Apostolic Lighthouse
Finishing Strong. - Pastor Sampson
heart tonight that I want to. Try to bring a cross that would someway encourage us to want to live for God. I think if anything would want to encourage us to live for God, it was to be to pray for a love for lost souls, for lost humanity. Instead of setting and whining and crying about conditions and situations and shapes and trials and adversities that we're going through, just get a love for humanity. It put a fight in us. You feel like you're of no use and no purpose in life. You want to give up. Same thing, live and for God. You don't not achieving, acquiring or achieving a purpose. You don't feel like there's any need to go on. That we need to have a love for people, a love for one another, a love for souls. And above everything else, a love for God. God, I love you. And I want other people to experience this relationship that I have with God. I'll tell you, I'm thankful tonight for a love for truth. Hallelujah. I think it was Brother Caleb in the prayer room tonight thanking God for a love for truth, a love for holiness. I'm telling you something. I appreciate the future of this church when I can hear him pray. God, thank you for a love for holiness and give me a love for truth that fixes it where I don't have to worry about 20 years down the road that I know that will still be fighting the good fight of faith living for God, letting our light shine before men. So yeah, Brother Sampson, I'll tell you, you just don't understand what I'm going through. Well, I probably don't maybe. I know I've been through some junk. I know what it is to not to lose family. I know what it is to wake up Brother Caleb, not knowing where your next dollar is going to come from, how you're going to make your next payment, your father-in-law, your pastor, your business associated and what it's associated is gone in one night, gone, gone. And I hear I'm sitting here with hundreds of thousands of dollars, not in the bank, but in debt, in debt. Not even a job, not even knowing the future of my church, knowing the future of the church, but not my future. The Bible talks about trying times, will come. That I get, I get concerned when I see people so easily beset it. It's either a sin or a weight that besets. And either one of them, we need to lay aside. That's why Brother Caleb preaching comfortably numb and begin to cover a lot of things. If it's not a sin, it's a weight that so easily besets some of you. It's easily beset you. It's not a sin, but it's a weight. It's something in the long run that's going to cost you a victory. It's something in the long run by the Winkler that's going to cost you a race because you're weighted down. When this old glory train departs, you're going to still be trying to grab hold of your weights and things so easily hinder your inference into the station and getting on board the glory train. It's going to hinder you. It's going to cost you when you reach out and you go to step on board. That train's done, went by, and you're going to miss out. Brother Sampson? Well, I know. I'll tell you what adversity I'll do. It doesn't develop character. It doesn't develop integrity. Trouble reveals integrity. It reveals it. It brings us to the surface of what you really are inside. I don't care how many times you've been huck a bucket and how many hours you spend in that prayer room speaking in tongues. I've seen them shout with a heart full of lust. I've heard them pray and speak in the tongues more than anybody else in the prayer room and come to find out the root of their prayer was praying that somebody would die. Man, what are we at? What are we thinking? What are we thinking? Brother Sampson, you just don't know. I try to refrain from using you know hell in the pulpit as like going through hell but hell simply means a place of torment and sometimes it's hell on earth we're going through torment in this earth that we're living on. But I've also read the scripture by the DJ that says we are so compressed about. We are compressed about with a great cloud of witnesses. People that's been through what I'm just talking about in this earth what they went through and still made it. You know why we have a cloud of witnesses in the mighty men of valor department today brother Nathan Sampson because they went through something and they still subdued kingdoms. Yes they had adversities they had battles to fight they had trouble but the Bible said they subdued kingdoms they subdued their enemies whether it was an animal a beast or a giant they subdued them but they did it through God and today we don't have to fight flesh and blood we don't have to set with a shotgun and set out there and protect the premises of first man that strikes a match to burn the building down go to blow his blow his arm off I don't have to preach tonight with a with a gun on my hip and say I'm going to have to I'm going to preach this gospel if I have to kill every man in this country but that's some things that took place for you and I tonight to be where we are somebody that had a burden for the church not a burden for their own comfort not a burden for their own self-concern hallelujah praise the lord I I'm going to try to hurry tonight but I'll tell you before we get down I got a list of of prayer requests here and I want you to put them on your mind brother winch he's got a really bad condition in his legs sister Cheryl McLean's got or McKeon's got the shingles sister Elodia Seigres having complications from her surgery sister Becky she's recovering from knee surgery it's not going well we got brother Henry went through a procedure today going to be in the hospital for several days we got brother and sister matherly that looks like live threatening situations the