The Howie Carr Radio Network

Another Day of Picking up the Tab for the Dirty Hippies | 4.9.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

After the news of the MBTA worker who lived in Hawaii on a six-figure salary came out, Howie hopes nothing has shaken your faith in the integrity of Massachusetts public transportation.

Broadcast on:
09 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I'm leaving. We've got a solar eclipse. We've got the air on the hallway. Random hallway. The Raptor is here. Raptor's here. And then also I learned that sicadas are coming. All those things together would maybe lead one to believe that whenever I'm about to do something, I think, would an idiot do that? And if they would, I do not do that thing. Live from the Matthew's Brother Studios. A full moon is that complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases. That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it. No, it's right. It's not all right. The question is why how could we as humans live on the moon? Are the gases such that we could do that? Sorry, tennis. Dumb questions, give them that. And I tell you what, I really wonder why do I commute every single day? Over a million miles round trip over the time I was in the United States Senate. Why are they changing this medication? Look at me! I'm Speedy. I can tell here. Whoa. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Carr. Over a million miles. I guess he meant to say that that was the total, but that seems rather doubtful, doesn't it? Wilmington is not that far from D.C. And he didn't take the damn train every day. Come on, who's kidding who? Nobody takes the train or the subway or the bus every day. Or very few people do. No one who has a choice does. We all know that. Even if you had a Charlie Carr, you didn't want to take the train every day, did you? If you had a choice, if someone was going into town? Yeah. Hell yeah. Anyway, 844-500-4242-844-542-513. Howie speaking of playing dumb or being dumb is an AOC, the one who claimed not to know what a garbage disposal was in her apartment during the COVID lockdown. Yes. Yeah. She lived in New York City and when she was in college, she lived in Boston. But she didn't know what a garbage disposal was at the age of about 30. Not terribly, about as believable as her going to medical school. All right. 844-500-4242-542. Biden delivered remarks on the care economy, whatever the hell the care economy is today in D.C. And part of it was the million miles, the million miles round trip. That's to the moon and back twice. And a little extra on top of it. But again, he must have meant his entire career. His word as a Biden. His word as a Biden. Cut to. My dad, you say a job. He's giving my words as a trade. A job's about a lot more than a paycheck is about your dignity. I thought he was going to say my word. My word is a Biden. But he didn't. He didn't say Biden. No, I did what that was. That's one of those one. Maybe I'll look it up tomorrow at the in the in the White House transcript. I'm sure they're they're puzzling over it right now. It's I doubt it's posted. This event only took place about seven, eight hours ago. Okay, now here we have a statement where we have his statement and then we have KJP trying to explain it. So first, first Brandon's statement here. Cut eight. My predecessor and his MAGA friends want to. I love the phrase the language used. They want to terminate the Affordable Care Act. Terminate. Well, guess what? Killing millions of Americans, taking them off of health care, insurance, stripping others and services like home care. Killing millions of Americans. That's what he said. Is that inflammatory rhetoric? So they asked KJP about this. He said he wanted to the Republicans want to kill millions of Americans. And that was a 22nd cut, but she's going to take more than three times that long to try to explain what he said and not not very well either, of course. Cut 15. President mean to essentially accused Republicans of murder. I mean, the language that he was using to describe opposition to the Affordable Care Act. The quote was they want to terminate the Affordable Care Act. Terminate. Well, guess what? Killing millions of Americans. Does he think that Republicans are trying to kill Americans? I think you're taking the most extreme definition or extreme evaluation of what the president said. Here's the reality. The Affordable Care Act, which obviously started in the Obama Biden administration, the president expanded on that, making sure that people have affordable health care that saves lives. It does. It is important. What you're taking what he said to the most extreme part of your definition or your realization. I know, but let's be really clear. People having health care is important. It saves lives. It is important to have that. The fact that this president was able to expand that is important, right? You're using an extreme definition of kill. How dare you use? He said the word kill, but he didn't mean kill. You're using the extreme definition of kill, meaning