
Bava Basra Daf 149

Broadcast on:
22 Nov 2024
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"Zero for life of us da krofmentes", the first one in the daaf, a shrimmera who sold all of his possessions and then recovered. If a shrimmera gives away all those possessions and recovers, the gift is bought all. The Gomarass, let's say, sold all those possessions and then he recovered. Wasta laka, can he retract because we assume he sold all those belongings because he thought he would die? Or is the sale different? If you do quoted Ravi saying, "If he gets better, he can't be hyzer", but sometimes he quoted Ravi saying the opposite. The Gomar explains, "If the money is still here, which indicates that he hoped to take back the sale, if he would recover, then he could be hyzer. If he paid it but that would it, then he can't be hyzer. Second, so can the daaf, shrimmera, shrimmera, shrimmera, shrimmera, shrimmera and shrimmera admits that something in his possession belongs to someone else. Wasta laka, do we accept his hydera? Or maybe he's trying to give the impression that he's not wealthy? The Gomamix arrived from a story of a shrimmera who had 12,000 zoos deposited by Ravi. Isu son Ravi Maori was conceived before Isu became a gayer and therefore he couldn't be Irish. Ravi figured out that he could be kind to the money when Isu dies, because Isu has no method of transferring it to Amari, and he proceeded to explain. If he could bring the Dvami asked, "Why can't Isu just be made there?" that the money belongs to Amari, and he'll be kind to it with Udisa. In the meantime, Isu made this hydera, enabling Amari to get the money. Ravi was upset because he said they're teaching people tynus and causing me to have sinned. This is a riot that is shrimmera's hydera works. Third, so can the daaf, the definition of karkokushu, retained by shrimmera. The mission said of a shrimmera gave away all his property, and retained their karkokushu. He can't be hydera if he gets better. The government explains what's a karkokushu. Ravi says karkokadae parnasosai. If you remember, Ravi says even metaltalim, if it's kadae parnasosai. Xavier agrees with these two shittas, because the reason why if he keeps land it's considered a regular gift, because he relies on it to support himself. Metaltalim has the same svara. If he is with his agrees, the mission says karkok, which is mashma metaltalim doesn't work. And the mission says kushu, which is mashma there's no required amount. Even though I'll buy a proof of different missionias, that the term karkokad can include metaltalim, and kushu can include a required minimum of yace of his daych at his rice. Zukaf alaaf mustaf kufmantess, the first suguin the daaf, a shrimmera, who sold all his possessions and recovered. Second suguin shrimmera shahide and the story of a suguirah. Third suguin the definition of karkokushu, retained by shrimmera. The sin for mustaf kufmantess is a comet. The shrimmera who didn't notice the comet whizzing by above his bed, sold all his possessions, but held on to the money since he hoped to recover and bechaser. And admitted that the 12,000 suhs, that he had deposited by the rav, really belonged to his son, who was conceived before he was meghayer, while retaining karkokushu enough land to support himself from the produce. Comet reminds us of kufmantess, he sold all his possessions and held on to the money, because he was hoping to recover and bechaser. Reminds the first suguin the daaf, a shrimmera who sold all his possessions and recovered. He admitted that the 12,000 suhs that he had deposited by the rav, really belonged to his son, who was conceived before he was meghayer. Reminds the second suguin the daaf. Shrimmera Shahidah in the story of Isugira. He retained karkokushu enough land to support himself in the produce. Reminds the third suguin the daaf, the definition of karkokushu, retained by shrimmera.