devils fought them with everything that he could ever since they've been here so if you think you've got problems tonight just put yourself right here in this situation on this prayer list hallelujah my back hurts my leg hurts and I you know I ate in a lot of places but I'm just here tonight because I love God and I want to be what God wants me to be hallelujah I want to be a voice I want to be one crying in the wilderness I told my wife before church tonight I said I don't know if i'm a lice or Ezekiel or Jeremiah what do you mean I don't know if I'm giving a warning tonight or I'm just weeping out of sorrow for the trouble and everything that everybody's going through and weeping for the way that they've gone I don't know him I might be in Ezekiel and just sounding the alarm tonight or I might be Jeremiah just weeping over the results of what what's already happened but I'm going to try my best tonight to preach what God has laid on my heart how many could say preach to us preacher how many if you're going to if you're guilty you're just going to say god I'm going to do better don't get mad don't get mad at the mail carrier I go in the post office and racing sometimes I'm carrying out electric bills light bills water bills and insurance and payments I don't get mad at sister Libby there in the post office because I had bills in my in my she's just the postmaster she just delivering the mail so don't get mad at me you take it up with god tonight hallelujah I want to talk about finishing strong how many could say that finishing strong how many can say in it to win it I'm in this thing to win I'm serious about living for god if I wasn't 24 years ago when I faced the worst trial went into the worst wilderness I came out of of liberty into bondage it seemed like not knowing what am I going to do I went back and I started begging for work I started pleading for work I started working for somebody else when there wasn't no work and I started my third drywall business from the ground up I mean not I was below ground level I had to reach up and scratch the bottom but out of desperation when I got up every morning I was looking for some place to go something to do and I made it happen with the help and the grace of god hallelujah finishing strong hallelujah I want to go to let me go to second Timothy 4 no let's go to James 1 13 through 17 James 1 13 through 17 let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil and neither tempted he any man but every man is tempted now let's get let's we're going to find out where this starts where the where does this where does this start God's God sent this on me God's let this happen now you yielded yourself to something you meditated on something you let something impregnate your heart and then disseminate your heart every man when every man is tempted that word just simply means tested all you fishermen you know when you go you try this lure you'll try a tomato color you'll try this you'll try chartreuse you'll try this but you'll try a lure until you can tempt that crappier that bass that's sitting on that nest and pretty soon you get to working on the temperament of that bass whether it's out of just aggravation fear of danger or what they got what they call a strike and they strike at that bait you can be seated but every man when he is tempted when he's tested he's drawn away of his own lust and enticed can't blame it on god he ain't got no more to do with it than he did when Eve was in the garden what happened she got off by herself and something was brought to mind something brought her up to her attention it wasn't nothing she hadn't seen before but on this day have you considered everything that God's allowed you to have what makes it in a human that they want that one thing that's off limits to them or the things that are off limit to them what what makes this happen but he's drawn away of his own lust and enticed let me see here I had something I wanted to throw in here but I'm gonna pass it but he's he's he's drawn away of his own lust and he's enticed once you begin to look and after once you get to desiring it and you consider it I talk about the time the brother Caleb bought the truck in Joplin and he was going to town to wash it and he drove by a young man's house that had sitting in this yard just sitting out in the yard and he had seen this truck earlier in the day and he was wanting this thing so bad and brother Caleb on the way to the car wash honked at him out in the yard when he went by and right away the phone began to ring and he said did you buy that truck he said I did I just bought it just getting home I'm going to to wash it and he said I was just sitting here in the yard trying to figure out a way that I could have that truck trying to figure it out how I could get it well sometimes that's a way we do when it's off limits and we sent and we contemplate and we we tried to figure out a way that we can have what we want even though it's off limits even though it's prohibited it might just be a wait but the possible said lay it aside every sin and wait you don't need that it doesn't promote godliness it doesn't promote your walk with god but the devil knows how to present we need to understand our adversary when writers said understand that your adversary the devil he's going around he's seeking whom he can devour I got this word let me let me just define this a minute adversary is one that contends contends with opposes or resist are you understanding me contends opposes or resist he's an enemy he's an opponent he's inhospitable he's unfriendly and he is unsympathetic what are you talking about with samsung i'm talking about an adversary i'm talking about somebody that's against you they're not your friend i've had people