The Howie Carr Radio Network

O.J. is Dead, Caitlyn Jenner Weighs in, and Biden's still Senile | 4.11.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie warms up the show with the latest Biden bumbles. Then, joins Howie and Grace for the shocking news of the day, the death of O.J.Simpson.

Broadcast on:
11 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Congressmen to leave. That's news. I don't talk to Fox News. At a rally in your district, people were chanting "Death to America." Do you condemn? Talk to Fox News. I'll take that as a no. There's a lot of pressure on Joe Biden by Democrats not to debate. In their words, they don't want to give Trump the forum. Well, the real reason is they don't want to side by side. Elect me. I'm in the 20th century. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. The first quarter of this year, Ford lost $700 million. Is that what we can expect with binomics? Bush. Certainly, we believe that broadly, we are on the right track here, that binomics is having a tremendous impact. She'll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene. But country's this car from? It no longer exists, but take your foreign test drive. Put it in age. From swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... How we car? Binomics is having a tremendous impact. There's a witness under oath from the Biden administration who will never be indicted for perjury. That's certainly true. It is having a tremendous impact. Not the way she means it, but its impact can be positive or negative. In the Brandon years, it's obviously extremely negative. 844, 542, 42. Christopher Ray is the worst. He is so bad. Donald Trump knows it, I think. He was rolled by Chris Christie into appointing him to replace James Comey. It was the worst appointment of Trump's presidency. This guy is such a stooge of the Democrats. He's worse than my workers, I think, just as a sniveling lying POS. He's trying to blackmail the Republicans and some Democrats, too, into re-approving the FISA Act and allowing us warrantless surveillance of American citizens because he says it will protect the populace. As somebody texted yesterday, I mean, this... Talk about typical Democrat BS. I mean, they've opened the border, letting in millions of criminals, probably tens of thousands of would-be and want to be terrorists. And now, to make sure that to cripple the Republican campaigns, they want the warrantless surveillance, and they're saying they have to do it to protect the country after they've opened the borders and let all these terrorists and criminals and fentanyl dealers into the country. Who do they think they're fooling here? Good Lord. 844-542-844-500-4242. I just want to play a couple of lies right out of the box for a couple of humorous things from Brandon here. And this was yesterday. We missed this one, but he was claiming... Listen to what he was claiming here. Cut 12. I like an awful lot of people in this audience had... It was the first in my family to go to college and watch my dad struggle to help me get there. He was the first in his family to go to college. Can we get into the way back machine? Does anyone remember the name Ambrose? Ambrose Finnegan, who was an all-American football player allegedly at the Santa Clara College at the turn of the 20th century. Joe's favorite century by the way. Cut 13. My grandfather Finnegan was gonna be really proud of me right now. No, I'm not joking he would. Father, he's an all-American football player in John and Santa Clara. So I guess he went to college that if he wasn't all-American at Santa Clara, I guess that means what you said yesterday about being the first one in your family to go to college was a lie. More starragaling for Joe Biden yesterday. Struggling. Cut number nine. Yeah, it's hard to hear, but the reporter said, "Do you have a message for Iran?" And he said, "Thank you all. Thank you all. Thank you, Mullis. Thanks for taking all those tens of billions of dollars that I gave you by releasing the sanctions. Thanks for using them to supply Hamas so that they could slaughter innocent Israeli civilians. Thanks for giving them. Thanks for giving the money to the Houthis so they can fire rockets at cargo ships in the Red Sea. Thanks for giving the money to Hezbollah so that they can operate in southern Lebanon and fire rockets into northern Israel. Thank you. Thank you all. Cut 10. Well, we are the same, Japan and the United States. Many, we may be divided by distance, but the generations after generation, we've been brought together the same hopes, the same values, the same commitment to democracy and freedom and to dignity for all. There's a heartfelt words and he really knows exactly what he's saying, doesn't he? Now this is one where we may have to go to the White House transcripts to actually try to piece together what he meant to be saying. I can't make heads or tails of it, but maybe you can cut 11. We both remember the choices that were made to forge a friendship that were once only in devastating a fight that existed before. Can we quote draw on that, Mr. President? Can I hear that one again, Jared? We both remember the choices that were made to forge a friendship that were once only in devastating a fight that existed before. How true it is. How true it is. 844 542 42 844 542 42. On the other hand, let's have Donald Trump. This is this is from yesterday and he goes into Chick-fil-A in Atlanta