The Howie Carr Radio Network

Republican Pouncing: Storm Clouds, Inflation, and Biden's Every Gaffe | 4.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Somehow, they'll blame Trump for these recent inflation numbers. They find a way to blame MAGA for everything, or at least they brush it off as "pouncing."

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10 Apr 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. What do you say to the families? Not just Latino families, but families across the country that don't feel that economic growth, that job creation reflecting their day checks and their pockets. Well, it's not yet, but guess what? It's about changing what happens at the kitchen table. This just in inflation is headed in the wrong direction right now. The latest consumer price report just out shows prices up 3.5%. It's all coming back, you understand? I don't like it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. God bless the Japanese and American people. So are you Chinese or Japanese? I live in California last 20 years, but first come from Laos. Huh? Laos. We lay ocean. The ocean? What ocean? Here's the thing about Fiza. He's not wrong, of course. They've abused Fiza. But these reforms would actually kill the abuses. Why are you the way that you are? Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Carr. The word of the day on the economic front is, "I'm expectedly." Inflation remains "I'm expectedly high." Yeah, they said that they thought that it was just a seasonal anomalies, the last couple of months of inflation. There's always an excuse. Then next month it'll be Easter was early. If Easter had been late this year, they'd say Easter is late. If it had been a mild winter, they'd say it's a mild... The inflation is caused by the mild winter. Cold winter, same thing. There's always an excuse. There's a Democrat president. If it's Donald Trump, there are no excuses. Trump did it. It's Trump's fault. Is there anything Trump can't do? Probably Trump's responsible for this. And now they're all scrambling. The stock market is way down today. Everybody's always blaming me for everything. Yes, exactly. And by the way, Sheila Jackson Lee says she misspoke. She was talking about the sun. She wanted to go visit the sun. It's kind of hot at the sun. And the sun is made up of gases. And she said the moon was a planet. And I was thinking it just occurred to me that David Niven, the old Hollywood star, he wrote his own autobiography a few years ago. It just gave it a silly name. The moon is a balloon. I guess Sheila Jackson Lee's not going to be able to use that as the title for her autobiography, assuming she ever writes one. But I think it really is scary that she went to Yale undergrad and then the University of Virginia Law School, which is, again, it's in one of the top law schools in the country, especially public law schools. You can say, well, these law schools and undergraduate colleges are totally degraded now. But she's in her 70s. She graduated from Yale in '75 or '72, excuse me, '72. And she graduated from Virginia, University of Virginia Law School in '75. I think that was before the standards were seriously degraded. Although, just judging from her, obviously, they were seriously degraded, at least for some of the students, if you know what I mean. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. Now there's quite a big story on Capitol Hill today. Well, a couple of them, actually. They're having Mayorkas hearings. But I think, to me, that's not going anywhere. The bigger story to me is the House is having a vote on whether to continue FISA. FISA is the secret courts that were used against Donald Trump, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which sets up these secret courts. Where there is no opposing counsel, it's all ex parte, as they say. That means the government goes in and lies and gets a warrantless surveillance on American citizens who happen to be of the Republican persuasion. And so, you know what? It's an amazing thing. But some Democrats want to kill this thing, too. It's so bleeping odious. For instance, the Judiciary Committee in the House. Chairman, as you know, is Jim Jordan. The ranking Democrat-- he's a very ranked Democrat-- Gerald Nadler from the West Side of Manhattan. They are both filing, jointly filing legislation, to basically force the surveillance court to get warrants to spy on Americans. And the deep state is going crazy about this. They want to keep it the way it is. Just that they want to have the right to just abuse the hell out of every Republican. And the occasional Democrats, let's be honest. As Trump said last week, good luck to Bobby Kennedy and his running mate Eileen Shanahan. They'll probably be indicted, too, before the election. So this is a-- the deep state has a bipartisan hatred of any American that believes in the Constitution and believes in freedom of speech. They want to put you behind bars. I mean, it's pretty clear, isn't it? And that's what FICE is all about. It was supposed to be about