The Howie Carr Radio Network

Do Chickens Get 10-15 Years for a Very Bad Egg | 4.9.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Let's call it the Crumbley Question. Jennifer and James Crumbley, the parents of Oxford school shooter Ethan Crumbley, have been charged with manslaughter. Sure, they're horrible parents. But are they murderers? Howie and the callers discuss the gray area, the unprecedented judgement, and more.

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09 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I'm leaving. We've got a solar eclipse. We've got the air on the hallway. It's ran down the hallway. The raptor is here. The raptor is here. And then also I learned that saccadas are coming. All those things together, what maybe made one to believe that... Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, would an idiot do that? And if they would, I do not do that thing. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. A full moon is that complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases. That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it. No, it's right. It's not our answer. The question is why, how could we as humans live on the moon? Are the gases such that we could do that? Sorry, Taylor, it's a dumb question. Skip that. And I tell you what. I really wonder why do I commute every single day? Over a million miles round trip over the time I was in the United States Senate. Why do they keep changing his medication? Look at me! I'm speedy. I can tell here. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car... Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-844-542. So we're going to keep talking about the Ethan Crumbly's parents' case in Michigan today. They are the parents of this guy who's now 17 years old. And he went on a rampage in 2021. They're killing four students, injuring six more and also a teacher at Oxford High School in Michigan. And now his parents have been sentenced to between 10 and 15 years behind bars. On involuntary manslaughter charges. They were convicted at separate trials. The convictions of the first time in US history parents have been held accountable for a school shooting carried out by their child. They were convicted of failing to intervene despite obvious warning signs that their son was troubled and for failing to keep a gun locked away in their home. They didn't do it. They're going to prison for a crime they didn't commit. I don't know. It's scary to me that you can, as 207 says, the idea that someone can be convicted of a crime they didn't commit is an extremely dangerous precedent to establish. It's exactly what's happening to Trump and all the January 6th defendants for that matter or the vast majority of them. No matter what kind of dirt bag they or anyone else is, this should never in the United States be allowed to happen going to prison for a crime they did not commit or orchestrate like Manson or a mob boss. Sometimes you commission a crime and then you're part of the conspiracy under traditional Anglo-American law. But this is a bridge that I don't think has ever been taken before. 844-542-42. How about the way the FBI ignored calls to stop those military-based shooters too? And they ignored Maine's recent mass shooter. How about that? Yeah, how about that? Alright, is anyone going to prison for a card? They knew he was screwed up. Nobody did anything about that, did they? Because they didn't want to be judgmental. Yeah, that's a very good point, 207. 844-542-42. 603. I love your show and I listen to it every day, but I'm astonished at how you're giving these absolutely dumb parents a pass. I know the way these things operate. You know, you start with an arguable point and the left takes it all the way. And again, is anyone going to be, there are now cases where these children that were emasculated had double mastectomies, whatever, are now detransitioning, but it's too late. You can't grow back those parts of your body. Should someone go to prison for that? I mean, for the genital mutilation of children? How about that? I'm not given the dumb-ass parents a pass. I'm just saying that again, we have a double standard here. Say if it's politically correct to, to genitally mutilate a child, that's okay. Apparently, right now, maybe it won't always be. But it should never, in my opinion, it should never be okay to mutilate a child. But, you know, the PC crowd says it is. And they say that if you say it's wrong, you're engaging in hate speech. I guess I'm engaging in hate speech right now. And you probably agree with me, so you're engaging in hate plot, if you agree with me. So, you know, I've never been in favor of hate crimes. What is a hate crime, exactly? I mean, if you kill somebody, do you love them? No. No. Why do you need to elevate the charge with calling it a hate crime? Obviously, it's a hate crime. How can you see in somebody's mind, incidentally, if it's a hate crime or not? So, I want to keep it real basic here. And I'm in favor of punishing people who commit crimes, but they actually have to commit the crimes. And they can't be fought crimes, either, in my opinion. 