The Howie Carr Radio Network

To Catch a Mayor: Inspector Lori Lightfoot on the Case! | 4.9.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

How would you describe ex-Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot? On-the-level? Straight-shooter? Trustworthy and dependable? Well, she's being tasked with investigating allegedly corrupt Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard, so we'll see what comes out of that deep dive.

Broadcast on:
09 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice by Young Voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. And a happy Tuesday to you. It is a beautiful day here in New England. We are so excited to bring you the best show possible. We've got a lot to get to today. Toby Leary is going to be here in the two o'clock to answer your questions. We're also going to get his reaction to the sentencing of the crumbly parents in Michigan. We're awaiting this sentencing. Crumbly was the 15 year old shooter in Michigan who killed four students in 2021. His parents are facing manslaughter convictions and impact statements. I'm sorry, manslaughter charges and we're awaiting the sentencing. Now, impact statements are going on now. Depending on the verdict, Jared, we might want to have Mark Salinas on later today or tomorrow if he's available just because I think they're calling it a historic sentencing. And I think it will be if these parents are given jail time because it's pretty unprecedented to charge parents or to convict parents for the crimes of their children. I don't think I've ever seen that before. There might be a few cases. But the word I keep seeing is negligence. And also, I was looking into this because I was curious what some legal experts, how they think this is going to play out. And I did find this from 2021, Jonathan Turley. When these charges were first brought, he said, the key question is whether this negligence is sufficient to create a situation where the risk of great bodily harm or death was very high, knowing that as a result of the defendant's actions he or she knew that serious harm or death would likely result. So I think a lot of this comes down to whether or not the prosecution was able to present enough detail to show that these parents knew their son was going to wreak havoc and, you know, cause such harm to all of these students and if they did nothing about it. Another part of the story that I keep seeing and again we're going to talk more about it too with Toby is that they're not showing or at least they don't appear to be very remorseful, which to me is just insane. I mean you do have a lot of situations now unfortunately happens all the time where a young person will go in and kill people at a school and then they interview the parents or they talk to the parents. And for the most part these parents are typically like devastated and you know they're heartbroken for not just the fact that their child did this but for the parents of the children that were killed. So to hear that these parents don't have remorse or they don't feel at all responsible is very bizarre. We will talk more about this. I have to assume if the parents are charged and are given jail time that because of the rarity of this that they will appeal and this won't be the end of it. This won't be the last time we hear about this. But we'll keep you posted. I'm looking at it right now on Fox and I'm sure they'll give us the alert as soon as it comes in also in the news today. So I haven't talked about in a very long time. David Hogg is in the news and I love stories that involve the spending of some of these political action committees and David Hogg has his own political action committee. It's a big story that broken. You know who broke it is a Matt Boyle friend of the show. He's a Breitbart writer. And he broke the story about how the guns write activists who actually we could talk to Toby about this too because Toby's constantly giving us his reactions to David Hogg's hot takes. He's a gun rights activist, kind of a social media star at this point, Jared. And I think, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, I believe at one point, he was in the pillow making business. He got into some back and forth with Mike Lindell. It was like a pillow, pillow making turf war who can make the best pillow. But I don't think his pillow business ever really took off. No, nothing, nothing ever came between the announcements. But I don't believe that project ever got off the ground. Some of the greatest projects are the ones that we never heard of. You know, the greatest, the greatest inventions are the things that were never invented that you never heard about. But yeah, so David Hogg, his political action committee is actually called the, what's the name of it? I have it here. It is called the leaders we deserve. That's what it's called. And really, to be fair, it's the leaders that David Hogg and his friends, his radical left friends think we deserve. So take that with a grain of salt. But they race slightly north of $3 million in their first year, pretty good for a