The Howie Carr Radio Network

David Harsanyi on the "Death to America" Voter | 4.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcome senior editor of the Federalist David Harsanyi to the show so he may provide his keen insight on this week's hard-hitting headlines. The two talk Trump's ever-evolving position on abortion, the unrest in the Middle East, and more.

Broadcast on:
10 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. [Music] Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. That last caller, Barbara, we were discussing Donald Trump's stance on abortion. And he came out recently with a statement where he talked about how it should be left up to the states. A lot of people, including the Joe Biden administration, they, again, I'm going to use it because the liberals are doing a lot of this. And you won't hear it in the media. They pounced on it. They seized on it. They weaponized on it. But here's why I don't think it was the worst move for Donald Trump. Because Joe Biden really wants to paint Donald Trump as extreme on abortion. Because we've seen through the polling that extremism doesn't work on either side of the aisle. Whether you're extreme for having the max amount of abortion possibilities, where you can have, you know, an abortion in nine months. Or whether you're for total abortion bans. If the pendulum swings too far one way or too far the other, you don't tend to do well politically. Morally, I'm not discussing the issue as far as that goes right now. I'm just talking strategically speaking. But Joe Biden wants to paint MAGA crazy Trump as very extreme on everything. So abortion being such a big issue for his party, it makes sense that he's going to go along those lines. But in this case, what Joe Biden really zeroed in on was Trump being a flip flop or an abortion. Trump not being consistent with his stances on abortion, which I will not argue with him about Jared. In fact, if Trump were a Democrat, as David Hart, David Harsani points out, we would call this an evolution. Trump's evolved on abortion. I think that's David right now, actually. We would say that he's evolved on abortion. But because of Trump's stance, they're saying that he's a flip flop. And what David Harsani points out in his piece is that actually, if you look at Joe Biden since the 1970s and the 1980s, Jared, if he can't connect right now, we will move it to 130 because I do want the full segment with them. So if there's someone wrong with the phone lines, let's just wait on it. If you want to evolve on this and you're a Republican, you'll be painted as an extremist. But if you look at Joe Biden's evolution, it has been very extreme. He's gone from being a pro-life Catholic who supported the Hyde Amendment to having a complete reversal. But you don't hear about that, which I find amazing. So that last caller, Barbara, when she said, "Oh, you know, I'm worried about this because I think that there's a good chance." Actually, you know what? If he's there, Jared, is he there right now? Let's pop him up. She said, "There's a good chance he'll lose people like me who are very pro-life." And I understand where she's coming from, but I also think at the end of the day, somebody like Barbara is going to have to look at this and say, "Am I upset at Trump that he's not perfect, that he doesn't perfectly align with my beliefs?" Yes, but would I rather him than Joe Biden, who doesn't want any restrictions whatsoever? I think Barbara would have to make that call herself, but I know which decision I would make. David Harsani joins us now, and David, you just been on a roll with all of these columns. I want to go here, skip to the abortion conversation, because, like I said, Trump releases this statement promoting his position that the abortion issue should be left to the states, the Biden administration, and the media, but I repeat myself, they zero in on the flip-flopping criticism, and you point out that that's not just a Trump problem, that's also a Biden problem, but what I think you point out, which is more important, is that Joe Biden's current stance, as much as they don't want to talk about it, it's radical. Yeah, I mean, it's abortion on demand, paper by taxpayers to birth, basically. I mean, you can ask any Democrat, and you say to them, what restriction do you support, since you're saying that that's not true, and they will never be able to tell you what restriction they support, because they don't support any. So, listen, I think that Donald Trump is not a social conservative. He doesn't really know how to speak that language, in my opinion. It's a transactional thing with pro-lifers, I think, but you know what? I don't really care. I mean, for me, as a pro-lifer, transactional politicians who do what I want are better than politicians who don't. And Donald Trump put three originalist justices on the bench, they overturned one of the worst decisions in American history, and that's reality, and that's the choice. So, I mean, people make any choice they like, but that's how I view it. Yeah, and I know that, and I always try to be very careful here, Dave, because I know this is an issue for a lot of people that it's their issue, and they feel very