in the Secco, because of 10 guys. How long shall I bear with this evil congregation? What moment I guess me I've had the memorial of the children of Israel, which they moment against me. See what God said in verse 28. Say unto them, as truly as I live here the Lord, as you have spoken in my ears, so will I do to you. Is that good? And exactly that is what happened to them. Those who were memorialed. Let's look at the New Testament. 1 Corinthians chapter 10, verse 9 to 11. Please, 1 Corinthians. Somebody over there, okay, thank you. Now they let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of sapents. Now they are memorialed ye as some of them also moment, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for any samples, and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. See, this is for our example. They are written that there was no doubt, go, don't doubt. Trust him. He will not see, he will not fail you. Let me give you a testimony. It's what happened in text acts. There was a guy who was a killer, were killing women. His name was Steve Moray. So why, he went to a shopping mall or just a shop or something like that, and he find a woman and build her up and enter your vehicle. He said, don't see anything, I'm a killer. And meanwhile, the FBI were looking for him. Then what happened? Just to the woman, you keep driving. And the woman acts there. She's a little woman. He said, can I play the quesad? Maybe at that time was quesad, no city. He said, don't disturb me. You go ahead and do what you want to do. And he started to play chemical plant quesad. And the world were affecting Steve now. He said, shut it up. And the woman said, no, you can't say that to me. It's my car. He said, woman, then suddenly Steve had a voice behind him. This is your last call, Steve, around to shoot. He didn't see anybody. Then I asked the woman, what does this want me? This is your last call. The woman said the preaching, hallelujah. Hallelujah. I said, fear not, no matter where you find yourself. Remember, the Lord God Almighty is dead with you. He will not leave you, nor forsake you. If only Jesus you can shout, something will happen. Hallelujah. The woman succeeded in leading Steve to Christ. And then Steve now said, what am I going to do now? I'm doing a lot of terrible things. I want to go and see this one ago as preaching. I want you to baptize me. Toss on the way. Now, why did we're driving? The woman said, they are waiting for you. There's the material block on the way waiting for you. He said, okay, where did the Holocaust say what you passed now? Hallelujah. He said, well, I will buy you a bus ticket, but I cannot take you away. You are going to. The woman took him to the bus station and paid for his right to where he said he wanted to go to. I made why the news came to the husband of our sister. He was quick. Like he experienced. What happened? Well, later he found a wife. He said, I had to tell you where I rested by that guy. When he said, yes, the mom was passed out. But the law delivered a woman, right there. So when the man, when they apprehended him and the boss was already inside the ball, reading the Bible. Well, the police mark confronted him. He said, no, let me tell you about. I'll give him my life to Jesus. If not, there would have been a shoot out there today. That's how they took him to the jail. It was later. Kupna went to the jail or the prison to minister to him. Did what I bought. He said, it's already dead. They executed him. Because he did a lot of terrible things. Why am I going through all this testimony and some other things? It's to burst out your face. Time is short. These are evil. The Lord is still here. Even if these are evil. Hallelujah. Fear not. The Lord is able to deliver you. To see you true. In the name of the Lord Jesus. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Amen and amen. Now, we'll draw lessons from Joshua. Now, there's something about Joshua. Remember, God said, the book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. That shall meditate only day and night. Day and night. It's day and night. No one's in the way. Hallelujah. Now, those fire books. Those scroll patch notes. That was available. They were not in the market. I was able to have access to that there. Because nothing was with the high priest. But those fire books. See what meditating upon them. Have you read Leviticus before? You will know I read it. I will call you. Read this one. Be God. This one. Be God. May God say meditate on it. Do not honor me. A lot of good things day. The second law. We're meditating on them. Do you know that in the affected feet of Joshua? They were not afraid of dance. They were not afraid of the... Wasuewe waivu was going on in the land. The Lord is on my side. You can be against me. Remember what the Bible says in the Psalm 27, this one, two, three. The Lord is my light and salvation. Who shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Who shall I be afraid? It's when the enemy came to eat up my flesh. They stumbled and fell. Hallelujah. The Lord is your light and salvation. Say it. The Lord is my light and salvation. I got nobody to fear. Amen. Hallelujah. That's the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe we are still here. Now let's think about it. About what instruction God gave to Joshua. Say meditate upon the book of the Lord day and night. So meditating on the Word of God is thinking the Word. And then speaking the Word to yourself. And memorizing verses. That's why I am able to quote some scriptures as this Holy Spirit leads me. Memorize. It's