political action committee in its first year to raise upwards of $3 million. Now, they got some donations from some big names. If you considered devolve Patrick a big name, he gave a thousand bucks. We've got the list of people, but it's a lot. It's the story is not about who was giving this political action committee money. The story is where they were spending this money. So like I just said, they raised over $3 million. Two elect leaders we deserve to help elect leaders we deserve. Strangely enough, only spend 263,000 on actual campaign slash candidates. Huh, weird how that happens. The rest of the money you ask travel consulting lawyers expenses. These things add up, Jared. These things add up fast. The only part of it I can't figure out. And like I said, there's more detail to it. I'll break down the spending. The only part of it that I can't figure out is and maybe this is this is going to come out over time. If you're David Hogg or any of the people involved in this political action committee and you raise over $3 million and you spend a lot of money on travel, but then a big chunk of money on consulting. How do you and they also did pay themselves and, you know, they. Oh, yeah, I mean, don't work for phrase race. Yeah. When you're working this hard, you got to you got to have a price tag. But Jared, unless there's like a cousin or something who's in the consulting firm, that money to me doesn't make any sense. Like, how does it get back around to them? I understand like in Black Lives Matter and that scam, it was, oh, you know, my, I'm giving consulting money to this firm that happens to be run by my husband or my brother. Like, I get that. But in this case, I'm looking for that familial connection to the people who started the consult, the committee, because otherwise it's like, you're not just paying consultants for the sake of it. The only time you're paying a consultant, I would hope is if they're somehow related to you. Otherwise, the money laundering situation. It's the spin cycle is not working. You know, it's not getting to you. That's my only concern, but hopefully we'll figure that out later. But what I want to start with, like really start with today is a story that I'm proud to say I have been following since the beginning. Since the second this story hit the airwaves, I was taken by it. And that would be the story. And by the way, it's aging like a fine wine. It's just getting better and better with every detail that emerges. That would be the woman that some people are dubbing the worst mayor in America, Tiffany Hennard. And Jared, I was trying to think, because I keep seeing that headline. Like, that's on the Daily Mail, a lot worse mayor in America. And I was like, that doesn't seem like a title we can just casually dole out to someone. Think about all the mayors that we've had. Well, first of all, let's set up the parameters here. Are we talking about current mayors? Because even if you say she's the worst current mayor in America, I still think she's dealing with stiff competition. But if you want to say she's the worst mayor ever in America, I don't know about that. She's definitely the most amusing mayor. But worst mayor, there's been so many bad ones. That's like winning an Oscar in 1995. Remember the year they had Forrest Gump, Shawshank, Pulp Fiction, The Lion King? You're dealing with heavy hitters when it comes to mayors. Mayors are notoriously scummy. So I just don't think we can give that out without kind of breaking down the parameters with all that being said, there's an update on Tiffany Hennard. This is the woman, worse, like I said, worse mayor in America, the Illinois village of Dalton. And by the way, just to give you a little refresher, she's the woman who put up all the billboards of herself all over town. She was having trips to Vegas. She was spending a lot of money on personal expenses. And also my favorite thing she did was she put in this ordinance that if she won reelection in 2025 and she was going to get a pay raise. But if she lost, then the person was going to get like a decrease of a substantial amount of money. Actually, let me make sure I get that right. Hennard makes $224,000 a year. But under the ordinance, if she runs for reelection in 2025 and loses, her successor's salary would drop to only $25,000 a year. That is such a crazy thing to try to pull. If I win, I make $224,000. But if I lose, you make $25,000 a year. You got to respect it. It's bananas. Who does that? I love it. I love it, though. Like, I respect the game. She also at one point was having a party or something. And she came out to Rihanna's song. Do we have a little? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. This is her theme song. Yeah, yeah. But I have my money. Got you now me well enough. But I have my money. That's her theme song. So this woman is a pioneer. Okay, she is unafraid. And so who do they bring out the Illinois village of Dolton? Who do they bring out to investigate her? Who do they choose as the person they want to hit up this investigation? Well, I'll tell you, they choose none other than former mayor of Chicago. We're delightful to investigate their corrupt mayor. Y'all should be ashamed of yourself. Y'all are black. Y'all are black. Y'all sitting up here beating and attacking on a black woman. That's in power. Y'all should be ashamed of yourself. Yeah, Tiffany's not happy with the community in Dolton. She feels like they've really betrayed her. And so now they bring in Lori Lightfoot to investigate. And a lot of people are criticizing this. A lot of people are like, why would you bring in Lori Lightfoot? Is this a joke? I saw Tommy Lauren today saying this reads like a Babylon Bee headline. I thought it was from the Babylon Bee. And I'm just here to say, I kind of get it. You ever seem to catch a thief? This is the movie monologue this morning. But have you ever seen to catch a thief? Sometimes you need someone who's done it. You know, who better to investigate a corrupt, unlikable, delusional, self-involved hack You've got to get in the mind of the criminal. You've got to get in the mind of the mayor. This is to catch a mayor. You're going to bring in the expert. This could be one of these movies like a Fincher directed movie Jared. You know, where they like 21 where you have the guy who can count cards and he comes in and he teaches the whole class. You've got to have someone who knows how the game works. But what I love about this, there's so many things I love. One is that Lori life, it's going to get paid $400 an hour. That's her retainer $400 an hour. And the thing about someone like Lori life, which we know, she's the face of Chicago, is that she's not, she's working around the clock. You know, she's a 24/7 kind of lady. So $400 an hour. And I'm going to guess at least 23 hours a day. And number two is today I saw that Dana Perino was saying, well, listen, clearly the people of Dalton trust Lori Lightfoot to handle this investigation. And I love Dana, but I was thinking, yeah, but they, I mean, to be fair, the people of Dalton also voted for this woman who now they're saying is the worst mayor of all time. Like, I don't know if we should be going off of their judgment. Perhaps their judgment is a little off, Jared. Y'all forget I am the leader. They want to hear from the mayor. If y'all ain't learned that yet, the mayor, not the trustees that don't do nothing that only run a map. Y'all don't do no work, no work. Yeah, if you thought that being caught up in all of this scandal was going to humble Tiffany Hanyard, think again. Okay, she's actually, she's actually less likable now than she's ever been. Amazing stuff. We'll get back to this when we return. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Dr. Houten of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. He's the best. You should check out his Meet the Experts podcast. You will understand what I'm talking about. He fixes your teeth and your smile, but it's so much more than that. When you have a smile that you're proud of, it just, it gives you a sense of confidence that you never knew you needed. And if you're someone who puts yourself last, you might not even realize you do this, but if you hear me talk about this every day and you go, "Oh, yeah, I'll do it tomorrow," or, "Maybe I'll call them next month," or, "I meant to call them before the new year, but I forgot." Stop putting yourself last. Stop putting yourself on the back burner. When you feel good about yourself, everyone is going to feel better around you, and you deserve it. So, call Perfect Smiles in Astronaut Hampshire. They'll walk you through. It's personalized. They'll see what you want for your smile, and they'll make it happen. Dr. Houten loves to make people's smile dreams come true. And, by the way, if you go to, you can check out the video testimonials, Howie Cars is the first one on the site. So, make sure you check that out. Go to That's, and make sure you tell them I said hello, because I love the whole team at Perfect Smiles. We will be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at G_Curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] You know, it's a great caption. Somebody put this story up about Lori Lightfoot being hired to investigate Tiffany Hanyard, aka the worst mayor in America, and I can't remember who I should give credit to here. But I'm sure more than one person has thought of this. Was Fanny Willis not available for this job? I sent the story to Howie, and I said I would have chosen Inspector Carb, and now that I think about it, Lori Lightfoot's not the worst choice. Again, don't you want somebody who knows the game? I'm sure Tiffany Hanyard had a sigh of relief when she heard Lori Lightfoot was in town. Yeah, Nathan Wade is going to need something to do soon, right? Why didn't they appoint Nathan Wade to this? Yeah, but it's cabin season. Do you know what I'm saying? It's cabin season. It's just starting to get nice out. He books them all the time. I don't know. I just, I don't know if he's going to have time for that. And also, it's not just cabin season. It's wine tasting season. So his schedule, Chockful. Let me read you just a little bit