The Howie Carr Radio Network

Will Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness earn Him Forgiveness? | 4.9.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

On the horizon is another attempt by the Biden administration to cancel student loan debt. Sure, the Supreme Court already told him it would be an overreach of executive power and an unconstitutional move, but that won't stop Determined Joe!

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09 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We ended that first hour talking about AOC's interview with Stephen Colbert. And the only reason it stood out to me was because she's so excited about Biden ignoring the Supreme Court and canceling all this student loan debt. That she's telling people to travel abroad and to have children. All of which I think is not great for Mother Earth, for Mama E as I like to call her. And I was actually thinking about this the other day because I read this article like, "Oh, Jean's wearing denim or, you know, producing denim pants is bad for the climate." And I hate to sound like a simpleton, but it did get me thinking, "Is anything good for the climate at this point?" Like, isn't technically every single thing we're doing every single day to some degree harming the climate? And all of us being on this eternal quest to limit the damage we do to the climate seems to be futile, dare I say. But I know for a fact that in the Green New Deal and in other places AOC has told me before that both of those things do harm to the climate. And unless she's saying travel abroad like Greta and take a sailboat around the world, then most of these young people who just saved a bunch of money by having their student loans canceled or forgiven or whatever, you know, 1984 or willing in new speak you want to use to describe it, most of them I don't think are going to be looking at a sailboat situation. I think jet blue or Delta is more likely. And there was a good piece today by M.D. Kittle in the Federalist. And she's describing it as a multi-billion dollar election year bribe that delivers a shaky middle finger to the Supreme Court. Emphasis on shaky if you saw the video Biden, yet again almost tripping up the stairs, tripping up the stairs, but he caught himself. So yeah, it's a bribe. It's a really, really big bribe. And it makes me wonder, and this has to do with our poll question, whether or not the bribe is going to pay off. Because the same people, or I think if you had a Kamala Harris style Venn diagram, a lot of the people who will be happy about having their student loan debt forgiven, they also, there might be a little bit of a crossover with the people who are upset about Biden's stance, current stance with Israel. I get the sense that perhaps the college students who are very angry at Joe Biden for not being pro Hamas enough, that they might be momentarily happy about their student loan relief. But their happiness, as we've seen, Jared, over the last couple of years, their happiness is fleeting. It takes a lot. It takes a lot to make this group happy. And actually, David Harsani, I mean, the guy never misses. He has an excellent piece out today in the Federalist, and I just want to read you a couple lines from this. He says, Joe Biden is now chasing the death to America voter. So yesterday, we were playing all these cuts from Dearborn, from this Al Cudds rally in Dearborn. I think one of the activists who was chanting death to America, death to Israel, his name was Tarek Bazzi. And he's standing there, and he's talking about how we're rotten to the core, and you know, a lot of lines we've heard before. And it did dawn on me. I was like, this is the kind of voter that Joe Biden is bending over backwards, trying to appease this guy. The guy in Michigan screaming into a microphone about how America needs to be finished is the same guy who Joe Biden is tossing and turning about at night. Being like, I hope I hold P votes for me. What does that tell you? And when it comes to the student loan debt, yeah, it's a bribe. I don't know if it's going to work. Like, someone can take your bribe and still screw you over. Someone can say, sure, I'll take the bribe and, you know, they might not deliver when push comes to shove. I don't think that a lot of these people who fall under both categories of hating the fact that Joe Biden isn't openly pro Hamas enough, because in his own way, I want to assure those people if it gives you any peace of mind. Let me let the Hamas contingency know here in this country. If it gives you any peace of mind, he's more pro Hamas than you think. He doesn't wear it on his sleeve, Jared. It's like he's one of those candies. You know, you got to crack into it deep down. He's on your side more than you even know, and it goes back year. It goes back decades, but it definitely goes back to at least the Obama administration. He's done some heavy lifting for your cause, even if you might not necessarily realize it right now, even if he can't say it out loud. Yeah, he's not a practitioner of the Hamas cause, but he is a student of it. Just like he's a