WBCA Podcasts

Never Give Up "Where Giving Up Is Not An Option"

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18 Nov 2024
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Host Rochelle Jones discusses what it means to truly see things from someone else's perspective and what that has to do with the concept of peace under God.

Here's some drama you could share with your kid. Dude, did you hear about Cassie and Jake? No, but did you hear that vaping can cause irreversible lung damage and nicotine effects brain development? You don't need a gossip if you want to have an open conversation about vaping, so if you want to get tips on when and how to talk to your kids, visit We're brought to you by the American Lung Association and the Ad Council. You're listening to WBCALP 102.9 FM Boston, Boston's Community Radio Station. Hello hello you're listening to Never Give Up, we're giving up as not an option, I'm your host Rochelle Jones. Well I'm so glad to be back in the studio, it's just so exciting, I know last week we were talking about David and Goliath and his choice of weaponry, how he picked five smooth stones, and we're talking about if peace was a stone, amen, and we kind of talked about first Corinthians one, three and four, but we have some other peace scriptures that we want to convey and talk a little bit about, and what about second Corinthians 13 and 11? And he said finally brethren, rejoice, aim for restoration and comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace and the God of love and peace will be with you. That just reminds me to where the Bible says that God is not the author of confusion. And to me I guess the opposite of confusion would be peace. And so if he's saying hey you know God isn't in the midst of all that confusion, but he's there in the midst of peace, and that we need to kind of consider this when we're engaging with people or we're in a disagreement, and like I kind of like win-win situations. I mean I'm tired of always backing down to the point where other people win, you know, but I think win-win situations is much better in the sense that we all walk away feeling heard and feeling like there's a solution. Don't walk away where you don't feel like you've solved the problem, there's no solution. Sometimes you may have to agree to disagree and move on because you're not getting anything. But the ultimate goal is that we have peace, that we walk in peace, you know. And so you know we just keep that in mind. We just have to rejoice, we got to aim high. I remember President Obama he used to say, you know, when people go low he goes high, you know, that's not really a popular concept, but sometimes we have to, going high means not responding, not always having to be an argument, you know. Not looking at it like, you know, lose win, but hey, we both are going to win. We both are going to walk out, we're both going to be supporting. If it's possible, he said be at peace with all men. If it's possible, I want, I'd like to believe in my optimistic self, even in this day and age that we live in, that we can be at peace with all men, you know. It may take some negotiations, it may take me understanding your perspective, you understanding mine and we just shake hands and hug and walk away like, hey, that's another perspective. Just like they're up, there's down, just like there's off, there's on, there's always different, different sides of the pendulum. And one of the things I remember, we were in a workshop and there was all kind of objects on the table, right? But due to where you're sitting, it, you know, you're able to see certain objects. And so the teacher said, write down the objects that you see, right? And so you began to, from your perspective, write down what you could see from your vantage point and everybody did the same. And it was funny as they began to share the different objects that were on their paper. You sitting over there could very well say, no, I didn't see no paperclip. I didn't, yeah, but that's it. You didn't see the paperclip, but there's a paperclip there and they could see the paperclip, but maybe they didn't see the stapler because that was from your vantage point in perspective. And so through that exercise, it let me know that everybody has something to share and something from their perspective and you want to, you want to actually sanction it. You want to say, you know, you want to hear people because they have different experiences, just how they were raised, how they grew up. It doesn't define anything, but it simply says, wow, this person has something that they can share. Never walk up to a person thinking they don't have anything, you know, no. And so that just, it's more harmony that way, you know. Let that example taught me that different people have different perspectives. Also too, you're going to have a different perspective sometimes due to the gift that you have or the calling on your life or the plan that God has for your life, right? Like you may feel, I don't really need to swim, I'm never by water. But if you want to be one of the things that when I was trying, when not trying, but when I was looking at what it takes to be a Navy Seal, you're going to have to deal with water, you know. Sometimes we are situations that God is designing us for, for capacity, for what call is on your life. It's the same thing, but maybe just a little differently. And so if you're called to be a preacher, then you know, you may have that gift to be able to talk or be influential or you have that pastor's heart to care for God's people and care what's happening and follow up and follow your people through, go to the hospitals and call them up when they seem discouraged and, you know, pray, just, you know, earnestly for them for their soul, their spirit, their families, the things that concern them. And so, you know, that's not everybody's gift. Like some people are intercessors and you may hear them say, oh, you need to, we need to be interceded and we do. But someone's gift might be evangelical to be an evangelist. And so they're like, we need to get out on these streets. But according to the intercessor, maybe they should pray for the evangelist when they go out on the street and therefore that gifting is being exercised. But sometimes we try to make people who may not be gifted to even see or want to experience what we're saying. Not everybody's gifted to go to distant lands as missionaries and to, you know, go through that whole experience of setting ground and territory for the Lord. But some people, it