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Moonbat leaves an essay on meat-eating MAGA listener's truck | 4.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

You won't believe the note some crazed, deranged person left on the car of one of Howie's listeners. Howie reads the letter on-air, and boy, is it a dissertation of disgust from the anti-conservative Left.

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10 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. What do you say to the families? Not just Latino families, but families across the country that don't feel that economic growth, that job creation reflected in their day checks and their pockets. Well, it's not yet, but guess what? It's about changing what happens at the kitchen table. This just in inflation is headed in the wrong direction right now. The latest consumer price report just out shows price is up 3.5%. It's all coming back. You understand? I don't like it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. God bless the Japanese and American people. So are you Chinese or Japanese? I live in California last 20 years, but first come from Laos. Huh? Laos. We le ocean. The ocean? What ocean? Here's the thing about Fiza. He's not wrong, of course. They've abused Fiza. But these reforms would actually kill the abuses. Why are you the way that you are? Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show 844-542-508 says Biden. Big inflation destroying everyone's nest eggs. 978. Was talking to my moon bat neighbor for the first time since the last election. He agreed with me that Brandon's got to go. I hope it's a trend. We'll talk more about what's going on here. We go through the remainder of the show. 844-500-42-42-844-500-42-42-42. We told you yesterday the story out of New York about the illegal aliens from Venezuela, getting into a brawl at the Target store on the side of Manhattan. Criminal migrants on shoplifting spree assault cops, but most are still let go. The post says to port them. They look like some nice fellas. They got some mug shots of them on the front page of the New York Post. This is just going on. Nobody cares. I was on WOR this morning with Mark Simone and I just said, "You know, what isn't the New York Post or somebody figure out where the judge that let all these guys go? His name is Jay Weiner. Where does Jay Weiner live? Does he have security to prevent himself from being assaulted or robbed by these illegal aliens? He's letting run wild in the streets. Do all these judges think they're going to be no consequences for them? Maybe they do. 844-500-42-42. By the way, I like to thank Michael Harrison, the editor of Talkers Magazine, and his staff. They came out with their top 100 Talkers today, the heavy 100 they call them. I checked in at number 18 on the top 100 list. Thank you to Michael Harrison for that. I was the highest guy in Boston. In fact, I was the only guy in Boston who made the heavy 100 list on Talkers Magazine. Thank you to Michael Harrison. Sean Hannity was number one as he has been for a number of years. Dave Ramsey was number two. You can check out the whole list if you want to see it. But I'm number 18. That's good. I'll take it. Time now for the Chumpline, and again, thanks to Michael Harrison in Talkers Magazine for putting me up that high. Did Sheila Jackson Lee say she'd avoid the powerful heat of the sun by visiting at night? No, but only because she didn't think of it. She wants to visit the moon even though it's mainly made out of gas. I don't know how she plans to do that, and I don't know how she thinks they planted the flag there, which someone finally told her was not planted on Mars, it was planted on the moon by Neil Armstrong back in 1969. She's learning slowly. She's in her mid to late 70s, and she went to Yale University and University of Virginia Law School, but she's kind of a slow learner in the astronomy department. She's finally learning things most students learned when they were in this second grade, third grade. Tune in tomorrow for more fire future adventure with Joe Biden in the 20th century. I think that's the best sound cut of the day. We got to some more to get to, by the way, but let's play that one again for people who are just getting off work, cut 14. Elect me. I'm in the 20th century, 21st century. Back to the future. Brandon Brandon, where are we going this time? Is it the 50s or in 1999? Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. Chum was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money. Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff, and they can help you save money, too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation, Howie, Don O'Dwight calling. Can you believe they're sending those parents a prison because of a crime they're kids committed? Like them putting your parents in jail when you smuggle those delicious bootleg pomos into Deerfield. I think the problem is the medication they have these kids on nowadays. Back when we were at Deerfield, the only thing they gave us was salt peter. That was a rumor about the salt peter. Anytime there was an all male institution, whether it was a prison or a barracks or a prep school, they said they were serving salt peter. I don't know if it was true or not, but it would have seemed appropriate for the moment. NASA's canceled off future missions to the moon because Sheila Jackson Lee taught them everything they need to know about Earth's large gaseous