The Daily Mind

Season 17. Episode 413: Catfishing

The dating scene is already complex enough, but imagine meeting someone, and they're not who you think they are. What is catfishing? Why do people do it? And why?

Tik Tok episode 29 @austin.edwards070

Powered by Maonocaster

1h 39m
Broadcast on:
22 Nov 2024
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[ Music ] >> Hey, what's up, everybody? Good evening. What's going on? I know I'm a little bit late, but I'm still within the threshold of time. Welcome to another podcast of the Daily Mind. Back again, I just about made it. I know I usually say, I do the show between five and eight, and then where I'm at, it's 751. And again, when I put the time, I put central standard time. So I'm good, a little bit later than usual. It's all good, though. Just got back from going out to dinner with the missus. We hung out for a little bit. Had a crazy week. We figured we'd go out, eat, you know, kind of unwind a little bit. So that's what we did. So all is good. If you're joining this episode tonight, I'm glad. Thank you, Dracula with many exes, SAG, and everybody else that's going to join. And I'm waiting for my regulars to join. They're usually on here, too. Anyway, hopefully everybody's week is going great. We are almost at the end of the week, and damn near, you know, Thanksgiving. You know, I love this time of year, you start seeing Christmas commercials and stuff like that. So OK, hold on, let me turn this notification shit now because I know it's going to be a pain in my ass. And with all the notifications I'm getting, it's annoying. So I'd rather just not bother with that. Anyway, welcome to the show. All right, well, then that, you know, my day has been good. It got really, really cold where I'm at. And I'm talking like blustery cold, but I kind of like that. You know what I mean? You say, hey, Tae D93, don't forget that cap in the morning. Yeah, I got like three or four of these things. Believe me, I am not going to forget this at all. I definitely will not forget it. It'll be cold as shit. The little snowflake on my dashboard actually turned on today. So yeah, it's cold as shit out there. And Rio 8585, 34 degrees where you are. Yeah, I think we were like 39. And Tae, you said, yeah, but that one specifically. Yeah, I'll make sure I bring this exact one. I don't know how would you know, but I'll make sure I bring it. For sure. All right, so, oh, yeah. Oh, Rio, you said you're off work, though. Must be nice. Get a nice little, a nice little three day. And no, this hat does not have any stains on it. Hey, yo, no, this hat's clean. It's clean. All right, my day was pretty good, though. Like I said, the week itself has just been like an up and down rollercoaster. However, though, it's getting close to the weekend and stuff like that. I'm looking forward to it. I got an event to go to on Saturday that I'm going to be streaming. I've already posted where it's going to be at and what it is. It should be a lot of fun. Hey, my how to for one. Hey, welcome, buddy. Yeah, just starting the show. I got a I got a good topic tonight. I got a good topic tonight. I think it's going to be pretty good. Yeah, it's a drift event. I'm going to do another drift event. All right, so getting right into it. Everybody's day is going well. Everybody's evening is going well, I hope. And thanks for joining Geno. So last night, I did an episode on, you know, why are people single? I actually just just asked the general question to the public and all. It wasn't targeted to somebody specifically. It was just asking, why are you single? Like, why are people single nowadays? Or why they choose to be? You know, you figured you have so many avenues of approach to dating. And, you know, there's so much out there, but it's the dating scene. Like I said, last night is pretty fucked up. So yeah, let me see. I'm just reading the text message. Sorry, it has nothing to do with the show. But the dating scene is so messed up with, you know, social media, kind of twisting the way we we look at trying to meet people and dating stuff like that. It's really screwed up. So I did an episode on that last night, which had great participation, had a couple of guests, and it was all good. I love it. I love the turnout. And that's why I always encourage you guys, whether it be, you guys want to chat in below, or you just want to go on camera. If you're brave enough, it's all good. I do appreciate the time you take. All right. Now tonight's episode is somewhat inspired by last night's episode tonight's episode. Last night, again, I did it on, you know, why are you single? Well, tonight, I'm going to change gears a little bit. It's still within that realm of dating, OK? Tonight, I want to talk about catfishing. Yes, no, not the catfish you catch or that nice deep fried Alabama catfish. No, I'm talking about, you know, you meeting someone and then, you know, instead of looking like Janet Jackson, they look like Freddie Jackson. I'm talking about getting duped catfishing and see this kind of goes in line with the whole meeting someone online and you see that profile picture and it's not exactly what it used to be. I knew that was poking there. Yeah. All right. With the Alabama catfish. Nah. I got nothing against Alabama. All right. I just wanted to kind of get your attention. I'm glad I did. Catfishing. No, you know, believe it or not, catfishing has been going on way before the internet. Let's be honest. Let's go. Let's go back to 50s and 60s and whatnot. A buddy tells his buddy, like, Hey, man, I got this girl. She is really fine. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, you can't can't wait to meet her, right? Now there's no internet at the time. And then when you go to meet this person, you know, that your friend described and it's nothing like that. Or remember the scene from Friday? Exactly. That's the most infamous catfish ever caught in cinema was that scene. And that should have me rolling. That was a catfish. But yeah. All right. You said, Rio, you said you're about to get yourself in trouble with that co-host. Nah, man. It was not. It was not like that. Believe me. Get in trouble or get caught up. No, no. My wife asked about who that person was. And I was like, she was just a co-host, giving her two cents on the topic at hand. So yeah. All right. So I want to talk about catfishing. All right. Now. Yes. Page page. Yeah. Hopefully she joins in on this one too. I think this will be a good topic for her to kind of chime in. But a catfishing, right? What is catfishing? And what is the goal? They even had a TV show about catfishing. In fact, that's where the term was coined was I believe it was because of that TV show, right? I even got an article pulled up and I got some catfishing stories that I'm going to go through and read, of course, because there's got to be some really funny shit out there. I mean, have I ever been catfished? No, I've met people online and they were exactly who they were. In fact, I met my wife online through a friend and the pictures and everything I see. She was exactly what she was and how she looked. It was nothing that changed. All right. Real. You said you got an article 15 waiting for you tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I got an article 15 waiting on me somewhere. I know it. I know it, especially with the shit I'd be saying. Tay knows. I'll be talking some crazy shit that you would have thought by now. I should have got one. I never got one. Not going wood. All right. So what is catfishing? Okay. I'm going to break it down and I'm going to read some articles because we've all been through it. Like if some of you got a catfishing story, whether you want to kind of type it in the text or join in on live, please, the door is open for you. If you got one. Yeah, he's terrible. Jesus Christ. Yeah, I am completely unfiltered, but you know, there's some things I got to kind of weave through with TikTok because man, I've gotten some restrictions here and there before. But if you guys want to share some of your catfishing stories, absolutely join in. Chime in. Let me know what your catfish story was and was it as was it as bad as the scene from Friday? That should be cool. I mean, that will be a that would make for a cool story. All right. Now it says what is catfishing? Now this is an article that is written and I'm not going to read this whole article and bore you. I'm just going to pick at it a little bit. Kind of break it down. Let's all try to make it make sense and then we're going to keep it moving and space blank. Thanks for joining. Omar and our daily bread 24 things for joining. Stick around if you can. If not, it's all good. Now this was written on the And I don't know when it was written and it doesn't really matter. What is catfishing online signs and how to tell? Yes, people. If you pay attention, there are ways to tell if you are being catfish and believe me, sometimes it's not just somebody trying to like cover up the identity. People catfish to get your identity. You know, take all your money and everything else. This is pretty serious shit. People have gotten catfish with far worse results than just being deceived based on how that person, what they thought looked like. All right. So what is catfishing? All right. It says catfishing refers to when a person takes information and images typically from other people and uses them to create a new identity for themselves. In some cases, a catfisher steals another individual's complete identity, including an image, date of birth, and geographical location and pretends that it's their own. The catfisher then uses the identity to trick other people into associating with them or doing business online. I'm telling you, catfishing can be very fucking dangerous. Can you imagine somebody take your likeness, your identity, your information? They're parading as you, let alone parading as you in a whole different country. You can have somebody in Vietnam right now being you. Can you imagine that doing far worse, taking an image and completely tarnishing it? Catfishing can go very deep. It could go. It can really, really turn bad and don't pay attention to that deep reference. No perversion. All right. All right. It says in some cases, a single person is targeted for a catfishing attack and these instances, a catfisher may develop an identity that they will appeal to the catfishing target. I hope to God I've never been catfished and I know what some of you are going to say. Well, nobody's done, nobody's catfished me. That's bullshit. Well, you don't know that. And Jeff MLB, hey, welcome to the show. Got a good one tonight. Hopefully, this episode tonight is about catfishing, not like fishing fish. I'm talking about somebody being somebody they're not and kind of screwing with you catfishing. That's what we're talking about tonight. The catfish meaning also often includes falsifying professions, locations and likes and dislikes. Now, Jeff, you said, have I ever seen the show? Yes, I have. And boy, that is the saddest shit I've ever seen in reality TV. The fact that some people are so insecure of themselves and would do whatever it takes to get the person they want that they will pretend to be somebody. And then it's sad. Yeah. And it's funny. That's funny because it's like, how the hell did you not see the red flags for that? There's no way you could have not seen that. But there's another term that says, when someone only fakes a few or relatively insignificant elements of the identity is referred to as kitten fishing. I never heard of that. So it's basically just taking a little piece of you and just pretending to be you rather than, you know, taking your entire identity and like trying to fuck you over or whatever. Now, why is it called cat fishing? Okay. Simple. It goes back to the show, came out on MTV some time ago, maybe over like 10 years ago, and ta-da. Now, it says, the practice of catfishing online has been around for many years. And