strongly about it. So, I don't want to seem like I'm not taking it seriously, but one thing that did come to mind is you know that expression people say where they say, you know, you don't have to be the fastest when you're out running a bear, you just have to be faster than the person next to you. It's kind of like if you look at these politicians, they're all flip-floppers, we know that. But I don't think Trump has to necessarily, as much as some people might like him to be, I don't think he has to be the most pro-life, he just has to be more pro-life than Joe Biden to keep that base of people, and I don't think there's any question of that. Yeah, I mean, I don't know where pro-lifers go if they don't go with Donald Trump. I mean, like you're saying, I mean, yeah, sometimes conservatives, especially today, I think for both parties in some way, people are in silos, so they don't believe in incrementalism. They don't think that you can get to where you need to be in pieces. They don't like to hear that someone is triangulating their position to win elections, but that's what you have to do sometimes. I don't like it either. I mean, actually, I do think that going by state is a good idea, but I don't think Donald Trump took that position because he's a strict constitutionalist to believe in federalism. I think he did it because it's a position that lets him not have to take a very strong position on where he believes that line should be, and that's how politicians have always been. That's another thing. It's not like Donald Trump's doing something weird here that no one's ever done before. Everyone moderates positions when they get into a general election. That's been done forever, so it's not like some weird thing, just that it's not weird that he changed his mind. Joe Biden was a pro-lifer in the '70s, '80s and '90s, supposedly. He was behind and supported all kinds of restrictions on abortion, including overturning Roe v. Wade and bringing it back to the state, and now he has a maximalist position that anything goes. No one mentions that, but of course, lots of people change their mind, but as you know, you can only evolve towards one position as far as the media is concerned when it comes to abortion. Yeah, and I was actually told by Bill Crystal that waffling is the sign of an authoritarian. So, you know, I go to all my political advice from Bill Crystal. The other thing I wanted your reaction to, David, is the Arizona Supreme Court decision, which a lot of people, and I'm sure Bill Crystal's actually commented on this, but a lot of people on the left, they're already, you know, de-seizing and pouncing. They're on the morning shows or tweeting about it. Politicians, Democrats are tweeting out, women will die, and it's the reaction you'd expect, but I think they're almost, they're having a hard time. And this is just my POV here, but it seems like they're having a hard time suppressing the joy they have that this decision came out. Like, you can almost hear it in their voices on these morning shows that this is going to be political, this is going to be a political win for Joe Biden. Yeah, I'm pretty skeptical that it's going to matter that much. I think most people who really care about this issue and, you know, that it's their most important issue, one of their most, they're usually already in a camp, they're not switching over this sort of thing. I don't love how the Arizona thing has gone because just the very notion that something, you know, something from some decision from the 1800s is going to dictate law, I think is sort of undermines the modern case for why I think at least it should be restrictions on abortion. You know what I mean? But that's getting into the weeds. I think in general, it's not going to make that much of a difference to Joe Biden. Yeah, no, I do know what you mean. There's something I hate to simplify, but there's something goofy about it like 1864 and the way they're, I don't know, it just, you're right, it makes it hard for Republicans to actually present their case because this is not the case they're trying to present. I want to totally switch topics here, David, for just a minute and talk about Israel and Hamas and these recent comments by Joe Biden. So you wrote a piece about how Joe Biden is, and I love the headline of this, he's chasing the death to America voter, which I think is very accurate. And what's ironic here is that Joe Biden and his team are trying to save democracy. So I guess they have to, they have to kill America in order to save democracy, but you brought up in your recent piece that this group of people, this group of voters, they're not easily satisfied or placated. And your piece actually made me think, though, I feel as though these voters who are so angry at Joe Biden, they, if they really did their research, they would come to understand that Joe Biden is on their side and he has been for many, many years and he's surrounding himself with Obama-era people who are also on their side. So I guess maybe the issue now, David, is that they just don't feel that he's openly anti-Semitic enough? Well, I think that they don't see it that way because for them, unless your carpet bombing Tel Aviv with