satellite. Yes, she's now angry. She made a misstatement. She was talking about the sun. She wants to visit the sun. Oh, that makes even really ultimately less sense than wanting to visit the moon, which is a perfectly rounded circle, made of primarily gasses, according to astronomy professor Lee. So, President Trump stopped at Chick-fil-A and brought dirty sandwiches. He's not half the man that Chris Christie was, people like 60 sandwiches or food salt. Yeah, they got great pictures of Trump today with the people at Chick-fil-A. They were so happy, and again, you could say it's a rich guy pandering to poorer people, but what was the last time a Democrat did anything like that, and it's not the first time he's done it either. Remember when he was in Miami and he stopped at the deli in Miami, I think it was at Miami Beach, and that was all demographics in that restaurant. He bought a round for everybody. Well, he got those burgers from that All-American burger stand on Long Island. That's right. That's a more recent example. Yeah, the really tasty, still popularly priced burgers, no $25 meals. What is it called? The All-American diner. He got that. He bought that after he left the wake for the slain New York City Police Officer, Jonathan Diller. After graduating from Yale and then law school, Sheila Jackson Lee demonstrates how quickly the brain atrophy is when you never use it. Yeah, you know what's, you know, you don't think that anyone coming out of Yale or even the University of Virginia law school knows anything today, but she came out 50 plus years ago. Was it that bad 50 plus years ago? I guess it was. In addition to guardrails, Joe Biden could use some training wheels. Yeah, those shoes aren't getting the job done. If you've seen video of him walking around with the Japanese Prime Minister today, he's got to, he needs something, I don't know, I don't know what the next upgrade from those shoes that he's wearing is, but he's, he needs some either that or as you say, training wheels. Oh, the basket of groceries that cost $100 four years ago is now $135. So please, please vote Democrat. I'm tired of being able to pay my bills. I want comprehensive debt relief too. Sorry, no comprehensive debt relief from you. You have a job. And by the way, I think you're lowballing that when you're saying $100 now buys a, it now takes $135 to buy the same amount, it's $100 dead. I think it's more like $140, maybe even $145 the way it's taken off or it will be by Memorial Day anyway. Lovey, what a marvelous opening match that was yesterday at Fenway Field with a final score of Red Sox one, Baltimore Cardinals seven. I'd rather enjoy the celebration of Manu Ortez's 2004 World Cup team. They were the most exciting thing since the impossible dream of 1976. You know in game seven, when the ball was weighed fair by Charlton Fisk. Yeah, 2004, the Red Sox won the first World Series in what 86 years, whatever it was. It was shaping up as such a big year and then they stole the election from John Forbes Kerry in Ohio, just asking those evil voting machines. He should have been the president, even though he lost a popular vote by $3 million. In that year, the popular vote didn't matter. John Kerry should have been the president. Today's DPI report, a bloodbath. Yeah, consumers are getting killed. Is that the right word to use KJP? Killed. Don't give Mary, Sheila, Jesse, Jackman Lee are dying because you think she can fuse the moon and the sun, when she was talking about being made up mostly of gas. She was actually referring to Eric Smellwell, not Neptune or Uranus. Y'all, you knew where that one was going as soon as you're made up of gas. It's a recurring theme on social media today. She was confusing the moon with Eric Smellwell. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second, brand new Chumpline every evening, weeknights. We have one. It's called Chop Chumps. It's posted every weeknight evening around 7 p.m. and it's all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Tune in tomorrow for more Fire Future Adventure with Joe Biden in the 20th Century. Yes, he's a man for the future, not a Maui car. Listen to the Maui car show from anywhere. You can't! What sauce or do you use this? Go to and click "Listen" to start streaming how we live in crystal clear high definition. And whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorneys at law, to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed at restore hyper wellness. Go to, that's Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, "You agree with Trump that the House GOP should kill FISA, the secret deep state surveillance law? Yes, no, or couldn't they just reform it?" Yes. 94% say yes, 2% say no, 4% say just reform it. All right, 844-500-4242, so you're next with howiecar, go ahead Sue. Oh hey, Howie, how are ya? Good. Good, earlier we were talking about how, you know, the illegals get everything in the world, all handed to them and things, and I think our government's going to shut off the spigot some time towards the end of the summer. And what do you think these people are going to do? They're probably going to go out on the street and start rioting. I can't, you know, I think they'll cut, that cut, that'd rather cut you and me off than they would the illegal aliens. I just don't, I just don't see it happen. No. No. You think it? Well, I do. I don't know. Thank you. Thanks for the call Sue, 844-500-42-844-500-42, I mean they should, I mean they should, they