to all the veterans. We salute you, military veterans. Happy Veterans Day. You deserve your happiness. You deserve your happy place. And thank you. - Welcome to Mind Matters with Dr. J. A. Jones. Dr. Jones is the head pastor of the Faith Community Church of God in Orange Park, Florida. Relationships, finances, our spiritual life, whatever it is, our problems start within, in our minds. Dr. Jones explores mental wellness through the application of God's word in our lives. It's just what the doctor ordered. Let's join him now and dig into Mind Matters because your mind matters to God. - Welcome to Mind Matters. I hope you're having a great day. If not, you're tuned in to the right station. This is a show where we get into the principles of the Bible that shape our lives and guide all of our decisions. I want to give a shout out to all the veterans. We salute you, military veterans. Happy Veterans Day. You deserve your happiness. You deserve your happy place or a happy space, right? And thank you. I've served my country for 25 years in the United States Army. So I am one of those veterans as well. And I made it to this space. So again, happy Veterans Day. Thank you for your service and also for those that are spouses or children's children of veterans. You served as well. Your sacrifice is definitely noted. And thank you for participating and helping your spouse as he or she served, whether it's two years, four years, 20 years, 30. Thank you, happy Veterans Day. So I have a special guest with me. You want to share with our audience, Cindy Jones? Yes, grateful to be here with Dr. Jones. And thank you for serving your country for these 25 years. Yes, it was a blessing. And I'm grateful that I survived those 25 years. It was challenging at times, but we made it through. It's meant to be so. Yes. It's meant to be so. So I hope everybody understands that life is not just a walk in the park. So I'm glad you said that challenges come. Challenges go. God has given us the authority and ability to be able to adjust and overcome, even though we don't understand why some things do happen. Yes, it makes us stronger. Well, let me say this before we get into the show today, which is a powerful show. I want to try to keep it moving, but also the relationship rate as it relates to marriages are one of the highest when someone serves in the military, the divorce rate, separation, all of those issues because of the adversity, because of the dedication at times of a soldier, a sailor, a airman, a Coast Guardsman, or a Jarhead, right, a Marine. I know that because I've have a lot of friends and I've talked to a lot of people. So, but those that have made it, that's part of life, but thank God that we're here today. Yes. Today is part three on how to know your purpose, right? Right. All right, let's get into it. Say this with me and send it today. Today. I'm grateful to be here. I'm grateful to be here. I'm blessed to be a blessing. I am blessed to be a blessing. I am certain. I am certain. That when I hear God's word. When I hear God's word. I will believe God's word. I will believe God's word. And I will live God's word. And I will live God's word. Abundantly. Abundantly. In Jesus' mighty name. In Jesus' mighty name. Now, the scripture says for we know that all things work together for good to them who love him and who have been a called according to his purpose. That's Romans chapter eight, verse 28. Correct. We as human beings should be growing and becoming better daily. We already addressed in the last two shows. And again, I want to welcome the audience that could be listening to this from pot being podcast, Spotify, Apple podcast. Thinking into success. Spiritual solutions to real problems. Whatever platform you're listening to and then obviously we are right here at praise 107.9. Jacksonville, Florida. You got to have an identity. That was number one. Who you are. There's therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. You got to know your identity. In order to know your purpose. You got to know that God has already validated us. You have been validated. You already are pre-approved. - Yes. - You're definitely. - And you're about, well your identity is in Christ as a child of God. Not in the family. You grew up in. You was born into the job you have. The friends you associate with. Whatever you, your bank account. Yeah, your identity is in Christ. And he makes you and made you who you are. - Right. - When we're talking about identity, how do we relate? Who do we think we are? Who do we really know that we are? So no circumstances or scenario when you say family and different things which is true, your job or anything doesn't validate who you are, right? It's a relationship with God who we are in Christ. Because obviously it's all about him, not about us. And I like that we just read Romans chapter eight, first one. But your assignment is important too. In order to get to your reason for existing. That's what, when we say purpose, that's the reason for which you exist, reason for which I exist. Our assignments is how we do it, right? What we do, whatever you do, do it with all your might. Wherever you are, you could be at work. Do it with all your might. You could be in school right now. Or you could be going back to school to get your GED. Do it with all your might. Learn how to listen and learn how to learn. And it's very, very important. Absolutely. Sometimes we've got to unlearn to learn. So whatever we do, relationships, deal with all your might, your health, your finances. And then a person would get to a certain space. So I'm gonna read first Corinthians chapter 12. And it's very, very important, right? As it relates to our assignment. It says now concerning spiritual gifts, brothering. First Corinthians chapter 12, verse one. I do not want you to be ignorant. You know that you were Gentiles carried away with these dumb idols. However, you