The Howie Carr Radio Network

Libs Seize, Pounce, and Weaponize on Arizona Ruling | 4.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace breaks down the bombshell abortion ruling in Arizona. It will likely last a matter of weeks, and the attorney general refuses to enforce it. Still, it makes for the perfect opportunity for the radical progressives to point and say, "See?! The Republicans will strip you of all your rights!" Unfortunately for the Trump camp, it's working.

Broadcast on:
10 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for joining us today. It's Wednesday. You're halfway through the work week. And hopefully it's flying by. I know it's flying by here. We've got a great show planned for you today. David Harsani, one of my, I always say one of my favorites. I say that for a lot of people, but he really is one of my favorites. And he's been on a roll this week just cranking out a lot of great, great columns for the federalist, for the New York Post and elsewhere. He's going to join us in the one o'clock to tackle two big issues that are both in the headlines today. One of them being abortion, Trump stands on abortion and also this Arizona Supreme Court ruling. And the other issue being Israel and Hamas, I don't know if people caught this. But Biden didn't interview Jared. And he's usually at this point he reserves these pre-taped interviews for, you know, big stars like Drew Barrymore or Tik Tokkers influencers, things like that. He doesn't usually give it to actual news programs, but he did an interview with Univision. And I had read it was taped six days ago, which leads me to believe that this product that we now have, this interview that we are seeing now that's all over the, it's all over Twitter, it's all over social media. I guess this is the edited version. This is the interview when they cleared out or, you know, tried to sugarcoat Joe Biden, clean up some of his mistakes, which if this is the edited version, I just let me be the first to say, man, oh man, I wish I could see the real thing. I wish I could see the uncut raw video of Joe Biden, because if this is the best they can do, splicing it up and making him appear semi coherent, I cannot imagine what the editor in this case was looking at. When he got this file sent to him. Hey, here's the full interview. I'm assuming like, oh boy, oh boy, I'm going to be working. I'm going to be working Nathan wait hours for the next couple of days. The last six days he had to put the cabin booking on hold and the editor had to go 24/7 to fix that up. So in this interview that was cleaned up. Joe is actually floating the idea because, you know, Trump always got made fun of for being a, for being the negotiator, like he'd always talk about the art of the deal that was his famous book. And a lot of the people on the left, a lot of his critics would mock him and say like he didn't know how to make good deals. Well, Joe, I would argue is maybe the worst deal maker of all time because this latest thing that he's floating this latest idea is that, and you know, let me just say quickly. I oftentimes get angry when he's looking like today he's meeting with is that the Japanese prime minister that he's meeting with. And he's looking at no cards. And he's getting made fun of a lot for looking at no cards because it's a very basic meet and greet sit down the cameras are there. We don't think he's going to take any questions but you said that down you say, you know, niceties platitudes nothing crazy. And he needs no cards for that to say like hello here I am today blah blah blah. And typically I would make fun of that typically I would say put the no cards down just go off the cuff. But I'm actually the world right now is in such a delicate place. Everything's kind of set on fire that I don't think it's a bad idea to have this guy come out with the no cards because when he does go off the cuff. And then they're talking about wars. And he's just riffing on like you know I was sitting around. People made fun of Trump a lot for the bleach thing. And I remember when Trump got out there talking about COVID. And he's talking about injecting bleach and he was really talking about how there's something in bleach that eliminates COVID on surfaces so maybe there's a way that we could incorporate that into a vaccine. He was trying to do he was trying to be the Trump that brainstorms and comes up with an idea and is an entrepreneur doesn't translate well when you're talking about vaccinations when you're talking about COVID. And I remember at the time the press conference up until that point I've been going pretty well and I had thought this would be a good time for him to bow out he's done enough he had been going for like an hour. And that's when he came out with that famous line the people still calling about to this day went about when he said injecting bleach. But again it was a time where I thought that's not when you want to riff. That's when you want to have something set in your head that you're going to say. Because you open yourself up to saying something that can be ridiculed. And you're talking about hostages and war and terrorists