844-500-4242. Today proves you can go to prison for someone else's crimes. But if the deep state gets its way, thought crimes will be prosecuted soon enough. But again, and this is 508. This is the point I made earlier about what's going on in New York City just today with these illegal alien Venezuelan gangbangers. But illegal alien gangbangers attack cops, rob, rape, kill, murder, no bail, free to terrorize the rest of us. Yeah. But these people in Michigan, again, they're terrible parents. They admit they're terrible parents. But how are they different than anybody else? And how do you know? You don't know what your spouse is going to do. How do you know what your kid's going to do? You don't know what your kid's going to do. Sometimes you don't even know what you're going to do. 844-500-4242. And again, people keep coming back to the Biden family. Does this mean we can prosecute Joe for hunters' crimes when there were obvious signs of issues? How about the crimes against his daughter on her own account? Those were even worse than the crimes against Hunter. 844-500-4242. And again, I'm not defending the crumblies, the parents. Sal, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Sal. Holly, that's why I've been on hold of what you were just saying. So if you polled 100 liberals, they would all, I guarantee you, agree and say, "Oh, yes, it's gun crimes. Parents have to be held accountable." But yet, on the other hand, they don't want parents to know about their 12 or 13-year-old going to school and getting, you know, a hormone on hormones. And puberty blockers, and they think that parents should know nothing about that. Right. So that's hypocrisy, big time, hypo-hypocrisy, you know? Yeah, so suppose the parents had let this kid see snuff, or not, you know, not watched him when he was watching violent movies, or even snuff videos, you know, in the dark web. Now, that would be a terrible thing, right? So they would go to jail for that, according to the liberal dogma. But yet, it's a hate crime if you stop the kid who's, when he's eight years old, from getting a book about, uh, about pedaracity and pedophilia out of the school library, right? Same thing, isn't it? Sal? Absolutely, absolutely. I mean, it's the first thing I thought of this morning, because I didn't really, I didn't know about this case. I mean, I knew about the shooting back then, but I just heard about it today, that they were found guilty. And it's the first thing I thought of was, you know, they want, you know, they want to, they want to both ways, liberals, you know? If it involves guns, oh, yeah, I know, the parents did. They should be charged. Everything has to be either prohibited or mandatory. There's nothing in between for these people. You know, they're totalitarian. The kids are Jimmy, but when he goes to school, the teachers all want to call him Jamie. And don't tell the parents, and he can, you know, dress up how he wants when he's at school. Don't tell the parents, though. We'll keep it from the parents. The parents don't need to know, but when it's guns or anything like all the parents, they should be charged. Oh, yeah, the parents should definitely be charged, therefore. Yeah, I don't know. I think this is a bad decision. And, you know, when it's happening in Michigan, Michigan is a very bad state for the Bill of Rights. You know, I mean, Gretchen Whitmer, you know, she wouldn't let you buy seeds during COVID, because somehow that was a bad thing. But her husband could go out on the Great Lakes all by himself at a boat when no one else was prohibited. Everyone else was prohibited from going out in the boat. You couldn't get your haircut in a barbershop room. They arrested that old guy. We had him on the show once. He had a one-chair barbershop, and they arrested him. But yet, once, you know, in Illinois, Lori Lightfoot bans barbershops, but she gets haircuts for herself. They all, or, you know, are the French laundry, you know? You know, Gavin Newsom and the mayor of San Francisco, London Brie, go go into the French laundry. They have a nice banquet with no masks on, and everybody else is shut down, not just in the Bay Area, but everywhere in California. It's all these double standards. They would -- no Democrat would ever go to jail for something like this. I guarantee you. And, you know, that's not paranoia. That's just life experience since the deep state got its boot on the throat of the American people. 844-542-978, bank robbery gone wrong, guard is killed, driver of car also charged with murder. I don't have a problem with that. Yeah, I think that's -- I've seen that situation in Massachusetts, people have argued, well, he didn't know it was going to be it. But he knew they were going in with guns, and he knew that there could be shooting, and he was driving the getaway car. I think, in that case, you do charge the guy with murder, and I have no problems with the people that I've seen that have gone to prison for a long, long time because of that. 844-542-42, spring is here, and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier Thunderstorm air purifier 3-pack. Paul Rizzo, from Rizzo Insurance, just ordered another 3 with Code Howie 3. He uses them in both his home and his office, and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well they work and how affordable they are. Dave Hinchi has one in every room with the Nosset Beach Inn. Dr. Matha Vett swears by them. 