and he orders 30 milkshakes and some fried chicken and the response was just, "Well, I wouldn't be happy. I wouldn't be feeling good about November if I were the Brandon caregivers." Cut 14. Again, this isn't some hand-picked crew. He had more people in there than Jill Biden did at her fundraiser in St. Louis the other day. People showed up at 30 people. She's about as good at fundraisers as her biographers are at selling copies of books of the life of Joe's former babysitter who became his wife. Where is everybody? They're just goofing around with him. This is a sample of people in Chick-fil-A in downtown Atlanta and they're liking the guy. He's not taking any crap from anybody. Cut 15. They're all loving him. One of the guys, I don't think we had it in that cut. Trump, how you doing? Not Mr. President or anything or Mr. Trump. Trump. How you doing? Everybody likes him though. You know why they like him? Because they had money in their pockets when he was president and there was no BS and gas cost under two bucks a gallon and there was no inflation. You could buy a house. Your insurance wasn't going through the roof. You didn't have to worry about getting hit over. They had a rape by an illegal alien in your neighborhood. What wasn't to like? 603 generations of solidarity with Japan. What was going on in 1942 when Brandon was born? You mean when Brandon was born and he was taken care of by a senator in a way who was the Japanese senator who was, I think he was briefly in a camp before he joined the army, an internment camp. Joe, Joe cut a lot of classes in history and economics, law school. Joe reading the teleprompter, Joe cut a lot of classes all the way around. 844-542-42. A lot of people picked up on that Japanese thing, the Japanese generations. 844-542-442. I was more impressed with him. He's being the first person to go to college in his family and he forgets that everybody remembers that he's promoted the fact that his grandfather was allegedly in all American. And by the way, I think that's a debatable point. Although the records for all Americans were kind of scant back in the days of Walter Kemp picking the all American teams in 1905. Experience the ultimate savings event with my pillows $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use my pillows or stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all of which are available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right, just $25 per item during my pillows, $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it, also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it stay view, the premium my pillows with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code HOWE for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders, over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code HOWE. Elevate your comfort with the mypillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code HOWE. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show. The emperor of hate Howie Car is back. 844-542-4242-603. The people of Atlanta may love Trump. The problem is like Joe Stalin said it doesn't matter who votes, it's who counts the votes. Yeah, we got to keep working on that. And the Trump campaign says they're working on it and I hope they are. They recorded victories in some states like Wisconsin, like Pennsylvania. Will it be enough? I don't know. But at least I think with the Ronna McDaniel out, they understand or the problem or the people who are making the decisions and running the party understand the problem. Today's poll question is brought to you by the local Silver Met located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local That's local Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is what's your reaction to O.J. Simpson's death? No great loss. Good riddance. Never speak ill of the dead or O.J. Who? I'm going to say no great loss. 26% of the audience says no great loss. That's good for second place. First place at 46% good riddance. 20% say never speak. This is a hard crowd. And eight percent say O.J. Who? All right. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two forty four four five hundred forty two forty two. Sarah, you're next with HowieCars. Go ahead, Sarah. Hi. How are you doing, Howie? How are you doing today? Good. I'm sitting here listening to you in 1941 when I was born. My older sister was eight years old when the war started. And do you remember this is really crazy. Do you remember when the Japanese had these little potties and they went like in the Smithsonian and all these places. They had a little flag and they were walking around. Do you remember? I was sitting here listening to myself. No. I remember there were complaints back in Rhode Island and I think the late 1980s they had V.J. Day, which I always thought was a great holiday. If you're going to have a holiday in August, I'd prefer that to, you know, women's suffrage day or Elvis Presley's death day, you know, V.J. Day seemed like that was a big day in America in 1945. But the Japanese really objected to that. And I think they actually in Rhode Island changed the name to Earth Day perhaps because they didn't want to offend any Japanese investors. Not such a big problem now. It's more Chinese investors after Biden has helped them so much. Thanks for the, thanks for the call, Sarah. It's, it was, yeah, we weren't always friends and allies. December 7th, 1941, a day which will live in infamy. Barbara, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Barbara. Hi, howie. I remember victory in Japan day. I was a little girl, but I do remember it. I wanted to talk to you about, I heard yesterday, there's going to be another increase in the stamps in July. They're going to, they're going to 73 cents. 