again, catfishing even been around even before the internet. Just we don't have any known cases, but I'm pretty sure people got hooked up with people that was told that, oh, this person is fine as hell, and then, you know, they look like fucking burnt cornbread or some weird shit like that. Now, it says, the practice of catfishing online has been around for many years, simply because it's so easy to falsify your identity on the internet. Albino Monkey, hey, what's up, man? Thanks for joining. We're talking about catfishing tonight. I know you got a story or two. The term catfish became popular and no, Diddy is not my doppelganger, not even close. My mouth is not always open all the time. Diddy can't even close his damn mouth. Hey, Albino Monkey, chill out. The term catfish became popular after a documentary named Catfish was released in 2010. Afterward, MTV launched a TV series called Catfish in 2012. I'm not even sure how long that show lasts, but I'm pretty sure it lasts a little bit. Now, Albino Monkey, you say, yes, I have a whole story about catfish. I could go on all day. Oh, this must have happened. Are you more than one? Oh, no. Oh, now, really said, did you find out who that account was yesterday? Yeah, I kind of figured it out. I got to figure it out. I got to tell you the story behind the person that that wasn't a catfish, all right, because I know the name that was associated with that account, and I know I kind of have an idea who did it. Believe me, it's already figured out now, there's a part that says how does catfish ever relate to cyberbullying, but I'm going to skip that, okay? I'm going to go to why do people catfish? It's already broken down here. Now, Albino, oh, you said you do the catfishing. Oh, oh, I'm pretty sure whenever the day you are brave enough to come on the show live. Absolutely. Yeah, I would love to hear any story you got, man, any story you got, depending on what the topic is as well. Again, catfishing. All right, why do people catfish? Okay, it says people catfish for a number of reasons. Some do not involve malicious intent while others directly seek to harm specific people. Some of the primary reasons behind catfishing include these following now. Most of the catfishing incidents I do here, there really is no malicious intent behind it. It's kind of like, oh, I just want to pretend I'm somebody I'm not so I could try so people can like me and accept me and that's a that's a real serious mental issue right there. And, you know, it goes with body image, insecurity, confidence, self-esteem, those little sublates tie into why people catfish. Now I never I don't know anybody who catfish for malicious intent. Just know that people are out there doing that shit. But most times than not, it's just somebody trying to get with someone and can't or don't have the confidence to really do it on their own. They have to take on another identity to do it. All right. Number one, one of the reasons now they give or think about a sixth reason. I'm going to read these six reasons and then what else and then possible signs and I'm going to go right into some of these catfishing stories that I found online, which I think is going to be pretty damn funny and of course share the share the live. Let's get some more people. I've only got a few six people, it's whatever it usually starts off really low and then it picks up so share the live when you can and let's get those likes in number one insecurity. I think that has to be the number one absolute reason why people will take the route to go catfish. Okay. You know, a lot of us I know I have a really serious insecurity problem. I've gotten a lot better with it and growing up I was super insecure even though to my marriage in the beginning of our relationship, I was super insecure, especially about, you know, the job that I had in comparison to her. I mean, I think we all have a little bit of a little bit of an insecurity complex. Now, again, why do people catfish number one is insecurity. If a catfisher feels bad about who they are in real life, they may try to create an identity that conforms more closely to what they wish they could be. Which is another reason why like teenagers on these social medias are so fucked up because they are trying like as a teenager and this is kind of going, but it's still somewhat related. Teenagers are still trying to find themselves their identities and whatnot and they kind of adopt what they see online or try to compete with that online even going to the extremes to become that online for the sake of likes and followers and just the general attention. All right, it says this often includes using photos of someone they feel is better looking than them. They may also pretend to have a successful career to experience how it feels to be admired for their accomplishments. Catfishers who assume attractive identities may also be trying to garner a lot of friends and attention online and feel more popular, yeah, absolutely. Absolute number one reason. It's like, hey, I don't like being myself. How could I become someone else? I've never despite my insecurity, self esteem or whatever, I never try to become someone else. I'd rather focus my energy and time to try to figure out who the fuck I am and it damn there took 40 years to figure that one out. Now, I am more confident and secure with myself than ever before compared to let's say teenage years or whatnot, but I never tried to assume a different identity or try to be somebody I'm not. No, absolutely not. Number two, I'll buy no monkey. You said you gathered many victims. Oh, man, this guy is a serial catfisher gills 174. I know you got a catfish story somewhere here. We're talking about catfishing, whether you've been catfished or you catfish someone. I know you got a story. Hey, boss, 95 minutes, been a few days, man. What's going on? I'm glad that you joined tonight's episode. We are talking about catfishing. We're talking the dating catfishing. We're not talking about fishing, but we're talking about being catfished. Now I'm pretty sure you may have a story about being catfished or you know, you being catfished. All right. Whoa. You say you just got out of the hospital. I fell off a ladder. Holy shit, dude. Hope, hope you okay. I'm sorry. I'm a dark humorous. I got a laugh to a point. I'm just laughing because you're okay now. If you were seriously injured, I wouldn't be laughing, but I'm glad. I'm glad you're okay, man. I hopefully you weren't trying to reach like the rare color paint at home depot or some shit. And somebody let Errol James know that I am on live now. He's texting me like I really say he broke his third leg. Hey, yo. You said you're all good. Let me read them. Go back to that real quick. All right, boss. You said you're all good. Just a sore back and sprained ankle. I was hanging up Christmas tree lights at my house. What are you? Chevy Chase, man? You see fucking going on top of the house trying to decorate your whole, your whole fucking house with lights. Hey, shout out to National Lampoon's Christmas vacation. That's a, that's a classic movie. My man, Chevy Chase fell off the ladder, man. Hey, I'm just glad you all right. Let me get back to that. I'm just glad you're okay, man. It happened to the best and it happens to the worst of us. Did you at least get the lights up though? And that's all I want to know and know you hurt. Hopefully you at least got the lights up. If not, just have somebody else go up or go up on that ladder, man. No need to get hurt some more for Christmas. All right. Number two, concealing their identity. Hmm. Jesus. There are several reasons why people want to conceal their identity online. When no one knows who you are, it is easier to troll people or on discussion boards. Because of the lack of repercussions. Oh, I hate those people. They're so smug. Some people intend to cheat on their spouse or significant other and feel the best way to get away with it is to falsify their identity. Oh, she got to go back down to the messages and Tonya, what's going on? Glad you joined and CJ. Yes, man. Welcome. Welcome tonight's episode is catfishing. All right. Going back. Now it says some people intend to cheat on their spouses or significant other and feel the best way to get away with it is to falsify their identity. And other instances, a person hides their identity to extort money from someone else. If the person figures out the scam, they cannot tell authorities who the attacker is because of the catfishes for false persona. Oh, man, that's I appreciate Antonio. Thank you. I miss you too, man. I like to have my regulars on here and a real chill out, man. You're on the show every day. No way you miss me. And hey, Sueby, can you let Captain James know that I am live? I just seen his text on my phone. Just let him know I'm on live. He could join the show and Emma Brooke. Thanks for joining the show, too. All right. Number three. Mental illness. Yes. I've heard this is a big proponent to why, well, I don't see him live. He's not on there. You got to let him know. He just texts me. If I'm on live. Hey, cool. Got three, four, five. Hello. How you doing, man? Hopefully you stick around for the show. We're talking about catfishing. Hopefully you got a catfish story. Maybe you catfished someone or you've been catfished. I'm sure you got a story to tell, man. Glad you joined. All right. Mental illness I heard is one of the big parts of, yeah, he won't figure it out. It's one of the big parts of why people catfish. Oh, who catfishing men? Hey, yo. No, not hell. No. Get out of here with that. I ain't catfishing old man. Oh, whoa. Hey. Oh, yeah, making me blush, Joe. Cool guy. I just did the same thing. Wait, you just you just catfished someone cool guy. Damn. Then you came to the right show. If you can get on live, we can we can use your testimony. Let me know how that shit went, man. And I'll buy no monkey. You're trying to catfish. Did he? Hey, oh, he got catfished you. He going to fry you and baby oil, buddy, you better chill out. All right. Mental illness. The timing of this live is insane. I know nothing is of coincidence with this show. It's kind of like it's perfect timing. Like, I don't know, man, this show is something special. And I'll buy no monkey. If you want that baby oil, man, you probably go to your local dollar general, man. They probably got that shit on the cheap. All right. Mental illness is says in some cases, people who suffer from depression or chronic anxiety may choose to get involved in catfishing as they assume another person's identity. I didn't buy all that baby oil. Get out of here. I tell me a real quick, you said, Austin, I catfished my girlfriend. She broke up with me. I mean, what else do you expect to do? Do your fucking party at Chuck E. Cheese? Oh, no. Oh, boss. Not far. I appreciate the gifts and the hanging lights, man. I appreciate it. I know that's kind of like an inside joke. Are you hanging lights on your roof and shit, but I appreciate it. I know I didn't take all the baby oil. And no, I don't leave lube. Thanks. I'm good in that department. Yeah. As they assume another person's identity, they gain the confidence they need to associate with others and live what they feel is a more normal online life. Yeah. Lobe, right? That must be like Ukrainian lube or some shit lube with a more attractive, successful or gregarious identity. They get a self-esteem boost whenever they engage with others online. Yeah. Because for some people being stuck in the identity that they were born with, what the fuck? That's a weird one. People who are caught in that realm in that dark space of being them and not wanting to see them, being somebody else gives them the boost. It kind of is like using your imagination. It's like, man, I want to be the person I always wanted to be. It's just a lot easier for some people to just assume the identity instead of working on an identity. But most importantly, you need to be yourself. I would love a shaving profile. I