The Howie Carr Radio Network

Tlaib Tantrum, Mayorkas Meltdown, and Woke or Joke | 4.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Tune in for some shrill audio of everyone's least favorite member of the squad. Then, Emma Foley joins for this week's round of Woke or Joke, the game portion of the show where callers vie for gift card prizes by guessing if a headline is real or fake.

Broadcast on:
11 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in today. Thank you to everyone who called in for that first hour. We started off the show by discussing the death of O.J. Simpson, dead at 76 from cancer. And we kind of went through some of the, I don't know if you want to call them, highlights or lowlights of the trial that changed the country for, you know, and really took the country by storm for a very long time. Joining us now on a different topic is Bob Price becoming one of my favorite new guests that we have. From Breitbart, we want to talk about the illegal immigration crisis and what's going on at our Texas border. But first, Bob, just on that other note, do you remember where you were when O.J. Simpson was on the run? Well, not specifically. I certainly remember watching it and it was a significant moment in cultural U.S. history. You know, I did watch O.J. as a player with the bills and was watching the night that he broke the record that stood for a long time for having the most number of yards rushing in a single season. You know, he had a tremendous career and then all of a sudden this turn and the things that happened in his life after sports where he allegedly murdered these two people and committed some other crimes that he went to prison for. So what a contrast in a life that showed so much promise early on and ended in kind of a disaster towards the end of his life. Yeah, yeah, really well said. Bob Price, the first thing I want to start with when it comes to the border was the Mayorkas impeachment hearings yesterday where Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana was asking him a lot of different questions. They went into whether or not this chaos at the border is intentional, which I know you can speak to. But there was part of this conversation that really made my antennas stick up and that was about illegal aliens and whether or not it counts towards congressional districts. I want to play this cut for you and get your reaction. This is cut five please, Jared. Isn't it a fact, Mr. Secretary, that the number of illegal immigrants that you and the President allow into our country counts for congressional districts? Yeah, it counts for congressional district reapportionment. Senator, I'm not sure I understand your question, but I can surely share with you that I disagree with its phrasing. Bob, I would like your reaction to that and tell us what you know about that topic in general. Well, if he didn't understand the question, then how could he disagree with his phrasing? That's a ridiculous retort to that. People ask me very frequently when we talk about the Biden administration's intentional decisions in January 2021 to reverse all of the highly successful programs of the Trump administration that reduced migrant crossings in April of 2020. President Trump's last year in office to just over 17,000 migrants for the entire southwest border for the entire month. We had more than that cross, you know, in two weeks last month, just in the Tucson sector. So that's the level of disaster that was put on there. But the answer to that question is to why they intentionally made this decision to wipe out that policy and open the floodgates, which they were told is what would happen if they change those policies. This is really about the only plausible explanation for it. During the Trump administration, President Trump's officials fought to have illegal aliens excluded from the census count because of this exact thing that it would create a proportional representation in, frankly, many of the liberal sanctuary states like California and New York. And, and the Democrats fought that tooth and nail. And now you see that question coming back to Secretary Marorquez. He knows full well the impact of that. He knows full well that every person living in a district is counted for congressional representation purposes is feigning not to understand the question. What's absurd. Yeah. And there's another element of this. And we were just talking about this, this crisis being intentional. And I oftentimes will have that conversation with listeners will talk about the problems that have shown up with this illegal immigration crisis. And I say, well, here's the issue. You think it's a problem and you're in the mindset of someone who's looking at it as a problem. But this administration clearly is not. It's not a problem. In fact, it's the goal. This was the mission was to open the border and let people in Joe Biden said it during the debates. Now, something else that I think is interesting when we look at the election, Bob, is that if you look back to 2016 and even if you look back to 