Bava Basra Daf 145
It's the first thing I want to say, the first thing I want to say is that a woman keeps Keducian money when the husband dies saying "Tunu-li-bi-li-vis-machimai". The brices says that if the marriage cannot be completed after the Keducian, they follow the menig whether to refund the Keducian money. Schmool says it's only if the kala died, but if the khasundai, the money is not refunded because you could say "Tunu-li-bi-li-vis-machimai". Think about it once and say it's "machalakistana" because the brice brings two shittas from Nusson and Bhudan Nasi, whether Keducian is returned when the marriage is not completed. But they both apparently say to follow the menig, rather the brice is missing some words. That if she died, the menig is followed, but if he died, Nusson says she keeps it because she could say "Tunu-li-bi-li-vis-machimai" and Bhudan Nasi says he still followed the menig. Think about it once, but if he died, the keducian is not giving back. Rather, the machalakist says that if she died, and they argue if Keducian is Lativu in it no, meaning it's never refunded or not. Second thing in the daff, if one didn't attend, his shayshfans hasana, and if the marriage is different than his, if Kana says the rule of shayshfans is that if he was in town, when the shayshfans got married, he should have came. The same apply if you heard the bell announcing the kasana. If he didn't hear it, the kasana should have told him, and since he didn't tell him, he has a valid complaint against him, but he still has to repay the shayshfans. However, he could deduct the value of the food that he would have received at the kasana. The brice says that if the first kasana was held publicly, and the second kasana was held privately, the first one can say "I want to do it in public like you did for me". The same applies to the first one married of sula, and the second one married almana, or if the first one married a second wife, and the second one married of first. The third suge in the daff, comparing different types of khachma and ta'ya. The brice says that someone who's rich publicly, is a balagadis. Someone who's rich in coins, is a balpopel. Someone who's rich in measured goods, is a balshmoos. Everyone needs the owner of wheat, is referring to gamar. Rav explains the post of kalyame rani rayam, is referring to a balagamar, because he has to work hard, to answer the caches. The ta'ya of lave misha tamid, is referring to a balmishna, which is easier. Rav says the opposite. A balmishna is not able to passkin, but a balagamar can passkin. The balmishna's different shotdom takes place in this passek. Zukraflaav vaslaf kafmame rayam. The first suge in the daff, a woman, keeps caduition money when the husband dies, saying to newly badly vasmahime rayam. Second suge, if one didn't attend, his shayishman's kasana, and if the marriage is different than his. Third suge, comparing different types of khachma and ta'ya. The same for maslaf kafmame rayam is a wheat field, standing grain. And the kasana in the wheat field was cancelled, because the kasana died. And the kala got to keep the kasad of caduition, and the kasana's best friend refused to reciprocate shushvines. Because it was a more private event, the khacham thanked the owner of the field, who was a master of gamahra, with the words "everybody needs the owner of wheat". Wheat field reminds daf kafmame rayam, kama. The kasana was cancelled, but the kasana died. And the kala got to keep the kasad of caduition, reminds the first suge in the daff, a woman keeps caduition money when the husband dies, saying to newly badly vasmahime rayam. The kasana's best friend refused to reciprocate shushvines, because it was a private event, reminds the second suge in the daff, if one doesn't attend his shayshvines kasana, and if the marriage is different than his, the khacham thanked the owner of the field, who was a master of gamahra, with the words "everybody needs", the owner of wheat reminds the third suge in the daff, comparing different types of khachma and ta'ya.