that acted like they were my friend until i give them the information that they were looking for or i may have stated an opinion about a situation and that's what they were looking for and right away the friendship was no longer there it was an adversary it was somebody's going to cause me trouble he said that you said and you should have heard what he said an opponent he's inhospitable he's unfriendly and he's unsympathetic when he runs you in the corner he'll beat you down he'll kill you he's not he's not he's not satisfied with getting the upper hand i talked to a young man or a man came to sister Tammy and he was one of his sons my goodness what an apt what an attitude what an attitude this boy had could be one of the best guys in the world standing and talking but man he could turn into uh uh i don't even know what words to describe him really and one day i made the statement why don't you put him in cage fighting or whether mma whatever whatever that is cage fighting i said why don't you put him in that i was hoping maybe someone had beat him down and put some intelligence into him he said you know Kelly we already tried that but his attitude was so bad he had the wrong attitude i thought my goodness how could you have a worse attitude than them guys it's in their beating and kicking and banging and stomping on on each other until they're rendered unconscious and then the the uh the ref has to come in and to pull him off of him how could you have a worse attitude than that but this guy had it but in this game that i'm talking about there's no referee that's going to pull this inhospitable this unfriendly enemy off of you because when he's done with you he's going to kill you it's going to bring forth the death now contrary to pleasant present belief not everybody that dies is going to heaven there's a heaven to gain and there's a hell to shine i want some of you to understand this tonight you struggle with every little thing that comes down the road but regardless of the size of this giant that you're facing in life or this beast at Ephesus as Paul termed it there's a worse thing than than than fighting a battle on this earth there's going to hell when it's over there's it's going to hell and burning forever and ever and ever and ever and ever screams and wells the bottle said where the fire is never quenched and the worm diaphnaut your soul that's what that's referring to it's just pain and suffering you don't know what you don't know what i'm going through now you don't know what you're going to go through that's the thing that you have to keep in mind there's a heaven to gain and a hell to shine now you pet your lust you pet your desire you pet your unfaithfulness and you make excuses for this and for that but it all boils down to there's a hell to shine and a heaven to gain now how bad do you want to go to heaven you can waller in your sympathy and your empathy all you want to but when the smoke clears there's a hell and there's a heaven you just got to make up your choice where do you want to go where do you want to go adversary it's an opponent one that takes an opposite position as in a debate a contest a conflict antagonistic opposing opponent a pop opposition they're against you they're not for you they're against you opponent you know what the last abbreviation i put down in that opponent is one who is situated in front your opponent's always going to be in your face advocacy and the only time it's not is when you've tucked your tail and you've run like a coward whether in life reality or wherever it is that's the only time the opposition the opponent is not in your face it's when you've turned your back to run the elder used to talk about the french alliance i believe it was if i stumble pick me up or if i stumble yeah if i fall pick me up if i stumble push me on and if i turn back shoot me that was their alliance that well you know we're going to fight this battle we're going to win this battle we're going to keep this opponent in front of us and if there's no looking back there's no turning back heaven to gain hail the shine where do you want to go where do you want to go well i'm going through this i can point fingers at hundreds of people in this auditorium tonight that has been through stuff and they chose heaven over gain they chose heaven over a spouse they chose heaven over uncomfortable situations and it's been going on since the very beginning of time i'm going to be saved far above all else i've got to be saved saved saved saved i want to be saved there's a hell there's a hell i want to be saved understand what i'm talking about tonight my goodness after this service tonight don't return to the week and the beggarly elements of the world don't be like a dog and return to your vomit don't be like a hog that you powder and puffer and shine and put the biggest ribbon on its back that you can take it to the fair win the prize bring it home kick its nasty behind out of the trailer and i'll guarantee you one thing it's going to the deepest slimiest stinkiest wallow that it can find i don't care what kind of a prize winner that it is it's still a hog and that's a nature to go back to the wallow you're calling me a hog now i said the nature of the hog is you may not be a hog but you might have the nature you might not be a dog but you might have a love for the vomit and the puke of this world and you get to looking at the puke and the vomit and the wallow and you want that more than you want heaven you want that more than you want your children you want that more oh i'm telling you something tonight i'm going to be saved brother samsung i don't like your attitude i don't like your sloughfulness i don't like your unconcerned when i'm crying and weeping and can't sleep at