The Howie Carr Radio Network

Jake Novak on Israel, Iran and the Golden Gate Bridge: "Stop Using the Term Protestors" | 4.16.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Jake Novak tells Grace the media is being too soft on Palestinian "protestors" blocking bridges and airports. Plus more on Biden's pathetic "please don't" to Iran.

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16 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in our new boys, our young boys, our rising boys, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. All right, so we tried it out last week. We had Jake Novak on for the first time and I'm here to tell you the reviews were phenomenal. People loved him and he's back again. Jake, thank you so much for coming on The Grace Curly Show. We're going to hit a lot of different topics. I wanted to start with Over the Weekend. Iran launched a massive missile attack on Israel. Fortunately, thanks to the Iron Dome and several different forms of air defense, Israel was able to intercept 99% of the attacks. Now there have been different and disputed reports, Jake, that the U.S. through the Turkish government actually gave Iran permission to some extent, warning that the attack had to be within certain limits. I wanted your reaction on that bit of news, Jake, because it hasn't been confirmed. It's actually been outright denied by the White House, but it has been circulating in some places. Yeah, first of all, thanks for having me back and taking all those calls from my mom giving you the good reviews. No, I find that report, Grace, to be highly credible for a number of reasons. First of all, there's a couple of premises everyone needs to be refreshed. I'm sure most of your listeners know this already, but this is, of course, the Biden foreign policy team is the Obama foreign policy team. These are the same guys and gals. Even before he was inaugurated, as soon as Barack Obama was elected in 2008, he sent out Overtures. He sent out feelers to this regime in Iran. What we've seen since then is not every public statement Obama and Biden makes his pro-Iranian. Obviously, they jawbone them sometimes, but when it comes down to it, since that moment, whenever there's an existential or close to existential threat to the Iranian regime, we have had, except when Trump was president, a pro-Iranian government here in the United States, both from Obama and now continuing on with Biden. The idea that they would pantomime this whole thing and basically help to coordinate a response that would save Iran some of its skin at home and with their proxy armies, because if you remember, all Iran does. This is their entire GDP. I know they have oil, but they do -- they oil is to pay for their real GDP, which is foreign proxy wars. That's the product of Iran. And it's Hamas dies down. And if the IRGC is shown to be vulnerable as much as they are across the world, then this entire regime collapses. This is an existential threat to Iran. If Hamas is erased and these IRGC generals keep getting killed, the whole regime will fall because this is all they do. They don't know anything else, Grace. So I found this highly credible. That's why they would pull the trigger on whatever moles and paid assets they have in this administration in the State Department to organize something like this. Because to Iran and this regime, that's all they got. They got to be able to have some kind of foreign presence in the world -- terrorist presence in the world. And that's why they did this. Yeah. And I also think, Jake, just to simplify it even further for people, at least the way I go about it, is I tend to find the reports credible because if given the option to believe Reuters or the White House, I would believe Reuters. I have very little faith in the mainstream media, but they have a better record on telling the truth at this point than this White House. They lie about absolutely everything, no matter how big or how small. That's right. And, you know, another aspect of this is also let's not be naive. Now, I don't have the photographic evidence, so I'm not going to name any names. But let's just be logical here. It's important to be logical. Since 2008, this foreign policy team, the Obama-born foreign policy team, has transferred either in direct money or in sanctions relief, hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars to the Iranian regime. When you have that kind of a transfer of money from point A to point B, the people who facilitate that transfer get a cut of it. So I believe that there are paid assets within the State Department, paid assets within this White House, who may not be willing to give everything up for Iran. I don't -- you know, it's not like the old-school Soviet spies that we saw in the movies. But they're willing to help them out, especially when they're dealing with an existential crisis. All I ask from the American people is not to go into conspiracy theories or anything else like that. I just ask you to be logical. If there's something -- for example, when we talk about, like, elections, is winning an election something of value? Yes. Will people try to steal it? In that case? Yes. That's all I'm asking. I'm not telling you to indict anybody. Same thing here. Are hundreds of billions of dollars something of value? Well, yes they are. Are the people who are going to make sure that it goes to a point to even a point to usually get a cut when that happens? All the time they get a cut. So