2020. Some of the stances of Donald Trump that were politicized and kind of distorted by the media were things like building a wall or deporting people. That was used as like a scaremongering tactic. This is what Trump's going to do if he gets in charge. This is why you have to vote against Trump. Now, what's interesting is those same things. If the media reports on it, I think a lot of Americans are looking at those and going, oh, thank God. Thank God. This is his plan. If he gets in and it's actually beneficial for people to think that's what Trump's plan is. To that point, there's a number of Hispanic Americans who support a border wall, who support a deportation and stopping this crisis. So this is an Axios poll and it was released this week. It says four in 10 Hispanic Americans want a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. What's your reaction to that? I'm not surprised at all. We spend a lot of time down in the Rio Grande Valley and other parts of the Texas border where the Hispanic community is the vast majority of voters in that area. And when you look at how President Trump performed, even in the 2020 election, he outperformed previous Republicans in the area and actually won some of those traditionally Democrat counties down there because of his stance on the border. Because he wanted to enforce the law and did enforce the law and made the area more secure. President Biden was warned. I spoke with President Trump's outgoing CBP commissioner Mark Morgan in 2021 in January, and he told me that they were briefing the Biden administration incoming officials on what would happen if these policies were changed. They were warned. They knew exactly what was going on, and they intentionally changed it for this specific purpose so that they could reap the benefits of the increased populations in some of these areas. If you notice what's been happening over years, the last decade, people have been fleeing California. People have been fleeing New York State. And the only way he can survive and keep from hemorrhaging representation in Congress and more importantly to this coming election, the number of electoral votes that a district has or a state has is to pump up those numbers with illegal immigrants. Yeah, and Bob, the other part of this conversation that Joe Biden loves to go back to is, you know, how much power he has. It's amazing how when he doesn't want to do anything about a certain issue, he suddenly becomes powerless. He's a victim of circumstance. He didn't interview with Univision. And I want to read you this quote. He said, we're examining whether or not I have that power when when discussing, you know, shutting down the southern border. I would have that power under the legislation when the border has over 5,000 people a day trying to cross the border because you can't manage it, slow it up. There's no guarantee that I have that power all by myself without legislation. What do you make of that? Well, that's, that's already had the power to rescind the actions that President Trump had put in place. President Trump had the power to put those policies in place. And for him to say that he doesn't isn't aware that he has those authorities and yet in the same breath, he'll turn around and say that despite the Supreme Court telling him he can't forgive student debt loans that he's going to go ahead and do that anyway to the tune of what $300 billion in debt forgiveness. So he knows full well what if he's cognizant at the time. He knows full well what powers he has and what powers he can exercise. And one of the things that was in that bill that they tried to push through the Senate was that if migrants hit their emergency level of 5,000 per day, they would shut down the border. Well, if you can shut down the border at 5,000 migrants per day, why can't you shut down the border at 1,000 migrants per day or 100 migrants per day? You can either shut it down or you can't. Yeah, one thing we talk about, Bob, when it comes to these issues and voters and what kind of drives people to the polls, we oftentimes talk about the economy because it affects everyone and everyone has to buy groceries and everyone sees gas prices. As far as illegal immigration goes, this is starting to trump the border as a top. I mean, I'm sorry, this is starting to top the economy as the number one issue for people. Who do you find as far as voters go care the most about this? I assume that people in these border states care a lot, but now that we're seeing this kind of infiltrating into blue cities across the country, is that having an effect on people's priorities when they go to vote? So far, in every primary election that's been held this season, immigration and border security has been the number one issue, regardless of whether it's a border state like Texas or Florida or some of these others, or if it's an interior state like up in Pennsylvania. It's the other state's interior. Every time there's been a primary this year, the voters have said that this is their top priority, and it's because it has been