The Howie Carr Radio Network

All Eyes on FISA with the Daily Caller's Reagan Reese plus Inflation, Inflation, Inflation | 4.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie welcomes Daily Caller White House correspondent Reagan Reese to the show to talk about her latest work on the FISA battle in Congress. Tensions are high as Republicans butt heads, but Howie believes Section 702 must go. Then, John from New York calls in to update listeners on the latest inflation numbers, and it's not good. Finally, Howie's got examples where Shrinkflation is hitting home.

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10 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. What do you say to the families? Not just Latino families, but families across the country that don't feel that economic growth, that job creation reflected in their day checks and their pockets. Well, it's not yet, but guess what? It's about changing what happens at the kitchen table. This just in inflation is headed in the wrong direction. Right now, the latest consumer price report just out shows prices up 3.5%. It's all coming back. You understand? I don't like it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. God bless the Japanese and American people. So are you Chinese or Japanese? Well, I live in California last 20 years, but first come from Laos. Huh? Laos. We lay ocean. The ocean? What ocean? Here's the thing about Fiza. He's not wrong, of course. They've abused Fiza. But these reforms would actually kill the abuses. What are you the way that you are? Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show. Since the show began an hour ago, the U.S. House of Representatives has killed a motion to allow a vote on the proposed Fiza for an Intelligence Surveillance Act reauthorization. And this is the spying, the deep state spying mechanism, warrantless surveillance that was used against Donald Trump in his campaign with falsified data and with no pushback. It's in secret courts, in secret courts. It's been terribly, terribly abused, and 19 House Republicans voted with the Democrats to defeat the rule 228 and 193. So joining us on the line now is Regan Reese. She's a reporter for the Daily Caller, and she's been covering this whole controversy. They're trying to... The Fiza Act is slated to expire on April 19th. Good. Good. And today, President Trump tweeted out to everyone, "Kill Fiza." He said he pointed out correctly. It's been used against him. It's been used against other people. It's just bad. It was supposed to be used against terrorists, but the deep state considers Republicans worse terrorists than the real terrorists. So he said, "Kill it." And it's an embarrassment to Speaker Johnson, but I think they did the right thing. But Regan, like the president, Regan Reese, what's the next step for the deep state? And in this case, their guy, Mike Johnson, to get this thing back in working order, or is this the end of the line? That's a great question, Howie. And it's going to be really interesting to see how this develops over the next week or so. There's been a lot of back and forth, a lot of divide within House Republicans on something that should just be an easy win for them to all come together and be united on. There's basically two proposed paths to deal with Fiza. The House Intelligence Committee wants to build that privacy advocates say doesn't really fix much and would perpetuate the same problems that allowed the spying on the Trump campaign. And then the Judiciary Committee led by Representative Jim Jordan wants stronger reforms. And what you're going to hear a lot over the next week is this including a warrant requirement. And so that's included in this Judiciary Committee. You log on Twitter for a few minutes and you'll see everyone who's lined with the Judiciary Committee tweeting out, "Get a warrant. Kill Fiza. Get a warrant." This coordinated effort on social media to kind of garner support. So, you know, that's really what two paths to solutions that we're looking at right now. Right. Well, I noticed that, you know, one of the co-sponsors of Jordan's proposal for warrants, which seems very basic. You know, you have to go to court, you have to, you know, speak to a judge under oath and say why you need the warrant to spy on an American citizen. He's joined as his co-sponsor by Jerry Nadler. And he's a left-wing Democrat. He marches and locks up with the party pretty much. I mean, I think, you know, if a guy like Nadler can realize that this is a serious problem with this kind of abuse that's been going on against mainly Republicans. It could be used against any American. That's the problem. Yeah, this is something that has riled up both sides of the aisle and something that you'll see, you know, Democrats and Republicans even begin to work together on. You've mentioned Speaker Johnson a couple times. You know, obviously we have to see, wait and see what the end result is going to end up being. But Speaker Johnson is in a sticky spot here. Obviously, he has MTG who is kind of pushing to oust him again. And right now with a one-seat majority, it looks like most Republicans are kind of hesitant to put more pressure on him. But if he lets thoughts that go through with very little reform or even worse, just a clean renewal, who knows how the conference is going to react if, you know, there's already been quite a bit of fanfare over what has happened so far. Don't you think, though, that, you know, Trump made a big deal