were led. Therefore, I make known to you that no one speaking by the spirit of God calls Jesus a curse. And no one can say that Jesus is lowered except by the Holy Spirit. Verse number four. There are diversities, a gifts, but the same spirit. There are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord. There are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the prophet of all. And that's very, very important. Now verse eight says, "For to one is given the word of wisdom, through the spirit, to another the word of knowledge, through the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues." The last verse, well, two more verses, verse 11. But one and the same spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as he wills, that means as God wills. And the last verse, verse 12, "For as the body is one, and as many members, but all members of that one body, being many, or one body, so also in Christ." All right, that's a lot, right? But I want to mention it because our assignment has a lot to do with our gifting. Everybody has a gift. But as we just read in 1 Corinthians, it's done through the same spirit, not an evil spirit, but a godly spirit, right? The same spirit, same attitude. And it's very, very important as we get to our purpose in a moment, but we got to understand our assignments as we move forward. - Yes, we have various assignments before we get to that thing that God put us here to do. And a lot of times our assignments are preparing us to accomplish that, kind of like in on the job training. - Right, mm-hmm. So you may be a math weird, right? That's a good thing. You may be a wise counselor, or maybe you have a mind for electronics or business. You may be a great decorator, a decor type of person, or an organizing, you know how to organize businesses or things. You know how to get things done. God's purpose for you probably involves the things you're already good at, right? It also connects you with people who want to help you to discover your purpose because you're already good at it. But what brings you joy? That's a good question, right? As a lace to your assignment, it could be what we just discussed. That greeting people, encouraging people, visiting people, helping the less fortunate. What breaks your heart? What are some things that breaks your heart? Moses in the Bible had his heart broken because Moses hated injustice and slavery of his people. So Moses had a moment of compassion and passion like what is going on? And it talks about it in Exodus chapter two, verse 11 through 15. So what does the world need? These are questions I'm asking and hopefully, as you're listening, you can ask, you can respond to the questions I'm asking. What does the world need? How can you help the community, the city, the state, your work environment? That's very, very important, okay? So now we're gonna get to the last part on part three, how to know your purpose. Some of the things we just shared are people's assignment. Right. And they're gifting. Right. Some people are good at this. So I do believe you can discover your purpose and it becomes actualized. And that's very, very important as we move forward today. Now in the Bible, Joseph, right? Right. Okay, what was Joseph about? Joseph was, he was destined to save the people of God during a seven year famine. Yes. And so, but he had a lot of assignments along the way. A lot of misfortune happened to him by his family, his brothers betraying him, they didn't like him. Right. He was a dreamer and they didn't like his dreams. And I guess they thought that he was thinking that he was better than they are. But that wasn't his thoughts. He was just sharing his dream that he's seen. And so, it was taken the wrong way. Okay. And so they disliked him, threw him in a pit. He got sold into slavery. Yes. Went to Potiphar's house. His wife made advances at him and then he got thrown into prison. And, but each time God's favor was on his life because of the gifting that God has put in him to... Interpret dreams. Yeah, interpret dreams as well as to, like you said, organizing or to run a business. Yes. You know, so he was sold in the slavery, put over Potiphar's house, ran Potiphar's house, put in the jail, ran the jail. Right. And then eventually in Pharaoh's put, Pharaoh put him over the whole kingdom. Right. And he ran that. Right. Absolutely. And in Genesis chapter 47, I believe it says this, after he went through, I love that, right? After he went through what he went through, based on what you're saying, all of the issues, all of the trials, all of the mishaps, all of the misfortune, after he went through. And what we don't want to do as society sometimes or as God's people and creation, we don't want to go through. Right. God has a plan for all of us. Sometimes we got to go through something to get to something, to get to a better place. That doesn't mean it feels good. No. That doesn't mean it does, it builds character. But we got to go through because life is about polarity. Yes. There's up, there's down, there's in, there's out, there's good, there's evil, because life is all about polarity. And we got to know that, right? So he definitely went through. I thank God for the story of Joseph in Genesis chapter 47. (upbeat music) Dr. Jones is the pastor of Faith Community Church of God in Orange Park. Reaching a heart and world with the love of Jesus. We thank you for listening to Mind Matters and we encourage you to show support for the many community outreach ministries that Dr. Jones and Faith Community Church tend to. You can give at Faith Community's website,, or just text money sign and the amount you want to give to 833-435-8022. That's 833-435-8022. We are blessed to be a blessing. Now let's get back to the program. - So after he went through what I just said, he understood, but as for you, I love the scripture and says in Genesis 47, "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for