The Howie Carr Radio Network

The WHO Hires John Kerry's Daughter as Climate Envoy | 4.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Talk about nepotism! What kind of credentials does Vanessa Kerry have to be the climate envoy of the World Health Organization besides being related to Green Prince John Kerry?

Broadcast on:
11 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in any voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator, especially Grace's stand-up. Here's the Millennial with the Mike, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show. Still a couple of things I want to get to before we wrap up the show today. There was more great sound of Alejandro Mayorkas mumbling and stumbling and melting down in front of Senator John Kennedy, and I have to say, I know people aren't always happy with the way Senator John Kennedy votes, and I totally understand that, but when it comes to delivery, I would be, you know what, it wouldn't shock me, Jared, if he had a background in theater, because his timing is unmatched. He takes his sweet time with anyone that he's questioning. We are going to have to go catwoman. Whether it be a judge nominee or anyone else, he's just going to go through it slowly, and he's not going to rush himself, and he's going to make you sweat. He's going to make you nervous, and that's exactly what he did with Mayorkas, which we will get to. But here's a story that I don't think is getting enough play, and the only reason I even saw it was because I got an email that there was this piece in the Boston Herald, and I thought, oh, let's just see what it is. It was someone who was promoting a guest on the show, and it's a story about John Kerry's daughter in the Boston Herald. It's titled "Kerry Climate Grift Passes to the Next Generation." Dr. Vanessa Kerry, the daughter of former climate czar, and this is by Larry Behrens, the daughter of former climate czar, former Secretary of State and former presidential election loser, John Kerry, was selected as the director general special envoy for climate change and health with the World Health Organization, and Larry writes, yes, that is the actual title. I'm going to repeat that for everyone. John Kerry, who left his job, we were just talking about Kerry yesterday because I have found it amusing that Kerry left his job as climate czar to work for the reelection campaign, because they keep talking about how they need young people, they need energy, so who better than John Kerry to really spice up re-elect Biden team. So John Kerry is moving on from climate czar, and he's going to the reelection campaign, and they gave his job, which he tells us it's really hard, it takes a lot of hours, it's like being Nathan Wade. You're working around the clock, or Lori Lightfoot, investigating the worst mayor in America, it takes up a lot of time. You clock in a lot of hours, being the climate envoy. And John Podesta already has a job, it's like a senior White House advisor, but he was going to take John Kerry's job, and nothing about his day to day was going to change. That's how much heavy lifting went into being climate envoy. Someone could take on your job, and you wouldn't even know it. But because John Kerry's leaving this position, it got me nervous because I was like, "Oh, it really, it really gave me some peace to know that there was a Kerry who was involved in stopping the warming of the earth." You know, you want someone like John Kerry at the helm. Well, as I said, less than a year before her father stepped down from his role. Larry Barron's writes, "The Vanessa Kerry signed on as the director general special envoy for climate change and health with the World Health Organization." Remember when Donald Trump went head to head with the World Health Organization? Everybody was mad at him? He watched a different who? The World Health Organization? This is the beginning of the end? That was one of several beginnings of the end when Donald Trump was president. Well, this is what they're doing at The Who? The director general for special envoy for climate change and health. And Larry points out that this is the beginning of tying climate change to our public health. You know how they'll do that where they're like, "Climate change, gun violence is a health emergency. Climate change is a health emergency." They saw how much wiggle room they got when they declared something a health emergency. And so now it's like, "What else can we declare health emergency?" And I got news for you guys. A health emergency is whatever they want it to be. It's in the eye of the beholder. Like, I could say, I could walk into the kitchen here, Jared, and say, "There's a lack of snacks. This is a health emergency." "Shut this place down. Give me your credit card. We've got to go wild." Like, they will declare anything they want, traffic to health emergency, gun violence, everything. Get ready for climate lockdowns. So that's the next step, what a lot of people think. But I have two questions about this. First question is, how much does