night i'm crying and weeping like Jeremiah it makes me want to come out like Ezekiel tonight and give a warning when he's tempted when he's tempted tempt is enticed persuade convince coax woo sweet talk smooth talk discourage allure attract appeal to whip the appetite seduce beguile intrigue captivate and draw you know what draw means let me get playing with you tonight draw it's when you walk out these doors tonight and that social media devil gets a hold of you and that snapchat and that tick-tock and you want to go back and you want to show your body and you want to talk nasty and you want to talk dirty because of the intrigue of that situation and it draws you back and it draws you and you can't make it from one church service to the next without forgetting about heaven and choosing the vomit the puke and the wallow and then you want to come in this church i use this example i want to use it again the other night suppose we just move the pews out take all the chairs out of the prayer room and all week long we drink and have uh ungodly relationships in in the church and in the auditorium say we do that we gamble we cuss we smoke uh we take dope we commit a fornication in adultery and we do that every night except wednesday night sunday morning and sunday night say brother samsung you've lost your mind no you've lost your mind because some of you that's what you do all week long and then you walk in and you bring this temple the bible said you are the temple of the holy ghost and no well issues too kind of water and no servant serves two masters he's going to love one servant and hate the other he's going to love our master uh or love one master and hate the other what are you saying brother samsung you're going to have to make up your mind you're upsetting me you're upsetting me i cry i weep i preach uh i give i give myself i give them my finance to be honest of late i've been putting more of my finance back into this church than what i've even been getting and after a while it runs down why because somebody don't have a love for the church and we got outstanding givers in this place understand me but we've got to get a love for the church we got to get a love for god and we got to get a burden we got to we got to get addicted to the ministry of the saints we can't win souls because we're so preoccupied with our own lust and desires that we don't give a rip if anybody else comes to church because we can't save ourself from this untoward generation please hear me tonight please wake up do something different you got to understand satan will cause anything that he can he'll have he'll let your closest friend die on church night have visitation on church night and bury him on church day that's how he plays because he is unsympathetic and he's going to do anything he can to keep you out of the house of god well i didn't have no hot water i couldn't tell you how many times i've took a cold bath and or cold sponge bath and put on my clothes and come right into the to the house of god and fix the water the next day why because i've been taught to put first the kingdom of god the house of god i don't care what the situation is well brother sam you're so hard that's the way i was raised my elder looked at me he said kelly i'm sitting right on the platform he didn't say brother samsung he didn't say brother kelly he didn't say son-in-law he said in kelly you find every excuse you can to miss the house of god he said you come home and one of your kids has got a snotty nose and every one of you stay home now you need to stop that now i'm sitting in front of two or three hundred people he said you need to stop that mess and start coming to the house of god i stood up what was i going to stand up say yeah brother's triplet i've come home so tired that i grasp at the excuse so i could stay home and get some rest what he said my my pastor told me church is why you miss everything else not everything else it's why you miss church now it's going to tell you some of you i can just about tell you when i'm about ready to have a council when you start missing church and you miss church and it takes about three or four five services for hell and the devil to get a hold of you and start enticing you and pulling you instead of being at church you'll find it's it may be an ingrown tone ill or it may be a ring around the thumbnail but you're going to stay home because there's infection or you've got a hay fever or a runny nose dear lord them elders preach to me get in your car and come to the house of god if your sick will pray the prayer of faith for you what are you saying about Samson quit letting the devil push you around he'll push you and push you and he'll trip you he'll put somebody behind you when we was a young young boys you know we'd be standing around talking and we'd see one of our buddies walk around and get behind somebody especially if he was really running his mouth and they'd get down on their hands and knees and just before they touched him and then the one in front that opponent that's always in front of you that you think your friend just give you just a little push and where you at you're laying right out on your back where you fell out over them and everybody who wrong and laughing you thought they were friends but they were just setting you up and that's what the devil is he's not your friend you may think he's your friend without him but if he could ever get you to miss he's got you by the nose holes and he don't back off until he's got at least a week or two worth of services that you've not been here I don't understand I you know two years ago I wept involved because I couldn't come to the house of god I couldn't even make it out of the house and get in the car desire to worship