about putting out this tweet this morning, "Kil Fysa." But don't you think it was probably going down anyway, whether he tweeted out or not? You know, it's, again, I think the division in the party speaks to kind of the results and kind of what we are expecting to come out of the house that the Republicans can't rally together to get on the same page about this. Fysa Bill, you know, it's really curious to me that Republicans aren't taking, you know, what I mentioned earlier as a fairly easy win, at least politically, Republican voters to the extent that they care about an issue like this seem to want meaningful reform. President Donald Trump, who's, you know, clearly the leader of the Republican Party is pushing hard for it with his true social studies putting out. And there's a lot of, you know, civil liberties groups that are also putting pressure on these lawmakers to get this across the finish line and do something about it. And so it's really interesting to, again, to see their division and to see, you know, kind of chaos. Yeah, I think it was an academic issue, you know, before the 2016 elections. You know, no one thought much about this. But then when they saw, then Republican voters, and even if you Democrats, when they saw the way the Fysa secret court process was abused, but how the lies that were perpetrated in front of the court, there was no pushback. The court did to seem interested in it. The FBI lawyer who falsified the documents, he didn't even, he wasn't even disbarred. He didn't go to jail. He just pleaded guilty to, I think, a simple misdemeanor. Nothing happened. Samantha Power, who was involved in, you know, allowing all of the surveillance of American citizens, nothing happened to her. And, you know, now, you know, I read the editorial in the Wall Street Journal about all these great reforms they're going to make. And now you have to go higher up in the FBI to get permission to go after Donald Trump, Republican. But I mean, that means you're going, you have to go to Peter Strach or Andrew McCabe or James Comer. I mean, and congressional oversight, congressional oversight allowed everything to happen in 2016 and 2017. These are meaningless reforms, aren't they, ultimately? You know, I want to go back to what you just pointed out of all this, all the news that has happened with FISA, all the controversy over it, and just how long Republicans have kind of continued to punt this down the line. In December, we saw a handful of Republicans vote for the NDAA, which a lot of Republicans will say, and they say this in my piece that I did for the Daily Caller. There were other things in the NDAA that they really wanted to get across, other priorities and promises they made to their voters that, you know, they weren't thinking about the renewal and the extension of FISA that was tucked in the NDAA. That punted that and extended it to April and gave them more time to deal with this issue. They kind of, a GOP source, told me, came to an agreement in February, and then there was a bit of chaos with Rep Turner announcing that national security threat. And, you know, they mentioned that kind of disrupted some of the negotiations. And now we're back in April, where we're still almost in the same spot that we were in December, still trying to figure out what they're going to do. Well, I think a lot of Republicans who were inside or outside of Congress see that what Turner said was, "We have to pass this," or, you know, "There's going to be a terrorist attack." They, you know, that was kind of blackmail. You know, I don't think, I think most Republicans, or a lot of Americans, probably at least half the country, are very cynical about what the deep state wants to use these FISA liberties to do. That they're more concerned about. And just by judging on their past record, Reagan, they seem more interested in surveilling Republicans, and especially Donald Trump Republicans, than they do about using this unprecedented extra constitutional authorization to go after terrorists. And, you know, what I don't understand, Reagan, is they say, Speaker Johnson, one of his threats is, well, if we don't have to put forth these very weak reforms, then the Senate is going to send us back a "clean renewal," which will enable the Democrats in the deep state to continue abusing Republicans and everybody else who crosses the deep state. But one of the chances of a clean renewal passing the House of Representatives, if they can't get a weak reform package through, it seems like they're nil. Yeah, I mean, how, to me, that seems like maybe one step too far ahead, in that they should be focusing on negotiations on a bill that they can pass, that maybe everyone's going to be on board with. There's one thing I do want to point out, it's interesting, because the Senator Mike Lee points out, and other lawmakers have pointed out to me in my piece, Speaker Johnson, a few years ago, did vote for warrant requirement as part of this. By the extension, by the bill, by the negotiation. But now because he's become Speaker, it almost appears as if he's changed his position somewhat, because what he put forward on Friday, the Reforming Intelligence and Security America Act, this bill that GOP sources have told me is mainly the base bill that the House Intelligence Committee wants with some judiciary amendments, doesn't have that warrant requirement. Well, you know, don't you think he's worried about being blamed if there's a terrorist attack? I would