this pay? How much does being the director general special envoy for climate change and health at the World Health Organization? What does that salary look like? Because I got a feeling it's good. I got a feeling that Dr. Vanessa Kerry isn't taking on any jobs that are less than six figures. And my second question, which we should all be asking, is why didn't Sunny host and get this job? Why, oh, why didn't the views leading expert on climate change in saccadas? Saccadas are coming. Why didn't she, was she not put up for this? Like, there's several other, I hate to say nepotism because I know that with the carries, their concern and their alarmism over the climate is truly just part of their DNA. But I am worried that this wasn't a nationwide search. I am worried that we left some really, really intellectual contenders to this. We push them to the side in order for Dr. Vanessa Kerry to get this job. But this is just the latest. And it says just in case words like no longer a choice or not alarmist enough, she had much more. Dr. Kerry supports the claim that millions of people die every year because of fossil fuels, claiming one person dies every four seconds. So by the time I finish the sentence, another person will have died and 61% of those deaths are directly attributable to fossil fuels. Dr. Vanessa Kerry, everybody. The carries are the gift that keeps on giving. And another big story today that I want to get to as I mentioned before is Senator John Kennedy. I'm going to break here though, Jared. I want to give these cuts enough time and we'll take those when we come back. The number is 844-542-42. If you want to weigh in, you can. And a big story yesterday that broke and we didn't really have too much time to cover it. Speaker Mike Johnson's Republican colleagues dealt him another blow Wednesday by killing a motion to allow a vote on his proposed foreign intelligence surveillance. Fiza or authorization. This is really good news for Republicans that Speaker Johnson did not get his way. 19 House Republicans sided with Democrats Wednesday to defeat the rule. Johnson called for a House Republican conference meeting Wednesday afternoon to regroup as he tries to extend Fiza's authorization with some reforms. Before the April 19 deadline. Johnson had hoped to move the measure off his plate Wednesday before turning to next week's action, a yet to be unveiled proposal to fund Ukraine. The embattled Speaker must now determine what his altered schedule will be. This is from Breitbart. But you know what's weird is I was reading all about this yesterday and I was listening to how he showed how he's disappointed in Speaker Johnson. And I get that because if you know anything about the foreign intelligence surveillance act, if you know anything about how these Fiza courts work, how they worked in regards to the steel dossier, the Russia hoax. Then you know this is bad news and that these things should be abolished. But the weird part is I read today that Johnson, I think is going tomorrow, I go soon to hang out with Trump. So, or to fundraise with Trump. So I'm not sure if Trump's really going to hold a grudge about this, but it seems like the Republicans are taking his lead and not Speaker Mike Johnson's will be right back. We'll take your calls eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Listen up everyone you've waited through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March. Still rainy weather here now though Jared, but the great part about the rainy weather is that tomorrow everything's going to be cleared out. It's going to be like a thunderstorm came purify the air and left. And if you love that feeling of the allergens, the pollutants being destroyed, then you're going to want to get a thunderstorm because then you can bring that into your home into your car into your office whenever you want. This is the perfect device, doesn't take up any floor space, very powerful, quiet and works almost instantly. Yeah, so what it does is when you plug it in and turn it on, whether you do that in just regular wall outlets in your home or if you do it in a car because each unit comes with a USB cable, you can just plug into the unit and you plug it into the port in your USB port in your car. Wherever you plug it in, it ionizes the air which creates a super oxygen and that is what Grace is talking about. That's what eliminates allergens and pollutants in the air the same way it does some viruses and smells and just nasty stuff that you don't want floating around. Yes, indeed, and you can say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens go to eat To get the three pack, you're going to want to enter code Grace and the number three. Again, that's eat code Grace and the number three. Get the three pack today. Don't forget the code. Hey, Jared, you know what's on this weekend? You're a big sports guy. I am. The Masters. Yes. And I showed you that. You're not? No. See, golf is actually one thing I like to watch mostly because I like when it's on in the background. I think it's a