desire to be in the house of god finally one day I got up in my living room I was on my walker I was the only one in the house and I made up my mind I'm gonna pray through man anesthesia alone I'll make you feel back slit and then I don't know how much medicine they was pouring into me three or four syringes for nine weeks every morning at nine o'clock I was getting that put into my veins and man I was just I was feeling horrible I was feeling feeling confused I was feeling dejected I I was feeling like there's no hope dear god am I not going to get a move in the new church am I not going to pass through the church that I'm landing the ambulance and driving by I'm thinking oh my lord help me tonight or today it's it looks like the end and I just broke down and wept and cried and then I see other people that don't give a rep for that they make it to church in a month I'm so busy brother Samson know what you if you're that busy you're way busier than god ever intended for you to be and god can help you out he can touch your business he can touch your health I want the favor of god I'm telling you I want the favor of god but when lust and then when lust hath conceived and already covered that you begin to add fertilizer to the seed that's been planted conceive is to think up dream up or visualize this is what gets a lot of you in trouble you set around and you think and you visualize and you contemplate and then the intrigue intrigue takes a hold you get excited about this seed that's been planted this thing that you've been entertaining you begin to think about it and you begin to try to figure out how to work it so it can please your flesh more and more and more your flesh is not your friend this flesh will destroy you this what's the bible say about the the the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life those three things cover everything involved in life but when the test is thrown out there it's up to you if you want to overcome it or do you want to be intrigued by it and begin to entertain it and then this monster begins to dwell and you begin to push the buttons and you begin to push the camera you begin to push and do this and do that and pretty soon there is an addiction that is born and you can't get loose from it because you're addicted to the intrigue you know if they tell me in the drug world these drug runners and i knew one of them i knew his son and i knew him his dad his dad told me he said you know i've talked to my boy you know what it told him it was the thrill of the chase and the cops being after him and evading and eluding and getting away no you're not getting away you're just getting by but this is what my friend was intrigued by was the thrill of it the excitement when it got a hold of him and he would constantly go back because of the thrill of what it brought him running drugs and the risk that it took some of y'all risk your wives your husbands your children your family and the thing that's got you by the brain is so intriguing that you're willing to give it all up and walk away from it because you have entertained a thought till it become up another Caleb talked not a toe hold foothold leg hold a stronghold but a total possession now the bible said who you yield your members to y'all listen to me who you yield your members to that's who you're subject to obey you just keep yielding to those spirits and pretty soon one of them will take you over and it'll do you it'll cause you to do something that'll cause you to be lost for eternity not to mention the discomfort that you've put your children through your family through i'm telling you i've already told you this opponent this thing we nurture this thing we fertilize this thing that's what we conceive in our heart is unsympathetic it has no rules no regulations just when he's done with you he kills you he kills your health i don't i had two sister-in-law's that that died with COPD i remember it's in the hospital as the the second one was getting into the shape that she was getting into and the doctor tried to warn her the doctor tried what are you doing i'm trying to help somebody here tonight no you're mad no i'm trying to pull you out of the fire he said i miss Sanders and he began to give her the pep talk try to convince her if you don't turn around if you don't quit while there's a chance if you don't let me help you while i'm offering you help you will be carrying an oxygen bottle around my sister-in-law was very prideful she said a wife said so you better listen to him and she said i want to tell you something in about that time right in the middle of it the doctor walked in and she said i'm going to smoke them if they kill me i like them that much she would even after they almost killed her husband and he had quit them cold turkey she would take a big drag and she would blow in his face and say don't you wish you could have one doctor said miss Sanders listen to me i'll tell you something doc i'm not going to quit and i'm not going to carry your oxygen bottle around and she had her own vocabulary that she was using and i'm not going to use your oxygen when she refused that final help that doctor kind of lost and he said i want to tell you something miss Sanders before you die and you will die you're going to wear an oxygen mask you're going to pull a tank around and you're going to die with COPD have a good day miss Sanders and some of you are kind on the edge of being offended at the way i'm preaching tonight now this is a medical doctor in a natural situation that's been rejected i'm offering you a god of compassion and love and forgiveness but you will have a nice day miss Sanders and walked out the door and i can't tell you what we said and watched her go through yes she did get baptized in