more. Actually, I'll do the poll question, and then I'll come back to this, because Lori Lightfoot, it's not enough that she gets this job. Which anyone else would just be thinking, wow, how am I getting away with this? Failed mayor. She was an incumbent mayor in Chicago, and she lost. You know how rare that is? It hadn't happened in a while. I think I believe it hadn't happened in 40 years, but Mayor Lori Lightfoot, former mayor, she can always do what people don't expect. So Lori Lightfoot can't just say, okay, great. I've got this new gig. She's got to make a statement about it. You know, puffing out her chest and talking about how there's no one better to handle this than her, because she understands what needs to, it's just the self awareness or lack thereof is breathtaking. Today's poll question is brought to you. Speaking of Mark Salinas by Silva and Salinas, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results, whether it's family law, criminal defense, or some other legal concern. Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. Learn more about Silva and Salinas at That's Jared, I don't even remember what I chose for the poll question. So what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Biden's student loan forgiveness scheme result in more votes for him or less? Okay, so with this story, we have sound from AOC. We have a lot of conversations ahead of us, but I thought of this yesterday because I was reading it during Grace's news and how he said, don't you think the people he's going to tick off? It's going to outweigh the people that he's bribing with this student loan forgiveness using air quotes there. And I have to agree with that. I think, and also, I think part of the risk that you take with this, Jared, is that you can give these people forgiveness can cancel their student loans. They can take it. I mean, obviously you're going to go great. My student loans are canceled. And then you could still not vote for the person. And that's a win-win for you. It's like, I got my student loans canceled, and then I can vote for somebody who's not going to destroy the country any further, and things are looking up. So yeah, I think that this is a risk that could very, very possibly backfire on Joe Biden. I'm going to vote. Yes, I think it's going to outweigh the people he's going to anger is going to outweigh the people he's going to make happy. 62% say it will result in less votes, 38% believe it will result in more. Oh, and also, the people whose student loans he's forgiving a lot of those people, they might be happy about the student loan cancellation, but they're still going to be mad about his stance on Israel. It's hard to make them happy. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. [MUSIC PLAYING] But everything we do, we do for the people, but we on the attack. We getting screwed now in the media, for what? Loving on the people, showing them that they matter to us. We going through the fires for y'all. Well, now Lori Lifa is going through the fires for the people of Dalton to investigate their mayor, Tiffany Hanyard, who, you know, none of these stories, I think there was a few in the beginning that did a justice that kind of went through the laundry list of problems that Tiffany Hanyard had. She likes to spend money. There's no denying that. And actually, Jared, should we take this live? The judge is going to give out the ruling here for these crumbly parents. Let's go to this. Oh, okay. Let me know when. And so, Tiffany, okay, here we go. [INAUDIBLE] They need to protect society. The penalty appropriate to the conduct and goal of deterring others from similar conduct. I have reviewed the pre-sentence investigation reports. I am, of course, sadly familiar with the facts and circumstances of these cases, as well as those surrounding each defendant. The advisory sentencing guidelines in this manner do not capture the catastrophic impact of the acts or inaction in these matters. The guidelines do not take into account the complete lack of insight both defendants have for their behavior to this very day. The guidelines do not account for the severity of the circumstances in this manner. The guidelines ignore the survivors, including shooting victims. B.V. Arthur, Elijah Mueller, Riley Franz, Kylie Osage, John Ashutto, Molly Darnell, and Aiden Watson. They were deeply wounded, both physically and emotionally. In addition to the seven wounded, each of the defendants' gross negligence has caused unimaginable suffering to hundreds of others as a result of what happened that day. Each act or inaction created a ripple effect. Therefore, an out of guidelines sentence is appropriate and proportional. The court uses the youthful tool of the legislative guidelines which embody the principles of proportionality, while also taking into account the nature of the offense and the background of each defendant. I believe that the following sentences would be in the best interest of justice and are reasonable and proportionate to the seriousness of the matter and the circumstances surrounding each defendant. With regard to Jennifer