comes natural. And so looking at other people have these various calls and things that are pulling them to think and move in a certain way. You know, my daughter loves working with two-year-olds and three toddlers, you know, infants and toddlers. And I'm like, oh, I can stand the noise that the fact that, you know, they got to change them. They really, they're actually, they're very, you know, you're trying to teach them everything about the world because they come in not knowing anything. You know, I prefer older, you know, those who are making decisions, I'm trying to make choices on, you know, whether I should bully somebody, whether I should not. Should I be vaping? Should I not? You know, I want to have those type of conversations and kind of lead them up. So we all have preferences, but never should I believe that my preference to work with, you know, fifth graders is better than someone's preference who wants to help guide them, you know, because they're two and three years old. Are you in this place in a situation where you have forgotten that and therefore things are not as peaceful as they can be because you think they're out to get you or you think they're not hearing you or because they're not siding with you like, oh, wow, they just don't understand and they may not. They only maybe understand from their point of view, their perspective. And so I'm just leaning on the fact that, you know, if we can't agree with one another, let's do so. If we can live in peace, let's do so. That way it invokes, invites God's presence, the God of love and peace will be here. Be with us, amen. And so I'm just excited about that scripture. What about John 14, 27? You know, he said, the peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, this is not going to be as the world gives, you know, I feel like the world gives temporary peace, like, you know, the things that they offer is temporary, but he said, give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. So God's peace doesn't always look like the world's peace, you know, the Bible says his peace passes all understanding that's that's in Philippians 4, 6 and 7. He said, look, be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, you know, and I, you know, and sometimes you can see this when something's really bothering you or you have a decision to make and you're seeking answers, you know, it's like you want to put yourself in an environment that is peaceful, you know, so that you can hear from the Lord, that you can, you know, and sometimes those emotions and those different thing points of views and feelings will begin to come up, pop, pop, you know, and, you know, but stay in that peace and look at it like this, like a video game, you're sitting in front of this, you know, this, you're sitting outside this door and, you know, and you have all these different ideas and thoughts coming. You get to squish it away, like not that one, no, you know, I'll keep that one, you know, no, you're the one, you are the doorkeeper of your thoughts and your emotions and you get to choose and allow which ones you're going to allow to come in. Which ones best represent you maintaining peace? Sometimes when I keep rehearsing things negatively, I won't find peace. I can't find peace in it, you know, and so you have to find, part of your responsibility of being that person to not give up is that you have to find your level of peace. What do you find peaceful and not? And what someone else may find peaceful, I think I gave an example last week being in that pod, you know, that, that chamber floating tank, they call it, at first it didn't give me peace, I got myself twisted all around in the water and didn't use it properly and didn't allow my mind to relax and therefore I was all over the place. And it was only until I finally had to get, go to the God of comfort, like God helped me, you know, it's like, you know, I paid money to be able to relax and to kind of hear your voice. That was kind of my thoughts, you know, and yet here I am panicking and trying to find the door and couldn't see, and the God of comfort said, peace, peace, like sometimes we need noise, like we, we don't, we, we, we have to have chaos and noise and when you don't, you create your own, you back that, are you a person that, you know, has to always have something moving and going a shaker or a mover maybe and things that have to be chaotic and disruptive. I think the older you get maybe you just want peace, sometimes quiet. I love going beside the still waters, you know, I love going by the water, that brings me peace, swimming all and it brings peace. One of the things that bring you peace, relax you, the quietness, you get to explore that, you get to, you know, discover that with God together, he's saying, look, you're not going to have peace worrying about stuff, you're not going to have peace, you know, always walking in fear, watching scary things, you know, I don't bring me peace at all. I don't want to see, I don't even want to see a commercial. I want, I want to keep things just smooth and peace and when, when, when things come to upset that, not to panic or get upset, but find that peace again. Find that scripture, find, find the Lord, go to that place that, you know, you've been before, you know, hide under the shadow of the almighty, hide under his wings, allow God to bring comfort to you, be willing to sit there a minute and reflect, hum, sing, encourage yourself, speak over yourself. John 1633 says, these things I have spoken to you, that in me, you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. But within itself is peaceful, knowing that God is already has a solution for these problems that I'm going through, that these are just light manners, light afflictions that God has a solution. He has already overcome the world. What I have to worry about, I just got to walk it through and he said, I am the way, the truth and the life. Well, that means if he's the way he's already been there, did it? Isn't that what we tell our younger kids? Isn't that what we tell our kids? Our grandchildren is like, look, I've experienced some things in life. You're just two, you know, you're just 10. I was telling my nephew the other day, hey, you're just 13, about to be 14. And I know that feels, you know, like you've had a lot of responsibility, but you're still not grown. You still don't know everything about how the world works and how, and the people in it. There's still some lessons that you can learn. And so who are we that God is the way and he said, I