
Bava Basra Daf 140

Broadcast on:
13 Nov 2024
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(speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) And then it became (speaks in foreign language) What about (speaks in foreign language) Do we say they're (speaks in foreign language) And therefore they increased in the interest of the (speaks in foreign language) Or maybe the (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) You say that (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) So obviously this belongs to the assignment. Second (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Et cetera. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Doesn't present is make it be considered (speaks in foreign language) Or do we say since if she will get married, she will lose her (speaks in foreign language) Therefore it's not calculated. If we assume it's not subtracted, what about (speaks in foreign language) 'Cause she does get (speaks in foreign language) And it's even after she gets married. Or maybe since if she dies, she's gonna lose her (speaks in foreign language) Maybe it's not subtracted. What about (speaks in foreign language) Do we say since this class exists even after he dies? Or do we say since it's not collected, it's not subtracted? Then why does not pleasure these questions? Third (speaks in foreign language) A tumtum can be pushed away by suns from their rights and by daughters from their rights. The mission says that if a person left behind the sun's daughters and a tumtum, if the (speaks in foreign language) that's why I'm pushing to the Nicavas. And he's not Yerush. If the (speaks in foreign language) the Nicavas pushing to the (speaks in foreign language) And he doesn't give him a status. Think of my eyes in the first case, when the sun's pushing towards the Nicavas. Does this mean he collocks like a Nicavas? But they say for the mission, it says that if a person promises a gift to his future son or daughter, if the child's a tumtum, he gets nothing. You see a tumtum is considered a barrier but financially. Abayah says they push him away, but he doesn't get anything even like a Nicavas. Rather since he does get, and the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) The first (speaks in foreign language) Second (speaks in foreign language) to my (speaks in foreign language) et cetera. Third (speaks in foreign language) can you push away by sons from their rights and by daughters from their rights? The same for (speaks in foreign language) of (speaks in foreign language) is a camera. The photographer who used his camera to catch a shot of sons jumping for joy when their assets increased in value. While their sisters looks sad, was able to capture the almono who reduced the property's value, trying to comfort her child, the tumtum who kept getting pushed away by his brothers and sisters. Camera reminds the dafkaf men, their sons jumping for joy when their assets increased in value. While their sisters looks sad, reminds the first (speaks in foreign language) the almono who reduced the property's value, reminds the second (speaks in foreign language) almono (speaks in foreign language) to my (speaks in foreign language) et cetera. And the tumtum who kept getting pushed away by his brothers and sisters reminds the third (speaks in foreign language) a tumtum can be pushed away by sons from their rights and by daughters from their rights.