good background sport. I don't have to be like focused on it, but yesterday was the day where they have all the wives dress up as caddies and sometimes or the caddies will get to hit and it's really cute and they all have their kids there and it's so fun. But there's a good cut that's circulating today. Do we have this? Gary Player, who I believe is from South Africa, he was commenting on the United States of America, what he thinks of it, and this cuts going viral. Take a listen. And I never forget to mention this. To come to this great country, the United States of America, if you hear, you're so blissed and you should kiss the ground every day. And just appreciate what this country's done for the world, not only for yourself, but it's about time America started doing more for their own. Yeah, really well said. I don't disagree. You know how old he is, Jared? You see the video, right? What would you guess? I would guess, I guess he's in his 60s. He's 88 years old. Wow, he looks great. Yeah, and he clearly, he clearly is still sharp as well. 844, 500, 42, I know, if only, right? Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen. Mostly because it can't. It's against the Constitution. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. Historically. That's so true. You know, because I always told at one point the canceling student loan debt and transferring that debt onto other people was against the Constitution, but that doesn't seem to matter either. In that case, get Elon Musk on the phone. Maybe we'll have a South African ticket of Gary Player Elon Musk. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm going to talk a little bit about John Kennedy and my orcas. And then I do want to talk a little bit about a piece that I wrote for Spectator, get your take on it. Kind of has to do with our poll question. So a lot more and one more thing, Jared, I want to throw out to the callers. If you still want to get your two cents in about OJ, feel free. We're open for that as well. Don't go anywhere. Damn Jeffrey Toobin. Follow Grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. The FBI director Christopher Reyes testifying amid the House FISA fight. I'm sure it's a lot of I can't tell you that. That's top secret. That would jeopardize sources and methods. I got to catch a flight to the Adirondacks. You know, his is typical. His run of the mill speech, but he looks rather perturbed. He's not happy with whatever these questions are. And he is, again, one of the people who is defending the FISA process and trying to explain to all of us how, even though it's been weaponized against people like Carter Page, and it's been weaponized against Americans, how it's really just there to help protect us from terrorists. And that is, that is really the conversation. You know how the other day we were talking about the crumbly parents and how they got this verdict of, or they got the sentence of 10 to 15 years, right? And it was a conversation about, you know, should parents be charged for their kids doing these atrocious crimes and shootings? And I remember I was talking to Emma about it, and she said to me, if it's going to be about the gun, if like you, if you mishandle a gun or if you don't put the gun away, it should be a gun charge. It shouldn't be a manslaughter charge. They're being charged with what their son did. And that's a slippery slope. And I was listening to how we do the segment. I was listening to people calling in. And it's amazing because a lot of times if you take something at face value, if you take something on paper, right? You might say, yeah, that's fine. There's enough guardrails in place. There's enough things that, you know, if it's used for the correct purposes by the correct people, by people with integrity, by people who, you know, respect their fellow citizens, then nothing should go wrong. But that's never the way it goes. Like if we've learned anything over the last eight to 10 years, it's that, and really if you're a student of history, which spoiler alert, I am not. But I've been told that if you go back decades, a lot of things have been weaponized. You just mentioned earlier, Jared, Richard Jewell and how a lot of these agencies, they've been corrupt for a very long time. And it's just a matter of whether or not you've learned about it and paid attention. But my point is, and the reason I bring up the crumblies is because when I saw that, the unprecedented sentence, I thought, if you told me on paper, bad parents, which I do believe they were, bad parents who neglect their children and know about their children's problems and do nothing to stop it or do nothing to help them will be sentenced to jail. I probably, and you said, it's going to be used for situations like this. I might say, okay, well, if that's what it's used for. But here's the issue. It's never used. It's always used depending on who the person is. You're absolutely right to go. Okay, so down the line, if a MAGA person does something, the MAGA parents will be sentenced, but if they're liberal