73 cents. You're older than me, Barbara. But you know what I can remember? I can remember a four cents stamps. And I can remember it was a big deal when it went up to a nickel. Yeah, right. Yeah. I mean, it's incredible because in 23, it went up in January and in July. So it's going up again. And another thing I wanted to just mention, I'm not sure if a lot of people know unless they're retired. The deductible for retirees, when we got that small increase in January, went from $226 to $240. And the Medicare monthly payment went from $164.90 to $174.70. So most retirees didn't receive very much. Right. Well, he keeps talking about, you know, how he's fighting, fighting big pharma and he's saving money, saving money for everybody. That's not what I'm hearing on the text lines or from people I talked to, you know, in my daily life. They're saying they're retired people, especially you're saying their insurance premiums are going through the roof and he's not doing anything. And it's, and it's, you know what it's all about. It's all about providing free care for a illegal aliens, you know, that's what's costing all the money. And the same thing with the auto insurance. The illegal aliens are riding around in their, in their free, free cars, in many cases, better cars than Americans who work for a living are able to afford. And they're just, they have no insurance. They have no license. They have no registration. They have no inspection because they don't have it in their third world countries where they, where they come from. These, these banana republics that they that they, that they have hailed from. 844 542 42, speaking of illegal aliens, 54 migrant sex offenders, also known as illegal aliens, arrested in one Texas border sector this month. That's in the del Rio sector. 54. Those, the, these are the people arrested have convictions for, among other things, lewd and lascivious acts with a child child rape, aggravated sex assault of a child rape, statutory rape and assorted other sex crimes. This is, this is, this is, these are the people that the Biden wants to bring into the country. And by the way, there's been another problem in Kingston. We'll be talking about another, another assault, an alleged assault of an American citizen in, in Kingston. After the, after the rape, the alleged rape by the Haitian illegal of a disabled 14 year old girl, we'll be talking more about that with representative Dave the coast a little bit later in the show tonight. 844 542 42 and remember, Bidenomics is having a tremendous impact. That's from the deputy press secretary, Olivia Dalton. I mean, I guess, I, I guess, you know, you thought KJP was dumb. I guess the people coming up behind her just every bit is idiotic. 844 542 42. I'm how we car. Live from the Matthews brother studios. 844 542. Bruce from the Mets says it's a shame that OJ now won't be able to find the real killer. Well, but Bruce, that is a tragedy. Those were his last words before he shed his mortal coil. Keep looking, boys, girls, whoever. 844 542 42. Now it's time for Grace with the nose. Yes, Howie. Everyone is weighing in on OJ Simpson's death, including Caitlyn Jenner. I don't know if you saw that, but it seems like anyone who said good riddance. That's where I came up with good riddance. Yeah, it seems like anyone who had any sort of connection to the case, which is a lot of people because obviously the Kardashians, eventually, you know, we found out about them through their father being part of the case. So a lot of people weighing in today on OJ Simpson's death. In other news last night, President Biden welcomed an array of high profile guests, celebrities, tech industry leaders. This is from Breitbart. It says tech tightens Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook. Grace Joe Biden with their presence at state dinner. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were also there, along with Robert De Niro. And I took Rosco out for a walk. Who had a who had a better time? I had a better time. No doubt about it. Another story today, a new poll reveals crucial battleground state prefers Trump over Biden in heated 2024 rematch. Howie, I thought you would like to hear this because it's a state you're very familiar with. North Carolina, a new poll from Quinnipiac University is the latest survey to indicate Trump with a slight edge over Biden in the crucial southeastern battle around state. Trump grabs the support of 48% of registered voters in the survey with Biden two points back at 46%. North Carolina is one of those states where they always under poll Republicans in general and Trump in particular. Well, I was just going to say from your experience there, I mean, I'm sure it's changed since you were in college. But how does North Carolina, like what's the electorate like? What are their? Well, I mean, it was always Democrat all, you know, and then the first Republican governor since Reconstruction was elected in 72. And then it tended to go back Democrat except for Jesse Helms and, you know, the various Republican senators, they go back and forth. And it's