Kayal and Company
She Is Putting Her Money Where Her Mouth Is
We've got Ellen to get to, we've got a few broadcasters, a few athletes to get to, and then also still ahead, Bobby Kennedy against the junk food lobbies. We're going to talk about that story, and also Jaguar. Jaguar. Jaguar. Yeah. How do you say that, by the way? Because I think Jaguar is incorrect. I think the way they say it, isn't it like Jaguar? Jaguar. That's how the British say it that way. Well, it's a British car. It's kind of hell like Will Ferrell said it in the SNL bit, right? Yeah. I say Jaguar. Yeah, me too. It's different than like, you know, the Jacksonville Jaguars, or the actual cat, right? But maybe Ellen and Portia, when they go over to the UK, they'll pronounce it Jaguar. Jaguar. Yeah. Always go back to that SNL skit with Jaguar and Will Ferrell is like, do you enjoy the luxury? Remember that bit? What was that bit called? I have no idea. You have no idea? Probably one that remembers it. Probably. That's all right. All right. Let's get to the news. Round number two, it's 705. The great Don Stenzland. And good morning, Kale and company News Live. We are sponsored this Thursday morning, November 21st sponsored by Piazza Autogroup this morning. So we do have words, some good news here that septa, and this is a huge union, septa, and the city have come to an agreement. So it's a one year deal. It's only a one year deal. But that strike has officially been averted. So we have that headline this morning. I want to get to another union story and that is dealing with that middle school stabbing that we talked about. Oh, yeah. With the 11 year old. Yeah. The two staffers still recovering after being stabbed according to police and authorities. This happened at the Castro Gardens middle school where this 11 year old was able to get through the metal metal detectors and Philadelphia school. Now the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers speaking out about this, calling it an epic administrative failure. And so ripping on, I guess, union procedures, the fact that no lockdown was called or anything of that nature and they are investigating the entire situation. But what happened here was it became clear that the child who they've confirmed had some kind of developmental and behavioral issues and challenges going on. So they knew about this. This is a Northeast Philadelphia middle school there. And so when it became clear that the student did have the knife and was threatening to stab people according to these accounts, what they're saying is that nobody, the procedure should have been, you know, somebody should have called the lockdown. Now there was a lockdown that did go into place after the fact. It sounds like, yeah, because I know Monique Braxton spoke out about it. She's a spokesperson, used to work for NBC 10 and so on. But the spokesperson came out and said there was a lockdown 90 days, but it looks like it was after the actual stavings began. It seems to me like, you know, when we look at where the liability is, it's not so much obviously on the 11 year old, right? Because they've got, you know, some sort of developmental issue. I don't even know that I can blame the metal detector because sometimes technology fails us. It's either the protocol in the school once we get past the metal detector, or again, as I mentioned yesterday, where are the parents in this situation, right? You're talking, we go back to what was the case that we covered in Michigan, where the parents were found liable for the murder of that child that went off, both the mom and the dad were, were tried separately. You have a kid that has some sort of, you know, mental, you know, disability. Don't you have to be aware of what your child is taking with him to school each day? I think the issue is, okay, okay, so I think there are multiple issues and multiple layers of what's going on here. So to your point, I just think that we have to rethink this issue of so-called mainstreaming kids that we know have serious developmental disabilities. I mean, this is a big controversy, you know, within education back in the day. All kids who were not mainstream would go to some other school, right? Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. And so that then affects, you know, the idea was that if you mainstream all these kids, just like in society, were mainstreamed, that it's better for everybody. I think, and so you're referring to like programs, quote back in the day, like IU 20, things like that? Yeah, I mean, schools, this is, you know, schools used to any, any child who was not able to be in the classroom and, and follow the mainstream curriculum, they, they would then go to some other school, whatever was going on with them, whether they were, you know, had developmental disabilities, behavioral, you know, all kinds of different disabilities and challenges, they just were deemed not able, not able to keep up with, you know, and just not able to process it and not able to go into the school, right? And socialize and function and, yeah. And so, and that had to do with kids who just had physical disabilities weren't allowed. Yeah. Then the schools said, you know what, it's better for everybody to be mainstreamed and even kids, and this is, there are controversies about this, that there are kids with physical disabilities because whether they have physical disabilities or they have other challenges, the average kid costs up to $100,000 when you have to staff for that one child. Yeah. A lot of districts say this is not fair, it's not a fair formula. So that's a, that is an ongoing issue right now. So in this particular case, I think they're just critical of all of the failures, epic failures that let these people down, but there's also, because they say there's disinvestment. In other words, the union wants more money, more resources, more personnel, more equipment. That's what the union is saying is the answer. Maybe you would say no, the answer is not to throw more money at this. The answer is that if you have a child who has developmental disabilities and who is violent, they need to be extracted from the mainstream school environment. That's another argument here. There are also stories of heroism that at least one of these, the woman who was, I guess, she's like a front, front secretary or paralegal who works there. She realized the kid had the knife and was running down the hall and saying, and I guess she was, she was one of the people's staff, but she was saying, lock your doors, lock your doors, and that was before nobody was calling a lockdown for some reason. She was the hero who decided to take it upon herself to try to protect people from this dangerous 11-year-old with a big knife. It's a horrible story of, and I think it's a microcosm for the reason we need to fix. At the top, we need to fix the Department of Education or empower local schools and local districts to deal with this stuff. Linda McMahon, line one. Yeah, right. We'll see. So, we have that going on in Philadelphia, and that's a big controversy, the union speaking out about it. I will tell you what, this is a follow-up, a kale and company news follow-up. Remember when we talked about George Norcross, and that there was this huge investigation, and he's obviously a huge political power broker in New Jersey, was a backer of, and he would back both Democrats and Republicans like former Governor-- Go to God Bob, right? And well, former Governor Chris Christie. Oh, Chris Christie. He's a big ally of Chris Christie. But now, one of the headlines is that federal authorities had listened in on Norcross's phones, this was back in 2016, a huge investigation of his relationship with John Dockery, the Philadelphia labor leader, obviously, who was convicted. And there was a whole investigation that we're now learning about, but the U.S. Attorney's Office never charged him. And they concluded that last year and decided not to pursue federal charges against George Norcross. Okay. So, that one is swirling. There was the news conference recently, and we talked about that, so there's just an update to that one. I wanted to give you that story. I was looking for, I don't know, some other news of the day. I thought this one was interesting. A new study says, "The worst time to have a baby is Christmas day." Yeah. Worst time to have a baby. Worst time or worst date, because if you're a Christmas baby-- Oh, yeah. That's true. You don't get-- you get gypped on presents. Yeah. I mean, even baby Jesus. I mean, you didn't have it. Yeah. Well, I've been kind of shortchanged because I was born January 3rd, so-- Yeah. That's a low energy birthday. It sucks. It's a low energy birthday. It's like an eight-day stretch of Christmas, New Year's, and my birthday, and everything is kind of lumped together. When you were a kid, nobody probably wanted to come to birthday parties, because they were all partied out after Christmas and New Year's Eve. Well, because I didn't have friends growing up at New Year's Eve, so-- That's true. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good question, the worst birthday. Christmas Day is probably-- The worst. Yeah. For people who celebrate. I would say the best is the Fourth of July. I mean, being born on your nation and fireworks now? No. Really? As a kid? Fourth of July, firework party? Your birthday? The problem with-- when you're a kid, you want a date when people can-- when people are around. Do you want to travel or doing things on the Fourth of July? What do you want? Like May 7th? I don't know. January 3rd is a bad birthday. It is. It is. It is. Yeah. Sorry. I just think-- they said that the reason in part that they said Christmas Day was the worst is that they said that nearly 90% of adults are stricken with extreme stress, leading up to the holiday season. And so having a baby on top of all of that-- and this was what to expect. There were all these different studies that they were talking about. I would disagree because I think that you get a-- like get out of jail free card. If you're pregnant, you're like, "Ah, pregnant. Can't cook. Can't wrap presents. Can't shop. Yeah. I'm pregnant. My mom went into labor with me during the 1984 Orange Bowl between Miami and Nebraska. And she had to go-- she had to go to the hospital. You wouldn't know that. And my dad said, "You got to hold on here. I've got Miami minus three and a half. It's a true story. I'm all went into labor during the Orange Bowl." These are the childhood stories. I care what's called. That's what my dad raised me on. Explains everything you've ever heard come out of my mouth. But I would say also they're quoting the fact that if you go into labor and it's Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, let's say New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, or especially Christmas Day, you're dealing with probably the least experienced-- Oh, yeah. That's true. That's true. All the newbies. And a bunch of people who don't want to be there either. Right. Oh, God. Another pregnancy. So here's my advice. Yeah. Here's your only hope. If your water breaks and it's Christmas Day, you want the hospital where there's a really experienced, awesome Jewish doctor. Yes. Who does-- right? Yes. Who says, "I'll be the men." I'll work Christmas Day. Amen. Right? And that's the guy or gal that you want. Yeah, no. I don't know how you brought up the fact that people can't handle the-- you said something about the stress. Yeah. It is stressful. It is. But we live in this world now, like stress all of a sudden is this new novel concept as if stress hasn't existed for the duration of mankind. It's just amazing that in today's society, people can't handle the everyday stress of life. Like, what do people do in the '60s with stress or the '40s? They handled it much better. Did they not? Interesting. And drank it. Okay. I'll throw out a zinger. What decades did you say the '40s, '50s and '60s? 40s and '60s. Decades I should have been. What happened in the '60s? I will say the women's movement. Okay. So what happens-- see, women