Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 43

Broadcast on:
11 Apr 2024
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Mepem Gimelamadala from the top line, we have a new Mishnah Mafkid Maitrei sales. Let's say you deposit money. Now there's going to be three characters, you could deposit money by I underlined here Shul Khan, three lines later I underlined the Balabayas and two lines below that, I underlined the Khan Vani. So if you deposit money with a Shul Khan, with a money changer, it depends how you gave it to him. A or B. A. Inks Reuwen, if they were bound up, let's say you had it wrapped up in a kerchief, low Yishtamish Bahen, then the Shul Khan, you should not use that money. Le Fika, and therefore, since you can't really use it, Imavdu, if the money got lost, Enochai Bahreusan, the Shul Khan is not responsible for compensation, because you can't really use it. However, B. Mutaren, if the money was just not wrapped up, but rather like a stack of coins, Yishtamish, and the Shul Khan can definitely use them, Le Fika, therefore, since he can use them, Imavdu, if they got lost, then he would be high Bahreusan, he's totally liable and responsible for replacing them. Kama, it's a Balabayas, we only learn the Balabayas, let's say a person deposits money by a typical homeowner, a regular guy. Well, Bainsur and B. Mutaren, whether it's wrapped up the money, whether it's just unwrapped, just loose, like a bunch of coins, low Yishtamish Bahen, the Balabayas, unless he has permission is not allowed to use them, Le Fika, therefore, Imavdu, if they get lost, Enochai Bahreusan, the Balabayas is not responsible for replacing them. Kama, now the Khan Vani is kind of in the middle, the Khan Vani is not a Balabas, he's got a little bit of money, he spends it, and it's also on the other stream, when Shul Khan is always constantly money and money out, money and money out, so the Khan Vani, the shop owner, is like the Balabayas, according to a B. Mayor, same's in, and we box for a few who don't, who says, no, the Khan Vani is like the Shul Khan, so this middle status of a Khan Vani is Maklokas Tanoyim, as to what he can or can't do with the money and what his level of liability, responsibility would be for the money if it was lost. It says the Gamara, Mishum did swear him, Lo Yishtamish, just because the money is wrapped up, the Shul Khan, Lo Yishtamish Bahen shouldn't use the money, and how do we know, when we say that, just because he gave it wrapped up, he doesn't want it to be used, like if we said the money was not wrapped, the Shul Khan can use it, so why just because it was wrapped, is the Shul Khan is supposed to understand, he's not supposed to use it, Amaravasi, Amaravu Huda, Amaravu Huda, Amaravu Huda, because not only was it sort of wrapped in a Kirchief, Bizruhren, the Khazum in Shando, and there was like a seal on it, some sort of signature which clearly indicated that when a deposit did it, wanted to stay like that. Khamara of Muri, Ayunul and Amar, Bekeshir Mishuna, the way it was tied up was a very unusual way, which obviously a money changer would realize that the intention of the one who gave him the cash was just that he wanted it to be held by the Shul Khan and not used. Khamma Ikadamri, a squidler of the Ikadamri, boyir of Muri, not the Muri setup, but Muri asked, let's say there was a Keshir Mishuna, let's say the one who deposited the money, with the money changer, had some sort of strange nod, is that indicative of the fact that he didn't want it to be used or not, and the more answers were they, Taeku. Mutar and Yistamish Mahan said the Mishnah, if the money was just open, meaning like a pile of money, then the Shul Khan can use it, Amar, Rav, Huna, Vafilo, Nensu. When the Mishnah said that the Shul Khan would be high for the Acherayas, that means no matter what happens, even if he didn't use them, since he's basically like a Shul Yolan on these items, he would be responsible. Even if it was an Anas, even if it was something totally beyond his normal control. Ayvaha ofdu katanya, but