it's basically been a purple state, but lately it's been leaning going red. It's been drifting red for obvious reasons. It says Trump also has the edge over Biden when the matchup is expanded to include independent and third party candidates. Trump stands at 41% in the poll with Biden at 38% in an RFK junior at 12%. This is from Fox. Yeah, there's, there's more northerners down there than they used to be. And I would, and some, you know, some of the people that you got some liberals, the UNC people, Duke people, there are a few Duke people that stick around Appalachian state. They're going to be like, I tending to be RFK, I would think. I mean, it is disastrous as Joe Biden is. But I think, I think RFK is more of a factor than I thought he was. I mean, I don't think he's going to win, but I think he could take away a goodly percentage of the vote. I mean, that's why, you know, it tells you something when people like Rokana and California are telling Eileen Shanahan, the billionaire running mate to pull out because she's the, she's going to supply all the money that he needs to get on the ballot to get all the signatures. And then the, and then Danang Dick is telling Sonya Sotomayor to, to quit the Supreme Court so they can appoint a replacement. I think these are, these are, you know, positive straws in the wind. I know, I know a large percentage of the audience thinks that Trump is doomed, that they'll steal it again. But you know, I don't know. I mean, apparently the Democrats, not all of them believe that they can just pull it out of thin air with the, these people in Michigan who were born in 1820, casting another ballot for the Democrats. Yeah. And the other issue that I think the Democrats are really banking on is the abortion issue. And we saw obviously the Arizona Supreme Court with that, that decision this week to uphold that ban from 1864. But what I noticed how he is that, and David Harsani wrote about this, it's like they're more focused now, not on Trump being extreme. You know how that's usually the way they play this is Republicans are extreme when it comes to abortion. They can't really do that with Trump's latest stance on it because his stance is just leave it to the States, which is a lot more in line with more moderates in this country than the Democrat stance, which is no limits whatsoever. So instead, they're just focusing on how Trump has evolved on this or how Trump has flip flopped. But if you look at Joe Biden, and you can speak to this, Howie, because you've been following Joe since, since the beginning, he's flip flopped on this more than anybody. He's flip flopped on everything. There was a great piece in the, in the Wall Street Journal yesterday or the day before by getting Barton Swain, who's turned out to be a pretty good op-ed writer. And he was just calling Joe Biden the ultimate conformist. You know, in the 70s, when segregation was still a big part of the Democrat Party, he bragged about coming from a slave state. He was buddies with all the segregationist senators from the South. In the 90s, when everybody was worried about crack cocaine and black crime in the inner cities, he was for putting the super predator so called in jail and having stiffer penalties for crack cocaine than for powder cocaine, which is more used by white people than crack cocaine, which is used. You never go back. Yeah, well, that's why let me say. And then now, and then now he's flipped again. I'll bet he voted for the defensive marriage act in the, what the 1990s. And now he's, now he's pro, now he's not only pro gay, he's pro transgender. And he, and he wants to, and he wants to, and he's for CRT, and he wants to make sure white people can't get jobs in government. I mean, that's what it boils down to. I mean, he can, he can, you know, say whatever he wants, but that's what DEI is all about. And that's why whenever you hear liberals in the media talking about the history books, it really does mean it's such BS because it all depends on who's writing the history books, because depending on which decade you're talking about, Joe Biden's been on every side of history known to man. Right. He just, he has no, he has no core beliefs. He just wants to stay in power, because if, if he's not, if he's not in office, in some form or another, that's the end of his, his influence peddling, his protection racket. And I think the last night when they had the Japanese prime minister at the state dinner, I think that is the motivation for like Jill Biden, you know, to be at these dinners and where these dresses and sit next to Robert De Niro. And to me, it doesn't seem like that would be worth it to sell out your, you know, your family and to let your husband go on the world stage and embarrass himself. That's all at your country. Yeah. It doesn't. The country is, the country is going to hell in a handbasket. I know that's a cliche, but in this case, it's absolutely true. Yeah. And so that you can sit next to Hillary Clinton for 45 minutes and eat like a cold filet mignon. I hope it's worth it. Right. And you know, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren are going to live in a third world hell hall. Yeah. That's the payoff for your, for your state dinner. Thank you. Thanks for thinking of your grandchildren and my grandchildren both. Thank you. Thanks for thinking of the big picture, Dr. Jill. Grace's news is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass. TuxTrucks