those are things that we need to understand. That's why I think focusing on Michigan and Minnesota and stuff like that. While it's interesting and it's an interesting conversation, it's not really getting to the root of the matter here. Yeah. And there's another question I have for you, Jacob. I'm really glad you brought up some of the unfreezing of billions of dollars. And we've seen this, you know, in different increments throughout the year since the Obama administration, to your point. And John Kirby was asked about this. It's a little bit of a longer cut, but I wanted your take on it because this is one of these arguments that the left keeps kind of dismissing and keeps rebuking. And it's the argument of is this money being used for nefarious means? Is it being used for terrorism? Their response is always it's only being used for humanitarian aid. I want to play this and then get your response. This is cut five. This is John Kirby and Peter Ducey. Now that we know that the Iranians do not listen to President Biden's public. Is there any regret here about unfreezing billions of dollars for Iranian leaders during the President's administration? What unfreezing are you talking about? He unfrows billions of dollars. For Iranian leaders? Yeah. Really? I don't think so. So first of all... It's for humanitarian purposes, but doesn't that... But you don't believe me? Well, doesn't that free up money for them to spend on other stuff? Where do you get the money for an unprecedented number of munitions to fired Israel? So first of all, I'm betting if they're sitting in Tehran, they're taking it seriously when President Biden says he's going to defend Israel. We put skin in the game. A whole heck of a lot of it and knocked almost everything out of the sky. So I'm betting... So there's a few things that I want your response to. One is Kirby's obvious smugness and smarminess there stands out to me even more so than usual. But the other thing, Jake, is that he says to Peter Ducey, you don't believe me that it's being used for humanitarian aid. Now, I'm not one... I'm not going to try to tell Peter Ducey what to say. He deals with this stuff all the time. But I would have thought the response there would be... I believe the leaders of Iran who have explicitly said they're going to use it for whatever they want. Yeah. Well, don't even believe them. How about we believe the people of Iran? The people of... You know, we talk about... We have these protests here in the United States this day. No one even got arrested. We had protests in Iran several times since 2009. Where the protesters risked their lives, many of them died. And by the way, many of them who died got a knock on their door from the IRGC, asking the relatives of the people who were killed to pay for the bullets that killed them. I kid you not. And what were those people protesting? What were they shouting at those protests over and over again? Stop giving money to this regime because all it goes is to Hamas and elsewhere. That's all it goes. It's not going to us. It's not being used for humanitarian purposes. You don't want to believe Steve Ducey. You don't want to believe me. How about you believe the people who literally died and risk their lives who survived? To tell us this very thing. They have nasty, nasty words to say about the Palestinians, these protesters in Iran, because they know they got their money. So you don't have to believe... That's who we really need to listen to. And getting back to that original premise I was talking about. Soon after Barack Obama became president, the first of the very strong pro-democracy movement protest started in Iran. And Barack Obama didn't have a peep to say about them. And when the Iranians put it down brutally, he didn't have a peep to say about that either. That is why... I mean, that was a big, big red flag from the beginning of his administration. Yeah. And when we talk about Iran, when we talk about Israel and anything in the Middle East, it's so important to also, you know, take note of what other foreign adversaries are doing. Because as you know, Jake, they're always watching how we respond to things. They're watching Joe Biden. They're seeing his fecklessness on the world stage. And they're adjusting their chess pieces accordingly. Now, there's a new report out that Iran is getting support in the way of weapons from Russia, and they're actually threatening to use weapons that have never been used before if Israel responds to this weekend's drone strike. Joe Biden's telling Israel to take the win. Some people are saying Iran could be bluffing, which we know they've done before, and that they're embarrassed about how unsuccessful this drone strike, these missile strikes were. I would love your response. What do you think is happening? I know that no one has a, you know, a direct answer here or a crystal ball, but if you had to make a guess about Iran and Russia and what they're actually doing here, what would you say? Two words. I would say precision drones. You know, I've been in the news media most of my career, but I spent a couple of years at the Israeli Council. And the last bit of work I did for them was we went to brief the other Councilates and the news media about what this is back in early 2021. We were worried about these killer drones that had a large, stronger range, longer range and could reach southern Israel and could reach Saudi Arabia and all these other places. That's what I think the