
Bava Basra Daf 139

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12 Nov 2024
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The first again the death, when younger siblings receive the same marriage funding, that older siblings received. The Mishra says, "Heneer Bonham du Dalham du Catanem, the older sons, are not supported with clothing from the estate, and the younger sons are not fed from the estate, since either were disproportionately to plead to the estate, instead they divided it equally. If the older sons married and funded the expenses from the estate, the younger ones can also. If the younger ones say, "We want to get married the same way you are married," we don't listen to them. The mark explains that the first case is where the older sons got married after the father died, and funded from the estate, so the younger sons can demand the same. The second case is where the older sons married in the father's lifetime, and whatever he gave them for their marriage was a gift. Second-sucking-a-daaf, a husband is both a liqueur and a yerush in his wife's assets. A brother asked if a woman borrowed money without a star and used it, and she got married, so her husband got possessions of her assets. Is the husband considered a liqueur or a yerush? A mobile pair can't be collected from a liqueur, but can't be collected from a yerush. The mommy's a riot from Robin who passed skinned that a widow is supported by her husband's estate, even if the daughter whose yerush married someone. This proves that the husband's a yerush. I buy a boy another riot from a mission that says that property that a husband was a yerush from his wife does not go back in yerush. But Robert brought an opposite riot from the Takanavusha, that if a married woman sold property, the husband can collect it from the buyers after she dies, proving he's a liqueur who comes before the buyers. Therefore, Avashia and Zwaf, the Takan treated the husband either as a yerush or a liqueur, whichever was better for him. Regarding a widow whose daughter married, they consider me a yerush to protect the widow's rights. Third, sir, you're going to have sons and daughters in an estate of Nakhasim Reuben or Nakhasim Wate. The ninth part begins misha mace vinyech bonnamubanis, if there are Nakhasim Reuben, the sons of Yerush and daughters get mizainis. If there's Nakhasim Wateen, the daughters are yerush and the sons have to go collecting. Adman asked, because I'm a zakhr, I lose out, rather they are supported together until the estate runs out. If shiungam lil agrees with Adman, Ravi explains Nakhasim Reuben, if there's enough to support both sons and daughters for 12 months, Schmull says this is the sheet of Nakhul Nilber Ravi, but the Takan's same Reuben means there's enough to support the sons and daughters until the daughters mature, which is the full amount of what they're entitled to. Zwaf Zwaf, the first sogannadaaf, when younger siblings receive the same marriage funding, that older siblings received. Second, sogya, a husband, is both a liqueur and a yerush in his wife's assets. Third, sogya, sons and daughters in an estate of Nakhasim Reuben and Nakhasim Wateen. This infamous Nakhasim Wateen, this infamous Nakhasim Wate, is a blood clot. The cardiologist told the man with a blood clot, that if he doesn't take care of himself, his younger sons would have to make their kasana from his estate, while the Nuliwet who would be fine because he's a yerush and a liqueur in his wife's possessions, told his father that the other boys would end up begging for food while they support the sisters. Blood clot reminds Nakhasim Wateen, the cardiologist told the man with a blood clot, that if he doesn't take care of himself, his younger sons would have to make their wedding from the estate. Reminds the first sogannadaaf, when younger siblings receive the same marriage funding, that older siblings received, the Nuliwet, who was a yerush and a liqueur in his wife's possessions, reminds of the second sogannadaaf, a husband who's both a liqueur and a yerush in his wife's assets, and he told his father that the other boys would end up begging for food while they support their sisters, reminds of the third sogannadaaf, sons and daughters in an estate of Nakhasim Reuben or Nakhasim Wateen.