has GMC Sierra 2500 HD and GMC Sierra 3500 HD trucks ready for commercial businesses to get your work done. Some with dumb bodies to fit your needs shop online at tuxtrucks Biden issued a chilling warning to Iran with the Middle East on a knife edge as Tehran closes airspace for military drills and Washington Warren's missile barrage could be imminent. This is from the Daily Mail. The U.S. has reaffirmed its support for Israel in light of intelligence that suggests an attack from Iran is imminent. So Biden's been all speaking of being all over the map. He's definitely been all over the map when it comes to Israel. There's more protests. We talked yesterday how he during your news segment about the cafeteria and how these anti-Israel protesters took over the cafeteria in the Senate. It was an insurrection, Grace. Let's use the proper terminology. Well, nobody had a MAGA hat on. So I believe it's a peaceful protest if there's no MAGA hats on the premises. But Joe Biden is really struggling with the young voters and that includes that's part of the reason I think that he's doing all the student loan cancellation, this mass, you know, bribe that he's trying to give them. And also why he's wavering so much on his support for Israel. Yeah, you know, someone said today, you know, we always talk about the Iranians. They have proxies, you know, people do their fighting form with Hezbollah Hamas. The Houthis is the Democrat party now considered a proxy of the Iranian Mullis. They certainly seem to be acting in that regard, don't they? Yeah, well, I keep seeing a lot of social media posts about the Houthis just because Joe Biden has he's bungled that completely how he since he came into office. You know, he didn't he like he didn't classify them as a terrorist organization. And now, yeah, they were they were a terrorist organization under Trump. And then he did classify it. One of the first things he did after he shut down the Keystone pipeline was to was to say that remove the Houthis from the designated terrorist list. I think but now I think he's put them back on. Yeah. Now that now that he gave gave their their sponsors, billions, tens of billions of dollars. And they're and now they're they're flush with new weaponry to attack Western shipping in the Red Sea. He's he's decided that they're a terrorist organization again. Yeah, that's it for me. How I think very much. All right. 844 500 42 42 844 500 42 42 The first thing when I wake up in the morning, I gulp a shot of balance seven. I like balance seven to relieve any lingering heartburn from overnight. It also gives me an immediate boost in energy before my morning walk to the breakers. The other day I thought I'd run out. I immediately asked the mailroom manager to order some more. Fortunately, she had an extra gallon stashed. I took it out and filled up my 16 ounce bottles that I leave in the fridge for easy chugging throughout the day. Here are the seven reasons why you need to think about getting some balance seven like I have. One more energy to it. Lessons heartburn three, it helps with your joint pain. Four, it aids digestion. Five, it balances your pH level six. It takes away sneezing fits and seven. It helps you sleep better. Have you been that listener who's been thinking about trying balance seven? Don't wait any longer. Order today and you will make sure that you never run out. April is National Stress Awareness Month and this is a perfect time to try to reduce the stress in your life. Balance seven is not just a supplement. It's an alkaline concentrate formula designed to restore your body's natural pH balance. Just give it three days and you will feel the difference. Order today at balance seven dot com. Use code howie and receive free shipping. That's balance seven dot com code howie. I'm howie car. Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call howie at eight four four five hundred forty two forty two or text the word howie followed by your message to six one seven two one three ten sixty six. You're listening to the howie car show. It's howie cars cheap bastard deal. Oh yeah. Sounds good to be true. Oh no it's real and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie car cheap bastard deal. Howie car the cheapest bastard around. Last time we did this we gave you the word too early so we're waiting until right now to post our cheap bastard deal. The 110 grill over 30 locations in Mass. Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire and New York with over 30 locations you're sure to find a 110 grill not too far from you. While supplies last and they should should last now because they think they're they haven't been posted. Have you posted them yet that Jared? They are posted. They're live. They're live at car show dot com. They won't last long but they're they're live while we're talking about them. You can purchase a gift card valued at 50 bucks for just twenty five dollars but with so many locations these are going to sell out very quickly so get yours now go to howie car show dot com and click on store to get your gift cards today. With us now to tell us more about the 110 grill has in store for the rest of the rest of the spring is Stephen Talley the director of training and development for the 110 grill. Stephen thanks for being with us and I guess the big thing is coming up is Mother's Day isn't it? It certainly is. Mother's Day is one of our