that maybe it's okay to have a pre plan statement maybe it's okay to go over that a couple of times and not just float out what you talked about with Marianne in the sunroom the night before. You know lives are at stake here. It's okay if we do a little back and forth prep work. And even if it comes out a little bit robotic, I think it's worth it. So Joe's latest idea is that he thinks Israel are strongest ally in the Middle East should agree to a six to eight week ceasefire with Hamas the terrorist group without any sort of stipulation about getting back hostage hostages. And there are American hostages being held by Hamas you don't hear about that a lot in the media because, well, Biden's president so they don't want to make him look bad but there are Americans being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. I'm sure when the terrorist group of savages heard about this idea from Joe Biden. They were on board. They're probably sitting in the tunnels thinking, what is it? We get a six to eight week ceasefire to restock to rearm to refuel to recalibrate. We get to hijack any and all aid that Americans and the rest of the world send here. We're going to steal all that humanitarian aid as they always do. And we don't have to return a single hostage. Let's make a deal. They're probably running for that deal. They're probably like somebody get out gay on the phone right now. Get on for right now. Tell them we'll do it. Tell them we're on board. Thumbs up. I mean, what kind of negotiations is that? And we will talk about that with David Harsani. But there's big news on the economic front today. The CPI rose 0.4% last month. Unexpected. File this under unexpected news. Hotter than expected. It's sizzling out there. Yeah, so that's right. The CPI rose core inflation. And, you know, I just want to point out here that I would really appreciate it. Because what we like to do here on the Grace Curly show is we try Jared our best to spread joy to keep people spirits up. And I'm just going to go out in a limb. And I'm just going to ask you guys if you could not tell Mayor Pete Buttigieg about this. And also don't tell Paul Krugman either. Because they're really, they're living in fantasy land where everything's great. They're walking their dogs. They're buying toilet paper. They're living large. I don't want to burst their bubble at this point. It's one thing for all of us to have to deal with it. Go to the grocery store, see the price of eggs. Realize interest rates aren't coming down anytime soon. They keep saying they might have to push it off until the summer. I don't even think that's going to happen. They're going to cut the rates in the summertime. I think that's a long shot. But it's one thing for all of us to carry that burden. I don't think we should be putting this on people who are living in another dimension. Like Janet Yellen is living her best life. And I just, if you get an email about inflation today, don't send it to her. You know, don't be a buzzkill. Let her do her thing. And obviously, and this is from, this is from Breitbart. It says this is the highest three month annualized inflation for any period between August 1991 and 2020. What do we always say about this administration? You know, Eric, breaking records, baby. Biden will not be taking a victory lap today. I think that goes without saying. Because usually he would come out and say, you see all the numbers. None of you talk about those. None of you say anything about the trains in Vietnam and you don't talk about my numbers. But he might get asked about it during his presser. Perhaps if the press has any sort of backbone, which we know they don't. Actually, I was, I was wondering this. I'm like, so if Biden does a presser today, what would be the first question? Oh, it's going to be Arizona. Oh, yeah. Hands down. It's going to be the Arizona Supreme Court. If you haven't been following this, it's going to be the Arizona Supreme Court because of this abortion ban, this ruling. It's a ban from 1864. And I'll read you a little bit about it. But let me first tell you that it's not, to say that the left is fear mongering over this, would be putting it mildly. And if the left is lighting their hair on fire about something, it usually is a good sign that you can take a deep breath and that the world is not actually, the sky is not actually falling, okay? The boy is crying wolf, but there is no wolf in sight. So Arizona Supreme Court rules a near total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable. This is from NBC News. The Arizona Supreme Court ruled today, I'm sorry, Tuesday, that a 160 year old near total abortion bans still on the books in the state is enforceable, a bombshell decision that adds the state to the growing lists of places where abortion care is effectively banned. The law, which was codified in 1901 and again in 1913, outlaws abortion from the moment of conception, but includes an exception to save the woman's life. It was never repealed and an appellate court ruled last year that it could remain on the books as long as it was harmonized with the 2022 law leading to a substantial confusion