to terminate. By the way, KJP, before we go back to Brandon, how are things going with the inflation? The inflation is out of control. I think everyone could agree on that. Everyone who's driven by a gas station recently, everyone who's been to a supermarket recently, everyone who's made an inquiry about buying a house. How's inflation doing? How are things doing? Cut 14. Flation's at 3.2%. It's higher than it was in January. Are there any concerns that this inflation we saw last year is starting to fall out? So look, I'm going to say that this is a president that is doing everything that we can to fight inflation, right? To build an economy from the bottom up, middle out. And we've been pretty consistent about that. And over what we have seen over the past several months is that inflation is down two-thirds and core inflation is at the lowest since it since May of 2021. That matters. Wages are rising faster than prices over the last year since the pandemic. We've seen 15 million jobs created because of the policies that this president has put forward. Some really historic bipartisan even legislation that's coming to law that help create those millions of jobs. Unemployment is at under 4%. Is there more work to be done? Absolutely. We're going to continue to do everything that we can to get another two or three jobs to pay for all the illegal aliens for inflation. For example, we're going to continue over housing costs, which we know really hurts families. Not by the newcomers. 844-542-42. How about Tiffany Hynyard, the mayor of Dalton, Illinois? She's an appropriate name for the mayor. She's adult, the mayor of Dalton. She's being investigated now. She's bankrupting the city, spending all this money on travel, security, cosmetics. And the place is a tiny village. She's very angry about her constituents turning on her. Cut 10. But everything we do, we do for the people, but we under attack. We're getting scrutinized in the media for what? Loving on the people? Showing them that they matter to us? We're going through the fires for y'all. Loving on the people. She's loving on the people. What should your constituent? How should they feel about coming after you? Mayor Hynyard of Dalton, Illinois, cut 11. Y'all should be ashamed of y'all. Black y'all are black and y'all sitting up here beating and attacking on a black woman. That's in power. Y'all should be ashamed of y'allself. Is that Mayor Hynyard or is that Claudine Gay from Harvard University? Or is that Lauren Graves, the former Human Relations Director for the District of Columbia Public Library System? Cut 12. Y'all forget I am the leader. They want to hear from the mayor. If y'all ain't learned that yet, the mayor, not the trustees, that don't do nothing. That only run they map. Y'all don't do no work, no work. The trustees, those are like the city council or the selectman. Y'all don't do no work. 844-542-42. We'll be back with more Brandon cuts and your calls in just a moment on Maui Carr. The Maui Carr Show. Maui Carr is back. Help Mom tune out all the noise this Mother's Day with a brand new pair of Raycon Everyday Earbuds. She'll get audio quality she loves at a price you will love even more. Right now get 20% off plus free shipping at That's Have great product as Taylor can tell you. He'll tell you more later when we do another spot on Raycon. Taylor what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is do you agree with the prison sentences for the Michigan killer's parents today? Yes, no or still thinking about it? No, I do not. 48% say no, 33% say yes and 19% say there's still thinking about it. All right. It flipped around a little bit in the first couple hours. Now it seems to be steady. Pretty not much change over the last hour. All right. If you go to and click on store we still have a great cheap bastard deal for from Grace's goodies. It's flip lock. It's a residential lock, an upgrade to your security. It's a $60 deal for just $30 and if you haven't heard our podcast, meet the experts podcast about it or you haven't checked it out. You can go to go check out the podcast or you can watch it. You can read up on it at the at the store click on store. It's 10 times stronger than a deadbolt, 10 times stronger than a deadbolt. And it would take the most powerful intruder about 1300 kicks to begin to tear down the lock. It also protects against entry from those with spare pass keys. It instantly turns any room into a safe room. It installs in less than five minutes. It's made from industrial grade aluminum and stainless steel. It's a good buy. And the city of Revere is buying the industrial strength flip locks for its schools to put them on the inside doors so that if an intruder gets through the front door, they can just lock, flip the flip lock and make the classrooms secure. And you can do the same thing for you or your kids if they're in their own first apartments or college dorms, whatever. And we have fewer than 10 left, haven't we? We have fewer than 10 left. So it's they're almost gone. So now's your probably your last