have to assume so. I think he has a lot of pressure coming from him in his position as Speaker. But again, the Republicans are going to be blamed for a terror attack whenever it happens. That's, I mean, that's the way the mainstream media operates today. So I would say that's sort of a threat he shouldn't even consider. Just try to do the right thing. I would think. And I think that's what his members are telling him. Yeah, perhaps how he, I mean, you need to get in Speaker Johnson's ear. I think he has a kind that he's facing in this Speaker role, and I think it's influencing some of the decisions that he's making. And we've seen that lawmakers have told me that in my reporting, you know, he's also getting pressure from the White House to push this Ukraine aid on top of trying to figure out how to deal with these guys and negotiations. All right, Reagan Reese, a good job on reporting this. I keep this informed and you work for the Daily Caller and I work in people follow you on social media, Reagan Reese. Yeah, Reagan Reese underscore on Twitter. It's the same thing on Instagram as well. All right. Thank you, Reagan Reese. Thanks for checking in with us. And the, the, the FISA renewal has gone down in flames today. But who knows what will happen tomorrow after, after President Trump tweeted out this morning, kill FISA. Vice has been killed, at least temporarily. Spring is here and the outdoor opportunities on the Cape are special. The Cape Cod rail trail on an electric bike is a great, great opportunity for, for, for a fun. You can get discounts on e-bike rentals available from the Nossett Beach Inn. If you're staying there, the Nossett Beach Inn, it's the only public lodging on the entire Cape Cod National seashore. It's in East Orleans, 12 rooms in the sunset cottage. It's a fantastic place. And you can view the great herring migration in Brewster with you down on the Cape. It's a one of a kind fish run with swarms of fish. There are endless beach and shore paths on the Cape to hike anytime of year. But it's great this time of year as the weather gets warmer and the days get longer. And you can watch from the, from the, from your rooms or from the front lawn of the Nossett Beach Inn, the return of the humpback whales. View from the comfort of the fire pits at the Nossett Beach Inn. Want to warm up after a long day outside? Every room has a fireplace. When I visited Nossett Beach Inn, I was so impressed with how every room not only has an ocean view, but that the ocean view is ever changing with a different surf to watch. Nossett Beach Inn is pet friendly. It's also family friendly, too. They have two giant queen-sized beds so you can take along a couple of kids and put them in the other bed and you and your spouse can stay in the, the second queen-sized bed. Sit by the fire pit and enjoy the sunset cocktails or conversation. The Nossett Beach Inn, a short drive to a vacation far away, April rooms from 249.99 and it may rooms from 269.99. Reserve your room today. They won't last long at these prices. Nossettbeach That's Nossettbeach I'm Howie Carr. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what, guys? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Carr radio network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows. An exclusive podcast only features. It's actually not a bad idea. You're listening to the Howie Carr show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorneys at law, to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed at Restore Hyper Wellness. Go to and again, it's not for the faint of heart. It looks pretty bad. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you agree with Trump that House GOP should kill Pfizer, the secret deep state surveillance law? Yes, no, or couldn't they just reform it? Yes, they should kill it permanently. 94% say yes, 2% say no, 4% say just reform it. Reform it. Read the Wall Street Journal. It's just wink, wink and nudge. This is when you say the Wall Street Journal is sometimes as bad as any other newspaper in the country, and they're all pretty bad, or the vast majority are pretty bad. 844-542-42-207 says Johnson is as useless as "mammaries" on a bull. Only he didn't use the word "mammaries." 508, typical government BS. They need warrantless surveillance because terrorists are getting into this country, but they won't stop terrorists from entering the country. That's a very good way to put it. 508. That's exactly right. If there is a terror attack, they would blame Republicans because they didn't reauthorize the spying on Republicans, which is what vice is all about when you get right down to it. And these new penalties that they're going to put into the bill, right, penalties. As a clapper, been punished for lying to Congress. Has Brennan been punished for lying to Congress? Did Kleinsmith do any time for falsifying the Carter page? CIA memo that was presented as evidence to the court. Has Andrew McCabe been punished at all for knowing that he was using Hillary Clinton campaign documents to seek warrants against Carter Page and Donald Trump and other members of the campaign? None of these people were really punished, were they? No, they were not. McCabe, Strach, Lisa Page, they all got contracts with state-run media, just like clapper and Brennan. They were rewarded. Nobody was ever put in jail for these horrible, horrible criminal violations. 