in Arizona regarding exactly when during a pregnancy abortion was outlawed. Now, a few things I want to point out, number one, and I think this is, in my opinion, this would be the headline. This would be the lead part of this story because if the media was honest, they wouldn't want to fear monger and let people, and trust me, the Democrats are going to do that, Jared. That's their job. Like their Katie Hobbs, all these people, John Heilman, they're already taking to their Twitter's and they're running with this narrative that women will die, that that's their take on this. Women will die. Human lives will be lost. Not because of people aborting babies in this case, but because women will try to get abortions, maybe back alley abortions, they always say women will die because of this abortion law. And if I was part of the mainstream media and I was hearing that, I would go, "Oh my gosh," you know, Abigail Spannberger, I might have got her name wrong, she's saying women will die. This is going to, people are going to freak out about this. Let me do a little digging and find out what's actually going to happen. And when I stumble across the fact that the Attorney General Chris Mayes has already said she will not enforce said law and that the law is currently on a 14-day stay, I would lead with that. I would say just so we can let cooler heads prevail here, everyone should know that the Attorney General has said she's not going to enforce the law and that it's on a 14-day stay and it could change and it likely will change. But they don't want to do that because then they would have to recalibrate the excitement that is currently going on. And I'm not being a wise-ass when I say they're excited about this because they're not even trying to hide it. They're like giddy over the fact that they can come out with this bad news. When they get bad news, you've never seen people so pumped up and it's because they have their wires crossed right now. They can't take it all in. You've got John Howlman on Morning Joe, right? And I'm going to save this cut, Jared. But he starts by saying the human costs, the lives, you know, again, scaremongering about people will die. And then before he's even finished with his rant, he says the political effect of this could not be better for Joe Biden. Do you think they're giving away the game a little bit there, buddy? It's like when Jane Fonda said that COVID is God's gift. They're not even trying to hide it. It's like nobody's ever played poker in their lives. I understand you think this is a political win for you, but you should mask that a little bit if you're also going to be beating the drum about how sad and devastating this is going to be for women. Because if you truly think lives will be lost because of this, then you shouldn't also be grinning about that you might win the presidential election. Those two things, it's just a strange combination. We'll talk more about this when we come back. We'll take your calls eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We'll take calls on inflation on Arizona, whatever you guys want to talk about, lines are open and you've waited through the cold temps in February, the rainy weather in March, and now the longer warmer days are ahead. The sunshine is on its way, Jared. Solar clips was here. Sunny Hostin told me it was global warming, but either way, we're now into the warmer weather. And that is usually, there's a lot of ops with that, there's a lot of pros, but there's also some cons. Yeah, the cons would be allergies. Yeah. And if you suffer allergies like I do, you don't really love this time of year, but you can make it more bearable with the even pure thunderstorm because it can ionize the air and create a super oxygen which can get rid of allergens and pollutants in the air. You won't have to deal with them. You'll have that clean ionized air. I've used it before when I've had sinus headaches, you know, from allergies and it's been great. I keep one in my car. So that way, if I roll my windows down, some pollen gets in the car, I can just turn it on because each unit comes with its own USB cable, I'll plug it into the unit, plug it into the USB port in my car, turn it on and get that ionized air in the car. If you suffer from allergies, it's definitely something great and you can keep one in your car with the three pack, makes it easy. Yes, it does. And the three pack special is such a great deal, I want my listeners to get their hands on it now. So here's what I want you to do. Go to and use code GRACE3. That's, code GRACE and the number three. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Get the three pack today. Don't forget the code GRACE3. Trump's stopping at Chick-fil-A right now before he's towards your fundraiser. What do you think? Oh, hate chicken. Hate chicken, yes. What do you think his Chick-fil-A order is? You think he's a spicy chicken kind of guy? You know who I can text, Caroline Levitt. She would know. She's on the road with him today. Yeah. I asked her. I asked her if the order is. I said, Caroline, can you come on the show today? And she said, I can't do today, I'm on the road with DJT, but I can do Friday. So I'll text her, I'll say, what's Trump's Chick-fil-A order? Inside Scoop, baby. I mean, it's obviously going to have something with, you know, wall grade ketchup for when he throws it. Yeah. I'm going to need some extra, extra packets of ketchup. All right, everyone. We'll be back with the Trump's Chick-fil-A order and so much more, don't go anywhere. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curley. This is the Grace Curley Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curley Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at Jared, what is the poll question? And what are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is does Trump's stance on abortion hurt him or help him in the election? I'm going to say it helps him because, and here's my thought process, I'm actually working on a piece. And when I say working on a piece, I mean, I wrote one sentence on a PDF and stared at it for a few hours, but I'm hoping tonight will be more productive. And the premise of this piece is how Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the most energetic part of their bases, are both unhappy with them right now. And I'm not trying to compare the two groups of activists, one being pro-life for Donald Trump and the other being pro Hamas, obviously morally very different. But strategically speaking, these are groups that get out there. They knock on doors, they do sit-ins, they're engaged in the process, and they're both at risk of taking those groups off. But I do find that when it comes to having the mindset of not letting perfect be the enemy of good, at least in their perspective, again, not saying that Joe Biden, if he were to turn on Israel, that's good. But I'm just saying from what they want, I think that Joe Biden's activist group is going to be harder to appease than the pro-life activist who might not be happy with Donald Trump and happy with his stance, which is more moderate than they would like. But I think they understand that it's better than Joe Biden. And because when you really think about it, Jared, Donald Trump and pro-lifers won't like hearing me say this, but he doesn't have to be the most pro-life candidate ever. At this point, he really, I would think, in order to win over those voters, he just has to be less pro-abortion than Joe Biden. And that's not hard to do right now. This is the most radical Democrat stance on abortion ever. And so I do think it's going to help Donald Trump win over some independence and some moderate people. Seventy-eight percent of the audience agrees with you. Twenty-two percent think it will hurt him. Alrighty. By the way, this Arizona Supreme Court ruling, is it fair to say Democrats are pouncing and weaponizing and seizing and salivating over this? I haven't seen any headlines about it. Strange. Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio. I'm waiting on word from Caroline. We're going to see how much of an inside source I truly have based off whether or not she gets back to me. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, Donald Trump is currently stopping in Chick-fil-A in Georgia. And I wanted to know what his order is, because most people have a set order when they go to Chick-fil-A. Mine is just the original. I just like a regular chicken sandwich. My husband gets a spicy chicken sandwich with cheese, which I find to be a little too decadent for my liking. I always ask for the Chick-fil-A sauce. I do wish they just included one in a bag. I think it's a little crazy that every time you have to ask. But I'm not going to mess with their process because out of all the fast food joints and all the land, Jared, they've got a down pad. Like I've never seen they operate. They operate like nothing I've ever seen. Even with long lines at the drive through, they've got people out there taking the orders and sending them back. No, their business model is fantastic. Can I ask you a question, though? Yes. You know how they'll send out the people with the iPads and so you don't wait till you get to the screen. They'll come to you. Do you ever find that sometimes you want to peruse the menu a little bit and you can't because your time is up? My brother said that to me. He's like, "I can't ever look at the menu because there's so on top of it that there's no lag time." Yeah. No, that makes sense that, you know, "Hey, maybe I'm feeling something different today or do I want to know what the new special they're doing is or they have some funky like ghost pepper chicken sandwich or something?" But you know what? But there's no time for that. Compared to going to other places where the machines aren't working and you know what I mean? It's now we're just being a little bit nit-picky. So yeah, we'll find out for you guys what Trump's order is. Jared, during the break, said that Trump probably gets his chicken well done. Yeah, that's going to be the headline from Axios. Donald Trump eats his chicken well done. Why that matters. Why that matters. I look forward to that. Hey, speaking of Trump, though, I didn't even realize this. One of my friends texted me about it during the break. I guess