issue is here. There are more precision devices, and Israel watches this very, very closely. For example, when Hezbollah started making the technology for more precision missiles so that when they fired them from the north, they would be able to evade Iron Dome. The Israelis didn't even wait for them to get on to the assembly line. They went and did a precision target of their own on an office building, blowing up just one office in the skyscraper where they knew the technology was being worked on by the mathematicians and stuff like that. That's how much of a threat this is. So I think that's part of what's going on. I think also you're seeing, you know, Iran is funny. You know, I say Iran uses these other proxy armies and Palestinian civilians and Lebanese civilians and Syrian civilians as kind of cannon fodder to see so they can test and keep themselves safe. Russia acts that way with Iran. Russia and China watch what happened this weekend very, very closely. And now they want to test the United States further using these proxies because Iran is kind of their proxy in this case. So that's really, it is such a disturbing development, Grace. I can't tell you. For the Biden administration to be doing anything other than huddling right now and trying to figure out how to strengthen our defenses here in the United States, let alone for our ally Israel, is just beyond me. This is a very scary thing that happened this weekend. It was a red line that was crossed for all of us in the world. And of course Putin is trying to pile on now. And of course China is going to try to pile on now. The whole world is trying to figure out how much they can push Joe Biden one way or the other. And they found out this weekend and I don't like the answer. Yeah, yeah, I don't disagree with you. Jake, I do want to ask you mentioned the protesters all over the country and that took place yesterday. They were on full display anti-Israel protests, some chanting death to America, some, you know, cheering on Iran. We had protesters blocking the Golden Gate Bridge that created all sorts of chaos. We had the Brooklyn Bridge being held up. Now, how cops handled these nuisances in states like Florida versus California? You know, that tells a whole story in and of itself. What do you think should happen when we have these activists pop up and disrupt people's day to day, disrupt people from getting to work? In some cases, ambulances from getting from one place to a hospital. What do you think as Americans we need to have in place for this kind of activism? If anything. I'm so glad you asked me that question. All the listeners, I really want everyone to hear this. Stop calling them protesters and activists. They're not. Protesters and activists are trying to win over hearts and minds. They're not trying to win us over. These are urban terrorists whose goal is to inflict pain. And today it's blocking traffic and blocking lanes to highways and blocking bridges. Tomorrow, and I think that tomorrow will be the summer, it will be fists and knives. Don't fool yourselves. These are not just stupid college kids or people who have a coffee break from Starbucks who are having a fun time wearing a kafiya. They are absolutely members of Hamas and Hezbollah among these groups. The IRGC sent out a notice a couple of days ago urging everyone across the world to do this on April 15th. That was yesterday to make a day of disruption. These are urban terrorists. Just because, thank God, they haven't blown up a car or shot on anyone yet. Doesn't mean that's part of what they're doing. Yet they are also feeling out our strengths and weaknesses. Trying to figure out when the cops will come or not. By the way, also read up on what you're legally allowed to do. Because there are some cases where you are allowed to push someone away. And some cases where they'll put you in jail if you do. So if you learn those things, they're trying to test this on that too. But these are urban terrorists. These are not just activists and I know it's hard to get out of the habit. But I'm really urging them to stop calling them protesters and activists. Because not only is it accurate to call them urban terrorists, but it will also help you and me and everyone else understand why they're doing all this annoying stuff. Because of course that helps us understand they're not trying to win us over. They don't want us as our friends. It's an attack. It's an attack. Yeah, and you are right to point out labels and these euphemisms that are pushed by the media. And you're right. We do end up using them. I use them all the time. And it does create a certain narrative. It does push a certain viewpoint that I think the distinction you just moved is very important. Now Jake Novak, I am, I'm remiss here that I won't be able to ask you about the economy given your background with Fox Business and everything else. Hopefully we can get you on maybe later this week. Jake Novak, thank you so much. Please let people know where they can follow you on Substack. Best places. Jake Novak. One Jake Common spelling at OVAK. Awesome. Thank you so much, sir. We will be right back. We'll take all of your calls on any of the topics I discussed with Jake. We can also go back to the Katie Couric because I know we weren't able to get everybody in on that one. Katie Couric thinks that you were all jealous of her. You jealous, jealous losers. We'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Who do we got for bitter