were not appreciated. That's why the women's movement happened. And so women, like my grandma and my mom, they would say, "Oh, I'm just a housewife." And then went into the workforce and that sort of thing. So I will say that in the '40s and '50s and '60s, what happened was, or early '60s, women were in charge of all of this. Women were your mental health advocates. Women kept everything going great. Women made sure that the house, the children, the husband, everybody was healthy and happy. They made sure that all the meals were home-cooked. That's why you did not need. You didn't need boxed meals because they were made from scraps. That's right. And so it was our society's lack of appreciation of women that then led to-- Oh. Maybe it was-- I'm done. I agree with you. Yeah, I'm crazy. I don't know. Maybe it was just angry women, like on the view, who forced their throat. I don't know really what sort of-- Women at home making great home-cooked meals, less people were fat and obese. Think about it. That all on the floor. Yeah. So maybe now what we need is to go back to, you know, more women who say, "I want to--" We have a child care issue. "I want to stay home and I want to be a mom and I want to run things but be recognized for that and be celebrated." Mm-hmm. I'll just throw that out there. Maybe you think that's controversial, but-- No. You know, if you look at through our society, what started all of this, I suspect that's when it started. Because we told women who stayed home and have their babies and take care of themselves and their families-- Says the woman. Says the woman. I know. Who's a working mom. Home and sleep's two hours a day. So I do everything my mom did, but I do everything my dad did. So the women's movement is a total scam. Yeah. We're getting scammed. And the women who I know, I was just-- one son brought this up, there are women who I know who are full-time stay-at-home moms, their husbands cook, their husbands do the bulk of the grocery shopping, and their stay-at-home moms, and yet those women are like celebrating everybody goes, "Oh, she's home with the kids. She needs a break." Mm-hmm. Do you know what I mean? I mean, though, I think that's good that we celebrate. I'm sorry. Yeah. Did you watch "Mad Men"? I mean, like, it wasn't this ideal time back before the women's movement. I did watch "Mad Men," like, "Man, we're at the office cheating with our secretaries and drinking, and, you know, like, out for days and mistresses." I eat the Kennedy family. Come on, I think. Well, mom was home raising their three snot-nose kids. You know what I think it really is? It's poor parenting. Kids that haven't prepared their child for life, right? I remember my dad back in the day you say all the time, "Enjoy your childhood, because when the real world hits, I'm telling you, it's not going to be all puppy dogs and candy canes." And then you have a lot of these parents that are disconnected from their kid. They give them an iPad, and then these Gen Zers go out there, and then, "Oh, my God, I don't get home until six o'clock at night." Yeah. Did you think it was going to be like, "Does the rest of your life?" Here's the thing. Here's the thing. And I do agree with parts of what Donna's saying, but what I'm saying is, is that this ought to see workplace here is a better workplace, because we have female bosses here. This is a better show, because Don Stenzlen is on it. I'm saying that women are better in the workforce than a lot of men are, so to say that they need to be home and raising kids is ridiculous. Well, I don't mean all their entire careers. I just mean, have your kids when you're young, and then go into a workplace. Don, you should give commencement speeches on this and cause controversy. I know, right? And by the way, I loved Mad Men in the beginning, it got ridiculous, but not everybody was doing that, and not everybody looks like John Hamm or January Jones. Uh-huh. I mean, you know, that's what made the show these gorgeous people and whatever. But I do think that there's something to be said for that, that back in the day there were so many women who then were made to feel like they were less, because they were made to feel like, well, I can only be equal in society if I do what the men do. I think we just have to rework that whole thing. We have to say, you be you, if you want to stay home with the kids for five or ten years until their school age or whatever, then that's okay, and then get back into the workforce. Yeah. Do you see what I'm saying? That's my... I'm with you, Don. The hell is Stocker? He's wrong on this one. Shocking. No, I think there are parts of it we can rip apart. I just want to, I just don't want to talk about all the murder and mayhem that I talked about at 6 a.m. We want to talk about the fact that women shouldn't be in the workplace anymore, because Don was like, the women moving screwed us. Okay. All right. I'm sure parts of it, you know, parts of it did like any, any stupid movement like that did. Yeah. I, you know, the workplace is better because we have women in it. I'm telling you. It is. Men out of women's bathrooms in the workplace, which we will talk about coming up after the race. So let's get to, first of all, forecasts. I know it's a rainy, drab morning, and it's, it's not a pretty day in, in the city of Philadelphia. By the way, so be safe. There are a lot of accidents still that started about the 5 a.m. hour today, slipping, sliding, fender benders and road rage and all of that going on. So please be safe, a rainy morning, the rain will, you know, dribble out throughout the day. And, um, and the sun is supposed to allegedly peep out a little bit, but we're not going to break 60 degrees today, 51 degrees and brisk air sponsored by Piazza Otter group. Experience the joy of a new Volkswagen during the sign then drive sales event. So you can lease a new T1 from Piazza Volkswagen of Ardmore or Langhorn. That's with zero down or get 0% financing for 60 months. Zero zero down. Wow, zero percent financing for 60 months. Visit piazza vw.com for all the details. Piazza Otter group. Thank you for sponsoring Killen Company News Live 7 a.m. edition. All right, Tom. Thank you very much. About 25 minutes out from the cut sheet before we get there, though, a Sarah McBride update and Ellen DeGeneres update and everybody's fleeing social media for greener blue pastures. Weird, isn't it? I'll explain coming up. Killen Company. Talk Radio 1210. W.P.H.T. Uh, Thursday night football tonight, get ready to tackle the NFL with Van Dool in partnership with Valley Forge. 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See terms at sportsbook.fandoor.com, gambling problem, call 1-800-800-GAMBLAR. It's a killing company on demand from Talk Radio 1210 W.P.H.T. and the free Odyssey app. The story that we talked a lot about yesterday, I believe this was during the cut sheet, we played a lot of clips of Nancy Mason, what is going on on Capitol Hill with the first trans congress member to attempt to use, and as Don would say, technically a local story because Sarah McBride is a congresswoman from Delaware and yesterday, we actually gave you a couple of clips of Magamike, Mike Johnson. Remember, he came out, he was having a press conference and then he was asked about the situation, he was kind of deflecting, he was talking in circles, politically correct and then he came back out and issued a follow up statement. We speculated that somebody chewed him out, might have been Nancy Mace, might have been Marjorie Taylor Greene, might have been Trump all the way at the top, but we do have an update as this individual now will officially be banned from using women's bathrooms. House Speaker Mike Johnson has officially ruled that the first transgender member of Congress cannot use the women's bathrooms in a decision that will shake the U.S. Capitol, the story courtesy of the Daily Mail, newly elected Sarah McBride, who will become the first openly transgender lawmaker when sworn into office in January will indeed have to use the men's facilities. This is the culmination of Nancy Mace, Marjorie Taylor Greene, calling McBride a man, also accusing her of being mentally ill. I believe it was Marjorie Taylor Greene that called her a predator. I agree with the man, I agree, it's my belief that a lot of these individuals are dealing with some sort of mental health breakdown. I don't call this individual a predator. I don't think all of these individuals are predators. Some of them end up being that, but that is Marjorie Taylor Greene's words. I thought it was interesting too, when we talk about placating to the LGBTQ and specifically the T in that equation and that community, I was actually overselling the numbers. It's actually staggering how very little transgender individuals there are in the United States, which also I think illustrates the absurdity that they should be permitted to play in women's sports or use women's bathrooms or women's locker rooms, because according to data, the number of adults who identify as transgender in the US is between a half percent and 1.6%. So when we talk about a country of, I don't know, 330, 340, 350 million people, we're talking anywhere from 0.5% of the population to 1.6%. Delaware Congresswoman elect Sarah McBride issued a statement in regards to Mike Johnson's official ruling yesterday, saying, quote, I'm not here to fight about bathrooms. Thank you, Phil. You can see the statement on YouTube. I'm here to fight for all Delaware and to bring down costs facing families like all members. I will follow the rules as outlined by Speaker Johnson, even if I disagree with them, this effort to distract from the real issues facing this country hasn't distracted me over the last several days as I've remained hard at work preparing to represent the greatest state in the union come January. You can see more of the statement there. So Sarah McBride actually respecting a rule unlike Bob Casey and some Democrats disregarding the rule of law here in Pennsylvania from the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court. So just wanted to give that update, because I know we spent, I don't know, 15, 20 minutes on the subject at hand yesterday during the cut sheet from Sarah McBride to Ellen DeGeneres. Let's have some conversation about this because we mentioned it right off the top this morning in the six o'clock hour, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi have been adieu to the United States after Donald Trump's election win and they have relocated TMZ was the first breaking the story last night, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Ellen and Portia have settled in a new home in the Cotswolds, a region in Southwest England, about two hours from London. TMZ says they were told that the couple scooped up the place before the election, but were quote, very disillusioned with Trump's victory. And as one source put it, they immediately decided to quote, get the hell out. If you haven't been paying attention, Ellen was one of the high profile donors to Kamala Harris and her campaign, cutting a check for $3300. The former talk show personality wrote at the time, quote, there's nothing more powerful than a woman whose time has come. I can't wait for Kamala Harris to be our next president. And apparently they are attempting to sell their Southern California mansion, which is listed at a whopping $96 million about that. So nice. First of all, I think you're absolutely sick in the head if you decide to leave the country over who is elected president. But in a weird way, I have to give her credit because at least she kind of put her money where her mouth is. I mean, we've had how many, what is it, Barbara Streisand, you know, all these deranged people that have allowed Donald Trump to deteriorate their mental health, that they make these claims and then they never go. And that's the beauty. That's what I always say. If you don't like it, leave. Ellen DeGeneres, you don't like it. Well, apparently she has decided to leave in some sort of, I'll show you, I'll