such a disaster. And now these sanctuary cities like New York and Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, they're seeing the citizens are seeing the impact of this. Their schools are being closed down to make migrant shelters when Biden is flying in hundreds of thousands of people in the darkness of night and dropping them into these cities, dropping them into Texas, dropping them into Florida, and then they're being bused up to other countries, other cities around the country. And so they're feeling that impact. They're seeing their cost of housing going up. They're seeing their cost of wages going down. All as a result of these reckless policies of the Biden administration that were put in place intentionally. Yeah, and I do think that we are only seeing the beginning of how this is going to affect the election. Bob Price from Breitbart. Thank you so much for taking the time, sir. I know you're very busy. Can you let people know where they can follow you, where they can read your work and where they can listen to you and hear more? Well, certainly follow us on by part Bob Price BBTX at on on X and in Breitbart calm. The border border cartel chronicle section. Thanks again for having us on. We look forward to next time. All right. Awesome. Thank you, Bob. When we come back, we'll take your calls on this 844 542 42. I also do want to get to the cut of Hillary bond. We talked with David Harsani yesterday about the death to America voter. And his piece was centering around this rally that occurred in Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn has, I think, the highest population of Muslims in the country. And there was a rally on Al-Quds day where some of the speakers were chanting death to America, death to Israel and people were, you know, cheering along. Rashida Taib was asked for a comment on this. Now, keep in mind, anytime any Republican or any person in the world does anything wrong or it says anything racist says anything in support of J six says anything in support of whatever it is. Donald Trump is asked to comment on it. Hell, I'm asked to comment on it. And I'm a radio host in New England. Okay. I'm a radio host in Massachusetts. And you still are asked to denounce it to make sure that, you know, you make clear to everyone that you don't support that. Now, Rashida Taib is asked to condemn the group of activists chanting death to America. And she can't manage to do that for most people. That's an easy one for most people. But then again, I think she was asked to condemn the killing of babies in Israel. And she also grappled with that one for a while. She ran into the elevator. That's becoming a theme for Rashida Taib escaping to the elevator. So don't go anywhere. We will get to that when we return. But first, I want to let you know that the Nossa Beach Inn is such a beautiful place. I'm currently going back and forth with Dave Hengi figuring out which weekend I'm going to choose for my Nossa Beach getaway. And I'm so excited to check out the fire pits to check out the surrounding area on the Cape. Hit up some restaurants, maybe stop by Moby Dix. There's so much to do on Cape Cod. And really just to take in the tranquil vibe, the beautiful views, the ocean. And just relax and enjoy Jared. And hopefully I'm able to do that. Yeah, that's exactly what you'll be able to do down at the Nossa Beach Inn. My wife and I went. We absolutely loved it. You mentioned the fire pits. We drank our morning coffee by the fire pits. As we watched the sunrise, it's just one of those special moments that you have in life. And Nossa Beach Inn is a great place to have them, especially this time of year. You know, we went in December, which is the off season, but April and May is still kind of the off slash preseason before the summer really starts humming. So that's the time to get down there where you can enjoy it. But you do want to get on this quick. We had Dave on for the Grace's goodies. And he did mention that reservations are going fast. So hurry up and get on this deal now at this price. Absolutely. And right now you can stay at the Nossa Beach Inn for $2.49.99 a night. And this May rates are from $2.59.99 a night. That's a great deal, no matter how you slice it. So go to That's We will be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houten in Nashua. Call 1A44 a Perfect Smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which voters should Biden be more concerned about losing? Are left Democrats or moderate independents? I'm going to say, well, I think he's at risk of losing both right now, which for me would be best case scenario. But I'm going to say that the sure thing in my mind are the far left Democrats. Not only have they voted uncommitted, but they will not be satisfied. They will not be placated by a student loan debt cancellation or Joe Biden made a TikTok or Joe Biden's really mad at Beebe Netanyahu behind the scenes. These people are barging into cafeterias and stopping traffic and painting their hands red. It's going to take a little bit more. They're