The Howie Carr Radio Network

Crime on Cape and Scandal in the School System | 4.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

These are two interviews you won't want to miss. First, Howie welcomes Sam Whiting from the Massachusetts Family Institute to share the latest horror out of the public school system, this time in Leominster. Then, Robert Bastille joins the show to update local listeners on crime on Cape Cod. Funny, the uptick in illegal aliens has correlated with an uptick in crime.

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10 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. What do you say to the families? Not just Latino families, but families across the country that don't feel that economic growth, that job creation reflected in their day checks and their pockets. Well, it's not yet, but guess what? It's about changing what happens at the kitchen table. This just in inflation is headed in the wrong direction right now. The latest consumer price report just out shows prices up 3.5%. It's all coming back, you understand? I don't like it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. God bless the Japanese and American people. So are you Chinese or Japanese? I live in California last 20 years, but first come from Laos. Huh? Laos. We live in the ocean. The ocean? What ocean? Here's the thing about Faisa. He's not wrong, of course. They've abused Faisa, but these reforms would actually kill the abuses. Why are you the way that you are? Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Carr. People were asking me to tweet out that note that was left on the pickup truck driver's vehicle at the Bruins game. But I think I'll wait until I do the column on Friday. We'll get it out on Friday, but I'll definitely tweet it out on Friday. 802, do you think the note writer will be getting his student loans paid off? Most assuredly, if they haven't already been paid off. 844-542, 844-542, once a month, we like to check in for a segment with the Massachusetts Family Institute about what they're up to. They're trying to protect the family and traditional values in Massachusetts. And as you know, it's an uphill struggle. And joining us on the segment tonight is Sam Whiting. He's the staff attorney. And Sam, thanks for being with us here again on the Howie Carr Show. And what issues did you want to bring up today? Thanks so much for having me again, Howie. Today, I wanted to share kind of a breaking story with you that I think is illustrative of a much larger problem in Massachusetts. And that's that public schools are going behind the backs of parents and secretly participating in gender transitions for minors. So what they're doing is they're using alternate names and pronouns for these minor students at schools, and then they're deceiving those kids' parents into thinking that they're not doing that and that they're calling them by, you know, their biological, their birth name and pronouns. So they're lying to the parents. Exactly. And this came to a head in Lemonster just last month, where a teacher, a high school math teacher, his name is Rob McNerney. One of the nicest guys I've ever met, honestly, just very well spoken, respectful guy was a great math teacher in Lemonster. But it ended up that he had a kid in his class who ended up identifying his transgender and told him, "Hey, I know you're meeting with my parents tomorrow. When you do, please use my birth name. I don't want them to know that I go by a different name and pronoun at school." And Rob is a Christian, and he objects to that because he thinks that God only created male and female. And so he didn't really know what to do with that. So he reached out to the principal about this, and the principal essentially told him, "No, you have to use this student's preferred name and their preferred pronoun, even though it's the opposite of the gender that they actually are." And you have to deceive their parents lie to their parents about the fact that you're doing that. And if you don't, then you could be subject to discipline. So Rob was really shocked by this, really poor by this. And he said, "What's the basis for this? We don't even have a written policy on this. The principal said, "Doesn't matter. We're required to do this by law. You can't discriminate." And Rob said, "Well, actually, you're not required to do this by law. There's too much that says that you're not required to do this by law." And he requested Rob ended up requesting a religious accommodation, and not only did they deny that accommodation, but then a week later they pulled Rob out of class and told him that they weren't renewing his contract for the next year. How long had he taught it to school? He taught for almost a year. So he was a fairly new teacher, and I think the reason that they felt that they could get away with this is because he didn't have tenure at that point. Well, you know, I mean, religious accommodations, they used to mean something, or they theoretically did, but then COVID-19 came along and we all know cops and nurses and correctional officers who were fired despite. They said, "Yeah, we agree you have a religious exemption, but we cannot make accommodations." So I guess they probably gave him a version of that letter, correct? Yeah, well, actually, I mean, the letter basically just said, "This is our policy. We don't make any exceptions to this." And I should have said, the only