American bombers, and that's not going to be enough for them. And that's, sometimes I write these pieces and I have that headline that you just mentioned and I'm like, boy, it's not like a crazy person. Like, I think maybe this is over the top, what I'm saying here, you know, but then I try to honestly look at the facts and unfortunately, I think that that is a, it is completely factual to say that there are a bunch of voters in Dearborn, Michigan and elsewhere for the nice people in Dearborn, Michigan as well, you know, podcasters from the Obama era, whoever, who hate Israel and their pro Hamas, maybe they don't like the rape, et cetera, and sexual torture and massacre, but overall, they're on that side. And for them, you know, Joe Biden can't do enough. I don't think Joe Biden's going to be able to modify them. But while he's trying to do that, he basically just abandoned American hostages, not to mention the other hostages that are there. And he has allowed Hamas to survive. He has pushed Israel to do something that is detrimental to their people, to their future, to the future of the Palestinians there as well, because as long as Hamas is operating there in danger. And he has done it just a handful of votes to try to win an election. I don't think Joe Biden's anti-Semitic. I think he's an empty, feckless person who will do anything for a few votes. He's not going to be able to drop every principal he's ever had, or, you know, any position he's ever had. And this is just one in a long line. But this is, in my view, for many reasons, one of the most despicable positions he's taken. Yeah, I would agree with that. And what I loved about that piece is that at the end, you say, I realize this isn't everyone's fight, but they don't chant death to Israel without, you know, usually following it up with death to America, which is what we saw in Dearborn. And the other thing, David, I was going to ask you about was that I saw a story about Antony Blinken, and now he recently remarked that there's not a lot of anger towards Hamas, and that actually the silence is kind of deafening when it comes to this terror group. And so I was going to say to you, wow, it seems like maybe there's a difference of opinion in the Biden administration. Maybe there's a little bit of infighting here. And then I read the actual quote, and I want to read this to you because I can't even get over how weak and feckless this administration is when dealing with Hamas. Listen to this, remandany Blinken. He says, so much of the understandable outrage and anger is directed at Israel for the plight of Palestinian civilians and Gaza. Some of that might also need to be directed at Hamas might also isn't this like I've never heard anything like this in my life. Yeah, they know, at least it's my theory that there's really no price to pay anymore for being completely anti Israel pro Hamas effectively, functionally, because Chuck Schumer and other Jewish politicians on the left. They won't say a word. They won't say word because their real religion is part of the politics and they want to win election. So for them, this is fine. And so they can say crazy things like that. Every building that falls in Gaza and every civilian that is killed is a tragedy, but it's a tragedy that's caused by Hamas who went on a rampage killing of civilians and then hides behind their own civilians to try to create martyrs to hide themselves and et cetera. And to me, it is the most morally clear conflict going in the world right now. And I just, you know, I don't even know what to say anymore. It's just, it's not like, you know, it used to be disappointing. You know, the both side is that people used to engage and when it came to this conflict, but now they're just on the wrong side completely. And I don't know where that leads, but it's definitely bad for this country, in my opinion, but also bad for Jews in this country and Jews around the world. And that matters to me as well. And, you know, so. Yeah, absolutely. It matters to us here too, David. I appreciate you coming on the show and I know you're a very busy person. Everyone should follow David on Twitter at David Harsani and you should read all of his work at the Federalist. He also has a piece up today in the New York Post, which you can check out. So make sure you go read those now. Thank you, David Harsani. We'll be right back. We'll take any of your questions on Israel, Hamas, the Supreme Court decision in Arizona, whatever your question is. We got you covered. The Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. Jared, you stayed at the Nossa Beach Inn. You love it there. There's so much to love. I'm going back and forth with Dave Henshey now trying to figure out exactly. I want to really time it out, Jared, so I get the perfect weekend on Cape Cod, but it's hard to go wrong with the Nossa Beach Inn. Yeah, it's what you're looking for in a getaway. It's tranquility, especially in the off season, April and May, which is still kind of the pre-summer season. That's the best time to get down there. You have the beach. You can enjoy it. You could walk along. You don't have to worry about fighting through crowds to get a spot on the beach. They're pet