should just start getting them out of, like once, you know, Trump says he's going to deport all the criminals, but they got to get, they got to deport everybody. They just got to get as many of them out as possible, they're just, they're, they're a complete drain. I mean, that's one of the big reasons why there's, there's this terrible inflation. You know, you're bringing in all these people into the country who don't work, who, you know, even if they want to work, they're going to have the lowest level jobs and they're going to require, you know, subsidies, i.e. welfare to keep them going. And they're, they're going to, and when you give somebody something from the moment they arrive somewhere, whether it's in life or at a, at a plate, if you give them everything, then this is, this is, welfare is habit forming. It's the ultimate drug. It's war. I think it's worse. It's the worst drug of all. Look what's happened with COVID. You told all these people they didn't have to work. Look at how many tens of millions have never gone back to work. 844-500-42-42, 978, my son started working at a smaller grocery store. He said, the amount of money people are paying for very little is crazy. I said, you can thank Joe Biden for that. Yeah. I mean, and the thing is too, again, they're giving illegal aliens or $64 worth of food every day. Each illegal alien, $64 worth of food, that's how much they pay to feed them. Kids, adults, whatever. How many Americans are getting, are spending $64 a day on food? How many Americans are so destitute at this point after inflation that they're not even spending $64 a week on food? How many Americans can afford to spend $25 on a happy meal like they're having to do in California thanks to these insane minimum wage laws? 844-500-42-42, when we come back, we'll play some Biden cuts. We also have some other cuts to play and I have a very interesting story that I got over the text line today about a guy who went to a Bruins game on Saturday and when he has a bunch of anti-Biden pro-Trump stickers on his car and you won't, you won't believe the letter he got under his windshield wiper when he came back to his car. Pretty, well, I'll read it to you. I talk to him today, 8-4 and I have to the letter, 844-500-42-42, I'm how I car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I came in this morning on my text there, I found a photograph that one of the listeners had sent me this morning and he just said, "I don't know if you'll be interested in this, but I want you to see the letter I got." This guy had gone with his wife to the Bruins game on Saturday and he parked a few blocks away from the garden, he parked a near area A1 or 1A, whatever it is, the police station and Channel 7, that area around there and there's no housing around there, there's no apartments or anything like that, so what they did to his car, somebody had to really work at it, so he has a Ford NF-150 truck and he's got bumper stickers on it and I'm going to read you the bumper stickers that he has, a picture of Obama and we thought Obama was an idiot, I guess that's a picture of Biden on it, don't spread my wealth, spread my work ethic, Biden is not my president, that's another one, here's another one, Biden sucks, another one, Trump 2024, take America back, Trump and then there's one on the other side, Trump 2024, he's got a lot of bumper stickers on the back windshield there and so he goes to the game, it was a rainy day, so again that's even more reason, it wasn't a residential neighborhood and it wasn't a nice day, but somebody was so deeply offended by those stickers on his back windshield that they took the time to sit down and write him a note, put the note at an envelope and then stick the note under his windshield wiper so that he would see it when he came back and it got kind of wet but it's readable and again Taylor and I were looking at it this morning and Taylor said he's lucky that note was all he got because when you think about how much time this guy spent to write this note, I'm going to read you, he could have done a lot of damage with a key to this car or with a pen knife to the tires or something, but still this is how deranged that these people are and this isn't Trump, just Trump derangement syndrome, this is MAGA derangement syndrome, I'm holding it up for the copy of it up for the social media, you are an ignorant bigot, it begins, that's the salutation, two exclamation points, you are so dumb, you think that Trump would welcome you to his home in Florida, no two exclamation points, all he wants from you is your vote and nothing more, you are a low life truck driver with a poor education, go nowhere, which is why you hate blacks and other people of color because you will not be accepted by the better class of people from Newton and Wellesley, the better class of people from Newton and Wellesley, by the way there's nothing about hating blacks or people of color, he just said you thought Obama was dumb and then there's a picture of Biden and I talked to the guy, he has a master's degree by the way and just because he has a truck, I guess technically he's a truck driver but it doesn't mean that he makes his living driving a truck, I mean just you can, if you go to the rental place and there are cars and you don't want an EV you may get a pickup truck, I'd rather have a pickup truck than an EV wouldn't you, okay, continuing after we come from the, you will never be accepted by the better class of