recommendation that he was requesting was to be able to use the student's preferred name because he said, you know, people can choose the name that they want, but I can't use different pronouns than the gender that a student actually is. And if I'm going to use a different name, I want to be able to get consent from their parents to do that first. We have a sound cut from my Instagram from this teacher. His name is Rob. Yep, Rob McNerney. Rob McNerney. Here it is, cut 12. The Christian parent and educator are obligated to inform you that runs their hates will require teachers to lie about minor children even to their own parents. At a child's request and without parental consent, teachers must comply with the child's wishes to change their name from now or otherwise transition their gender identity. Moreover, if the child's wishes, teachers must hide this standard transition from the parents. In March 2023, it's been requested that I support them in this kind of deception, but I hold a student by one name and gender in class, but use their given name and pronouns when they communicate with their parents. This administration backed up the student's request and it clarified to me that the school's government policy is in fact intentional diversity on it. I explained to do my Christian convictions, I did not engage in this kind of deception. On June 2nd, the administration denied my request for religious accommodation, and one week later, while teaching class, I was probably called down to an un-unceding, whereas the court in my contact was not being renewed for quarterly due to classroom management issues. What are the classroom management issues? Is that what they said? Yeah, that's exactly what they said, classroom management issues is the excuse they gave, and of course they didn't explain what classroom management issues there were. And they had never warned him about his classroom management before. Now, are you suing on his behalf, the Mass Family Institute? So, we're not taking legal action at this point. I can't speak really in more detail about Rob's side of things. I will say that a teacher who requests a religious accommodation and then is retaliated against for that would have a legal claim. You know, pretty clearly would have a legal claim because you can't fire someone for requesting a religious accommodation. And I'll also say, I think it really speaks to, I think it's a testament to the type of teacher that Rob is, that he actually really doesn't want to make this issue about himself. So the clip that you displayed was him going before the school committee in Levenster and telling them for the first time that this policy is in place and that the school administrators are enforcing this against teachers because the school committee didn't even know that this was happening. The administrators had not told them anything about this even though they're the ones who are supposed to be making the policies on these issues. So, Rob really was trying to frame it not as, you know, what was me, this happened to me, but this is what's happening to kids and they're misleading parents cutting them out of their kids' lives on an issue that's really significant for their mental health. And that's going to be damaging to a lot of kids who don't deal with this right now. Well, you know, just as a parent, the next question I would ask is if the schools are instructing the teachers to lie to me about this issue, what other issues are the school administrators and the elected officials who the school committee? What other issues are they going to lie to the parents about? That's an obvious question, isn't it? Definitely. I mean, there's a deep, deep problem with the logic behind policies like this because the assumption that kind of underlies this type of policy is that all parents are probably abusers. You know, that we can't trust parents to deal with their kids coming out as transgender or something like that because, you know, kids know what's best for them. And if they fear that their parent might not be affirming, then essentially, you know, that's a legitimate basis to think that the parents are abusive and therefore they shouldn't be involved in this conversation whatsoever. Now, if a public school really thinks that a parent is abusive, then they should be filing a report with DCF. Of course, they don't actually think that these parents are abusive. They just think that they're not going to be affirming, and because they don't like how parents parent their own kids, they, you know, they take over that role. They usurp that role and say, "We know how to parent your kids better than you do." This story is just coming out at the same time. There's a new report coming out saying that most kids in this age group who think they want to transition to the other gender or another gender, this is a stage that they pass through. And they just go on about their lives unless, of course, they're mutilated and they can't detransition. Exactly, and that's another reason why this is so, so important to push back against these policies because when you start socially transitioning a child, you know, sometimes even before they've hit puberty, this is happening in middle schools and elementary schools as well as high schools, that gets the idea into their head that, "No, I really am the opposite gender." And so using alternate names and pronouns, what they call social transitioning, is