friendly. So you can bring your dog down and walk along the beach. There are trails. You can go on around there. Every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window so you can stay cozy. You can enjoy the ambiance. It's great for, you know, if you're at night, you want to just look out at the ocean and be warm and cozy. They have fire pits so you can hang out at the fire pits. You can just stay outside, meet other people that are there, socialize. My wife and I, we loved sitting by the fire pit drinking our morning coffee and watching the sunrise. It's a perfect getaway. It's so relaxing. It's so tranquil. Can't recommend it high enough and especially can't recommend it at these prices high enough. Yeah, these prices are amazing. I mean, you can stay at the Nossa Beach Inn in April for just $249.99 a night and in May for $259.99 a night. Like Jared said, you don't get these deals anywhere, let alone on Cape Cod. So go to That's We'll be right back with Trump's Chick-fil-A order. Don't go anywhere. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. Alright, so it is trending on Twitter. Trump's Chick-fil-A order. There's a video of it, but I will say this. It doesn't mean I still didn't get the inside scoop. I did ask Caroline if she didn't respond before this video came out and she said he ordered 30 milkshakes and a bunch of chicken. And Jared, you have the card here that we're going to play with. I think that's very nice. Have a good time. Nice to see you. Thank you very much. So the Lord of 30 milkshakes will give him out to the people who will take some for ourselves. But thank you very much everybody. Hello. This is a great American franchise to play. It is, it's a great franchise. The owner is a great man who is a member of one of my clubs and he's fantastic and they do very well. They're closed on Sunday. The Lord's Chicken. That's the Lord's Chicken. You're right. It's good chicken too. Good to see you. Thank you very much. I never even thought about this, but this is going to come for as a double whammy for Joe Biden. It's not only is he supporting Chick-fil-A, which we know the left hates. Thank God. Menino stopped at Chick-fil-A from showing up in Boston. But also, isn't Joe, wasn't he like a chicken? Didn't he raise chickens at one point? Oh, yeah. The Del Marva Peninsula has more chickens than there are Americans. It's the number one industry. Wow. Okay. So once he's done with this presser, which I'm sure will go for at least two hours. All I heard was Netanyahu when I put it in queue. So he's already, I'm sure the Prime Minister of Japan really wants to deal with this. Yes. Yes. I'm sure he's loving it. Well, we'll take this as we go and, you know, if there's sound that sticks out. But one of my textures asked, what did Bill Crystal say? Bill Crystal's having a meltdown over Trump's statement about abortion, Trump's new stance. And people are writing and going, I don't think this is how Trump really feels. I think he has to do this. Trump. Listen, I'm voting for Trump. There's a lot about Trump I like. But don't fool yourself that Trump feels very strongly one way or the other about abortion. I just don't think that his record on this shows us that. Like he has been so is Joe Biden. They've both been all over the map. But I think he's making a political decision right now for what's going to help him win an election. And I don't fault him for that. But these people who are saying like, Oh, this isn't how he truly feels about it. How do you know? And he's been every single which way on this. But Bill Crystal thinks that Trump's waffling is classic authoritarianism because they have. So David Harsani writes, Democrats like Bill Crystal claim Trump's waffling was class classic authoritarianism because they have completely lost the ability it seems to say anything else. Anyway, if waffling on abortion is authoritarian, Bill Crystal is Mussolini. Turns out Bill Crystal and other conservatives have been all over the map on this too. You don't say. We'll be right back. Michael Avenatti on MSNBC via phone, of course, from the big house. Don't worry. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back everyone to the race currently show going on right now, a joint press conference between the Japanese Prime Minister and Joe Biden. He's got his Raybans on and he's blocking out the haters. But don't worry. We'll still be collecting information and the haters will bring you sound of this probably somewhere in the two o'clock hour, I would guess once we see, you know, what pops up on Twitter. I don't think he's going to take many questions. I'm sure if he does get any, it will be about this Arizona Supreme Court decision, which has the cast at morning Joe. They don't know whether you know that expression. They don't know whether to bleep or whine their watch. It's like, they don't know whether to cry or celebrate. They're so happy about this devastating news. Women will die, but they might win the election. So in some ways, they're like, oh, it could be bad, but also, I mean, this is great for us, but they're not doing a great job of kind of toning that down a little bit. It's a strange, strange world. 