take my business elsewhere, by the way, good luck selling that $96 million mansion. I'm not sure that there's a huge market for property that starts at almost $100 million. But don't you just find it incredible how many people are just losing their lid over the fact that an election did not go their way? Like you can be mad, you can rant and rave on social media, you know, we've all been there, right? Something doesn't go the way we had hoped for it. And you know, you go through the seven stages of grief, you know, the whole bit. And now you have this other concept that people are, you know, for those that don't relocate and actually leave the country, they're leaving Twitter and you're going to hear a clip. I think we have this on the cut sheet coming up at 745. Harry and talking about Elon Musk's net worth and what exactly X looks like in the last two years under Elon's ownership. And now everybody's creating these blue sky accounts, right? You know, we talked about Don Lemon and Joy Reid, they're going to sign off from X, it's full of racism and homophobia in sexist commentary. And they go to this new thing called blue sky, which I've seen screenshots of people's blue sky accounts that they're promoting as they sign off of social media. It looks identical to Twitter, but yet they're claiming like it's this, you know, anti Twitter left wing social media safe space. And you've had countless people that have gone to it and promoted it. LeBron James is now saying he's getting off of social media for the time being because there's just too much negative commentary on social media. Look, there's all sorts of negative stuff on social media. It's never driven me to the point where I felt like I need to announce publicly that I'm taking time off from said app. I think the self righteous self absorbed mentality of letting people know you're taking a social media time out is really, really disillusioned. And then I want to bring up this last guy. And I'm going to guess that most people in this audience do not know the name unless you are a passionate sports consumer on top of politics. There's a broadcaster for ESPN and he does NBA and he also does college football. His name is Mark Jones, and he's probably the most left wing guy at ESPN. He has decided also to quit X and go to blue sky. He says that X is too hateful and I want to read out some of the tweets and the claims that he has made ever since the Colin Kaepernick situation, basically the the to the presidency of Donald Trump. And keep in mind, this is a guy and we talked about the view. We've talked about ABC. We've talked about Woke Snow White with Disney ESPN is also a Disney property. And I want to read some of the accusations that this guy has made as he has kept his job as a sports broadcaster. And if this was in the other scenario of a conservative making claims like this on social media, their employer would zip them quick, fast and in a hurry. But here's some of the claims that Mark Jones has made. He has made baseless accusations. Now keep in mind, he's a college football broadcaster that stadium police officers that give him a police escort into the venues in which he is calling college football games on a Saturday, we're going to shoot him dead because he is black. He has posted tweets telling Rush Limbaugh to rot in hell the day his wife announced that Rush Limbaugh died of lung cancer. He has lied about the police murdering Jacob Blake. If you recall that case, Jacob Blake is still alive. He is called Steven a Smith, a racial word that starts with a letter C. It's a four letter word. I will not repeat the word on the air. He has posted posts on social media about his white colleagues and bosses blind to racism in front of him. He has tweeted celebrating Nick Bosa, 49er defensive and big Trump supporter, tearing his ACL as quote payback for standing for the national anthem and supporting Donald Trump. Mark Jones has also claimed that the Batman character is rooted in racism. So now you know he's got a mental health issue. He's he's thinking Batman is racist. He has posted a photo saying Don get ready for this one. Maga women are skanks. He has posted claims that Ron DeSantis is a member of the KKK and ESPN and let's him get away with all this stuff. He yes. He has claimed that Aaron nice sexist imagine if a Republican leaning guy on Fox or anywhere said that that women who are Democrats are that like just imagine what everybody's heads would explode. That person would be fired. They would have to apologize and disgrace fill hold on to your bootstraps in the back. He claims that Aaron Rodgers is a member of QAnon. He's made statements that white people quote appropriated Jesus and he is debunked claims that the police shot Brianna Taylor when they saw her skin color. He's not wrong about the Jesus I mean this is a guy who has paid the broadcast college football and NBA basketball games and his social media feed is littered with stuff. And I'm I'm not for cancel culture. I'm all for free speech, but we do live in a world of culture of consequences and consequences and consequence culture. I don't know some of those statements that you're making as a paid employee about sports. I don't know man. I find it. I find it very very suspect that ESPN or whoever is employer is it is ESPN. Yes. Disney employee lets him get away with that. That's right. I mean that's right. And the second they fire him he'll claim races of course and then of course and that's why they're scared to do anything about it because they don't want to get hit with the lawsuit. So it's I just find it the hypocrisy staggering that you say there's so much hate and negative commentary on ugly social media outlets. You promote that you're leaving and going elsewhere yet your timeline is littered with far worse than probably most people see on this app. Okay. So many things. First of all, back to Ellen and Portia really quick Ellen and Portia and Eva Longoria and all of these people. Eva Longoria who said they're they're all saying they're leaving. Guess what? If you look back they were already Eva Longoria has been living partly in Spain. Okay. And Ellen and Portia Ellen's worth like a third of a billion dollars good for her. But if you watch her latest comedy show that came out whenever within the past year she's very angry with those with those very woke people who worked for her and basically said she had a toxic workplace because she's right to do. Yeah. She's been out of work and she's very she's very upset and hurt. So she does. I think she's actually I think she's funny. I always thought she was funny but but she actually did like all those prank well back in the day she was funny. No, she wasn't. No, she wasn't. Remember she had that sitcom. Remember when she had that sitcom in the 90s and she tried to pretend that she was straight. That's sitcom. Everybody's like yes. You're not straight. You're wild. She was funny though. You think she's. You think she's talented? No. I think she is. I think she's smart and talented but I never watched like I only would want I never really watched that these shows very much because of my jobs but but when she had that the talk show where she would have guests on give away stuff it was actually it was a nice little sweet spot in there that I think she did but anyway whether you like her or not the truth is none of these people are leaving the country. They are very wealthy. They are very privileged and they already had homes where we're thinking about buying home. They have homes all over the place. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Six months there and then they'll quietly come back. When they realize when they realize the weather in the UK stinks I know like Seattle every day there. Yeah and probably the Montecito place which when did she buy that it was like for like nearly 30 million now she can flip it make a huge profit. Part of the reason she probably wants to sell the California place is she wants to get all these do all of these upgrades and improvements and realizes all those regulations and restrictions are pain in the butt right to get in California and they're like I'm done. Yes. Many people are leaving California through just because it's so it's so damn expensive. Oh it's expensive but it's prohibitive. Yeah. You want a new bathroom? Yeah. You have to go through two years of trying to jump through hoops to get the regulators to allow you to. It's awful. Yeah. All right. 855-839-1210. What's on the cut sheet? You will find out coming up next on Caitlin Company here on a Thursday on talk radio 1210 W.P.H.D. When it comes to your home trust is everything. For 45 years kitchen magic has built an impeccable reputation for transforming kitchens with such professionalism, such precision and such care. 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Well, Tom we have the Boston mayor saying she's not going to help. We have other sanctuary city mayors and other leaders governors saying they're not going to take part in this mass deportation but we know American citizens overwhelmingly support deporting people from this country. Take us through how it will work, what lists you will cross-reference to try to find the people that are here and how will this play out? First of all, so those people who say they're going to stop us from what they're doing, they will not. I'm going to do this job, men and women are going to do this job, you're not going to stop us. But let me give you a word of advice, if you impede us, there's going to be consequences. You can not help us but also read Title 8, United States, Cold 1324, Triple I. It is a felony to harbor and conceal, knowingly harbor and conceal, and illegal handling. So read that statue and don't cross that line. But look, President Trump has made it clear, coming around the gate is public safety threats and national security threats and we have plenty of them to find. Under Biden administration, removal of criminal handling has decreased 74% so we got target rich environment. So when we prioritize with public safety threats and for any governor or mayor who doesn't want public safety threats taken out of their communities, you should resign your office because you're not going to responsibility to protect those communities. We have ways of finding people, I'm not going to explain here on national TV because the law enforcement is sensitive, but we will find many of these folks, they will be arrested, they'll be detained and they'll be removed. And so because what these facilities do and get back on sanctuary cities, they don't want us into jails, which means we got to go to community and find them. So these sanctuary cities put officers at risk because rather than safety and security of jail, we can take them in a custody easily. Now we got to send a team to the street to rest on his turf. We have access to who knows what weapons. It puts the officer at great risk, it puts the alien at great risk, it puts the community at great risk and they're going to force your hand on this. So I want to pray every night that men and women always go home to their families every night after taking the bad guys off the street. You know of all the people that have been picked by Donald Trump as part of this administration, I'm not sure that there's anybody and I love what Elon Musk and Vivek are about to do with those, but if we were to pull up a poll question and I think on Twitter, you can only put up like four options, but if you could put up every single person that Trump has selected and ask the question of who is your favorite selection so far, to me, the runaway favorite should be Tom Holman because this became actually at one point in the summer, the number one issue in the country surpassing the economy. And when you hear the terminology like borders are, it sounds like a badass title, right? And then you realize who your borders are was for four years, and it was, it was this person. Yeah, we're going from like Mickey Mouse clubhouse to like F around and find out. And that guy's sitting there saying, no, we're