not harmless. It's not something that you can just, like a switch that you can flip on and off. It leads these kids, you know, the vast majority of them will go on to actually medically transition, take hormones, puberty blockers, and then, like you said, mutilate themselves with surgery. So, you know, putting the idea into their head and reinforcing that idea has long-term permanent consequences down the road. And like you said, the vast majority of kids who are not pushed toward this, and when you take what's called the watchful waiting approach and you just let kids figure it out for themselves, as we go through puberty, something like 85 to 95% of those kids will not identify as transgender by the time that they're 18. Right. Well, this is an interesting case. Sam, Sam Whiting, where can people go to learn more about this case and the work of the Massachusetts Family Institute? Yeah, so go to I would highly encourage people to sign up for our email list. I also want to ask people, if you live in Levenster, if you have a connection to Levenster, reach out to the school committee and let them know that you want a better policy on this. Let them know that you want the policy to be that unless you get parental consent, you can't socially transition kids buying their parents back. Was there some surprise when he went before the school committee that this policy existed, that to lie to parents? Oh, I think they were shocked. I don't think they had any idea that this was happening in their school district. And really they should, because this is happening in school districts across Massachusetts, where we actually are part of a lawsuit against Ludlow School District for the exact same type of policy. But yeah, I don't think the school committee in Levenster was aware of this, and now they are. And so I think it's really up to them to make the change that needs to happen so that the kids there will be there. When did he make this statement to them to let them know? It was March 18th that he went to the school committee meeting, and I haven't heard that they've taken any action on this yet, so. Okay, so if you live in Levenster and you know somebody on the school committee, just let them know what you think about this. Again, you can go to a and read up on this case and all the other work that they do at the Mass Family Institute. So you can at least have the details when you talk about this, because this is not the 351 communities in town, so Levenster is not the only one where this nonsense is going on. Sam Whiting, thank you very much for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. 844. Thanks. 844.542.42. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. The Howie Car Show is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorneys at law, to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed that restore hyper wellness, go to That's, not for the faint of heart though. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you agree with Trump that the House GOP should kill Pfizer, the secret deep state surveillance law? Yes, no, or couldn't they just reform it? Kill it. 94% say yes, they should kill Pfizer. 2% say no. 4% say couldn't they just reform it? We'll see what they do in the future. They killed it today, but it's not. Things like this are never dead. They're like Freddy Krueger or Dracula. 844.542.844.542. We have another guest at 630. It's like about crime on Cape Cod, but I want to play a couple of these Biden cuts before we get there. I want to play the most brutal one of the day. We played it a couple of times, but we should play it one more time. Cut 14. Elect me. I'm in the 20th century, 21st century. No. Well, that was he's well. Tune in tomorrow for more fire future adventure with Joe Biden in the 20th century. Here's another one for you. This is again from this morning with the Japanese Prime Minister, cut 11. Last month you predicted the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates thanks to falling inflation, but today data showed that inflation rose more than expected for the 3rd straight month. So how concerned are you about the fight against inflation, stalling, and do you stand by your prediction for a rate cut? Well, I do stand by my prediction that before the year is out to be a rate cut. This may delay it a month or so. I'm not sure of that. We don't know what the Fed is going to do for certain. But look, we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down close to 3%. We're in a situation where we took office, where inflation was skyrocketing, and we have a plan to deal with it. It wasn't skyrocketing, it's skyrocketing when you took off. Two things. They just want to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise taxes on other people. And so I think they have no plan. How many lies is this 58 seconds? You know, 20 of which was the reporter's question. Why don't you try to pronounce some Japanese names, Mr. President? Cut 10. Putting the... ...coco islands is unwavering. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so... cut 12. Okay. Third, next question. Who I call on next. Hang on a second. I got my list here. Hang on. I apologize. I'm really of AFP. Cut 9. Prime Minister is going to travel to North Carolina tomorrow to visit that project. Don't stay. Don't stay. We need you back in Japan. They'll probably try to keep you. I thought he was going to say don't stay because the state's turning red again, and they're going to elect a Republican, the Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson as the governor. Don't stay. Don't stay. 844-542-42. We'll be right back. Prime Minister is going down the road. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. With the collapse of local mainstream media news outlets, the bloggers have moved in, and they're reporting the news that doesn't get reported anymore by newspapers or TV stations, and Turtle Boy is one of the people that does this, with creepy daily news. He keeps the police scanner on, just like Stanley Foreman used to do in Boston, when he worked at the Herald American and later for Channel 5. Maybe he still does. Robert Bastille does a great job reporting the news on Cape Cod, the police news, especially, and there's been a lot of police news lately. As the days get longer and we get closer to the summer, the crime is picking up, especially in Hyannis. Hyannis has become sort of a no man's land with all the migrants and the illegal aliens in there. There was a bad fight at a bar, at a nice bar on Main Street on Sunday morning, and I wanted to have Robert Bastille on to talk about that. He's got some great pictures, as he always does. Robert Bastille, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. Hey, how you doing, Howie? Good. Tell us what happened at the embargo, a nice bar. They have bouncers. They try to get the courthouse crowd in. They encourage you to dress nicely. What happened late Saturday night, early Sunday morning? Yeah, so it's been a busy night and then there's a lull and I was hoping to just chill out for a minute or two. And then I heard the call come in that the bouncers were in some type of disturbance with some customers there and there was a glass broken over somebody's head. It caught my attention because, you know, bar fights usually don't throw on me, but this caught my attention because this is our local tap of join. It's a nice place, you know, and I know the owners and they're very nice people, and it's a very rare occurrence. I went down there. It's not a bucket of blood is what you're saying. Not at all. Not at all. And as soon as I got down there, you know, there was two scenes rapidly developed. There was a group of men that left in a Toyota Highlander and then there was a scene at the bar. So I had to get both scenes and I did. You can see it on There's a video of the arrest and the scene at the bar. The officer that responded inside the bar, he saw the broken glass and then he went and found one of the bounces in the bathroom, cleaned the blood off the side of his head. He was allegedly struck in the head with a glass. It wasn't your ordinary glass. This was a heavy-duty Libby Dura. Dura tough. It's a special bar quality glass that's thick. If you can picture that like a round glass that was smashed and it's designed not to break, but it broke. And according to the, I spoke with the owner, the bouncer had managed to turn his head at the last second to avoid getting his face ripped off. So he took it across the skull. Apparently these individuals, they were in town. They were up from Florida on a plumbing job. So they traveled all the way from Florida to here for a plumbing job, according to them. To what they said to the staff at the bar. What is their nationality? Robert? Well, I pulled the reports and I know the person that was arrested was, he used as a Colombian passport. The driver of the vehicle, there was four of them. The driver of the vehicle was the only one with a US identification. He had a New York City, a New York City of New York drivers license. And the right front passenger had a Mexican ID card. The rear left passenger had a Colombian identification card. And then the right rear passenger, who was the one that had, he had cuts on his hand from the, you know, allegedly from the glass breaking across that guy's skull. And he had a Colombian passport, which is interesting because I happened to be with an airshot as the bail commissioner was bailing him out on the charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. And all he had to do was sign his name and he was free to go, you know. But he didn't want to give up his Colombian passport for some reason. He made up this, you know. And he said something. He doesn't speak English, but he's apparently mastered some of his alleged constitutional rights. What did he say? Yes. So I speak Spanish. So he did say to the translator, he's like, you know, tengo mis torechos. And what does that mean? He has his rights. He doesn't have a driver's license or any identification that he wants to share. But he has his rights. Okay. So the poor bail commission is sitting there and, you know, he comes in from home, you know, and he's being patient with this guy. It's like, look at dude, you're either going to sign in because you have to, you have to give us your passport to make sure you show up to court. Or you can go back in the cell for two days until Monday to get arraigned. And they went back and forth and this guy just decided to, you know, do the time in the cell. And then I wouldn't give up the passport. It makes one suspect that perhaps there was a problem with the passport. I thought the Robert Bastille that, you know, when a police report, you had to put your nationality down. Right. Well, that was my experience. I used to work for a couple police departments on the