The Howie Carr Radio Network

Crumbleys Convicted of Manslaughter... for Murders their son Committed | 4.9.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

They admit they're bad parents. But are the Crumbley parents murderers? Manslaughterers? Howie and the callers discuss the landmark conviction of two parents for the murders their son committed.

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09 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I'm leaving. We've got a solar eclipse. We've got the earthquake. Random hallway. The Raptor is here. The Raptor is here. And then also I learned that sicadas are coming. All those things together, what maybe lead one to believe that whenever I'm about to do something, I think, would an idiot do that? And if they would, I do not do that thing. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. A full moon is that complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases. That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it. No, it's right. It's not, all right, all right. The question is why, how could we as humans live on the moon? Are the gases such that we could do that? Sorry, tennis. Dumb questions. Give that. And I tell you what, I really wonder why do I commute every single day? Over a million miles round trip over the time I was in the United States Senate. Why do they keep changing his medication? Look at me! I'm speeding off his house here! Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. That's the number, if you'd like to call or leave a message on the Chumpline, welcome to the Highway Car Show. And we have so much to talk about today, as always. And I guess the first thing is that we should talk about the Michigan parents who were convicted today. And we'll put that out. That's the poll question. Should they have been convicted? And I'm very, very opposed to convicting them. I mean, they did things. They were bad parents, but you never know if you're going to be a bad parent or not. And think of all the bad parents that are out there, starting at the very top with Joe Biden. Was Joe Biden a good parent, taking a shower with his daughter, using his son as a bad man? Is he going to prison for being a bad father? I'm serious. You know, where does it end? What about all these illegal aliens that are committing these heinous crimes across the country and they're being let go without bail? Why aren't they being held responsible for their crimes? And you know, do you get the feeling that this is going to be one of those selectively enforced laws, like insurrection, for instance, that it'll be used against certain groups that don't meet the required political correctness, that don't toe the line, that don't do what Big Brother tells them to do. I'm not saying these people are good people in Michigan. This guy, Ethan Crumbi, I guess is his name. He killed four of his high school classmates with guns from his parents gave him, but they didn't know he was going to do this. They've been in jail for two and a half years, both of them. I don't know. We can talk more about this as we all are. The story just broke with a couple hours ago. And not not many people have an around in our area have been filed. I certainly let me put it this way. I haven't been following it that closely, but I'm starting to read up on it. And just as as a parent and knowing how much control I had over my children when they were younger, not to mention how much I have now when they're grown, which is none, as it should be. I mean, I would not be one, I would not want to be held accountable for, you know, if I held a party, you know, and they were drinking and they were underage and someone drowned in the pool. I mean, obviously, I would be responsible. But if they decide to commit a crime, it's not on me. And again, we know we do not live in a country with a single standard of justice. We live in a country where if you're a Democrat or an illegal alien, you are going to be treated with kid gloves, you're going to be able to get away with anything from again, from the top on down to the bottom, from the Biden's on down to the meanest Venezuelans living in the the flop houses in New York City. There's another story about that today too, about a mob of Venezuelans attacking cops that were trying to stop them from looting a target store in Midtown. And they let them go. News let them go. You know, they sent cops to the hospital and they and they just, you know, they and these are illegal alien thugs. These are these are not people that were brought over yet to work as neurosurgeons or to to work in AI. These are just these are just thugs that are here to to rape, rob, murder, take advantage of the situation, live on welfare. And then there'd be nothing happens to them. So why should anything happen to anybody? That's my feeling. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, about this one. Idaho teen arrested and accused of planning to kill churchgoers in the name of Isis. Isis, but he's not, he doesn't have the usual Muslim name. His name is Alexander Scott Mercurio. Mercurio. Any relation to Angelo Sonny Mercurio, local mob guy from Maldon. Famous line, I advocate the lamb. Meaning run away. Power of the lamb is you get a lesser sentence. I advocate everybody run away. Get a brother named Panama Mercurio. Panama Mercurio once lost $4,000 in Larry's and you know, it's a crap game. And he told Johnny Cincottie, don't don't tell anybody. Don't tell my wife. I don't want my wife to find out. I lost four grand. Johnny Cincottie said, you worried about your wife, Panama? If my wife ever gave me any grief about losing money, I would throw her out the window. These are, this, this is not, this is not Panama or Sonny. This is Alexander Scott Mercurio. He wanted to, he wanted to, to join Isis and then go to church on Easter Sunday and massacre, massacre churchgoers. And this is the, this is the second of these cases in December, another 18 year old, Huzma Mashkor. That's more, that's more like it than Alexander Scott Mercurio. From near Denver was charged with providing support to Isis after allegedly planning to travel to the Middle East. Here's what Mercurio said, stop by the church, equip the weapon and storm the temple, kill as many people as possible before they inevitably disperse, scatter, then burn the temple, the temple to the ground and flee the scene. He said he would then repeat this at all 21 churches in uh, uh, core, the, the lane, core, the lane, Idaho. Just, just another day in the life. Is anything going to happen to his parents? Probably not. I mean, not that, not that that anything should happen to his parents. Eight, four, four, you want some more immigration scams here? A gas station robbery that ended in January that ended with a bystander shooting and killing the robber was apparently a scheme between the dead robber and the victims who were trying to get temporary immigration status. This has been going on all over the country. They made a couple of busts in, in Boston on this, this thing. These uh, basically Indians, uh, they want to get the, they, they get, you get it as a crime victim, you get a special status and you get to stay in the country. So they would hire these thugs to, uh, to rob them or fake rob them. And then they would apply for the immigration status. I mean, there's a million scams out there. It's like the, uh, it's like the COVID welfare money. So, uh, 22 year old Rashood Scott, for that is indeed his name, R-A-S-S-H-A-U-U-D. Rashood Scott had coordinated the fake robbery with another man named William Winfrey. So they were robbing this gas station and they've been doing this all over the place. And uh, so they, they were robbing the gas station and a bystander identified as Jesus Vargas. He, he saw what was going on and he pulled out his gun and shot and killed Rashood Scott. Court documents say Jesus Vargas told police he fled because he was violating his parole by being in possession of a gun. Rashoods now widowed fiancee. Well, if she was a fiancee, she was never widowed because she was never married to him. The New York Post, nobody can write the basic news stories anymore. Scott's fiancee, and let's put that in quotation marks, said Beverly's did not excuse Rashoods behavior, but told, uh, told the police, the TV station, the real issue is lax gun laws. I don't see how people are able to say it's okay to take somebody's life. Rashood had a gun on these, uh, on these Indians. He, you know, how did Jesus know that Rashood wasn't going to shoot them? ABC interviewed one of the two victims who were allegedly in on the scheme. He denied the crime had been staged, but admitted to having applied for a UB visa after three or four months. So again, it's another scam. So more people are that another Rashood, you know, not that he's any great loss to humanity or society, but he's the, he's dead because of these, uh, these, another immigration scam. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Perfect smiles is growing. Dr. Houghton has brought on two new dentists, Dr. Sy and Dr. Tam, both have their own specialties in dentistry. This means the wait time to get an appointment at Perfect Smiles just got shorter. Perfect Smiles will be my first checkup when I returned to New England in a few weeks. I've had it on the calendar since before I left for Florida last fall. I've learned how important it is to keep up my dental cleanings. Poor oral health is linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienicid Perfect Smiles are the best. Dr. Houghton and his team take the time to take many continuing education classes so they can remain up to date on all the latest advancements in dentistry. Do not procrastinate. Make your appointment with Perfect Smiles today. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire, right off Route 3. Parking is easy and free. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video. Or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Drs. Houghton, Tam and Sy. I think you will be very interested in what you hear., change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to Police Plotter Facts Friday every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Carr Show store. The Howie Carr Show is back. 844-542-42. So Ethan Crumbie is this guy who went on a rampage that killed four students, injured six more and also injured a teacher at Oxford High School in Michigan in 2021. Ethan Crumbie's parents were sentenced to between 10 and 15 years behind bars Tuesday for their son's 2021 massacre. The left four students said the first time parents have ever been sentenced in a U.S. mass school shooting. Crumbly, excuse me, Crumbly. After they were found guilty on involuntary manslaughter charges at separate trials in March and February, respectively. They were convicted for failing to intervene despite obvious warning signs that their son was troubled and for failing to keep a gun locked away in their home. Obvious warning signs. So how do we go about charging the FBI? Yeah, you know, again, what is an obvious warning sign? The FBI got a, well, I mean, they got so many message, the park lunch