Crumley, it is the sense of this court, Ms. Crumley, that you served 10 to 15 years with the Michigan Department of Corrections. You will have credit for 858 days. State costs are $272 as crime victims' rights fee of $130. You and your agents may not have any contact with the families of Madison Baldwin, Tate Meer, Hannah St. Juliana, and Justin Schilling. I will issue another ruling with regard to contact with your son, the shooter. Excuse me. As to defendant James Crumley, it is the sense of this court that you served 10 to 15 years with the Michigan Department of Corrections. That you received credit for 815. Wow. Okay, so the parents of Ethan Crumley, 10 to 15 years from the judge, Cheryl Matthews. Like I said, I have to imagine, and I'm not a legal beagle, but I have to imagine this is going to be appealed. It is incredibly unprecedented up until this point to sentence parents to 10 to 15 years for something that their son did. But one of the things she mentioned there, Jared, which I had been hearing a lot about is this kind of lack of remorse or, you know, lack of understanding of their responsibility up until this day. I'm going to reach out to Mark Salinas during the break, see if he can come on, give us his quick reaction to this, but a historic ruling from this judge, the Crumley parents sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison. All right, now, let's go back here to, I just want to read you one quick thing from Lori life and then I want to switch gears to the student loan conversation, because I would love to hear from the listeners about this about your reaction. Joe Biden's now on the campaign trail bragging about how he's not going to listen to the Supreme Court and, you know, they tried to stop him. He's really trying to paint it like it's Republicans who tried to block this when in reality, it's the Supreme Court. This is a beautiful thing with Democrats. If the Supreme Court does something they don't like, then it's not settled law, you know, it's a travesty. It's why the Supreme Court should be abolished. It's why we need to pack the court. On the flip side of the Supreme Court does something that they like. It's beautiful. It's the law of the land. It's settled science. You guys know the drill. So in this case, he doesn't really even acknowledge the Supreme Court to a degree, and he's really just trying to paint it like Republicans are being the turds in the punch bowl and not letting him cancel everyone's student loan debt. If you check out the deficit currently, and if you check out inflation and your taxes, you might understand why Republicans aren't on board for this forgiveness plan. But before I go to that, Lori Lightfoot hired as the investigator for Tiffany Hennard in Dalton, Illinois. Okay. And here's what she had to say. As someone who has made good governance, the cornerstone of my career in public service. I recognize that maintaining the trust of those you serve in making decisions and their best interest is essential. I had no idea that Lori Lightfoot made good governance the cornerstone of her career. I thought Instagram videos of her doing karaoke were the cornerstone of her career. When did I miss this chapter? I think there's actual empirical evidence that she is no longer the mayor of Chicago that she did not make that the cornerstone of her career. If she had made the cornerstone, she might still be there, Jared. Yeah, Lori Lightfoot. When I think of Lori Lightfoot, I think of the lockdowns because she was one of the first COVID hypocrites who decided that she's allowed to get her hair done because she's the face of Chicago, but she had to shut down barbershops for other people. So when I think of Lori Lightfoot, and I hope this is not going to be news for the people in Dalton because they'll be dealing with her now that she's, she's on the case. Inspector Lightfoot is on the case. She's got a bit of a temper. Remember the email she was sending to people? They were reminiscent of the shining just repeating the same line. I need free time. I need free time. I need free time. So hopefully, you know, she's getting paid 400 bucks an hour. Hopefully that brightens up her mood a little bit. She's not as nasty to everyone. But I would say being nasty via email, making Instagram videos of herself doing karaoke, throwing staffers under the bus, getting haircuts whilst shutting down barbershops and beauty salons. And am I missing something, Jared? I'm just going to get showing up in a superhero costume as the COVID cleaning Avenger or whatever she was with her sidekick, who I think might have been the deputy mayor. I don't know. Dressing up as a superhero. Those five things I would say were the cornerstone of the Lori Lightfoot mayoral career, but far be it from me to try to correct her. 508, having the esteemed mayor Lightfoot investigating this is pretty much like putting Hunter in charge of the Department of Alcohol Tobacco and Fire. Hey, it won't be far behind. Let me assure you, but Jared, 400 bucks an hour. She's going to start working Nathan Wade hours. Let me tell you. I mean, get that 