student of, you know what I learned today? Never heard this before. I like to think that, you know, as far as the experts go on Joe Biden's lies, I would say how he is like a tenured professor. And I would say, I am, you know, I'm a student of it. I'm learning about Joe Biden's lies as the days go on. But I have a pretty good grasp of his go-tos. You know, he was raised in the black churches. He was raised in the Greek community. He was raised in the Puerto Rican community. I had never heard about being, what did he say, a student of the Persian culture? Do we have that? Let me hear this one. Folks, you know, the Persian culture is amazing as a student of the Persian culture, not a practitioner, but a student. It's incredible where the world is, where the world wouldn't have been, without the culture. I really mean it. Student of the Persian culture. I mean, if you were in charge of this guy's resume, it would be pages and pages and pages long. It would. And you know, he wants it on paper. You know, he's not sending the resume via the interwebs. There's just nothing this guy can do. He's a student of the Persian culture. You may call it Iran, but for Joe, it will always be Persian. So this is a line from David Harsani that I thought was great. There's bad news for Democrats, though, until the United States launches a strike on Tel Aviv, which is what ceasefire proponents are chanting in New York, these people will not be placated. I like to think that maybe when we interviewed David Harsani, we asked him about this. Like, do you think these, this contingency of the, of the left will ever be happy? I like to think that that might have inspired a bit of this. He said to earn these votes, our president now spreads Hamas propaganda himself, as do most of the media, which have functionally or openly taken the side of the terror group. Indeed, no matter how many ceasefire's Hamas rejects, Democrats still demand Israel unilaterally stop fighting the people who hold American hostages. It is a demand we would never make of any other nation, a demand we would never abide by ourselves. Biden, it should be noted, is a vacuous political zombie who has never met a position he hasn't dropped for a vote. Today, he is surrounded by Obama-era advisors and Hamas sympathizers, though I repeat myself, who have long wanted the U.S. to be aligned with mullahs of Iran as a counterbalance to a colonialist western capitalist of Israel. And now that Democrats like Chuck Schumer, who I just mentioned before the break, is going on and on about how we have to send more billions to Ukraine. Now that Chuck Schumer has sold out the Jews to the vultures for a few votes in Dearborn, nothing holds back progressive Democrats from normalizing the anti-Semitism that already infects the hard left. This is not everyone's fight, I realize, but remember the same people who chant death to Israel inevitably wish death to America as well. So he's talking about Terek Bazzi and how the Jew haters who attend Cuds Day rallies are right for the Washington Post, or the people that Joe Biden is now cynically trying to mullify in his effort to win the 2024 presidential race and save democracy. We need to get the votes of the death to America voters in order to save democracy. You know what, Jared? Maybe that's what it is. We have to kill America to save it. Peggy, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Peggy? Hi, hi Grace. I have three points, three points. I'll go really quickly. My husband and I have four children, and we paid for all of their college tuition, and it was very expensive. The only thing we did was we left them with about $20,000 a piece of debt, of student debt, which they are paying because they are all working. My husband felt like it gave them a little bit of skin in the game. Secondly, the Democrats, they can't have it both ways. The economy is booming. If the economy is booming, like Joe Biden says, every single minute. If it's booming, then why does everybody need their loans paid off? And the third thing I wanted to say was, I'd like to know, this is what I think, and I'd like to know, I'd like you to tell me, I don't think that this money is going to these people unless he wins. I think this money is all in a holding tank, and if he doesn't win, no one's getting it. That's a big suckers game. That's a really, really, really good question, Peggy, because I was thinking that too. I'm like, you don't make the final payoff. It's like a ransom, you know what I mean? You're not going to, you need to make sure, okay, send us a picture of the hot, like, I guess hostage right now is a bad term, because, or not a bad term, but I don't want to try to seem like I'm making light of any situation that we currently have going on. But it is, it's like in a movie, you don't, if you're going to bribe someone, or if you're going to, if you're going to try to make a bribe, you don't just, you need a little bit of something in return beforehand too. So you're right, it wouldn't really make sense, but I don't think Peggy, that's, I don't think that's how this works. I think that when he's relieving