Jesus name yes she did and confess that she was was praying at home and began to speak in other tongues in a language that she couldn't stop and i'm so thankful for every bit of that but he'd done exactly like he told her he would do what's going to happen brother samsung this is what i'm trying to tell you tonight what's going to happen get up pick up your bed and walk go show yourself to the priest and be healed of thine infirmities get right repeat get right with god some of y'all are going to fool around and you're going to you're going to get god so aggravated that he just turns and walks away from me you think you got problems now wait on the real problems here you're struggling with them with the footmen and you're struggling with the horsemen what are you going to do with the over swelling of jordan what are you going to do when it comes in like a flood what you're going to do how you're going to handle it you're going to send a dirty text then you're going to get on some porn site then you're going to get ate up with gossip you're going to start running down your neighbors then no you're going to be calling out to god at the over swelling of jordan i'm trying to tell you about an adversity and an opponent tonight knowing knowing your adversary i can guarantee you what was the big uh jake paul and uh mike tyson iron mike living on a on a on a pass legacy but i can guarantee you both of those fighters before the fight night which in my opinion when i'm got 20 i think the other one got 30 million dollars but i can guarantee you one thing those trainers they probably watched every fight that jake paul had and his side probably watched everything from 30 years ago uh you know that they had to go by they knew his habits they knew his traits he knew his actions they knew his moves they studied that jake paul knew regardless of his age that he was an opponent an adversary that he needed to know how to deal with well tell me about my adversary he's just waiting for your weakest point he's waiting for you to wake up one morning and you're not at your peak performance and you ain't had devotions and you ain't prayed and you ain't fasted and that's when he moves in for the strike or the cayla mentioned the other night every year every morning in africa there's a lion that wakes up knowing he has to outrun the fastest gazelle to acquire his purpose and also every morning there is a gazelle that wakes up and knowing he's going to have to outrun the fastest lion in the jungle you know what they wait for they wait for the week they wait for the staggering they they wait they're waiting for the the one that they don't feel very good the one that don't feel like going to church and the one that is made up five or six other excuses and and begin to isolate theirself and they begin to miss church and that's when he slips in that's when he deals the dirty blow i don't know how i wound up on this side or this social whatever both all y'all preach about is social media that's what's taking us to hell that's what's destroying your children pendant tamper and harboring protect it give them all the influencers of hollywood then they'll wind up with a rope around their neck or a bullet in their head like all of those influencers you're too playing by the sense i'm not as plain as what the influence of the world is doing to our youth doing to our men doing to our women they're destroying homes destroying lives destroying christian integrity in our culture in america to where we've got is just a bunch of liners because we're not getting our way i'll tell you what we are we're at ease and zion trump's got it and i'm in no way contradicting what mr kaleb talked about the other night i feel like god's gonna and what you better do what you better do in this little time of prosperity you better not see how much junk you can buy how many things of this world that you can purchase to please the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh and the pride of life you better puts this in the bank well god's blessing you to make it you better listen to me i told you in 2020 what i say better not try to live for god in 2020 like you did in 2019 because that dedication is not going to work for next year we've seen one of the most horrific culture changing times in our history of america never recovered from it and we'll never total recover from it oh but by the samsung peace man trump's a peacemaker trump's a busy he's a prosperity man he's a he's a money maker man does my bible say maybe it's just my bible and not yours but when men speak of peace beware sudden destruction now we're all excited about trump in the future of america but he ain't gotten off us yet and i don't know if you've been reading any of your news headlines but biden just okay for ukraine to use nuclear us nuclear supplied weapons to penetrate farther into russia does that sound like peace and then all of a sudden out of russia becomes all of these reports and you're seeing flashes in the news about world war three i ought to have every 18 year old stand up in this place tonight i ought to have some of your children stand up they're the ones that's going to go to war they're the ones that's going to pay the price what are you talking about mr samsung what would it be to walk in here and brother michaels gone brother kegson's gone brother traven's gone brother trent's gone brother dillon's gone where they at they're in the ukraine they're in war fighting world war three such as samsung and i was talking about these young men in this church and she talked about aunt etta derben ever one of her sons went off to war hey devil what kind of night did she spend at home you talk about having to have faith you talking about having to trust in god