would love to have a beard. I swear to God, I would love to have a beard, man, just God, I don't know. But yeah. Mental illness does play a big role in why people do what they do because they're stuck in a dark place that they feel they can't get out of. It's probably the lack of support on their end, like words of encouragement, some confidence about who they are and stuff like that. And yes, I know I could get a profile easy, but am I going to do it? No. Look at my skin. It's smooth. They're not going to believe me, even if I tried. All right. Number four. Yeah. Moving on from mental illness. People do it for revenge, and I ain't doing all that at this time. Come on. For dudes, man, come on. Number four. Revenge. Some catfishers seek revenge on the person. They are impersonating. They use the person's name and face and create an online identity. Yo, are you guys on some weird? How do you know we dudes? That is a good question. I'll buy no monkey. I don't know if you're a dude or not. I don't even see your picture. I have no idea. And I'm not doing an oil up contest. I am not oiling myself on this show. No. All right. Again, back to revenge. It says that they then say or do things online that make the person look bad or even get involved in illegal activity in a target's name. So just imagine, like I said earlier, oh my God, what the fuck. Imagine someone taking your identity and doing some crazy harm in and all. And it's like, damn, you know, people will take identity and do something that will just destroy your reputation and it will be extremely difficult to fix that. It could take years to fix that just because somebody is either hating on you or they jealous of you. You know, they see you as the one handsome type or the one that's the the extrovert knows everybody big circle, social circle, and they don't like that. So they become you and they know where your reputation is and destroy you. I should do a cooking stream. Oh my God. You know what? I should. I should just invite people to get on the show and just oh my God. You know, that might be a thing tomorrow because tomorrow is the the round table episode where we all just get on and we just talk about any and everything and don't matter. There's no specific topic rhyme or reason. It's just a no holds bar. Anything goes show. Who knows? That might just happen tomorrow. All right. Yeah. That's a terrible, terrible way to get catfishes by revenge, man, because I could do some impure, irreversible damage. Who am I going to cook? I don't know, man. I cook anybody. Who the fuck is this? You know, you know, it's like some buff Aladdin looking dude. Listen, I'm tired of you. You're not going on my show. No, no, no. All right. Ashley. Hey, thanks for joining. And boss nine five. You say, have you ever watched the catfish TV show? Yes. Uh, a few episodes. I did. Absolutely. All right, Rio. You said, weanish should be oiled up. What the fuck? Oh, cool. God. You said, who are you? Who are you cooking with? Oh, shit. I can. I don't know who I'm cooking with. It's like anything goes at this point. And then a and enough with all right, Gee, war is here's your trolling ass again enough with the oil. No, the oil never goes away. Pause number five. All right, yeah, round table is going to be insane. I hope so. All right, boss, you said, I like the one episode where the guy said he wears the pants in the family. Yeah. All right. Probably gets the pants taken off. I don't know. I don't remember the episodes specifically. I need to go back in time and go, um, and go like watch the show. I know I came across a few episodes, but I didn't watch it like religious, you know, obviously I read religiously every single episode. Um, not a round table, these nuts. I know who you are. I know who you are. You might as well stop. I know who you are. All right. Oh, by the way, you said we had got enough ditty fan club members for a mythical round table. We're going to see what the round table brings tomorrow, man. Who knows? Don't topic. We just talk about it. And yes, I do know who you are. There's five as one of the reasons why people catfish experimenting with sexual preferences. This is a new one. I've never heard someone catfish to experience this. Hey, well, you, well, hey, yo, why are you asking me these crazy ass questions? This has nothing to do with catfish. What the fuck? How many rounds digging deep? Oh, yeah. I got a chill. You're going to get me caught up. You're going to get me caught up? No. Yeah. Let me call. All right. Number five. That's one of the reasons why people catfish experimenting with sexual preferences. Again, this one is different. I've never heard of why people do, you know, it's crazy. I don't know. Well, hey, you know, I'll buy no money. I'm going to find out who you are. I don't see a picture. I don't find out who you are though. I know. All right. It says sub-catfish is used to practice to explore, uh, whoa, what if it's with a trans? All right. That's, that's a shooter's preference. They, that's on you. That's on you. Cool God. That's on you. All right. Now you said it says, um, some catfish is used to practice to explore their sexual identities. They assume the sexual preference they are interested in online using an identity different from their own as they engage in social interactions under that identity. They get a sense of how it would feel to live that lifestyle full time. Why don't you just stop lying to yourself and just, if that's the lifestyle you want to live, didn't go live that lifestyle, don't play pretend. Nowadays you don't have to. You don't have to catfish to experiment with a sexual preference. If you are indeed that way, then you go that way. Why would you sit here and play around like that? I tell you, he said, Rio and Austin sword fight, whoever wins get back shots. That's a non-win situation. First of all, you're sword fighting and then whoever wins get back shots. Hey, yo, either way you will loser. Oh, a Rio, I do not live the pineapple lifestyle. I've done an episode on swingers some time ago and I think I could reintroduce that episode for the TikTok version. Again, I'm coming up with the concept of bringing some of my best episodes and best topics. To bring it to the TikTok forum. That way I get mass participation about whatever that topic was before the show went streaming and before, you know, while it was audio, I might just bring back swingers because I know there's a few of you right now watching and typing that are perhaps swingers. I know it. I know. All right. And the last reason why they think people catfish is Captain James, there you go. I told you within the hour, I was going to be on Captain James, everybody, 994 executive producer. And who is Joe Queen? I don't know who the hell that is. Oh, God. Here we go. All right. Number six, that's one of the reasons why they, um, I fixed while you said no R. Kelly and Diddy question today. But what do you think about life without death as meaningless? You know, I think it's a good question. And honestly, I know that kind of veers off life without death is meaningless because I guess so what gives us meaning and purpose in life is the idea of death. It's kind of like what can we do as much as we can do to fulfill our lives before going to that dark side. If we live and not had died, then we would have fulfilled everything. Then what else is it to fulfill? You understand what I'm saying? Maybe the concept of death and the idea is there for the reason so that you can live your life because if you can imagine you living your life and not knowing that you're not going to die or live or being the only one that don't die and not living everybody you know, that would be the most that would be a curse. I wouldn't wish on anybody to outlive everybody that you know is crazy. Your purpose is to pass the butter. What the fuck? No. I really said don't matter when we are going, we don't got to worry about it. You know, and whatever your idea of the afterlife is, then you go with that. Everybody's got different ideas. We could throw that in the tomorrow's episode of the round table. We could have a whole discussion on that. And cool guy. Three, four, five. Raw. Yeah. Simmerdown. Do you need to chill out? All right. Number six. The last one here, it says, yeah, you respond after 10 seconds. It says number six. People do it to harass their target. Yeah. It's definitely up there as one on the top three, I think it says when someone has been trying to stalk, bother, or pursue someone online, the target often blocks the aggressor on one or more social media platforms. When this happens, the attacker may use catfishing to continue their pursuits, even though the victim does not know who they are interacting with that catfisher, once accepted as a friend or follower is still able to see the targets, posts, and pictures. In this way, they could keep tabs on what they're doing, when and whom. God, that's got to be so annoying. You got a stalker on your hand. It's kind of like, well, what the fuck are you supposed to do? You understand what I'm saying? I mean, you could call the cops. They could trace IP addresses if they didn't mask it and it's just a whole, this is a whole shit show. All right. Look, we just hit a thousand likes and we are 34 minutes took a little bit longer this time. I think last night it took 12 minutes to get to a thousand like so, yeah, show us your fit. Now, I got a graffiti show now, I don't know if you could actually see it got a whole artwork in the back. I do graffiti. I'm not going to tell you what my tag name is. It's just what it is. All right. Cool. God. You said, what do you think is the point of catfishing? Now, I read six reasons, but I think my personal reason, hey, yeah, I'm showing you my pants. All right. All right. Why? Okay. Fix ball. That's wild. Why do you think? Oh, who do you think R Kelly or Diddy was better in bed? It got to be R Kelly. I think I can pause though, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause. R Kelly probably had to been the better one in bed. The fact that you're asking this question is blowing my fucking mind right now. What is with you and these Diddy Kelly questions? I think you just like to see me laugh and shit about it. But yeah. Cool God. You said, what's the point of catfishing? Goddamn. Again, I personally think it's just to cover up who they are to try to be someone else. It's just people. I think the point is just because they're not happy. They're pursuing something, whether it be an internal happiness within themselves or an external happiness trying to be with someone that they've been chasing. But yeah, man, I think it's just people just not happy with themselves, man. And they just, they just want to be the person to get the person they want or just to simply be happy. I think that's why people catfish overall, man, just people just not happy with themselves. You see the TV show? It will make so much sense. I'll buy no monkeys that Diddy is smoother in bed due to the baby oil. Good question. God, you know, folks, I think we're going to end up doing a whole entire episode on Diddy R. Kelly versus Diddy, who's in deeper trouble? Who is Greek in bed? Who made the best music? Who makes the best ham and cheese sandwiches? Who who has better looking feet that you guys could go on and on about this shit all day. The boss just said, I agree. And they probably crave attention. They don't get. Yes. Now, going back to the cat fishing, right? That was one of the reasons they listed was just to get attention that they don't get. But by being someone they think is more handsome, more prettier, more appealing, they could get that attention. All right. Cool, guys. You said questions to the viewers. Are y'all freaky? I'm leaving that one alone. Cool. God is asking all of you that is chatting that question that goes for you real. You better answer that person, cool God, whether it's a male or a female. I don't know. Cool God. Answer that person's question. You