people from Newton and Wellesley and again that's his idea of the better class of people, this guy who wrote this, you live in a cycle of ignorance, your parents were probably ignorant and uneducated and if you have children and you raise them, they don't respect you or they will turn out just like you, a racist, beer drinking, meat eating, low life, threatened me with a good time, he got everything in there, a racist, beer drinking, meat eating, low life, there is hope, go to Tremont, Tremont Temple Church in government center, he's right in, this is right in government, right on the edge of government center and ask for help and a new and better life, by the way, comma, I am white and have a lifestyle very different from yours, I don't think it was necessary for him to point that out, I think we could have put that together, you know, it was self evident from the earlier comments, but so that's what this guy left on his truck and again he didn't write this, you know, while he was looking out his front window, he had to go somewhere, sit down, write this, find an envelope, come back to the truck and put it on the, put it on the pickup in the rain, in the rain, this guy, this guy is enjoying himself with his wife at a Bruins game and this is, he comes back to this, I mean it was more amused than anything else, but this is how, this is how demented these people are, why can't he, whatever happened to why can't live and let live, you know, was this, this guy wasn't asking for trouble, he was, he was making a statement, what if it said coexist, you know that that silly coexist bumper sticker or think globally act locally for Marahili for governor, how about that, 844, 542, 617, thanks for getting my temper flaring incidentally, have you ever looked at the price of a new pickup truck, they cost more than a Subaru or a Prius, that's from JD, this is funny, the left can never meet in debate because they have no facts, that's left for you, that's the left for you, dumb people, 781, the F-150 story is expiring me to put on a Trump 2024 T-shirt and go sit in the coffee shop in Wellesley, you know, again I've lived in Wellesley for many years, I still have a place there, and to say that the, it's laughable to say that, to say that the people in Newton and Wellesley are any better than the people anywhere else, I mean it's just, it's ridiculous, I mean they're not particularly worse, maybe snobbier in some ways, many ways, but you know to say they're better than people who go to Bruins games, come on, 844, 542, I think I'll make a column out of this for Friday, I can't use the guys, I'm going to use the bumper stickers, but I'm not going to use the picture of the truck because that would identify him too much. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead Dennis. So Howie, even if we grant the note writer that his speculation about the truck owner is correct, that he's less educated and has less social stature, which is more admirable, social snobbery or educational snobbery. Right, how does this guy figure he's better than the guy with the truck? What makes him, what makes him better than the guy with the truck? The Bruins fan. It must be the people he knows. Thanks for the call 619, whatever happened to mind your own business, one of the all-time great Hank Williams, senior songs. When the wife and I are fussing, buddy, that's our fight because me and that sweet woman got a license to fight, why don't you mind your own business, mind your own business? Mind and other people's business seems to be high tone. I got all that I can do just to mind my own. Why don't you mind your own business? Hank Williams, senior at the best. You sure the idiot doesn't have the letters pre-printed? No, this is a handwritten note. When I first saw it, I couldn't read the printing and I thought the guy had some list that he puts out on cars that he doesn't like the bumper stickers or he thinks they're guzzling too much gas. But this guy went and sat down somewhere and wrote this note up. I'm trying to figure out where the hell he wrote the note because I know that area a little bit. I don't think he walked across what Trimontstrator would be to go to the set in the Dunkin Donuts. If he did, I think he would kind of stand out and plus that's kind of a long walk in the rain. I don't know where he wrote the damn note. Laurie, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Laurie. Yeah, thanks so much for taking my call, Howie. I just want to say there's so much wrong with that story. The first thing is what about driving a truck? I'm a truck girl. I love trucks. And not only that, I have never read the millionaire next door. There's lots of people driving around in cars or trucks who have way more. Watch out there. Watch out there. Okay, go ahead. Watch out for your language, Laurie. Go ahead. Yeah, sorry about that. Also, I was with the letter because you would think that if he took the time to compile a letter like that, he'd actually, it was just kind of boring. He just showed himself to be just such an ignorant snob in so many ways. And just to look down his nose at someone who drinks beer or eats meat and to just assume that if you drive a truck, you're ignorant. I mean, it was just wrong on so many levels. And then to tell the guy to go to church, like this guy is some kind of Christian example to all of the ignorant racists out there. Thanks for the call, Laurie. 