ofdu in right angles, the Mishnah and Seitha, Mishnah said if it was lost, he is responsible, but not like if something beyond his control happens. Well, actually we're going to understand this, ofdu, like Anansu, Khadir, Rav, like we have a few times, in this Massesta, like Rav was said, Amaraba, Nignavu, at times can be in Bilista, Mizrion, with an armed bandit, which is sort of like that's typical case of Ainess, where it's beyond your control. And ofdu was lost, is what's lost to Tovus, Finossa, Bion, was on a boat, but the boat sank its sea, and that's totally behind your control, but yet that's what ofdu means occasionally, and that's what it means over here. Ofdu would be a type of of ofdu, which is even an Ainess. That's Ravuna. Rav Naqiman, who we circled, also, Amar, Nignavu, Nignavu, low. But when the Mishnah said if they get lost, he's responsible, that's specifically gets lost, but if an onus happened, he would not be. Now that's as long as he hasn't used the money, he's not considered yet a shoyah. If they get lost, however, then he would be high because it's like a shaymer, Sakhara was responsible for things that are lost. Amarly Rav, Ayunul and Ravah, he's the sister of Naqiman. Ledid, Khad, according to Yudha, Amras, Nen Suleil, that if something like crazy beyond his control happens, he's not responsible. Alma, it seems like from that, Lohave, Shai-la Lai, that he's clearly not a Shai-la, if he was a Shai-la, he'd be liable, but we're saying he's not liable, so he must not be a shoyah. Well, he's not a Shai-la, because he hasn't been given to him like to do anything with Shai-la Lohave. Apparently, he's probably not a Shai-la as well. Amarly says back Rav Naqiman to Ravah, "I sort of agree with you, Be-ha, and this issue at least may Dina-laq, de ho-yo-venneh-neh-neh-neh-neh-neh." Since he gets benefit, he also gives benefit. What's the benefit he gets? What's the benefit he gives? Be-ha-hu-an-ah, let's say a good deal comes up, and he otherwise wouldn't have cash money, but now he does. Be-ha-hu-an-ah, for that benefit, that de-i mis-rami-lei, zvina, if a good, something where purchase comes up, de-is-bei Rav-ha, that if he can make like a profit on it, zvina-ba-hu-hu-hil use the money to buy it. With that, ha-na-ah, ha-ve-a-la is Shai-mar-sah-har, and a result of that is that he becomes sort of a Shai-mar-sah-har. What's this? Are the ability to use the cash quick, if he needs it? Ka-ma. Institute of Naqiman lit Rav-hu-na. When I go back to the original barley, Pluk-ta Rav-hu-na, Rav-hu-na, Rav-naqinu says no. Rav-hu-na means da-f-kav-du, or as Rav-hu-na says it means even nensu. Well, what are you going to do with this tenaic source? This tenaic source goes for three lines plus two words, and it is dealing with a-the temple treasure. A temple treasure deals with the Holy Temple funds. He has some Holy Temple funds, which he deposits, and he doesn't realize the Holy Temple funds, he sort of got mixed up, but he deposits a maf-kit-mau, he's a social honey with the money-changer, and then, you know, if somebody uses Holy Temple funds, there's a isra of mihi-la, misuse of Holy Temple funds. So when he deposited the gizbar, the treasure of the-one of the treasure of the temple, deposited this money with the shul-kani imsruin, lai-shtang-ish-mahind. So if they were wrapped up, the shul-kani shouldn't use them, le-fi-kah-im-hoitzi, and therefore, if the shul-kani did use them, he should not expose them, but if he did, well, lai-mau-lai-gizbar, the gizbar is not going to be over mihi-la, because he gave it in such a way that it was indicative that it should be used. However, kama-fi-moutar, and if he just gave like a chunk of change, yish-tang-ish-mahind, the shul-kani can use them, and therefore, le-fi-kah, therefore, im-hoitzi, I double-em-lin-the-word hoitzi, if the shul-kani used them, spent them on whatever, then mau-ha-gizbar. The gizbar is one who is over the mihi-la. Okay, that's the end of the today's source, kama-connector, to eat on this. If you're going to try to take the position, like