student loan debt, he's hoping that that just buys him good will into the election and that people will vote for him, but I was wondering the same thing. I'm like, what's stopping people from going, oh, great, I got my student loan debt canceled, and now I'm just not going to go vote, because he didn't make me happy when it came to Israel. Like, that's, that's exactly what I think is going to happen. I think these people are going to go, well, I got my student loan debt relief, but I'm still mad at him because, you know, he didn't say anything. He didn't say enough mean things about BB Netanyahu, so I'm going to stay home. That's my prediction. Yeah, there's no appeasing these people at all. Their number one priority is the quote unquote ceasefire. Take that to mean what you want. That's the number one priority for these people not having their loans forgiven. Yeah, they're sitting here. They're hate for Israel overrides everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're sitting in cages in New York right now. I saw a video of some protests. Yeah, apparently they're at the Senate cafeteria or something like that, which blocked those people. I mean, stop, stop those proceedings all day. Have fun with that. At the cafeteria, though, people are going to get cranky. People are going to get hangry. Yeah, you know what I want to mention here because we'll continue this conversation about student loan debt. Thank you for the call, Peggy. Really good point. And you know what else Peggy brings up is the fact that college tuition is so high and the one part of this equation that constantly seems to get left out. It's like this Bermuda triangle of the government relieving or the taxpayers relieving student loan debt. The student loan debt borrowers and the only part of this triangle that never gets brought up are the schools charging these insane costs for tuition. And I got a really great email from a guy named Chris. He said I graduated from MIT in 1990. And in today's dollars, my senior year tuition was about $35,000. Biden is an idiot. He completely ignores how colleges are getting away with exorbitant costs of attendance nowadays. Knowing the government will dole out the money and the students will get debt relief. And here's that's another part of my question. It's like, so you do this now. The schools don't have to charge less. And then what we do it again in five years. We do it again in 10 years. We do it again next year. We just keep doing this. They just keep charging money. And then we just the government, the taxpayers, we just keep paying these schools. By the way, a lot of these schools at Harvard, they don't need to be charging this. They have billion dollar endowments. But why not charge it? If you know that eventually the taxpayers are all going to team up together to forgive your students, then sure you'll keep charging it. Yeah, it's a government debt cycle. Oh, we'll give you money so you can go to school. Yeah, sure. Oh, you don't want to go to school. You don't want to take our you don't want to take out a loan? Okay. Well, guess what? We're going to take it from you this way. We're going to forgive their loans so you have to pay. So no matter what, you got to pay up to the government for their loan scheme. Yeah, and you incentivize people who otherwise might think, well, you know, I shouldn't go to school because I'm not going to be able to pay it back. And it's like, well, why wouldn't I? They'll I'll get it paid off eventually. So I'm going to do the right thing and not go to school and not get this degree that I won't use. Again, you feel like a sucker. You don't want to make the people who are doing the right thing feel like losers because then things really get flipped on their heads. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are a great way to sell anything really, but especially property and people overlook this option. And you shouldn't because it's been around for a long time. 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So to learn more on how to get your commercial, residential or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill, 80521 0111 or go to JJ Again, call Charlie at 800 521 0111 or go to JJ and get your real estate sold. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. The loans will be completely forgiven regardless of your income and even if you did not graduate. So I'm going to repeat that. If you paid undergraduate loans for more than 20 years or graduate loans for more than 25 years, those loans will be completely forgiven regardless of your income and even if you did not graduate. And forgiveness will be automatic for the vast majority of the 25 million people that we believe will benefit from this approach. So this is a multi-billion dollar forgiveness plan. Needless to say, remember back in the day when Kamala's very good friend, I remember her and Barack Obama are very tight. I believe at one point he said, "Yeah, you know what? I can't. I can't fact check that. So I'll keep that to myself." I'm getting like Joe Biden. I'll get to that later. But remember when Barack Obama was talking