look, I've overcome the world. I've already been there, been there and did that. Why would you not follow me? Why would you not listen to what I'm saying? The dangers. Watch out for this. And watch out for that and maybe pick this up and try this. Why won't we trust God? Why would we not trust the God who says, listen, I have been through, I've experienced things. I've had sorrow. He said, but listen, I know you're going through tribulations right now. But if you're be of good cheer, that I've overcome the world, that's going to bring you peace. That knowledge right there, knowing that God has already, that he's already gone before me. He's already ordered my steps. It begins to bring you peace. And when the enemy tries to bring worry, you're like, stop, stop, stop, peace, be still. And then the example of the disciples in the boat and the winds and the waves were blowing and the rain was vehemently beating against the boat and things. And what happened, they became afraid and they said, God, Lord, he was sleeping. Don't you care that we're parishing this is awful out here. It's a storm out here. The radio says that we're going to die and he just woke up and said, peace, be still, peace, be still. And then he looked at them and he said, Oh, yeah, of little faith when situation comes, it shakes our faith. But he's saying, listen, don't listen to the storm, don't listen to the chaos, don't listen to all the voices and don't allow other people's fear to bring you fear. Listen to me, I'm going to lead you out of here, listen to me. I was coming from the car and my automatic light didn't come on. So it was the walkway and it was dark and my little granddaughter said, Nani, I'm scared. And I said, just take my hand and she grabbed my hand and I was so used to the path whether there was a light on just a light from the moon itself was enough for me to be able to navigate to the house. She didn't have that experience that too. She hadn't gone that path, that walkway long enough. She doesn't know really to rely on God. I sing her song. I'm not afraid because I have Jesus. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid because I have Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, I'm not afraid. Because I have Jesus. Experience helps us. Having had multiple experiences with Christ has helped us to have peace in the midst of the storm. Those thoughts that come we can say peace be still, knowing that God has already overcome the world should give us a sense of peace. And Proverbs 16 and 7 says, when a man's ways please the Lord. He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Wow. So what we're doing lines up with scripture and scripture pleases God, then somehow God finds ways to even make our enemy be at peace. Wow. Isaiah 26 and 3 says, and you will keep him in perfect peace. His mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. I will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you. Sometimes I turn these scriptures around to make it personal, but we want to trust God. But if we keep him in perfect peace, it's because our mind is stayed on him because we trust him. And so that has to be hallelujah. That has to be our foundation. Hallelujah. The Lord is asking us, hey, come, come to me. All you who labor and are heavy laden, he said, now I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me from gentle and lowly in heart. He said, you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burdens are light. He said, listen, I'm gentle, lowly in heart. I can help you find rest for your souls. My yoke is easy, but some of you have got some burdens. He'll be your burden bearer, heavy low carer. What do you do with all those burdens? You cast them before the feet of the Lord? He said, listen, cast all of your cares upon me for I care for you. God is urging us to not carry all those burdens. He is urging us, listen, trust in the rest that he can give us. Lock yourself up to God's way of doing things so you don't sink, that you don't give up, that you don't get frustrated, that you don't turn your anger into wrath and cause you to sin and get out of the will of God. All those things, those worries, those burdens that come to shake and take our faith. Hallelujah, give it to him, I can't do anything with him. So I've got to give him to you, Lord. I love Matthew 5 and 9, blessed, blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God, blessed are the peacemakers. Do you know that you'll be blessed if you are a peacemaker? You'll be blessed in many ways, amen. One, because you're surrounding yourself with the ingredients that bring about peace, right? And that is going to have a ripple effect to cause us, amen, to be called sons of God. God's like, yeah, that's my, that's my, that's my people right there, because they are peacemakers. They don't go around looking for trouble. They're not always contentious. You know, some people argue minute and contentious mood swings, you know? One day they, you can't really count on them emotionally, you can't count on them. Too emotional. One minute, they're smiling, they're okay, and you're like, oh, wow. Maybe they got through the storm and the next minute, next day, they're erratic, mad, moving in their flesh, going to do things that aren't biblical, not going to bring them peace, going to bring them strife, cause them to fall. Romans 14, 17, 19, for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up building. That's got to be our way of doing things. We've got to be ready to pursue peace at all. I won't say at all costs, cause sometimes you might just, you know, can't. Sometimes you have to walk away. Sometimes you may have to make a stand, right? But we definitely, our motive is to be peaceful and for mutual up building that we want it to be our way of communication, our way of being, who we are. And when we are in peace, amen, guess what? We're blessed. And when we are blessed, amen, and walking in peace, then guess what? The enemy cannot steal our joy, he cannot steal our peace unless we allow him. And we, because we know the Word of God and because we have relationship with God, we will not allow ourselves to be topsy-turvy and we will not allow ourselves to give up because it is not an option. I want to thank you for listening. You have been listening to Never Give Up, we're giving up as not an option. I'm your host, Rochelle Jones, and I just want to remind you that greatness, greatness is on the inside of you, continue to glorify God and all that you do. God bless. See you next week. [BLANK_AUDIO]