this Univision interview, which Biden made a lot of headlines. You know, one of the things on my bingo card for this interview, I did not have him talking about Vietnam. That one really did hit me sideways. I had no idea who's going to go that route. But one of the backstories to this, I guess, is that like a year ago, more than a year ago, Univision interviewed Trump. I don't even remember this, and I like to think I have a pretty good recollection of these things. But I guess Univision interviewed Trump and the Biden team, and I'm going to read you this. This came out a week ago from Vanity Fair. The Biden team was very upset with this interview. They thought they thought they went too easy on Trump. They thought Univision. And you know, they're bleeding Hispanic voters, like they cannot afford to lose any more of the Hispanic vote. And it says, Vanity Fair has learned that Joe Biden is sitting down this week with veteran journalist Enriche Acevedo, whose kid-gloved treatment of Trump drew heavy criticism from Democrats. I've never, I have yet to see an interview where Trump gets kid-gloved treatment. I guess you could maybe say back in the day with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, where they were giving him wet kisses. But ever since then, every interview he does, whether it's Caitlin Collins on CNN or with Univision, those people know if they don't ask him a certain level of questions, if they're not mean enough to him, they're going to get eviscerated online and eviscerated from their colleagues. That's the other crazy thing. They get ripped to shreds from their own colleagues at these networks that are so left leaning. Can you prove you weren't drowning puppies backstage just before this? Yes. So they don't tend to give him, you know, a really, they don't roll out the red car perform, but the other part of this I love Jared is like, Biden's really mad that Trump got the kid-gloved treatment. So he set up his own interview to get the kid-gloved treatment like, oh, I'm so glad that now you're able to sit there and get softball questions, sir, because that doesn't happen enough for you, right? Was the Drew Barrymore interviewed too tough? Did you feel like that was unfair? Did she, did she not butter you up enough for your sit down? It's completely pathetic, but before we dive in to the Biden Univision interview, I want to talk a little bit more about this Arizona Supreme Court decision and some of the fallout from it. Do we have this Sonny Hostin cut, Jared, because the ladies on the view, they're always chickens with their heads cut off. They're always freaking out about what's happening in the world of politics. So Sonny Hostin, oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. So Joy Behar first makes this claim, and Sonny Hostin, former federal prosecutor, also chimes in. Let's take a listen. Justice Samuel Alito is the person that wrote for the majority. And he said, Rose failure even to note the overwhelming consensus of state laws in effect in 1868 is striking. So be very clear, he wrote a road map for the states so that they could look in their books and go back to the 1860s, even before Arizona was founded with 1912 and gave them the game book. And he was appointed by Donald Trump. Yes, he was. He took the credit for overthrowing Roe v. Wade. Wait, wait, wait, go ahead. Overthrowing Roe v. Wade, he overshot it. Um, yeah, there's only one problem with this. And it's minor. It's totally minor, but he was not appointed by Donald Trump. He was actually appointed by George Bush in 2006. Besides that though, girls nailed it, absolutely nailed it. You know, uh, somebody put this out on Twitter today saying, oh, Sonny Hostin confirmed this, even though it's all wrong. And it's my friend, Nicholas Fonda Caro, he's always watching the view. I think this guy watches the full episode every single day and just clips things for Twitter. And I told him, I was like, you know, Sonny's really a go to when it comes to her expertise on global warming and earthquakes and the saccadas, if she likes to call them. So I don't go to her for her knowledge of the Supreme Court. It's not in her wheelhouse. You need to focus on the things she's good at like telling us it's kind of like going to Whoopi Goldberg to talk about the Holocaust. You know, each women on the view, each woman on that panel, I'm sorry, each birthing person on that panel has their strengths. And this just isn't one of Sonny's. So take it with a grain of salt. That's all I'm going to say. Now, John Heilman, again, I think it's fair to say, Jared, because of this Supreme Court decision, Arizona Supreme Court decision, which the attorney general has said, I'm not going to enforce this law. This, this ban from 1864 and I'm actually surprised that like Biden and his people don't call them up and say, just pretend for a little while that you might just pretend that this actually might happen because they want everyone to be foaming at the mouth. They want to whip everyone up into such a frenzy in hopes that they'll be able to do what they did in 2022. And to be fair, as someone who can look at politics, I like to