303 says, Grace, the GOP is missing a great opportunity to expose Democrats as radical on abortion. The GOP position should be to advocate for equal access to pro life health care for women. Yeah, well, in that piece that David Harsani just joined us to discuss, he talks just about that. He says, abortion on demand for any reason until birth funded by taxpayers. That's the modern left's position on the issue. Democrats are so dug into their extremism that they can't even support bills that compelled doctors to keep babies who survive a homicide attempt alive. Perhaps most American voters don't care enough to your point, 303. He also says, maybe most voters aren't even aware of the modern left's radicalism. The political media might be plagued by partisan, bipartisan mediocrity, but when it comes to abortion, they have demonstrated an unmatched competency in misleading the public. I think it's a combination of people not knowing about it, consuming what they see in the media, which is we just pointed out whether it's John Heilman on Morning Joe, or any of these talking heads is a complete meltdown. Like the ladies on the view, they're constantly setting their hair on fire over everything, the cicadas, the earthquakes. But today, it's like, again, they don't know if they should. They want to celebrate because they think this is going to help them win, but they also want to fear monger enough. It's a delicate balance. It's a delicate balance lying to people on this grade of a scale. And so 303 says the GOP is missing an opportunity. And I think they are. And I think that as much as people have an issue with Nikki Haley being a flip flopper, Barbara who called in in the first hour brought that up. One thing I always go back to that she said, I'm sure people are sick of me saying this. During the debates, she was asked, I believe it was a debate on NBC, I want to say, it was the first debate. She was asked about abortion, and she gave her answer, which wasn't going to make everybody happy. It's very hard to do that on abortion. And then she said, well, you need to ask what the left's ideology is on this. You need to ask where their limits are. You know, when do they think a woman should no longer be able to have an abortion? And it's never asked because you don't ask, here's the thing about the media. As David Harsani pointed out, they're very mediocre when they want to be, but they know enough. They're smart enough to know that you don't ask a question. You don't want the answer to. And they do not want Joe Biden to have to answer when he thinks the limit should be because the limit does not exist. And that wouldn't sit well with most American voters. So that's the issue we have. Now, to 303's other point, though, the GOP needs to do a better. It's one thing for me to sit here and go, geez, the media really loves to lie to people, and they love to package up this nonsense and fear monger. And lie about this Arizona Supreme Court ruling and make people believe that even though it's been stayed for 14 days and the attorney general says she's not going to, she's not going to follow the law or, you know, charge people with anything. They still want to whip people up into a complete panic. But that's all well and good for me to sit here and go. The media sucks. We know that. Where's the GOP? The GOP needs to be out there hammering the fact that the left has gone off the deep end with this. That's the angle. But when it comes to messaging, when it comes to creating narratives, we get beat every single time. And what I would say to someone like Barbara who called in and she was very sweet and she was very well spoken. And this is something she cares deeply about. And I fully respect that. I would say, think long and hard before you turn on Trump, because you're not happy that his position is not perfectly aligned with yours, because there's that old expression don't let perfect be the enemy of good. And this is a case where you might feel like, Hey, it's not even good. His position to, if you're someone who fully believes in your stance as a pro life person, you might look at Trump stands right now and go, I don't like that. It's not even good to me. Well, it's certainly better than what Joe Biden is promoting. It's certainly better than what the left is promoting. I don't think there's any arguing for that. And so you have to take all of that into account. 844 542 42. Okay, I do want to break it up here just for a minute. Because there was something that I saw in the Daily Mail today. I love the Daily Mail. Have I mentioned that the Daily Mail for me, they know what works, they know what sells. And there was a recent clip from a podcast of a Texas Democrat. Now, her name might sound familiar to you. Her name is Jasmine Crockett. So before we came on to this segment, I said to Jared, you know, can you grab the sound of this Texas Democrat? She doesn't think that black people should have to pay taxes in lieu of reparations or she thinks that would be, you know, basically the same thing is getting reparations. But then she also says, this is so offensive, Jared. If a white person said this, I find this to be incredibly offensive. She also says that a lot of poor black people don't pay