busiest days of the year so I just want to remind all the listeners that it's the best time of year to reserve a table for your mother and for your party to to celebrate Mother's Day. It's one of our busiest holidays and we're excited to have everybody and we are accepting reservations as of right now. Okay and my understanding is you do you do you do like two two Sundays of Mother's Day right because there's so many reservations. Absolutely yeah absolutely so we we do a nice job with our brunch. We use Easter as kind of our warm up game for Mother's Day that's how busy it is for brunch but it is absolutely fantastic. We had a great Easter and that's hopefully going to translate into a beautiful Mother's Day for all the families out there celebrating their mothers. So on Mother's Day what time does brunch start? We started at 10 a.m. and brunch runs through 3 p.m. Now just because we're running brunch doesn't mean you can't also order off our normal core menu but brunch will run from 10 to 3 and it's the same selection that we had for Easter so plenty of things to look forward to including chicken and waffles our 110 frittata stuffed French toast and it's stuffed with our with banana fosters one of the best dishes of the year for sure. Any day is a great day to go to the 110 grill as as we all know and that's why the that's why the cheap bastard deals go so fast. So yeah you you always switch out items here and there on the menu with each season and you you've got some new new items that are popping up on the all of the 110 grill menus. Is that right Steven Talley? Absolutely so starting a week from today on Thursday we will be rolling out our updated and exciting new menu which will feature our signature burger which is currently on our feature menu but we're also going to be adding our wild mushroom ravioli which is in a cognac cream sauce with a little bit of mushrooms and onions in it we have our crusted baked cod which is crusted with old baked seasoned potato chips and then you get a choice of side and that also has a citrus garlic butter with it and then baked by popular demand is our crab rangoon dip it's been gone for quite some time and we we bring it back every now and then and now it's going to be on the core menu for at least the foreseeable future. Great and you got some new seasonal beer choices can you can you tell us any of the the types you're going to be offering for the for the spring? Absolutely so we are most of our locations are carrying dog fish head and we are going to be switching to their new citrus squall which is a sour style beer which is fantastic we've got some also popular brews including some blueberry options we have seasonal offerings for some local breweries that are within the restaurants vicinity so each restaurant will have a slightly different core beer menu but they're all for the most part be pretty similar and then we're because we're switching to the season it is the time of year even though today doesn't really feel like it but spring is right around the corner which means patio season for us so we're very excited to dust off all the patio furniture and get everything squared away and clean up the patios because as this past Wednesday showed it we're going to get some beautiful weather coming here soon and we were just shy of 70 degrees this past week so it's right around the corner we're excited to get everything going and we'll be starting our launching our patio kickoff parties in all of our locations very very soon and that'll be announced great so if you like if you like al fresco dining as the weather gets warmer you can go to any of the 110 grills they all have they all have the patio seating that is really fantastic tell us about the the special offers for regular customers and how they can how they can get free meals if they if they become regular regular patrons at the restaurant certainly so as i've mentioned before our loyalty program is very robust we're very excited and and honored to continue to provide the same loyalty program that we have and have been continuing so for every dollar that you spend you receive one point and after 110 points you earn yourself 10 dollars off and you're more than welcome to accrue that and build it up so you can have a full meal or you can use it as it as it comes to you but beyond that we also offer a free lunch program where after your 10th free lunch or after your 10th lunch you earn a free lunch on us and then for your anniversary of signing up for the loyalty program we also offer you a free dessert for your birthday we also offer you a free dessert for that month there's plenty of different options and you get select deals as you are in a loyalty member through email we have a lot of great cheap bastard deals and a lot of great great advertisers on a cheap bastard program but the fastest sales are always the 110 grill and it's again there are a lot of locations but it's just a great deal all the way around uh Jared how long did it take us to sell out today i think the official time was uh five minutes and 42 seconds unbelievable i know it's it's amazing how fast everybody sells and people already saying uh thanks uh patrice says i got the max of three 110 grills thanks for the cheap bastard deal i didn't tip anybody off this time nobody got tipped up not ruse from the Mets patrice nobody got a uh got a heads up warning hey steven tallie thank you thank you 110 grills