Cape. And I thought that they asked that, but they do ask. All right. So I asked, I got the paperwork here. And I think I might have sent it to you guys. I don't know if you got it, but I was checking. It says, but it does not ask the citizenship or the nationality of the suspect. In this case, you think you'd need that information for flight risk, but so it doesn't ask that, but it does ask. However, it asks about the gender gender identity and the preferred pronoun. So if you look at the report, I sent you. He identifies as a male and it's got he, him, his. He identifies as a male, and we know what pronouns to use, but we don't know what nationality he is. It doesn't spell it out. It doesn't make it easier for us because I'm very concerned about the billions of dollars that are being spent on the migrants. You know, I'm trying to give, you know, by the way, the new news today out of the state house, they're running out of money again. It's a standing headline. Every two weeks, they run out of money for the illegal aliens. What's it up to now? Well, Rod Rex, the Senate chairman of Ways and Means, he seems to know more than the administration. He said that it's $932 million so far. And they've appropriated $575 million and that's going to run out in about a week. So they're going to have to come up with more money. But the cost, the projected cost for the year is $932 million. And I'm going to say, again, if the over and under is a billion, I'm taking the over. I think it's a lot more than $932 million. Me too. It just seems out of control. What's going on right now? So, so is this guy? So were the other guys arrested? I mean, they threw him out of the bar out of embargo. And then, so instead of just like, instead of just like going home or buying a six pack for the road, well, it was too late to buy a six pack. Instead of going home, they just, they came in the side door and tried to sneak back into the bar, right? And this is like, as the story goes, they were getting loud and obnoxious and they were, they, they wanted them to leave. So they, they, they guided them out the side door because they didn't want any trouble, you know, so they got them up the side door. And then apparently, according to the video and the reports that I've been reading, they then abruptly scurried around front like, you know, feral buyer patrons and they burst into the front door. And then then the officer, according to his report, he saw, you know, the swinging and the fighting. And then he saw that's when he saw this, this hand fly down on that guy's skull with something in his hand. Can we get the video? Can you get the video? I'm going to try. As a matter of fact, you know, I, there's, yeah, I mean, I think, I think you might also be interested in talking to the, to the buyer owner. I'd like to talk to him because he runs a really, I'll give the number off air if you want. Yeah, we'll call them tomorrow. They will. Okay. All right. Yeah. So, yeah, go ahead. Is this going on? Is this going on a lot in Hiana? Is this getting worse in Hiana? Is the weather gets warmer? It's always going on like this, honestly, but I'm, I'm very concerned about the, the, you know, you saw the article, I just wrote before that earlier in the night. Was somebody involved in a serious crash, right? And they flee the scene and they don't, the drivers on license and they don't speak English, right? And he's sitting there posing for a photo, giving me a peace sign. And I'm like, don't you realize that back at the scene, you left the car disabled in the middle of the mall intersection, three occupants, one of them a child. And it's like they didn't have the least bit concerned. And that really troubles me because it's, I don't know. It's just seems really, number one, it seems unfair, but it's this dangerous behavior. I wrote, wrote just a tongue in cheek, little piece yesterday about an accident where people actually remained on scene. And I was trying to be sarcastic. But it seems that most people take off from accidents on a daily basis here at least one. Especially late at night. And you also said inside his cruiser, this was at the accident where the, no one spoke English, the earlier one before the bar fight. An officer used a special cell phone to connect the driver with a Portuguese English translator. And I've read other stories where they have a, they have a phone, special cell phone for English Spanish translators. I mean, do all the cops on Cape Cod now have to carry one of these special phones because nobody speaks English anymore? You know, it's a, it's a special phone that they pass around during the shift. Normally, basketball police has like Spanish, Spanish speaking or, you know, Portuguese speaking officer on duty, but they get busy. And so when they, when the translators, the patrol officers that can translate are unavailable, they use these phones and they're passing around. I don't know the reason why it has to be a special phone. I'm guessing it's because, you know, record, you have to keep the record. So, yeah, you know, I've been asked that, you know, I speak Spanish. I just don't want to get involved and get involved in their case. I'm just there to observe. But I mean, it's, it's not unusual for there to be a language barrier. I would say it happens very, very often every night. And that's not a, that's not a concern of mine, that language barrier. It's the legality of these people. So