The Howie Carr Radio Network

Don't Ask Questions You Already Know the Answer To | 4.11.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie and his listeners reminisce on the O.J. Simpson trial and chase on the day after his death. Howie remembers he was on-air at the time, and some callers even remember his demeanor that day.

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11 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Congressmen, to leave. I don't talk to Fox News. At a rally in your district, people were chanting death to America. Do you condemn? I'm not talking to Fox News. I'll take that as a no. There's a lot of pressure on Joe Biden by Democrats not to debate. In their words, they don't want to give Trump the forum. Well, the real reason is they don't want to side by side. Elect me. I'm in the 20th, 20th century. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. The first quarter of this year, Ford lost $700 million. Is that what we can expect by economics? Certainly, we believe that broadly, we are on the right track here that economics is having a tremendous impact. She'll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene. But countries is cut from. It no longer exists, but take her for a test drive. Put it in age. From swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Carr. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. That is the number. If you would like to join us here on the Howie Carr show this afternoon, thanks to everybody who got the gift certificates from the 110 Grill. It's a great place. Get on the loyalty program. You can save a lot of dough. It's a wonderful place to take them off for Mother's Day, which is coming up soon. The Mother's Day brunch make your reservations at any of the 30-plus locations across New England and the state of New York. 844-500-4242-4 collaborate. I just want to mention this case in Chicago. This was Dexter. The guy's name is Dexter Reed. He was 26 and he was stopped after he was stopped by the Chicago PD on a traffic violation. They're trying to create the media and the Democrats are trying to create another George Floyd because that's what they need. They want another George Floyd. It's just disgraceful what they're doing. Just to give you one indication of how they're portraying this. This was a headline in The Washington Post yesterday. Police fired 96 shots in 41 seconds killing black men during traffic stop. Do you know what they neglected to say? They fired those shots in 41 seconds after the man shot an officer during a traffic stop. He shot and wounded a Chicago PD officer and they returned fire. When you open fire on anybody, you have to expect that they're going to try to fire back at you. Especially if you're a civilian and you're told by the cops to pull over and you decide to shoot at them, what do you think is going to happen to you? They're trying to make it another George Floyd incident. One of the reports, Libs of TikTok says the reality, I haven't even checked the video. I don't want to see it, but it says the individual fired nonstop at police. They haven't told how many times he fired. I've seen reports of up to 11, but I'm not sure that it was that many. But anyway, he took the first shots. David Harsani said, I was stopped the other day in Virginia. And one of the first things I remembered to do was not shoot at the cop. Exactly. Has Dexter Reed's mother said anything, Jared? He's a good boy, a very good boy. Yeah, I'm tired of hearing that. NBC 5 Chicago, now they have an accurate headline for the story. Police fired nearly 100 shots in 41 seconds after man shot officer during traffic stop. Here's another one, a guy Benson flagged this one. It's from the Associated Press. You know where they mentioned that he fired first? The sixth paragraph, the sixth paragraph. You know what they teach you in journalism school? Get everything, get all this good, the important material into the first paragraph. Because as Walter Burns, the editor of the fictitious Chicago newspaper, the front page said, who reads the second paragraph? Just like who reads the sixth paragraph? That's why in the Russian collusion stories, they would always put it in like the 14th, 15th paragraph. There's no evidence that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians. But you know, who's getting to the 15th paragraph? So they just want to, they review video footage and initial reports. This is from the Chicago PD. It appears to confirm that Mr. Reed fired for striking the officer and for other officers returned fire. So just always remember when you're getting these kinds of headlines from the mainstream media that they're lying to you. And that this is all about pushing the narrative. 24/4/542/42. Mr. Garcia, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Hey, how you going? I have a car missing when go liberal, right? Go liberal when Trump, what 2020 president, he filled the tank. Oh, with go filled the tank. Now, now, now he said, give me, give me $5. Give me $10 gas. Now, you know, go liberal, it's a hypocrite, hypocrite. And also, you go to the top right. You said give me a half a half a turkey, half a turkey. You know, it's wrong. Did you hear one of the other rappers? Mr. Garcia said today that 50 cent is going to have to change his name to 59.7 cents. I think he's actually going to have to change it to 63.64 cents. You know, I think he's lowball in it. You know, I mean, everything, everything is out of control. And it's my final question. You are number one conservative radio talk show. You are number one. God