guys on that one. All right. I'm leaving that one alone. All right. Now, the best part of the show, Buzzfeed, yes, I'm freaky. I like taking it. Oh, you motherfucker. Wow. Y'all got the chat. Y'all got it. Y'all got it. I got nothing to do with that shit. Y'all got it. See, Rio, you see what you started? You started some crazy shit, and it's funny because Mahal, he asked me the other day that I should do a dating type episode where I try to pair people up. I'm like, I don't know how I'm going to do it, but that's going to be a Valentine's episode. All right. Captain James, you said, what is the show about tonight? It's about cat fishing, right? Pretending to be somebody you're not to try to get with somebody, you know, fake profile pic, fake bio, fake everything. That's what we're talking about. All right. Cool. Antonio Antonio. You got that one. You got the floor, man. He or she is available. There you go. Take that. Take it. Take it. Take it. All right. Buzzfeed. I got an article pulled up where it has 14 cat fishing victims share their wildest stories of how they were bamboozled. Yes, people. Actual testimony from people who have actually been catfish. All right. You already know I'm going to go down the list. All right, Captain James, I'm about to try out the new sim. I'm going to join you, but I'm going to be on voice. Okay. You have a new flight simulator. Yeah. If you can join men, absolutely. And again, people, if you got catfish story and you're brave enough to go live with it, you got the floor. All right. And no, I'm not perfect. I don't need the catfish. All right. I'm not perfect. I think I'm. I think I'm okay. All right. Rio, you said fly, bow and seven, seven, seven. Just stay away from the building. All right. So 14 catfish and stories. On Xbox. Do you have an Xbox? Shit. I don't even know. I thought you just kind of sim on the computer and whatnot on us. You boss. I'm sorry. Oh, okay. Well, shit. Link up with Captain James. He has the flight simulator on his PC. So that's what I'm saying. Like, there you go. That's the guy you might want to link up with. Send them a request. I'll buy no monkey. What game you play? I play Call of Duty primarily all the time. I'm always gaming on Call of Duty. I got black ops six for the PS5. So yeah, man. All right. So 14 cat fishing victim. Let's start off with the first story. All right. Oh, God. What the fuck? I got the first cat fishing story for you guys. And again, whenever you feel froggy and brave, you guys can go ahead and share your cat fishing story with me. All right. Number one, we got to try to get more people on the show. Like we got nine people in almost 2000 likes. I think we could get it up. I know I could get it up. I'm talking about the show. My grandmother disappeared in the middle of the night. Just left her condo and drove off. No one knew where she went, but she hadn't taken her phone. Damn, Captain James, I know you catfish all the fucking time. No one knew where she went, but she hadn't taken her phone. So I couldn't call her or anything. We were close. So it was pretty upsetting for me. Then I got a text saying that it was her and she got a new phone number. And now she had moved to New York City. I got photos of her in New York City as proof. My grandmother used a specific way of speaking and texting a result of having grown up in three countries that most people are unable to replicate. So I ruled out the possibility of cat fishing and Antonio. No, I'm not digging in you. That's crazy wild shit. I boss real quick. Do you think cat fishing is morally wrong? Yes. Cat fishing is absolutely morally wrong. I mean, come on. Yeah. It's lying, cheating and stealing. Yes, it is morally wrong. And even despite the motive as to why somebody catfish, I don't give a fuck what it is. It is morally wrong, you're literally, you're literally lying, you're putting people on game and then you're lying. Yeah. Absolutely morally wrong. All right. Now there was more to the story. I said we talked for months and I was then invited to her apartment. A specific date and address was given. I flew into New York from Los Angeles on a red-eye flight and took the taxi to her address. It was being inhabited by three 20 something roommates who had never ever heard of my grandmother. I later learned that my grandmother was in fact living in Miami, but I did not learn this until after she died. I had been, it turns out, catfish by my great aunt. What? I text her, ask why she do this to me and she never responded. Why would your great aunt go through great lengths and great to pretend to be your grandmother? Have you fly all the way out to New York and then it's you. That's some freaky ancestral shit. I don't know. Do I like my great aunt? You know, I met one of my great cousins, but I haven't really met my great aunt. I wouldn't know. I know it exists somewhere. I just haven't met them. All right. Number two, catfish story number two. This is crazy show. I swear. I met a guy online through a gaming app and we immediately started talking and he started telling me that he just ended his relationship and was trying to get back on his feet. All right, boss, she said, maybe there's some relationship between catfish and people, please, who tell you what you want to hear. Yeah. Even people lying to just trying to fib you what a story is as a cat, I can, I can say that kind of falls in line with a catfish in a sense, right? Lying in general is catfishing in itself because you're telling a lie and you're not telling a truth. That's just what it is. All right. It's a, he seemed very nice and I was helping him deal with his breakup and we became really close. He was even showing me screenshots from conversations with his ex and asking for my advice. Now a month later, I got a message from him telling me that he was lying to me all along and that the picture on his profile was not his, but a picture he stole from another account. Pretty straight forward. Oh, there's more. There's more. All right. He also revealed his real identity and confessed that the screenshots he was showing me were actually another fake profile he created pretending to be his ex, which was an imaginary person and so he pretended to be a profile of his ex, which the ex wasn't imagined every person. So he never was a fucking ex. All right. I'll bind. He said that kind of catfish is forced. I don't do all that. It is. It is definitely forced. Wow. This gets, this gets a little bit more bizarre. This gets way more bizarre. All right. Where was I? Oh, yeah, his ex, which was an imaginary person. He also said, the conversations that I was seeing was actually a discussion between himself and both profiles, which believe it or not, are our imaginary friends. He said that he wanted to be honest with me and I was a really nice person and didn't deserve this. I felt so creeped out from all this. I immediately blocked him. However, he kept creating new accounts and sending me messages for three years begging me to forgive him. I had to go to a police and follow complaint for him to stop that is creepy as fuck. All right. He said also do I know who what Rio looks like. Yeah. I know him personally. Yeah. I know exactly what he looked like, but I'm not going to send you a picture of him. I will have him send a picture of him, but I know exactly we like at one point, we, we were in the same unit and we were neighbors. I know exactly who he is. No, I'm not dropping a picture of Rio. You guys want to know what Rio looked like. You guys can message him directly in his DM and the same with Captain James. Actually, you can see Captain James, but Rio just message him. He probably will let you know. He probably might send you more than just a picture. Oh, no, I'm not sending it. That's not no. No, he's on here. You can send it to him. I'm not doing it. All right. Number three. All right. Number three. Catfish number three. Let's do this my coworker met a man online from England. They dated for more than a year. His daughter apparently needed surgery, so she sent them all her savings. The guy led her on for several more months than told her he finally got together enough money to fly out to see her. She took a week of vacation, booked a romantic hotel and waited at the airport for him. Of course, he didn't show up and disappeared online. I felt awful for her. She never did get her money back. Goddamn. You got scam and catfish. Look at you. You might as well say Nigerian scammer. Hey, beautiful. Can I get your money? I love you much and then gone gone. He probably bought like a PlayStation two with that money or some shit like that or say a game gear gone. You never seen the person. You'll never see the money again. That is just sad. You said either way you look at it that people will go through great lengths to manipulate people. That's why nowadays trust is very hard to trust somebody nowadays, especially when people pull a game like that. All right. Number four. Make sure it's gone. Yeah. All right. Number four. I met a guy through hinge at the height of COVID. He was a total catch. I guess hinge was a some sort of dating thing out by no monkey said good night. I'll tune in round table. Love you. Love you too. Man. I appreciate it. Yes. Tune into the round table that will be between five and eight central standard time. Hope to see you there and tell me some of those catfish stories. Yes, please. All right. Now again, going back, I met a guy through hinge at the height of COVID. He was a total catch. Wow. That word catching COVID in the same sentence is diabolically. All right. And Tony said, Oh, do you like talking? I why? You're going to have to you're going to have to do that. We do that question. That's a really. That's a question. All right. He was a total catch. So we started talking and I immediately felt an incredible connection. Obviously, I wanted to meet in person, but he was in another country. And Tony said, do I like I'm not really let me finish this shit real quick. He fucking around felt the incredible connection. Obviously, I wanted to meet in person, but he was in another country. And because of flight restrictions, he couldn't travel. One day he started sharing his thoughts on cryptocurrency. I have no clue about those things, but I'm always willing to listen to someone who's passionate about something. He insisted that it would be a good moment to start investing and he described in detail all the steps for me to follow. But I was very hesitant. Oh shit. Here we go. I already see where this is going. In fact, she should already know something with money and somebody in another country. Oh, no. All right. Um, Chucho. What's going on? You say I'm somewhat of a cat fisherman myself. All right, buddy, I want to hear a catfish story that you have. All right. Maybe you can jump on the live. He made a catfish story. You could kind of describe it below, man. I know you got something crazy. All right. Now, there's more to this bizarre crazy story, quite a bit, but not too much of a bit. He finally convinced me by saying that I could invest just a small amount until I felt more comfortable. By the way, he's trying to get her to invest in cryptocurrency and stupid me did it. Of course you did. At first, it went really well. I could almost immediately see my initial investment double. So I put a bit more and then asked him about retrieving the money. He waited way too long to reply, but answered in the end. It was quite complicated, but I managed to receive my money back since I had proved to myself that it was all good. I decided to invest a big part of my savings. That's when things really went south. Now, one morning I woke up with a notification from the crypto system informing me that there was an unusual movement in my account and that they have blocked my money for safety. Oh shit. If I wanted to retrieve it, I will have to pay the same amount that was blocked. I immediately contacted the guy and asked for help. He was extremely kind and said