parents, then they won't. Like, that might sound like I'm just being crazy, but things are used selectively based off who the government wants to go after. And that's not right. So that's why you can't take things at face value. You have to think of who will guard the guards. You have to think of who's going to try to manipulate this. And that's why the founding fathers were so beyond wise because they didn't necessarily look at things operating in a perfect world. They thought of how their constitution, how their policies that they were putting into place, how they would be used by imperfect people. They were students of human nature. They understood that oftentimes agencies and people are corrupted. And I don't think there's any question of that at this point that the FBI is corrupted. If you just look at some of the information that Devin Nunes was able to present, you look at Carter Page's story. There's so much there where you see that in certain circumstances, people have their homes, raided, SWAT team, gone at their head. And then in other situations, well, we can't do anything about that. It was the night time. We couldn't see anybody. The person got away. There's a very it's selective. The way these things are used is very selective. So they're going to tell you that we need to have these FISA courts because it's going to protect US citizens from plots by terrorists by bad actors. But the truth is that if they really cared about terrorists, if they really cared about all these dangerous people, then we wouldn't have a wide open border. We wouldn't have a president sitting there during a Univision interview saying we're going to see your name because what I can do, we're going to examine it. The urgency would be there for all of these other disasters that are ongoing and it's not. And so I think that anyone who's passionate about abolishing the FISA courts and abolishing this corrupt system is absolutely right to be. You're right to be paranoid right now. And you're right to want to limit the control, at least make it hard. Like if you really feel like you need a spy or an American citizen, if you really feel like you need a wiretap somebody, at least make it hard for the powers to be to do that. At least make them jump through a few hoops or at least more hoops than they're currently jumping through. If you have a 844-500-42-42, we will be right back with your calls. We'll do the poll question. We'll play some of the sound from Senator John Kennedy. Like I said, I don't know if it's the accent. I don't know if it's his timing. But he knows how to deliver a line of questioning. I would say he's top three for me when it comes to this grandstanding theater from our politicians. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. It's a crazy curly show. ♪♪ If you don't know about the recent Supreme Court decisions affecting Second Amendment rights, you should tune into RapidFire, our local 2A talk radio show, to learn more about the cases being brought to the Massachusetts court system. Join us every Wednesday at 4 p.m. at or search "RapidFire" on your favorite podcast network. At Cape Gunworks, we are responding to all 2A news. Go to and give us a shot. ♪♪ Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. ♪♪ JD Vance tweeted out, "Senator from Ohio, my two cents on Pfizer, it is absurd to reauthorize the program without significant changes given the ways domestic surveillance has been abused. I will vote accordingly." And I just texted a friend of mine who follows a lot of this, especially when it comes to the deep state, when it comes to the FBI. And I said, "Did that make sense? The Rand I just went on. That's my big thing lately. I'm feeling insecure. Did that make any sense?" And my friend said, "Yeah, the only thing I would add is that you see these people who spied on President Trump, like Peter Struck and Lisa Page and these people who tried to undermine a sitting president." And they're getting these speaker gigs or these commentator gigs on CNN and on MSNBC and they're writing books and they're touring the country. And my friend said to me, "It makes me sick because at least with Zip Connolly, there was a little bit of justice." And the reason that Zip Connolly is an apt person to bring up in this situation is because it's worse when there's people in a position that you're supposed to trust. They should get double the amount of punishment because they're not a common criminal. There's somebody who had a lot of power who the general public thought they could trust, thought they were doing the right thing. It brings me back to who guards the guards. And if you want to tell me, "Listen, they need to have these surveillance programs for X, Y, and Z for terrorists." Well, number one, why don't we start closing up the border because there's been plenty of terrorists getting in that way. I know Jake Tapper would say, "Hey, just because they're on the terror watch list doesn't mean they're terrorists, but we can debate that later. Let's just close it down." But number two, if