Rifuna did, that a-filo-ne-su, that the author of the mission would hide the shul-kani in their akh-rise, it turns out that from the time they were deposited with him, like even way before he actually spent it, it already left the rish-us of ha-tish and became the shul-kani's, and it's basically as though he had lent him the money. And you can't imagine, like, any bigger, using money than to lend it to someone. So why would you have to actually hoitzi? So the amr-safilo-ne-n-su, my area, put the word in right angles, hoitzi, which we double underlined in the today's source two lines ago, afilo-hoitzi-nami, even if you didn't spend anything, it basically gave it to him as a loan to be able to use, for sure do you want in that? That can't get a bigger hoitzi than that. Am-ra-laysa says back, Rifuna, tour-of-nashman, nope, who I did, afugab-de-loitzi. The truth is, even if he didn't spend them, why then did you mention hoitzi? Because since two lines earlier in the today's source, the idea to time of the ratio, you needed to teach hoitzi that the shul-kani actually spent them. The gizbar is not over me, ya-la. Tana-safa, the safest case was not me, hoitzi, where then the gizbar would yeth be over me, ya-la. New mission. The mission is to say, you have a deposit that somebody gave you of some item, and you were shul-e-ah-yad. You, um, sent forth your hand. Okay. Three-way-mouth-like-a space. Shamai, who I boxed. A line later, I boxed base hilo. A line later, I boxed for bikiva. Space. Shamai says yi-laka be-ha-sar u-be-ya-sar. Now, we know that there's items, and the items can fluctuate in what they are worth, depending on market tendencies, time of year, scarcity, et cetera. So, let's say, uh, pecan, which was given, and we know, uh, in process of pay, as, as, uh, you know, a compensation for, he wasn't supposed to touch the pecan. Let's say it went up in price, that's it, it went down in price. Well, be-shamai says yi-la ke-ba-ha-sar u-be-ya-sar. He, um, didn't spend them, um, then he can give the item back. If he did spend or use it, uh, then, uh, he is yi-laka, he gets, um, like a punisher, smitten, or hit, with kha-sar u-be-ya-sar. So, if they're worth more now, he apparently has to pay more. If they're worth less, he doesn't get less, he has to pay the same amount they were worth before. Um, he basically loses at both directions. Be-silo says be-sha-sar, be-shka-sha-sar, uh, the words I'm explaining both be-silo and re-be-kew. What it literally means is, uh, according to the value of the time, it was, uh, brought forth. Um, re-be-kew-a says k-sha-sar-sar-t-t-v-ya, uh, like the time that it was the court case where he was being sued to, um, compensate. Says the demara, amar, uh, we have roba, the, uh, deers the inside margin ones to read roba. We, uh, circled, uh, roba, and, uh, here we have a case. (speaks in foreign language) Somebody who stole a barrel of wine from his friend, um, now the easiest thing is, just give it back. But let's say mi yikara sha-vuzuzu, when he stole it, it was worth one dollar, hash tashavi arba, and that was worth four dollars. So it depends. A, ta vra, oi, sha-sia, let's say, uh, but when it was worth four, he, the barrel broke, or he drank it. How much does he have to pay? Michalim arba piz, four, cause that's what it's worth at the time that he, um, ruined it or drank it. B, it marmam, it's marmamela, if the barrel was, I guess, um, uh, faulty and it broke on its own, then Michalim zuza, he pays, uh, one, uh, dollar. Okay. Comma. Now let's get a little bit of explanation here. My time, uh, why, why is that? So as far as the aid in that if, uh, he broke the barrel, or he drank it, he has to pay four, kevin de isa, hajulim arba ina, since, let's say a minute before he drank it. If it was there, which it was, and the owner came for it, well, the owner would get it back as it was. Okay. Well, how much was it worth at that time? And how much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? How much was it worth at that time? 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