not as easily bought as some other voters might be. And so no, I'm going to say, I'm going to say the far left. Up to 18% now for the far left Democrats, still 82% think moderate independents are a bigger concern for Joe. I have a piece up right now and I'm going to plug it as long as I can because it takes a lot more brain power these days for me to get one of these out. Why Biden and Trump risk upsetting the base? And I talk a little bit about the 1864 abortion ban ruling from the Arizona Supreme Court and the repercussions that Trump is facing from pro-life activists and pro-life organizations versus the wrath that Joe Biden is facing with his activist base. And my final conclusion, not to spoil it because I think it's worth reading the whole thing, but my final conclusion is basically that the pro-life activists, for example, Jared, the Susan B. Anthony organization came out with a statement where the president of the organization said we're disappointed in Donald Trump. So that immediately caught fire, like every, the Hill, Fox, everybody had pro-life activists organization, biggest pro-lifers, disappointed in Trump, deeply disappointed in Trump. And you read that and you go, "Oh, Trump, your big supporter is about to leave you in the lurch. They're so mad at you." And then if you read the last line of the statement from this woman, it says, "We are very committed to defeating Joe Biden." In other words, we are going to choose what we see as the lesser of two evils here. We're not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We're not going to not vote for Donald Trump in hopes that Joe Biden is going to be the biggest proponent for pro-lifers. And I gave the example yesterday, I got to check if my editor left it in because he might have said no way, but my example was Trump doesn't have to be the most pro-life candidate ever. We're just talking politics here. He just has to not be as pro-abortion as Joe Biden. It's like when a bear is chasing you and your friend, you don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than your friend. And when it comes to outrunning Joe Biden on the abortion conversation, that's not hard. That's not difficult at all. Joe Biden won't even put a limit on it. So it's very easy for Trump to say, "Hey, pick your poison here because you can be mad at me, but that doesn't mean that you should go vote for Joe Biden." And I think that the pro-lifers understand that. I don't think that same argument translates to the far left anti-Israel radicals. I don't think you can say, "Hey, and the women on the view have tried to do this. Hey, you think that you don't like the way I'm handling it. Trump's going to handle it worse. I don't think they care about that. They can't see past their own anger, their own rage. We'll be right back. [MUSIC] Live from the Aviva Tratria studio. [MUSIC] Hello, everyone. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. A lot to get to today. O.J. Simpson, dead at 76, died yesterday, according to a statement his family put out on his Twitter account. We were going over in the first hour, you know, what people remember about that time, the trial, the verdict. I was too, so I have no memory. Someone who has even less memory than I do joins us now, Emma Foley. So you only found out about it when you got older through pop culture media references. Yes, yeah, I was not a thought in anyone's mind. I was born in '99. That's insane. I think, if I remember correctly, my parents told me they were at a bar, so there were some of those people that were watching the chase at the bar. All the TVs had it on. Yeah, that's a time as the bartender. You know, you've got to wait. Yeah, I can't remember which game, but it was a game in the NBA Finals, was going on between the Knicks and the New York Knicks and the Houston Rockets. And they cut into the NBA Finals game, and they showed some of the chase, and then they kind of went back to a split screen. I was going to say. So people that were at the sports bar watching the Knicks Rockets game, the Finals game, all of a sudden, it's like, "Oh, it's just OJ in a slow-moving vehicle." You're getting a two-for-one. You're watching the game and you're seeing a car chase. Five-oh-eight pointed out, like there was tons of stuff coming out about. Al Cowling was driving the Bronco, and apparently OJ was in the back with a gun to his head, and people thought he was going to commit suicide during that, which I forgot about that. So yeah, there was all kinds of, I mean, it was just, it was insane what was going on. Yeah, and we'll take more of your calls on this, because I know there's a lot of people who still didn't get to get their two cents in. But first, it's time for Woke or Joke, which is brought to you by Aviva Trateria. A gift card to Aviva Trateria is the perfect gift for any occasion. A lot of you grabbed your gift cards yesterday during Grace's goodies. You can also pick one up at any of their locations to find the one nearest you. Go to The number, if you want to participate in Woke or Joke is 844-542-42. Again, that's 844-542. If you don't get on, keep trying, because as people drop off, we let new people on. And Jared, play that funky music. Everything Woke turns to sh*t, okay? I started a joke. Take care, Woke. The word "woke" means "loser". And a joke, but on me. All right, again, that's 844-542-42, so call in now to participate in Woke or Joke. Emma Foley is here to read the headlines. Let's start with Ed. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? Your headline. All right, Ed, here is your headline. Joe Biden's office launches out for Biden Harris, a re-election initiative for LGBTQ+ voters. Joke? That's Woke. Sorry, Ed. I do think I saw a headline in somewhere. Give me a little more info. So according to the Biden Harris campaign, the election in 2020 saw almost 11,000 LGBTQ+ volunteers who played a key role in the election. So out for Biden Harris hopes to provide tools for the community to organize within their networks. These tools include drag queens, elected officials, and LGBTQ+ friendly faith leaders. But you know what Emma? I've noticed that a lot of the LGBTQ community that typically supports Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are also part of the anti-Israel protesting movement. The Venn diagram shows there's a little bit of a crossover there, which is obviously ironic because LGBTQ+ people are not treated very nicely in Gaza. But that's neither here nor there. Do you think there's a possibility that that interferes with the amount of support that Joe and Kamala are going to receive from that community? I think the pro-Palestine issue is vogue for leftists right now, and I think that will Trump, the LGBTQ stuff, you're also seeing Melania Trump reach out to that community in hopes that they can switch and vote for Trump. So we'll have to see. Melania Trump is a weapon as far as campaigning goes. People do really like her. She manages to kind of stay above the fray. So we'll keep an eye on that. Tony, you're next up with Emma Foley on Woker joke. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? I'm ready. Okay. All right, Tony. Here is your headline. That makes historic change to game with less competitive, inclusive version to appeal to Gen Z. You're gonna go joke. That's woke as well. Oh my gosh. She doesn't mess around. Not a joke. Not a joke. Sorry, Tony. I did see this as well. This is the thing is that if you're not watching like constant Chiron show up, you might miss it. I did see this and I'm not a scrabble. I am. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I am not super toot my own horn about things, but I'm a beast at scrabble. So this one hit home. You're really not a toot your own horn. Yeah, I don't really talk about scrabble around the office, but she doesn't want to get me. You don't want to get me going. But for the first time in 75 years, Mattel is making a major change to the iconic board game touting a no more scoring gameplay option. So instead of scoring for your words, counting up how many points each letter gets, there are challenge cards. So if you play a horizontal word or a three letter word or a word that touches the edge of the board, you get points for your goal, your challenge card. And then the first person who completes 20 challenges wins. That's the common course. But it's yeah. I still get points, but you only get points for you can only go up to 20. And it's only about how many challenges you complete. I was never a scrabble. The challenges are there like climbing the rope and gym class challenges or like run around the house. Yeah. Um, for example, if you play a horizontal word instead of a vertical word, that's a challenge. Yes. Well, it's for Gen Z. They found the directions on the board. They found the Gen Z people don't quite like the competitive nature of scrabble as they play something else. You definitely don't want to play monopoly. That gets really heated. Just amazed that completing a word in a game of word completion is considered a challenge. I was never a huge scrabble person. And it's probably because it's a little bit of a more intellectual board game. I prefer the really simple ones, like trouble. Were you ever a trouble girl? No. Do you know they're making? Making a movie for monopoly now. That's going to be the new Barbie. Makes sense because it's the same same brand. Yeah. Me too. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, get on the lines now for woke or joke and you'll be able to answer what you think of this headline. Next up on Walker joke is Joe. Are you ready, Joe? Ready. Okay. All right, Joe. Here is your headline. Joining the OJ chase could have lasted if you were driving a hybrid joke. That is a joke. Correct. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. I don't even know what he was driving a Bronco. Well, Cowling was driving a white Ford Bronco. OJ was a passenger, apparently. And then how did it end? They he eventually pulled over and they got him. They pulled over back in the Brentwood neighborhood, if I remember correctly. And did he just kind of act like, oh, were you guys following me? I didn't realize. I'm sorry. I would have. Yeah. It was kind of like he just came back from the drive through. He just kind of stopped. Hey, what's up, guys? It's me, juice. Where were you guys behind me that whole time? Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I do want to just take one minute here, Emma, and let people know that Joe Biden's former, I don't know if anyone's seen this story, and I'm actually surprised it's not a bigger deal. But while we get people on the lines, Joe Biden's former chief of staff, Ron Clayne, he was kind of the, for a while, he was considered like the golden boy of the Biden administration. There's audio that was recorded of him at a private event. It's obscenity filled critique of the current president. And he kept referring to how Joe Biden's going to all of these ribbon cutting events. He said he does two or three events a week where he's cutting a ribbon on a bridge and here's a bridge. Like I tell you, if you go into the grocery store, you go to the grocery store and, you know, eggs and milk are expensive. The fact that there's a bleeping bridge is not, and then he said something not audible, and he said he's not a congressman. He's not running for Congress. I think it's a fool's errand. I think it also doesn't get covered that much because look, it's a bleeping bridge. Like it's a bridge and how interesting is the bridge? It's a little interesting, but it's not a lot interesting. So that's Ron clean talking about Joe Biden saying he's not a congressman. He's not running for Congress, which as Red State points out, some of them might want to tell him that because there have been times before where he thought he was running for Congress. All right. Let's go back to Tony. Now you're on the line. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? I sure am grace. Okay. Here we go. All right. Tony, here is your headline. Bad Bunny course at Wellesley dives deep into Puerto Rican culture. I'm going to have to go joke. Sorry, Tony. That is woke. So not a joke. Not a joke. It's okay, Tony. So there is this course at Wellesley College, which Wellesley was in the news recently. It's one of the first colleges to surpass $90,000 a year for tuition worth every penny, I'm sure. People alumni, Hillary Clinton, yes. And so they have created this course called Bad Bunny, Race, Gender and Empire in Reggae Ton. It's about Bad Bunny, but it's about a lot more than Bad Bunny, the professor says. They do this now, like at NYU, they'll have a course on Taylor Swift. And here's something I noticed, okay? And I don't want to be a damper. I know people love to get angry about things and far be it for me to stand in the way. People will freak out and conservative websites will write things pieces about how this is so stupid. They have a whole course in Taylor Swift. And it's like, I hate to break this to people. Colleges and universities have been having stupid classes about a whole lot of nothing for a very long time. My brother took mind of a golfer when he was at, I'm not going to name the school. But you could, if you wanted to take a silly class, I don't want to offend the golfers out there, but you could take a silly class. This isn't something new. People think it's new because it's a headline, but it's really, this is always how it's been done. Right, right. And Bad Bunny, if you're not familiar, is a Puerto Rican rapper, performer, Songster, I believe, dated Kendall Jenner for a stint there. And so, Petra Rivera-Ridue is the professor. She's a scholar of race, ethnic identity, and popular culture. She's going to teach the course. She claims we're definitely not sitting around watching music videos all day and fawning over him. These kids are doing a lot of work. Okay, let's go to Dan, your next up on Woker Joke, brought to you by a Viva Trattaria. Are you ready for your headline, Dan? Bring it on. Okay. All right, Dan. Here is your headline. Cocktail content creators jump on trending tag OJ with mimosas, sunrises, and more. Whoa, that's a joke. Sorry, Dan. Sorry, Dan. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. My uncle is texting me about where he was. Now this is what's happening. My whole family's reaching out to me to tell me where they were when OJ since it was on the run. This is going to be a fun text chain for the next couple of hours. He said, "I was with the rest of the curlies at a restaurant that later burned down in Brant Rock. I think your dad was watching basketball." Well, that would make sense, Jared, right? Because you said one of the final... Yeah, I think it was game five of the NBA finals. There you go. The more you know about the Curly Fam. Thank you, Emma Foley. Thank you, Viva Trattaria for sponsoring Woker Joke, and we will be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. You know what's another great story? I just made mention of Ron Klanger because I thought it was so weird. Remember when they talked to... I thought Ron Klain was a true believer in Biden because a lot of these