844-542-4508. Did you do the story about the Tesla stuck on the ride back from Vermont? Six hour wait to charge, haha. Yes, we saw we mentioned yesterday that there were having that problem in Skowhegan Maine and you know, near the further north you went to the and closer to the full eclipse. I didn't realize it was even worse in New Hampshire and Vermont that it was taking hours and hours and some of the some of the some of the EV drivers. Oh, it was great. Our family could be together. Just I don't know. I never got all spirit of family togetherness when I was waiting in the gas lines in the late 70s. And I never knew anybody who did. Maybe maybe it's different now. Maybe maybe it's because you know, we were we were all beer drinking meat eaters and ignorant, ignorant people uneducated. Matt, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Matt. Hi, how are you Matt? Kid caught. How you doing? Good, pal. I was driving around this weekend. I had some left. I went to Trump 2020 stickers that cut off the 2020 to set the Trump driving around West End of speech. The duck. Tried to pass them out for free. A lot of people took them. One lady walking a dog was like, Oh, no. But I went to my local dump in Yarmas and they were all excited to get them. Well, this guy told me he said he's you know, he's been driving around with these stickers for quite some time and he said he gets a lot of fingers and he expects a fingers and he gets a lot of honks and you know, you know, thumbs up. But he he never he never expected to get a note like this. Thanks for the call, Matt 844 542 42. I'm how we car. The Howie car show returns after this. Howie car is back. 844 542 42 919 says leave a note like that on a moon patch truck. You'll be getting a call from the FBI. Very, very vanishingly small percentage of MAGA people would leave a note like that. Again, live and let live. All we ask is to be left alone. Who's got the time to do that? Anyway, got to get to your next job or go have a beer and a burger. 617 could the author of that letter be a woman? I tend to think not but I you know, there's nothing there's nothing particularly masculine or the the it's hand printed and it's very literate. It's a very literate letter to the handwriting is not great though, which tends to make me think it's a man. But they were very the person who wrote it was very angry at the time obviously when they wrote the thing and it was not it was not prime conditions for you know, for the Palmer method or anything like that. I'm going to guess it was a man, but it could have been a woman I think. 844 542 42. Someone says they were in Williston, Vermont yesterday parking lot full of Tesla's charging and people just sitting in their cars waiting couldn't help but laugh as I drove by in my Jeep. Someone else that thinks that they that's whoever wrote the letter with wrote it in their car and probably keeps a stationary and envelopes in the car. I don't know about that. I don't know. And someone else thinks they stuck around and watched. That's a that's a fairly deserted area. I wouldn't I wouldn't want to stand in the shadows, especially in the rain. He was on Bauker Street and wait for some guy in a truck to come back and you know you after you've told him he's the biggest jerk in the world. I don't know. I don't know. I think they just wrote it and went on their way and you know went to the after school Satan club or whatever, whatever extracurricular activities they're involved in. Max you're next with how we car go ahead Max. Oh, thanks Holly. I just want to say regarding that letter in Boston, just a testament to how many communists live in this country infringing upon our right to have an opinion. And one other thing about Pfizer, if the government wants to spy on we the people on my socials, they can call me on the phone. And I don't have any problem. Tell them how much I think they suck. Okay. I agree. I agree, Max. But you just don't you don't want them snooping around like that. You know, this is like East Germany, where supposedly 9% or 10% of the population under the communists was were spies. Do you want people spying on you like this? They they're just making random, you know, cops get fired for running driver's licenses if they like some some woman they see driving around. They get cops have actually been fired for that. I mean, this is worse than that. I think, you know, this is you know, checking people's social media media and and just trying to find their texts for no reason other than that their Republicans screw them. Thanks for the call. Steve, you're next with how we car go ahead, Steve. Hi, Holly. How are you doing today? Good. A little story from me. I was in shoes. Very yesterday at the market basket there, you know, it was talking to the gentleman out front collecting signatures to try to get a Republican on the ballot to go against with Warren. Yes, so it was explained to a town I was from and I pulled all the sheets for him. And he was telling me how, you know, big line of people because he's in shoes, right? You know, pile of signatures from shoes, very trying to change over. But he also had about four out of ten people coming up, giving him a hard time. He turns around to five minutes to install all the sheets that he had to disappear with. You're kidding. He was and you know, he was probably that he that it's very likely he was one of those guys who was getting paid to get signatures. They cost him a lot of money. How's he going to pay for his trucks and his beer and his burgers?