that he was solving. So I gave him my credentials so he could retrieve the money from me and he confirmed that I needed to pay first. Oh shit. That's a ransom. That's a ransom. All right. Hold on. I got Captain James. Captain James. What's going on? Can you hear me? I can't even see myself while Captain James is loading up and I'm going to keep finishing up here. Okay. I got you. I don't even hear you on my headphones, but I hear you externally. Anyway, I refused and blamed him for putting me in the situation and he started to laugh and it sought me for being so stupid. That's when I realized I was being scammed from the beginning. I googled the name of the cryptocurrency app with keywords like hinge and scam and bam. At least four more people were also victims of the sick bastard. I lost a lot of money, not to mention my dignity. Of course, you will answer this anonymously. Yo ass should have already seen that coming. Like you just going to give a random stranger money like, what are you thinking? You didn't know damn well that you got that come. You had that coming. I can't even. I can't even really feel sorry for somebody like that. I just can't. I just can't. All right. Now, you guys that are watching this, you guys in some for a real treat of sorts. Oh, give it up to Captain James also. My man's got his pilot license today. This man is on his way on his way. So what you guys are probably seeing on the screen, he's got his flight simulator. He's going to probably do one of his flights. So you guys get to see flights and hear the show, but yeah, give it up for my, my executive producer, Captain James. He's fine. He did his test today. Man was nervous. The man studied nonstop every time, you know, I've seen this guy in the car. He's studying, studying, maybe sleeping sometimes, but he's studying. So let's give it up there, man. But damn, you get scammed out of money like that. You kind of deserve it. All right. Number five. Oh, shit. This is one. A girl started following me on social media platform, but she looked quite nice. So I followed her back. She had quite a summer followers herself. So I didn't think of much of how she looked too pretty to be real. We started talking and became quite close friends. She even called me and started sending me voice notes. So I never had a doubt. One day my close friend and this girl we call her Lee started dating. I asked if she had ever met Lee and she said, no, I started questioning this and decided to look her profile closely. Her pictures didn't always match up. She looked like her body changed in sizes every single day. But I thought I was just being paranoid. So fast forward a week and a random girl messaged me saying, Leah, um, oh, shit, hold on. This makes sense. Why I can't hear anything on my phone. My Wi-Fi is not even on. All right. Yeah, I can hear you, but I'm going to put you on my, um, I'm going to put you on my headphones because I was, I hear you from the outside of the phone, but I couldn't hear you in the headphones. It's just my Bluetooth wasn't on. It's all good. All right. So, um, her pictures didn't always match up. She looked like her body changes in sizes every day, but I thought I was just being paranoid. Now fast forward to a week and a random girl messaged me saying, Leah wasn't who I thought she was and to put her images into a browser scan. I did. And lo and behold, all the pictures were slightly modified, but taken off of Pinterest. I'm not even going to read anymore that I think it's just pretty sad. Hey, what's up, man? I hear you. Okay. I'm just trying to make sure that you hear me. Yeah. I got you. I can hear you through the headphones. Now I just realized that, uh, the, the, my sound mixer wasn't hooked up through Bluetooth on the phone. That's why I couldn't hear you, but I'm, I'm catching you loud and clear. All right. I'm a move on. You do your thing. I'm going to just be here. Do your thing. Yeah. Yeah. I got you. I got you. And hey, um, if anybody got questions for Captain James and trying to be a pilot and what he's doing, you guys are, uh, feel free to hit him up. All right. Next story. Number six. All right. I was in an online relationship with a guy when I was like 13 first red flag was when he sent me a picture of himself and I could see the reflection of a girl in the photo. Goddamn. A few months later, a girl who was his sister called me crying and said that he had died in the car accident and I appreciated, um, boss nine five years. I tried. I'm trying my best. I think every episode is getting better with time. I appreciate it. And Kona, thanks for joining, uh, a few months later, a girl who was his sister called me crying saying that he had died in a car accident. I was devastated and cried all night. No joke. I literally didn't even sleep before getting ready for school and seven thirty am because his family was texting and calling me all night about a week later. He texted me, but it was his ghost and he couldn't understand how he was able to communicate with me by text since he was dead. I believed it for a little while because I was a dumb kid, but it didn't take long for me to realize that this was all bullshit. I mean, you're 13 years old. You're stupid. You're dumb. Yeah. You'll believe anything. People fucking put online. I think we've all been there. We've all been stupid kids. At one point in time. So many stories are pretty fucking long. Um, I'm going to skip this one. This one is really long. I'm going to go to a shorter one. Um, number eight, I was like 10 or 11 and had a popular meme account and a couple of followers I chat with frequently, uh, there was this one person whose life was just way too dramatic. Uh, she told me that she was a teen mom. She had cancer. Her boyfriend was dying from cancer. She had an eating disorder and only weighed 39 pounds. I went along with it because I assume she was a sad teenager who needed some attention. Really? What the fuck? What? What are you going to believe somebody? None of that should even sound believe it. You had me at the 39 pounds thing. I was like, there's no fucking way. But of course you being young and dumb, you're going to believe any and everything that somebody put online. So God, you just live and you learn number nine, now we got to get some more people on the show, man. It's a pretty, pretty small crowd tonight. We get, well, they'll come along. You know what I mean? They'll come along. All right. Chucho, they said they would skin. They would be skinning Jones skin and bone. I know at 39, you'll be in the hospital. There'll be no way you'll be able to call and text and do all types of you down there. Be dead. You know what I mean? Like, come on. Number nine. I was in high school and played basketball for my community league. Um, I got a friend request from a guy that looked like your typical hot shot. Now, I added him back and we started talking every day. I told my friend on my basketball team about him and she told me she actually knew him from when she used to live in another town. I was thrilled because I figured she could help me meet him while I started noticing he'd stopped responding to me when I was at basketball practice or games. I wouldn't even tell him where I was, but he just coincidentally stopped answering. Then when I started talking about him to other girls at school, suddenly they all started telling me that they were talking to the exact same guy. Aw, shit. Long story short, a girl that went to high school with a friend from my basketball team somehow figured out that he'd been her all along. God damn. We when she found out she was bought to administration at school, where she finally admitted it had been her talking to all of us for months. Her principal may have deleted the page and we all individually confronted her afterwards. That's just more of that goes in line with more of the self esteem thing, trying to be somebody you're not. That's a perfect example of that shit right there. Number 10. I met a good looking age appropriate man on a dating site and we chatted when he finally told me his story. He said he was an American in the NSA. Currently, oh boy, first of all, you will never, if I work for the NSA, I'm never telling anybody I work for an NSA. I think it's about time to take off this hat. I will never tell anybody that I'm working for the NSA ever. That's already red flag number one and telling somebody that you work for the NSA and you overseas, red flag number two, he was currently assigned in Germany doing his last two months there, then retiring, he mentioned having a high security tap secret job. I accused him of being a bot which he denied. So I said, let's talk face to face as he suggested Google voice. Now I suggested a zoom call. He said, I rather do Google voice and I said, I just sent you a zoom link. He got on zoom with his camera off and I asked why is his camera off. He started and he started in on some excuse and I cut him off and said, you're just trying to scam me. All right. To which he denied, I told him he was not getting any money out of me and I and he said he didn't want my money and to let him explain, I told him I was not the one disconnected and deleted my zoom. Then I reported him to the dating site and they booted him. Yes. Yeah, that's crazy. Chucho, you said that's got to be that's got a breach contract. No way she believed that. Yeah, there's no fucking way you could possibly believe it. Like I said, somebody from NSA will not be like, yo, I work for the NSA. You can be serious. All right. Let me fix this real quick. Yeah. If I work for the NSA, would I tell somebody I work for the NSA? No. Hell no. No, I'm not risking my job career or security clearance for no one. All right. Number 11. I think the story's again a little bit shorter. Let's see. Hey, Captain James, where are you taking off real quick from? I was in Clarksville, but I switched it to New York. Okay. All right. So where are you trying to go in that little ass play? I'm just trying to see how it works. Okay. Well, shit. Have a safe flight. All right. Boy, she said most cops don't even tell you they're cops off duty. Exactly. Although sometimes in New York City, you could kind of figure out their off duty cops. But yeah, an off duty cop or undercover cops not going to hit you on a on a show. They'd be like, Hey, I'm off duty. I'm an undercover cop. No. Fuck out of here. All right. Number 11. I met a local girl on Tinder while playing travel baseball. I asked for a picture of her giving me the peace sign just to be sure she wasn't a catfish. Two months and several photos later, I realized this person had chest by luck happened to be the exact proof pick that I asked for about two months after that, I found photos of me online that I sent her with a completely different name. Body reverse. Oh, no. Oh, man. Oh, it's hot. It's hot. I don't know. I felt a little nauseous. I don't know why, but number 12, the guy I was talking to. Suppose cousin was the one who showed up to the cafe to check if it was really me. He asked me if I thought he was cute. And if I wanted to sleep with him, I said no, and never heard from the guy I was talking to again. So yeah, that was him trying to see if I would accept he was not the guy in the pictures. Well, yeah, no shit. Like I said, man, if people here's a red flag, here's a sign. If you're talking to somebody online and they refuse a zoom or a FaceTime, cut them off because likely they're fucking with you. They're more than likely just going to catfish you. Excuse me. Number 13, a girl I went to school with moved to the other side of the country. I wasn't very close to her, but she was infatuated with my older sister. Not long after she moved away, my sister started texting with a boy who was apparently the girl's closest friend. They only text never spoke on the phone. The pictures he sent were never of his whole face. I'm suspicious that my sister was too, but she was also someone who fell hard for guys. So she truly wished that they