400 bucks an hour. You're like, you know what? This case needs to be worked on 24/7. This can't be, Jared, a typical workday will no longer suffice. I don't think she's going to be sending emails about free time. She's like, consider all of this work time from here on out, but happy for Lori Lightfoot. She's landed on her feet and all is well. All right. Now, let's get into the conversation about student loan debt. So I want to play a cut here. We'll open the lines. We'll take your reactions. The number is 844-542. Biden is now bragging about ignoring the Supreme Court's ruling on student loan debt, on relieving. There's all these different, there's all these euphemisms you can use. It's like gender affirming care. It's loan affirming forgiveness. And Joe Biden's very proud of himself that he's doing this despite the fact that it's unconstitutional. The Constitution is one of those things that when it works for you, it works for you, and when it doesn't, you might as well be Donald Trump taking a hammer to the glass, okay? And so here's Joe Biden. Yesterday, I believe he was in Wisconsin. And this is what he had to say for himself. Cut five. Tens of millions of people's debt was literally about to get canceled. But then some of my Republican friends and elected officials in special interest sued us. And the Supreme Court blocked us. But that didn't stop us. No, I mean, sincerely, we continue to find alternatives passed to reduce student debt payments. We continue to find alternatives to not listening to the Supreme Court. Good for you, Jack. And so the reason I bring this up is because AOC was also very proud of this. She's also proud of the fact that Biden and his team are ignoring the Supreme Court ruling. And they're just going to do it anyway. They're just going to allow you, the taxpayer, to forgive everyone else's student loan debts because they think it's a good idea. And that matters. And so AOC, she goes on with therapy for liberals, Stephen Colbert. And this is what she had to say. Cut three. You know, this is huge. This is people getting the student loan forgiveness. Their student loans canceled. It means that, you know, it's hoped to buy a house or have a kid or travel abroad or maybe even go back to school and, you know, pursue a career that maybe they otherwise wouldn't have. I mean, one of the reasons that's not me now. I was so focused on the travel abroad, have a kid, that I didn't realize she's also encouraging people. Go out and take a more student loan debt. I mean, we just paid off your current debt that you were irresponsible and decided that you could take out, even if you couldn't pay it back. So why not take out more? You know, there's no lessons being learned here. Let's just go back to school and maybe get a degree in something that's also not going to make you any money. And by the way, this is coming from a theater major with student loan debt. So I'm not saying this in a judgy way. I'm just saying, if someone came to me and said I'm going to pay off all your student loan debt, my first thought wouldn't be great. I'm going to go back to school and gather more. The casino has extended your line of credit. We know you're down $140,000. Are you feeling lucky? Yeah, but here's the other part of it here. The back of our room is open 24 hours. George Santos would be thrilled to hear. So here's the other part of this, though, that really stuck out to me. And I haven't really seen anyone yet taking hold of this. I'm sure the Republicans. This is my call. I'm getting out the conch shell. It's time to seize and pounce and weaponize on the fact that she says you can come back. She says you can travel abroad and you can have kids. There's a blimp going by, Jerry. Just a side note. I've never seen a blimp this close. It's pretty cool. See now I'm focusing on the sky ever since the solar eclipse. You see that? That's pretty badass, isn't it? I like blips. Okay. I think that's for a sporting goods store that's opening in the Prudential soon. That's what that is. Wow. They're really rolling out all the stops. Are you not a Tiffany Henniard billboard? It is not. That would be a great. That's her. That should be her latest things. You know what, Tiffany? Screw the billboards. Get a blimp. Blimps are so blimp greater than billboard. Blimp better have my money. Blimp better have my money. Okay. How do we get here? Right. AOC. She says, okay. Get your bare heads. She says you can have a kid and you can travel abroad. Now, Jared. I am not an expert on all things climate change. I'm not sunny hosting. I don't claim to know about the effects of climate change on earthquakes and solar eclipses. We will get to that in a moment. But last time I checked, wasn't AOC telling us that you should think twice about having kids because of climate change? And also, I have to assume traveling abroad requires most of the time airplane travel, right? You would think. Which isn't good for the environment. It's like, okay, so once you get this get out of debt free card, suddenly planet Earth doesn't matter anymore. I just, you know what it is? I need