running down terrorists. How many terrorists is it run down as opposed to Americans? So this morning, Trump, in all caps, puts out a truth social. kill FICE, it was illegally used against me and many others. They spied on my campaign three exclamation points, DJT. So it was a very close vote. I don't think they had the votes anyway. So this afternoon, they're moving towards a procedural vote. And if they can't get this, you know, this is just, you know, legislate the technicalities. If they can't win the procedural vote, it doesn't go forward. I don't think it's-- I don't think it's going to go forward. But what Speaker Johnson, who is really proving to be a big disappointment-- I haven't really been down on him like some other people, but he's really proving to be a massive disappointment on this. He's saying, well, you know, we have to send it with the reforms. We've put reforms into it so it can't be abused by the Democrats anymore, meaning deep staters in this case. And so if we don't send it over to the Senate, they'll send a clean bill back the same way. It'll be as bad as it is now. And we'll have to pass it. How-- does he really think the House is-- if the House won't pass the so-called reforms that he's put into it, does he really think they're going to approve the clean bill? I just want to give you an idea, though, of the phony baloney reforms that they put into this thing. And again, remember, this is what they used to go after-- they took Hillary Clinton's campaign document that she paid for. And then they presented it to the court, and they got a warrant-- they got a warrantless permission to surveil Carter Page hoping to entrap Donald Trump, and they surveilled others as well. And then, to back it up, they asked the CIA if Carter Page had ever worked-- because he was the spy, supposedly, for the Russians. So they asked the CIA if he had ever done work for them as an asset against Russian intelligence. And they said, yes, he has. And so the FBI then changed it to, no, he hasn't. So-- and again, this is not an open court. There is no opposing counsel. There is no defense counsel here for anyone. They just go ahead. And again, I got no problems with this for terrorists, but this is for American citizens. And the fact is, the Deep State doesn't care about terrorists. Well, let's get down to the reality. They consider Republicans terrorists. There's an FBI agent, a former FBI agent, a whistleblower. He's the one who blew the whistle on the surveillance of Roman Catholics who go to Latin Masses. And he says that they used-- they had training sessions at Quantico, the training academy, where they would use southern poverty law firm documents, saying that Christians were a greater danger and a greater threat to be terrorists than Muslim savages who would just come into the country. That's what the FBI believes. They're after us. They're not after them. They're after us, OK? So this is the Wall Street Journal editorial today. A FISA surveillance compromise worth passing. Again, this is total Deep State nonsense. The concern is that federal Bureau of Investigation officials have on occasion abused their access to search for American names that aren't plausibly linked to terrorism. Yeah. Yeah. On occasion, they've been filing millions, millions of inquiries, meaning looking for phone records, looking for text messages, looking for social media on Americans, on occasion. The reforms preserve the ability to surveil and act with dispatch without introducing onerous bureaucratic barriers. I was having to get a warrant from a judge, having to go before a judge and say, this is why we need a warrant on Carter Page. This is why we need a warrant on Michael Flynn. This is why we need a warrant on President-elect Donald J. Trump. That's the kind of onerous bureaucratic barrier I want to be installed. Or for that matter, to get a warrant on how we car, or you, or anybody. Listen to this. Are we supposed to-- I mean, how could they write this with a straight face? The bill requires FBI personnel to get prior approval from a supervisor or a staff attorney before running US person inquiries. It would prevent political appointees from approving FBI database queries. A supervisor, like Andrew McCabe, whose wife got $700,000 from Hillary Clinton's bundlers to run for the Senate. Or James Comey, who was leaking stuff to destroy Donald Trump about the steel dossier that he knew was fake. That's the supervisor or the staff attorney, the Kevin Klein Smith, the guy who obstructed justice by changing the CIA memo. St. Carter Page was a Russian asset from-- was not a Russian asset. That's the staff attorney and the supervisors, who would be-- The bill also requires all FBI personnel to receive annual training on query procedures. A backstop against casual abuses in FBI field offices with little supervision. Like, that's going to work. Nothing like that annual training session that really, really puts the fear of God, and especially if you're in the secret police known as the FBI. Sensitive queries, like those involving elected officials, need approval from the direct deputy director of the FBI. If he works for Christopher Ray, he's obviously a Democrat hack, the deputy director of the FBI. And by the way, Trump wasn't the only Republican candidate who was surveilled under FISA in 2016. I believe at least three of the other Republican candidates were surveilled by the deep state under these FISA regulations. I would say, kill it, kill it, kill it. And the defense is, well, we'll take some-- we're running long here, but we'll talk more about this. We come back. It's part of the poll question as well. 844-542-42. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. 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To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorneys at law, to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed and restore height for wellness. Go to It's not for the faint of heart. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you agree with Trump that House GOP should kill FISA, the secret deep state surveillance law? Yes, no, or couldn't they just reform it? Yes, they should kill it. 92% say yes, 5% say just reform it, 3% say no. All right, it looks like they've killed the procedural measure that would have allowed them to consider the reform. So it looks like it's dead for a while, but we're going to keep talking about it because this is really odious that the Republican leadership in the House would go along with this. And again, I'm not forgetting we're at a Johnson because that might be the end of the Republican majority. But again, he voted to keep it going in 2018. Trump wanted to kill it in 2018 when he was president. He had voted to keep it going. Now he's trying to be more conservative, but he was still going to go. And he doesn't want to be blamed if there's a terrorist attack. But they're going to blame him anyway. And if there is a terrorist attack, God forbid, it's probably going to be performed by some of the people Biden led into the country, isn't it? And doesn't everybody know that? Harry, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Harry. Hi, I worked with the Army and West Berlin during the Cold War. And I have friends who were in this kind of business, the spying and fisotite business. And one thing I learned from them was there is no way through legislation to restrain the people who want to misuse their privileges, which just shows you why we need to elect a guy like Trump, who's personally suffered from this, and knows we have to restrain these idiots, really, by means other than legislation, because legislation won't do it. That's all I have to say, and I'll-- No, that is such a good point, Harry, you know, that these people are not going to be restrained by laws, because they don't care about laws. Like John Adams said about the Constitution, this is designed for a religious people. These people are not religious. They think the ends justify the means. And this is the whole thing of the absurdity of the Wall Street Journal editorial here. The better protection is the bill's stronger, query oversight, and stiff penalties for abusers. Other people-- Samantha Powers was allowed all of these unmaskings, as they're called. And nothing happened to her. Christopher Ray, 413, says, has been asked many times during congressional hearings, whether he used FISA to investigate January 6. He will not deny it. And I love this one. Congressional oversight can monitor this data. And Harry just summed it up perfectly. Congressional oversight cannot monitor this data. This thing was going on under their noses. After Trump became president, they were still using this bogus Hillary Clinton campaign, not even campaign, and op-op research, because it wasn't research. It was made up crap. They were using it under the nose of the president to try to knock out the president with the illegal wiretaps and illegal surveillance. Trump understands this. He understands it better than most of us do. But if you pay attention, everybody understands it. And you don't want to allow this secret police state to set up in this country. It's got to be stopped. And it looks like the Republicans have stopped it in the House, at least temporarily. But we're going to talk more about this as we go through the afternoon. 844-542-844-542-542. I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Here's the update on what just happened in the House, a group of House Republicans this afternoon tanked a procedural vote to begin the debate on a bill to reauthorize the nation's warrantless surveillance powers, warrantless surveillance. It means they could spy on you without going before court. And you don't have the right to send in your lawyer. You don't have a Fourth Amendment right against illegal search and seizure. And you don't have a Sixth Amendment right. Against a Sixth Amendment right to confront your accuser. Other than that, it's only two out of the 10 amendments to the Bill of Rights that this thing abrogates, leaving the chamber scrambling on how to address the important spy