clingers on the line? Ron. You're the next bitter clinger calling into the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Ron? Great. If what's been happening since the COVID breakdowns is a reflection of intellectualism with a big trouble. I actually had a few points to speak about that. I had to write them down too. Katie Couric and the left are so presumptuous to claim to intellectually superior to everyone. I can't speak for all of us who support Trump, but I'm sure there's many of us who have college degrees and even some in the cum laude circles. Don't they love to tell us not to broad brush and generalize people? I'm not anti-intellectualism. I'm anti-phony, anti-jargan, anti-usidism and anti-gaslighting. This is why people like Elon Musk, Russell Brand and Joe Rogan drive crazy because they can't be labeled. They must have seen goodwill hunting when Matt Damon said that he had the same education as that guy in the bar off of overdue library books. Just to close out with this, Billy Joe had some words of wisdom when he said I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints because the sinners are much more fun. Yeah, all really good points, Ron, and you are on the money. And you know what's funny is Ron was saying how there's plenty of conservatives who are college educated and all this and that. See, I have an issue with this whole idea of what it means to be an intellectual or what it means to be seen as intelligent because what I find, and I always go back to this example, but I do think it really sums it up, is during a supply chain crisis, you had all of these highly intellectual, highly educated people running the country. You had Pete Buttigieg, you had Joe Biden, you had all, you know, Yale, Harvard, you name it, and nothing was working. And their response was, "Well, you all are too stupid. I went up to a booth at a restaurant and no one could explain the supply chain crisis." And I had a caller and he was on the line and I took his call and he explained the supply chain crisis. He was a truck driver. And he explained the supply chain crisis in about 45 seconds in a way that I hadn't heard any of those eggheads be able to do. And he also in the next 30 seconds explained what they could do to kind of ease up pressure and make things a little bit better. And I just thought, see, that is someone who Katie Kirk would look at as an anti-intellectual and he knows a lot more about a lot. He knows a lot more about things than Katie Kirk does. He knows about actual real life problems. So I'm not, I'm not down on anyone who's highly educated. I have very highly educated people on this show all the time who could explain complex topics, but I don't necessarily, there's all different kinds of smart, I guess is what I'm saying. It took me a long time to get that out. There's all different kinds of smart. My father, for example, never went to college. One of the wisest people I know gives great advice, very smart, very good with numbers. And I never, and because of that, since I was young, I never, I never took to that snobbish outlook of, you know, how much schooling do you have and that's going to correlate to how intellectual you are, because I've seen it in real life. It does not always translate. Most of the time it doesn't. You know, that old expression you go to college to get a, you end up more, some people end up a lot less smart when they come out of college. So I just, I think Katie Kirk, when she says we're anti-intellectualism, I would ask her what counts as intellectualism in her mind. We'll be right back. We'll talk some more. We'll go anymore. [Music] Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show OMG Emma. It's already 130. Can you believe that? It's 130 and we are here and we still got a lot to get to. I actually wanted to switch gears here a little bit and talk about the economy. And that's something I wanted to discuss with our last guest, Jake Novak, but we were running out of time. But the economy is typically the number one issue heading into a presidential election. It seems like now, thanks to, you know, Joe Biden, he breaks history, he breaks records, and this time is no different. Thanks to all of the problems that have either been made worse or been created by Joe Biden, the economy for once is not the lead story. The economy is kind of taking it back seat. That doesn't mean, though, that it's any better because of it. It doesn't mean that the economy is good and that's why people aren't focusing on it. People just, you know, there's only so much hand-wringing people can do in a day before they have to eventually go, all right, I'm going to bed, you know, we'll see what happens tomorrow. And with all of these wars breaking out with the border wide open, there's a new border story every single day, I think the economy is just naturally kind of taking a back seat to some other things. Now, as far as voters go, we've heard that Joe Biden is trailing Donald Trump in a lot of key swing states. There was a Wall Street Journal poll that came out that showed that. And there's also been reports that Hispanics are leaving the Democrat party in droves and even crazier, and really it's not crazier if you know the dynamics of what's happening on our border and how it affects the Hispanic communities. But Hispanics are now increasingly in support of a border wall. But that's not the only group that Joe Biden has trouble with. He's also losing a lot of black voters. And