some sort of, I would like a ranking from AOC of her list of priorities because it seems like traveling abroad has now trumped climate change, fighting climate change. At one point, this was the woman telling me I had, I think at this point, if I was following her doomsday clock, it would be four years left, five years left. But now she's so happy about this student loan debt forgiveness that she's telling people to travel abroad. Enjoy your life. What about planet Earth? What about the planet that has a fever? You're just leaving the planet on bed rest so people can go travel abroad? Not to mention have kids. Prince Harry told me having kids, having multiple kids is dangerous to the planet too. I'm just, reckless is I think the word. You know what it is Jared, I'm getting mixed messages. I'm getting mixed messages. Should I try my very best not to use plastic straws to take my bike everywhere, to not go anywhere, to not use air conditioning, to change my dishwasher, to do all of these things, to make my life miserable to try to save the planet, or on the other side, do I travel abroad and have more children? I just need the people that are so wise in giving us all of this lifestyle advice to get on the same page. With themselves, like the AOC of two days ago is now conflicting with the AOC on Stephen Colbert. Travel abroad? Have a kid? Do you hear yourself? She better hope that Jane Goodall doesn't hear her. She's not gonna get, she's not gonna get any awards for this kind of talk. Is the climate community upset? Has Greta heard about this? I think Greta's too busy getting faux arrested somewhere. Her last arrest looked a little bit more real than the one before it. It didn't look, she didn't have the invisible handcuffs on it. It looked like they had really. Like when AOC had the invisible cops and then pumped her fist on the way out. She forgot. No, it's, it's tricky. It's just clearly she was not a theater major. No. Not all of us can. We commit to the role. It's, it's method acting. 844-500-4242. Jared, tell people about the nasa beach in because it seems like every day now that we're in this studio staring at blimps looking outside. It looks like the perfect day to go visit the nasa beach in. Yes, this is just a glorious day and hopefully the rest of the week stays like this. But this would be the perfect week to be down at the nasa beach in. But you didn't book it and now other people are there. Don't make that mistake again. Book your room at the nasa beach in now. It's number one on my list for just tranquility, ambiance and atmosphere. Being down on the cape, especially in the off season or the not busy season. You really get to just enjoy the beach. You can listen to the sound of the ocean. You can walk along the beach. There's trails around there. You could do different things. You could just sit, relax and enjoy being there, being out in the open, being on the beach. They have fire pits you can sit by. Every room is nice and super cozy. So even if it rains or it's a little too chilly for you, you can stay inside. They have a fireplace in every room and giant picture windows so you don't miss any of that ambiance that I was talking about. I've been there. I love it. I recommend you get there and I recommend you get there now because Dave Henshey was on last week and he said the rooms are going fast. So don't delay. You could be down at the nasa beach in on a day like today enjoying everything it has to offer. To reserve your ocean view room, go to You heard Jared, you got to get there now to book your room. That's We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. You know, it's really embarrassing. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is on the Senate floor right now reprimanding Republicans and demanding that they send more money to Ukraine. Lest we let Vladimir Putin and MAGA Republicans hand Russia this victory. And I just have to imagine that Jewish people in this country who maybe thought for even a minute that Chuck Schumer was going to stand strong with Israel that they must just be horrified that this guy is in charge of the US Senate. This man who called for new elections to oust Beebe Netanyahu and has made it very clear he does not support Israel is now on the floor telling people they need to send more money to Ukraine. It's like where and that's the biggest part of this question when it comes to these wars that no one's answered. It's like, why wasn't there any rush whatsoever? If you even suggested maybe Ukraine and Russia reach some sort of peaceful resolution because it doesn't look like there's any end in sight for this war. Do you recall the puppet of Putin, a MAGA Republican puppet of Putin who probably watches Tucker Carlson? If you even suggested it on October 8th, probably even sooner than that. People were calling for a ceasefire. People were demanding that Israel not defend itself. And that tells you all you need to know, but for Chuck Schumer to be the face of this is shameful, truly. We'll talk more about that. Stume loan debt, AOC and everything else when we come back. [MUSIC PLAYING]