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That's the number 3 in Get Years Now. That's code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. Leave a message for the big guy. Call the Chumpline. 844-542-442. Press 2 and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at 5 to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. The Emperor of Hate, HoweyCar, is back. 844-542-442. Help Mom tune out all the noise this Mother's Day with a brand new pair of Raycon Everyday Earbuds. She'll get audio quality she loves and a price you'll love even more. Right now, get 20% off plus free shipping at Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, do you agree with the prison sentences for the Michigan killer's parents today? Yes, no, or is still thinking about it. No. 44% say no, 38% say yes, 18% say still thinking about it. Alright, now here's the prosecution case from a texter. The parents' new 15-year-old had mental health issues and father still brought him a gun but didn't lock it up. Mother took him to a shooting range but didn't lock up gun afterwards. Son drew pictures of a gun shooting people. The gun he drew looked exactly like his gun. She went to school and saw son's picture but never said it looked like a gun they gave him or even that they gave him a gun. She went back to work, didn't search his school backpack or their home for gun. A trial mother asked if she hadn't even regrets or would have done anything differently. She said no. Okay, again, she's a bad parent. She's not much of a human being, obviously. But how often do you think situations like this happen? Why is she being singled out? What about all the kids in the inner city who have no supervision whatsoever or are the kids anywhere? Is this the only kid who had no supervision? But they're the ones that are going to jail and again, you're setting a dangerous precedent here. If they can go after these people for being bad parents, they can go after you for being bad parents. But are they going after Joe Biden for being a bad parent? No, they're not. No. Are they going after, I don't know, Sheldon Whitehouse, the senator from Rhode Island, his kid's been in a lot of problems with boozing it up, right? Is he facing any jail time and he belongs to all white country clubs, all white yachting clubs, all at wasp, all Protestant clubs. But he doesn't get nailed for any hate crimes or, you know, being a bad parent, does he? Because he's a Democrat. He hates Brett Kavanaugh. He wants to put Trump in prison. This is very, very Soviet Union style. I'm sorry. That's the way I look at it. And I didn't used to be this paranoid. But experience with the deep state in recent years has taught me to be extremely, extremely skeptical of any kind of reform that's offered. Rose, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rose. Thanks, Howie. I think the point I wanted to make was already made by sale. And one of them is, how can you make parents responsible when they have totally been all of their control, all of their interest in how they want to raise their child has been undermined by the government from the snacks you send in their school lunch box to what they're learning, to the books they read, to the movies they see. And as you, as was noted, what goes on behind your back, how can you fix it when they're 20, when you're not allowed to fix it at all, including even how you want to discipline your child. Whether you support corporal punishment or not, or spankings or timeouts, if you don't have the means to deliver the message to your children of how you want their behavior, then how can you be responsible later. I think it's crazy that they're going to put these people on the line when they make an issue. If you put your hand on a kid, even in good faith, it's not about that. If you're on the wrong side of the political spectrum, Rose, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. If they don't like your political views, they can come after you for being too tough on the kid or not being tough enough on the kid. And they do. You can't put it past them. And I'll tell you, one thing I would do if I were those parents, I didn't follow the trial to know what decisions they made, but I would have put how the kid was educated. And his doctor's on trial, turn it around on them. This is why you taught him. This is how you encouraged him to be. How about the drugs? Did the doctors prescribe him any drugs that might be dangerous to him? You know, especially the young males are getting all kinds of weird drugs to keep them, quote, unquote, under control. 