my good." - Right. - In order to bring it about as it is this day to save many people alive. Genesis chapter 47 and it talks about in Genesis chapter 50, right? So his purpose, as you said, was to preserve or save God's people during the time of famine. And he did just that. - Yes. - And he blessed the 12 tribes of Israel, came from his family, tree. So that's a blessing, right? - Right. And you know, it was prophesied to Abraham way before Joseph that the people was gonna be enslaved for 470 years and that came to pass. - Yes. - But they didn't know who was going to be doing what during that time. And you know, we watched a movie the other night. Oh, what was Harriet Tubman? - Yes, Harriet Tubman. - Yeah. And just like Joseph had dreams. - Yes. - And you know, showing him what, you know, the future. - Right. - What was gonna happen. - Right. - But he didn't know how or who we, you know. But she would have, she got what showed her visions too. Of things that was gonna happen ahead of time. And that's how she was able to do what she did. And so it just goes to let us know we need to be connected to God in order to carry out our purpose. - Yes. - Yeah, we need to be connected to the source. 'Cause he shows us things. - Well, that's why I did those two areas before we get to our purpose is vital. Your identity in Christ, your relationship. Gotta be strong. We gotta be strong like no other time. Then you gotta just do what you should be doing, no matter where you are. - Right. - Do it with all you might, do it with excellence, do it with the integrity. Don't do it, you know, like in mediocrity, but do it with excellence. - Absolutely, you gotta be connected with him. - Yeah, and a lot of times people don't understand us. Sometimes we won't even understand ourselves. We wanna be normal like other people, but it doesn't work because God has a specific purpose and plan for our lives. And so we got to just trust him. - Absolutely. - Trust him. - Like Moses, let's go to Moses. Moses was to deliver God's people from, again, slavery in Egypt. And he did that, but Moses was a stutter. He was, you know, inward. He didn't know how to do this and God revealed himself to Moses. There we go again. And God said to Moses, I am that I am, he said, right? I think it's an Exodus chapter three. So God will reveal himself to those that are available, that are open, that have a heart that is postured and connected to him. So somebody that is listening to this show today and however you're gonna listen to it, God has a purpose for your life. Sometime you have to go through it without understanding it completely, but it will come to pass. Like Esther was to save God's people, again, from annihilation and sousa, you know? And here's a scripture that was spoken to Esther for if you remain completely silent at this time, I think it's Esther chapter four, verse 14, relief and deliverance will arise from the Jews from another place. Remember, sometime we don't wanna go through just, but it was told to Esther that if you don't stay in the right place, huh? - Take a stand. - If you don't take a stand, God will use somebody else. He'll pick somebody else out. But I love what the scripture says, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this. So Esther went on and did God's will. She fasted, she prayed, her handmaiden prayed with her and fasted and she got God's will. God's will was done, in other words, very important. - Which was a scary situation, you know, to go before the king without being requested. - Yes, absolutely. - And he's one of these situations with Joseph Moses and Esther, the enemy, he's an accuser of the brethren, and he's always going to magnify our flaws, our faults, our shortcomings, where we're not, I won't say perfect, maybe, well, our imperfections put it that way, you know. And so he magnifies that and tell you what you can't do and what people gonna think and what people gonna say and all of that kind of stuff. - Oh, absolutely, and he's the one that give us confidence. The Bible said be confident in this very thing, the work that God has started in us, he will finish it and performance, right? Until that day of his return. So many people lack confidence, but you just got to do it, afraid, do it with anxiety, do it with hesitancy. And if you fall, just get back up. - My faith, not by sight. - Right, Jesus had a purpose. The Bible said, in Matthew chapter one, and she shall bring forth the Son, and the Son shall call his name Jesus. And they shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. He did that, right? Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet. I love what Jesus said, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities, "because for this purpose I have been sent." That's in Luke chapter four, verse 43. Jesus knew his purpose, and he did just that, fulfill God's purpose for his life. He that committed sin is of the devil, for the devil's sin is from the beginning. For this purpose, this is in first John chapter three, verse eight, first John. For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Guess what? He did that. - Yes. - Now our purpose is so important. We've already talked about issues and things as relates to that. The Lord will perfect that which concerns us, right? It says that in Psalms 138. It says, "Thou mercy, O Lord, endure forever, "for sake not the works of thy own hands." I love what Ephesians chapter two says, verse 10, "For we are his workmanship, "created in Christ Jesus unto good works, "which God had before ordain that we shall walk in them." And here's what Ecclesiastes chapter three, verse one, "To everything there's a season and a time "and to every purpose under heaven." - Yes. - It's a famous scripture, right? And Jeremiah 29, 11, "I know the thoughts or the plans "that I think toward you," said the Lord, "thoughts of peace, not of evil to give you "and expect it in." Proverbs 19, 21. Guess what? And many other plans of a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. - Mm-hmm. - And you know, as far as the seasons, we were not all born at the same time. - No, we were not. - So, the time that we are here on earth, we are here at this time in this season for a purpose. - Yes, yes. - To fulfill our particular purpose, and we are not here for ourselves. We are here to be a blessing as we stated at the beginning, to be a blessing to others. We are blessed to be a blessing. - Yes, we are. - And so, we are not, the enemy, like I said, wants to magnify our flaws and tell us what we're not, and tell us where we came from, and we are not pissed, and we are not that, to diminish our confidence and our self-esteem. But then, the Lord, he, like we said, our identity is in Christ. And that's what we have to, what we have to concentrate on, and think on, and remember, it's not about us. It's about what he has us here to do, and overcome all that negative thinking, and things that the enemy will point out to us, to keep us down, but we gotta go forward. And just focus on, what is it that brings us passion? What is it that we're good at? - Right, brings us sure, passion. - And we take that lightly at times, too. We think everybody is able to do that, or can do that. - The way we do it. Yeah, it's so easy for us, but it's easy for us, and we think it should be easy for others. You know, building a shelf, doing plumbing work, or organizing an office, or doing certain things, no, or helping somebody to accomplish a goal. Oh, it's a piece of cake, but to someone else is like, "No, I don't know where to start." Then if I knew, I don't know how to finish it. - Yeah, and we look at other people, and we compare ourselves. - Right. - Because they may do the same thing, but at a different level and stuff. God gives each and every one of us a measure of faith. So all our measures are not the same. We may be good at handling 10 people, or 100 people, or 50 people. And then some people may be good at managing thousands. - Right. - You know, but we gotta be content at whatever level God has gifted us with. - Right. - You know, whatever that may be. - Yes, it could still be connected to your biologic family, your spiritual family, I'm talking about your purpose and what God has for you. Don't limit God. - Right. - Don't limit God. Somebody needs to know this. Thank you for tuning in to Mind Matters with myself, Dr. Jones, and I have Cindy Jones with me today. Do not limit God as relates to your purpose. Your purpose is bigger than you. It's bigger than your inability. It's about God's ability working in and through you. Don't limit God. Somebody's trying to limit God. Don't do that because here's an example. My life purpose is to help others see their own power and strength. I wanna make sure each person I encounter feels better about themselves and have an added sense of self-efficacy and self-confidence. Now, this is an example. That's not mind's per se, and it's part of mind's, but my person to help others reach their full potential as God's creation. But it's so important, what are your spiritual gifts? Look at 1 Corinthians 12 at some point, right? - Mm-hmm. - And go through that. And look at Romans 12 verses four through eight. What are your natural things that you do easily? Could be decorating, could be maintenance, it could be cooking, it could be anything. All of those things are relative to your purpose. So you gotta know what is your reason for your existence? Don't think you're just here, just to be here. No, I did a study on that. I don't know how many, I'm gonna just say it. It's real, you know? I believe million to two million spurs, we all survived to come on planet Earth. We're the only one that got to the egg, right? That means you have a set of fingerprints nobody else has. You're here because God wanted you to be here. So that's so important to know, God does not finish with you, sir, or ma'am, He's not finished with you yet. - Yeah, you're still here. - Amen. - Yeah, and as long as you're here, God has something for you to do. So that's why it's important for us to acknowledge Him in all our ways so He can direct our path and to spend that time with Him every day. Take time to spend time, get before the Lord and to just connect. - Yes. - So you can notice and pay attention to His voice throughout the day. - Yes. - You know, 'cause you never know whose path you're going across and how He wants to use you. - Yes, thank you. Thank you for being with me. - My pleasure. - All right, thank you again. I'm excited that you're with me. Again, happy Veterans Day to all of our veterans. And I'm so glad you tuned in to My Matters with myself. And first lady, we're so grateful, we're so grateful. Again, I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and you have tuned in to the right spot today because as we see you next week or hear you next week, however you tune in, I want you to know that we're going to share with you some principles from the Bible that will, that will shape your life and God every decision that you make, no matter what it is spiritually, relationally, mentally, financially and physically. God bless those that are hearing and bless those that we're here. And we look forward to seeing you next time on My Matters with myself. See you soon. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Thanks for tuning into another episode of My Matters with Dr. J. A. Jones. Be sure to tune in next Sunday at 5 p.m. right here on Praise 107.9. For more insightful discussion about how God's word can get our minds right. You can also hear Dr. Jones preach in person Sundays at 11 a.m. at Faith Community Church of God at 1268 Gano Avenue in Orange Park, Florida, 32073. Thanks again for listening, stay mindful, and keep striving for improvement because your mind matters to God. [BLANK_AUDIO]