taxes anyway. Now, when I saw this name, I said to Jared, can you look this up on Twitter and get Jasmine Crockett? She said this crazy thing. And I said, does the name sound familiar? She looks familiar to me. Wasn't she had a hearing? She had the Hunter Biden hearing or something. She was yelling. And Jared, you reminded me that she's a bit of a potty mouth. Yes, she is. She was swearing in Congress, correct? But when we started talking about things that look like evidence, they want to act like they blind. They don't know what this is. These are our national secrets. Looks like in the ****er to me. Okay, so now that you have a little bit more context into Jasmine Crockett's previous audio cuts that have made her such a prominent voice on the Chris Curly show, I want to play these cuts. This is from the black lawyers podcast. She's talking about reparations. Now, keep in mind, all over the country, there's all these task force. And this got me thinking because I keep hearing about task force in Massachusetts, we have one. I know there's one in San Francisco. And every couple of months, the task force will come out and say, here's the number. Here's the number I think we need for reparations. And the number is different, but one thing's always the same. It's absurd. Like, it's an absurd amount of money. And they have really no way of figuring out who's eligible for the reparations. Like, our Native Americans are going to be eligible for reparations. What about black people whose ancestors own slaves? Own slaves? Are they going to be eligible? So there's a lot. There's a lot of details that these task forces for as long as they've been in operation aren't coming out with, but they always come out with a big number. And I'm just curious if like the task forces, Jared, were a way to kind of appease this conversation or like put a little pause on this conversation without ever actually having to deal with it. Because let's say 12 people in a task force every six months, they tell us a new number. Nothing ever happens. The number never gets passed. The $6 billion that would be required to give everyone reparations never goes anywhere. But the task forces don't end. Once you create a task force, it's like anything else in government. It will be there forever. But here is Jasmine Crockett's latest idea about reparations involving taxes. Just this past week, I saw, I don't remember which celebrity, but it was actually a celebrity. And I was like, I don't know if that's not necessarily a bad idea, but I'd have to think that a lot. One of the things that they propose is black folk not have to pay taxes for a certain amount of time, because then again, that puts money back in your pocket. But at the same time, it may not be as objectionable to some people about actually giving out dollars. But obviously, then you start dealing with the different tax brackets and things like that. And that's one of the reasons that we argue the reparations make sense, because so many black folk, not only do you owe for the labor that was stolen and killed and all the other things. But the fact is, we end up being so far behind. And so it's like, how do you bring forest people? Exactly. And so it's like, if you do the no tax thing for people that are already, say, struggling and aren't really paying taxes in the first place, it doesn't really, exactly. They may want those those checks like they got either closing. Exactly. I'm sorry, but this feels a little offensive to me. This is something Joe Biden would say, to be quite honest. She's saying that there's poor black people out there who would prefer a check as opposed to having their taxes exempt, because they're not paying the taxes anyway. So you'd say to them, "Oh, well, good news. You don't have to pay these taxes." And they would say, "Well, I wasn't paying my taxes to begin with, so where's the check?" That, to me, if I'm a black person listening to that, I wouldn't love this. I wouldn't love that this woman is sitting in Congress. That would bother me. 844-500-4242. Yeah, it's a bit racist. I know I'm not allowed to say that as a white woman, but it does feel a little bit racist. Jasmine Crockett. And so many black folk, not only do you owe for the labor that was stolen and killed and all the other things, but the fact is we end up being so far behind. Can you imagine if people went on podcasts with hosts who actually asked them to elaborate and expound on their ideas? Then we get some really juicy cuts. If there was a host who said, "Hold on a second. Let's break that down a little bit more." You don't think that... Oh, oh. Okay. Hold on, everyone. We got to go live here. Joe Biden's taking questions. I'm really of AFP. Thank you. My first question would go to both of you, Mr. President and Mr. Prime Minister. Is there a path for Japan to become a full member of Okas? And I would have a second question for you, Mr. President. You're now saying that Benjamin Netanyahu is making a mistake in Gaza. What are you willing to do to make him change his strategy? And would you consider conditioning military aid to Israel? Thank you. Okay. Joe, Joe. He deferred. He had his ribbons on. He looked at him for a very long time. And the Japanese Prime Minister thought, "Alright, so I'm going first." Okay. 844-542-42. When we come back, I want to do a little jailhouse rock and find out what's going on with Michael Avenatti. It's been a while. And he did an interview with MSNBC where he used to be king. You know, he used to walk those halls. He was the cock of a walk at one point. And now he's sadly, he's calling in via telephone for hits from the clink. We'll talk about that when we come back. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is does Trump's stance on abortion hurt him or help him in the election? I think it helps him. 79% now believe it will help him. 21% think it will hurt him. All right, we'll take more calls on that when we return. Face it. The world is a scary place. It seems like, especially with this current administration, they're on a mission to make life more dangerous for you and for your family. Well, at the same time, making it harder for you to protect yourselves. It's really bizarro. It's backwards. But that's what they're up to. Luckily, flip lock is here and can help you protect yourself and your family. The flip lock security door lock is unpickable, unbreakable, and is 10 times stronger than a deadbolt. It can withstand over 1,500 pounds of pressure. You're going to look at this, and if you watch the video on, you'll think, well, it's so simple. 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This simple design is so effective and trusted that revere public schools installed flip lock in their classrooms. Security does not need to be expensive. It just needs to work and flip lock has it covered. So here's what I want you to do. Go to and save 20% with code GRACE20. This is easy to install. And once you see the video of it, you'll understand exactly how it works. It's Save 20%. It's Use code GRACE20 when you check out. Don't forget to use code GRACE20. We'll be right back. The GRACE Curly Show will be right back. This is the GRACE Curly Show. So Trump is always battling several different legal cases, and today's no different. And MSNBC thought, "Who better to come on to talk about the hush money trial than Stormy Daniels' old lawyer?" Now keep in mind that he also been boozled Stormy Daniels, and then he had an issue with Nike, which is why he's currently in jail, but that didn't stop MSNBC. Now is this the same place Jared? Am I crazy, or did they just freak out about Rona McDaniel potentially getting a job there? You're not crazy. Because, you know, it didn't meet our standards. Enjoy read and Rachel Maddow, you know, wept together. Oh, it doesn't meet our standards. We don't feel safe. And now they're interviewing jailbirds. Do I have that? Yes, they didn't want somebody who would spread lies, so they're interviewing an actual documented extortionist. Got it. Okay, so can I hear a little bit of this? This is Ari Melber with Michael Avenatti Cut13. As Avenatti is a very newsworthy and legally relevant guest, he is speaking out for the first time from prison on the now historic case he helped ignite. Joining us now by phone is Michael Avenatti, the former lawyer to Stormy Daniels, calling in from the terminal island federal prison in California. Michael, welcome. That's good to hear your voice. Sorry. It's good to have you. We have a lot of news to get to. But first, how are you holding up? Wow. How are you holding up? You know, my question, Jared, is, and I would love, I would hope that this question would be asked. Did he ask Michael Avenatti if he still plans on running for president? Because I've got. He did not, unfortunately. I've got a box full of bumper stickers that I can't let go of, you know, you know, those things in your house where you're like, they're taking up too much space. But if I know the second I throw away my Avenatti 2024 stickers, he's going to announce something. And I don't want that to happen. What a bummer. Now, it did get even more hilarious when Nick Ackerman came on, former Watergate prosecutor and was not holding back with Ari Melberg. Can I have cut 14? What do you think of the two points he makes there that he does expect Trump to be convicted? But he also thinks there are issues in this case. I don't, wouldn't take the word on his word on either of those two things. He knows nothing about this case. He was not involved in the mechanics of the case. He was not involved in the payoffs. He was not involved in how it was set up. He's not a witness in this case. But besides that, what do you make of the interview? Ari Melberg's like, "Yeah, but come on, roasted." Where are you being such a buzzkill, Nick? I mean, this is a guy who they thought was the second coming. They really, they put all their eggs in the Avenatti basket. And they've done this time and time again with so many people who wanted to get Trump and then they ended up fizzling out. They ended up being a disappointment. But I would argue that Avenatti was out of all the disappointments in all of the country. He was probably one of the biggest. And the fact that Ari Melberg still is interviewing him from prison says a lot. But again, take a sigh of relief here. Rhonda McDaniel will not be employed at any of the NBC programs. [MUSIC PLAYING]