844-542-42. They were to talk about the inflation heating up again. We may do a mid-show, let's go, Brandon. How is inflation treating you? I'm going to play when we come back. We have a cut from Joe Biden talking about how he has dramatically reduced inflation. Have you noticed that? He has dramatically reduced inflation. That's what he says. He never lets the facts get in the way of a good story, whether it's the 17,000-mile trip on the Tibetan plateau or the million miles on Amtrak back and forth to Wilmington, Delaware from Union Station. Or the dramatic reduction in inflation, which we've all noticed, and we continue to notice on a daily basis, do we not? 844-542-42. And, of course, all the bad numbers are always adjusted the next month, I think. The job numbers are never adjusted upwards. The inflation numbers are never adjusted downwards. Funny how that works. I'm how I got it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 978 to whom does the FISA Court report? They're appointed by John Roberts, the Chief Justice. Do I need to tell you anything more deeply compromised human being as we've discovered over the years? Whatever happened to Carter Page lawsuit against Deep State, these things take forever. Just ask the people who were framed by the FBI and the Teddy Degan hit back in '65. They did 35 years in prison. Regular gas back up to four bucks on Long Island. Let's go, Brandon. Four bucks. It's a lot more than that in other places. Here's a guy who says he was in Vegas, and it was costing over close to 460 a gallon in Vegas. Joining us now on the line is John from New York to talk about a no-good, very bad day for the American economy and for Brandon. John, what's going on? Give us the capsule report. How are they calling inflation the cruelest tax of all? It's true. It really hurts the poor and middle income. Today's numbers were, I hate to say, I put the nail in Brandon's coffin, but this is a third month in a row that inflation accelerated. 5% is what we're running the first three months, just the headline number. You remember a few months back when they really got upset because housing prices were going up. They kept saying, "No, no, it's bad." The Federal Reserve created something called the Super Corps Index, which just included services, stripped everything out. That accelerated this index that they created that they stopped talking about 8% rate over the last three months. The Super Corps Index, it sounds like they created this thing, the Federal Reserve, so that they could somehow justify lowering the interest rates before the election by taking out fuel and food and the things people really need. Is that the way it works? Yeah, they even took housing out of it because they said housing was going up, it was something wrong with it. So what was in the Super Corps Index, paper clips and shoelaces, that kind of stuff? What was in it? No, it's only services. It's like haircuts, it's like medical care services when you fix your car. The problem is now, I sent the charts up to Emma, you can take a look. People think sometimes I make these numbers up, but this is from today's report on the CPI. Insurance inflation last month was up at a 31% annual rate, 2.6% last month. Motor vehicle repairs up 1.7%. This is month over month. When you say insurance, what kind of insurance? Health insurance, housing, what kind? No, that's just motor vehicle insurance was up 2.6% last month, month over month. Motor vehicle insurance. Could that be connected to all the illegal aliens driving around with uninsured vehicles across the country? Yeah, and it's the cost of repairing electric vehicles when you force people to buy $70,000 cars, they cost more to repair. Right, and they catch on fire, and the fires are harder to put out, and they do more damage. Yeah, and the other thing is medical care, which they've suppressed for a long time. Up 7.2% last month, there's a story. Wait, 7.2% month to month, or just is that the yearly? No, no, that's the annual rate. It's 6.5%. Yeah, I'm annualizing this. But the point is, the trend is moving up. If you look at all these numbers, it's running, you know, the actual inflation rate is running probably 5% in the last three months. It's accelerating. We had a dip at the end of last year, and it's going up, and I posted something on my Twitter. I should send it up to you. But there's a story in New Jersey and Pennsylvania that straddles a border company called Access Healthcare. It's an OBGYN practice. It's really big down there, and this will just give you an idea. United Healthcare and the company are fighting. The United Healthcare company wanted to pay them 3% increase, and the doctors in that practice, it's a huge group, want a 20% increase, because their costs are going up. So, United strapped them from the network, but the costs are going up. The doctors want to get paid. They have to pay their staff. So, the medical insurance companies, of course, they don't want to pay it, but this is what happens when you print money. There's cost to it. It drives everybody's cost up. Right, and you let in millions of people that aren't picking up the tab for anything. Someone's got to pay for all those goods and services. Correct, and that's one example. But anyway, you chart this. Today, there are stocks all that relatively well, but bonds really got pounded, and mortgage rates are 735 today. They were down to 6%. Everything's going in the wrong direction. And Larry Summers, who is basically a Democrat, but a decent economist, he suggested today the Fed might even have to raise rates