shooting. They got a message from Cruz's aunt before they, before the shootings of the three guys by that, by that, not in Boston 20 years ago, the guy called and said, I'm in a, I'm in a, in a homicidal mood. Why don't you have somebody pick me up? It was Friday afternoon. Nobody bothered. How about the message they got about the Boston Marathon bombings? From the Russian Secret Service saying that there were these Muslim savages living in Boston on welfare and they were planning a terrorist attack and the FBI just shrugged it off. How many, how many warnings has the FBI shrugged off? I'm, I'm glad they got the mercurio savage in, in Idaho, but, but that's one of the exceptions that proves the rule. You know, I, I don't know. I mean, this just seems to me like just another way to, to, to just, you know, pick and choose who you're going to go after if you're a, if you're a Trump and, and, and, and, and you know, so, so you're, you're engaging in parental and abuse. So when does it become parental abuse to let a kid join the, the Republican club or go to a Trump rally? But I, I'm sure joining the after school, Satan the club is not considered a problem, never would be considered a problem in the, in the judiciary. This is opening a, these are, these, these were bad parents and they know they were bad parents, but I, I, I personally think it just opens a can of worms. And, and again, I'm, I have been a parent of young children for most of my adult life, but I'm no longer. So this is a, this is a moot point for me. I'm not, I don't have any real direct stake in this myself. The judge blamed Jennifer the mother for glorifying owning guns and for her dispassionate and apathetic attitude towards Ethan. What is dispassionate and apathetic mean? And by the way, so what if you glorified burning down the burning down the White House, like Madonna did? And someone burned down the White House. Would that, would she then be responsible for that? Where does it, I guess what I'm saying is, where does it end? All right. Help mom tune out all the noise this mother's day with a brand new pair of Raycon everyday earbuds. She'll also, she'll get audio quality. She loves at a price you will love even more. Right now get 20% off plus free shipping at by Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at how we car is do you agree with the prison sentences for the Michigan killer's parents today? Yes, no, or still thinking about it? No. 38% say no. 42% say yes. 20% say there's still thinking about it. All right. 844, 500, 42, 42. I mean, I will, I'll keep thinking about it, but I don't think I'm going to change my mind. I just, I just don't see it. I, you know, there's just, you don't want to give government this kind of, this kind of discretionary power to make, you know, judgmental decisions. It's got to be, you know, if they pull the trigger, put them away forever. They, the son, Ethan crumbly is, he's not going to get out on parole. He's 17. He's in for life. And I think he probably will be in for life. 2070, FBI shrugged off the Pulse nightclub shooter. Yeah, they didn't do anything with the wife, the wife of the Pulse nightclub shooter. They, he killed 50 people. They shrugged off the husband and wife terrorists in California. Yeah, even though they, they, they knew that all these, all these, people that looked to be terrorists were coming in and out of the house in the middle of the night, because obviously none of them had jobs, because they're, they're Muslim terrorists, immigrants. But you know, so the, so why didn't, why weren't any of them held accountable? No, they held one guy accountable who got a gun for, for one of the Muslim shooters in San Berdu. But that was about it. Victor, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Victor. Yeah, how we just as a side comment, after school, Satan classes, my, hasn't the government school diversified since I was there. Unbelievable. Hey, I was a marksman in the Marine Corps with the M 14 scary rifle and a 45 pistol. But I got to tell you something, people have to pay attention. Guns that are left available to children or minors. And those people broke the law when they didn't qualify the state or federal regulations that you have to lock up your firearms. They deserved to go to prison. They, they're a dead people because if they let their kid, uh, kill them. And I don't agree that we should lock them up for any other reason. They spanked up. They didn't send them to Sunday school, all the other stuff that, you know, you can conjure up about bad parents. No, we shouldn't go after that. But the government conjures up stuff about people they don't like, Victor, that's the problem. So you say, okay, these people deserve it. What about the next group of people? Now that you've set this precedent that you can lock up parents that you don't think are doing a bad job, but only certain kinds of parents. It's okay for huge groups of people to I can't remember crazier times in my lifetime. Now more than ever expect the unexpected with ready wise, always be prepared. At ready wise, their mission is to bring peace of mind to their consumers by offering high quality food and gear at a reasonable price. Ready wise relentlessly pursues solutions to help you be prepared. Go to, intercode Howie20 at checkout and receive 20% off your purchase or call 895 ready to speak with an actual person. That's Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. These are good points being made on the textile line here. You know, I think, you know, and some of the stuff I've already mentioned, the FBI ignored warnings about the Sarnia brothers. Yeah, exactly. Every liberal state that promotes adheres this new no cash bail standard, however, the crumblies go to prison for 10 to 15 years. Yeah, how can we invite the judges who release repeat offenders who kill 404? What should we do with parents who allow their teenage kids to drive a high performance sports car and kill someone or some people or a boat? How about a boat? They give them the keys to the boat and they go down and they get some liquor or some beer from one of their older siblings or older friends and they kill somebody on a boat. When are Hunter Biden's parents going to jail? I mentioned that too. Yeah, when is Joe Biden going to be indicted? Not just for Hunter, but for Ashley, his daughter who wrote in their diary that he took shower, that Biden took showers with her until she was 11 years old, that that's one of the things that made her a sex addict and a drug addict. How about that? Is that she was trying? She didn't kill anybody, but how about how about child abuse? We have it in her own hand. Her own, I mean, I guess, you know, it's he said, she said, even though it's a daddy dearest. Anyway, where did where does it end? Again, I'm not defending the crumbly parents. They were they were lousy parents, but you know, I mean, who you got you got kid you got one kid, even you got multiple kids. You're you're not going to have your eye on the ball all the time. I think I don't think I need to explain that that's that's what you don't need. You don't have your eye on the ball, whatever you're doing all the time. 844 542 42 graces with us here with graces news. Yes, how we more protest today this time at the Senate cafeteria, the demonstration. Don't you tell me there was an insurrection, Grace? There was an insurrection, but not the kind that gets you tossed in the gulag. This is the see this is what I mean. This is another example of the double standards. Yeah, there were no grandmas with, you know, Trump hats on so everyone can rest easy. Is anyone gonna be arrested in Baltimore who was in a hotel room like that? Like the Proud Boy that's now doing 22 years or the Oathkeeper, whatever he was. I don't think so because these activists were chanting things like Senate can't eat until Gaza eats and children are starving in Gaza. One woman can be seen on video footage wearing a shirt that reads Biden's legacy equals genocide. This is from red state also includes all the videos and also one of the videos which I found a bit odd. So they're they're protesting at the Senate cafeteria, right? One of the protesters and someone pointed the sound on social media has an ice coffee in her hand. And I just feel I'm not a protester. I'm not an activist. So I haven't really partaken in anything like this. But I do feel in certain situations you have to put the ice coffee down just to make a point. You know, it's like when you show up late to work, Howie, you don't want to have an ice coffee because then they know you start to get ice coffee. Right. It's like they say, I've learned early at Boston City Hall, you you never appear in public if you're a politician with a drink in your hand because they'll say you're an alcoholic. You you never appear with a with a woman that's not your your wife more than twice or you're having an affair. You appear twice with a guy. You're gay, right? I mean, these are these are and and you know, if you have an iced coffee in your hand when you're in a protest protesting genocide, people are going to tend to think that you're really not all that serious a human being. Yeah. And when you're trying to stop other people from eating or, you know, drinking because of the importance of this protest, but you can't put down your six dollar ice coffee. And trust me, I don't like to let a nice coffee go to waste, but I would just advise maybe drinking it beforehand or after finding a refrigerator nearby. But yeah, so another protest where you weren't working for me when the the guy went on the hunger strike at UMass, were you? I don't protest the minute men. It's not ringing any bells. So I'm going to guess now I got his I got his phone number and I called him up for an interview and I was eating potato chips while I was interviewing him on his hunger strike. The hunger strikes have been popping up ever since how long did the people on Brown last two days on their hunger strike? Well, Cynthia Nixon was part of a hunger strike. I think it was in DC. And she said that she was going to partake for two days, but then she had to go to work. And I'm thinking, well, you're not a professional eater. You're an actress. Why is the strike have to stop? Because you're going to work and then the other people have to keep going. It just didn't seem fair. It just that hunger strikes are not that they're just that the commitment level seems a little. Here's another good point about, you know, where does this all end? What if you allow the gender affirmation of your child, male or female and then like 40% of them, they end up killing themselves. Are you are you responsible for that for letting it happen? How we Emma actually just said, is Emma back there Taylor? Is she still at her computer? She just said this exact point. She said that's where she thinks this is going because I meet the point. I said, well, that last caller is correct that you should if you if you're a responsible gun owner, you shouldn't allow your child to get access to your guns and Emma said, yeah, but that's a gun charge. That's not a manslaughter charge. And that's very different from what these parents are being sentenced with. Here's another one. I mean, these and these are coming in from strange area codes where we don't usually get to arrest the parents of all those fat kids running around. Yeah, I mean, they're not doing their kids any favors. Their kids are going to if they if they get fat and obese and go through life that way, they're going to die very early. What about my aunt Doris? When she used to leave her Paul miles around, then I would steal a few for the, you know, for the for the walk to school. We would you puff those? How old were you? About nine. You'd have a stale donut in one hand and a Paul Mall in the other. And some and some black coffee. Yeah. Wow. America. Love it or leave it. How I have some follow up stories, but don't worry. Don't grown here because they're they're not going to be that painful. I have follow up stories on the solar eclipse. One of them involves the view. Can I your own here? I know this one is in your intro and it is worth playing. It's sunny hostin. I do think we should play it. Sunny hostin's giving her hot take on climate change. And she thinks all of these things we're seeing the solar eclipse, the earthquakes, she thinks it's all a sign of global warming. Can I have this one Taylor? Sunny hostin. We've got the whole way. Random hallway. The raptor is here. And then also I learned that the cicadas are coming cicadas. Cicadas. Although I love the first time in cicadas. No, no, no. I'm eight years. No, no, no. Two different times. Two different times. Times are coming. The good side. The good side. The good side. The good side. The good side. The good side. The good side. The first time in many, many years. No. And every 17 years has happened. Well, that's not what I read, but maybe, you know, maybe you know better. But in a way, all those all those things together. What maybe they'd want to believe that, you know, either climate change exists or something is returning. Quakes are not at the mercy of climate change. It's on the ground. It happens in the eclipse. They've known about the eclipse coming because the eclipse has happened and they actually can say when these things are going to happen. So all these folks who are saying, you know, it's a sign from God. God doesn't give you warning. Howie, when Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg are fact checking you. Isn't, isn't Sonny Hostin a lawyer? Yes, but that doesn't mean anything. She, what's you know that she passed the bar exam in? I never want to hire a lawyer who's, you know, who would practice. It was. Well, you were just talking about this the other day, though, Howie. I mean, being a lawyer nowadays, it's, it means nothing. I hunter Biden's Joe Biden's a lawyer. I know, but I think they had to pass some kind of basic tests. I don't know that a woman this dumb could pass it. And again, I understand Tim Crash Murray, Deval Patrick, Hillary Clinton. They couldn't pass on the first time either. How many times do we know how many times Sonny Hostin had to take the bar exam? I don't know, but it's crazy that I really don't think she expected. Whoopi Goldberg took fact checker so many times. Whoopi was just like swatting down all those years. She was saying fact check there. She's saying the first time in 100 years. And whoopi's like, nope. And this is, now who's going to, here's what they need to do with the view. It's like, okay, so whoopi is going to fact check Sonny on climate change. Someone's got a fact check whoopi on the Holocaust. And then someone's got, you know what I mean? They need to have a person holding them accountable at all times at this round table. And keep in mind, Howie. The view is an hour a day, right? And it's probably really comes down to like 40 minutes a day. How many people? Again, I'm going to ask a question here. I don't know anyone who watches network TV at night, prime, so-called prime time. Who the hell is watching network TV in the daytime? There can't be more than like 1 million people watching it, can there? I don't know. You'd be surprised. By the way, did you see the Iowa South Carolina game got almost 19 million viewers on a Sunday afternoon? That's amazing. I watched it. Yeah, I watched it too for a while. Yeah, I bet it was cool. And the coach of South Carolina afterwards, she thanked God and Jesus. And I was surprised they kept it in the broadcast. Yeah, but she she she'd done her penance prior when she said that if you think you're a if you think you're a girl, you should be allowed to play even if you're seven feet tall and weigh 300 pounds. Oh, that's how it got in. Yeah. So she she had established her bona fides as a as a nut. GMC and Fisher plows from Tux trucks, GMC Fisher and Hudson Mass. Tux trucks GMC knows what's best for your needs as a business in New England. Talk with the sales consultant at Tux trucks GMC Fisher. Call 1-800-My-Truck. And one more thing that I wanted to let you know, Howie, a Mexican news outlet is garnering ridicule online because it accidentally aired a man's private parts when presenting viewer submitted footage of Mondays, Jeffrey Tooben is working out for the Mexican CNN Monday solar eclipse. They thought they were showing the solar eclipse and it's actually a well-known prank in Latin America. And the mail host was listing the cities from where the eclipse could be enjoyed, the eclipse being presented on the left side of the screen, cut to a man blocking out the sun with his private. Remember, you know, speaking, you know, today is opening day at Fenway Park. Wasn't there an event that when the Red Sox won the World Series or when the the Penn under something? And they were doing live interviews from the locker room and some, some guy walked, someone of the players walked by Buck naked. Remember that? I don't remember that, but I believe you. I'm just saying this is not this is not a first in TV history. Yeah, but hopefully that's the last of the solar eclipse news. I know your little heart can't take no more. That's it for me, how are you? Okay, thank you, Grace. Ever notice when you ask moms what they want for Mother's Day? So many of them ask for just one day of peace and quiet. Good luck with that, Ma. 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Awareness mode so nothing's going to sneak up and surprise you like a cart or a golf cart or an EV. EVs are the worst. They have optimized gel tips for a custom comfortable fit. Taylor, you love your Raycons, don't you? Of course I do. I use them every single day using them today in the conference room. I was working by myself cutting up some audio for the shows and they do their job every single day without fail. And then their great quality at a great price. Seriously, they make the best Mother's Day or Father's Day or graduation gift for any occasion, including your own occasion where you just need something new and different and a great product at a great price. Raycon offers easy 30 day returns as well, just in case. Go to today to get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right, you'll get 20% off and free shipping at The Howie Car Show will be right back. He's Howie Car and he's back. 844-542-4242-207 says, "I live in Maine. I was thinking about going north to see the eclipse, but too many stupid people. You should check out video of all these out-of-state EVs trying to charge." Every time one of those videos applies it reduces the amount of potential buyers when people see that. I'm not going to put up with that. Anyone who ever lived through to get the gas lines is not ever voluntarily getting into a situation where they have to queue up to recharge or refuel their vehicles. No way. You don't have to be old and remember the 70s. All you have to do is be stuck in one of those lines and you will say, "I'm never going to do this again if I can." At this point you can make that decision. You've got to make sure that we never get to a point where we don't have a choice where they get away with outlying real automobiles. 844-542-442. Limerick Guy, Adam Lanza's parents didn't go to jail after their son shot all those kids at C&D Hook. Well, didn't he kill? He killed one of the parents, didn't he? Yeah, I think he killed his mom. Didn't he kill his grandfather too? I'm not sure. But I don't think that's kind of a moot point, Limerick Guy, because I don't think they were around it by that point. Don, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Don. Yeah, Howie, this is really kind of a twist bag on here with the parents. First, they were certainly not the best parents. Obviously. What's the two factors though? Oh, the two factors here. Number one, nobody has the concept that they're typically capable of something like this. They're not psychologists. What's normal? I remember in abnormal sight, we put on other characteristics of what's normal, and we pretty much figured out that what you would define as normal is the most bothering person you ever want to see in your life. Don, aren't we told that we're not supposed to be judgmental about any other human beings, no matter how demented and sick and twisted they might appear to be to you and me, right? Exactly. But the parents are looking at the kid. Now, remember, the last thing I'm in mind that this kid is going to want to kill everybody. Guns. Okay. Yeah, I'm a little older. When I was a kid, I was nine years old. My grandfather took me hunting ducks and I said, "Grandpa, can I shoot this shotgun?" And his reaction was, "I would let you do that, but your mother will kill me." But the point is, you're around guns. People are around guns. It's not a big, magical thing. The target shooting, you go down to 12 years old and these kids are out there in competition shooting. There's a famous radio dragnet. I like radio dragnets, but I never listened to this one. It's called The 22 for Christmas. And they give this kid a 22. He's like 10 years old and he takes it where it's stash, where Santa Claus is going to give it to him and he takes it out. And by mistake, he kills his classmate. I mean, these things happen. And the parents are devastated and it's a very depressing episode. I still remember it. And so this is what the father said. I cannot express how much I wish I had known what was going to happen with him or what was going to happen. I was not aware of what he was planning or that he had obtained access to the firearms in my house. There was no evidence that suggested that. And, you know, I know he's pleading for mercy, but, you know, I believe him, Don. I believe him. Thanks for the call. We're running out of time here. We'll keep going. We'll keep going with this on the crumblies when we get back. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. You know, to Joe Kennedy senior didn't go to jail after Teddy Barry, Mary Joe Capacny in the Del Monte 88. Well, he was he was not in real shape shape. He'd been hit at a stroke eight years earlier. But yeah, you're right. I mean, it's the it's the point. Yeah. I mean, you know, people kill other people every day. And the and when are the parents ever arrested and sent to jail? Hey, I'm how we got. (upbeat music) (logo whooshing)