bless you and we keep it up. Thank you, Mr. Garcia. I appreciate that. I'm holding up the copy of the New York Post, the morning paper, "Swamped." Bidenflation up another 3.5 percent. Americans are drowning in high prices. Americans are drowning in high prices. Don't tell it to Brandon, though. He says he's got inflation under control. Ron, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Ron. I just want to say I'm glad that Odry Simpson is dead. It took 29 years, but the family finally got justice. Yeah. He was a bad guy. He was guilty of sin. And, you know, I can't say, again, my answer to the poll question is no great loss to the guy. But, you know, Ron, at least on the good side, he did a few years. I know it's not enough when you take a life or two lives. But, you know, when he got sentenced in Nevada in the state court for brandishing the pistol and robbing those dealers in Las Vegas, at least he did 11 years. Thanks for the call, Ron. Spring is here, and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm air purifier 3 pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another 3 with code Howie3. He uses them in both his home and office, and he also buys them his gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden Pier 3 pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also does indeed filters, and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, and more, you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm 3 pack. Back in stock now. Order now at I use them all over my house. They're in every room. Whether Roscoe spends a lot of time in the room or not. Use code HOWE3. That's the number 3 in Get Yours Now. That's code HOWE3. I'm HOWE Car. The HOWE Car Show will be right back. I'll be car is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver That's local silver Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at HOWE Car, is what's your reaction to OJ Simpson's death? No great loss, good riddance, never speak ill of the dead, or OJ who? No great loss. 26% say no great loss, good riddance, still in the lead at 49%. 17% for never speak ill of the dead, and 8% for OJ who. A couple of people have texted me and said they remembered my coverage of it on the radio when the verdict came down. I knew it was outside of my time slot, but they put me in. I think we may have preempted Rush Limbaugh that day, and just went with the coverage for a while. You know what, I hate to say it. I may have been around that long, that I don't particularly remember anything I did. What I remember, the day I remember is the day of the Bronco chase. I was still at WHDH, I was in the Channel 7 newsroom, and we were covering it as it unfolded. And Jerry Williams was on RKO and he was doing the last day of the sex survey, which he was counting on that to pull him out of the ratings abyss that I pushed him into. And after a while his calls, they were pretty sketchy, skimpy as they were all week, but as that afternoon went on, he just had no calls, so he just finally switched over and was doing the play-by-play, but at that point it was too late. I went into all this in Paperboy, my memoirs, which are available at or at Amazon. I'm holding it up now for social media. But, you know, the thing was, that was the first time a lot of us saw Jerry Nullification. There's been a lot of that since then. You know, Jerry's just totally disregarding all the facts and making their decisions based on who they were rooting for. And, you know, we see it not just in places like LA or Atlanta. You see it in DC, with all these, the people John Durham indicted in the Russian collusion scandal, the PP tapes, you know, they were let, they were guilty of sin. Everybody knew they were guilty of sin. Those FBI agents, the Crooked Democrat lawyers, and they were let go. By the, it's a very troubling phenomenon that this happens. And the only way the Goldman's got anything, any kind of justice. And again, there's no justice that you can get when a member of your family is brutally murdered. But the only justice they got was in a suburban court. You know, they had to, they had to move the trial out of LA. And it's, you know, but again, somehow it always comes back. Karma always works its way around. And OJ ended up doing 11 years for a crime that, you know, it was a robbery crime. But most people, even if someone is hurt, don't do 11 years for an armed robbery. They didn't do 11 years. So there was, there was a tiny, tiny bit of justice. And somebody says, uh, 781, my poll question would have been, will OJ get the people magazine full cover, the people magazine, little insert box picture, no picture at all in the cover of People magazine? Yeah, by that, that's, that's assuming that any, anyone knows what People magazine is anymore. Do they even print a, a paper version of People magazine? I don't know. I haven't seen a People magazine in a very, very long time. I haven't seen any, I see, well, I see occasional magazines, but they're like, you know, the, the freebie real estate magazines, things like that. Or the quarterlies from the, from the resort communities or the suburban communities. There's, there's no such thing as general interest magazines anymore. 