there was a recent piece in the Georgia recorder and I want to read you just a couple stats here. It says black voters key to electing Biden in 2020, money woes make some question their support in 2024. Black voters overwhelmingly supported President Joe Biden in 2020, but some polls show their support now wavering. And what I think is important to note here is black voters were a huge key to Joe Biden winning the 2020 election. And according to this story, a lot of black voters are cooling on Joe Biden and it's because they're struggling to make ends meet and it's crushing the enthusiasm for Joe. And I don't think he had a lot of enthusiasm to begin with. But you know yesterday when I was talking to Toby Leary on he was filling in for Howie and we were talking about the support for Joe Biden. We were talking about how people are going to vote, independence, some of these polls and one of the polls that Miranda Divine was focusing on and I believe it was a New York Times, Seattle, made me laugh because it was about being a threat to democracy and how even on the democracy front, which is like a pet issue for Joe Biden, that's something where they're almost, I think creating polls now in order to make Joe Biden look good. Like sure, you think Joe Biden's old and senile, but how do you think he fares on protecting our democracy? And even on that one, he basically ties with Trump. Now that is supposed to be his rallying cry to his party. That is his end all be all is protecting democracy. And even on that front, he can't gain support in the polls. And I was talking to Toby about that. I was talking about enthusiasm and told me brought up something I hadn't thought of before. He said, when you think back to like Obama, right, because in my neighborhood, it's very liberal. And there's a lot of people who I would say are, I don't want to say activists, but they're open about their politics. They like to show where they stand. They have signs on their front lawn at one point during the 2020 election. They had one house had banners on both sides of the door. No one shy about it because you don't have to be shy about it if you support Joe Biden. You only have to be shy about your politics in Massachusetts if you, God forbid, support Donald Trump. And I told Toby, I said, I've only seen one sign in my neighborhood for Joe Biden. It's when I turn into my neighborhood, there's one sign and it's Joe Biden's face. It's Joe Biden's face. I think if I had to be really specific to give you guys to paint you a picture, you know, the photo that Fox shows a lot of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden sitting courtside at a basketball game and Joe has this really bleep eating grin on his face. And it was probably taken 10 years ago. It's that photo, Joe's head blown up with glasses on and it says, vote Joe 2024 or something like that. And I said to Toby, I said, I've only seen one side. When do these signs and these bumper stickers and stuff, typically, when do they start popping up before an election and Toby said, I think maybe in the summer, but then he said something that I thought was very, was very telling. He said, what about the remnants though? When you think about the Obama years, do you remember this amount when Obama was president? There were stickers everywhere. Now, of course, there was more support for Barack Obama, you know, whether you like his policies or not, he was definitely more charismatic than Joe Biden and he was a historic president. He was the first black president ever. There was going to be signs and enthusiasm. And what I noticed was people kept those things on their cars, like they remained proud of the fact that they voted for Barack Obama. And, you know, some people changed their votes the second time around, but a lot of people kept that stuff on their cars. I'm really thinking about bumper stickers right now, could be, and what Toby said yesterday, he goes, people still have Obama bumper stickers on their cars. I don't ever see Biden bumper stickers, rarely, rarely, and when I do, I always make a point of kind of like poking my head in a little bit and saying, who's in there, who's in that car? That's interesting. I want to see who you are. But no, and so my question then becomes, did people scrape them off? Because bumper stickers, you got to make some effort to scrape that off. Did we have all these people scrape off the Biden bumper stickers because they're too embarrassed? And will they place them back on for a month or two before the elections? I don't know. But there's definitely a dip in enthusiasm from Democrats. And in this story, they interviewed Jennifer Gardner, who's a caregiver and a driver. And she lives in Cleveland and her job brings in $800 a week, working extra hours at both jobs, but between debt payments on student loans and rent, the money doesn't go far enough. She voted for Biden in 2020, but now that she's researching other candidates, now she says she's researching other candidates, but she has ruled out Donald Trump. And something else I would point out here before I go to the calls is that Donald Trump, and I would encourage the Trump administration, or the Trump campaign. I know they're always listening. I would encourage them to continue to try to build support in the black communities and the Hispanic communities and any of the minority communities. I think it's important that we have a grassroots effort to get other, you know, races and other people