about bringing jobs back and he said that he didn't have a magic wand, Jared. He was very defensive of the fact that people thought he was failing. And you know, it kind of goes back to what our last caller, Peggy, said about the economy. Like, you can't have it both ways. When you're running for reelection, you keep saying everything sucks. And you know, people can't put food on the table and nobody can pay all their bills. And then at the same time, you want to turn around and say, "Everything's great. Mayor Pete can walk his dog in D.C. and you can buy toilet paper and it's a Biden boom. Both things can't be true." But at the time, Barack was so defensive that he was saying about bringing jobs back, "Oh, what is he? You have a magic wand? I think he was talking about Trump. What do you have a magic wand? He's going to bring all these jobs back from other places." Does anyone want to ask any questions about these plans? Is this a magic wand style plan? Because I hear Kamala Harris and AOC and Joe Biden getting behind the mic to talk about how great this is. But no one's really, no one's showing us the work, Jared. You know how they do that in school? Like, how did you get your answer? How did you get here? An M.D. Kittle wrote, "Who's going to pay to shrink student loan debt for 23 million borrowers?" The complete bailout of 4 million Americans, debt buyouts of $5,000 or better for 10 million college loan debt holders, more than 50 billion on that account alone. M.D. Kittle has the answer that Kamala Harris doesn't want to mention. Taxpayers. Taxpayers with student loan debt and to Jared's point, taxpayers without student loan debt. Taxpayers of all kinds. It's like a Dr. Seuss poem. Taxpayers like you? Taxpayers like me. Everyone can go to college now that it's free. It's just absolutely ridiculous. But again, the same people who say, "I don't have a crystal ball. I don't have a magic wand." When it comes to actually doing anything that is within their power to do, that's something they could actually do to improve the lives of Americans, they all claim they have no idea. Like, for example, shutting down the border. They can't. Their hands are tied with that. There's nothing they can do. But relieving billions of dollars worth of student loan debt, canceling it, forgiving it. Then it's like, "Bippity, bippity, bop." Or what's the thing from Cinderella? "Bippity, bippity, boo!" They've got all the magic wands now. 844, 542, 42. And keep in mind, just so you have a little more context on the matter, we've got about 36. 34.6 trillion dollars right now of USDA. So, make sure that factors into the wands you're waving. We'll be right back. We'll talk more about this. We'll take your calls. Biden is very proud of canceling student loan debt. But there could be more issues to come. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. ♪♪♪ Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. The number is 844, 542, 42. We're talking about student loan debt. I'm getting great texts, and I got a great email from an MIT grad who said in 1990, his tuition was, today, would be like $35,000. And now, the price, I mean, I was reading last week that in a lot of these Massachusetts colleges, it's going to be $95,000 a year. It's obscene. And that never becomes part of the conversation. Carrie, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Carrie. Good afternoon, Grace. I just want to tell you, you do a great job. I listen to you every afternoon. Thank you so much. Yes. And, yeah, I just was, you know, I've been listening to you in the last couple of days as Biden's announced all of this, you know, another round of trying to forgive student loans. And, like you just said, the first thing we've got to kind of look at is to correct the problem first, which is the super high tuition. And if we don't correct that problem first, the student loan debt forgiveness just continues to go on and on and on, because with kids taking out $90,000 a year, loans for education for a four-year degree, you know, this problem is just going to keep going until we correct the, you know, the illness. Yeah. Until we stop the bleeding. Yeah. Until we stop bleeding. Yeah. And it's like anything else. I mean, if you have a leak, you know, you shut the water off and you're right. We're not getting to the root cause, which is crazy because I know for a fact that Kamala Harris, when it comes to root causes, she is the czar of getting to the root cause of everything. But we haven't gotten to the root cause of this, which I agree with. It's definitely a part of it. I think there's a lot of blame to share here when it comes to people being irresponsible in some cases. People being bamboozled, which I don't put past a lot of these schools, but also the exorbitant prices of tuition, the, the crazy interest rates. I think it all comes into play, but we're not dealing with the multifaceted issue. We're just dealing, we're just hoping that if we throw money at this, it's going to fix it. But what I would say to you, Carrie, is that you just said to me, we're not dealing with the problem. And oftentimes when