Bava Basra Daf 143
The first thing in the daff, one who says "knee aat-vah-ma'er". If someone says "knee kee kee kah-ma'er", he gets nothing just like a "kah-ma'er". If he says "at-vah-ma'er", if Naqman says he gets half, because we interpret his statement to mean that he and the donkey should each receive half of the property, but if a manu says he gets nothing, because it was given together, since the donkey's gift doesn't work, so therefore his gift doesn't work, if Shashi says he gets everything, because the person that's giving it knows that the donkey can't be kinder, and he intends that the entire gift should go to whoever could be kinder. If Shashi's been derived from Abreisa, which says that Truman taken from a fruit, which has sweet and bitter sections, works, even though the bitter section cannot be taken as Truma, against the sweet section of another fruit. Big manu said that even bitter produce has taken as Truma, on sweet produce, works midereisa. Second second second of the daff, a person who tells his wife, Nixi Lechfal of Naq. A man once told his wife, Nixi Lechfal of Naq, have Yaysa says she's kind of half. He brought him a car from Rabi, who learned in the possek vahay-salar in a lobon of, regarding Lechfal upon him, that half go to Aaron and half go to Bonif. This proves that one person is mentioned as a recipient. Alongside a group, he gets half. Abai disagrees, because in that case, Aaron was a bakhalukah, even without being mentioned. And since the Tara specified him, obviously the Tara meant to say that he gets half. But in our case, the wife wasn't supposed to get anything, so it should be enough for her to just take like one of the sons, but not half. This example is one of the three places that we pass on the habiyacif. Third second of the daff, adult sons improved the estate, before they and the younger sons divided it. The Mish says if one died, and he left Gedalim and Qatannim. If the Gedalim will meshpiyachal and Qasim, it goes to everybody. If they say we're going to work and eat for ourselves, then that meshpiyachal themselves. And the same habiyach applies to Almona. Rava says this is only if the estate improved through the estate itself. But if it improved through the efforts of the Gedalim, then the shvach goes to themselves. The Khmer explains that if the Qatannim were capable of making the improvements, for example, guarding a bar, the improvements are shared. Zilchfalim mustn't have kruthmim gimmel. The first suggah in the daff, a person who says kneeat fachamar. Second suggah, a person who tells his wife, nurci lech villeveneir. Third suggah, Gedalim improved the estate, before them and the Qatannim divided it. The sinphabastaf kruthmim gimmel is krav maga mester. While the krav maga champion was busy gifting his trophy to his coach and fachamar, and his prize money, to his wife and his sons, of which she gets half and they get half, his brothers are busy improving the land they inherited, which will be divided equally amongst them all. Second suggah, a person who tells his wife, nurci lech villeveneir. And the brothers are busy improving the land they inherited, which will be divided equally amongst them all, reminds the third suggah in the daff, Gedalim that improved the estates, before them and the Qatannim divided it.