think for like at a glance and understand kind of the strategy, the strategy of this makes sense. I thought in 2022 abortion was not going to move the needle in the way it did. I thought the people would see that after the overturning of Roe versus Wade, it did go back to the States. A lot of States kept pretty moderate bans or moderate limits on abortion. And for the most part, nothing really changed. I was wrong. It energized the young women in the Democrat party. It energized the activists, the liberal activists, and they came out and they stopped the red wave from coming. Now whether or not that will happen again, it's anyone's guess, but they are banking on this. The left is absolutely banking on this and they're trying to, they're trying to make Roe versus Wade the overturning of it happen again, like in smaller doses. I just don't think that it's going, I get, I say I don't think it's going to work, but I don't know. But what I do know is this, they're not hiding their glee over this as well as they think. Take a listen to John Heilman. I would say that it's weaponizing, pouncing, seizing, salivating, milking. I would say they are all over this and it's like the best day ever for these liberals because they think this is going to win Joe Biden the election. This is cut 17. The political effect of this could not be better for Joe Biden. That is just a fact and it's not just about the contrast, it's not just about where Donald Trump is. This is now in the States, Jonathan, you know this, this is a turnout game. How do you get? What does Joe Biden worried about most every day? Democratic constituents not turning out for him, people who are not thoroughly as enthused with Joe Biden as they, as he thinks they should be or as they could be or as they were in 2020, what is the biggest thing that is energized, democratic based gender and a lot of not democratic based voters, but some marginal voters in the suburbs all over swing states. It has been since stops, has been threat to abortion rights. Constitutional amendment on the ballot, a ballot initiative in Arizona is not, is the way that Arizona comes back in play for Joe Biden, despite all of the other problems he has, that doesn't mean he's going to win it. But they're Democrats looking Nevada too, where there's another one of these ballot initiatives. You get these ballot initiatives, whether it's in Florida or Arizona or Nevada, get them on the ballot. The Democrats have a reasonable case to hope that that will supercharge enthusiasm, super charged turnout in the fall, and all of a sudden you have a lot of some places like Arizona that Joe Biden won in 2020, people were like, oh, they're normal, it doesn't look that great. It just resets everything in terms of what the electorate is going to look like in that state. You seem really, you know what, John, you know, it's weird to me. You seem really happy that this 1864, archaic, dangerous ban is back in place in Arizona. Does anyone else pick up that vibe? Like you seem thrilled, and at the same time you and your friends, your minions, you want to tell me how, you constantly want to tell me how women's lives are at risk, how this is going to lead to death among women, the people are going to get back to abortions, and they don't even go into the back door, where they are back alley abortions. They do this thing now where they just say women will die. That's, that's the sentence. Women will die. No explanations, just women will die. But if all of that is true, it's not. But if all of that is true in this world that Heilman and these other MSNBC eggheads live in, why do you sound so excited? Like you can't even catch your breath, dude. He sounded like a middle school kid telling his buddies about his first kiss or something like that. But Jared, he's humming to humming to humming to humming to humming to humming to humming. It's unbelievable. Yeah. It's crazy. Or like, I just got my license guys. We could drive, we could drive here. We could drive there. We could drive there. Cause it's all politics. It's all politics all the time. They only care about the votes. And you almost have to, I'm not going to say respect it. But you have to realize that you have to not allow this manipulation. And there's some people who are going to be manipulated. Like the, the woman next door to you with the hate has no home here sign and the Elizabeth Warren bumper sticker. This is going to work on her. She's going to be scared. She's going to be whipped up into her frenzy. It's going to work. She's going to join the marching band outside the state house. Like it is going to work on her, but do not allow this manipulation. If you know someone who's semi sane and can be, you know, can have a civil conversation, you should inform them of these things. So you know there's a 14 that they already put a stay on this, right? You know the attorney general, so she's not going to enforce it. Are these, do you know any of these details or are we just, do we go straight to freak out mode? But right now they're torn because it's like freak out mode, but it's also, it's also, there's so much happiness there. You know, Jared