tool before it expires next week. Important spy tool. This is the Hill, obviously, a deep state organ. The move comes after former President Trump on Wednesday urged Republicans to, in all caps, kill FISA, throwing a wrench into an already contentious debate. I like-- I like wrenches to be thrown-- such wrenches to be thrown into such contentious debates. It stymies a plan from House leadership to take up an amendment which many in the GOP's right wing say is a top priority, adding a warrant requirement to the Bill. And that wouldn't-- if Osama bin Laden is plotting a terror strike or his successor, they don't have to get a warrant for him. But they have to get a warrant if Carter Page is planning to organize a fundraiser for President Trump. And again, they care more about bagging Carter Page or Donald Trump or Michael Flynn or any of the other people that they went after than they do about Osama bin Laden. I mean, let's be honest about it, right? 844, 542, 42. Time now for Grace's News. Hello, Howie. Here's a headline for you from CNN. With inflation back up, the long predicted storm clouds in the economy may actually be forming. Storm clouds. Yeah, I thought you'd like that. Unexpected storm clouds. Progress on inflation is moving-- Republicans pounce on storm clouds. Progress on inflation is moving in the wrong direction. The latest consumer price index released today showed that annual inflation ticked up to 3.5% in March from 3.2% in February. And here's another headline for you from Axios. US March inflation remains hot. That was another big word today, hot. Reducing odds of a June rate cut. So there was talk for a while that the feds might reduce the rate cut, but now it's looking like that's not going to happen as inflation's throwing a wrench in that possibility. Another wrench. They're coming at us from all ages. So many wrenches, so little time. Signs of inflation. Republicans throw a wrench on House floor. Inflation throws a wrench on plans to cut interest rates. There was another one I read. I didn't print it out. I think it was from Axios, but it said something about how inflation rains on Biden's good news parade. And I didn't even click on it, but I was thinking, like, what does this parade consist of? What good news is he going on about? Have you seen the video of him walking around with the Japanese prime minister today? Yeah, with the sunglasses on. And he could barely stand. Yeah, and he also, he had his handy-dandy note card today. He said, let me go to my list so that he could read-- He got to know how to know. It was a rather pathetic performance, but at the same time, how they put him out, like when he's sitting in the White House with the Japanese prime minister and he's reading off his note cards, just to do the very casual introductions with the press there, I don't blame them for giving him note cards because he's constantly getting us into all these wars. It's kind of high stakes. He can't riff. He can't just talk normally. So they have to give him guardrails. Well, how about Elizabeth Warren the other day, Grace, by the way? It hasn't been in any of the-- as far as I can see, it hasn't been in any of the Boston papers. She was at the Islamic Center or something in Boston on Monday. And they asked her about the Israeli's guilty of genocide. And she said, well, she didn't know, but when they do the investigation, yeah, they'll probably be found guilty of genocide. How come she's not taking any grief about that? Have any of these people looked up the definition of genocide? We're going to try to get into that later on. I'll just give you a-- here's a Biden cut from this morning with the prime minister of Japan, cut 14. Elect me, I'm in the 20th century, 21st century. He isn't a lot of-- to be fair, he spans a lot of different centuries, depending on which ghost he's talking to at which point. He's a man who can really go back in time. He's in the 20th century, the 21st century, OK. He also had his Univision interview, Howie. And I didn't realize this, but I guess Biden and Univision have longstanding beef. I didn't know this until today. They just squashed it. But he was very mad about an interview they did in 2023 with President Trump, where he felt like they were too soft on him. He felt as though they handled Trump with kid gloves. And he thinks he's the only one who should get that treatment. So that's why he decided to go on Univision. And in that interview on Univision, he talked about a ceasefire and how Israel should just allow for a ceasefire for six to eight weeks. And nowhere in that conversation did he mention the hostages. And just so people remember this, there are American hostages being held by Hamas. And the president of the United States is urging a ceasefire and doesn't even find that worthy of a mention in the conversation. And it wasn't one of the parts of the recent ceasefire agreements that Hamas was going to release 50 older Israeli hostages and presumably a couple of Americans and other nationalities. And then Hamas said, well, we checked