very, very important. This one is good for college students as well. Memorizing. They will have a card like this and write some definition. Go back. Look at it. Close your eye. That would be a part of you. And speaking the Word of God. In literature they say, so little little queen. You say it to yourself. Some people say, this one, he has lost his mind. He's not even talking to himself. Speak the Word of God to yourself. Hallelujah. Why will you speak the Word of God to yourself? Let's quickly look at it. I will stress this one. This testimony 4.15. This will go to the Paul 2 Timothy 4. Timothy 4.15. Meditate upon these things. Give thyself holy to them that our profiting may appear to our many. Oh, God wants you to profit in your Christian living. God wants you to profit in your business. God wants you to profit in your marriage. In your raising up your children. You know there are some children that are difficult to train. Yeah. Some strong will. You need help of God to handle that child. Or as you keep the child. You understand what I'm saying? It's not the way you are training A. That is the way you train B or C. God will give you techniques to handle them differently. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. So, say meditate upon these things. What are those things? Forgo to the teacher business 13, I believe. Please go to verse 13. Till I come, give attendance to reading. To his attention to doctrine. The next verse please. Neglet's not the gift that is in tea which was given tea by prophecy. Where they lay none of hands of the press with three. The best I'm looking for is tea ahead. Let me try and find it. I should be at a twelfth. I think I've shared that one before. That's twelfth please. Let me try and find it in my Bible. Okay. Let no more despise I use. Be thou an example of the believers. In word, in conversation, in charity or divine love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity. So, say meditate on these things. It's true meditation that God expanded those words to mean that I use it to teach at different times. When you meditate upon it, the Holy Spirit will take you to depart dimensional war. Poor God gave to poor. Long time ago, that you will profit and you will be established in the teens of God and grow up and become fat in the teens of God. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Now, Joshua did that and he meditated on fire books, those fragments. But a lot of things happened to Joshua. Good things. As he continued, a lot of prosperity started coming his way. Now, why would God put those secrets there if he doesn't want us to prosper? Those are the secrets to prosper here on it. When we talk about prosperity, no rest flag at all. It's scripture right to prosper. Amen? Poverty is of the devil. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Now, Romans 12, verses 1 to 3. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the menses of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, not a dead one, living one. Holy, acceptable unto God, which is your required or reasonable service. And be not conformed. Don't blend with the world. Don't be a chameleon. Hallelujah. Do not conform to this world. Bebe transformed. How, by renewing of your mind, your mind was not born again. It was your spirit. Brand new spirit God gave to you, God promised in the book of Ezekiel, the book of Jeremiah, and he thanked him. He fulfilled it. It was then the book of Isaiah as well. Your spirit was brand new. Now, God said, renew your mind because there are a lot of things that are there from Newsweek magazine. There are a lot of things from, you know, read that digest, yesterday. There are a lot of things that you were taught by professors in the university, the accident. But as you go to the world of God and begin to take it in, God will begin to help you to remove those things. It doesn't just come live overnight. It takes time. Go back to the world of God. Meditate on the world of God. Go back again. Meditate. Go back again. Meditate. Now, don't say, because I read this page before, I read this chapter before, I don't need to read it. No, see, there are a lot of things you would discover as you go back. Because it's the world of God. The world that I speak unto you, they are spirit. And they are life. If you want the life of God, go back to his world. That life begin to sip in. I've discovered that the thing that I evil can get straight to your spirit. Just write that. Just by seeing it with your eye gaze, that thing will be there to become a struggle to try and get rid of it. But when it takes, when it comes to the things that are good, it takes time to get there. Because the enemy will resist you or fight it. It will put you to sleep when you try to meditate on it, something that will help you for your daily life or your future. That will take you to your destiny. The enemy will fight it. It will put a special fan to blow you, your sleep off. Then you come back to yourself. I was really just, I was meditating now. Don't give up. Go back again. If possible, stand up. Take that scripture and begin to walk around, begin to meditate. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. This is what builds a strong man and a strong woman and a strong child of God, the world of God. And this is what Paul said in Book of Acts. Let me read quickly. Acts 20, 32, I believe. Let's look at it. Acts chapter 20, verse 32. And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the world of His grace. I believe it's written in your Bible like that. Which is able to build you up. And to give you any heritage. A lot of things are going to start up for you. To get to that inheritance, you need to go back to the world of His grace. And go begin to order your footsteps. You find yourself in that inheritance. Hallelujah. The world of God is able to build you up. The world of God is able to strengthen you and revive you. The world of God is able to make you bold. That's what Paul said through the promises. By these promises, you become a protector, a share of God's divine nature. Having kept the corruption that is in the world too lost. The world of God is able to build you because those promises will build absolute trust in your heart to us, your Heavenly Father. That God will not fail you. Do amen. They've already given up on you, but God will not. Hallelujah. That's the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, let me try and read one more scripture. We'll try and pray. This is, we're ready to call it. It was first Corinthians already done before. This is 2 Corinthians chapter 3, verse 7 to 11. Now, it's the administration of death written in a grave in stones was glorious. Was it not glorious? That's why the thing is amazing to me. Surprising. Why would those 10 guys doubt God and disbelieve God? God did wonders for them. Science and wonders, pillar of fire by night, pillar of cloud by day. And God took care of them. The most amazing one is the recipe. Have you seen the depth of the recipe before? Go to Grandcayon. Go patted. It didn't work for engineers to come up. He blew on it and if water patted and became worse on both sides. That was enough for them to believe God for anything. For this repose said, "No, we are not able. We are so gentle." Dance. They got to call it. Is it it? The E food. But when it came to David, David saw an opportunity for victory. He said, "I cannot miss this one. It's too big." Remember, if you check the testimony of David, he was already speaking. He spoke. Dance, we speak. He will speak back. When your problem is speaking to you, speak back to your problem. Hallelujah. You can't give me. The Lord has given me victory already. Hallelujah. The price has been paid on the cross recovery because God valued me so much. He left heaven and came to this story world. But 33 and a half years he was here. And he went through all those things. I can't read the Scriptures to you in book of Hebrew. But the victory is yours. You are more than conqueror to him that loves you. You are the beloved of God. Are you the beloved? Yeah. See yourself. That's who. Top that way. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Finally, let me read on the switch of Philippians 2, 13, 2, 16. Place Philippians. For it is God which works in you, but to will and to do of his cool pleasure. God is doing that. You know it or not. Do all things with our memorials and disputants that he may be blameless, harmless sons of God with our rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation like America. Among you whom ye shine. Brethren, shine. Shine. And the place of work, shine. When you are driving, shine. And you are switching your neighborhood. Shine. The perverse nation. We don't need to go to the other way. If only the pseudo-matite here. They cannot corrupt us, not our children. That's why we have to preach some twenty-three for our children. Pray daily. No matter where they go, no one can twist your mind. Start saying, I feel like you are a boy. So I feel like I am like a gay now. That is a walk of evil spirits. Evil spirits make people what they are. Don't go that way. When God created you, He created you either a boy or a guy. No, Stephen. And Stephen. Adam and Steve. No. It was Adam and Eve. Hallelujah. If I can lead them to Christ, I will. I am not bashing them. I am only just saying the truth. You shall know the truth. And the truth shall set you free. Amen and amen. Hallelujah. Or did he say that? That he may be blameless. Remember what Bible says in the book of Ephesians? Jesus Christ is going to present you unto Himself. Himself without sport or wrinkle or blemishes. Hallelujah. And that is why He is washing us with the water of the world. That we might be like Him. So when God will finish with you, you will be rather getting like Him. God is light. And God wants you to be light fully. Is that not what He says? Subtle yet. Light of the world. Is that not what you are? Shine. Hallelujah. Shine. And I name up Jesus Christ. And darkness cannot comprehend you. Darkness cannot suppress you. Hallelujah. I had to test the morning. It was the last week. The team made me cry. We are going to pray. This is a young lady from India. It was a Hindu believer. The great-great-grandpa who was a priest of a Hindu father, a priest. And the father was going to be a priest. And the brother would become a priest. He said the thing has gone on in a generation. Now, he was sick. He tried to get help from the A Hindu God. No help. He said somebody gave a threat. So, please, don't be little. That's my thing. Give it. It's anointed. If it is not anointed, if the content is going to provide, anointed will follow it. Hallelujah. And that is what the lady read. You see, I've tried all the ghosts. There was a death. The father, too, came on a sculpture. They went to all that big temple. And he said that he went up. I have to climb some staircase to get to the hallelujah of all this deception. He said, "When he was able to get the check for the priest, he couldn't find the priest." And then he tried to sneak in, open the tent. It was a big God image that was there. And he had to for the tent to