going to do our job. We know we have the ability to strip federal funding if you want to play the game. And then he shouts it. Then he verbatim gives out like a US law code 13 dash, double, triple eye, it's a felony. But to sit here and say that there's not going to be pushback and major pushback and, oh, yes. And you know, there, there are lawyers, there are lawyers on standby right now, sure, to, to make sure that, that they put every roadblock in place for this guy. Mm hmm. No doubt. It's like a, and I said this yesterday in the big take on mass deportations. It will not happen overnight. This, this idea that, you know, all of a sudden it's going to go from A to Z by like March of 2025. No, it didn't happen overnight with Biden, right? Yeah. Like we saw this. And by the way, see, have you seen some of the videos now over the last 24 hours? There's like hundreds of people walking down the roads. Yeah. In certain countries. It was 30, it was 1300 a word talking about the same video. So to enter the country, they know it's about the end because, well, because this administration continues to welcome them in and that's earlier, I had reported that there, there is word that they're coming out with a new app that allows all the folks who, the hordes of folks who are trying to rush in before January 20th. And they're going to check in on the app so you don't have to check in in person so you can cross the border illegally, just check in and they're telling them, go to New York City. Yeah. And skip by the way, it would, they would skip the, those periodic check, check ins that they have to do throughout the year. I mean, the whole thing is crazy. Yeah. It's like administration or Mayorkas or any accountability to ask them, where are these missing children, 300,000 children that whistleblowers have reported that came into this country. At least 30,000 of them missed the, they're supposed to make a court appearance there. They did not go any kind of a court appearance. They have no idea where they are and the whistleblowers have said these kids, they believe that these kids, many of them or most of them are being trafficked, are, are being victimized in different ways. You would think that that there would be urgency. You would think that the mainstream media would go, wait, stop everything. We have in our country right now, 300,000 missing children. Think about when your kid is missing, when you're right, when you're down the Jersey shore, right? And, and the where they run down the beach and you're like, everybody stop, right? Mm-hmm. A little Dylan runs. I know that was Michael with me. Stop. I can't get it. It's like, and it's like your heart stops. Oh yeah. And you're, and everybody stops. Everybody stops. Everything they're doing. And they look for that one child. We have 300,000 missing children in this country who very well may be victimized as I speak. And where's the media? Where is everybody? Think about how outrageous it is with that app that you're talking about. It's like, it's like an airline in this country streamlining convenience for customers so you could board your flight with less hassle. And we're doing that for illegal aliens in this country. And oh by the way, Kamala Harris is where she, she's in Hawaii on a vacation. Joe's in the rainforest walking around in the woods. By the way, speaking of Joe, did you guys see Nate Silver is, is, is calling on Joe Day? Yeah. To step down or resign. Yeah. I have this story here. Yeah. Polster Nate Silver called for Joe to step down and let Kamala make the, let Kamala assume office saying he does not appear capable of making high stakes decisions. Quote, is there any particular reason to assume Biden is competent to be president right now? Silver wrote on X yesterday, quote, it's a very difficult job. It's a dangerous world, extremely high stakes decisions in Ukraine. He should resign and let Harris serve out the last two months. It's interesting to me where, where all these people were like Nate Silver seven months ago. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, why all of a sudden now is, is he any worse than he was seven months ago? No, no. I mean, miss the, but he did miss the G 20 photo summit summit, summit photo, agreed. I saw that. And I'm not, I'm not discounting it, but this has been a pattern for the last year and a half. Yeah. He's been out the lunch for two years. This is unbelievable. It's just, it's just rich to me because I see all these people that post these things and like Nate Silver, who was completely wrong with everything he said and, and, you know, they're trying to make themselves relevant again. And I just, what is he tweeting that while he's at the lunch with Alan Lickman? Another guy who got, who got something wrong and is having a meltdown. Oh, that. Yeah. He's hadn't, I mean, and we cited it. Like he was 10 and one predicting elections. Yep. Pretty damn good record, right? Yep. Now he's 10 and two and he's got to go into a hiding. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Yeah. And Seltzer, the woman who got that post spectacularly wrong who also had a very good track record. I know. She retired. I mean, like over yourself. Well, because they said that she should be investigated, that was part of it. Oh, really? Yeah. For what? I think that they thought it was that she did it purposely. So either she, either she's just horrible at what she does, what she did it on purpose. I mean, I don't know. She's not. She has the track record that showed that she was very accurate until then until she wasn't. Aren't they supposed to be like, you're only good until you're not. Sorry, Nick. No, but like, yeah. No, you're right. I mean, like, I got a fan do pick wrong once a day. Yep. You don't see me quitting. Yep. I'm still firing. You are getting back to the mass deportation. So there's been talk about using the military for this. Rand Paul was on Newsmax yesterday and he thinks that this is a terrible, terrible idea. Ooh. And I want to get both of your opinions on that. Okay. Cut five, Phil. Go. I'm not in favor of sending the army in uniforms into our cities to collect people. I think it's a terrible image and that's not what we use our military for. We never have and it's actually been illegal for over a hundred years to bring the army into our city. Army and our military are trained to shoot the enemy. They're not trained to get a warrant to do what they're doing. The police have a difficult job, but the people removing people from our country need to be a police enforcement, domestic agency, not the military. Is that all four remain in Mexico? I will not support an emergency to put the army into our cities. I think that's a huge mistake. Do you think that's what Trump is intending to do? Well that's what he said yesterday or his spokesman said. The stories all said he would declare an emergency to use the military to remove people. I'm not for that. I'm not for really most presidential emergencies because they smack of martial rule, they smack of no congressional approval, they smack of no checks and balances. So look, I'm supportive of President Trump, I'm supportive of removing people illegally here, particularly people who have committed crimes, but I'm not for the army marching up and down our streets. I think it's a terrible image to send the world. It's a terrible image for us as citizens, and so I hope he will think twice about trying to use an emergency edict to have the army patrolling our country. Yeah. Well, I'm a big supporter of Rand Paul. I like Rand Paul a lot. I love what he's done against Fauci and things like that. I totally disagree. I think we are at the point where, yes, declaring a national emergency is absolutely warranted. And I wouldn't get caught up in the optics of it. Rand Paul sounding like a Democrat in his feelings now about the imagery. You don't have to have them in their combat gear looking like, you know, like, like, like Rambo. All right. I mean, you can have a different attire. You could do it on more of a, like, I don't want to say cordial basis, but it's not like you got to be walking in with machine guns like it's Ecuador and you're rounding up, you know, the bad hombres and putting them in those, those prisons in Ecuador, which by the way, if you ever get a chance, CNN did a great film documentary on that, how they cleaned up Ecuador. It's on CNN's website if you want to watch it, it's like 17 minutes long. But I'm, I'm for all the agencies. This, this is, we have fifth, probably 15 to 20 million illegal immigrants here in this country. And again, you start at the top, you start at the ones with the, you know, we're criminals that have a track record, you know, the ones that came here illegally, just seeking out a better life. That's the lowest priority. You get to them eventually. But I'm good with the military, ICE, state police, whatever law enforcement agency is able to unite around the common good of protecting Americans I'm all for. I think he's getting caught. I'm a little surprised that Rand Paul's getting caught up in Trump's words and what the imagery might look like. It's not. He's a libertarian. Like they don't want the libertarians at heart and I'm, I consider myself one too. We don't want the military being used for Gestapo, like tactics, you know what I mean? Like, that's, that's just what it is. I'm not saying I agree with him on this, but Greg, it's, it's also he's talking about the imagery. In other words, you are handing to the, the liberal media that's looking for any victory because they've all been deemed irrelevant, including the doofus who I don't even know who he is who was saying sexist things on ESPN, which is going to be streamed and he's going to go away, but as far as Rand Paul is talking about, he's talking about the image, the media image, right? That this is, you're going to have on camera because everybody's going to have their cell phone out and they're going to get the image of some mom with a baby or little kids and go, Oh, look at this, the evil Trump and he's look at this mommy in there and the military and these big military people with all their tackier and they'll be dragging out a sobbing mother and her sweet little children with their sweet cherubic little faces and they'll be like, I want to live in America. And that's a little beyond time magazine. It'll be on social media and everybody will say this is evil. How could you do this to people who came here and they're and she's working, by the way, in a local restaurant, washing dishes, taking jobs that nobody else and she's cleaning and she's working two jobs and the husband's, your landscaper. Yeah. So, by the way, if you came here legally, right, like we just go like they just can't get passed. It's the tear. It's the image that I'm just defending Rand Paul. Oh, yeah. What he's warning them about, what's what I'm saying? Right. Yeah. You don't need to be in your tactical gear. You don't have to necessarily do this in raw daylight. I'm not saying I want to see tanks going down the street, but you know, this, this, it's necessary. It's a necessary evil at this point. Nick, it isn't. It start with. Start with the prisons. I'm talking about using the military. I'm not saying you got to come in with machine guns. They don't have the cops. Our cops. So, so here, this is a real thing. This is logistical. In other words, our cops, we're, we're still down a thousand cops in Philadelphia. They're not going to get regular cops who buy, what did my six AM news cast lead with? Yeah. All these crazy killers and, you know, we had 11 year old stabbing people in schools. And so we can't, we cannot burden local police forces with this task. Right. And hence another reason. To use the military. If you can't burden the police because they're short staffed, well, then we have to do start with, we have, we probably, I mean, my God, how many hundreds of thousands of just criminals are in our jails right now. Go to the jails, work with them, work, figure out a way to pass laws so that you can go into all of these jails