and other, like, we got to expand the town. We got to get people involved. And a lot of these issues, whether it be the border, inflation, crime, they affect everyone in the United States in one way or another. So there's no reason we couldn't connect to those voting blocks. But I would say this, I don't know, it would be great if Donald Trump got some of these people to come over to them, got some of these people to come over to his campaign. It got the black voters to vote for him, got some Hispanic voters to vote for him. But when you have a case like this woman, Jennifer Gardner, right, she says, I'm not voting for Donald Trump. That's not an option. But I am looking at other options beyond Joe Biden. That is damning for Joe, like that that is terrifying for the Democrats. Because in order for Jennifer Gardner to hurt Joe Biden's reelection chances, she doesn't have to vote for Donald Trump. She just has to not show up and vote for Joe Biden. That's enough for Trump. I mean, in an ideal world, she would, you know, check the box for him. But if she just decides to go for an RFK junior, if she just decides to go for anybody else, right in somebody, that's going to hurt Joe Biden. Rob, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Rob. Great. How you doing? Go. What's going on? Hey, I've been gathering nominations signatures probably for the last seven months, I mean, seven weeks. And I've talked to all sorts of different characters. When I talk to the lefties and either the male or the female, they all have a very high opinion of themselves, first of all. They know everything. Yeah. But when you ask them to explain something, it's all emotion. And of course, they're going to go out to Orange Man, but I force them. What I found is the guys get really upset. But the women, I think these institutions that these people all associated with, they are hiding these people. If these people are like a piece of salami, they're very smart at one salami, but they don't know anything about anything else. It's so scary. They're just most of the dummies when you talk to them. And I've been to all the different supermarkets, whether it's a lefty side or regular people. And it's amazing. It is amazing. You can tell right away by the first question out of their mouth. They look at you and they look you up and down. And if you don't think like them or say the first word, they start dismissing you right away. Yeah. And you know what, Rob, you just said two things that stuck out to me. You said that it's always emotional, like it's if you try to debate a liberal, like it's very emotional. And that's not all the time. There's liberals who can debate, can have civil conversations. But I do know what you mean. A lot of times with these men on the street interviews or even if you watch the network news and they bring on, you know, a person from a Democrat party and a person from the Republican party, you can get very contentious. And I find that the emotional aspect of it is because manipulation is a huge factor here. Like when you don't have the facts you tend to go to, let me try to make somebody feel bad for having their opinion or let me try to make somebody feel bad for supporting Donald Trump and tell them what a bad person that makes them. So I encourage people to toughen up in that respect. If you are going to debate somebody, if you are going to have a conversation, just be ready for that. Be ready for the fact that they're going to call you a racist, they're going to call you a bigot. And you have to know in your heart that you're none of those things and you have to just persevere with the conversation and not let that derail you because, and I say this to all conservatives, it's like, you have to know yourself. You have to know. And I say this as advice to myself all the time. I remember I reached out once to Carol Markowitz and I said, you know, a lot of this job it involves being on social media, it involves having all these opinions and sometimes people will write things and they'll, they'll say that I'm this or that. And it makes me sad because I know I'm none of those things. I know I try to be a nice person and she said to me, you know, you've got to know that the people in your life who know you in real life, they know what kind of person you are. You can't let this noise of people who are so angry over politics online affect you because those people don't know you. They might have seen a video of you, but they don't know who you are. And that's the part of it where you got to take the emotions out when you're talking about politics. And the other part is you just can't take anything personally, like all this stuff has become so personal. And that's the part of it. When you talk about in my callers would know this better than I would because I've really at this point, I've been alive for more of the extremely contentious side of politics as opposed to the old days of, hey, we disagree, but we can still enjoy a beer and, you know, go to a bar after and whatever. And I think what changed is the personal aspect where people take things so personally. People get so offended. People really are starting to treat politics like a religion. And if it's, and you can use that and you can say global warming, you can say now these anti-Israel protests, it's all religion. It's all trying to fill a void and trying to make people feel important, you know, and make people feel seen. And there actually is, when I really think