when you got eight men that's gone to war oh brother samsung i don't they'll do anything to keep trump out office but peace and safety brother samsung we couldn't be more comfortable we couldn't be in more danger than we've ever been in our life right now and for those of you that's wishing i would quit so you could go home you're going to see the day that you would give anything you had to enter this church and begin to worship god you won't fight it the opportunity that you have to get to the church you'll be running at the church you but do me doing like they do the big uh black priority sale you will be at the door two hours before the the door opens i remember back before 9/11 we had a chance one of the last tours to go through the white house in washington dc in the first morning we went they was lined up for blocks because you had to get pre admission tickets before you could go in we turned around wound up going back to our hope motel and seeing what other sites there was but the next morning hours before daylight in drizzling rain we were standing and we were still from here to the sound booth in line to get in but you know what we did because we wanted to go so bad to say we toured the white house we stood there and stood there and stood there until our time come and we got what we wanted and we got to go tour the white house but we had to pay the price but that's where it's going to be in church night there'll be so many people someday hopefully we're trying to get in this place that you'll get here an hour or two like you do when you're going to go shopping at some special event or grand opening every time these doors is open to the church we get the opportunity to open them you're going to say man this is the grandest opening i ever saw let's take advantage of this uh let's go to the house of god brother samsung doom and gloom no i come to poor that's what they preached at hail fire judgment that's about all i knew growing up about every night it was judgment you're going you're going to see judgment and you're going to go to hell and hell's coming and that's what i'm preaching tonight hell's coming hell's real but if i can scare you into the altar the devil can lure you plumb out of the church i probably saw more backsliding under that minister kind of a ministry than i ever had about encouraging and uplifting and putting faith into people because faith comes by hearing knowing it brings a force in sin is finished it brings forth death do not air my beloved brother every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and come it down from the father of light with whom there is no wearableness neither shadow of turning want to be christlike there ain't no wearableness there's no shadow of turning there's no room for mistakes i feel weariness keeping into this congregation right now i'm not quite done i want to go to second timothy for and i'm going to start trying to wind this thing down we'll deal with the first eight verses what are you trying to tell us by the samsung everybody you talk to know that the end is closer than it's ever been and some of y'all struggling for god you don't but forget about the end of time you don't know when god's going to call your number you don't know when some person is on their phone texting and giggling and laughing man such as samsung had a young lady in spring field on james river express we was running seventy seventy five i looked over and she was running eighty five and ninety if she was running in the arch and i looked and she had her hands up through the steering wheel and locked with the steering wheel through her hands and had her phone locked in and she was her she was thumbing she was laughing and giggling and wobbling all over the road i thought dear lord she's going to kill somebody god keep your hand on her and those that she's meeting we don't know when we're going to leave this walks of life here in second timothy verse four i charged thee before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead and his appearing and his kingdom jesus is coming and when he comes he's going to judge the righteous you're done right he's going to judge you right if you've done wrong he's still going to judge you right preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine what's going on here brother samsung let me tell you what's going on right here this is a pasta poll the last letter to timothy that he was going to write come on timothy preach the word be instant in season out of season with rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine the bible said for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine we're living in a world today it don't take that i'm a homo i'm a lesbian i'm going to heaven god loves everybody but they'll heap to themselves teachers having itching ears you can leave this place tonight in your next service you can set in a place that will preach to you exactly what you want to hear heaping themselves teachers having itching ears they'll turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables but watch now in all things listen to me this is pasta poll do you understand that he's mentioned for the time of my departure is in hand it's almost over he's already told some of the brethren in some of the churches you'll see my face no more it's almost over for me he's not out on the beach enjoying the sunshine with a big slurpee in one hand and a hot dog in the other he's in a roman jail cell when he's writing this last letter to timothy watch now in all things endure the trouble endure afflictions timothy endure them hardships going to come but endure it because there's a heaven to gain and a hell to shine and make foolproof do the work of an evangelist make foolproof of our ministry keep winning souls timothy keep preaching timothy don't give up endure afflictions hardships going to come keep living for God there's a hell to gain a good shine in a heaven to gain let me say it again a hell to shine for i'm ready i'm now ready to be offered in the time of my departure is at hand i'm getting ready to leave this walks of life i don't care physically or spiritually we're in the last days scoffers the bible said scoffers are going to come you know who scoffed today more than anybody the christian the holiness woman the woman that's not god her body revealed showing and leaving nothing left to the imagination then boy cat calls whistles and man and there's something about our flesh that likes that they like the dirty text they like the dirty picture they they got a thrive on that the end is coming they'll scoff the holiness woman and admire the lustful show of the flesh for i'm now ready to be offered in the time of my departure is at hand got no family i'm locked up i'm in prison i don't have time to qualify everything that Paul went through shipwrecked at sea beaten stone left for dead we think a financial crisis is something to quit the church for we think some kind of hardship is something to destroy a home over this man has been through it this man had been up the creek and back this man had been over the hill shipwrecked stone beaten three times left for dead marooned on an island i feel all alone you ain't been on the ala patmus by yourself yet and paul said i fought a good fight and i finished i finished my course they're fixing to cut my head off he'd been in the courts he knew the punishment he knew i was coming i'm still fighting the good fight it fight faith timothy endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist we can't save our own self from this on this untoward generation must last witness to somebody that needs to hear preaching needs to have hope in this life or not in this life beyond this life and this is where paul is uh hits forth he's looking beyond the chopping block he's looking beyond the trouble that he went through and he's saying hits forth there's laid up for me i can see it timothy uh it's beyond the grave but i know it's there and it's a prize we're fighting for it's a prize we're giving up everything in this world it's a prize it's a crown worth giving up all the wealth and gain of this world and i see it timothy i wish i had a great big jewel crown that was hanging up there so you could get a glimpse of it i'm reaching for it i'm reaching for the crown i'm almost there i fought a good fight but i finished my course but i've kept the faith what's wrong that we're not keeping the faith can we not get a grasp beyond the grave what's going to happen to us faith i've kept the faith there's a crown that's laid up for me that the righteous judge he's going to give me i could see it in his hand i'm almost to the finish line that reaching forth uh i'm pressing toward have you ever watched any track meets have you ever watched competition runners at the end they do everything they can brother matherly to make up that much difference they throw their chest out at the last minute at the ribbon and they reach forward they try to put the hand and get forth to win the prize what are they doing i'm doing everything in my physical power that i can do to win this race just keep running with patience i don't feel like running i don't feel like even getting out of bed i don't feel like anything brother Samson just keep on reaching push one more time throw that chest out one more time and keep running the race that is set before you Paul wouldn't set in a jail cell whining about being beat whining about being stone whining about being shipwrecked in the pearl in the deep left for dead now he's in a jail he can hear his prisoners being whipped and tormented and he's chained and he's still pressing toward the mark of the high calling stand your feet tonight what do you need brother Samson i need a church full of people that'll press and push and fight for what they believe in trump made a statement about hitlers men they knew what he meant but they take it out of context but what trump was talking about i'm wanting somebody that's loyal i'm wanting somebody that's faithful i'm wanting somebody that loves america more than they love of what's trying to take over this world i need somebody that'll stand well as he said i need somebody that'll fight for america i'm not talking about that tonight i'm talking about fighting for god i'm going to run the race uh i'm going to give it everything i got by the confession of my own mouth i see the inside i can see the ribbon i can finish i can see the dead man of this thing it's coming i'm almost there keep fighting timothy if brother Samson never privileged to step back in this church keep living for god keep be a dedicated win somebody else to god quit sucking your thumb quit whining get up live for god preach the word be instant in season out of season in the work of a show winner there is a light we must share it's all over everything we run everything in my past everything i've been through just keep pushing because my eyes on the prize and Paul looks like forgetting those things it's behind Paul's Paul's moving into the home stretch Paul has gotten a clip to the finish line he's not running his water speed in the air he's not fighting just for 20 million he's fighting for the gift of eternal life Paul is going for broke now he's pouring it all out forget those things is behind what i'm going through when i got a face in this short time that i got but my departure is in hand i'm going full force i'm all out i'm all in i'm gonna fight i'm gonna press i'm gonna win i'm gonna be a winner lord may we run everywhere