the 50 hostages that we were going to release and 40 of them are already dead. Yeah. So how many hostages are actually left, Grace? Well, I mean, again, Biden has no interest in finding out. It's certainly the Israelis must have a better clue on how many are left alive after six months of rape and torture by these savages. This is from the Jerusalem Post Halli. This is to your point. It was from earlier today. It said, Hamas is currently, quote, unable to locate 40 hostages detained in the Gaza Strip needed for the first stage of a hostage deal, according to a report. And David Harsani pointed out, he's like, it's weird that they can pinpoint accurate casualty numbers within minutes of an attack, but they can't keep track of the women that they're raping and taking hostage. Yeah. But again, it's like, we all understand that this is just, it's BS. Biden is an expert on firearms, as we all know, Grace. I want to play one more cut from, this is the Univision interview. Cut one. Look, I along with my staff passed the first limitation on assault weapons and the number of bullets that could be in a rifle. The idea, anybody needs 100 rounds in a rifle and an AR-15. Could we get a fact check on that one, Grace? I'm surprised he didn't mention the Kevlar vests. Have you noticed he's dropped that for a while? The deer are-- The deer are using the Kevlar vests anymore. I haven't heard that one in a bit. Maybe the deer's are armed with pepper spray now, and they're just going after the hunters with the pepper spray. They don't need to be bogged down with the Kevlar vests. Maybe the deer's have also come into the 21st century, and they have different tactics at this point. Another thing about Donald Trump and Joe Biden, this is also from The Hill. It says Democrats nervous that Trump is wooing centrists from Joe Biden. According to The Hill, liberals are growing increasingly nervous that former President Trump will woo centrist voters away from President Biden. They say Trump is now taking steps that could help him win the support of the broad middle of the country. And they cite his recent statement to not back a 15-week ban on abortion, and they think that this issue is going to move the needle in his direction for the election, and that a lot of people more in the center will find him to be the more palatable candidate. Who was at Lawrence Summers, the former president of Harvard, an economist, he's a world famous economist. He said that if you used the 1970s metrics for measuring inflation, the real inflation rate in 2022 would have been around 18% or a little bit higher than it was under Carter when Carter was overwhelmingly defeated for reelection. And now the inflation rate is beginning to spike up towards that level again. I mean, I would like to know how much the value of the currency has really been reduced in the three years that he's been president, a little over three years. It's probably been about half. Yeah, and when we talk about the election and everyone focuses so much on the independent voters, but right now, both of these candidates have their activist bases who might not be happy with them. You have Joe Biden, and he's dealing with the faction of the party that's very pro Hamas. And you have Donald Trump, who's dealing with people who don't appreciate his recent stance on abortion. But I think that the thing that's in Donald Trump's favor is that the people that he's dealing with, who might not be very pleased with him, they're reasonable people. I don't think that Joe Biden is going to placate the people that are angry with him and his party with anything. I don't think the student loan forgiveness is going to do it, how he-- I don't think anything he says, they keep putting out reports like, oh, he's privately enraged at BB Netanyahu. That's not making this group happy. They want to see a lot more than that. They want him to come out and condemn BB Netanyahu and stop sending them aid. That's what his party wants. But that's not going to happen. He's getting closer every day, though. Yeah, I don't-- I think that Hamas's days are numbered. They're pulling their punches a little bit. They took out that car that was full of the relatives of one of the architects of the October 7th massacre last night. They did that in a camp in Gaza. That's the kind of stuff they usually release the video. They have-- I'm sure they have the video of it, but they haven't released it. Because I check every day on the Israeli papers. And I think they're just-- again, they're pulling their punches a little bit on this stuff. But they're still working, and they're still taking out dozens of these savages every day. Yeah, good. That's good news. Thank you, Halle. That's it for me. All right, 844-500-4242-844-542-617 says, we've come a long way from night line and flags for everyday hostages were held in Iran. Yeah, I know. And there was a Democrat president in the White House, then he was-- he was feckless. Not very good, but he cared about the hostages. Now we have someone who-- no one from the top on down, nobody