about it, Emma, and I don't know, you're Gen Z or so I don't know if you disagree, there is something a little sad about it. Either that's the best use of your day is blocking traffic on a bridge. I hate to tell these people that's not doing anything in the Middle East, that's not changing anything. What you're doing is you're inconveniencing people who aren't as obsessed with being special and being seen and being heard and being the center of attention as you are and who might just be going along to get along and go into their job and try to provide for their families. And because you have this need to disrupt things in order to feel whole, you're now inconveniencing all these people and putting them in danger on the Golden Gate Bridge. And I promise Netanyahu's not looking at the Golden Gate Bridge to determine his policy. He's not like, oh, how is everyone reacting at the Starbucks in New York City? Oh, they're angry at the Starbucks. Okay. So we're going to have to recalibrate our plans, obviously, face it, the world is a scary place. It seems like the current administration is on a mission to make life more dangerous while at the same time making it harder for Americans to protect themselves. Luckily, Flip Lock is here and can help you protect you and your family. The Flip Lock security door is an unpickable, unbreakable, and it's 10 times stronger than a deadbolt. This is a really, really amazing invention. And when I first saw it, I was like, that's so simple. The best inventions are the ones where you look at it and you go, I should have thought of that because it's like a last line of defense. A lot of people want to put a ton of money into security and cameras and high tech, Wi-Fi dependent machines. And that's wonderful. And I encourage that. But you also need something that's going to physically block an intruder, physically block someone who's trying to get into your house, trying to either take things from your house or harm your family. You want something strong and that is the Flip Lock. So when you go to and you use code GRACE20, you're going to save an additional 20% off the already very reasonable price. The Flip Lock is affordable because really, really good security does not need to be expensive. I think that's a common misconception nowadays. People think, well, I don't have thousands of dollars to spend to protect my home or to protect my son or my daughter. You don't need it. It's not the Flip Lock, it's not expensive, but it works. And that's the key. And you can send one to your kids at college. You can send one to your grandkids. It's a really great way and an inexpensive way to get tremendous peace of mind. So security does not need to be expensive. It just needs to work and Flip Lock has you covered. Go to It's Check out the video while you're there. You can see how it works. But don't forget to use code GRACE20. It's, save 20% and get GrACE, enter GrACE20, and you can get multiple ones of these. That's how reasonable the price is. And you can secure your whole house and secure the houses of those you love. So we'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. This is The Grace Curly Show. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. It is time to do today's poll question, which is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Day will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Emma, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is, did Trump actually fall asleep in court? Yes, but who can blame him? He was just faking it. Or no, it's totally fake news. I think he was faking it. I'm surprised more people don't see my POV on this. I think that in his mind, he's sitting there. He thinks it's a sham. He's already made that clear. And he feels like, well, if I have to be here, I'm going to drive these people nuts. And you know what's going to drive them nuts is if you fall asleep, if they don't think you're paying attention because they think this is so, so important. They think this is so critical that we all focus on this hush money trial. And for Donald Trump to be snoozing, it kind of offsets that. It doesn't portray the sense of urgency that they want everyone to think is there. And so I kind of think he's doing it just to mess with them. And I wouldn't put it past him. A little fake sleep never hurt nobody. Only 9% of the audience agrees with you leading with 61% is no, it's totally fake news. And in second place with 31% is yes, but who can blame him? By the way, Venezuela oil production grew 18% after Biden's sanctions relief. So just, you know, more good work by the current White House. And what I want to talk about when we come back, we spend a lot of time discussing early Berliners story that he wrote about NPR. And when I originally talked about this story, it was written in Barry Weiss's sub stack or her, you know, her online website, which I believe is called free press. And it was put there and I just assumed he was writing it as like a swan song. Like, now that I'm retiring after 25 years and NPR, here's everything you guys have done wrong for the last 25 years. But no, he still was working there and I thought, ooh, that's, that's kind of a great way to handle this because they can't fire him. He says you guys don't allow different opinions and their response is going to be yes, we do, but you're fired for saying that, well, turns out they've suspended him for five days without pay. We'll talk about it when we come back. (upbeat music)