this guy that, that smashed the, the duro tough glass over the, they, I called the gospel court and their records do not reflect anything about him being here legally or not. I found that concerning because they released him on personal recognizance with a promise to appear on May 13th. So he gave his word. Good luck. Yeah. But he is ordered how he can't go back to the embargo. He's ordered to stay away and he has to stay 50 feet away from the victim. So, you know, I'm seeing these things where there's, there's a different set of consequences for different people in it. That's what really concerns. Yeah, we've all noticed. Yeah. I know that's the problem. That's the, it's a huge, it's a huge problem. Yeah. So where can people go if they want to read up on these stories? Robert Bastille. So, yeah, so I'm glad you asked the, it's hyannis And I'm out there usually every night. I, I, you know, a little under the weather the last few months, but I'm out there usually every night. And if I go out, I usually find some type of story with violence or that, you know, something, you know, special cell phones to handle the translations. Oh, Lord. So is, give, give, give the number for, for, for the guy who runs the embargo and try to get, if you can get that video, we'd love to get some of that video too. And we'll tell, at least tell people where to see the video of the bar fight. That, that's just, I mean, this is bad. This is just bad that this is going on. Yep. Well, all right. We really appreciate you being with us. You're doing a great job. Robert Bastille with the hyannis There's quite a, quite a news desert or was with the Cape Cod Times basically ceasing to cover local news. But you're, you're trying to fill it as best you can. The hyannis Check it out. It's a great, great website, especially for crime news. I'm Howie Carr. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week. Oh, wow. Read his latest at He's Howie Carr, and he's back. Check out hyannis He does a, he does a great job, Robert Bastille. And it's, it's not an easy job staying on the scanner and taking a lot of crap. And sometimes he just has to wait outside for, for a while. Well, he doesn't know what's happening inside. And then they come out and people are yelling and screaming at him. And it's just, it's just, but he, he likes, he likes doing it. He's, it's his, it's his vocation and his avocation. And we'll stay in touch with him. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Let's take another Biden cutter too. This is from his interview with Univision. And remember now he's, he's been bragging about how he's just, he's defying this, the Supreme Court on giving, giving a trillion dollars to a bunch of loafers who didn't, didn't want to pay back there. Their college loans. So it's been transferred to all the rest of us. But now he's, now he's saying that he has to abide by court decisions. Cut five. Have you made a final decision on taking executive order in terms of what you want to do at the border? That includes the power to shut down the border as it was suggested? Well, it suggests that we're examining whether or not I have that power. I would have that power under the legislation when, when the border has over five, five hundred thousand people, five thousand people a day trying to cross the border because it can't manage it. There's no guarantee that I have that power all by myself without legislation. And some suggest that I should just go ahead and try it. And if I could shut down by the court, I could shut down by the court, but we're trying to work that work through them right now. Why is he worried about being shut down by the court on the border as if he really cares about as if he'd really ever shut down the border when they're letting in all these welfare dependence, these criminal undocumented Democrats. But why is he even pretending that he cares about that shut down by the courts? How about this when he found 310 billion million for Ukraine? Doesn't somewhere, something like that. If we don't step up and provide the help we need, I was able to find another 310 billion dollars available that hadn't been used yet. But I've run out of runway to provide for more aid without the age of the Congress. If we don't step up and provide the help we need, I was able to find another 310 billion dollars available that hadn't been used yet. But I've run out of runway to provide for more aid without the age of the Congress. Good Lord, cut aid. What do you say to the families? Not just Latino families, but families across the country that don't feel that economic growth, that job creation reflected in their day checks and their pockets. Well, it's not yet, but guess what? 15 million jobs that we've created so far more than any president has in the time period. We're 4.5 million or Latinas. 4.5 million more than any other time. Number one, number two, but also it's about changing what happens at the kitchen table. Yeah, you know what's happening at the kitchen table? The cuts of meat are a lot worse than they used to be. And sometimes there's a lot even less to eat unless you're an illegal alien. In which case, you've got more food than you really need. Americans are not feeling by-nomics yet. I beg to differ. I think they're feeling it big time. Every day when they go to the supermarket, every time they go to the gas pumps, or they're feeling by-nomics, big time, and how we car them.