Biden minions, they're like P. Buttigieg, they're political, you know, they're politically ambitious, they want to get ahead, they want power, and that kind of goes for everybody in the White House. But with Ron Klain, I just, maybe I'm naive, but I just thought there was something different. Like, I thought there was something about this guy. He had groupies called Cleaniacs, and they would go around the halls going, "I'm a Cleaniac, Cleaniac on the floor." They didn't do that part, but they did call themselves Cleaniacs. And I just assumed that because he had such fans that he really believed in the mission, but then I guess behind closed doors, he's bashing Joe Biden talking about all he cares about is ribbon-cutting ceremonies with bleeping bridges, but I couldn't figure out based off this article, which again, credit to Bonchi from Red State. I can't figure out when these comments were made. I know Politico obtained the audio of him saying, "He's not a congressman, he's not running for Congress. I think it's kind of a fool's errand. I think that it also doesn't get covered that much because look, it's a bleeping bridge." Is he referring to the bridge in Baltimore? The Francis Scott Keys, or as some people like to call it, the Francis Scott King bridge? Or is he just referring to the idea of going to these bridges in general? Because we know that Joe Biden goes to all of these Midwestern states and delivers these... There was the bridge collapse in Pennsylvania. So maybe that was the one... A while back, which I think was, that was the one where he told the weird story about falling off a pipe in the Lackawanna River when his dad was buying candy for Little League. I remember that vividly. That was at the I-95 bridge collapse in Pennsylvania, so that's probably the one he was referencing. I'm sad for you that you remember that vividly. Oh, that's one of the best stories. It was one of his best old man, you know, ramble grandpa Simpson's stories. Like you walk across the Lackawanna River on a pipe if you fall in, they called you a lady. Yes, yes, yes, yes. My dad bought candy for the, you said, "Penny Candy" for the baseball field. Oh, what a taffy. Yo, well, it's one of your favorites, but it definitely wasn't one of Ron Cleans. No, another story that's not getting enough attention, and I will give this, I will give this more time. But, Jared, can we play Rashida Taib, because she was hounded by Hilary Vaughn, which, by the way, just round of applause for Hilary Vaughn doing an excellent job, doing the job that no one seems to want to do anymore, which is being a real reporter. Imagine? Imagine. What a crazy, crazy person she is. So she asked Rashida Taib about the death to America chance in Michigan. Take a listen. Congresswoman Talib. Fox News. I don't talk to Fox News. At a rally in your district, people were chanting death to America. Do you condemn? I'm not talk to Fox News. But do you condemn chance of death to America? I don't talk to people that use racist tropes. Why can't you just say whether or not you condemn people chanting death to America? Why are you afraid to talk to Fox? Fox News is not, listen, I mean, using racist tropes for my community is what Fox News is about. I don't talk to Fox News. It's death to America. Racist? It's the Fox News. It's chanting death to America, racist. Talking about your guys' racist tropes. You know, you guys know exactly what you do, and I know what you were saying before, but you guys got to go deal with it on your own self, you're not going to use me. Pause it here. We knew that it was going to happen that she's going to accuse Fox being a son of a phobic. You know, she's going to throw out all of these isms. She's going to project about how everybody else is wrong and, you know, everything she does is right. But here's something I thought. I always just think of it from the optics POV, because I'd consume a lot of this information. Do they not have someone behind the scenes? Like I know they all have handlers who open the elevator for them who make sure that it's there. Does nobody say like, okay, let's, let's decide right now. Are we going to talk to the reporter or are we not going to talk to the reporter? Because if I were in charge of the tieybe, teen tieybe, I would say to her, you either talk to the reporter or you don't, but you don't do this weird middle ground thing of saying, I'm not going to talk to you, but here's 15 seconds of me screaming at you about how racist you are. That to me is the worst thing you can do. It's like pick a lane, either, either dart towards that elevator and say nothing or have a conversation with them. But this wavering and yelling about how everyone's Islamophobic, it's not a good look. We'll be right back. We got more to get to and John Kerry's daughter is carrying on the climate torch. You made it through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March. Now the longer warmer days are finally on their way. Spring means more flowers and sunshine. 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