I look at the Biden administration or the left in general, and I criticize them, and I say, this doesn't fix the problem or I don't like the way they're handling the problem. I almost have to reframe my line of thinking and remind myself that what I consider a problem, they don't consider a problem. Like, take the border, for example. You look at the border and you say, why isn't Joe Biden trying to fix this problem? Well, perhaps, and what you see as a problem is all of these undocumented people flooding into the country, some of whom are then murdering American citizens. But what if Joe Biden doesn't see that as a problem? We were just talking about how this is going to, this problem of people taking out massive student loans and then the taxpayers who either have student loans or don't have student loans having to pay for it going on and on and on. That's the problem as Carrie sees it. I don't think that Joe Biden and his friends see that as a problem. I think they see that as a very positive way of doing business for the next couple. It's just another grift. It's like, let's just keep this going now. This is great. And so whenever you're dealing with Democrats and you have an issue with something and you have an issue with the way they're handling something, keep in mind there's a very real possibility that it's by design. It's by design that they like. What you see as a problem, they see as a positive. They see as a solution. They see as the way of doing business. And it's a fundamental difference in the way Americans see this country right now and the way that people versus the deep state or the swamp see this country. Thank you for the call, Carrie. And thank you so much for listening. We will go back to this conversation about student loan debt because it is something that Joe Biden is very proud of. But if I could for a minute here, take a brief, brief aside and talk about breaking news out of the view. And last time we had Ari Hoffman on, which I believe was Thursday. I told Ari, I said, I really try not to play clips from the view. I have a whiteboard in my office. It's been this many days since I've played a clip of the view. But as you all know, once in a while, you'll get one and you feel compelled. Now, when we were talking about student loan debt, it dawned on me. The AOC is explaining to people how wonderful it is that you're going to have all your student loan debt canceled or forgiven or relieved. Which one do you prefer, Jared, out of those three options? Your student loans, A, forgiven, B, relieved, or C, canceled. I canceled because it is the least accurate term. Debt is like energy. Once it is created, it cannot be destroyed. I think I kind of like forgiven. You know, there's something so PC about it. I have your student loan debt forgiven. We all make mistakes. And now you have been forgiven. So this conversation, AOC goes on Stephen Colbert, who's hot off of his hosting of that Ritzy NYC fundraiser, which by the way, Stephen, I know you were on such a humble brag tour after that. So what did you feel about your fundraiser being dwarfed by Trump's $50 million fundraising hall in Florida? I'm sure he wasn't happy about that. But with all that being said, AOC is on this show and she starts talking about how if your student loan debt's forgiven, you can travel and you can have kids, which I thought was part of the contributing factors to global warming. But then again, I'm finding out new things about global warming every day because Sonny Hostin on the view yesterday was talking about the solar eclipse. And this weird thing's been happening on the view where it's like they all start correcting each other. And for a moment, you're the wisest of the bunch because only because someone else has gone to a new level of stupidity, that for a shining moment, you become the voice of reason. Like I always say, it's frightening when Whoopi Goldberg says that Jill Biden should be, what did she say? She should be the chief surgeon or the surgeon general and then everyone has to tell her, like, Oh, no, no, she's not an actual doctor. Or when lately it's been Sonny Hostin a lot talks about how if Israel, if we stopped giving aid to Israel, the word be over in three days and Joy Behar has to come in and correct her and say, you know, if Israel gave, if Hamas gave back the hostages, the war would be over. So it's an amazing thing when the voice of reason is a woman on the view, but that keeps happening. They're really out doing themselves. So listen to Sonny Hostin with this hot take cut 15. I'm leaving. We've got a solar eclipse. We've got the red on the hallway, the raptor is here. And then also I learned that the cottas are coming cicadas. Cicadas are the first time in the latest light. No, no, no, two different. No, well, this is what I read. There's two different kinds of cicadas. Yes, different times times are coming. The good six times in the bed. So for the first time in many, many years. No, every 17 years this happens. Well, that's not what I read, but maybe, you know, maybe, you know, better, but in a way, all those, all those things together. What