Kamala Harris, oftentimes gets compared to Selena Myers and the show Veep. She's always running into problems and she's got an incompetent group around her and she's incompetent and she's mean and she's nasty and a lot of people make comparisons. And her husband said, he said, you know, we are living Veep. So he, he owned up to it. But one of the funniest parts of Veep and it was very dark humor. It was like stuff you knew you shouldn't be laughing at, but you couldn't help it was when something horrible would happen. You'd see behind the scenes how they would be working it to their advantage. You know what it's like, actually, because there's some people who watch Veep, but I'm sure there's people in the audience who never have. It's like what Howie said about, uh, was a Tony Blair, whose staffer sent down on 9/11, Hey, if you have anything bad that you've been holding on to get it out today because nobody's going to notice it, that's something that people used to do behind the scenes because it was, it was not done. It's classless and it's rude and it's, it's just, it's slimy to say, oh, look at this horrible news, but it's good for, it works for us. You know, never let a crisis go to waste, but we've lost, we've lost that subtlety. Now it's just everything that Selena Myers and her team were celebrating behind the scenes when no one was watching as like, oh, we can make this work for us. This is great news. So and so had a heart attack. That means his, his positions open and we can get someone in there that's going to support us. All that stuff that you would never say out loud, they can't even hide it anymore. They're on TV like, and it means that maybe we can manipulate voters again and maybe we can get them out and then we'll have four more years of this terrible economy because we'll convince people that abortions on the ballot, it's such a good news. Like guys, guys, guys tone it down just a little bit, 844, 542, 42, there's so much to get to Jared. It's not just this. I mean, Michael Avenatti didn't interview an MSNBC from prison. But just to, just to give you an idea of how much news I have today, that's the first I've found a moment to even mention that Michael Avenatti live from the clink was on with MSNBC. A phone interview. They just have a photo of him up there. It's disappointing. They couldn't get a zoom camera in the prison, but that's neither here nor there. We'll, we'll come back to that on the other side and we'll take your calls on everything from Arizona Supreme Court decision to Joe Biden's Univision interview, which we will talk to David Harsani about. So there is a lot more to get to. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price, rather auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price, it doesn't mean you have to listen to real estate market right now is tumultuous. 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This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. One of my textures just said, "Don't forget to mention the only person going to jail is Trump's 76-year-old CEO, Alan Weisselberg." Yeah, we can all take a nice sigh of relief here. America is safe again. 76-year-old Alan Weisselberg will do his jail time. Not the woman that gave Ashley Biden's diary went to jail too, so come on, we're taking care of all the prof. Oh, and the grandma, who was praying in the rotunda, at least she just got sends too. So you know what? The world, nature is healing, as they say. Barbara, your next stop on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Barbara? Thank you for taking my call, Grace. I am really troubled and concerned by President Trump's current position on abortion. And I'd like a minute or two to tell you why, and I think he needs to be really careful. I have a vast group of people that correspond on a daily basis through our social media networks. And we're really floored by this, and I don't know if you remember or not, but for us, this is like the second shoe to drop on him, because he recently came out in favor of in vitro fertilization, which is a problem because all of these embryos that they have that don't get used in this very complicated process are discarded, that's thrown away. Now, he did speak, and his remarks are available at the 47th annual March for Life in Washington, DC in 2020. He was very strong, and that was one of the reasons he was so supported by the pro-life base. But these two recent, it's almost, you know, we accused Nikki Haley of back-tattling, we accused different politicians of back-tattling, it's like, we're going with this. Okay, Barbara, hold on, because we are going to run out of time here at number one, let me say I appreciate the call, and I do hope you call back because you're very well-spoken, and I can tell that you care a lot about this issue. As far as IVF goes, I have no issue with IVF, I do understand your point that there should be rules or laws in place or created for how those embryos and how everything's handled. Second thing, what I tell you is he might not be perfect, but he's definitely more pro-life than Joe Biden. We'll talk more about it after this. (upbeat music)