and holding cells and extract people who are illegally here who are also criminals and accused criminals, like Ibarra, just yesterday was convicted of, of brutally bashing in the head and murdering a 22 year old Laken Riley, right? So go in the jails first, spend your first year doing that. Who cares what the media spins that's right? Who cares if Joy Reid wants to cause you have an upcoming, you've got, you've got upcoming elections. That's why Nick. Here's what you do. Here's what you do to Joy Reid and any mainstream media member that says, Oh, look how inhumane it is, Americans in polls said this was the number one issue in the country and they supported mass deportations. So take your feelings and your minority opinion easy for you to say you have, you have, so you have upcoming elections, right? And we can't forget about those. They matter and it upcoming in a year and then two years. And so what happens if the, if social media and all the media, because we know now what we're up against. We have seen what we are up against the last election was one because of a grassroots movement that happened. No, no thanks to any so-called mainstream media, not even Fox, by the way. And so you're going to have full force, you're going to have all the media, all of their energy now focused on these images saying, look at this, look at what they're doing. This is horrifying. And look at who was injured and oh, they shot somebody who was, you know, resisting arrest. They're going to make it look like this administration is, is a horrible giant against sweet little mommies with babies. That's what they're going to do. What the? Rand Paul is right. The media did not vote for Donald Trump. The citizens voted for Donald Trump. And what do we want when we vote for somebody? We want them to come through on their promises of policy. Right. And his promise was the largest mass deportation effort of all time and got to be careful. But there's going to be a lot of first time Trump voters that said, you know what, I might not like them, but I like the policy. Don't fail me, sir. Be careful and be smart about it. But if he doesn't deliver, he's, you know, who's going to be the, the benefit, the benefactor on the, on the losing side of that, JD Vance, because if Trump, the loser is us, my friend, because if the loser is we the people, okay, all of these, all of these people right now from the vague Rama Swami and Elon Musk, by the way, Elon, you know, richest, wealthiest person in the world, Trump, all these people are going to be just fine. It's, it's we the people who suffer. Oh, yes. I agree with that. Yeah. The Republicans lose in a year and two years in all of these elections. And so they have to be really careful about how, and that's what Rand Paul is trying to wave a red alert flag and say, Hey, folks, be careful what you're going to do. It needs to be smart. It needs to be very stealthy. Oh, yeah. And you need to make sure that you are doing clean extractions of people who are illegally here. The smartest thing to do within the next two years is extract people who are criminals among us. And I'm all for a, I'm all for a very clandestine approach. Like I said, he doesn't have to be in broad daylight and tactical gear. You know, you do things and you go swooping in, but some of it's going to be ugly because I gave you the, the breakdown of where all these illegal immigrants work. They work in agriculture. They work in manufacturing, you know, some of those jobs are, you know, daytime jobs, you know, nine to five, 11 to seven, there's going to be footage of, you know, people being shipped on out of here. It's not going to look pretty, but you know what, it'll look, it's going to be a lot better than watching women like Lake and Riley have their skull bashed in you. It would behoove them to not go after the, the folks who are working illegally here in Philadelphia and in restaurants, washing dishes or cooking or in Chester County and the mushroom farms or wherever beyond an agriculture would behoove them to have task forces with body cam where they show these, say we are looking for these missing 300,000 children, many of whom we believe are being human trafficked in slavery conditions and pedophile situations. And we are a task force going after that show them being rescued. Number one, number two, the, the opioid epidemic show those, and by the way, show the Americans who are supporting this, right, convict them along the way too and make it a massive situation where they say, hey, if you as an American citizen are supporting the human trafficking, the sex trafficking, whether it's with children or especially women, then we're going after you, the Johns, right, we're going to go after you. And then on top of that, then you go after all of these, the criminal elements. Yeah. You go after them. I would make that the focus because that will keep you quite busy. But you know, I will not go into a manufacturing facility and pull out some hard working person or, or by the way, whatever happened to the, what was it, the bridge, the Maryland bridge collapsed. Remember that? How come we never hear about those poor men who all of them here illegally working hard? How did that happen under a union watch? That's a good point. You know what I mean? Right. Let's investigate that kind of situation. You try to, you try to do all this and you say all this to Democrats, like you mentioned, you know, the mom that's going to be crying, that's getting taken out of a place of employment with her two year old while the two year old's got snot running down her face and Democrats are getting in their feelings. Yet you tell them that fentanyl has killed more American kids and children in this country than every terrorist organization combined and they don't even bat an eyelash over it. So like I gave the example about illegal entry a few weeks ago on this show and I said, "Wait a minute. So you're telling me you're going to get in your feelings over a parent being separated from their child that committed a crime and came here illegally." Well, let me give you this example. Like I said a few weeks ago, I decide to walk into Sephora tonight at 9.15, they close at 9. I go in, I bust my way in there, I grab a bunch of stuff out there. I get arrested and they come to my house, they find me and my daughters are crying. And I say, I know, because I can't afford Sephora products. And that's a PSA, girl. Because that's all Sephora. No, you have enough Sephora and enough candy to last you three lifetimes. It's over. It's projected over. I'm going to bring Tom home into the house if you keep it up. So, sorry, I didn't mean to figure out your point. Now let me ask you, would any Democrat start crying if the police came to my house and escorted me out in handcuffs because I stole from Sephora to make my daughter's life better. And I said, well, I know I broke the law, but look at Olivia and Mia, they're crying. I don't care about your feelings. These are the adults. I don't care what country you came from. Number one word, illegal, Margolis in Bucks County, illegal, it's not it's not optional when whether or not you want to adhere to the law or the Supreme Court's rulings or precedent from another court. It's not optional. It's the law. I'm sorry. But I I'm just I love your story of we have to feed you need. I'm not joking. Tom home into coming to my house for a sponsorship or a really cool makeup, you know, for the daughters because it's, believe me, my son, that was his ex-girlfriend, like wanted it was like $400. He's still working that off. Like it's, I know how expensive it is. It's free cray. On a serious note, you know, who's really probably ticked off about a lot of this? We have our buddy Tony from Potstown and other listeners and people in this country, those that did it the right way and came here legally and got in line and waited their turn. Those are the people that should be fuming the most because everybody else is now getting the like the cheap, easy way in. Let me ask you guys this question. If if it's not the military that's going to do this, we're tasking local law enforcement with, with, with rounding people up, really, like that seat, who, who's doing the deporting? Right. See, a piece of this is, and that's ran, to your point, that's the point that Rand Paul is saying, for example, the military is not trained for this. And this is, it's kind of like when we talk about a domestic dispute, which is the most dangerous, this is a domestic situation, basically, where you're having military, they're not trained for this kind of domestic operation, then they got to deal with like a family and I don't know. It's, it's really messy. What do you bring? Like you bring a social worker with you then, you bring an interpreter, I just got to be smarter people out there than us to figure this out. It's not an easy situation. And that's why I think they have to, they just have to, first of all, train people. See, that's why I'm saying they're smart. If they go through the jails, through the holding cells, all of that, and somehow get them to cooperate, and that's why they have to figure out how to, it's because right now, technically, it's illegal for cops here. I deal with this. You guys, I call on things all the time with my sources, and I'm saying, is this an illegal and they would get fired, like they can get in huge trouble. They can't even give that to you. Right. They're not supposed to give it. So it has to be like on background, it has to be like off the record. Never, never tell, et cetera. Use a different phone than yourself. Seriously, they would be fired. So they're not allowed legally to tell because it's a sanctuary. So they have to deal with that kind of thing where the police officer is allowed to put on the report, or perhaps it should be some kind of legislation where at the top law enforcement across the board in a federal law must put the citizenship status of any detainee. If they could pass that, if they could put that through, then that would allow them to go in and do a clean extraction of someone who's like in a holding cell. You see what I'm saying? That's very clean. In the meantime, then, when they're rounding up all these criminals, accused terrorists, like the guy I reported, who was that six or seven AM, the guy who was going to blow up, you know, the start of Manhattan, right? So the terrorists, all of that, in the meantime, it's going to take a good year to train in a whatever task force, if it's the military, whatever that looks like, to train people to go in and do other extractions. Do you know what I mean? They need at least a year, year and a half to do the proper training because nobody's trained for this. That's my suggestion. Yeah, let's put up a poll question, Phil. Can you put up a poll question? Do you agree with Rand poll that military using military and mass deportation is a terrible plan? For non-criminal illegals, that's basically what he's saying. These are non-criminals. Oh, well, yeah, I don't think you need the military for non-offenders. No, I'm saying military for the tough criminal illegals that are convicted, but that's what Caroline Levitt. And she announced, it appeared that she announced them, they would marshal every federal and state power necessary to implement a mass deportation program using the declaring a national emergency, using military to extract people who are here illegally invited, by the way, by this current administration, but never did anything as far as, you know, we've seen the criminals. We know who they are. Right. The level of compliance, right, especially for the non-criminal offenders that are here, if they're willing to leave voluntarily, I mean, obviously you don't need to use military force, but if they become, if they become combative, if all of a sudden they are in possession of a firearm or whatever, then you got to use whatever force is necessary. Like I am, I have always been a proponent of the police and the military using what they need to do to protect themselves when somebody else, and