844-542-42, I'm how we are. Looking to give a mom in your life the gift of peace and quiet this Mother's Day, maybe you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities. But at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds. Raycon's everyday earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love. At a price you'll love even more. With custom gel tips for a comfortable in-air fit, 8 hours of playtime, and a 32-hour total battery life, Raycons are perfect for all day lists. Raycon everyday earbuds also come with three customizable sound profiles, noise isolation, and awareness mode. Maybe that explains the tens of thousands of five-star reviews. Right now get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping when you go to That's 20% off and free shipping at Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242-781. Can we finally put the woman who said he's a good boy, a very good boy in prison? I think probably the statute of limitations has expired on her. He's a good boy, a very good boy. Ten years for you. Shouldn't he extra for the U of all the Texas go to prison now because he decided not to stop the shooter? And the parents of the Marjory Stonham school massacre should have been arrested long ago since there were numerous visits to their house by law enforcement. How about the FBI? They got a call to the hotline tip center in Idaho from the aunt, and they gave it to the sheriff, you know, a half-hearted thing to the sheriff down in Broward County who's now gone. And what about him? What about the guy who the security guard at the high school who didn't go in? I think he was fired, but he tried to get his job back. Was he ever prosecuted? I do not think he was. 978. Do you remember the couple whose home was almost invaded by protesters? Yeah, that was in St. Louis, and they had guns, and one of the guns was actually just a fake gun. It just shot blanks, and they put the gun back together, and they said if they could operate it, and because of that, that she, the wife was charged with possession of a handgun, even though it was a starter pistol. I think that was the St. Louis case. They were lawyers, too. But, you know, again, they were trying to hold off Black Lives Matter protesters who, they weren't a gated community, as I recall, and the thugs had broken down the gates, and they were inside the protected area. And they were trying to prevent, they'd spent a lot of money, you know, redoing this home in a historic part of St. Louis, plus they were worried about their own personal safety. And so they brought these guns out. People took pictures of them, and the Soros District Attorney at the time, I think she's gone now, is she prosecuted them. I mean, again, these crime may not be political per se, but you can see where it's going in modern America. 844, 500, 42, 42, AJ, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, AJ. Yeah, at first, I disagreed with your opinion, and then after listening to you for about five seconds, I agree wholeheartedly with you, because the left wing just takes something like this to a whole other level and extreme. However, I think, I would rather see more punishment put on, like the FBI or the police, because a lot of times, not all the time, but a lot of times there, these people are on their radar. And for whatever reason, they don't follow up, and they just faster and then explode. And the last point I wanted to make was, you know, what is the punishment for bad parents, like when they're absolutely found guilty of not locking up a weapon, because they think there should be some punishment for them. I'd rather see a punishment for them than have them come after my weapons. Right, well, I mean, that's a whole other problem, is that when there's a gun crime, they never say, you know, we've got to get the guns out of the hands of the thugs and the illegal aliens who should be getting guns. They say, we need to crack down on law-abiding citizens. I mean, it's, again, every law is used as a political bludgeon against law-abiding MAGA hat-wearing Republicans, generally speaking. Sometimes it's used against Democrats, but, you know, in the main it's used against us. And that's the problem here. And again, you talk about an appropriate punishment. These people have been in prison or in jail for two and a half, three years. I mean, I would think that would be enough punishment, wouldn't it? I mean, why couldn't they just say time served? This is a terrible tragedy. You know, you're probably going to be sued. There's going to be, you know, like O.J. was sued by the Goldmans after his murder of Ron Goldman. But the judge, the judge is just dumping it on them. And again, this is the same state where they set up the crime of the so-called kidnap. The FBI set up the kidnapping crime by these basically homeless bombs to have some anti-Trump headlines that there was a kidnapping plot against Whitmer right before the 2020 election. I mean, Michigan has turned out to be a very bad state. Michigan refuses to clean up their voter registration. They've had people on the ballot on the voter rolls that were born in 1820. And only they're legitimately voting anymore. I'm pretty sure about that. There's just rampant corruption in Michigan across the board. You have this crazy attorney general, the one who passed out at the Michigan/Michigan state game last year. I believe she's a lesbian. Not that that makes her a bad person, but I'm just saying that these are the people who control the political apparatus in Michigan. Now you have the Dearborn Michigan, the savages were chanting death to America, not just death to Israel, which is bad enough. They were chanting death to America in Arabic the other day. I mean, I think things are getting a little out of control in Michigan. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Alan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Alan. Thanks, Howard, for taking my call. You are exactly right. Whitmer is a radical swamp thing. Just like Governor Janet Mills up here in Maine, I mean, back a year ago, there was a graduation shooting in Alabama. Massive, massive shooting. Nothing happened to him. Mostly black kids. Nothing happened to those parents getting trouble. No, the Super Bowl, those kids were teenagers. Did anything happen to those parents? That's a good point. I'd forgotten about that. Yeah. What about that? What about those kids' parents? They went to a victory celebration after the Super Bowl, and they shot it up. You're right, Howie. Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime. This has got to do more with the red flag bill. This has got to do with more. They want to put fear and gun owners. They want to put fear and parents. Oh, my goodness. Look what they did to those parents. Oh, my goodness. That could be me. That could be me. That could be you. That could be, oh, my, oh, my. They want these red flag, though. They want to put fear. That's how they get away with this crap, because if they really cared, I mean, what about the deaths from all the fentanyl? What about all these teenagers that are going around in New York, commit and crime? They don't care about that. It's the guns. Guns, guns, guns. These parents, like you said, have been put through the ringer. They've lost their son. None of you know what your kids are doing. If you think your guns are safe and locked up, you're a kid in yourself. Kids are smart. They can get guns if they want to. Don't kid yourself. You don't get anything they want. That's exactly Howie. I mean, you don't have to be a parent. All you've got to do is be around a small kid, an adolescent, or someone who's not of legal age. And you know how smart that kid is, you know? And you can't be held responsible. You just can't. It's not fair. And by the way, as someone else, another textor said, what about the kids who don't take away their parents' car keys when they know that they're losing it? And you know, we've talked about this on the show, not recently, but you know, a lot of kids, they know their parents shouldn't be driving the car, but they're afraid that if they try to take away the car keys, the parents are going to write them out of the will. Now, how are you responsible is that? So you're endangering other people because you don't want to lose the inheritance of the house or whatever. Now, are those kids who don't take away their parents' car keys? Are they going to be held responsible if the parents... I mean, where does it end? And you know where it ends with your Democrat Party registration? It ends with being a friend of the deep state. You're okay if you're a friend of the deep state. Just ask Hunter Biden, right? That's all. Thanks for the call. Thanks for the call there, Allen. 844-542-42. Margaret, you're next with Howie Kargre. Go ahead, Margaret. Hi, Howie. I agree with everything you said today. Yeah, what gives me is like the hunters or the... All these illegals do crimes. They don't even have to stay in jail. There's no bail, no nothing for them. And they come out and do it again. I know. I gotta read you this latest story. I mean, this is not a murder story or anything like this, but this is what's going on in New York City. This story was just posted in New York Post. This happened yesterday. A pair of migrants, also known as illegal aliens with rap sheets, jumped and pounded an NYPD cop who tried to stop them and their crew from shoplifting at an Upper East Side Target. Is Nibi Machado? That's a female, I believe. In Brayon Fritis, 21 were among a group of six savages from the Third World who yanked items off of the display case on the store on Third Avenue. Decide. The cops from the 19th Precinct stopped the crew, all from Venezuela in their tracks. They were... And they hurt the... They shoved, slapped and pushed them at the cops in an attempt to resist. Machado, the female, was cut loose under supervised release despite a request from prosecutors. This is Alvin Bragg's prosecutors that she be held on $10,000 bond. Police asked that Fritis be held on a $10,000 bail or a $30,000 bond. Wiener, Judge Jake Wiener ordered him held on a $3,000 bail. There are alleged partners in crime, Sebastian Jaimramillo, Michael Sanchez and Henry Zambrano were also arrested and charged with cops with robbery and disorderly conduct. All live at the illegal alien shelter on Ward's Island. And so, in other words, they were illegal alien criminals on welfare. They were later arraigned on petty larceny charges and possession of stolen property charges and promptly released without bail. So, they come into the country, they're on welfare, they're stealing, they're hitting cops, they're assaulting cops, and they'll let go with no bail. Because they're members of a protected class, they're illegal aliens. Perhaps the crumbly should have just said to the judge, I asked for no special treatment judge, just treat me like an illegal alien. Think that would have worked? Not in Michigan. 