maybe made one to believe that, you know, either climate change exists. That's more something is returning quite so not at the mercy of. So then Joy Behar takes over. Joy Behar at the helm. Joy Behar to actually deliver the facts. If you can even imagine has to let Sonny know. That earthquakes are not caused by global warming. Neither are the cicadas. And neither, and the solar eclipse is also not due to global warming. But it's, you know, what's the great thing about Sonny is that nothing deters her. Like there were several hints along the way of people trying to stop that train and it could not be stopped. The Sonny train was moving at such a brisk pace. It was like, nothing's going to stop her. She's going to blame all of this on global warming, even with Whoopi Goldberg sitting there trying to warn her. This is not going to be the cut you think it's going to be. 844 542 42. Let's go to Ernest. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on Ernest? Good afternoon. That student loan forgiveness by AOC. I mean, how do you expect these kids to come out of college and pay for a mortgage when they can't pay their student loans? I mean, they're asking for forgiveness for the student loans, but then she says they can have a mortgage. How are you going to explain to the bank how your credit history was forgiven by the government? The bank doesn't want to hear that. Do you have a credit history? Oh, well, I got still loans, but it's forgiven. Do you have a job? No, I'm a full-time student, but I want to get a mortgage. Oh, yeah, that's going to work really well. That's that they're in La La Land. That's crazy talk. Yeah, they're in La La Land. And also, none of this really checks out with her previous statements about the damage that a lot of these things traveling abroad, for example, having children. Let's play this flashback because one of the things she says, one of the great parts about the student loan forgiveness is you can have kids. And I'm old enough to remember, and I'm not even that old, but I'm old enough to remember when she wasn't so sure that was a good idea. This is cut for. Basically, there's scientific consensus, and so it's basically like there's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult, and it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question. Is it okay to still have children? And I mean, not just financially, because people are graduating with $20, $30, $100,000 worth of student loan debt, and so they can't even afford to have kids in the house, but also just this basic moral question, like what do we do? But it seems like once a student loan debt's not there, the moral question also. Maybe the moral question is also canceled or forgiven, I guess. You know, and that actually makes me think because it's like, I don't think the children, I think that they may be at risk of having a more difficult time in life, but I wouldn't say that's due to global warming. I would say if you have a parent who's constantly convincing you that the world is going to end, and that the earthquakes and the cicadas and the solar eclipses are all due to this, like, doomsday clock that you have in the kitchen, that maybe that kid's going to have a hard time with it. But I don't think it's actually anything to do with global warming, 844, 542, 42, we'll take more of your calls on this. And when we come back, I want to talk about activist David Hogg, because last time we checked in with David Hogg, he was giving the pillow industry a run for its money. That didn't really take off, but he does have a political action committee, very successful, has raised over $3 million in its first year, and what they're spending that money on may or may not surprise you, depending on what you know about David Hogg. And we will continue to take your calls on this, so don't go anywhere, 844, 542, 42, it is a gorgeous, gorgeous day. And I can't think of anything better to do today, Jared, than to drive to Nossa Beach. Just get a cup of coffee, sit outside, look at the ocean, maybe take your dog for a walk, and just enjoy this beautiful weather and this beautiful time of year. And right now, the price at Nossa Beach Inn is crazy. You can actually book a room in April for only $2.49.99. And in May, the rates are only $2.59.99. So these are incredible deals, and you're going to have the best time. 64 degrees outside the studio right now. That's practically summer weather. It is in England, yet the counts. And this is the type of day where it would be great to be down there, but you didn't book it. That's okay. You still get time to book it. But that's only if you want, you know, a nice tranquil environment to be able to walk along the beach to have a great time and enjoy the Cape to be outdoors and enjoy that, to be cozy in your room with a fireplace, a picture window so you can take in the ambiance of the Cape. If you want to sit out by the fire pits and drink your morning coffee, or look at the stars or watch the moon rise. If you're one of those people like me, the Nossa Beach Inn is the place to do it. I've been there. I love it. I cannot recommend