chance to get a flip lock. $60 value for 30 bucks go to and click on store click on store. All right, let's let's play a couple more brand than cuts before we go back to the calls. I want to read some more. A lawsuit has been filed today by seven districts, excuse me, attorneys general trying to stop this latest loan cancellation for hippies. And I hope they hope they succeed. But again, even if they win the case, is it going to stop Biden? He's got he's got a ruling against them from the Supreme Court and he didn't care. All right. Cut three parents opportunity to get back to work. Well, I'll tell you what, you want to come make his speech or shush up. Okay. I'm not Mr. Allen. He looks like he could take ash me. Wait a second. I thought you could kick ass. I thought you were going to take Trump out behind a barn. Now, now you're dealing with some Nazi wino. And you say it looks like he can take me, which you probably can, by the way, cut four. Up to 12 weeks to care for a new board a sick, sick, loved one. This is loved one. Cut five. Look, I'm a capitalist, but I want to make sure that, you know, if you make a million bucks, great. Just start paying your fair share in taxes. By the way, when does Hunter's trial start on income tax evasion in LA? I think it's June 3rd. There's two trials. There's one June 3rd and the other one. I think the one in Delaware starts on June 20th. You think Biden can make the opening statement, the opening argument for the prosecution, just pay your fair share, Hunter. You wouldn't be here if you were paying your fair share. Let's hear that one again. This is the opening statement again, and Hunter Biden's his son's income tax evasion trial, which is scheduled to start in a federal court in LA. June 3rd, I believe cut five. Look, I'm a capitalist, but I want to make sure that, you know, if you make a million bucks, great. Just start paying your fair share in taxes. Now this is the biggest whopper of the, well, one of the biggest whoppers of the day. Cut sex. Our administration, our administration already cut the deficit by $1 trillion. I'm going to cut even more of this deck up and making big corporations very wealthy begin to pay their fair share. He's cut the deficit by $1 trillion. Is that true? I don't believe that is true. Let me, I'm just going right now. Let's see here. I know I got it. I'm looking for it in the Wall Street Journal. I don't seem to have it right in front of me here, but I will find it as we, as we, oh, here it is. The six month federal budget deficit. You know what it is for six months? $1.1 trillion, $1.1 trillion in six months. Interest on the public debt rose 43% and now it now exceeds defense outlays. For the record, the Congressional Budget Office reported yesterday the federal budget deficit for the first six months of fiscal 2024 ending in March was $1.064 trillion. $1.064 trillion. What did he say? Cut sex. Our administration, our administration already cut the deficit by $1 trillion. I'm going to cut even more of this deck up. Can I give me a fact checker and I'll find their fair share. Paging Glenn Kessler, Paging Daniel Dale. Tom, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Tom. Yeah, don't mention Glenn Kessler. I'm eating right now, okay. Go ahead. That's the same guy that talked about white rural people voting for Donald Trump. I really wish I could sit down and have a beer with him and say, you know something, I'm a union electrician that made a very, very good living during the 80s and the 90s working around the country. And you're going to be condescending to me. I would probably take a beer and slosh it in his face. But the reason why I called is the parents of this kid that shot up, yes, they need to be held accountable. However, I'll hold on. Okay, hold on. You can hang on, hang on, Tom. He looks down his nose at union people, by the way. And I'm one. Tom's one. He thinks he's better than us. And how are we going? [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Here's another lie. Okay, just one more before you go back to Tom. Another one for, I know, I don't want to, people are eating dinner, so I shouldn't mention the names of the fact checkers, but this is another one for cut seven. For my plan, nobody earning less than $400,000. You're paying extra penny taxes. I don't, I hope that it does. Did he say, I hope that's right? Well, it's not right. Okay. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, they're already paying more in taxes. Go ahead, Tom. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, Holly, with regards to the parents, with their child that shot up for schoolmates, okay, in my opinion, they were irresponsible for not having those guns locked up. Yes. I'm an NRA member since 1982. However, I have never, ever heard of a person that was convicted of selling firearms illegally when the person who purchased those firearms murdered somebody. And to me, it's selective prosecution. Right. Exactly. That's a problem. I own the house in Brockton, Massachusetts. As you know, reported on the news, in Brockton High School, you have young males and females beating teachers. And one of the women that I go to the local church here in Brockton has told me she is scared. I can't use the word, okay, but she's extremely frightened of these kids, okay, because she knows if she does something wrong, she will get beaten to a pulp. And there's not much she can do for recourse, all right? Right. And that's why they've had a variety of different people from different backgrounds saying put in the National Guard. And as I have said, you need to hold the parents accountable. Nobody wants to hold the parents accountable. No, of course not. Boiled brass. Well, and you know what, I don't want to hear about moving forward in this country from progressives, because you know something, you're allowing one group of people of parents not to be held accountable, but the fact that you don't like parents that get their kids guns, well, they need to be held accountable. We'll tell that to a teacher who gets her eyesocked and bashed in at Brockton High School. I'm sick of hearing about this. You know what, hold everybody accountable. And I don't know. Right. They know they just they say, you know, the liberals say tonight, well, everybody has to be held accountable. But were the people who beat up the cops at Target on the on the East Side in Manhattan yesterday, were they held accountable? No, they were legal aliens living on welfare. And they were immediately released after sending a couple of cops to the hospital. No, they were not held accountable. And you know what, that's where I tell my labor union, you know what, I'm giving you the siskel and ebert, two middle fingers up. I don't want to hear about it from some high paid hack that's living high off the hog. Okay, I'm an American first. I'm a union member second. And I don't care. You can ostracize me all you want. I don't give a damn anymore. Okay. And at some point, I have to say, you know, something this is not the same country I grew up in, because if this was 1988, and people behave, they were now in a chestnut Hill mall, they would get a nice stick beaten across their head. Am I right or am I wrong? I don't know if they get a night stick on in the chestnut Hill mall, but they would be pushed out. They would be told to leave for sure. They would be handled roughly. Let's put it that way. Yeah, that's just the way it is. And I agree about the unions too. I'm not in a union anymore. I get a union pension. But you know, it always bugged me that they were using my money to support Democrat candidates who wanted to make sure that I could never get the job that I had that was paying the union dues. If they if their policies, the Democrat policies went through, you know, even then even then they didn't like people that look like me. And the Democrats have been down on people. I don't know why I don't know why I don't know why anyone who works for a living is a Democrat actually. You don't have to be with doesn't matter what color you are gender sexual preference. The Democrats don't like people who work. And I'm going to talk about like the, you know, the DEI worker in DC. I'm talking about people with real jobs. Thanks for the call, Tom. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Let me just read you the story. It'll make you feel a little bit. I don't know how good how much this means, but it'll make you feel good just to just to hear what the attorneys general are saying. Led by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a coalition of seven states, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio and Oklahoma, filed suit today against Biden's latest attempt to buy votes via a phony and unlawful promise of student loan quote unquote forgiveness. This is what Bailey said in a statement. With a stroke of his pen, Biden is attempting to saddle working Missourians with a half trillion dollars in college debt. The United States Constitution makes it clear that the president lacks the authority to unilaterally quote unquote cancel student loan debt for millions of Americans without express permission from Congress. The president does not get to thwart the Constitution when it suits his political agenda. I'm filing suit to halt his brazen attempt to curry favor with some citizens by forcing others to shoulder their debts. The Constitution will continue to mean something as long as I'm attorney general. Good. More from the complaint. Yet again, the president is unilaterally trying to expose an extraordinarily expensive and controversial policy that he could not get through Congress. This latest attempt to sidestep the Constitution is only the most recent example in a long but troubling pattern of the president relying on innocuous language from decades old statutes to impose drastic costly policy changes on the American people without their consent. Yeah, the what he was using the first time was the 2003 Heroes Act, which allows the executive to quote modify loan terms in an emergency. And according to Chief Justice John Roberts, not not my favorite, not your favorite, but in this case, he was pretty pretty droll. He said the administration modified loans quote in the same sense that the French Revolution modified the status of the French nobility. 844 542 42. Dan, you're next with how we car go ahead, Dan. Hey, how we thanks for taking the call. These people are pathological liars of the highest order, man. They say, let me be clear right when they're about to obscure every fact that there is. They say everyone should be held accountable, you know, if it is gun violence and stuff like that. Right. What about hunter tote and a gun should should. Yeah, that's the that's the that's the June 20th trial in Delaware. There's two of them coming up in June. One for income tax evasion, pay your fair share. And one for having a for lying on a federal form, which is obstruction of justice perjury. And he has how about wait a sec. You know, now that you mentioned it, Dan, you know, they talk about these these people in Michigan, these parents, the crumblies are going to prison for 10 20 10 to 15 years because they they were irresponsible with this gun that the kid used. What about hunter? Hunter leaving the gun in a trash can next to a high school next to a high school. Was that irresponsible? I would say it is. Did Hunter show any warning signs that he might have been a problem child as he was growing up, but we're not clear. And you know, the thing is he, you know, Dan, they the judge said today in Michigan that the parents didn't show any remorse. Has Hunter shown any remorse for for leaving that gun in a trash can behind a supermarket next to a high school? I don't believe he has none. None. None that I've seen. And I mean, I haven't seen any remorse or many of these people for from anything that they've done, Howie. I'm there. It's pathological. You know, and then when they cornered KJP about this, you know, where he said the Republicans want to kill Americans, she's like, well, you say kill is if that, you know, that means it's like they they words have no significance to them whatsoever. It's all just lies, whatever, whatever. If Trump says bloodbath in the context of an economic catastrophe, which he was doing, they call they say that he should be held to the strictest meaning of the word. But when Biden says Republicans want to kill Americans, ah, it's nothing. It's nothing. I know it's clearly he's promoting violent rhetoric, right? But but nobody, you know, everybody has to be accountable for their words unless they're Democrats, that's the different, you know, right? It's it's crazy. It's crazy world. You have to be accountable for everything unless you're a Democrat, whether it's a whether it's shoplifting or beating up a cop, leaving a gun in a in a in a trash can next little high school evading income taxes, using cocaine, taking daughters showers with your daughter who's 11 years old, not that you can't be held accountable for anything if you're a Democrat. Thanks for the call, Dan. I want to play this cut. I meant the I wasn't going to play this cut because it's just so nasty and stupid. But I heard it this morning on another radio station, Chris Plant show, and I said, you know what? I should have played it. This is this crazy woman from a blackish, which I have no idea. Jennifer Lewis, but she's out of her mind. She's insane. I mean, she's crazier than the adult mayor of Dalton. She's crazier than KJP. She's crazier than AOC. This is she's crazier than Sonny Hosta or or or any or Sheila Jackson Lee. This is the craziest thing you're going to hear all day. This is she's she's talking about she's on some podcast. And again, she's she makes a lot of money. I guess she's the star of this show that some people watch. It's called blackish. Name's Jennifer Lewis, but she's talking about what Trump's going to do if he's reelected. Cut five. As soon as he takes the oath, he will have generals walk down the steps of the capital. He will take a hammer and break the glass where the Constitution is. And he will tear it up in our faces. And say now I'm the king of the world. You will bow down. He will punish everybody that didn't vote him. Let me tell y'all how I know this. I know it because I know what mental illness looks like. Now we do too. That mania is unstoppable. See this mother is Hitler. He didn't come to play. It's over. Thank goodness. He didn't come to play. Why did he do any of this stuff in his first two? He had four years to take the hammer to the Constitution and send the generals down the steps and declare himself mother bleep and Hitler. But he didn't do it. We'll make sure that he's doing it now. I mean, he tried nothing like Biden has been trying just with the student loans. Forget about the rest of it. Everything he's done. But he had Trump never even tried to do something as ultimately minor as the student loans as irritating as it is. But she knows better. She knows better. She knows about mental illness. Her name is Jennifer Lewis. Ever notice when you ask moms what they want from Mother's Day? So many of them just ask for one day of peace and quiet. Good luck in whatever family you're in. Maybe you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities, but at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon airbuds. Raycons every day airbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and to tune into something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love at a price you'll love even more about half the price. I use my Raycons pretty much every day. So does Taylor. Tell them about how you use your Raycons Taylor. Every single day in the car where I'm at the gym or maybe starting to do some yard work at the house. It makes everything that much more enjoyable. Whatever you're doing, listening to music, listening to podcasts or whatever you want to listen to. It's your world and it's brought to you by Raycon. You know your mother, your father, your high school or college graduate that's about to get out of school. Anybody you know, including yourself, would use these Raycon everyday airbuds. They're great and they last a long, a long time. You don't have to worry during the week about recharging them. They have eight hours of playtime, a 32 hour battery life. They are up to the task, whatever you, whatever you want to listen to them for. They, they have three customizable sound profiles, earbud tap functions, noise isolation and awareness mode, optimized gel tips for custom comfortable fits. They won't look awkward in your ears like so many earbuds look like. It's just the best earbuds available, Raycons and also the best price. You won't be disappointed. Mom won't be disappointed. Dad won't be disappointed at Father's Day. The grads won't be disappointed. Whatever you're giving them to, they're going to be happy with their Raycons. Seriously, just for starters, they make the best mothers they gift there is and Raycon offers easy 30 day returns just in case. Go to today to get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right. You'll get 20% off and free shipping at I'm Howie Car. Want more from The Howie Car Show? Yes, always. Watch Howie Live at Howie Car Show. He's not just another pretty face. Me as an extraordinarily good looking man. He's Howie Car. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. The Howie Car Show is back. 844-542. Someone that texts in. Wasn't it the girlfriend, his sister-in-law that dropped the gun in the trash can? Yeah, but Hunter, it was Hunter's gun. Just like the parents didn't shoot these, the students at the high school, but it was their gun. They bought the gun. So Hunter is as responsible for that gun being there as the parents were for the kids being shot. He has to pay the price. He has to go to prison. For at least no one was killed, but he should go to prison for at least a few years. Shouldn't he under the under the new Democrat standards that we have? 844-542. It's 3.02. The Biden administration knows that debt cancellation is unconstitutional. Yeah, I do, but they don't care. When the normies listening to mainstream media here, here is that Biden canceled debt. What they don't get is that their debt canceled. It just means it's being transferred. Yeah, no, I know. I know. When they don't get their debt canceled, they blame Republicans. It's vote Biden for student debt relief or it's blame Republicans and vote Biden. They win either way. If everybody in the country was getting student debt relief, but only a relative small minority of people are getting it. The rest of us are paying for it. Who paid our debt, didn't get any debt, got education through the GI Bill or just plain didn't go to college. We are the vast majority of people and we're picking up the tab for the dirty hippies. This is something from the Wall Street Journal here very quickly. Barrowers who can't find or don't want gainful employment could find their loans canceled simply by claiming a hardship. Hardship. One example the White House gives is child care expenses. Get ready for an elastic definition of hardship. Rocky, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Rocky. Oh, we thanks. Take a mic call. I just got a couple of things I want to run by you quickly. Can you name one person in Biden's cabinet? Just one person that belongs there because of merit or brain. It's a first question. It's rhetorical. I know that. And I just heard that Jackson Lee and that other idiot and they're going to take the SR-71 Blackbird up tomorrow to look at the moon. That's what I heard. You know, once they get near the moon, they better not don't light a cigarette. It's just like when you're near gasoline, you don't want to light a cigarette. Stay away. And what if they blew up the moon with a cigarette? What would that do to the tides? eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two forty two. Biden boasts that it is already that he has already approved a hundred and forty six billion in student debt relief for four million Americans through more than two dozen executive actions. Thirty six thousand five hundred dollars per barrel. Have you got any of that money?