again. They probably should, because the policies that we've instituted are driving the inflation rate up. As you said, the illegal immigration. When you provide services, that drives the demand for doctors up, and there's no new supply of doctors. So, the only way to clear the market is to raise the price. And they're not paying for it. Americans are paying for it. So, Americans are going without services, but the illegal aliens are not, which is what we're seeing in Massachusetts and other states as well. And Larry Summers, I mentioned him earlier today, John, from New York. He's the one who said, I think about a month ago, that if you used the same methods of figuring inflation rates that they used during the Carter years in the late 70s, early 80s, the inflation rate under Biden in 2022 would have been about 18%, 19%. Correct? So, we're heading back up to those levels again now, aren't we? Yeah, and one thing is, in the late 70s, remember, the union percentage of the workforce was a lot higher, so people had automatic COLAs built in. I mean, I talked to somebody down at University of South Florida today, and their clerical staff last year got like a 2% raise or 3% raise. So, there's a huge difference now, because even though inflation was going up the 70s, a lot of people got sort of built in wage increases, so they might have felt been falling behind, but they're falling behind at a much greater rate today than they were in the late 70s. And why don't you talk again about the latest job report? Maybe some people didn't hear that. And, you know, it's still not getting nearly the attention that it's supposed to be getting. You know, the Democrats are bragging about the large number of people that are working, but the reality is, there are fewer people with full-time jobs now than there were a year ago. Is that right? And so why are the numbers going up? Why don't you explain that again, John? Yeah, so there's two measures that they use to calculate the jobs. The establishment survey where they survey businesses, that show there's 303,000 new jobs created, and then there's the household survey where they call people up and say, do you have a job? And that shows there was 500,000 new jobs created last month. The only problem is when they break it down, we actually lost 6,000 jobs last month full-time workers, and I tell people never look month to month because these surveys aren't great, but if you look versus one year ago in the household survey, and again, this is all on the BLS website. A year ago, from a year ago, there's 1.4 million less full-time jobs than there was in March 2023, the latest data we have. So essentially, what you have is companies are reducing their workforce, or they're cutting back to part-time, where you have, right now, about 8 million people, about 5.2% of the workforce is working two jobs, or more, or more. And so, I measure full-time jobs because it's not part-time jobs are bad, because some people do choose to work part-time, but if you want to get a real sense of the health of the economy, most full-time jobs come with really good benefits, where they have health insurance, they have retirement plans, that sort of thing, and a lot of the part-time jobs don't. So that's why I look at that figure, and there was also a report in the Wall Street Journal you probably saw it how he two days ago. 2-1-1, they call it in Connecticut, where if you call and you're looking for social services or assistance, they're getting a record number of calls in Connecticut. These are people that are above the poverty line that don't qualify for government programs, but they're struggling. And those calls just reached a record high, so people aren't calling 2-1-1, if things are going good, that's my metric that I use. So you have to look at the alternatives. The other thing is to in the jobs report, when people lose their jobs now, they're having a harder time getting new jobs. Right, because of all the layoffs. I mean, we see the layoffs every day in the headlines. Yeah, so you really have to parse through this data, and the Federal Reserve is all in on this. The swamp is trying to get Biden re-elected, but like I say, they created this super core index. Now it's going against them, they'll never mention that, but bottom line is, even if you use their numbers for the first three months of the year, inflation's running at a 5% rate. And they're either going to have to raise rates and cause the economy to slow down, where inflation's going to re-accelerate. I think they're not going to do much, so inflation's going to be persistent here. As far as I can see, probably closer to the 5% to 6% rate. And he just keeps saying, well, we've cut inflation down, but again, inflation, when he took office, was 1.4%. And now it's three and a half times that, and he's bragging about it, that it's only three and a half times what it was. I mean, that's a hard sell to make, but I don't see what the Democrats could do because their core constituency now is just relying on these government handouts, whatever you want to call it. You know, the Inflation Reduction Act, they're just printing money, and it's crushing the people who actually produce goods and services, but I don't think they can really, I don't think they really care because they figure those people are going to vote for Trump anyway. They have to protect their core constituency, which is the non-working classes. Is that too cynical a reading of where they stand? No, I