we know it's been abused, which we do, unless you're main source of news is NPR, in which case you probably had no idea that any of this happened, then isn't the least we can do to just bring some reform to it? To put some things in place where if it is abused, there are consequences because right now there's nothing like that. Rick, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Rick. Hi, Grace. How are you? I'm good. What's going on? I just wanted to bring up the fact that if you remember, you remember when the computer was deemed to be not true and so forth, and then we had the Mueller report, and it was a different story, and everybody, all of a sudden, the New York Times, and everybody said, "Uh-oh." Well, I remember after that, they polled the voters, and 17% of the people said they never would have voted for Biden had they known that, and I don't believe that he'll ever get the 17% back, not at all. Yeah, Rick, I remember that poll coming out, because I remember just thinking, "I don't pity the fool in this circumstance." People who weren't aware of what was going on with the Hunter Biden laptop, they were ignorant to it, and they're responsible for that, because there was plenty of resources. There were plenty of places you could have gone to open your eyes to what was really happening, but you just brought up the Mueller report and the Hunter Biden laptop, and I think that that's so important, because if you look at Hunter Biden, and if you zoom out a little bit and you look at the entire Biden corrupt organization, that corrupt crime family versus the Russia hoax, what I always found so amazing about that is that the media and the Democrats, like Adam Schiff and Adam Kinsinger and all these people, they were in vaccine waters. They were able to connect the dots out of things that were completely made up when it came to the Russia hoax. The Steele dossier, all of these informants in the FBI who were paid tons of money just to make up complete BS so they could feed the FBI information so that the FBI and other agencies could spy on Donald Trump. They were able to connect the dots from one piece of baloney to the other very easily. That was something they could get to the bottom of. This completely made up fantasy. They were books written about it. Pulitzer prizes were handed out. So that they were able to do. They were all very, very capable of reading between the lines. And then you have the Hunter Biden laptop, which to your point, was deemed disinformation for no reason. There was nothing about it that was disinformation. But in that case, now we still have Democrats going, show us the proof. Show us the proof. You can't connect the dots now. When we've got photos of a man in a bathtub smoking a crack pipe and writing texts about the big guy, you guys can use some of that logical thinking, deductive reasoning and figure out where this leads. I have to hold your hand to make you understand why it's bad that Hunter Biden was having his dad call in to meetings with corrupt oligarchs. That is something that you can't wrap your little heads around. But when it came to stuff that was pulled out of complete thin air, you were able to really figure that out fast. Adam Schiff was on TV telling us, oh, we got it all. Just give us more time and we'll explain how Trump's a puppet of Putin. They didn't have any evidence. They didn't have any photos. They didn't have any voicemails. But they have it for the Biden family. And yet all I hear about is no proof, no evidence, still with no evidence. Republicans are trying, but they can't do it. They can't show any evidence. Victor, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Victor. Hey, great to hear you. Listen, I remember talking with how we about this years ago. John Forbes Kerry got $9 million transferred from a medical clinic, it was heading to a medical clinic in Africa. And it got redirected to Mass General Hospital to a nonprofit there that happened to be the director of that nonprofit was his stepdaughter. So it's just a vicious cycle of how these people steal from us our taxpayers to enrich their family members. That's an absolute fact. Yeah, and just another thing we should add in here. This is a story from the Wall Street Journal May 13, 2014. Biden's son Kerry family friend joined Ukrainian gas producers board. So it kind of all ties in. It's like this, these nationwide searches for this corruption. And you're right. In a lot of cases, it's just grips. It's just grips. And if you don't know what that last caller was talking about, I should go back to it here because it's pretty amazing. Dr. Vanessa Kerry, daughter of John Kerry has a new job. She is the director general special envoy for climate change and health with the World Health Organization who now I lost all faith in the World Health Organization right around the time of COVID. And you guys can probably figure out why. But the left time and time again and anti Trumpers time and time again and people on CNN time and time again were telling me that no, no, no, the World Health Organization is above board. They are beyond reproach. They've done nothing wrong. Now we've since learned a few other things about the World Health Organization. But that's not stopping Dr. Vanessa Kerry from getting her new gig there. And isn't that a beautiful thing, though, because her father is ending his reign as climate czar for Joe Biden. And now she's taking up the helm as director general special envoy for climate change and health. My big question, which I keep going back to, is how much does it pay? That's what I'm always interested in. Maybe I'm just a skeptic, but I want to know how much it pays. Okay, now I did promote this a lot, Jared. So after the poll question, we'll play a couple John Kennedy quotes. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which voters should Biden be more concerned about losing? Far left Democrats or moderate independents? I think he should be concerned about losing all of them. I think it's more likely, you know, I always say, Jared, and I didn't coin this, but I heard it somewhere and it really resonated with me. That expression, Democrats always come home. And I don't know if that's true all the time, but it's definitely more true for Democrats than it is for conservatives. Conservatives will tend to go, "Oh, this person really makes my stomach turn. I can't vote for them. I just can't do it." Democrats really, the loyalty among Democrats is something to behold. That seems to be changing with this younger generation. They don't seem to be as enamored by the "we're all on the same team" type of situation. That's just what I'm gathering from the protests at the Senate cafeteria. So I think that based off the fact that in, for example, Michigan, the uncommitted vote got over 100,000 votes for uncommitted, I would say that it's almost a guarantee that a lot of these people are not gonna show up for Joe Biden unless he does something drastic to show that he hates Israel as much as they do. And again, I can't see him doing that either because then he risks losing moderate Democrats and independents. So I'm gonna say the far left. 17% for far left Democrats, 83% for moderate independents. And he keeps trying all these different things like, "Oh, you know, this giant multi-billion dollar student loan bribe." And look at this TikTok, and I'm reaching out to social media influencers. And I have a task force for climate change. And as Emma pointed out, you have to be able to follow the young people in the Democrat Party's list of priorities. And right now, their number one priority is being anti-Israel. That's why they have red paint on their hands. That's why they're sitting in traffic. That's why they're stopping plays from going on. They're interrupting Easter Sunday masses. It's because that protest, that form of activism right now, when it comes to being anti-Israel, when it comes to being pro-Hamas, that's their number one thing. And so all of these other things that Joe Biden is doing, they're just feeble attempts at winning these people back. What's that old expression? You can try to appease the alligator. And the alligator might not eat you right away, but he's gonna eat you. Might eat you last, but he's gonna eat you. And this is coming to fruition for Joe Biden. All decades and decades and decades on the left of constantly cowering to the loudest voices is finally catching up with them. You know what really reminds me of Jared? It reminds me of when you have a child and you make it clear from the beginning that that child is in charge and they can get whatever they want if they scream loud enough or throw a big enough tantrum. And you keep in order to keep the peace. You keep going, "Okay, here you go. Here you go. This what you want. Take it. Here you go. You want the ice cream? You want the candy? You want the video game?" And eventually, you lose control. The inmates running the asylum. And there's nothing you can do. You've created a monster. They have been appeasing this faction, this wing, as Nancy Pelosi called it. That's like those people. Well, those five people are loud and they seem to have a lot of pull with Chuck Schumer and the rest of the more moderate Democrats. Give me one John Kennedy here, Jared. I think I want to play -- I think I want to play cut four, please. This is Senator John Kennedy with Alejandro Mayorkas yesterday. And I think a vast majority of the American people who don't trust you believe in legal immigration. They don't believe in illegal immigration. And they think you do. And they think President Biden does. And they think that's why the border is open. And they think that your attitude and President Biden's attitude is that while they may be poorer under President Biden, that they're stupid enough to believe you and the President when you say that it's not your problem. I think that needed to be said. Yeah, and actually, Jared, play me one more here. I want to play -- I want to play cut three. I think well more than a majority of the American people think that as a result of your behavior