it enough. Yeah, it really is a magical spot. And you can book your room at Again, just go to This is one of the best spots on the Cape. And for the best price, there's no doubt about that. So go to You know what else I was just thinking about the view, Jared? Because oftentimes I give people such a pass, like cicada, sicada. I make mistakes with pronunciation all the time. And also I say things all the time that I go, maybe I should have said that. But I think I'm giving people too much of it past lately because when you really think about it, the view, right, it's what? Is it an hour a day? It's one hour. And then you splice in the commercial so it probably comes out to 45 minutes maybe. And there's like four or five women on that panel. So Sonny Hostin on a good day just has to come up with maybe six senses that makes sense. And she still bungles it most of the time. It's not that much heavy lifting. If you said to me, Grace, every five minutes we're going to go to you, just have one point. I think I could nail it. But, you know, she gets that mic or she gets she gets her chance at it and she whiffs every time. All right, we'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. 844-542-42. This is the Grace Curly Show. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Salinas, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results, whether it's family law, criminal defense or some other legal concern. Mark Salinas and his team are with you from Start to Finish. Learn more about Silva and Salinas at That's If you want to vote in the poll, go to Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results? Today's poll question is, will Biden's student loan forgiveness scheme result in more votes for him or less? No, and my reasoning here, and this is just my hypothesis, is that the people who are going to get their student loans relieved or canceled are also, there's a big overlap in the Venn diagram of the, they're also the people that are unhappy with Biden's handling of the Israel Hamas war. And even though Biden might be bribing them with his student loan cancellation, that is not going to qualify him for forgiveness. So he might be giving them forgiveness, but I don't think they're going to reciprocate said forgiveness to Joe for not being pro Hamas enough. That's just my take. That's just my guess. What did the voters say? 63% think it will result in less votes. Only 37% think it will work and get more votes. I might have a column here. Will Joe Biden offering forgiveness give him any forgiveness? Grace, raise a hint. Ron, you're next on the GraceCurlyShow. What's going on, Ron? Hey, Grace. Hey, what's up? And so this is going to, this may sound kind of like a scattered rant, but so months ago, there were these articles that came out and it was, there was about Gen Z. And Gen Z were saying that they could only be happy earning $500,000 a year. And initially, I thought it was ridiculous. I really did. I thought it was crazy ridiculous. But now, as we're looking at the cost of everything, what, $90,000 a year for college? That's today. What's that going to be, you know, 18 years from now? $2 million, $5 million? Who knows? The cost of houses? People that are working like myself, most of us that are willing to work a job, we're working multiple jobs. And, you know, the Powerball doesn't get to $2 billion on my $2 alone. We just all want out from this, you know, and it's going to cost a lot of money to buy our way out of having to work or whatever you want to call it. But it's just, it's gotten insane. And a lot of us like myself, like, I don't want to go back into a corporate setting because I don't want to work with a bunch of people that think it's okay to give children sex change operations. So, whatever's going on, we're going to get rid of these people. We're going to get rid of all of them from the top of the bottom, from Joe Biden down to the selectment of a town at the Democrat. I want to see the whole Democrat, just the whole Democrat party just dissolves. I want to see it go away. I think that we got to vote them out in this next presidential election and I'm hoping that people do. You know what the other part with Gen Z's are, and I'm really, I try not to pick on Gen Z's because I think it's easy to pick on them. And I think this is a trend that people do. People picked on millennials for a long time. I'm sure Jared, when you were younger, people were already picking on the boomers. But we were too busy eating thistles because it was the Great Depression. Right, right. Of course, I'm sorry. That was really insensitive of me. But I try not to pick on them. But another thing that I would say that I think is another element of the Gen Z problem is that because of the social media and the TikTok and stuff, their priorities are all out of whack and they seem to be very into constantly buying things. And when I say buying things, I mean buying crap that they don't need. Talk about that at some point. Not on this show. We got too much to cover. But that's always percolating in my brain. We'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere.