Five On The Floor: Miami Heat/NBA

Miami Heat: Play-in Fiasco, as Heat collapse, Butler hurt

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18 Apr 2024
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The Miami Heat built a double digit lead in the first half, even with Jimmy Butler hobbling, but ultimately fell apart against the Philadelphia 76ers, as Tyler Herro struggled. Now they need to play Friday night to save their season. Ethan, Alex, Brady and Greg recapped on the Five Reasons YouTube channel.

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Looks like we might have a different conversation today after the heat went up double digits at half time, but as has often been the case this season against good teams, they could not sustain it. Although there were a bunch of variables we did not foresee in this game. We will get to all of our sponsors as we go forward. Today's floor plan on Ethan Skolnick and follow me. Ethan J. Skolnick and on Five Reason Sports. We've got Brady Hawk. You can follow it. Brady Hawk 305. We've got Alex Toledo. You can follow the drop of the blanket. We've got Greg Sylvander. You can follow him at Greg Sylvander. Miami Heat lose by one that really doesn't tell the story. There was some cosmetic stuff there at the end. A lot of it from Tyler Hero, who's a conversation we're going to have tonight. Greg, I'm going to let you sum up the overall feeling of this before we get into the specifics of it. Of course, we will take comments. We are live tonight. This is going on the podcast Feed After, but now they have to go home. They've got to play the winner of the Chicago Atlanta game, which is coming up as we speak for the right to Trudgeon to Boston. And oh, by the way, their star banged these tonight and was essentially a decoy the entire fourth quarter. And I'm not even convinced he'll play on Friday night. And that's Jimmy Butler. What do we do with this? The Nick Batoon game. That's really what we just had happen is the Nick Batoon game. No, they kind of did it to themselves. I mean, there was a collapse in the second half. And there's no other way to feel about it other than to be disappointed. Jimmy was clearly not the same player. I think it was, I mean, four steals in the first half, one steal in the second half. It was not the same player. It looked like he was a decoy by the end of the game. I agree with you. I don't know that he's going to play in the next game. And his availability would have been in question mark anyway. The way that this closed. I just, I didn't anticipate him being such a strong decoy, but they have this team right where they wanted him. They half time, they had them. They were up 13 in the third quarter and it just collapsed. They couldn't. Oh, I think we just lost Greg there. Just like their offense in the second half. I mean, you mentioned it though, it was the Nick Batum game. I mean, where I don't, I don't know who's going to be the Rocky sports gamer of the night. Probably going to be him, but I mean, he's in his, what mid to late thirties at this point. And it did seem like in the first half of this game, they had the answer, right? It was the zone. We, you know, Spill went to it. It confused Philadelphia. MB did not look quite like himself. They had Maxi, you know, playing too fast, I thought. They were great to line right minutes early. You know, a lot of things like the role guys like Hawkez, I thought throughout the night was like the one guy who didn't look like he, like the moment overwhelmed him. But ultimately, this comes down to your three best players or suppose who the guys were supposed to be your three best players. And Bam was okay tonight. Is that, is that saying too much? You have the two early fouls. I mean, he wasn't great by any means. Jimmy, I'm just not going to blame Jimmy. I mean, I was surprised he stayed in the game. Honestly, I mean, he knocks knees that probably should be the play of the game. He knocks knees with Oubre there. He stayed in. Like you mentioned, he had the four steals early. But Tyler was just bad. And I, you know, there's just no way to sugarcoat this. Like, we, Brady, we talked about it. Like, the shots were going to be there for him. Like they were going to build the offense around him. Okay, so that's something we all got right. Like it was, it was going to be a Tyler hero game. But for all the wrong reasons. The shots were there. Like you just said, like they were there. Like it felt like I was kind of at the point in the fourth quarter. It was like, everybody's like, Oh my God, he's taking another one. But it's like, he has to, like the whole offense is built around this. You have Jimmy had standing in the corner with one knee. You have Bam and Abayo, who's not really getting the ball done. And he didn't really have many shot attempts. And every shot for any of those guys was a tough shot. You look at all these guys that are driving to the basket. Tough shots. Like Tyler's one guy. It's getting a clean look. You almost have to just live with it. He could not get it going. He could not find a flow. He could not find a flow from all three levels. It just felt like we were talking about early. Like it was like, what was the reason for it? I didn't feel like it was nerves or anything like that. Like he's played in big games. I felt like if anything, maybe it's, I want to perform, you know, on this stage because of the narratives that are out there. Like if there's anything that was, maybe it's that because he started pressing a little bit. But then it got to the point where he just wasn't, you know, he was playing his game and he just wasn't able to capitalize. And then, you know, the couple of the turnovers just really hurt Miami. It felt like in the second half, like they could, they had early turnovers start the game. They settled them, which made them have a 12 point lead at halftime. And then they picked up like Kyle, how many times is Kyle going to do that behind the, you know, back hat steel? Like it just, it hits a certain point where you have to take care of the ball. And it felt like speed, you take care of the ball. How many times did we, did you kind of look around and say, are they going to get the ball past half court? Because there were like a bunch of times where it was like, okay, this team doesn't have their point guard. They don't have eight point guard. That's, that's your, your ball guy that's going to get the ball past half court. It's like, it hits a certain point where you're like, okay, it can't just behind me, be him and Tyler, that are, that are doing right. Brady, Brady, how about the time they were in, in the front court, and they went back court. Yeah. How does that happen? With a minute left in the game. How, how do you put yourself in the position for the officials to make that call where Tyler ends up going back court. And then we talk about the offense. Look, Jimmy was a decoy in the fourth quarter. I understand why, why I suppose still had him out there. But I mean, there were a couple of times where like Tyler was literally pressed up against Jimmy in the left corner, taking shots like Jimmy was just planted there. And obviously, look, obviously Duncan wasn't ready to play because he was active. There was plenty of opportunity to get him in. But obviously, he spoke didn't feel comfortable with it. They missed Roseer, but I'm not going to blame it on the guys who were out or the guys that were hurt. They had this game. They had this game. And like Greg said, they lost to Nick Batum. They didn't lose to Embiid, to Maxie, to even Oubre or Harris. They lost to Nick Batum. And here's another thing. We've talked a lot this year, Alex, about, you know, just decision making in certain stretches of the game. Caleb had a rough stretch that really allowed Philadelphia get back in. Caleb didn't used to have these kind of stretches. We've seen this stuff this year. It just, I don't know, it seems like guys who the moment should not be too big for like hero played in like significant game finals games as a rookie, right? Caleb could have been Eastern Conference Finals MVP. They both looked overwhelmed at times tonight. And that's the frustrating part of this for me is they had this game. Philly didn't play that well. Philly didn't play that well. And even with Jimmy Gimpy, like they had this game, but Philadelphia fans were booing in the first half. And you lost the game, Nick Batum. Yep, it was absolutely the Nick Batum game. I mean, it's not surprising that a random or not, you know, random. The guy's been in the league doing this for a long time, but he is towards the end of his career here, right? You know, just another role player going off against the heat, just like we see, you know, pretty much every game for the past few years. Like, this is what they do, right? This is the con with, you know, doing everything you can to take away kind of the metaphorical heads of the snake for the other team, right? Like you did a pretty good job on and beat him max. He is you guys are talking about, I mean, so much better than how they performed on the defensive end against those guys last time in Miami. So like you give them credit there, great first half defensively, especially when you got into that zone. Like that was some of the best zone we've seen in that first half all season long. Then in the second half, just it was really a tale of two halves, man. Like you go in and allow, I think 30 in the third quarter. And I want to say 34, I was just looking at it in the fourth, maybe 36 after, you know, just a phenomenal first half. And Brady was talking about it on playback as well. We were all talking about it like they cannot let their foot off the gas defensively. And we say that when the team is healthy, because we know how bad their offense is. It is even more important when Jimmy is banged up and you're already not playing Terry and Duncan. Like the offense is not going, you're not going to be able to match a team as good as the Sixers as talented and as good as the Sixers offensively on that end of the floor. The first half was the blueprint to winning this game. And look like their defense wasn't atrocious in the second half, but it wasn't great. It wasn't great. It was nowhere near that level, right? That they were out in the first half. And it's hard to really come away with that. Maybe one of those stats that'll help point to that a little bit that I was just looking at the points off turnovers gap in the first half was 17 to two favoring the heat in the second half, 14 to five favoring Philly. Like I don't know how much there is to say like their defense did not stay on the same level. And it's clear to anybody that they didn't have office tonight. Tyler obviously had a terrible shooting game. And I'm glad that he was able to really get it going in the forefoot because otherwise it would have ended even uglier than that. It would have ended with, you know, probably like much more time left in the game early in that fourth quarter of Tyler didn't get going because Jimmy was out of it. Like you said, Ethan, he was out of the plays wasn't like even running around was just planted in the corners. The spacing was off like, honestly, just a bunch of red flags all over the place, man. And those defensive mistakes and then the turnovers on the offensive side, like there goes your margin for error. There goes your margin for error. They weren't able to hold down the blueprint that they had done such a good job of in the first half. And I feel like I'm already sounded like a broken record, but that's where I come down on it. Oh, I mean, you're right. And look, these are all these we talk about the red flags. Like we saw them all year, like we've discussed these all year, like they're in it. They're the offensive droughts, the sloppy playmaking. And then also just the lack of time that a lot of these guys had playing together this season. And I think that that shows up too. Like they just look confused. They look like they don't know where to go. And when that happens, Tyler's the one that's going to be aggressive. Like that's just the nature of it. And that's the way that the defense played into it. And if Tyler had a great shooting game, we wouldn't be having this conversation, but he didn't. And that's where we're at with it. And we can keep or I can keep sort of making excuses for the absences, the lack of availability, a lot of it's not his fault and all the rest of this. But then the moment is there, right? It was there. And he made some difficult shots tonight, but he missed him an easy ones. And so it all comes back to that. And again, like you said, when you don't have Rosie, you're clearly spoke was not comfortable playing Duncan. And here's the thing about these role guys, okay? Great credit to Delaun Wright for what he did in the first half by knocking down a couple of threes and what he did defensively. Great credit to what Highsmith has done throughout the season when he's got opportunities. But these guys are role players for a reason. They're role players for a reason. Like you can, you may get one half, you're not going to get two, okay? A guy like a Nick Batume is a different kind of role player. This is a guy who was a longtime starter in the league. They save him for moments like this. Look, the heat got great moments from Kevin Love tonight too. Okay, right? Like because Kevin Love knows how to play in these games, like Batume knows how to play in these games. But you can't expect Delaun Wright to have two halves like that. You can't expect Highsmith to knock down all of those shots. It's not what they're there for, right? It's not what they're there for. Like, ultimately, you go as far as your best players take you. And Miami, if they had just gotten, and look, the Jimmy thing, you know, for all the criticism I've given Jimmy for not getting up for certain games or not shooting well against good teams, I blame him for nothing tonight, nothing. Okay, guys stayed in and played when it looked like he wouldn't continue to play. And he was out there as a decoy. Maybe you could argue who shouldn't have been out there, but clearly they didn't have enough bodies. They trusted. So that's why Jimmy stayed in the game late. But Greg, I think, you know, I think we'll get to the stuff that we have to do here on the pod tonight. But as you look at it, it ultimately comes down to this, like, I have never felt this year, like Jimmy, Bam, and Tyler, we're going to carry them over the top. It has just not felt that way the entire season. And it's why when we did the podcast yesterday, I didn't pick them. Okay, and they ended up losing by one. This spread was five and a half. I just, it just has not felt that way the whole year. And this magic or run that's supposed to come, you have to be able to trust your best players. You have to trust the other guys that just play smart. And they just can't sustain. They can do it for a quarter. They can do it for six minutes. They cannot sustain. And I think that's going to be the story of the season, ultimately. I'm worried about how they respond in the next game, honestly, because it's like, you're going to go to Boston like that. That feels like this team may start to regret what just went down in Philadelphia. You know what I mean? So it's a tough position that they're in because they had this game. And it was just a situation where Nick Batum kept killing them. You help off of them. Tyler, hero, shot them out of the game. And now they to go and play Atlanta or Chicago that has trap game written all over it for me. That's just, I guess, where I come down on the next on the next matchup. Yeah. And then there's going to be a whole question from he fans do even want to win the game. And look, I say you always win the game. You make the playoffs. You roll the dice. You see what happens. But I know Alex, we've talked about this like one of the worst case scenarios was going up and just getting embarrassed by Boston. And I don't know how you can look at this any different. They're limping it. Like there is no in all ways. And isn't it like an early afternoon game Sunday if it's in Boston, right? I think it's a one o'clock or something along those lines. I have to look at exactly what the time is. I'm pretty sure it's it's an early game. They might not get to that game. I don't know that they will. Honestly, I don't know that they will. They almost didn't last year. All right. Let's get to a couple of the formalities here for the podcast. We might as well name one. Rocky sports gamer of the night. And now on five on the floor, it's time for the gamer of the night sponsored by rock e-sports center, the place to eat, drink and play all day. Host your next birthday party with them located at 15305 South Dixie Highway in Palmetto Bay. They've got a 5500 square foot state of the art center equipped with all the high end power play all day passes available for just 25 bucks. But if you mention five reasons, it's just $20. So mention five reasons or five RSN you get to play all day for $20. And now the gamer of the night. All right. If I was going to pick one on the heat side relative to expectations, I'd probably pick Jaime Hakiz, which tells you everything you need to know about this night because I at least look at least he played he played with effort and he played poised actually for most of the night. And I give him credit for that. That's promising for the future and nobody cares. So I'll just say this. Okay. It's Batum. I mean, I six threes. I mean, let me just go through his Nick Batum. Nick Batum is 35 years old. Okay. He hasn't been a starter for years. I mean, he was a consistent starter. Last time he started a bunch was with the Clippers. I guess he started 38 games this year. But I mean, that's because they had all the in and out moving pieces and all the rest of this. But I mean, really, he was a starter for Charlotte in the late teens. I always used to hear about Nick Batum. You didn't want him on your team because he was soft. That was always that was always the phrasing on Nick Batum. You know, everybody talked about and meanwhile, he gives you six threes tonight. And there were just a couple of circumstances. He was quicker to the ball than the heat players were. And that's the frustrating part of this. It's not just making the threes. But again, they they lost to Nick Batum. And that's that's that's that's pretty much all there is to say about that. Philadelphia get New York in the next series. That's a series that he fans probably aren't going to watch or going to want to watch because they're going to think that they should have been in that series might have had an opportunity against the Knicks. Brady, let's let's just discuss this briefly because that game is starting right now. So for those of us who are watching us live, even though on the podcast feed will be over already, would you rather play the Hawks or the Bulls on Friday? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I think we'd be talking about this tonight. This is a crazy turnaround. I'll say, I mean, Trey coming off an injury in terms of, you know, you're limping into this game, Trey not being fully healthy, Miami's dealt with Trey pretty well in the past. They they're able to scheme him out in ways that it will probably make you feel better. Maybe it's a little bit of PTSD from the fact they were literally minutes away from losing to the Bulls last year, but they also did do hops. Exactly. So it's a little bit of both. But I think you might lean Hawks just because of the injury thing. Like that, that's kind of the way you look at this. Look, this game Friday is going to come down to not only the Jimmy thing, but the terror is here thing. They need terror is here. And I'm not doing it because they should have won this game without terror is here. They had a chance they were up 12 and half time. They had so many chances in this game. They could have found a way to win. But I look around and I'm like, I just don't know how they go. You know, they rely on him so much. And I think we, I don't think we realized how much they relied on Taylor was here. They need him in this setting for easy offense for just some sort, even if it's not super efficient, somebody that could just get a good shot because I'm looking around tonight. Jimmy's hurt. Bams not creating. You have Jaime kind of running into and beating the lane. It's like, you just need an extra shot creator right now in the offense and I have court and it was like, or a guy like we just said, to bring the ball down to get the ball past that court and you feel confident that you're going to get it past half court. Like, I don't know that that one's going to be important. I know we'll probably get to that on the injury report toward the end, but that's going to be the big one. But I don't know. It's going to be it's a toss of either way, Ethan. I mean, how do you know this team? We said arena going to be like, well, three of us will be there. Alex, myself and Brady, what is it going to be like on Friday night? Right? I mean, I mean, this team's been so bad at home this year. And I just got to think they're expecting the worst. And what if we find out on Friday that Jimmy's not going to go, which I really think there's a possibility of that. I mean, that's going to swell on him overnight. Right? It might be worse. Honestly, like, I mean, you may be better off just saying just shut it down Friday. Hope you get the game and then you're there on Sunday, right? I mean, I don't. I mean, how much more do the extra home games are a little more money for the heat? But I love it. And you know, I'm reading this Smolster quote, we'll get to the play of the day in a second. So you guys got a lot of time to think about which was the worst. Eric Smolster, this is from Ira. We will do this the hard way that has to be the path right now. I understand why Spo has to say that I'm so hard. I'm so tired of hearing it. How about not making everything? How about not making everything the hard way? Like, seriously, how about how about taking the regular season more seriously? How about, you know, eking out the 48 wins so that you would have been in the three or four spot or whatever five spot at the worst. So you didn't have to deal with this. Why is this like, you know, that meme is like, give me more challenges. You know what I'm saying? You know, I apologize. I'm Jewish. Am I allowed to say that's like the Jesus meme is that I've seen that one, right? Is that I mean, is that really necessary? Like, do you need to put it on like, do you need when you're playing Madden? Do you need to put it on like the hardest level? Just so you throw it mixed before you get better? I mean, why is this necessary, right? Jesus, it's just looking down at Spo and Jimmy, like, what? Why? Why? Why? Like, why not make it easier? But they can't be in this position next year. They just can't be. They, they, this is, this is not a way to go through life. It's just not. And, and look, nobody, funny thing is, we're on playback today and nobody felt good at half time, or you shouldn't have nobody felt good. You knew what was going to happen to the first season, right? It was like, okay, how are they going to blow this? Like, that is not a, you know, again, a team that's 0 and 10 against the top five teams in the West, a team that that has struggled at home, a team that, you know, has a net rating hovering around the flat line, like, this is who they are. And this thing, we'll have to do it the hard way again. Spo has to say that for his team, but I don't think that their challenges this year have made them better. Like Spo talked last year about, okay, they, you know, we have these challenges and all these clutch games. I don't feel like they came out the other side looking better. I don't like, right? Like last year, they had some good wins in the clutch. Like this year, like, you know, they were going to have to this up, right? It was just a question of who, like, I, that's kind of where I'm at with it. All right, let's, um, let's get to the play of the night. And now it's time for the insurance by Lynette play of the night sponsored by insurance by and a aggressive insurance agency. You can reach out to our friend Lynette at 954-581-8800. That's 954-581-8800 or insurance by That's insurance by With two N's and two T's, your best play for auto insurance, homeowners insurance, condo insurance, life insurance, or retirement program, reach out to Lynette@insuranceby I just got the email from Rob Wilson. Who are you sending on Friday? Last chance, guys. Last chance, duck out. You guys want parking? That's it? You're raising your hands? You want the challenge? Was that him assuming that you're not going to go? No, no, no. He always asks me. He's like, who am I sending? I'm included in that. We get the three credentials. So it's okay. Is it the same three as always or either of you got to decide to find something better to do that night? So I'm just saying you're raising your hand, you know, right? You know what I mean? We do this guy. Now you guys can see how the sausage is made behind the scenes here. This is this is what we do here. All right. So the play of the night. I mean, I don't know the backward violation to be jumps out. I'm ready. You got a different one. It's the free chicken. It's legitimately the free throws from Kayla Morton that turned the entire game. And I don't even say it as a joke. Like they were legitimately had full momentum. Kayla goes to the line where he was going to push the lead. Misses both free throws. They end up hitting a three goes back into Miami's offense. Caleb turns it over. And then it ended up in a bucket in a goal 10 for for Philly and they got another bucket. But the crowd got into it from that moment on and it turned the entire sequence of that second half. So that was the play of the night. The play night was the free chicken and that that Caleb freaked those secrets. He's so right. I can't argue with it. I mean, this is not like when Bobon missed free throw on purpose, right? So that to take care of the entire crowd, this was Kayla actually trying to make the free throws. He's had a really rough up and down year. I just, it's, I don't know, just coming out of camp wasn't right. Then it looked like at an all-star break. It looked like he kind of figured things out, right? Like we were talking about he's a definite for the closing rotation, right? He didn't close tonight, right? No, I, they started and it's funny because I saw some that were saying why is Hawkes starting over closing over Caleb? I absolutely would have closed with Hawkes tonight. I just, I felt more comfortable with Hawkes on the floor than with most of the vets. Honestly, like he looked like he, he was comfortable being in that circumstance. So it's just, yeah, it's just, it's just all bad. Um, there's obviously, I'm looking through the comments right now. And most of them are about, about Tyler. Um, how, how does he, Greg, I'll go to you on this. How, we've talked about this being the testing ground for him, right? Finally going to be healthy, looking for a big night. And I even see like, I see our, our guy Sean Hiking who covers the blazers. First time that Sean's piped up the whole year, uh, you know, that the, the game package costs the game for the heat tonight. I guess he's assumed like he's talking about Tyler because it wasn't, it wasn't Yovitch or Hawkes, uh, who costs the game tonight. If we're giving the call that the day package, is this even salvageable for Tyler? I mean, there's paths to it being salvageable. I don't want to go too far off the, uh, off the ledge here, but I will say that it's the clock is ticking on this build. And that includes Tyler. That would be the primary piece that I think that they would dangle. So I do think that, you know, as we close in on this, what could be the final game of the season and this, the all important playing game that they just lost. Uh, it's Tyler heroes in a weird place in with respect to where he sits in the franchise in the pecking order on the team with the fan base. I think that it is, uh, it's a weird time just because, uh, there's not many other paths to flexibility enough to improve. So that's where I think it ends up being about Tyler, but it can be salvageable. I don't want to go too crazy here because, um, they may have to make other hard decisions that involve other key players. Are we letting them off the hook to easy, Alex? Probably. Yeah. I mean, look, those early foul calls did not help. And look, they, they survived it, right? Cause honestly, the second, the second foul call was a phantom call, right? Like I'm not going to, I mean, you have to live with it, but yes. Yeah, it was a bad call, but yes. I love that call, but if we're being real and, um, and I wasn't a great movie, the time to be real, but my first thought when Bam went out with two files that early, I said to myself, gg's. It's good. That's really what I thought. And I love Kevin Love. It's no shade to him. He was great. He's been great all season with great last playoffs was good for them again tonight. No shade to him. I, that's just like the type of stuff that is like, oh, that's exactly what you need to not happen versus the MVP, the reigning MVP. And Bam has been, you know, has done such a good job on him in the past, including the last time, you know, um, they play against each other. And so yeah, like his, his main job on the floor is on defense. And what he does as an offensive hub, what, you know, as a screener, as a passer, they obviously go to other guys for scoring. I just think they should have found a way to get him a little bit more involved. And the night where you're missing Terry and Duncan, Jimmy gets banged up and Tyler is playing poorly for most of the game. And they needed, they needed to find a way to get him a little bit more involved, get him some easy buckets. And even then, like, we just know the heat are not good at making easy shots like we know they're not good in transition. Again, tonight they finished 14, 26 at the rim, 54%. Then on top of that, they also kind of 25 in the mid range, which is supposed to be, you know, part of their, like bread and butter on offense. One of the only things they're good at on offense, and they shoot 40, which is a game shot really poorly from three in the first half. I knew that was going to change. It's just everything to me. Again, it comes back to what I was talking about before with the defense. Like you might have been able to grind out this game, like even despite the bad defense in the second half, you were almost able to grind out this game. If their defense was at the level it was supposed to be at, not even at that eight plus level we saw in the second quarter, whatever. And somewhere near that, I think they might have won this game. And not to mention like that, you know, it's mentioned at the top of the show, Ethan, like the factors that we didn't know were going to happen. You know, like Jimmy getting banged up and all of that, like it's tough to overcome all of that. If your defense would have stayed where it was supposed to be, you probably win this game. Like again, you allow 39 points in the first half, 66 in the second half. That is a major, major gap. And there's just no overcoming that. So yeah, bam, absolutely could have done more on the offensive side. They could have done a better job to get him involved. They felt like everything was for kind of Jimmy and Tyler. And then you had other guys making relief buckets. You know, shout out, I may for some of that as well. It wasn't enough. Zero free throws for bam. Yeah, that's they just didn't have much. No, they didn't. And some of that again was Tyler stopping up the usage. And some of it is bam, not making himself available. And some of it is, there's just there's just so much that goes into it. It's the same conversations that we've had about him for so long. And I but I'm with you, if the defense had stayed where it was where it was in the first half, but it's hard to sustain that. It's just hard against, I mean, even against 35 year old Nick Batum, it is hard to rely on your defense the entire game when you cannot even finish in transition. Like it's just like, when they're in transition, you're almost like, just stop. Just stop. Okay, let everybody get back. Please let everybody do the same thing. Yeah, exactly. Let them get set and deal with it that way. They don't everything with this team is hard. It's like there are no easy baskets. There are no easy games. There are no easy quarters. There's no easy path to the playoffs. There's nothing. It's just everything is hard. And I just think after four, now I was five seasons of this, it's just it's exhausting. If it's exhausting for us to watch it, imagine what it's like for them to play it. I just it's just nothing is easy. They don't they don't get easy nights. They had the one night against Portland. And that was basically it. So just very frustrating evening. All right, we do need to mention the injury report here. So we'll do this before we get out. Say goodbye to your credit card rewards, greedy corporate mega stores led by Walmart and Target are pushing for a law in Congress to take away your hard earned cash back and travel points to line their pockets. The Durban Marshall credit card bill would enact harmful credit card routing mandates that would end credit card rewards as we know it. If you love your credit card rewards, tell your lawmakers hands off my rewards. Tell them to oppose the Durban Marshall credit card bill. Springtime savings are in full bloom all in the King Supers app. Get 12 packs of delicious Coca-Cola Pepsi or seven up for $4.99 each with a digital coupon. 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Learn more at And now it's time for the official five on the floor injury report sponsored by our friend Eric Rubenstein the personal injury attorney born raised in Lauderdale Florida lives in Miami went to St. Thomas he's a South Florida guy and a huge Miami he fan but the important thing is he can help you get your money that you deserve when something happens to you so reach out to our guy Eric Rubenstein again Eric Rubenstein dot com or ask about me I got you on Instagram and now the injury report. All right so Duncan Robinson was active and I never should have put in our off the floor discord which I should have mentioned here at some point two dollars and ninety nine cents per month get in while it's still hot. Um yeah there you go Alex you can take it off the screen it's okay nobody wants to hear it tonight. Although it is a place that you can continue what you're doing in the chat all that long if you'd like to and the link is right here but either way I shouldn't have said he's playing because I should know better that sometimes when they activate a guy it's not to play it's and he was really prominent in their social media today and that should have been a tip for me because it almost felt like they were trying to tell Philadelphia he was going to play when I don't think that necessarily there was ever an intention for him to play and I can tell you with Tyler missing five out of every six shots if he if he was ready to play he would have played I would think right like right Jimmy's hobbled you have no rosier and Tyler is sticking up the joint like okay let's play your best shooter they didn't so I'm not going to guarantee that he's playing on Friday as far as rosier goes um I was told and I said this the other night that this was it was not great um and that he could be out a while longer and then there was the hope because they were waiting on some results and then they ruled him out right away I wouldn't count on him for Friday I I wouldn't count on him I could he play yes I would not count on him and of course Kevin Love played today and he was good as he's been all season and then I just it's it's one of the crazy things about this season that it's like who can you count on well the old guy he's he's there for you every night right like he he does his job every night but it's the others that you can't count on uh so love was good again tonight I thought in his minutes particularly after bam went out early and Kevin got some things going for them but look um they're gonna I'm with you Brady they're they're gonna need rosier on Friday like but I I don't know that he's playing I mean if Jimmy's not playing and we find out rosier is not playing either like I don't know how they're generating offense I I just I just don't and I just wanted to give a Jimmy update from what I retweeted about Spose saying as the second half went on started to limit him a little bit more uh and then he also said his right knee was being placed on a protective sleeve before he got dressed so it's like he ain't playing Friday I mean don't aggregate me on that but I just I've seen these things before you talking about at the very least he's gonna have a significant contusion there I mean that we he knocked these and he bent it backwards and adrenaline can keep me in there for a quarter or two and then it just that's the reason he didn't come out he that's the reason he stayed in the game in the first place was right at very reason he stayed in because of that right and then yeah so I wish I had better news for everybody uh we'll be there Friday night against Chicago or Atlanta we'll see how that plays out Mac Shrews cannot save them this time we thank everybody who's been with us the entire season the good news is none of the stats from tonight counts so Tyler's game Jimmy's 5 for 18 they're wiped off the books they'll they'll we'll never have to hear about them again uh and again last year does anybody remember the first play in game because I don't. I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll say this I've never seen Kyle run so fast as he did tonight like where was this in Miami when he was making 28 million dollars yeah like what I mean that let's be real he was he was trying his ass off in the playoffs he always tries in the playoffs man real season all that real season all right someone tell the heat that the real season is Friday or their season is over uh I can't imagine that the Boston Celtics are afraid of what they saw tonight but we'll see how it plays out thanks to Brady thanks to Alex thanks to Greg thanks to everybody who was there with us tonight uh in the comments again if you want to continue this on discord I think that the guys for watching on youtube are on playback right now watching the other game I'm not doing that to myself uh but you guys can have at it have a good night everybody looks like you need a vacation enter the five-hour energy where will the tide take you sweepstakes you could win a ten thousand dollar dream beach vacation imagine jet setting off to a tropical paradise having fun in the sun or diving at a gorgeous reef it's up to you no purchase necessary go to five h e tie dot com for official rules and to enter that's five h e tie dot com enter today ends June 30th 2024 if you own a vehicle with less than 200,000 miles and have an auto warranty about to expire or no warranty coverage at all listen up car shield has a low cost month to month vehicle protection plan that covers more parts than ever visit car shield dot com slash audio to find out how you could pay almost nothing for covered auto repairs drivers who activate this vehicle protection today will also receive free roadside assistance free towing and car rental options at no additional cost get your free quote today at car shield dot com slash audio that's car shield dot com slash audio sure there's a tool for every job but when it comes to PDFs and e signatures adobe acrobat is the only tool you need for any PDF job it's the all-in-one get it done solution for editing your PDFs sharing them even getting up signed lots of jobs one tool acrobat's got it try it today