cares about the American hostages. No one cares about Americans in general. They care about illegal aliens and maybe trans, but that's about it. The rest of the country, they don't-- they're MAGA as far as the Democrats or the national Democrats are concerned. Perfect smiles is growing. Dr. Houghton has brought on two new dentists. Dr. Sy and Dr. Tam both have their own specialties and dentistry. This means the wait time to get an appointment at Perfect Smiles just got shorter. Perfect Smiles will be my first checkup when I returned to New England in a few weeks. I've had it on the calendar since before I left for Florida. I've learned how important it is to keep up my dental cleanings. Poor oral health is linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienicid Perfect Smiles are the best. Dr. Houghton and his team take the time to take many continuing education classes so they can remain up to date on all the latest advances in dentistry. Do not procrastinate. Make your appointment with Perfect Smiles today. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire, right off Route 3. Parking is easy and free. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video. Or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Dr. Houghton, Tam, and Sy. I think you will be very interested in what you hear., change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. This hour of The Howie Carr Show is brought to you in part by the 110 Grill with over 40 locations in the Northeast. You can find one near you. Visit them at [MUSIC PLAYING] The emperor of hate Howie Carr is back. There's still Americans in Afghanistan as some of the textors are pointing out. Dude, Biden cares about them. No more than he cares about the ones that are being held by the different brand of Muslim savages in Gaza. 844-542-844-542. Greg, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Greg. Hey, Howie. You know, the rainhouses are kept for 444 days, right? Yes. We saw that every night in nightland. And they were released the day of Reagan's inauguration. All right, wasn't that the day that-- Correct. --it was-- I think it was the exact-- Correct. --once they knew that there was someone in the White House who was going to make them pay for their crimes. Inbound, so I beg to say that to them. I was welcome by. You mentioned they were released. You know what? You know how many 444 days are from October 7? It turns out to be Chris's Eve this year. Can you imagine Trump's president-elect waiting to be inaugurated, and he gets them out like Chris's Eve? That's 444 days. That's pretty interesting, Greg. I don't know how feasible that timeline is, but it's pretty interesting. I don't know. Biden would somehow figure out a way to take credit for it. Maybe-- what day is he going to pardon Hunter, by the way? Is that Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, January 19? What day does Hunter get his pardon? And does Joe give himself a pardon? If his handlers are wise, they will give him a pardon, because I for one would not hold it against Trump if he-- if he prosecutes-- if he orders his justice department to prosecute Joe Biden. I think it's only right. It's only fair. Joe Biden is actually, as far as I can see, committed crimes. Ron, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Ron. How are we? Good afternoon. Hi. Hey, don't worry too much about that inflation. Jenny Ellen told me that was transitory. Even she's pulled back from that statement, I believe. Hasn't she, Ron? Yeah. But I wanted to say, I think even more so importantly, to me, anyways, Rand Paul keeps on giving us breadcrumbs on COVID, or a trail of breadcrumbs, I mean. Yes. There was an article in Fox this morning about 15 committees that he wrote letters to and found out that they were wanting to work on a desired COVID-like microbe. So the recap is 2012, Fauci says that the research is worth risking a pandemic. In 2017, he said it was going to be a surprise outbreak. In 2019, Obama-- Well, I think you missed one of those dates. At some point, in the Obama administration, the government said, we're not spending any money to create super viruses. So that's when they figured out this cut out when using this guy-- I think his name is Daxak. He's a Brit or he has a British accident anyway. He's the one who's going to be called to testify under oath before Congress on May 1. Ron. Right. When can we just say that they committed mass murder and committed a political coup to get Trump out? Like, when can we just say that? Well, I mean, you can't say-- they'll still try to deplatform you. You know, that's a whole nother part of this NPR story that's in Barry Weiss's Free Press is that they banned any kind of discussion, any kind of reporting saying that this was not-- that this came out of a lab and that this was a Red Chinese virus. It not only got your band on YouTube and got you fired from universities, it was not allowed on NPR. In NPR, again, the taxpayers are picking up, at least part of the tab for National Pin and La Radio. I'm Maui Carr.