we see it all the time here in Philadelphia. So this is also, I think, a byproduct of the defund the police movement. We've demonized military. We've demonized politicians that want to, you know, make America great again, an American first populist nationalist agenda. I'm sorry, I care about Americans first and foremost. I don't want to see anybody in pain or suffering, but you know what we got to do, we got to have priorities. Well, somebody on the YouTube chat brought up, and this goes to Don's point, somebody on the YouTube chat brought up, I'm sure you remember this, Don, I remember it very well. I think it was 1999-ish. Elian Gonzalez. Oh, I remember that name. You remember that case where basically this kid, you know, was here illegally, and they literally sent in what, the National Guard or something like they raided his house, and that image was put on, it was a different, it was a different time, you know what I mean? There's no social media, people only got their news from the television or newspapers, but that image was plastered everywhere, everywhere. So I get Don's point about this, about how the media is, but I agree with Nick too, that the media's going to run with whatever they're going to run with. Of course. They're going to find a way to spin it any way they want to. And they've become less and less relevant, and that's why I think we're going to get to the point now where people continue to keep tuning them out. So you know, AOC can go on MSNBC and, you know, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow can say this and Jim Acosta can spout into the eco sphere. It's not working. We tuned them out for the last three years. So you know what? This is what people wanted. This is what people voted for, and people are in mass agreement on this. So let them be the vocal minority shouting from their little mountain tops. I don't think it's going to work. By the way, Elian Gonzalez, you know, this goes back almost to the date because it's November twenty-five years, right? It was November twenty-fifth. It was Thanksgiving day, and he was this little boy cleaning, 1999, five-year-old Cuban boy, Elian Gonzalez. Just looked up. I was like, oh, my gosh. It's almost to the date. Good thought on that. And so think about what happened though, in truth, it was that he escaped, but it became a custody dispute, right, because it wasn't his father's story in Cuba. So mom is here with her family. The dad in Cuba says, I want my son. And so they ended up with that horrible situation where he did end up, he went back, just, but he became a celebrity. The truth is that then the Cuban government, he just got an engineering degree that everyone's while they release pictures of him. He's doing crazy. Yeah. And, you know, because most of my knowledge is from the 90s. If you guys remember the late 80s and early 90s, Darryl Gates, the police commissioner in Los Angeles, when they had that huge gang problem, basically just, he basically was just like, we're taking battering rams into homes that we believe are drug dealers. And if they're not, oops, but like by any means necessary, that whole thing spurt, Rodney King spurt, the LA riots. So yeah, it is, when you use military like this, it is a powder keg that is that is ready to because there will be innocent bystanders that get their rights violated by accident. And who are those innocent bystanders? They're the so-called black and brown community. And that's what Greg is referring to. So that's Rand Paul's point is, you know, you talk about martial rule and government overreach. And what Rand Paul is saying is, if you really wanted to clear like a national emergency, don't do it through some kind of an executive order. Do it through a congressional vote. And that way it spreads the, it spreads the accountability around and brings forth public debate. It won't have to do executive voters because he has the house. He has the Senate. I mean, he's got a lot of power right now across the board. So maybe it won't have to resort to executive voters or recess appointments and things like that. Well, yeah, I mean, Rand Paul, what I do really agree with him, he's saying, take those who you know have committed crimes, you know, actual like start with the violent crimes or some of the. We have so many of these trendy arbua gang members. We have the cartels here and you guys, I've reported in my news and we know that these burglaries that have happened in Philadelphia, the mainline, Montgomery County, Box County, Chester County, these are either the cartels, but I also confirmed what was that two weeks ago, the gang members, see Democrats, I care about you as well with your Ritzy houses on the mainline. I don't want you being burglarized. You guys know why this is a good topic because right now the poll on the YouTube chat is 50/50. 50/50. Do you agree with Rand Paul? Okay. It has to be shortened just because, but people watching or on the YouTube chat know exactly what we're talking about. So the poll question right now on YouTube is do you agree with Rand Paul ticked up to you ticked up yes by 53 percent right now. I'm all for, you know, like seal team. You know what I mean, I'm all for a seal team with the green, you know what I mean, the nighttime vision. Yeah. They know there's a certain community of people and some of these are some bad, you know, ombreys. Bad ombreys right. And they, there's a large community seal team, they move in, get them, get the chopper, the airplanes, put them on there, boom, you're out of the country like, okay, if it's stealthy like that, I'm all for it. I'm willing to. I'm willing to lend my, my assistance as well. If Tom home and needs me, you know, I'll get my truck, I'll put my kale and company flags on the back. Give me some night vision goggles and a vest. Yeah. Let's go. Well, could possibly go for a hug. I'll shoot myself in the foot. You need, you need 90, 90 minutes for a nap. I'll be in there taking my night vision goggles off their fogging up. All right. We spent a lot of the six o'clock I were talking about the Bucks County town hall yesterday. Do you call it town hall? Was that a meeting? It did. But the, the, the Margalese woman or however you pronounce it. Was there a board meeting? It was a regularly scheduled board meeting, but it's, it's quite coincided with her after her remark. Her state in yesterday, Nick Kael Donstanthan was that a, a, a, a, a used people all took her a comment out of, out of context. Okay. It's not really what she meant. She, she tried to clean up the statement. She apologized kind of, um, did you guys hear this? No, I did not hear the video of this. I mean, I played it yesterday. It was happening live. Yeah. But if you didn't, I think it's worth a listen again because of what she says and how she says. Yeah. It's only 12 seconds. But, uh, we might play it again. Uh, here play it. Phil. All say things that are out of turn, we all make mistakes. I made a mistake. And because I am an elected official, I am held to a far higher standard than everybody else. Got it? Yes. You are an elected official by quote, we, the people who pay your salaries. And I, I said this in the big take. I'm so tired of when Democrats get caught with their hand in the cookie jar. It's always like this forced apology that actually makes me dislike you even more because the way you speak down to us, the way you're like, well, it was taken out of, no, no, we like we have all of the receipts as we say on the show. We have the clips. We play them for you. Don't insult our intelligence with these like half hearted, backhanded, my bad type things. Not like you like had a blatant disregard for the law and then you want to bring up stuff from four years ago. So when you were preaching four years ago about this, that or the other thing, you don't then get to be a hypocrite four years later when a senator who's been in office for way too long as it is, is about to be shown the door. I don't like this lady at all. Yeah. What's her name? Christine Figueroa. Was that her name on that video there? I think that was her name. I don't. I'm not sure. Was that Diane right there? In that. Oh, that was Mersegland. Was that? Okay. Yeah. I thought it said, said Christine Figueroa up there. I don't know. You probably use the wrong headline or subtitle whoever said that. Take your loss. But I think it's the, what's infuriating is that even in her apology, which then comes off as disingenuous, she's trying to make it something different than it was. She was, she clearly was defiant. And if she had just said, I was, I was wrong, I was wrong to do what I did, but I apologize to the people who voted for me. Period. I was wrong. But you're right. She should have ended there. One more time, but she didn't. She went on with what she was going to say here. Phil, go. Mm hmm. All say things that are out of turn. We all make mistakes. I made a mistake and because I am an elected official, I am held to a far higher standard than everybody else. Yeah. No, you're not. It says Christine Figueroa there. Yeah. That's not Christine Figueroa. I don't think. I don't know. Sick of the whole subject. Thanksgiving. We said it earlier that Chuck Schumer calling on Bob Casey to like stop this. It's over. Right. Just stop. Right. I mean, I thought that the highest level of the, the Democrat food chain, you got Schumer saying this. You've got these like half-hearted statements coming out of Shapiro's office via al Schmidt. I mean, you can count, you can do, you can do a thousand recounts. You don't have the votes. Yeah. Let me see. I want to play some. Let's play some. You know, Rachel Zegler, Disney Snow White, she, so you did a whole thing on her the other day. She went on, she went on Instagram or Twitter or something and apologize, but it's kind of like a half-assed apology. It is. And I really think somebody at Disney is making her walk this back because they want to sell tickets in March of 2025 when that movie comes out and my daughters want to see, by the way. And what is she walking back? Yeah, I remember she went on her little tirade on social media about how disgusting it is that Trump's the president and people could vote for him, you know, the same song and dance. By the way, she, she might be AOC's twin sister. I know. Look at this. Look at this video of her and tell me that she's not, she's not AOC's, that's a very good. Yeah. Especially in this video. Cause like I see it, Phil has it up in queue here and I can see it. And I'm just like, oh my God, it's, it's like AOC's doppelganger. It is. It really is. It is to everyone who hates when I win the winged victory came to the Louvre in pieces and people still line up to see her and I can only hope that despite my flaws and despite my craps and my breaks and there are many of them that at every premiere and everything I do, people will wait in line to see. Wow. Wow. Yeah. She's basically saying like, okay, I'm sorry, but I'm still, I'm still elite and, and you people suck. Very, very much. Wow. Remember yesterday we played the sunny, Austin legal apology? Yep. It's very sunny, Austin-esque. Is it not? Yes. Like I'm being forced to read this. I don't agree with a word. I'm saying it's almost like a, it's almost like a hostage video. Yeah. It's almost like sports radio hosts in this city that have had to go on the air and apologize for acting like an, like an a-hole and they don't really believe what they're saying, but they do it because their boss is telling them to and they're making a lot of money and they want to keep getting the check. Wild. Not that I know anything about it. No. It's just wild. No. I've heard. I've read websites. You've heard. Vlogs. Yeah. Boy, she is. I mean, and my daughters, my daughters really want to go see this too. And I'll probably, you know, cater and crave and bend the knee. But I don't know. I'm going to have to go to a theater that serves alcoholic beverages because I'm just going to start standing enough with a woke, still white. Like she, I mean, she's 23 and she is completely miserable. She is. I know. It's a shame of it. I know. You're like, you have the world by the, you know what, you're 23, right? People at 43 and 53 would like to be at the level you are with fame and notoriety and fortune. And she's just a walking Hollywood version of AOC that hates America. And that's kind of its residents. But it's with young women right now in particular, even my sons were saying this, why don't like teenage girls or young women, why don't they have a sense of humor? I know. They're just, what is going on? You talk about a, you talk about a miscalculation on my part. I thought that young liberal women would be the undoing of Trump for the election. They ended up being the undoing of the Democrat party. Yeah. If you think about it, I mean, that is the, that is probably one of the biggest reasons why Trump ended up winning, right? A short of, now I think black female voters only voted Trump at 7%. But we, I mean, we really thought that, you know, Roe v. Wade, at least I thought that would be the, and it's just like, man, people are just so tired of being lectured to and being told by liberal women that America sucks. It's racist. It's sexist. We're like, just be quiet and live your life. Have fun. Put a smile on your face. Make it drink. But what? It's ruska, but how do we combat that to, you know, there's that old proverb to educate a girl is to, is to serve an educated community. Cause they're the future women and mother of the future mothers. You know what I mean? Like they're, they're miserable, uh, they're miserable and they have mental health issues. And I would say it's social media. Think about it. And I have to say it, you know, girls who are right now between, like I would say between nine and 12 with social media and you mentioned Sephora. So all those influencers who tell them how miserable things are, Elle and by the way, this is the Sephora product I use. And so part of all of this is, I don't know what to advise as far as parenting, but we got to pull back the, the inf, if this is the influence of social media on, on little girls and boys too, we all need to rethink that because along with the cute little products that we think are so cute and funny and whatever, it's for a, that they can't afford on top of it. There's a mental health aspect that with the algorithms is, is I think destroying these parts. It, the, the level of, um, disdain for everything in this country is what you talked about the women's movement, right? And I mean, so if, if women like that, right, like the woke snow white or that angry, imagine what they would have been like in the sixties or 105 years ago before women were eligible to vote. Like this victimhood thing is being rejected by most common sense Americans because we all realize that it's never been a better time for you other than a straight white male to be living in the United States. Women have more opportunity than ever people of every ethnicity and background and sexual orientation have more opportunity than ever. You're not living in oppressive times. You're living in the greatest time of all time. Yeah. Well, and that, and you're 100% right. You're right. Yeah. You're right. But I then it just makes you wonder why all these guys, even guys like, like to date women who are not American born women, you know what I mean? Because America, look at what we've talked about this morning. So think about the difference like between my mom and me. My mom did not teach me to cook. She knew how to sew. She didn't teach me any of that stuff. Yeah. Why? Because she was dealing with the women's movement and saying, you need to be a career woman, you need to do so, so now fast forward with women and what they're being taught and told by the mainstream media, by culture, by education indoctrination in our schools. Do you see what I'm saying? All of this matters and impacts future generations. I think we have to look at this as a multi-pronged approach. It's now it's seeping into not just social media, not just, I mean, education, schools, culture. We have to change the culture. Yep. I didn't have Rand Paul getting me fired up on the bingo card today. That last 45 minutes, that goes out to you, Rand. It was Sephora. By the way, I want to get to this before we break here again. The Morning Joe's continue to hemorrhage viewers. We said this the other day. We said this the other day. Now, you read the statistic yesterday, right after they made that announcement, they lost like 36% of viewers, or something like that. Well, apparently, it was just as bad the day after, like they hemorrhage viewers. And we said this because I said, like, they're not, I don't know what they're doing. I don't know why they did this. I don't know why they, even if they did it, why they announced they did it. Because you're turning off the fan base that want to see you kick Trump in the colonist. Yes. And by what they look at is going down there to, you know, kiss the ring, which is basically what they did. You're viewed as a sellout. Right. So, you know, look, we have first hand experience with that here on this radio station. Right. But I think there's a difference though between-- North Obama. Sorry. I think there's a difference in being honest and brutal with your audience versus being exposed as a fraud. You're 100% right. Like, I think Mika and Joe got exposed as being frauds. I mean, look, I just, you know, I just defended Rand Paul, or I dunked on Rand Paul there for the last 40 minutes, and he's, you know, he's a Republican. He's supposed to be on my team. I think he's wrong. And, you know, Don-- And I think he's right. And you think he's right, and you earn agreement with him on the fact that Trump shouldn't resort to that. You know, I think both people, or both sides listening to this show are probably appreciative of our honest commentary, because it was-- it was honest. It was authentic. But you're a mom. And remember Rand Paul, though, remember when he came out and said, "Never, Nikki." So Rand Paul is trying to warn Trump to say, "You just got this huge win. Don't ruin it with the image of this, and with a military that's not trained for this. Get the congressional approval. Plus, let us have your back." You know, what you said, Nick, right? Trump has got the Republicans have the House and the Senate. What Rand Paul, I think, is trying to say is, "We've got your back. Put this to Congress. Let the people debate it in the open house on camera. Let the American people on Greg Stocker's, you know, on your poll right now, 50/50. And let's get the pulse of the people here, and then gain a swell of support for something. Get the proper training, but that takes the heat off of Trump or, let's say, a partisan thing to say, "Hey, Americans," and all of Congress supported this. Right? By the way, the poll's still up on YouTube, youtube.com/act1210vphd. Do you agree with Rand Paul? Right now, it's a 53% yes, 47% no, so the 50/50, but it's closed. And if I lose this poll, I will not accept or acknowledge the results. I'm going to fight it with tax payer dollars. By the way, so getting back to the morning, Joe's. So-- By the way, is Nuka missing this morning? I looked up and I saw Joe in the round table. Missing what? I don't sense-- No, she's not. That's funny. Yeah, she had to take a mental health day. I can't ask. She's-- I don't see her there this morning every time I flip and check. So I mean, you talk about irrelevance. I mean, this is nationwide. This is nationwide. So these are the ratings for the Monday program, or they made the announcement. This is 6 AM hour of the program brought in 839,000 total viewers, 839,000 total viewers. That is across the country, across the country, and 113,000 viewers in the 2554 demo. That was Monday, Tuesday after they made their announcement, they were down to 680,000 total viewers and 76,000 in the 25 to 54 demo. Now, listen, if you break that down to like, areas, look at Philadelphia, they quite possibly could have nobody watching them in Philadelphia, like literally a 0.0. I mean, those numbers, I mean, that's like the population of, I don't know, like, pick out a random area in Montgomery County. That's like the-- that's how minuscule their viewership is. It's amazing. Which is also remarkable, like $8 million a piece. Between that number two, it's probably mostly women that are, I would guess, if I had to guess the Mika and Joe demo, specifically within that 25, I'm going to say that's probably mid to late 40s, early 50s women that have the luxury of not working because their husband might make 300 grand. Like, seriously, who's watching that? Okay. Phil? Why do you always say the husband might make 300 grand? Yeah. Like I said, I am over my wife making that money. I'll quit today. Maybe he's the hottie cabana man and the wife makes 300 grand. Could very well be. You know. I just highly doubt it's somebody like me sitting home watching Mika and Joe. Well, you want to see who the viewer is? Yeah. The viewers, the viewer? Yes. Phil Rowlett. Reveal, please. So Mika and Joe went down to Marlago to kiss the ring. So last time I ever watched Morning Joe. Oh. Period. That was a statement. Unreal. Yep. Unreal. Yeah. For months you were telling us he's the worst thing that could happen to this country in democracy. I just hit the ring. And then you go kiss his ring. I mean she's not wrong. Yeah. Despicable. Yeah. If you're not wrong. Despicable you. Yeah. Both of you. Wow. Rosie, that was Rosie O'Donnell by the way. Yeah. For those that don't see the YouTube stream. It's unrecognizable. She is. It is. A bunch of TDS before you perish. Bad glasses. Bad haircut. Mental health deteriorates. She by the way in a related video after she got done exposing. So yeah. They're frauds. You know, Mika and Joe. But I would argue Rosie or anybody that actually believed them. You're the true dumb dumb. Because they're getting rich off your stupidity. Right? Yep. She ended up staying out on her porch for a while. She's got a lot of pet squirrels apparently. Which is interesting. Didn't the state of New York just go in and kill a squirrel? Yeah. What are they going to kill? Rosie squirrels. I mean we need to kill more squirrels. Aww. They're hideous creatures. You know who kills them? The Peregrine Falcons. We've got here. Yeah. Yeah. I'm in my yard and like. That's got them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's shadow. Yeah. Comes. Are they ill-tempered falcons? Hats. No. They're just hungry. They're hungry. They say there's probably nobody watching. In certain cities, there's probably nobody watching that show. Yeah. And they get $8 million apiece. Yep. Which is good. They're on TV. Which, that's just unfair. It is. It is. But Larry and I used to love to watch that show because it was smart and interesting. And Joe was a Republican back then or was I guess a rhino, whatever he was. And they used to. He had been a congressman. He used to disagree, right? And they disagreed. Yeah. And they had interesting debate. Right. And so you had the counterpoint thing, but they were, they would laugh. They had humor. Yeah. They were positive. Wow. They weren't like all this like Donnie Dilij, they're all like some negative. I would advise left wing media to take more of the Bill Maher approach. Like, I disagree with Bill on probably 65, 70% of the things he says. But to me, he doesn't come off like an arrogant jackass. Yeah. He's relatable. That's funny. At times, you know, he's, I like both the HBO show and the show where he's sitting around with his podcast, drinking tequila, getting stoned, like just be relatable. Is he coming to town? We should have him. My mother. I would have to chat with him. He has stopped doing, he's going to stop after this year doing stand up. Really? He's not doing stand up anymore. He's, he says, I'm tired of, I mean, he's made so much money, he makes so much money. And he's like, I'm tired of like every weekend having to go to this place and that place. You know, he's in his late 60s. He wants to just enjoy the rest of his time here. Yeah. So he's going to do two more dates. I think he's in DC and somewhere else. And he's taping a, he's taping an HBO special at the beginning of January. And then he's completely done. I saw him in 2015 at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem was really tremendous. I had a coughing fit. Next thing I knew, I had vocal cord surgery. So Bill Maher, who's Bill Maher's show was the demise of my voice for about two years. Maybe don't have. Yeah. Thank you for me, Bill. One more, one more clip. And then we really have to break. This is more of a visual. I've been sitting on this for a couple of days. This has got to fill. So this is, this is just, this is just video. So Nick, if you want to describe this, this is a man in a Woodbridge, New Jersey, I believe Wegmans. Okay. Who brought his service horse, a service, it's a pony. It's a miniature horse. Oh, it's a cute little pony. Oh boy. I'm going to show you a video, play the, this is, can you imagine seeing this? He's got the, he's got the little shopping cart. The little shopping cart is very underrated by the way, folks. We lost our damn minds. Yes. He's got a, it was that a blue, he's got like a blue thing over. Yeah. That shows that he's a service, service animal, right? Yeah. So he's, the pony is, I don't know what dog. Play the info. Emotional support horse. You know, the pony is the size of like a massive dog. Yeah. So it's, it's like a very tiny. Can you imagine? And he's behaving better than my dog does. Can you imagine shopping at a Wegman's and seeing this? Yeah. I would, if I saw that pony, I would be, I would love it. And he's, that guy's pretty physically fit. Looks like he's got a gun on his hip. Is that a gun? What is it? Does he have a gun? Or is he carrying a cordless phone? I want to know, I want to know if he's doing it. This is, this is New Jersey, ain't, ain't no way that's a gun. Um, by the way, this is, uh, I want to know if he did this as like a bit. No, I think he's probably, I bet he's ex-military, maybe PTSD. The horse is a trained, it's a little pony and has the, is wearing like a blue, kind of a blanket that's identified as a specially trained service animal. I have no problem with this. What? I have no problem with it. I, I kill for it. I don't. I don't want to be able to walk like that. What if he tries to get that on a plane or something? He can't. You think he cages that. He asks worse? No. Not like you. Right. No, that's his buddy. He's a good boy. He's look at, look at that little pony. Grab him an apple real quick. And look, he's so sweet. You're a good little boy. Disgusting animal. That's not disgusting. Horses are beautiful, man. You're there with all the produce. Yeah. Yeah. I would train that sucker to ride. I'd win the Kentucky Derby. Yes. Oh, yes. Yeah. Like, thank you, Carl. Poop. They, they poop everywhere. Horses are grossing. Yeah. But they will. They will. He's not. Pooping. Now keep going. Remember where they had the carriage rides out here? Yeah. You couldn't go through all the city without. When we took our girls to the pumpkin patch farm in October, and then the horse ride, and the Olivia's on the horse, and she's making the turn around the corner, and all of a sudden the horse just stops and out comes out like 50 dumps. But it's just hay. That's all it is. It's, there's, you know, they don't eat meat, so it's really, that's why it's allowed. But this little pony is not pooping, is not. It's gross. By the way, follow up. They are searching for that yard pooper in the northeast. Oh, my gosh. Super pooper. Super pooper. Yeah. Early crime of day four. Early crime of day four. He was the, or she, I don't know if it's here, she was the first to put that out there. Yeah. Thank you. And then we broadcasted it on our air, giving it more traction, so hopefully they're caught. Mugsie. Go ahead, Dawn. Well, Kim Kardashian had this pose where she was like in a fong, and so then somebody in Philadelphia, maybe it was our crime. But they put and posed her picture of her like squatting and did the little poop emoji. It was pretty funny. So as they were saying, like, is the Philly super pooper, Kim Kardashian? They ought to use her as a service animal. Oh, maybe that was her ex-husband on the book tour. Mugsie says on Twitter, the ADA recognizes dogs and many horses as service animals. Yeah. Because the many horses are the size of a large dog. And if Mugsie says it on Twitter, it must be true. Okay. If our ex-military with what they've been through in the mental health, if it helps you get through your day, I don't care. I don't disagree with you, Dawn. I don't disagree with you, but he's going to bring it into a supermarket. So? Hey, I'm in a supermarket, emotional support at the grocery store. Have you seen your receipts? It's amazing. I don't run a muck with a meat cleaver at the checkout. That is such a good little pony. EKZ. So sweet. Who hates me? He says, I can't believe I'm saying this. I'm coming off as the most sane person of the show today. Thank you, EKZ. I appreciate it. All right. So EKZ, I have no idea if that guy is ex-military, but you go over and have drones and bombs and shells and artillery and shrapnel fired at you. And then you come home and say, and be told, you don't need a horse in the grocery store. A horse? A horse? Maybe they were all out of dogs. Of course. Of course. Maybe the horse was smarter. It was more economically feasible. I just-- Horses are the best animals. I think you're both insane. Look, I'm an animal. I love animals. But you had a big dog. I'm an animal. But it's not in a grocery store. If you need it to feel good about yourself and to help you cope, great. Put it in your backyard. Don't bring it to a grocery store. And by the way, it could be argued that a big, this pony who's the size of some big dogs, what have you heard of a pony or horse biting somebody whereas a dog might? You know what I mean? So this is a trained service animal. It's a tiny, cute little pony. I know you think I'm crazy. But I think with the mental health crisis that our military members, I know, I'm an animal lover, obviously. Me too. And my dad rescued-- Yes, it is. Weird. Stop. You don't know anything about ponies or horses. I know. My dad-- we had horse it. My dad rescued everything. And this animal's a sweet animal. You know, I'm going to go home after the nap and I'm going to watch reruns of Mr. Ed now. Never Mr. Ed. First ever horse that talked. All right, we're way over but we might as well just keep going because we're-- What the hell? Let's just go straight till 10 o'clock. We've already blown through this. Can I play this real fast? This is cut. This is where kind of down a weird rabbit hole. Jay Leno. Did you see him? No. Did he blow his face off or something? He fell down in a 60-foot hill in Pennsylvania. And he was interviewed by-- this is this video's courtesy of Inside Edition. Yeah. He was interviewed-- he has an eye patch on because his eyes all swollen up. This guy's a walking disaster. If you guys remember-- Remember, he burned us. Yeah, in 2022, he was working on one of his cars and he burned his face. Yeah. Is he this board during retirement that he's like-- That's why these guys never leave those jobs. Play this. Play this, Phil. What on earth happened to Jay Leno? Look at the poor face. Look at my eye. Look at this. Oh my gosh. Jay Leno is all bruised up. 10 rounds. On the side of his face-- 90's ticin' blue. His eye is swollen shut and look at his injured wrist. I broke my wrist, lost my nail on the finger, and then I'm all-- I'm all black and blue. The comedian says he fell down a 60-foot hill. I said, "Well, my hill doesn't look that steep. Let me take a dump." And then I-- You rolled down a hill? Well, that's not true. No, it's short. Jay Leno says he was staying at a Hampton Inn about 30 miles outside of Pittsburgh on Saturday night. When he wanted to have dinner at a local restaurant before his show, instead of walking a mile and a half down the road, he decided to take a short cut down the hill. Not a good idea. This is believed to be the steep incline he covered down. Look at that. Look what hit a bunch of rocks. It was 60 feet. Incredibly, the famous workaholic legend performed just three hours later without even taking a day off to nurse his injuries. Last night, he was back at it again, performing at a comedy show in Beverly Hills. This is just the latest mishap to afflict Leno in recent years. In November 2022, he was severely burned in a fire inside his garage. I went to the Grossman Burn Center and I got a new face. That's a brand new ear. Leno needed skin grafts, and there he is undergoing hyperbaric therapy at the world-renowned Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles. Tomorrow night, he'll perform at Comedy for a Cause in Hermosa Beach to raise money for the Burn Foundation. Ladies, thank you for saving his life. We can be able to see again. That'll be fun. I'm not worried about it. I mean, I just say tonight, now you see why Greg and I let our wives handle all the issues at the house. We don't want to end up Leno'd. I will say this. He's tough as hell. You know what I mean? Like, he went out and performed three hours later. I would have been like, "Guys, I can't come in today. I'm son. I've heard." Now, the internet, so if this has gone viral, but people are saying that he's a gambler. It's a lone shark. He was beaten up. They're all these people. They don't buy it. They don't buy it. It's something else. Yeah. They're saying, "Mmm." Because he says he was in Pennsylvania, still went on with the show, was never treated for these injuries, never went right away for the treatment until he got all the way back to L.A. Wow. Wow. People are saying, "Mmm." Something else is fishy. Yeah. He said, "Yo, somebody's some money." Yeah. Like, what's going on? Mm-hmm. Yep. I don't know. Playing in jokes with the desk, you're a walking disaster, huh? Stay home, pal. I know. Stay home. Man, you see why Stocker doesn't leave his house. He's the guy that never touched his... Why? Never touched... No. No. It's... He never touched his "Tonight Show" salary. He would live off of his comedy, like he would do comedy gigs, and he lived off of his comedy salary. Smart. So he just banged his entire "Tonight Show" salary. I don't know why he's still working. Right. Well, he's got to pay for all those... This hyperbaric chambers, those hyperbaric chambers are expensive, man. Oh, man. I love this. One... One... Free to beast. This... So this one woman put out. So Jay Leno got set on fire a few years ago. He's staying at a Hampton Inn while being worth millions of dollars with an eyepatch, bruised up face, broken wrist, and a missing fingernail, and he wants us to believe he felt on a hill. Right. She's... She's right. That person's right. Missing fingernail? Yeah. He's staying at a Hampton Inn. That's a sheep's gate. Hampton, it was a meeting. That's where Stalker booked us for a...for a...for a...for a few Fridays ago. He weighs. All right. We'll wrap on a joke real quick. Erk says on Twitter, "A horse walks into...a horse walks into a bar." Bar tender says, "Hey, why the long face?" There you go. There you go. More of that coming up on the Jay Leno show tonight. Scaling Company, hour number four is on the way, but first a word from our friends at the Piazza Auto Group, and we are talking about Honda, which I am a proud owner of a Honda Ridgeline, but we're talking about the SUV game today, the Honda Prologue, which is Honda's first all-electric SUV with a range of almost 300 miles on a single charge and a fast charge time. You can cruise the roads worry-free. It has three charging options to choose from, including a portable charging kit for when you're on the go. You can lease the prologue today for as low as $2.79 per month. Think about that. A all-electric SUV for just $2.79 a month? Yep. That's correct. Visit Piazza Honda in Philadelphia, Potts Town, Springfield, which is my home location, riding, or laying horn for details, or you can shop online right now, PiazzaHonda.com.
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