844-542-4242, auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So, just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price doesn't mean you have to. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time-tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 with its founder, Jerome Manning. What are the main benefits of a JJ Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional listing at a set price? Well, in the Manning method, there are no contingencies. In the Manning method, the buyer signs our exclusive P&S and makes it 10% nonrefundable deposit that same day. In the Manning method, you set the terms which all buyers must follow. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close. No deviations to the purchase and the buyer's feet are held to the fire. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. You're listening to the Howie Carr Show. 844-500-4242. People are saying, well, you know, they did violate Michigan gun laws. The kid wasn't supposed to have a gun and they bought him a gun. I agree. I agree. But even when people are killed, you very seldom do 15 years. If you didn't pull the trigger, if you pull the trigger, obviously, but they didn't pull the trigger. And it was not like, again, it was not like a mob hit where they commissioned someone to eliminate a rival or a potential witness. This was just bad parenting. And how much bad parenting is there? How about all the carjackings that occur in places like D.C.? Do any of the parents ever go to prison for that room? Remember the two girls who killed the emigrant in the livery driver? I think it was a Pakistani. They were like 13, 14, 15 years old. Did their parents go to prison? I, you know, asked the question is to answer it. You know the answer to it. These people were convenient to pick on because of who they were. And again, they were terrible parents, terrible, terrible irresponsibility. But why are they of all the millions of terrible irresponsible parents going to prison? And don't tell me. And don't tell me that this is going to set a precedent. Come on. 844-542-42. Darcy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead Darcy. Hi, Carrie. This is from Maine. And first I was kind of interested in kind of like glad really one of these parents' papers. And it's like having parents not make responsibility, blah, blah, blah. But then I remembered a docu-series I was listening to. And I don't remember the year, 1977, 1970. I don't remember the year. But in Israel, they had a school shooting. And they've never had one stint. And in the docu-series, they kind of gave reasons why they thought. The state came together or Israel came together and they said, "We're going to protect our young." And instead, iron gates around those schools, they had guarded it one way in and one way out only. They put guards around it. And up to this day, they held that standard. I didn't even have razor wire above some of the gate or around the how it's all mapped out. And I guess that's myself. You know, they really am really, really sad. These highly intelligent people quote-unquote in the Senate and the Congress. But they can't just come together on this and say, "We're going to protect these schools." You know, it's just gone so far out of hand that we just use us as political pawns. You know, it's like watching the political Kardashian family just go at each other. It's not what I'm going to do, but she's cool. They get a date to surprise. They pay the ultimate price in their families. Yeah, I, you know, again, I admit to being terminally cynical at this point in my life after. But I don't think it happened in a vacuum. I think I've just watched events for so long and how they have been manipulated and twisted. You want to go back. Let's go back to the Patriot Act. That's the one I always think of because they used it to try to frame Donald Trump and Carter Page and Michael Flynn and all the rest of them with this. And that was supposedly a way to protect Americans against terrorists, right? And it was a secret court, but these were prosecutors. These were American heroes trying to protect Americans. It's been used against Americans more than it's been used against terrorists. It's been used by Democrats against Republicans. And now, and now Mike Johnson wants to re-approve the FISA courts, the worst abuses of the Patriot Act because it's the deep state. You know, I've never been anti-Mike Johnson until I heard that he's backing the Patriot Act. Again, or the reauthorization of the FISA courts is part of the Patriot Act. I mean, you cannot take these people at their word. The founding fathers had it right. You have to try to keep these people at bay. You have to keep them at your feet. They're going to be at your feet or at your throat. Right now they're at our home. I'm Howie Carr.