were real. And let's see. My sister wanted to visit the boy, but both my parents were very against it. It was a fight for weeks. The moment I knew it was catfish was when my sister told him that she could only visit if I came with her, and I had zero interest in doing that. So suddenly I started getting texts from a friend of this boy and he wanted to meet me too. It was so painfully obvious, even after we called out the girl for being behind, the two boys should continue to deploy eventually, all communication just stopped. There was a weird memory. Hey, one and done. That's it. Hey, just move on. There's no sense of sitting there trying to investigate and speck all that shit. There's no point. All right. Last one here. Let me see how much time I got. I might have hit that one hour threshold. Yes, I did. I'm going to read this last catfish story. Again, I wish somebody shared some catfish story. It could have been so much nice of an episode, but don't get me wrong. I appreciate the fact that people are on the episode liking just chatting and shit like that being a little weird in the beginning. But yeah. All right. And like I said, I catfish all the time, but oh, I know you do. It's only a way to get what you want without working too hard. Well, shit. I mean, you, yeah, you don't got to work too hard, but are you willing to accept the consequence? Yeah. I deal with it. I plan ahead. You know, people, you know, not all plans, even well-laid plans that require months and months of planning even work out all the time. I mean, shit, the point is shit can go wrong really easy, but I'm not promoting catfish and but if you catfish, you got a couple of your tracks. Only if you wanted to. Yeah. Boss, you said if you consider catfish, having a relationship with the woman who is married and didn't tell you, ha, ha, whoa, that's a thought. That's a reverse bucket. Uno. Have I ever seen one? He said felt bad about that one. I shit. I don't know. I don't know if I feel bad. I don't know, but that's just me. All right. Number 13 is the last one on here. Somebody's got a story. I mean, sorry. Number 14. All right. This person said started talking to this guy on a gay dating website and we kind of hit it off after a few weeks, we met up and things seemed okay at first, except he kept trying to buy me expensive gifts. Even on the first date, damn, I happened to be talking to a friend of mine on that phone on the phone and mentioned him. The friend asked, is he a pharmacist's name such as such? My heart kind of stopped and said, yes, turns out the guy was more than a decade older than he told me and always buys gifts in the hope that they don't dump him when they find out. Happened to my friend and not see him again, damn. Just be real with yourself. God that went. Why? Why? Why? I swear. I've never been catfish. Thank goodness. And I don't even got to worry about it now because I'm a married man. But man, let me tell you, let me tell you, all right, folks. So according to Busby that was 14 catfish noise, I think that could have been a little bit better. However, though, the idea of being catfish is, is diabolical, nobody wants to be had food or played with. All right. Hey, I don't condone catfishing. If you truly are with some of the people who are watching or typing on the show, if you catfish, you catfish, hey, I'm not one, the judge, but hey, you get caught on your bullshit. You get caught on your bullshit. Because like I said, you got to, you can cover your digital tracks as much as you can. All right. My wife's in the room. She's actually laying down watching TV. We just came back from dinner. We went to this new fall spot. If you ever have faux, right, or faux, depending on how you pronounce it, it's really, really delicious being in the me's soup and noodles and meats and whatever veggies really, really good. She took me to a new spot. She got me on to, but no, she's laying down right now. Nothing crazy. All right, folks. So catfishing. All right. We've been there, done that. We covered it. Episode was pretty good. We've got 4.2,000 likes. I got Captain James, one of his flight simulator flights right now. And again, congratulate that man. That man has gotten his license today. He. No, I did. I did my written today. I still got to do my check right now. Ah, no, trust me. You got it. All right. All right. Look, look, look, that's not James. That's not something. I'm part of the milehouse club. Whoa. Hey. This is a big milestone for me, to be honest. Yeah. I mean, like I said, check right as much time as we've been in the air for real and practice and done. Check right. You should have no problem. All right, true. That's crazy. When New York right now, hopefully, rad don't show up, man. He's going to be excited to see this shit. I'm actually close to where the twin tower was. Yo, chill. Yo, you're going to get us cut off. Let me see. I think. Oh, look, look, there's Liberty down there. Ah, yeah. I see the Statue of Liberty down there. Yeah. I was going flying over my aunt's house real quick. I want to see what they up to. Yeah. I'm going to tell you right now that they take me on a real flight and that shit go live. We're going to have so many fucking, uh, so many fucking likes and viewers and they're going to ask to do a barrel roll and you're going to do the fucking barrel round care. Yeah. You're going to fly inverted like Denzel. I bet you won't that that movie was all fake. Oh, we know. It's well shit. It's Denzel Washington. We're not going to, we're not going to question. Yo, how the fuck did it go from night and day? Because I changed it. Yo, that is accurate. Look at that detail. Sucks. It could be better, but my internet is a little slow. So let me tell you something. If you fly that plane in real life over that airspace, yo, you get, you get in shot now. You're getting shot down. Nah. I don't know. Are you sure? I can do via far out there. Yeah. I can do via far out there. Yo, the detail. This is on the river now as this, this is, um, place, place simulator 2024, right? Yeah. Jesus. That's a new one. That detail is fucking astonishing, dude. Like, that's my city right there, folks. New York City. If you're watching looking below, he's flying over Manhattan. That's some cool shit to see, man. It's like amazing where, um, video game and computer game graphics are nowadays, man. That is some serious detail. I know you, I know you're laptop got to be fucking hottest shit running is bro. If you have a, if you have a better computer, it would be way better than this. Shit. Imagine, imagine trying to run this game on a fucking calculator. Let's see how that shit worked. Yeah, it is. Calculate a simulator 2024 coming out soon on Xbox. Oh, man. All right. Hey, look, I'm about to wrap up the show. All right. All right. Now tomorrow we got the episode of the round table, man. What, what, what topics would you want to get talked about tomorrow? Like, what, what do you think I feel like when we talk about when you talk about like relationship stuff, it's a boost. It is a boost. What you did last night. Yeah. It was, it was pretty good. I tell you what, though, like somebody else said that Mahal actually said that, um, and yes, Mahal. Yes. You should know exactly where it is. It's heading towards the Long Island sound near the white stone connects the Bronx and Queens. Yeah. Fly over that shit. Hey, Mahal. You from New York? What do you know about the Throg's neck bridge? No, I've crossed that bridge at time or two. I have actually recently in September, September, August, September, I did to show you. So let's get controversial tomorrow. Hey, you never know what these things with the round table last week's round table episode was really successful. I got to look back and see, uh, how many likes we got on that episode and how many viewers, most importantly, that we got on that episode. Oh, you grew up in Long Island. Okay. Makes all the fucking sense. I knew it. I knew you were from New York because you have that old school, New York, Irish, Italian accent. The first thing I either thought was you were in Jersey or you were like old school Brooklyn, Bensonhurst, or you were in Long Island somewhere. Damn. Yeah. Now Jersey is my place now. You got to be careful. Yo, you're getting too close to the, yo, you're getting too close to Liberty, dude. That's way. Yeah. Fucking close. Whoa. Whoa. That's way close. Yes. We got to get Paige back on again. Um, in fact, you have forget about it. Hey, forget about it. Forget about it. And we'll do the thing later. We'll do that thing later. All right. No, we got to get Paige on tomorrow night. I want to see. I'm afraid to invite her though because I feel like it's going to get a little too out of control. I'm afraid to be a disrespected or offended. I don't know. Oh, she's a big girl. I'll leave it up to her if she wants to join the show and stuff like that. But, uh, there was something I seen in the chat. Somebody asked me something. Oh, the boss, you said, here I am worried about getting caught for flying my drone above 4000 feet. God. Damn. What drone do you find? You got it. UAV. UAV is online. That man flying a whole UAV. I'm flying the buyer drone for Christmas just got to be careful where you fly that shit because some drones require a pilot license or an operator's license flight at, uh, remember I did that drone class in Europe. Yes. We'll probably go fly that, uh, at the, uh, racetrack whenever you go back. Shit. I don't know if they'll let you. I mean, you got this. The right airspace is nothing but housing and shit over there. It's not like it's within like a flight path or anything like that. Plus we won't be too high. Trust me. Gotcha. Gotcha. Dude, I can recognize an old school New York voice anywhere, you know, it's the sad thing about the New York accent. My heart is that you and I, we retain that accent, but yours is really old school deep. Okay. Especially the way we say hot dog and water and stuff like that. Your voice, your accent is deep and you're one of the few people still hanging on, but I noticed more people in Long Island still retains this accent because Long Island is not as diversified as the five burrows, right? The five burrows is a melting pot of different accents and backgrounds, but in Long Island, it's not like that. And yeah, you lived in Bensonhurst. It's like I knew you all my life. Damn Bensonhurst, whoa, Bensonhurst used to be straight Italian. That used to be a crazy, well-knit, close community of Italians. But now Bensonhurst is turned more into an Asian American, um, kind of community. There's still some old school Irish and Italian out there, but it's, it's really changed a lot. Uh, yeah. Hey, Captain James. He said, uh, boss said that you can, that can I, he's asking you, can I really get that much trouble for going above the allow max altitude? I'm assuming with the drone. What's your take on that? So it depends on where you at. Mm. It depends on where you at. Cause I had, I had some friends that were shooting a music video and their, uh, drone that actually got shot down by the cop really shut down. Oh, they used the fucking, um, that, that electronic gun that works like an EMP kind of shooting down. I guess so. Yeah. No, they had a drone out there and I don't know what happened, but it actually like made their drone crash. Oh, so they have a thing and we, they use it in the military too. It looks like a rate. It looks like a, a radar gun that if you point it at the drone, what it does is shoots like an EMP, electromagnetic pulse and it kills the circuitry and the shit just drops right out of the sky. And at that point, um, it's, it's no longer operable because you fried all the circuitry and Mahal, you say you live in Bensonhurst too. Yeah, I've, I've known some, well, you lived in Bensonhurst, I thought you said Sunset Park. My wife is a gypsy. So like her family moved around a lot. And yeah, I guess what Bensonhurst is one of the places she's been everywhere. She's had Bay, she's had Bay is mostly, she's had Bay is mostly Russia now. That's more like a Russian neighborhood now. Yeah. She, she lied to you. Oh, James, say you lied to me. What else you ain't telling? You're sleeping on a couch tonight, huh? No. Oh, she's I'm in a dungeon. Well, I guess no ass tonight. All right, look, she know about a dungeon. No, no, she told about some other dungeon. Hi, Chucho, real quick, you say I should do an episode on which state has the best food. You guys are like reading my mind because let me tell you some, of course, Chucho, real quick, I came across something, a chart or more like the country, right? The U.S. was divided by who makes the best pizza, whether it's the East Coast, West Coast, the Midwest, the South, definitely need to put that in queue, which state has the best and worst food? Chicago. I have had many debates about who had the best pizza, Chicago deep dish or New York slice pizza. I could go on all day about that, man, New York, New York, New York without without it out. New York absolutely has the best pizza. I listen. In fact, I want somebody to bring that up on tomorrow's round table. Please, because we could go all night about this fucking pizza ship. Yo. Oh, matter of fact, yeah, my wife, we found a pizza place out here in a car smell on Fort Campbell Boulevard. Um, what is it called? It's literally called New York pizza, and I swear to God, it, my home. You, if this spot, you're catfishing, who's catfishing? The place that's selling that pizza? No, no, no. There's, here's the thing, no, yes, it is. I'm telling you, no other pizza place tastes like this New York pizza. This is like old school New York slices. Nice sized pizza. We got to go there one day. Shit is amazing. And yeah, my whole old time pizza joints are hard to find because a lot of those old time pizza joints, the Italian brand spots, no longer exist. It's like most of the pizzerias now in New York City are ran by like Latinos, and some of them are make, they make the pizza pretty good, but it's not that old school Italian pizza. And my heart, you said raised pizza. Are they still in business right now, raised? I think they are. Right? Maybe they, I heard a thing or two recently about raised, hold on one sec, wait, oh, you're talking about, oh my God, the family owned pizza. Martinellos, there was a pizza place that we used to live by. Martinellos was good. Um, I, yeah, it was in a college point, Queens, truth or you said, I don't think the south has its own style. Oh, no, they got this style. You ever heard of soul food? Soul food is a big thing here in the south, though, there's a couple of soul food spots where I live at. And everybody's got a style, man. It's just, you know, it may not be your style, it may not be my style, but every place has a style. Believe me. Um, you just got to travel and kind of experience and try some. I love the travel. Soul food pizza. Nah. I ain't got that shit out here. Hell no. We got a spot out here called granny soul food, um, but they ain't selling no fucking pizza, but they do make, they do have Kool-Aid made from scratch that they make, um, that they have at the soul food spot, but not. So full pizza is crazy. What are you going to do? Put collard greens on your pizza? What about that spot? We used to eat it in a fucking Europe, uh, sighines. Oh, that's jerk. That's a pizza boy. No, no, no. If you're talking about an Estonian, uh, petering pizza, yeah, that was a spot. That was actually pretty decent. Okay. Ladogna vigna was a place we went in Italy, very upscale, fancy fucking place. My pizza was like gourmet and wasn't like New York style pizza because there's one thing real quick about pizza in Italy. They don't slice it. They give you the whole pie and it's up to you to cut it. I've seen people eat it with a fork, everything. That's weird. Shit. All right. Soul food pizza. Mahalo. You said Carlos bakery has the best Italian bakery. I'm assuming that is probably out in Long Island, maybe I never heard of it, but I'll look into that. You know, how the fuck did you go from flying a single engine near the Statue of Liberty and now you sit here being Tom Cruise and fucking top done. What the hell do you guys want to see the, you want to see the barrel, right? Yeah. The day you take me up in the air, you do that shit. I'm choking you. Oh, you said whole broken. Let's see if we can fly around in the motor pool. Yeah. Watch this. You should get shot down virtually. Is that poor Campbell? Yeah. Oh, hell no. Yeah. This, this plane is too fast for me to fly by the motor pool. So then get the fucking plane that the right brothers flew in. Get that shit. All right. Mahalo. You said that places in Hoboken. Okay. Okay. I've never been the Hoboken. I know that's, that's where Frank Sinatra was born. I believe Danny, the veto too, but I've never been the Hoboken. Believe it or not. I don't think I have any interest in going to Hoboken, but who knows? Maybe one day. Maybe one day. All right, folks. Listen. Give me 15 minutes. Give me your last little bit of whatever you want to say, shout out, whatever. And tomorrow will be the round table where if you were tuned in last week, you already know what the show is going to be about. Hopefully we'll get, hopefully we'll get a back on, if we got, I got a brain fart what her name was because somebody just mentioned it and hopefully we'll get her back on. But I don't know. That's coming on the show. On that episode, it's going to be risky business. I've been the Manhattan. Are you asking me that question? Because I'm from New York. That already answered your question. Captain James also, New York. So I used to live in New York now, Mahal, you said you still got the old school Italian restaurants in Mulberry Street. Yes, a matter of fact, two years ago, I went to a restaurant in that area and it was a fantastic Italian fucking restaurant. I went two years ago, I forgot what the place is called. I got to go back and, you know, kind of do my research, go back, but it was a really, really fucking good spot. All right, boss, you said I heard the rent in New York and Manhattan, especially as like 4K a month. Yeah. Couldn't be further from the truth. Yeah, the rent in Manhattan is extremely high. I don't know. Only people that could afford to move the Manhattan are implants from other states as we call them on gentrifiers or implants from people who come from families of money and then they move to New York City and I think they know everything about New York City because they did one stupid as viral video about New York and they try to tell New Yorkers best and worst restaurants to go to or best and worst neighborhoods. I'm like, get the fuck out of here. You just you only been here for two weeks and you telling me about New York? Yeah. All right, folks, it's time to go. All right, boss, real quick, you say you want it. You got you got PT tomorrow. You too, motherfucker. No, I know. You too. No, I know. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I, I, Mahal, you said, let's do an episode on restaurants. All right. Now, I've done countless episodes on restaurants, particularly fast food and some casual restaurants like I have versus Denny's Burger King versus McDonald's. I've done a whole series on that. What's up? Jamaican restaurants. What about a Jamaican restaurant? Jamaican restaurant's going to be a bit hard to do because not a lot of people know any Jamaican spots. And then you know, if you live in New York City, you know the Golden Crust. Not everybody knows Golden Crust, but you could find Golden Crust in other places. And hey, I think you got a question by boss, he wants to answer. And Mahal, yes. Thank you very much, man. Have a good night. Tune into the round table tomorrow. Hopefully I can get you to join live and we can talk about whatever we can talk about, man. Oh, and then James, you got a question below from boss. Yeah, boss, to be honest, I don't like helicopters. It is. I don't know if it's hard to fly, but I just don't like the fact that they fall from the sky. Like I read a glide down to my destination or to the ground, but no, I don't know much about helicopter zeta, but I've seen some videos and trust me. They're not something that I want to indulge in. Hey, Mahal said, "Raska Bumbuklod," my man has been around some West Indians during his time, man. I like Mahal, man. He's like one of my favorite fucking guests, man, because he stays true to the show and he interacts. He talks, man. I mean, he's been around for a while. He's been around many blocks, but he, when he comes on, he comes on. I just like, I like his presence. I like his energy. I like his insight, man. Hopefully I see a lot more of you as this show going on. Yo. Is this the plane you jump out of? What is that? C-17, or is that Globe Master? Yeah. C-17. Yep. Jumped out of many of those motherfuckers. For some of you, I don't know. I used to be an airborne in the military. I'm still in the military, but I used to be airborne infantry, and I've done my fair share of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. So believe me, the summer of that shit was scary as fuck, man. This plane is powerful. C-17s are amazing. They are just fucking flying boats, man. Like I said, I've been in so many of them and jumped out of them. I kind of miss it. I said. No, go ahead. I still can't get the hang of it. I really can't get the hang of it. Look how big that shit is. Ha! And it flies far and it flies fast. Oh, that shit's got some distance. The C-17's got distance. The stuff that the dudes be doing at the base, trust me, I don't know how they do it. I tried it with this plane, but it's too much work. It's training. I mean, you got to go through so many classes to fly that shit. It's crazy. All right, boss, you said. It goes too fast, too quick. I mean, look at it. It's got four fucking engines. Think of it as a 747, basically. All right. This is way faster. To me. It would have to be. I would hope. All right, boss. You said you'll be terrifying jumping out of a plane, especially a military issue parachute. Yeah, man. Whoo. What's crazy is we have parachute riggers. So parachute riggers, they pack the parachutes and put them together and assemble them on the spot for you to wear them. And I always used to think like, damn, what if I get this? I used to shoot from that one parachute rigger that just had a bad fucking day, man. Yeah. What if they made a mistake? What was going to happen then? So there's a process when it comes down to being airborne. They just don't give you the parachute and you just put it on. You're good to go. No, you have to be, you have to go through a jump mass that they have to be inspected and everything. I had a, I know someone that died on a jump in Fort Bragg a few years ago, and it was just a training jump. It wasn't nothing crazy and serious, but he passed on one of those jumps. I didn't like talk to him a lot. No, I knew him. We said some few words. He was a quiet dude, but yeah, man, jump man, let me tell you. I'm not a very religious person, but I will tell you every time I got on that bird and I was ready to jump. I said a fucking prayer every single time I've, listen, I finished with 32 jumps. I've jumped out of a plane 32 fucking times and been stuck in a tree once and I'm telling you. Huh? Would have been your last jump. Every jump could have been my last jump, man. You have no idea. I mean, I know somebody that got that died in a jump. And like I said, I, I landed in a tree on my birthday because that jump so happened to be on my 32nd birthday. How far do you jump from? You're over 32. No, I finished with 32 jumps. I'm no longer airborne, but I finished with 32 jumps. Yep. So, I mean, how far do you got to jump? Well, considering I jumped out of what James is flying, I have to jump out of that at about 10 at about 1,000 or 1,200 feet, well, no, I'm sorry. It's not high. No, it's not very high, but it's high enough. And then when I jumped out of helicopters, it was about 1,400, yeah, about 1,400 almost 1,200 feet. Basically. So the day when you did that live, when I was flying, I did, I did, what, 1,500 feet. Yeah. Sometimes I went up to 16 because I'm accustomed going up to 16, well, I did 1,500 feet. Yeah, we didn't jump that high. The difference, yeah, jumping out of a helicopter was easier than jumping out of a plane though, because when you jumped out of a plane, you got what's like the prop blast. So when you come out, you get blown back, and that's what helps open up your shoot. And you have to count to about, when you jump out of a plane, you have to count until about 61,000. If your shoot did not open by the time you hit 61,000, you better pull that fucking reserve. It was longer for the helicopter because the helicopter didn't have a prop blast. You just walk off and you go straight down. There was no prop blast because it's kind of moving slow. You count up to about eight or nine, 1000, if that shoot didn't open up, you better pray. You better fucking pray. And to be honest with you, I have a little bit of knee trouble on the right, but nothing crazy. Um, I didn't have many, so you should be on profile there. No, not yet. Not yet. I didn't have, um, I didn't have a lot of, a lot of landings that landed really hard on my knees. No, not at all, but, uh, you know, a lot of people do got some knee and back injuries, like heavy because it jumps. But yeah, as you can see, I've done my time. I got my wings. I've done my jump time. I'm fucking done. I'm not doing that no more. I told my wife, that's not the real wing stuff. Oh, you know, it's chicken wings. Shut the fuck up. No racial, no racial, but now I've done my time and I've done my time and then a fucking aerosol. That's shit. I said, I'll never jump out of a fucking plane again. I'm done. My wife was like, you want to go to Alaska again? You know, because it's an airborne unit. I said, nope. No way in hell. I'm never doing that. I'm never doing that. Hell, no, I ain't doing that shitty. The 32 jumps for me is more than enough. I'm good to go. That's the craziest shit I've ever done in my life is jumping out of a fucking airplane. I fell, I fell, I fell from a monkey bar and that was pain enough for me. Much respect to you. Much respect. I ain't trying to do, I ain't trying to do no, no plane. No. Why would I jump out of a plane? That's crazy. That was always the question in the airborne, it was like, why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft? I mean, shit, because I want to, I don't know, but yeah, I appreciate it. I appreciate the respect, boss. Thank you. Yeah, it was an awesome experience, man. I remember damn near every jump I did, but at my age, and I'm just like, nah, it's not worth the risk anymore, but it was, it was fun at the time, man. It was fun at the time, but, um, and shout out to boss, man, I appreciate your, your support to the live. Yes. Absolutely. Shout out to boss. He's one of my top fans. He's one of my regulars, actually, like Mahal. He's, he's definitely one of my regulars as well, and I just love the idea that I have a regular audience. You know what I mean? Oh, and absolutely. Mahal. Thank you for the support. Shout out to Rhett. Shout out to Rhett. Rhett. Your latest book. And X, WYZ. Probably drunk. Probably. Shout out to Rio. Yup. Shout out to Rhett. X, WYZ. X to the Z exhibit. Hey, welcome, man. I'm glad you joined. I'm glad you liked the line. So shout out to the following, um, and Chucho, man, I appreciate that with much love. Thank you. Thank you. Um, every day, despite the military having its ups and downs, man, it's a really cool entity. And it's something that I don't regret. You know what I mean? It's just experiences. Despite of the ups and downs, the military is the cause of where I'm at today. That's what I'm saying. The military affords great opportunities. But the key in the military is that you've got to take advantage of everything they give you because I've seen too many motherfuckers go through the military like all the military didn't do shit for me, blah, blah, blah. They gave you everything damn near on a silver plot and you just didn't take it. But we're going to save that for another time, though, but let me give my shout outs real quick like I usually do because I totally respect my audience and what you guys do. You got to go get some cheeks. We know. Oh, I'm about to go late now. I'm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been a day. It's been a day. That's that's what they call it. Lay down. Yeah. Call it. Lay down. All right. Hey, let me get my shout outs. Of course, the captain James, who's currently in flight, um, thank you for your service and executive producer. All right. Real quick, the boss said when my brother was deployed, he said, the CIA guys have full beard and flip flops. Oh, yeah. CIA SF, they don't adhere to the same, um, standards as we do. They're a little bit unconventional so they can be what they want to be and dress how they want to dress. So no, that's, that's, that's straight facts. Absolute. I got a full beard. You wish you had a full beard. I got a full beard, not, not, not, not flip flops. Yeah. Man shit. Fuck that. I ain't fighting the war. No flip flops. What, what you trying to say? Shrock's beard is better than mine. And that his beard, he looked like he looks like a billy go. That's crazy. Fuck. All right. Hey, I'm, I'm about to cut the live, uh, shout out to Captain James. Executive producer boss nine five, one of my top guys. Thank you much. Appreciate it. Shout out to choo. And X, W Y Z. I know you a little bit late, rad of course late as fucking usual. Mahal. I'm rad. I'm about to do this for you. Yo chill. Mahal. Of course. Thank you. One of my favorite regulars, uh, Rio eight, five, eight, five executive producer. Subi snack, he was on for a brief shout out to him, executive producer, um, Antonio and many of the others that came through early as so many to count. Uh, let me see. I'm going to go up a little bit, uh, Mahal boss, Mahal boss. Everybody that joined basically. Thank you. Antonio. Um, and let me see what other new messages I got real quick and I'm going to cut it. All right. Of course, rad. All right. So hey, I had the crash. Yo, don't crash. What the fuck? Did you crash? Oh my god, I know red's got a heart on right now. He's like, Oh my god. Oh my god. He's like closer. Oh my god. Hidden hard. That's crazy. That man, that man, little Jimmy just went fine, fine, all right. All right. Well, hey, I shout out who I can remember that was on the show. Thank you. We're wrapping up with eight people on the show, not, not too terrible. And 5.1,000 likes again. Thank you. Stay tuned tomorrow for the round table. This is the second episode of the round table. I think it's going to be fun. Somebody's going to come up with a crazy topic. I got a good feeling table. Huh? Why don't you call the red table? The red table. What's read about it? Uh, I don't know. It's a G.I. Joke. All right. G.I. Joke. It's going to be fun with something stupid like that again. Oh, let's call it the red table. Oh, no motherfucker. I like the round table because it's kind of like I could get everybody together and we could fucking, you know, just talk about whatever, you know, no straight topics like I normally do on a regular episode. It's like whatever comes to mind and that can inspire other topics. And I'll usually have a notepad here. Somebody would come up with something crazy. I'd be like, yeah, that's a fucking episode, boom, boom, boom, boom. Ah, that's her name, Paige. Mahal. Everybody keep asking me about this girl. I swear to God, page, page, page, page, I had a brain fart earlier. That's the name. Glory online. No, that it's not the real one that I think I know who made that profile. That's not her. Believe me. I could show you her real profile, but the one you saw last night is not her. I was about to shoot my shot. Hmm. All right. Last. Invited to my place. Shit. Maybe we'll get page online. I hope that people are respectful because she's a really nice girl and the people don't get too carried away. But I had a lot of people ask me who this girl was. And I was like, you know, I heard you keeping a, not birthday party, Christmas party. I don't know. Nothing about a Christmas party. I don't know. Christmas party. I'm a fucking house. That's what Snoopy Snacks was saying yesterday. I don't know. It's a Christmas party at your house. He was inviting people too. I swear to God. I swear to God. Christmas party. If he starts sending people to my house, I'm going equalizer on everybody. I'm turning off all my lights and shit, you're going to just see me come out of shadows. I'm not playing around. All right. Last question. And I'm really going to wrap it up. I got the boss. He said, all right. Last question. I heard the Air Force guys get treated like kings for housing and food. Brother, whoever told you that was spot fucking on. And I'm going to explain how now, hey, I read what the fucking you do. Look what he put in the chat. No, look in the chat, look what he wrote. That motherfucker failed. No, no, no, no. Remember a long time ago, I bossed on five to answer your question. Yes, wherever you heard that about the Air Force is absolutely the truth. Here's one example of the Air Force is that when airmen stay in an army residence, i.e. a barracks, right, do you know they get paid extra money to stay in an army barracks? If they're like going on a training exercise or whatever and they have to go to an army base, they get paid extra for what they consider substandard cost of living because the air force they live in. They don't live in barracks. They live in what they call dorms. They look like nice little college apartment buildings and the Air Force, when they stand the army barracks, they get paid extra. Imagine that substandard living, yo, you just crashed. What the fuck? That's why I read post of that. He saw that shit and just nutted. Yo, Rad, what the fuck? That's what you're getting off on. Anyway, yes, the Air Force is treated like amazing. I mean, I wish I had a high enough score to go Air Force, but I did it. I was sort of kind of following my brother's footsteps to go National Guard, but I ended up going reserve and I went active duty. But yeah, the Air Force, man, it's also an Air Force base recently. I was in Langley Air Force base in Virginia. Nice little small joint, but man, they PX, everything is so much better than ours. I swear they just get it. They got it nicely made. But yeah, whoever told you that was spot on. All right. Now it's time for me to go folks. It's our 37 minutes. I will catch you guys tomorrow, stay tuned between five and eight central standard time for the round table episode two. I think it's going to be a good one. Hope to get crazy participation. James, if you're going to stream, absolutely stream. Hey, boss, what the fuck? Yo, there we go with the eggplant again. All right, man. I got you though. I got you. Peace out, man. Rad, go to bed. Man. I know something wrong with you. We got done. Go to bed. Go to bed. We all go in a bed. All right. Not together, but separate and your old fucking Benz. All right. I'm going to bed. Everybody. Good night. Have a good night. We'll do this again tomorrow night. I got a good feeling about tomorrow. We'll see you then. Peace out. All right. Catch you later. Good night. I won't see you tomorrow. I gotta do my license. All right. Well, well, get to me offline about that one. We'll talk about that. Just get this text me text me. You going to put it in the words for me? Yeah. Yeah. I'll put it in the words. All right. All right. All right. Everybody. Good night. Peace. I'll put it in the words for me. [MUSIC PLAYING]

The dating scene is already complex enough, but imagine meeting someone, and they're not who you think they are. What is catfishing? Why do people do it? And why?

Tik Tok episode 29 @austin.edwards070

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