heal. Not zero. I told the priest came around. What are you doing here? And the priest started causing her. That God would not listen to her. And it's different things. She ran down crying. And the father would say, "What happened? What happened?" And he said, "Let's live here." And he left. But one day, the pain was severe. She cried unto God. Trying to tear. Now, because she came back to that trap. And I said, "I'm trying to tear God. God, I believe in so many ghosts." And I said, "Jesus Christ is done." So he said, "You know, Jesus Christ came that night." I thought she called it two times. Then Lord Jesus Christ came with lights. I said, "I am God. I've come to heal you." That's how she received her healing. And he said, "The parents now want to have to go with them in the temple." And what I came for, he said, "Mom, I'm sorry. I don't think I want to go to the temple." And the father came. He said, "I'm sorry." He said, "How did you think she had the little fever she would have?" He said, "No, it was the little fever." But I said, "Could they help us to tell them the truth?" "Do you know the murder and the father they sent her away?" Because she doesn't believe. And he doesn't anymore. But thank God the father gave his life to Jesus later. The court is sure he's lost or he's shot. Because God motivated the dad after they drove away. The father was trying to strike a D of a business. He didn't know how to go about it. And the thought of the daughter was, "Let's go." He said, "Call this wife." She would call the woman's son. Or that day. He said, "Dad." He said, "Yes, Abba. I'm trying to reach you and have a problem. It's only you that can solve it. What happened?" He said, "Me?" He said, "Yes." He said, "Well, anyhow, it does come." "That will go to our church." They went. He said, "I'm not going to go into your church." He said, "Don't worry, Dad. Just come to the parking lot. We'll talk in the parking lot." He said, "Dad, the parking lot is hot. Let us go to one room." From one room, they entered the sanctuary. He said, "I'm sorry. I didn't know there was a meeting in the other day." He said, "The father said, hmm, there's something different about this place." God is already walking. There's something different about this place. And those were praying tones. They were praying tones. Then there is an old interncessor, woman, king. Who is that? He said, "That is my dad." He said, "Tell your dad to result besides." He said, "I'm afraid of it." He said, "That old woman just told him, the power of the camera upon him." He started speaking tones. God doesn't go by our own regulations. They come who provide everything. They start speaking tones, literally. The pastor said, "Come. Something is happening." The pastor said, "We are taking you for water baptism." Right away. He said, "No tradition. Our times will wait for tradition. Go to Bible. Class is forgotten for water baptism before the battle." He said, "What Stephen did?" "No." He said, "What would stop me from being baptized? Yes, it's water." Did he go through some classes before going for water baptism? No. Go back to the Bible. Amen. It's not only a prayer here that I hear him in. Some people are hearing me in the internet. So, I thought that is not what we practice here. I don't want to go for that. Why he went to the water? The Red Ribbon or the Puthonia. He do something as a covenant. It's a point of... He said, "No more. This one is better." He gave his light to Jesus. For me, why? The more that was not seen. He said, "This one is between me and you, Dad. But I want my two brothers. Bring them to me." That is how the young lady led the brothers to Christ. Hallelujah. He said, "Because the one who was following her would be the next high priest." He said, "To stop it, you need to give His life to Jesus." And that is what happened. It's Jesus' life. Jesus Christ yesterday, today and forever. I am the Lord. I change not. But the revival is here. Hallelujah. It's here. Wake up. Move on. Surrender yourself. Rededicate yourself unto the Lord. Hallelujah. If I may ask, "Is anyone sick, come and go today?" Let us pray. That is what the Bible says. We go to the elders. The lady annoys you. The minister unto you. Prayer of faith will hear the sick. Hallelujah. Is anyone here? Or somebody need a miracle. Praise the Lord. There is a bit of the name of Jesus. Now, if you are hearing me on the Internet, on the website, I will tell you that Jesus is coming soon. He loves you. He cares much about you. Say this prayer after me. Say, "Haven't father?" I believe Jesus is your son. He came in the flesh. He died and suffered in my place. You were buried in my place. You resurrected in on the toilet from my justification. O God, forgive me my sins. Give me from the consequences of my sinful life. Tell my life, Arana. I surrender my life unto you. Right from today, I will follow you. Give me the Christ to live for you. Right now, as you are listening to me, you have a tritice in your hand. I speak to that a tritice. I say, "Try this." Die in the name of Jesus. Receive your healing. Hallelujah. Thank you, Father. That casket you revealed to me last night. We're dressed, so for a rich person. I don't know who is that person. I'll reverse it in the name of Jesus. That person will not die. He will leave to fulfill his destiny or destiny. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ relates life into you. Leave, leave in the name of Jesus Christ. And amen. Praise the Lord. Jesus conquered the world and gave us victory. We're going to give our freedom. Vittre, vittre, hallelujah.