and President Biden's behavior, our southern border is an open, bleeding wound. I think they believe that our southern border is chaotic. I think a vast majority of the American people believe that a lot of it is political. I think a vast majority of the American people believe that it is chaotic by design. Yeah. And that all of this is intentional. Yeah, and that's exactly the conversation we were having yesterday where a woman called up and she said, "Part of the problem is," and I told her, I said, "Well, you know what a bigger part of the problem is? They don't see any of this as a problem. We see it as a problem, but if it's what you want, if you want the border to be overrun, if you want everything to be chaotic, then this is mission accomplished." And the world is a very scary place right now. There is no doubt about that. Like I just said, it seems like the current administration is on a mission to make life more dangerous, to make you feel less safe, and make it harder for you to protect yourself, make it almost impossible for you to protect yourself. But luckily, flip-lock is here, and flip-lock can help protect you and your family. I really would like if you guys could go to to check out the video on how this works. It's such a simple design. It's one of those things you're going to look at it, and you're going to go, "Damn it, I could have thought of that. I could have thought of that. That's simple, but it works." And this is really cool. It's a door lock. It takes like five minutes to install it. Super easy to use. It's unpickable, it's unbreakable, and it's ten times stronger than a deadbolt. My mom calls me all the time. She's a very protective mama bear, and she says, "Do you make sure you deadbolt the door is the deadbolt on?" And I'll say, "Yeah, I turned the deadbolt. It's all good." But this is ten times stronger than a deadbolt. So it gives you peace of mind. If you want to send it to your grandkid who's at a dorm room for the first time, if you want to send it to your daughter, if she's bought her first home, this is a great, great way to protect your family in a world that has gone absolutely mad. So unfortunately, a lot of people think protecting themselves in their family means installing a lot of high-tech security cameras, things that rely on Wi-Fi and power. This is old school. This is a surefire way to make your door safer, to reinforce your door. It protects your family. It's worth every penny, and all you have to do is go to, You'll save 20% with CodeGrace20. Again, that's Save 20% CodeGrace20. I can't say enough about this device. I really like it. It's not expensive. It just works. And security doesn't need to be expensive. That's a myth. It just needs to be effective, and that's fliplock. So go to Save 20% with CodeGrace20. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ ♪♪ This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ Today's Car Crossovers brought to you by Toyota of Portsmouth, where you can enjoy a buying experience that is easy, personalized, and moves at your own pace. Car buying the way you want it to be, Toyota of Portsmouth, route one in Portsmouth. Joining us now is Howie Carr. Howie O.J. Simpson died yesterday at the age of 76. We opened it up to the callers, and someone did say they weren't really following the car chase, but during the trial, they would tune into your show, and you would give a brief synopsis every day of what craziness went on. Yeah, I remember the car chase more than anything else. Really? Yeah, that was -- I'll tell the story again. It was in my book, Paperboy. I told the story. It was the last day of Jerry Williams' sex surveys, and he thought that was going to rescue him, and it didn't rescue him, because everybody tuned into my play-by-play. Sometimes you got to go with the main story. You can't cling to him. Well, he did. He abandoned the sex survey at some point during the afternoon, but by then it was too late because everybody was listening to me. It's one of those things. Yeah, absolutely. Speaking of one of those things, howie, that you learn after years and years and years of doing this, one thing that you love to talk about is how when you were at the state house, you would oftentimes try to get people before they could get in the elevator. Yes. Well, Rashida Tyeib had another run-in with Hilary Vaughn, and you know howie I think is weird? She kind of never decides is she going to talk to the reporter or not. She tries to do this thing where she says, "Yells at the reporter and says, "I'm not going to talk to you." Well, you've already lost the game there. Right. Right. The best thing to do is to have two reporters and one elevator. And so then you keep throwing the questions back at the hack that you're trying to get. And then at some point, when they get in the elevator, one of you sticks your foot in the door and stops them. And then both of you start yelling questions at the hack. The politicians must have loved when they walked down the hallway and saw your face, Howie. Be back tomorrow!