think you're correct. The only thing, the only sort of a star or a denim I would add to that is, again, if you're down at University of South Florida, and you're sort of working, like you're working middle class or working poor and you're getting a 2% raise, and your costs are going up at 6, 7 to 8%. I mean, you got to have motor vehicle insurance pretty much if you drive unless you're in Italy. Motor vehicle insurance over the last year, so if you just want to strip away month to month, it's up 22.2% over the last year. That's their numbers. That's the BLS. That's the average consumer spends 3% of their gross income on motor vehicle. So that alone, 22 times 3, you do the math, it's like 3/4 over a percent roughly, just alone for motor vehicle insurance. The real people are being hurt are, even the people that are getting the handouts, they're being hurt because the handouts probably are not accelerating at a faster rate, fast enough rate. That's why he's trying to do the student loan thing again, and the other people are being hurt are the middle class and working poor because most of them aren't getting 6, 7, 8, 10% pay increases. Yet they continue to say on a daily basis at the White House press briefings and when they send Biden out, wages are increasing faster than prices. That's just not true anymore, though, is it? Now, it might have been true for like two months last year when the oil was going down, but look, oil $68 to $88, right? So that's why they have to keep rolling out. You know, he come out with something the other day, he's going to do something about lowering house prices, give people down payments. I mean, they're going to come up with any scheme they can and certain members of the Federal Reserve are participating in this, unfortunately, but they sort of box themselves in because now rates are starting to go back up again. Stocks are holding up, but I mean, look, I mean, all you need to couple more bad numbers like this. And, you know, I mean, people say it when they pull into the gas station. So, but these numbers are available. Like I said, I sent a copy up to you. You can look at the website. They're real numbers in the Wall Street Journal. Tomorrow we'll talk about, well, it's only 3.5, but the last three months it's averaging 5%. Yeah, I've got a bunch of stuff to get through to here. And remember, you see this story, the Happy Meal now in parts of California is 25 bucks. That doesn't make anybody very happy, I don't think. No, it's a tough market if you're in fast food because the biggest competition with fast food is eating food at home, which the people pass that law don't understand. A lot of those people will just stop going to fast food restaurants. Yeah, exactly. John from New York, sorry, the news is so bad, but thanks for checking in with us. We appreciate it, as always. Thanks. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals, including a two-pack multi-use MyPillow's, stylish sandals for both men and women, or a luxurious six-pack towel set. All are available for an astonishing $25 each. And yes, you heard that right. Just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it, also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it stay-but, the premium MyPillow's with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code "HOWE" for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code "HOWE". Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay. Go to and don't forget the code "HOWE". I'm Howie Car. Howie Car. We'll be right back. I'll be car is back. 603 says, "Speaking of insurance, my long-term health insurance notified me that my premiums will increase from $3,800 to over $13,000 in the next five years. Guess who is going to have to make some really difficult choices?" Not if you're an illegal alien. 603. Free, free dental. Free medical. Free room and board. WIC checks, if you've got a kid. Welfare. Check. $2,800 for a family of four. Free tablets. Free cell phones. Free everything for illegal aliens. No inflation for illegal aliens. MSME, some of the Reddit inflation and shrinkflation items. Safeway. There's a bag here of Safeway chips. It says only $2.69. Now the only $2.69 chips, they are on sale for $2.99. What a deal. What a deal. Oreo thins getting thinner. How about this? This is an item from Starbucks corporate headquarters. Starbucks will give franchises new pumps that dispense 15% less sauce per pump. The new collar, that's what they call it a collar, will dispense it. 15% less sauce per pump than the current collar. This change was tested with customers and did not result in any noticeable difference in taste. No one's supposed to notice the 15% cut back. When did oatmeal cream pies get so tiny? Yeah, I don't eat them, but the bag looks like it's a lot roomier than it used to be. McDonald's passing off the old size Big Mac is a new grand Big Mac. Yeah, the new grand Big Mac looks a lot like the old Big Mac. And the Big Mac, I don't know how they've cut down the size of the Big Mac, but it looks smaller. And now there's a Mac Jr. If you're eating Big Macs, do you really want a Mac Jr.? Don't you just want to get a double cheeseburger? That's what I thought. Passover Matzos. They've shrunk from two of the big brands. They've shrunk them from five pounds to four pounds. Oh, it's only a 20% cut. Domino sugar packets have less sugar. For the chakra. Thank you, Brandon. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. I'm how we car. (upbeat music)