508, weird. I remember the verdict, but not the chase. I guess it probably depends on where you were. I mean, I, I remember the, the chase because it was a Friday afternoon. I was on the air. The verdict. Yeah, you're right though. I don't, I was on the air in the verdict too. And I don't, I don't recall, recall very much about what happened. I think by that time, I kind of felt like it, I knew what the verdict, I had a pretty good idea what the verdict was going to be. I would have been really shocked if they had convicted them. Because you never really know what the verdict is going to be. A jury can do anything. That's the, that's what makes trials so interesting. But did anyone seriously think that they were going to get a, a, a guilty verdict? And like, you know, the thing is they, it's like the Kennedy rape trial in Palm Beach. They said this woman, Morrill Ash was such a hot shot prosecutor and the best, she was the best prosecutor in, in, in the state of Florida. She was terrible. And it was, it was the same thing with the, the, the prosecutors in, in LA. I mean, you know, you can, for whatever reason, a lot of, a lot of people said, well, you know, they, they had all these other cases. They had to try, whereas, you know, William Kennedy Smith's lawyer, OJ's lawyer, Johnny Cochran, could just concentrate on the, on the one case. Because that's the only thing they were working on. They got all the money. And the, the prosecutors had to keep up their full caseloads while they were preparing. But, you know, I'm not, you know, I'm, I'm not sure about that. I just don't, I don't think they were very good. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. Hi. I was very surprised in the OJ Simpson criminal trial, the Vincent Bouguioli, who was successful with Charles Manson prostitution, did not get the OJ Simpson, you know, criminal trial. Well, don't you think a lot of it was that they were planning on picking an all-black jury and they wanted a black lawyer for a maximum sympathy? Uh, you know, who knows, you know, because it was William Hodges, who was originally the prosecutor, and he got sick at the last minute. Now, Marshall Clark got it. Yeah. And she wasn't so hot, was she? Well, okay, well, it's best to weigh you out. What's she dressed in, you know? Yeah. I'm just talking about she, she, I don't think she was terribly effective. Thanks for the call, Bob. John, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, John. Hey, are you any? Yes. Uh, yeah. He thought 11 years for that armed robbery because they had kidnapping involved. Well, they dropped him into a hotel room. And by the way, he wasn't just stealing O.J. stuff. He was taking mock Maguire stuff. He was taking sand, he sows the stuff. So, um, but what I like, that, what Bronco Chase owned L.A. He interrupted the Red Sox man. Mobile was coming up to the plate with the bases loaded and they switched over to that nonsense. Did they really? I was so mad. Yeah, I can remember it to this day. You know, I think it was bottom of the nine. Big, small team up, base is juiced. Yeah. I think it was maybe like one or two hours that I'm like, oh, it's deemed over. And then they cut off to the O.J. Simpson, James. John, that just, that just goes to show how long ago was people cared about the Red Sox. Yeah. I'm here to go with the Red Sox. The bases loaded both up. Yeah. I remember in the '67 people, they would be going into the tunnel and their yas would be up in a situation like that in the middle of the pennant race. And they would pull over right in the lane because they didn't want to go into the tunnel and lose the A.M. radio signal from WHDH, where I was broadcasting at the time of the chase. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the mountain, you know? It's been a lot of fun. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4248-44500-4242. At the baseball player, the Japanese guy, I don't follow baseball anymore. Joe Hye, Otani, his former interpreter has been charged today with stealing $16 million. $16 million. Boy, that's, it's like, must be making a lot of money. I guess they're saying he's the best two-way player since Babe Ruth. Not that there have been a lot of two-way players, but since Babe Ruth, but he's the best. And it must be making a pretty good salary if he stole $16 million and he didn't notice for all these years. 844-500-4242. Donald, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Donald. Good afternoon, Howie. Hi. My reaction to the O.J. Simpson case was kind of a little anger. And except with Masha Clock and a couple of things. The bio teacher, they had a biology teacher on the jury. And when they struggled here off the jury, or she left, that took out the DNA of it. She was going to stand up for that. She knew it. That was gone. When that happened, I said, "Oh, no." But Chris Dunn, and walks out and says, "Hey, try the glove one." That was possibly the dumbest move I've ever seen in prosecution because I could give you a baseball glove, and you try to put it on it and watch it. I know. I know. That's one of those things they tell you, "Don't ever do anything in a courtroom as a lawyer unless you know how it's going to turn out." And they just threw it out there. Don't ask any questions that you don't already know the answer to. And someone else said that an O.J. Simpson juror casually admitted that 90 percent of the jurors knew he killed Nicole and Ron, but let him off as revenge for Rodney King. Who wasn't killed, but Rodney King wasn't killed, and he got millions of dollars. And how about the juror who came when she came out, she said, "We went into the jury room and we got deliberated. We got deliberated." Yeah, there were some real brain surgeons on that jury. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, was there a deathbed confession? Of course not. There's no such thing as deathbed confessions, or they're a very banishingly small number of deathbed confessions. 781, "Didn't the black O.J. jury deeply regret that the DAs were obviously engaged in a biracial affairs? They did nothing to hide it, and the jury hated it." And I think it was more the Rodney King thing than the biracial affair. All right, 844, 500, 42, 42, John Kennedy, again, he doesn't always vote the right way. He votes with the deep state sometimes. He votes with Mitch McConnell, but he is really effective in a hearing, a Senate hearing. And he was with Mayorkas, who was just the worst. Well, he's not the worst, Pete Buttigieg is the worst, but he's close to being the worst. He's the Homeland Secretary. And this is John Kennedy just giving him a spanking, and it's going to go on for a little bit. But it's worth playing, and if there weren't any justice in the world, he would be impeached and then convicted in a Senate trial and removed. But again, there is no justice. Just ask, oh, Jason, cut three. I think well more than a majority of the American people think that as a result of your behavior and President Biden's behavior, our southern border is an open, bleeding wound. I think they believe that our southern border is chaotic. I think a vast majority of the American people believe that a lot of it is political. I think a vast majority of the American people believe that it is chaotic by design. And that all of this is intentional. Chaotic is an understatement, obviously. Cut four. This is a good point. Cut four. And I think a vast majority of the American people who don't trust you believe in legal immigration. They don't believe in illegal immigration. And they think you do. And they think President Biden does. And they think that's why the border is open. And they think that your attitude and President Biden's attitude is that while they may be poorer under President Biden, that they're stupid enough to believe you and the President when you say that it's not your problem. I think that needed to be said. Yeah, they obviously, that's one of their guiding principles that Americans are too stupid to figure out what's being done to them in any facet of their lives. And I'm glad Senator Kennedy said that. Paul, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Paul. Hey, Howie, how are you? Good. Yeah, I've been listening to you for years. Great show. I love it. You remember this. But right after the verdict came in on the OJ trial, the district attorney from Los Angeles took the podium and they were taking questions from the press. I think Mosher Black was with them. And I forget the other guy, but he was he was. Roger Clark. I mean. And my clock, sorry, my clock and the district attorney for Los Angeles and the other guy was a black guy and he was her partner, Mosher Clark, but anyhow, so this in the front of all these reporters and got said, he is the L.A.D.A., he's taking the questions. And one of the questions from I believe it was a woman. She said to him, now that the trial is over and he's been acquitted, are you going to look for the real killer? And he just looked down at the podium, closed his eyes and shook his head for about three seconds. I don't recall that part, but it again proves that the stupidity of the fourth estate is nothing new. If anyone would ask a question, that that creepness obviously had not been following it. Thanks for the call, Paul. Michelle, you're next with how we are. Go ahead, Michelle. Hi, Holly. Hi, Holly. Hi. So I remember that day, the verdict, we watched it in my office and it, and I called you right afterwards. I was going home right afterwards and we, I was like, so down because my office was totally, they set up like a conference room with the TVs and everything was like a big deal. Things weren't so divisive back then, because I remember being like shocked that it was so racially divided, like everybody that was white was depressed, so like this guy's getting away with murder, and everybody on the, that was, of color was celebrating, and I worked with some really smart people, and it was just depressed, it was depressing, and I called you, I remember sitting on, on high streets in the financial district in my car, and I was talking to you, and you sounded really down too. It was just like such a bad feeling that he got away with that, and you know, I've gotten used to it though now, Michelle, haven't you? Right. Right. Yes. In that one month, I was telling, I got three teenagers, I was telling my kids, it, it was not like this in the 90s. It wasn't. See, I'm sure there were racial issues, but it wasn't this total, always war, you know, it's, in the, in the, it's just, I, it's just really struck me that day, it wouldn't strike me at all now, of course. Right. And again, like I said, it's, it's not just a racial thing, it's, you know, Donald, do you think Donald Trump can get a fair trial in New York City or Washington, D.C.? Even if the jury's all white, they're gonna, they're gonna still try to give him a high tech lynching, his car, as Clarence Thomas would say, right? Oh, yeah, absolutely. No, there's no chance that just, there's, I just hope that I never have to deal with the justice system because it's, so, it's, yeah, it's beyond corrupt. You never see a lady justice on TV anymore with the blindfold and the, you know, holding up the scales of justice because everybody knows it's a joke. It would be just like rubbing salt in everybody's wounds if you showed lady justice on TV. I don't know. I don't know when the last time I saw a statue of lady justice was and I, I don't watch the old, I don't watch the old fugitives or Perry Mason's, that's the, they used to be on all the TV shows about courtrooms or, or trials, like, like it was like everything was on the level. Nobody believes that now. I guess that's, that's one of the legacies of the O.J. Thompson case, Tom, you're next with how we car go ahead, Tom. You know, I think the best part of that whole O.J. thing was when a guy who called himself a touch tone terrorist like a Howard Stern groupie, whatever, called Peter Jennings on, on live TV, pretended to be an elderly black man and said, Oh, my, next door, next door in Brentwood. Yeah. When the, when the white Bronco pulled in, tell, he finished, tell him the story. It was hilarious. Yeah. It was. And, and the guy just started talking in the dialect of like, Oh, my lord. And I see O.J. And he be looking real scared. Good. Love it. I thought it was sad. I thought it was sad. Peter Jennings set him up and say, how does O.J. Simpson look? And he, that's what he said, sad. And then they realized they were being scammed, Tom. Thanks for the call. Eight four four. That was pretty funny. That was, that was right at the end when they pulled into his house and, you know, with the half the LAPD and the sheriff's department chasing him in the cars, the, the slow mo chase. It was the first time a lot of us, I think had seen the, the helicopter chases in, in L.A. I mean, they were, they were a feature of L.A. local TV news for, for years earlier. But they, they hadn't really spread that much outside of Southern California. I don't think I could be wrong. I know they weren't much in Boston. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. 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To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-01-11 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. 844-500-4242, Cathy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Cathy. Hi, Howie. I've been watched that trial starting with the Bronco Ridge, the Bronco Ridge. Yeah. When he was arrested. Yeah. Anyhow, oh my God. I want to tell you, it's the funniest thing. You'll get a real kick out of it. Go on YouTube and type in Kardashian's reaction at the verdict and his face is like holy. I mean, he was... Oh, hold on. Hold on. Hold on, Cathy. We got to cut that out. Thanks for the call though. Tricia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tricia. Hi, Howie. So I wanted to call so many times, but I tuned in late on this show today, but Cathy just said why I called. There are many moments in that trial that stood out when you, of course, starting with the Bronco Chase. That wasn't the trial, but that was the big thing that stuck out. But for me, the biggest thing was Kardashian's reaction. Really? I don't even remember any of this. I don't know why this made it such an impression on some people, but it made no impression. I can't recall it anyway. So tell me what happened, but watch your language though, unlike Cathy, please. Yes, sir. So yes, it sticks out to me because he almost went into a day of disbelief and kind of looked down at the table. I haven't seen it in years, so I really can't. My impression was when I saw him do that, he was like, oh my God, what just happened? I can't believe what just happened. And that's without me seeing it for ever, for years. And now he's dead, but his daughter is a billionaire. Yeah, well, I guess did it work out for the family or not, Tricia? I'm unclear. I know money can buy a lot of things, but can it buy happiness for the Kardashian family? I'm not sure about that. Thanks for the call. 844, 542, 4844, 542, 42. So this is John Kennedy just kind of getting down with Mayorkas about really why they're importing these millions of third world criminals to create a new and unimproved underclass that will create more crimes, but create more Democrat voters who want to keep the welfare checks coming. Cut five. Isn't it a fact, Mr. Secretary, that the number of illegal immigrants that you and the president allow into our country counts for congressional district reapportionment? Senator, I'm not sure I understand your question, but I can surely share with you that I disagree with its phrasing. Oh, you understand that you understand it perfectly. Cut six. Isn't it true, Mr. Secretary, that the number of illegal immigrants that you and President Biden have allowed into our country counts for allocating electoral votes? I have the same answer. You don't know. I don't understand your question, the notion, the notion, Senator, that we intend to allow illegal immigration is nothing short of preposterous. So you do understand that question? And if I may, nothing short, well, then why are you allowing it? If it's if the idea that you're, you know, President Trump didn't allow it, Obama didn't allow it to these levels, neither did neither did either of the bushes or Clinton, nobody ever allowed it to these levels. It's insanity what's going on and you know it. Cut seven. It is disrespectful to the extraordinarily hard work that we perform and far more importantly that the personnel in the Department of Homeland Security and across this administration perform to stem illegal immigration, build lawful, save and order pathways and invest in a working system. And we only wish country to commit crimes, we only wish that that bipartisan legislation about which I have not heard a critical term. Mr. President, Mr. Secretary, you're using up my time. You do this every single time. You do this every single time. And it's a fact and you know it and I know it. Exactly. We all know it. Senator Kennedy. 844-542-42. And how I got. Thank you.